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Salam Alaykum everyone

This is Mohammad-Mahdi

I wanted to say thank you so much for following me this far

Thank you for lending me your ears and your heart

Today I wanted to talk to you about the story of Adam & Eve and explain the deeper wisdom
and explain an ability to perceive the truth unlike any other of perhaps your past teachings or

Our goal and our mission is to challenge the self and to inspire critical thinking to inspire your
heart, your mind, and your soul to reflect. To reflect on truth and our intention and our goal is to
inspire unity and love amongst creation, amongst humanity, amongst the self, and amongst the

We ask for nothing in return

ALL that we ask is to lend us a few moments of your time, to lend us your ears, lend us your
heart, to lend us the eyes of the heart and the ears of the heart so that we can inspire truth and
inspire LOVE.


The reason why I started the video off in the dark was to introduce the subject of Adam & Eve

Who are Adam & Eve?


Adam and Eve is labeled as by the source, by the creator as the first human beings that were
created, and the reason why I wanted to emphasize the darkness and then the light is because
we as humans forget that our first memory was actually nothing.

Our first memory was that, and then our second memory was LIGHT – therefore the LIGHT
comes from the darkness, which means that SOMETHING comes from nothing.

So today I want to talk about Adam & Eve and inspire the truth within that and what that story
represents and also be able to connect the dots between scripture.

Today we won’t get in to scripture at all, but I will use examples of the truth within scripture and
it’s up to you the viewer to be able to do your own research which is what you should do to
reflect on whether what I’m saying is true or not.

Now there are certain commonalities between all scripture for example, the Torah which is the
Jewish Bible, The Bible which is the Christian or the Catholic Bible – the eastern Orthodox, the
current or current New Testament and many different versions of the Bible, and then there’s
also the Holy Quran.

Now the reason why I talk about this, and again I urge you to go back please before jumping the
gun and before jumping to conclusion about what I talk about and watch the series Light in the
Darkness. Now we are on episode 24 which is Adam & Eve, so if you go back to what I was
talking about earlier – scripture is simply a manual. It’s a manual to the human being, it’s a
manual just like a car has a manual. It’s a manual just like a car has a manual, just like a
telephone or a computer has a manual or a camera has a manual.

What that means is that you use this manual and you use it as a guide, and that’s what scripture
is there for. It’s the creators way of creating a manual to explain to creation or show creation –
Hey this is how you run on premium, this is ow you attain paradise, this is how you attain peace,
this is ow you become whole, become fulfilled. The same example can be given for like I said a
vehicle or a camera. This is the type of fuel you put in the vehicle, this is the way you make a
camera work, and this is the way you adjust the lens to zoom in or zoom out.

SO it’s the same idea and unfortunately these days our ego likes to get the best of us, and we
are going to talk about ego today as well. Our ego likes to persuade us that we should be
extreme about something such as for example religion, and we get caught up in this extremist
ideology and then we all of the sudden allow it to take over instead of actually being actions of a
believer which means action of LOVE or actions of TRUTH and then we get caught up in this
storm of EGO.

We are saying something or we are doing something but our actions don’t follow, so today we
are going to challenge you thoughts and explain the true story behind creation, behind Adam &
Eve. There is also a universal similarity between all scripture and that’s what we are going to
talk about so I urge you to test my comments and do your own research. Some of these
universal similarities – this is where we can identify the truth, this is where we can find the truth.
So what that means is when we say something like “YOU LIVE” – “YOU DIE” – “YOU WILL BE
RESSURECTED” – there is Jesus, for example – Moses.

These are universal similarities inside of all scripture that cannot be denied, so this is where we
can find the truth. Where we can look at the commonalities, our goal again is to inspire you to
reflect and to be able to get inspired to seek out the truth in what we’re saying.

So once again thank you so much for following me this far, and today I hope to challenge your
mind and hope to inspire some stimulation and for you to start thinking critically and to guide
you back to the self. Today I’m going to be challenging your ego and today I’m going to be really
explaining things in a way that you haven’t been able to perhaps reflect on in the past.

It is agreed that in all scriptures there is the universal agreement that Adam & Eve are the first
creation, so let’s go to the very start and this is very important. So let’s start off with the story of
Adam & Eve and believe it or not all of these stories and all scripture, and all of these manuals
in this story – and remember the author is the creator right?

They all have the same story within perhaps many an interpretation here or there, they are all
the exact same story, and this is where we can allow for this universal truth to manifest and be
spoken. So the story of Adam & Eve begins with the source right?

If you go back and look at the episode the creator, I talk about this – First there is God, again a
universal truth. The first the last the INFINITE, the IS. Remember for God there is no such thing
as time, for us there is no such thing as time. It’s only an illusion, it’s only a way of measurement
for this experience that what we call LIFE or the world. Now first there’s God – so if we start with
understanding that first there’s God we have to then remember that well God has no definition
without the creation.

Because the definition of God is the creator – to be God you must be the creator, just like to be
an artist you must create art so God is the same as the artist, the author which must write a
book or create some sort of a poem, etc…

Now God is the same – we are not saying that God is dependent on creation, no we are saying
that God is defined by creation.

NOW we can also use the same example to give you a better understanding.

When we say LIGHT just like when we started with the lights off there’s darkness, so darkness
defines light right?

We come from the darkness we SEE the light, we come to the light right?

From NOTHING you are SOMETHING, and also now with creation now God has definition

SO NOW we are kind of on the same page and let’s start with the beginning, again a
commonality of truth – God is one God correct, YES OR NO? God is one God – we can all
agree on that, NOW God the independent source “before” – because again timelessness,
there’s no time, it’s infinite. God is infinite – God is the ONE the LAST the infinite the
independent which is free of need. God is the source so before the “manifestation of creation”
there’s God right?

Now I’m going to draw out an example for you, and this is where it gets tricky and this is where
your mind is going to be challenged right?

So NOW let’s just – I’m not the best artist so bear with me, we are going to do just say GOD
right? There’s just GOD as you can see, I’m going to zoom in a little bit so you can see.

I will draw a little bigger, so you have GOD – my art is not the greatest, so NOW we have to
remember that first there’s GOD right, the one. Now again a universal truth we have to
understand is God is ONE and only ONE right? God is ONE, God also a universal truth speaks
about ONENESS of all creation, we are all ONE being, what does that mean? Well God is
independent. For God to be God he must create, or God must create or whatever that label of
that source is.

Now we are talking about the beginning, the story of Adam & Eve is very interesting, because
God rounds up the manifest creation in scripture and God says come my creation.

Now imagine this right? God – this is again where our ego likes to elude us and likes to trick us.
Think about it this way, God – and this again a global agreement that we can’t deny.

God talks about creating by breathing life in to creation, by speaking life in to creation, by
manifesting light in to creation.

We have to understand that God is the ONE so now this is the source and everything comes
from the source, everything comes from the source, everything comes from the source, right?

SO which means we are an extension, same idea as yourself for example. You breathe and
your breath goes in an infinite direction from tree to human, from tree to human, and continues
to bounce infinitely and you have no knowledge where the destination of that is. We can’t say
that this air is 8 billion airs, and there’s 8 billion different airs, or this water is 8 billion waters –
NO it’s one source of water one source of air right?

So it’s the same as one source of GOD – NOW this is what your ego does, is it makes you think
that God – which again – Adam & Eve we are talking about – the introduction and in some of
the first pages of scripture, God talks about Angels, Angels – right? Angels, God talks about
Satan, Satan or what I like to call “EGO” – “EGO” – Satan and ego.
Then God talks about demons, jinn, right? I know my writing is not the greatest so bear with me.

SO NOW to make this easier, we have an extension of God – an extension of GOD, we’ve got
EGO and Satan, we’ve got Angels, and we’ve got Demons and Jinn right? Angels, Demon, &

God says behold my creation I want present to you my most beautiful art, my most beautiful
creation, what is that? A human – A human being right?

We have to understand this is really important right?

NOW what that means is that everything is an extension of God because first there was God
now to say that Angels, or Satan, or demons, or HUMAN are separate to God – that’s where we
then become blind and we cannot see.


We have to understand that hey, God “was” the one and only the FIRST, God is ALL, and we
are an extension, just like the breath is an extension of us, we are the extension of God.

So that means therefore that God is humans, God is angels, God is Satan and “EGO”, God is
demons, God is ALL THINGS – God is creation, God is creation and the creator. RIGHT?


NOW this is where things get interesting, all of this is ONE.


The source of LIGHT, the source of LOVE, the source of CONSCIOUSNESS right?


NOW – how does God show you that is God is love? WELL simple, by creation what God is not
– which is Satan, ego, darkness right? Now we understand remember this God talks about the
Angels assembling, God talks about Satan, which Iblis assembling, God talks about the demons
and jinn assembling, then God talks about presenting his creation, his beautiful masterpiece, his
beautiful art to his creation. NOW remember God was the first – these are all extensions of God
– therefore God is having an open assembly with himself. Right? SO God is everything, so God
is not separate to Satan. God is not separate to human, God is not separate to his creation or
else he would not be God, because remember God is the ONE the first – right? So your breath
is an extension of YOU just like these are an extension of God.

NOW we can start to truly understand what’s going on here okay?

YES “manifest enemy” – manifest “EGO” – right? Remember this life is temporary, so we live in
this physical manifest experience of life which teaches us about all of these things, which
teaches us about God – light, love, and consciousness, and how do we learn? By learning what
the opposite is right? So if GOD is LOVE then that means GOD loves ALL unconditionally
because clearly God is the source of LOVE and we can prove that by looking at the baby, the
innocent child, by an innocent creature, or look at the nature look at the LOVE within the nature,
that’s some of God’s signatures.

SO well this is interesting right? NOW we can – we can now start understanding what I was
explaining to you, and again you can’t challenge this because by saying that oh “Satan is evil”
Satan is my enemy, well what is Satan? Well look at EGO – EGO is what makes you blind and
then also you’re giving credit to Satan as if Satan has power of all things. What does God
specifically say, God specifically says submit to creation, my creation of humanity okay? Iblis
does not, remember God is the ALL WISE, GOD is timeless. God knows the ending of the story

Who’s to say it’s not a happy ever after story just like Disney movies, just like fairy tales, well
who’s the author of that well remember it’s not the author, it’s not Walt Disney it’s God – God’s
the source, we are an extension of the source right? Are YOU WITH ME NOW?


Well that doesn’t make sense? How come God would create Satan, evil, and create all of these
things, well that’s why we have the story of Adam & Eve right?


This is where it gets interesting we have to slow right down, now that we’ve slowed down and
we can identify and understand that God is ALL THINGS and that we are ALL ONE we can now
start again, everything has definition, everything is unconditionally loved infinitely, because you
don’t know what the result is, you don’t know what the conclusion is, you don’t know what
comes after death, right? Maybe you’re in the cocoon stage and you’re experiencing your
creation right? SO we look at this and we go to the story of Adam & Eve, this is very beautiful –
Adam & Eve right?

There’s Adam & Eve – so Adam & Eve – okay? This is really important, Adam & Eve are two
beings, man and woman. What do you need in order to manifest life, in order to manifest
existence, you need a man and a woman to create life, to create another human being, and you
need a sperm and an egg correct? So we can all agree that Adam & Eve through scripture are
the first human creation right? What does God say, submit to my best creation? Well Satan
makes the choice, very important to remember, makes the choice to not submit. Do you think
God doesn’t know that this character that he created is going to do that or not? Of course this is
all meant to be, it’s out of everyone’s control it’s meant to be, it’s part of the story right? So he
chooses not to submit which means perhaps in the Buddhist way, in the Indian language,
Namaste, means I submit to your grace, I submit to your presence, I submit to the God within
you, to the source within you, and that’s again also sometimes where there is a discrepancy,
just like Salam Alaykum which means Peace Be Upon you, I submit to the God which is the
source of you within you which is what that means right? So let’s get out of the EGO and get in
to our hearts and the truth. NOW we can go along with this story, okay, guess what, I’m going to
punish you let’s say, I’m going to kick you out of this family for now because I know what the
final result is, I know what the destination is because I’m God of course. And you’re going to –
going to play a role, well what is that, we don’t know what that role is quiet yet but I’m going to
reprieve you which means give you a later “punishment” call it and for now you can go and roam
freely on the earth, this manifest experience that we call this human experience this life and we
SEE. We can start understanding okay so Adam & Eve are in the garden, what happens – the
serpent in the bible or Satan whispers, right EGO says hey look at that tree look at this physical
world, give in and eat this apple, well what is that? God is saying hey no don’t do that, this is
how God educates us and teaches creation of the capacity of a human being and this is how
Angels remember Angels are one sided in the sense of they can’t hate, they only know love
right? Satan has free will just like us, jinn free will, but they submit to humanity why, perhaps
there’s a connection here, where’s our soul, where’s our spirit, where’s our thoughts, where do
we dream, inside, right? Perhaps we are connecting in there, maybe we are a duality or some
sort of a hybrid of all these things within. Now this is where the irony lies, right?

GOD knows of course what is going to happen or else God wouldn’t be God right? SO He says
don’t eat off of the tree, Adam guess what he does he goes and takes the apple and listens to
the serpent, to the ego, to Satan, and all of the sudden He gives in to this material world and
he’s cursed himself in the sense that hey I’ve given in to my ego, I decided that this physical
temporary life is better than my infinite permanent soul of light, love, and consciousness,
however the beauty in this is that this is God’s way of proving to creation and using Satan as
let’s call Satan “Professor Satan” and it will make way more sense as we get deeper in to this
and as you continue to follow my episodes.

Professor Satan – now is teaching Adam & Eve a lesson by God’s will right? Everything and
EVERYONE is experiencing this simultaneously. Today and that moment are the same
moment, Adam & Eve are a metaphor of ALL HUMANITY. Adam & Eve are a metaphor of ALL
HUMANITY, so what God is saying – Hey don’t do that, and Satan is like Yes do that, and all of
the sudden they do it – what is that? AH! FREE WILL

FREE WILL – that’s the BEAUTY

Now here is another commonality between scripture, because of this mistake of giving in to ego
of losing sight of light, love, and consciousness, of faith and the source, the creator of all things
Adam & Eve realize, and God guides Adam & Eve in to this realization and in Islam Adam is
given the title of a prophet and Adam turns to God and asks for forgiveness. Well what’s the
beautiful part of this and here’s one of your first hints humanity is that God chooses to forgive
Adam of course or else you wouldn’t exist right now. If you weren’t forgiven and you weren’t a
being of light, love, and consciousness, guess what – YOU would not exist right now, it’s that
simple. God does not NEED YOU, God LOVES YOU! This is God’s way of showing that, by
hiring Professor Satan, by creating Professor Satan without Satan even knowing what his role
is, and teaching us what God is not.

understanding what the light is.

What does God say? Our final destination is where, the return to GOD!

The beautiful part is that God already hints to all of humanity, HEY – Adam & Eve you’ve given
in to ego – you were meant to do that, I was going to teach you about what you are, about light,
love, and consciousness, this gift of life, the love that I am, the love that I’m giving to you, and
am extending to you infinitely, and you’re going to make mistakes and they’re perfect. You’re
meant to make mistakes as one being of light, love, and consciousness together. ALL one being
on this earth simultaneously being taught by Professor Satan.

That’s how you start looking at it, and remember that Professor Satan is GOD right?

Because GOD was first and GOD is ALL – very simple – we are a part of God, we are NOT
GOD – we are a PART of GOD. Just like the breath we breathe is one air right?

BEAUTIFUL – so now Adam & Eve multiplies themselves, multiplies humanity infinitely right,
and look at where we are – we are at 8 billion right now.


God’s hinting to humanity that hey go make mistakes and I’m going to forgive you and that’s
what the beautiful part of Adam & Eve is because we are timeless beings, this is God showing
creation the story of creation. We are experiencing our existence, we are characters in this story
and the scripture is kind of like the book to the story right? God knows what the final result is
and what the end is so I wanted to share this story to teach you the beauty of the TRUTH of
what YOU ARE which is a being of LIGHT, LOVE, and CONSCIOUSNESS.

NOW that God has created an opposing force call it of “himself” and he’s labeled that force
Satan, which is ego then which whispers in your ear and guides you to “Hey know, obsess with
material, lie a little, steal a little, cheat a little, don’t worry” But guess what – what’s truth? You’re
going to DIE one day.

Was it worth it, hey – what is the truth? What are you looking for, well was it not paradise, is it
not peace, is it not LOVE, well what is that? That’s all happiness which lies within the TRUTH,
which lies within the simplicity of following the manual. Like we said before, just simply LOVE,
be kind, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal, and the list goes on.

By being KIND you get what you GIVE, when you choose to LOVE you receive LOVE, when
you choose to GIVE you are GIVEN, you are humbled, and you are grateful, and there is
fulfillment in that. There’s not fulfillment in the infinite materials.

LOOK at the story of Aladdin, this is another way of God showing us with these little hints that
He created – not Walt Disney, or the directors – we are all creations of God. What is God
showing us, hey guess what, you can have all the power in the world, and what happens when
Jafar chooses the ego, he’s locked up and he becomes what? He wants to become the most
powerful Jinn in the world and he locks himself in the lamp forever, because he obsesses with
the outside world, the material. This is God’s way of showing us and what’s the beauty behind
that? Aladdin ends up using his third wish to release the Genie and gives Him freedom.

Well that’s the GIFT it’s you that is FREE to CHOOSE to CHOOSE – Hey guess what it’s OKAY
you made some mistakes, you ate the apple, you listened to the ego, and that’s fine because I
now SHOWED YOU what I AM, and whether you like it or not your path is to return to me like a
boomerang right? RETURN TO ME – if you choose to try to run away, well guess what you’re
going in to darkness – you can’t see there right?

SO when you choose to return to this light, to this love, to choose to forgive, to choose to live in
LOVE, well what happens you start to become LIGHT.

It’s so AMAZING when we can start seeing the truth in all things, not only does LIGHT mean the
LIGHT that we can see that allows us to see, but it means LIGHT, it means being LIGHT like a
feather, see God is the creator of EVERYTHING.

The words that we speak, the thoughts, the imagination, so just be present in that, and see the
truth, and we cannot deny the commonalties of what we are talking about here right?

These commonalities between scripture and where we can see the truth in there, ONE GOD

AND now again you have the CHOICE to be FREE, you can choose to go towards darkness, to
hatred, and lie, and cheat, and steal, and hurt others, and not respect, and choose to judge, and
to allow the EGO to make you think that something else is not God, well guess what?

You’re in darkness and you are unfulfilled and that is the TRUTH and if you want to put this to

What is the GOAL? What is PARADISE, Its happiness right?

I will give you a little situation okay, I use as much spare time here and there to give back to
those in the local community of those who are experiencing homelessness and I will tell you
something, find me all of the Billionaires in the world and go serve hundreds of people who are
unfortunately experiencing homeliness in this moment and time. Give each of them a piece of
bread and see how each of them responds, guess what you have and I’m not saying Billionaires
are – I’m just using it as an example – someone who has all of this infinite material, and
someone who perhaps is not grateful for the things that they have and this material and they’re
like “Oh this bread is terrible” – and then you have someone who is experiencing homelessness,
guess what? They are actually VERY POWERFUL because they can resist, they have humility,
they are grateful, they have nothing to lose, and what happens is they’re grateful – THANK YOU
SO MUCH – THANK YOU GOD for this bread, I am so grateful, I am so grateful!


Prayer is not going to the mosque, or to the church, or saying things, or reading scripture, that’s
not PRAYER – PRAYER is in your actions! Our actions of LOVE, our ACTIONS of kindness, is
prayer, that’s where the TRUTH IS!

OUR GOAL and our mission and our aim is to guide you to this, and I will leave it at this.

LOOK at this piece of paper – this piece of paper okay?

This is one piece of paper

ONE GOD like I said right?


WELL … when I rip it in half it becomes two, when I rip it in another half it becomes four…

When I rip it half and half and half it becomes 8, 16, 32, and that number goes on.

SO the point I’m making is that this paper it’s always been the same piece of paper, it’s been
the same air, it’s been the same God, it’s been the same source.

And that’s where I ask you to reflect and again we ask you for nothing in return, we thank you
for your time, please follow me – my name is Mohammad Mahdi, follow me on Youtube,
username rocketallouche, facebook – Something4Humanity on facebook or Mohammad Mahdi
Richard Allouche and on Instagram.

Please share this video with your friends and your family and challenge my thoughts, do your
own research and see that what I’m telling you is true and it can’t be denied, whether you like it
or not. When you choose TRUTH when you choose LOVE then you choose HAPPINESS, then
you choose FULFILLMENT, it’s very SIMPLE!

Please share and spread the word – MOHAMMAD MAHDI

Alaykum al Salam, Namaste, and Goodbye EVERYONE!

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