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[ISLAMIYAT 2058/01] Umar Khan | 0310-2855225

Theme 1: Allah in Himself

 This theme includes Quranic Passages No 1-5.
 All passages of this theme are about introduction of Allah.
 As the topic is same, a lot of points will be repeated in both part (a) and Part (b) of Passages 1-5.

Passage No 1. Surah Al-Baqarah (2:225)

ِِ ِ ِ ِ ‫اْلي الْ َقيُّوم ۚ َّل تَأْخذه ِسنَة وَّل نَوم ۚ لَه ما ِِف ال َسماو‬ َٰ
َ ْ َ‫ض ۚ َم ْن َذا الَذي يَ ْش َفع عْن َده إَِّل بِِإ ْذنه ۚ يَ ْعلَم َما ب‬
‫ي‬ ِ ‫ات َوَما ِِف ْاْل َْر‬ ََ َ ْ َ ُّ َْ ‫اللَه َّل إِلَهَ إَِّل ه َو‬
‫ض ۚ َوَّل يَئوده ِح ْفظه َما ۚ َوه َو الْ َعلِ ُّي الْ َع ِظيم‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫أَيْدي ِه ْم َوَما َخ ْل َفه ْم ۚ َوَّل ُييطو َن بِ َش ْيء م ْن ع ْلمه إَِّل ِبَا َشاءَ ۚ َوس َع ك ْرسيُّه ال َس َم َاوات َو ْاْل َْر‬
Allah. There is no god but He, the living, the self-subsisting, eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the
heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permits? He knows what is before or after or
behind them. Nor shall they compass any of His knowledge except as He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the
earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Highest, the Supreme.
[N/2012] [J/2013] [J/2017]
Marking Scheme
(a) The main themes are Tawhid, One God; that He is unlike creation; that His knowledge is infinite; that the Throne represents
His power. Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g., saying that He looks after all the Heavens and earth and
no-one is needed to look after Him; He does not sleep nor get tired in what He does; humans only know what He allows them;
that His throne is understood as His majesty, uniqueness, knowledge and having total power. It emphasizes how He is the only
one who can make decisions about His creation, yet is transcendent – completely independent from His creation.
(b) The importance of these themes is that these verses allow Muslims to learn and understand something about God in a way
relevant to them. The theme of God’s self-subsistence shows how certain attributes that affect humans do not affect Him, e.g.
sleep. He has the knowledge and power over all things and this passage is used as a prayer for protection. It was said by the
Prophet to be one of the best passages of the Qur’an, so Muslims might recite it daily for protection. Candidates could say how
they use Ayat ul Kursi in their lives.
Structure of Answer
(a) Theme: (b) Importance:
 Main Theme is Allah in Himself.  Muslims should avoid shirk (polytheism)
 Emphasis on Oneness of Allah.  As this verse proves God’s oneness.
 [02:163]  Muslims should be cautious about their deeds.
 Allah’s unique attributes such as: being free from Human  As Allah knows everything and watching over all the time.
weaknesses, unlimited power and unchallengeable  [11:123]
authority, limitless knowledge etc.  Muslims should never lose hope seek His help.
 His throne represents His power.  As Allah controls and disposes all events independently.
 Verse of Protection. (Mention benefits of recitation)
(a) Theme:
 This passage is taken from surah Al-Baqarah which is a Madani surah. Main theme of this passage is Allah in Himself.
 This passage elaborates Allah’s oneness and elaborates that Allah is One in His existence and attributes. As described in
another verse of Quran:
 “And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him…” [02:163]
 This passage further discusses Allah’s uniqueness by mentioning His unique attributes e.g. He is free from human weaknesses
such as need for sleep or food, His power unlimited and no one can challenge His authority nor can interfere in His
management of affairs, His knowledge is limitless as He knows what is visible and what beyond our comprehension and He is
observing us all the time.
 Furthermore, this passage also mentions Allah’s throne as symbol of His matchless power and control over the universe.
Because of this special mention this verse is called ‘The Verse of Throne’.
(b) Importance:
[ISLAMIYAT 2058/01] Umar Khan | 0310-2855225

 Themes described in this passage have great importance in Muslims’ life today. Special emphasis on Oneness of Allah inspires
Muslims to stay away from shirk and declares that associating partners with Allah is forbidden in Islam.
 The fact that Allah has knowledge of everything inspires Muslims to be very cautious about their deeds and before doing
anything they should recall that someone’s watching. As this passage describes:
 “And to Allah belong the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth and to Him will be returned the matter, all of
it…” [11:123]
 Passage mentions that Allah has great control over His creations and He disposes all events independently with no
interference. This inspires Muslims not to lose hope in any circumstances and must have faith that there is someone who is
will help them cope with problems of life.
 Among other great virtues of this Surah, it is called ‘Verse of Protection’ as recitation of this verse brings the reciter under the
protection of Allah.

Passage No 2. Surah Al-An’aam (6:101-103)

َٰ ِ ِ ِ ‫ََّن يكون لَه ولَد وََل تَكن لَه‬ ِ ‫ب ِديع ال َسماو‬
َ‫ َٰذَلكم اللَه َربُّك ْم ۚ َّل إِلَه‬.‫صاحبَة ۚ َو َخلَ َق ك َل َش ْيء ۚ َوه َو بِك ِّل َش ْيء َعليم‬ َ ْ َْ َ َ ََٰ ‫ض ۚ أ‬ ِ ‫ات َو ْاْل َْر‬ ََ َ
ْ ‫ص َار ۚ َوه َو اللَ ِطيف‬ ِ ِ
‫اْلَبِي‬ َ ْ‫صار َوه َو ي ْد ِرك ْاْلَب‬ ْ َ‫إَِّل ه َو ۚ َخالق ك ِّل َش ْيء ف‬
َ ْ‫ َّل ت ْد ِركه ْاْلَب‬.‫اعبدوه ۚ َوه َو َعلَ َٰى ك ِّل َش ْيء َوكيل‬
101. To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: how can He have a son when He has no consort? He created
all things, and He has full knowledge of all things. 102. That is Allah, your Lord! there is no god but He, the Creator of all things:
then worship Him: and He has power to dispose of all affairs. 103. No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is
above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things.
[J/2010] [J/2013] [N/2015]
Marking Scheme
(a) The main themes are God’s power; His knowledge of everything; that people should turn to God and worship Him.
Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g., He is the only one to control the heavens and the earth. Everything
originates with Him. Although humans cannot understand Him, He understands everything in creation. He is the one who has the
power to help humans, and He hears and sees all that they do, therefore they should worship Him and pray to Him to reward
their actions.
(b) These teachings emphasize the importance of tawhid for Muslims. The only relationship He has is with His creation; he has no
partners or offspring. Mankind is asked to worship Him as it says in this passage that only He can fulfil their needs, so Muslims
should be careful to pray and fast, etc. to fulfil their obligation to Him. He also sees and hears all that humankind does, so
Muslims should keep this in mind in all that they do and say. In a world where there are lots of distractions, this surah could
remind Muslims that they should always remember their Creator as He is the ultimate authority over their affairs.
Structure of Answer
(a) Theme: (b) Importance:
 Main Theme is Allah in Himself.  Muslims should reinforce that Allah is Originator and
 Allah is the originator of everything. Controller of universe.
 [06:01]  Muslims should avoid Shirk.
 Allah’s limitless knowledge and control over universe.  As this proves that He has no consort.
 Counter logic for polytheists.  [47:19]
 Allah’s uniqueness as He is beyond our comprehension.  Muslims should be very cautious about their deeds.
 Allah’s attribute ‘Al-Khabeer’ (All knowing) demands so.
 Muslims should never lose hope and stay motivated.
 Allah’s attribute ‘Al-Wakeel’ (Disposer of all events)
demands so.
(a) Theme:
 This passage is taken from surah Al-An’aam which is a Makki surah. Main theme of this passage is Allah in Himself.
 This passage reinforces the fact that Allah is the Originator of everything who created this universe out of nothing. As Allah
describes in this verse:
 “Praise is [due] to Allah, who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light…” [06:01]
[ISLAMIYAT 2058/01] Umar Khan | 0310-2855225

 This passage further reinforces the fact that Allah’s knowledge has no limits as He knows everything visible or invisible. His
control over each and every single thing of this universe is matchless. Perfect functioning of this universe is another evidence
of God’s power.
 This passage gives food for thought to polytheists that how could God have son when He has no consort. This highlights the
importance of debate and discussion with logic in order to invite people to the message of Allah.
 Passage further elaborates that Allah is above all comprehensions as He cannot be understood by these 5 senses that
humans have, which makes Him unique and different from His creations.
(b) Importance:
 Themes described in this passage have great importance in Muslims’ life today. Muslims should reinforce the fact that Allah is
the One who created this universe and is controlling it.
 This passage reinforces Muslims’ belief in Oneness of Allah. This passage invites polytheists to rethink their beliefs and should
abandon the illogical belief of Oneness of Allah.
 “So know, that there is no God except Allah…” [47:19]
 Allah’s attribute ‘The All Knowing’ inspires Muslims to be very vigilant about their actions and keep in mind the fact that God
is closely observing their every single deed and will hold them accountable on judgement day.
 Allah’s attribute ‘The Disposer of events’ inspires Muslims to stay motivated and never lose hope Allah is there to help them
in every circumstances and can make things upside down in order to support His people.

Passage No 3. Surah Fussilat (41:37)

‫اسجدوا لِلَ ِه الَ ِذي َخلَ َقه َن إِ ْن كْنت ْم إِيَاه تَ ْعبدو َن‬ ِ ِ ‫وِمن آياتِِه اللَيل والنَهار والشَمس والْ َقمر ۚ َّل تَسجدوا لِلشَم‬
ْ ‫س َوَّل ل ْل َق َم ِر َو‬ ْ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ
Among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore Allah, who
created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.
[J/2010] [N/2011] [J/2013] [N/2014] [N/2017]
Marking Scheme
(a) God as Creator: God creates and controls everything. God's signs: order of the sun and the moon are God's signs for
humankind. They are signs of His power. Tawhid/Lord of mankind: Only He should be worshipped; no-one is equal to Him. A
negation of paganism; the sun and moon are not to be worshipped.
(b) The importance is that it creates a strong link with God so Muslims do not look up to anything/anyone else, famous people,
money, etc., and they worship only Him. Stops them from committing shirk. God's signs invite Muslims to observe their
environment. Creates awe and wonder to help get closer to Him. Reminds humankind that He is the creator of all things.
Structure of Answer
(a) Theme: (b) Importance:
 Main Theme is Allah in Himself.  Muslims should reinforce that Allah is creator of
 Allah is the Creator of everything. everything.
 [39:62]  Muslims should ponder over the creation of Allah.
 Signs of Allah’s existence and His creation.  This will lead them to their creator.
 Importance of Oneness.  Muslims should avoid shirk and worship only one God.
 As Allah demands in this verse.
 [04:36]
(a) Theme:
 This passage is taken from surah Fussilat which is a Makki surah. Main theme of this passage is Allah in Himself.
 This passage reinforces the fact that Allah is the Creator of everything who created this universe out of nothing. As Allah
describes in this verse:
 “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is, over all things, Disposer of affairs.” [39:62]
 This passage further elaborates a different way of finding God and that is through signs in His creation. Allah specifically
mentions the circulation of night and day which is connected with sun and moon. This verse highlights that observing the
mastery of God’s perfect creation will lead them to believe in one God.
 Lastly, this passage demands believers not to worship the signs and creations of God and forbids them from associating any
[ISLAMIYAT 2058/01] Umar Khan | 0310-2855225

partners with Allah as it is considered shirk which is one of the biggest sins that ignites Allah’s wrath. This prohibition includes
praising, worshiping and considering anyone/thing equal to God in His attributes.
(b) Importance:
 Themes described in this passage have great importance in Muslims’ life today. Muslims should refresh their faith in Allah
and reinforce Allah’s image in their set of beliefs that He is only creator of everything.
 This passage further inspires Muslims to ponder over the creations of God that are signs of His existence and His matchless
power. Muslims should study nature and pay attention to signs that compel us to believe in One and Only God. This pattern
will not only broaden their vision about everything but will strengthen their faith.
 After invitation to think and find God, Allah instructs believers not to worship these signs/creations of Allah but to be
attached with the One who created them. This inspires Muslims to stay away from all types of shirk be it in existence of Allah,
worship of Allah or uniqueness of His attributes.
 “Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him…” [04:36]

Passage No 4. Surah Shura (42:4-5)

‫ تَ َكاد ال َس َم َاوات يَتَ َفطَْر َن ِم ْن فَ ْوقِ ِه َن ۚ َوالْ َم ََلئِ َكة ي َسبِّحو َن ِِبَ ْم ِد َرِِّّبِ ْم َويَ ْستَ ْغ ِفرو َن لِ َم ْن ِِف‬.‫ض ۚ َوه َو الْ َعلِ ُّي الْ َع ِظيم‬ ِ ‫لَه ما ِِف ال َسماو‬
ِ ‫ات َوَما ِِف ْاْل َْر‬ ََ َ
‫ض ۚ أََّل إِ َن اللَهَ ه َو الْغَفور الَرِحيم‬ ِ ‫ْاْل َْر‬
To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: and He is most high, most great. The heavens are almost rent asunder
from above them, and the angels celebrate the praises of their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for beings on earth: Behold! Verily
Allah is He, the oft-forgiving, the most merciful.
[J/2012] [J/2013] [J/2016]
Marking Scheme
(a) The main themes are that His Majesty and greatness is being confirmed; God is the Creator; forgiveness and guidance are
given from God to humanity. Candidates will develop these themes in their own way, e.g. saying the heavens are almost torn
apart due to His greatness above them; He is the owner of everything because He created it; the angels pray for the guidance of
humans on earth, as it is God who is the forgiving, the merciful.
(b) The importance here is that God tells humankind of His power and control over all things, so they should remember that they
do not have any power in comparison. God is Merciful, even when Muslims have committed wrong actions, so Muslims have
someone to turn to in times of need. As God is merciful to humankind, they in turn should be grateful and also try to be forgiving
of others, even if they have been hurt or injured.
Structure of Answer
(a) Theme: (b) Importance:
 Main Theme is Allah in Himself.  Belief in Allah’s ownership and control will have great
 Allah is the Owner of everything, the Highest and impact on Muslims’ lives.
Greatest.  Muslims should not commit those sins that ignite Allah’s
 [23:116] wrath.
 Allah’s wrath and Glory.  Because Allah’s wrath is horrible.
 Allah’s matchless mercy.  [32:22]
 Muslims should never hesitate to repent even after
committing uncountable sins.
 Because Allah’s mercy overcomes his wrath.
(a) Theme:
 This passage is taken from surah Shura which is a Makki surah. Main theme of this passage is Allah in Himself.
 This passage reinforces the fact that Allah is the Owner of everything who controls everything He owns. He is the Highest and
Greatest being most powerful, different, independent and eternal. As Allah describes in this verse:
 “So exalted is Allah, the True King…” [23:116]
 Furthermore, this passage talks about Allah’s wrath and His glory. Verse mentions that heavens could be torn apart due to
Allah’s glory and greatness and that is Allah’s another blessing that He is not letting it happen as He wants us to survive.
 Lastly, this passage highlights the greatest attribute of Allah that is His matchless and unlimited forgiveness as it is described
[ISLAMIYAT 2058/01] Umar Khan | 0310-2855225

in a Hadith Qudsi that Allah’s mercy overcomes His wrath. Allah never closes the doors of forgiveness and He even asks
Angels to pray and ask forgiveness for believers.
(b) Importance:
 Themes described in this passage have great importance in Muslims’ life today. Reinforcement of faith in Allah’s ownership of
everything will make Muslims be patient over the losses and faith in His total control will motivate Muslims not to lose hope.
 Passage mentions Allah’s wrath and glory that inspires Muslims not to commit sins that ignite Allah’s wrath as His wrath is so
horrible that could make heavens burst. For instance shirk, injustice, mistreatment with poor and downtrodden are sins that
ignite Allah’s wrath.
 “…Indeed We, from the criminals, will take retribution.” [32:22]
 In order to maintain balance, Allah mentions His blessings and mercy right after His wrath and glory. This inspires Muslims in
2 ways; firstly, Muslims should also lead a balanced life not very harsh and not very lenient. Secondly, they should never lose
hope even after committing uncountable sins as Allah waits for a believer that when he is going to repent. Muslims should
repent and seek forgiveness whenever they get the chance.

Passage No 5. Surah Ikhlas (112)

َ ‫َوََلْ يَك ْن لَه كف ًوا أ‬ ‫ََلْ يَلِ ْد َوََلْ يولَ ْد‬ َ ‫اللَه ال‬
‫ص َمد‬ َ ‫ق ْل ه َو اللَه أ‬
Say: He is Allah, the one and only; Allah, the eternal, absolute; He does not beget, nor is He begotten; And there is none like Him.
[J/2010] [N/2012] [J/2013] [J/2014] [N/2016] [J/2017]
Marking Scheme
(a) The main themes are: God as one: tawhid; God being eternal; God being unique. Candidates will develop these themes in
their own way, e.g., by saying this is the main surah specifically revealed to describe tawhid; it describes how God is the only one
deity and that He does not have a beginning nor end; God is unlike anyone or anything in creation. He has no partners or family,
does not have anyone to share His authority nor any children; it forms one of the Surahs of protection.
(b) The importance of stressing the Oneness of God is so that people do not take other people or created things as their Lord, so
they should not replace God with things like famous people/saints, or place anyone or anything alongside Him. It ensures they
know that God does not have family, so they will avoid making the mistake of believing in God having children or a partner, or
anyone to share in His authority. Gives them clarity and allows them to develop a relationship with God.
Structure of Answer
(a) Theme: (b) Importance:
 Main Theme is Allah in Himself.  Muslims should avoid shirk.
 Was revealed to describe Oneness.  Muslims should understand unique, absolute and
 Belief in Allah’s Oneness. independent existence of Allah.
 [59:23]  Impact of rejection of God’s family.
 Allah’s absolute and independent existence.  [2:163]
 Other aspects of oneness: Allah being matchless and free  Significance: Equal to 1/3 of Quran.
from family or associates.
(a) Theme:
 Surah Ikhlas is one the shortest yet most meaningful Surahs of Holy Quran with emphasis on Allah in Himself.
 When Polytheists and Christians asked questions about God’s description, this Surah was revealed to answer them and nullify
all false beliefs about God.
 This Surah not only approves Oneness but elaborates its fundamental aspects. Firstly, it declares that Allah is One in His
Person, in status of being worshiped and in His attributes and qualities.
 “He is Allah, other than whom there is no God…” [59:23]
 The word ‘Samad’ elaborates Allah’s absolute existence independent on time and space as He has no beginning or end.
 Passage further elaborates Allah’s unity as He is matchless in above mentioned three aspects of Oneness. All false beliefs
about God having wife, son or any other family members have been eradicated by this passage and possibility of God having
associated get abolished.
(b) Importance:
[ISLAMIYAT 2058/01] Umar Khan | 0310-2855225

 This passage is very important in practical lives of Muslims as it clarify their faith in foundation of Islam that is belief in
Oneness of Allah. Passage inspires Muslims to avoid shirk and consider Allah unique in His person, His status of being only
One liable to be worshiped and His attributes and qualities. Passage inspires Muslims not to consider Angels, Prophets, Saints
or anyone/thing equal to God in any sense.
 It further strengthens Muslims’ belief in Allah by describing His personality and some unique attributes. Upon knowing that
He is independent, matchless and absolute, Muslims purify their faith and denounce all other false beliefs regarding God.
 Rejection of different claims by different religions that try to prove God’s wife, son or family inspires Muslims keep their faith
safe from all such false claims.
 “And your Allah is One Allah. There is no god but He…” [2:163]
 This Surah is so important and virtuous that Prophet (PBUH) declared its recition equal to 1/3 of Holy Quran.

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