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Electrons and Electronics FURTHER QUESTIONS

1 The circuit shown below allows a computer to A B C D E

turn an electric heater on and off. Some of the 0 0 0 0 0
connections have been missed out. 0 1 1 0 0
relay 1 0 1 0 0
coil 1 1 1 0 0
+12 V
0 0 0 1 0
fuse L
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
i Use a truth table to identify the logic gates. [2]
ii State an input, A, B or D which could be
0V connected to a sensor in order to detect a
burglar. [1]
a i Copy and complete the diagram to show how the
iii Name a suitable device which could be used as
heater and fuse should be connected to the relay
an input processor. [1]
contacts and the mains electricity supply. [2]
ii* The outside casing of the heater has been 4 A car is fitted with a security device. To start the car,
earthed. Explain how this increases the safety two keys are needed. The first key operates a ‘hidden’
of the system. [2] switch, the second key operates the ignition switch.
b The heater must come on when the voltage at C
* If the ‘hidden’ switch and the ignition switch are
goes above 3.0 V. The relay contacts close when both on, the engine will start. Turning the ignition
the current in the relay coil is 95 mA. The current switch without operating the ‘hidden’ switch will not
gain of the transistor is 100 and its base-emitter allow the engine to start and will activate an alarm.
voltage drop is 0.7 V when it is switched on. LOGIC BLOCK
i Calculate the minimum base current required INPUTS OUTPUTS
for the heater to come on. [2] B
hidden A alarm
ii State the formula linking voltage, current and switch
resistance. [1] C
ignition motor
iii Calculate a suitable value for the base resistor. [3]
thermistor AND gate pressure pad microphone relay switch
loudspeaker light-emitting diode light-dependent resistor OR gate A, B and C are the three gates needed for the design
Select from the above list: of the logic block.
a an input device which detects changes in light [1] a Identify gate
b an output device which produces a sound [1] i A [1]
c a processing device which only gives an output ii B [1]
when both inputs are high. [1] iii C [1]
3 a All electronic systems have input sensors, processors b Copy the diagram and show how the inputs and
and an output device. Explain the function of logic gates are connected together. [2]
i input sensors [1] c The logic gates used in the logic block are called
ii processors. [1] digital devices. Explain what this means. [1]
b The block diagram below shows an electronic 5 The block diagram below shows a burglar alarm.
system that can be used as a burglar alarm.
A C sensor
X output
B E input 1
Y alarm processor alarm
D relay
(AND gate) bell
input 2
A, B and D are the inputs. The processor contains
logic gates X and Y. The alarm is the output device.
The truth table for the circuit is shown at the top of
the next column.

© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute
Electrons and Electronics FURTHER QUESTIONS

The pressure sensor is under a doormat. When a 9 The diagram shows a simple electron deflection tube.
person is standing on the doormat, input 1 to the Electrons are produced by the filament and
processor is high (ON). accelerated through the anode down the tube.
A burglar steps on the doormat and the alarm bell
path of electrons
rings. State what happens when the burglar steps off filament
anode P
the doormat. Explain your answer. [3]
6 The devices below are all used in electronic circuits. –
vacuum Q power
supply T
– +
diode capacitor LED fluorescent screen
supply S

a Explain how the filament is made to produce

electrons as shown. [2]
thermistor LDR relay
b What charge do electrons carry, positive,
negative or zero? [1]
Which of the above is best described by each of the c Electrons are made to accelerate towards the
following statements? anode by use of the power supply S. Copy the
a Glows when a small current flows through it. [1] diagram and show suitable connections on it.[2]
b Links two circuits so that a small current in one can P and Q are two deflection plates. P and Q are
switch on or off a larger current in the other. [1] connected to the terminals of a power supply T.
c Has a lower resistance when it is heated. [1] d On your copy of the diagram, complete the path
d Has a lower resistance when light shines on it. [1] of the electrons between the plates. [2]
e Lets current through in one direction only. [1] e* Why is a vacuum needed in the deflection tube? [1]

7 The diagram shows a circuit for a temperature sensor. 10 The diagram below shows a cathode ray oscilloscope
(CRO). Electrons leaving the cathode are accelerated
+5 V
towards the anode. They pass between two sets of
thermistor deflector plates before striking the screen.
output terminal electron
beam X1 Y1


The temperature of the thermistor rises.

a What happens to the resistance of the
thermistor? [1] cathode
b What happens to the voltage across resistor R? [1]
anode X2 Y2 screen
8 A simple burglar alarm has two sensors:

• A heat source, which gives a high output when

deflector plates
someone is nearby.
• A light sensor, which gives a high output when a What makes the cathode give off electrons?
light shines on it. What is the effect called? [2]
A thermistor is used in the heat sensor. b What makes the electrons accelerate from the
a What happens to the thermistor to cause a change cathode towards the anode? [2]
in the sensor output? [1] c How can the beam be made to bend upwards so
b Suggest a suitable component for the light that it strikes the screen nearer the top? [2]
sensor. [1]

© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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