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1 wound up spring batteries connected to motors b Calculate the maximum potential energy
rotating flywheel stretched rubber bands acquired by the metal ball from the catapult.
Write down the formula that you use and show
a State which of the above change shape when your working. Take the acceleration due to
their stored energy is transferred. [2] gravity to be 10 m/s2. [3]
b Describe how the energy from a rotating c Explain why the maximum potential energy
flywheel can be transferred to moving parts of a gained by the metal ball is less than the original
child’s toy. stored energy of the spring. [3]
 [2] 4 a Name four renewable energy sources that are
2 The diagram below shows a pendulum which was used to generate electricity. [4]
released from position A. b The main advantage of using renewable sources
to generate electricity is that there are no fuel
costs. Give two major disadvantages of using
renewable energy. [2]
c The fuel costs for nuclear energy are low. State
the main financial drawbacks in the use of
nuclear energy to generate electricity. [2]

A 5 A drop hammer is used to drive a hollow steel post

B C into the ground. The hammer is placed inside the
post by a crane. The crane lifts the hammer and then
a What form(s) of energy did the pendulum have drops it so that it falls onto the baseplate of the post.
i  A,  ii  B,  iii  C? [3] support rope from crane
b Eventually the pendulum would stop moving.
Explain what has happened to the initial energy
hollow steel post
of the pendulum. [2]
3 drop hammer
(1800 kg)

distance the
metal ball ground hammer falls

base plate

The hammer has a mass of 1800 kg. Its velocity is

5 m/s just before it hits the post.
a Calculate the kinetic energy of the hammer just
before it hits the post. [3]
handle b How much potential energy has the hammer
lost as it falls? Assume that it falls freely. [1]
 type of toy catapult consists of a movable plunger
A c Calculate the distance the hammer has fallen.
which has a spring attached as shown above. The (Assume g  10 N/kg) [3]
handle was pulled down to fully compress the spring 6 A crate of mass 300 kg is raised by an electric motor
and on release the metal ball of mass 0.1 kg (weight through a height of 60 m in 45 s. Calculate:
1 N) was projected 0.75 m vertically. a The weight of the crate. [2]
a i What type of energy is stored in a b The work done by the motor. [2]
compressed spring? [1] c The useful power of the motor. [2]
ii What happens to this stored energy when (Assume g  10 N/kg)
the handle of the plunger is released? [2]

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7 electrical power rating/ kW power rating/ W b Copy and complete the sentence below to say
appliance what a fuel does. [2]
television 0.2 200 A fuel is a material which supplies ______ when
electric kettle 2000 it ______.
food mixer 0.6 c Explain the difference between renewable and
non-renewable fuels. [1]
The table above shows the power rating of three d Copy and complete the following table to give
electrical appliances. examples of some fuels and their uses. The first
a Copy the table and fill in the blank spaces. [2] one has been done for you. [?]
b State which appliance transfers the least
description example use
amount of energy per second. [1]
c State which appliance converts electrical energy a gaseous fuel hydrogen rocket fuel
into heat and kinetic energy. [1] a liquid fuel
a solid fuel
8 a  xplain what you understand by the phrase
a renewable fuel
non-renewable energy resources. [2]
b Explain why most non-renewable energy a non-renewable fuel

resources are burned. [1]

c Name a non-renewable energy resource which a Copy and complete the following sentences
is not burned. [1] about household electrical devices. Use words
from the list below. Each word may be used
9 a The chemical energy stored in a fossil fuel
once, more than once or not at all.
produces heat energy when the fuel is burned.
Describe how this heat energy is then used to chemical electrical heat kinetic light
produce electrical energy at a power station.[2] sound
b Identify and compare the financial and i In an iron, electrical energy is transferred
environment costs of generating electricity into mainly _________ energy.
using fossil fuels and wind. [4] ii In a vacuum cleaner, electrical energy is
10 a transferred into mainly ________ energy and
unwanted ______ energy.
fuel/ renewable must be found in
energy fuel burned to the Earth’s iii In a torch, electrical energy is transferred
resource release energy crust into mainly ________ and ________ energy.
coal no yes yes iv In a hi-fi system, electrical energy is
wood yes transferred into mainly _________ energy,
uranium yes and some unwanted _________ energy is also
produced. [7]
The table above shows that coal is not a renewable b The list below contains some types of potential
fuel. It releases energy when burned and is found energy.
in the Earth’s crust. chemical elastic gravitational nuclear
Copy and complete the table for the other fuels/ Copy and complete the table below by naming
energy resources named. [2] the potential energy stored in each one. Use
b i Explain how fossil fuels were produced. [1] words from the list. Each word may be used
ii State two reasons why we should use less once, more than once or not at all. [3]
fossil fuels. [2]
11 a Most of the energy available on Earth comes, a bow about to fire an arrow
or has come, from the Sun. Some energy water at the top of a waterfall
resources on Earth store the Sun’s energy a birthday cake
from millions of years ago. Name one of these
resources. [1]

© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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