Clear Perfect Allodial Land Title

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‘ozrace0 ’ [UCC EFILING ACKNOWLEDGMENT New York State Department of State Uniform Commercial Code e-Filing System ACKNOWLEDGMENT SCREEN PLEASE PRINT THIS SCREEN FOR YOUR RECORDS ‘The Electronic UCC Financing Statement (or Electronic UCC yancing Statement Amendment) | Submitted to the Department of State by the UCC ¢-Filing System has been accepted and filed, The Department of State has created an image by placing the data submitted in the Electronic ucc Financing Statement (or Electronic UCC Financing Statement Amendment) on a form that is Substantially similar to the official written ucc-1 form (or uee-3 form), The image created has been Assigned the following file number: 202010278460306 (Opens NEW window) Date of filing: 10/27/2020 Time of filing: 05:50 PM A Credit\Debit Card with the last four digits 2384 has been charged $20,00 ‘The Crodit\Debit Card Confirmation Code; 028017 Certain information regarding the Electronic UCC Financing Statement (or Electronic UCC Financing Statement Amendment) may be viewed at the following link to the Department of State's index of filed UCC records: 202010276460306 (Opens NEW window) The Department of State will E-Mail an Acknowledgment of the acceptance and filing of the above described Electronic UCC Financing Statement (or Electronic UCC Finance Statement Amendment), including the image created, to the following E-Mail Acknowledgement Addres taranova72@yahoo,com, Ifyou have questions or comments about the UCC online services, please contact us at ucc or write us at: UCC contact ‘ou Disclaimer (Opens new window) NYS DOS Privacy Statement (Opens new window) New York State Home Page NYS Department of Siate Home Page NYS UCC Home Page NYS UCC E-Filing Page ofo 2 7646 oO poe Ovtee C/ rl Creve [rtd mer ~ tw ey HEM teat Se ase e Moorish National Republic Federal Government 0 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 0 Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’ 0 ~Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 1 The True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land 0 ~LS.L.AM.~ 0 o1 ~Affidavit of Clear Perfect Allodial Land Title ~0 Coordinates: Latitude 40.662460° N, Longitude -73.791360 ° W [Name of Property] Title 109-07 153 Street [Ex, Rel, Jamaica New York 11433 - CORPORATE ADDRESS| Rah Rn ta R Rattan Rat Ka thn tat Mata Mata Ra Ra Ratatat at We are the Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish American Nationals, the true and de jure natural Americans/Al Moroccans and the divine heirs to the land. We are the descendants of the great Pharaohs of Kemet and of the ancient Moabites, Canaanites and Hamitites. We are in Propria Persona Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo and in Proprio Heredes and we are exercising all of our rights at this time and at all points on time. ime Immemorial Date of Heirship: _Ancie Status: Aboriginal Indigenous Natural Allodial Ecclesiastically Titled Parcel: Title Value: Cannot be measured Dominion and Inbabitation: i ratateraeriearmdbiendiaraiarhieraeraierairaieaeaicaatan ata aitartattate eae Cees Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / North Africa / North America /"The Moroccan Empire’ —Contnental United Stats: "Temple ofthe Moon and Sun Non ~ Domestic, Non-Resident, Non Subject ~ Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors ofthe Land, Page 1 of 4 MACN-AO17_Affidavit of Clear Perfect Alloial Land Title A a ae Moorish National Republic Federal Government 0 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 0) Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / “The North Gate’ 0 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 0 ‘The True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land O ~LS.LAM.~ 0 Mineral Value: Cannot be measured Parcel Category: Natural, Prime, Allodial Parcel Value: Cannot be measured Court of Tit ‘The Moorish American Consular Court of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Judgement: The Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 and the Constitution for the united States 1791, the Declaration of Independence of 1776, Articles of Confederationof 1777 and all land mandates to which the Moors are part and parcel. This title is a natural creation and it is owned by EI, Tara Nova or Tara Nova El of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government. This title is conveyed into the Title of Trust record number MACN- 000002240, the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Trust under record number MACN- 2999999999 and the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Trust record number MACW-R333333333. This title is not subject to any interest, exceptions, taxations, legislations, codes, statutes, pledges, or reservations of any CORPORATION. The Rights of the Heirs by birthright and bloodline are unalienable and inalienable. This ttle does not expire. The Moorish American Nationals are the owners of this title and the heirs to the land. This title is not transferrable. All CORPORATE DEEDS, CORPORATE, ee ee ‘Aboriginal and Indigenous Peopley Documents: Nonhwest Amexem / North Affi / Nort America "The Moroccan Empire ~ Continental United States: Temple ofthe Moon and Sun: Non ~ Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject~ Being the Rightful Heirs and Inherits ofthe Land, Page 2 of 4 MACN-AOI7_Affdavit of Clear Perfect Alloial Land Tite Cy Page 3 of f MAC! -A017_Affidavit of Clear Perfect Allodial Land Tite Se aka St Matic, a Mawtre «Mors wal @ _ Cc Moorish National Republic Federal Government ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 0 Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North ~ Gate’ 0 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ ( | aq The True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land , 1~ A.M. ~ 0) claims of ownership, CORPORATE rights claimed, and all CORPORATE land documents are hereby abolished and unlawful. All who occupy the said lands are subjects of the Moors and all tributes, taxes and other payments in gold and silver backed lawful tender are now due to the Moorish American Nationals. ’ Upon my inherited status, I El, Tara Nova being a descendant of The Ancient Mosbites in other respec! known as American — Al Moroccan ~ Moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the ‘Five Points of Light’ - Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom. and Justice: Being competent (In My Owr Proper Person) to Attest to this Affidavit upon which | place my Signature; Whereas, 1 State, Proclaim and Declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored! o improper use or purpose, Tam: From the hand of El, Tara Nova All Rights Exoroised at This Time and at All Points tn Time Northwest Amexem, Autograph ~ Omnia Tura Reservantis Care of 10907 153 Streets Near, [Jamaica Territory New York Republic] Zip Exempt Phone: (917) 288-6997 ae Email “Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples Documents: Northwest Amexem / North Aftica/ North America ! ‘The Moroccan Continental United States: "Temple of the Moon and Sun: Non — Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subjest~ Being Empire’ the Rightful Heirs and inheritors ofthe Land Page 3 of 4 MACN-AOI7_Affidavit of Clear Perfect Allodial Land Title / gl, TaraNova aka St Maarten, Ceriis Moorish National Republic Federal Government 1 ~Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 0 Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World ~~ Northwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Islands 0. ~Temple of the Moon and Sun~ 1 Theo True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land ~LS.LAM. ~ 0 Dear Sirs, e Sheriff and the Deutsche has been placed to alert th avit of for Long Beach Mortgage 2006-6 of an Affid ‘The final Notice will run for 30 days on. Scribd and This letter is to certify that another Notice Bank National Trust Company as Trustee ‘Allodial Secure Land Property Repossession. at mailing list will have 3 days to rebut this Notice public Everyone previously mentioned on the ster being mailed through Notary presentment. posting from the date of receipt of this le First Notary presentment was mailed November 25 2020 and second DEFAULT Notice Cortificate of Non-Response with Opportunity to Cure was sent December 8° 2020. See attached list Ex A and B. Also the Universal Religious Corporation Affidavit of Organization £ Credit in Gold and Silver and Affidavit of Ecclesiastical of the Moon and the Sun, Affidavit Cancellation and Abolishment of All Land Patents. see-Moors Treaty of Peace and Friendship listed in my Moorish Express Trust along Lalso am attaching proof that the property is now aMar County Georgia as well as Brooklyn with my conveyance. This is also being filed in L New York Clerk’s Office under miscellaneous. ‘Thank you for your kind attention, El, Tara Nova aka St Maarten, Ceriis Be & or] @ a » Moorish National Republic Federal Government 5 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ (| Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Islands 0 ~LS.LA.M.~ 0 Universal Affidavit of Jurisdiction Personam, Territorial, and Subject Matter Writ of Execution and Levee of all Sovereign Property September 19 2020 in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes at all times. I am the Arcentant of the Great Pharaohs of Kemet and of the Moabites and Canaanites. lam an aborigital indigenous Moorish American National and 1 am exercising all of my rights at this time and at alt points in time. No UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN has personam jurisdiction over ne np any Moorish American National. 1am the law and I am the govemment. My Body, all land and all property ae in the ibrisdiction of my ancestral inherited estate at this time and at all times. All property to incleale al property Gluimed by subjects is hereby repossessed and lev'eed by the aboriginal indigenous sovereign people who are the de jure Moorish National Republic Federal Government, This is your due process of notice of inert to lngy all CORPORATIONS and CITIZENS for unlawful occupation of Moorish American land Nothing in this document nor in any acti by me shall be construed as consent to any jurisdiction that is not the jurisdiction of my ancestral inherited estate, Am: - Moorish American National, Northwest Amexem Autograph - Omnia Tura Reservantis, Go Marling Focation PO Box 0341 Astana Near. Corporate [ )21P EXEMPT Northwest Amexem — Northwest Africa North America ~ The North Gate | MACN-000002240 Universal Affidavit of Jurisdiction Personam, Territorial and Subjet Matter Writ of Exec and Lev'ee ofall Sovereign Property Aboriginal and Indigenous People’ Documents: Northwest Amexem/ Northwest Ae / Non America "The North Gate {mp -Conunea Unied es, Templo te Moo nd Su Ture sn Non-Domestic Now Rendon Non "eae Moors Maury = Being the Rightful Hews and Progen Bright Inert of te Land Subscypey this_Z2¢ day of a 7a by authority on this land of America and I possess lawful National, International and Universal titles, charters, trusts and identification documents that are aboriginal, indigenous, sovereign, de jure Moorish National Republic Federal Government titles, charters, trusts and identification documents of which I am part and pareel. All other foreign, CORPORATE, Corporate, and corporate contracts, trusts and documents are not withstanding. All CORPORATIONS, Corporations, and corporations are the trustees of their own debt at all times and at all points in time. Proper notification was given repeatedly of your unlawful acts against the de jure American Nationals on our land. Writs of Discovery have been sent and stand as law on the record unrebutted. Affidavits of Averments of Jurisdiction stand as law on the record unrebutted. This is a Universal Default Judgement. Thereby claim, proclaim, fully access and declare my full, rightful, lawful estate of all land, ail natural resources, all hereditaments and physical property, and all commercial contracts, nune pro tune, No UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN, CORPORATION, Corporation, corporation nor United States Citizen has personam jurisdiction over my body, nor my property all of which is in the National Trust Ef the people who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government. All CITIZENS, Citizens and citizens are subject to me and are commanded to honor my sovereignty and to obey immediately each and all of my sovereign commands at all times. Tram in propria persona, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes at this ime and at all points in time. Chronos: July 31, 2020 rune pro tune. 7 Jere Ve é/ ay arr LV ae / and swom teforatfymed) before me Eki S Moorish National Mepublic Federal Government vm - @ocietas Republicae Ea Ai Maurikanos ~~ ‘Moorish Wiwine and Aarional Moventent of the Werkd ‘Arortowest Mmexem / Morthimest Miriea / Marth Mmerica / Che Mertd Sats’ Sa ~ Temple ot the Maen and sun Che Crue and We Fure Matural Peaptes - Weirs of the Land Se TLASL Affidavit of Wand Title - Ameriea/Ameneny We are the Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish American Nationala, the true und de Jure natural ‘Americans/Al Moroccans and the divine heirs to the land, We are the descendants of the great Pharaohs of Kemet and of the anelent Moabitex and Canaanit We are in Propria persona Nu Juris, In Proprio Solo and in Proprio Heredes and we are exereising all of our rights at this thie tand at all points on time, ‘Title Number: MACN-R999999909 Date of Helrship: Ancient Time Immemortal ‘Status: Aboriginal Indigenous Natural Allodial Fectesiastically Titled Pareel: Ail land and natural resourees at North Amerlea, South America, Central America und adjoining Islands Title Value; Cannot be measured Dominion wod Inbabltation: Protracted from between 3 degrees north-east of present day Mogadishu and 22 degrecs North Latitude aL Yemen (Mob), § degrees West of Sabaea, 12 degroce Fast ofthe Kingdom # Axum to 42 dearees Hast Longltude 2,082 miles Longitude. Latiude, and South-Africa 12 dogroos Hast Longitude, Xouth ‘West af Moab at Luanda (Angola). Just below the Congo, Across the Girest Atlantis, even unto the Present North, Farhest West, top of America 72 degroos North Latitudo=4,940 miles; 190 degrees went Ttongitude-2| miles, above the equator from Moab = 3,160 miles and Central or Mexo America including Mexico and the Atlantis Islands at 19 degrees North Latitude 330 miles; 122 deproes west longitude 74 mies nea the equator from Moab ~ 0,028 miles - Routh America a $2 deprees South Latitude - 3,640 miles; 78 degrees South West | ‘4 Geological Span of over 15,176 miles, equiv itd —41 mile below the quator from Moa, for vo 236,421,376 aquare miles. More than three {quarters of the Kath with the individual party of interest and Habtation bask to the unincorporated Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World, the Moorish Holy Temple of Sclence, the de jure Moorish National Republic Federal Government, and the de jure ecclesiastically commissioned Movrish ‘American Consulate and its Article III Moorish American Consular Court Mineral Value: Cannot be measurod Parcel Category: Natural, Prime, Allodial 10h ‘Mosh National Republe Feral Governmen’ and the Moanin American Consulates Worldwide sa man ain SY) SW 344° lage, No [Federal Way Wastngion Repub at mpi fhe Moers, ew Jerusalem eee aniic: Faclaral Government Cc eee Moorish Mational Republic Federal Government ~~ @oxietas Republiear a Mi Maueibanon ~ Fis) Wine aNd Aational AMadement at Morthwest Gmexem / Morthwest Miriea / ‘arty anecun’/ "he Aerts ‘@aie' \& ~ Temple of the Moon and Mun — ‘Che Crue and We Fure Matural Propies ~ Meiers of the Land SIS LAS Parcel Valuer Cannot be measured Court of Title: ‘The Moorish American Consular Court of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Judgement: The Treaty of Poace and Friondship 1786 and 1836 and the Constitution for the united Stutex 1786 and 1836 and all land mandates to Which the Moors are part and parcel, This title is # natural ereation and it Ix owned by the Moorish American people of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government, This tile is not subject to any interest, excoptions, taxitions, legislations, codes, statutes, pledges, or reservations of any CORPORATION, ‘The Rights of the Heiew by birthright and bloodline are unallonable and inalienable. This title does not expire. The Moriah American Nationals are the owners of this ttle and the hers to the land ‘This fille ix not Wransferrable, All CORPORATE DEEDS, CORPORATE claims of ownership, CORPORATE rights olaimed, and all CORPORATE land documents are hereby abolished and tunlawful, All who occupy the sald lands are subjevts of the Moors and all tributes, taxes and other payments in wold and silver backed! lawful tender are now due to the Moorish American Nationals, ‘oonsh Ravana! Republi Federal Gvernmont andthe Mesrih Ament Consulates Wor 4 ‘mating cain: 813 SW 314” Pact, Near [Federal Way Washington Rep] a BO Terso “Sean BBO nePusa a. t own tne are Moo, Rew owen Wis doeuntat of

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