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AI@Intel Smart Building Management Solution

Facial Recognition solution-
G3C.AI@Intel (Real-time Video Solution) serves an intelligent real-time detection that
enables you to monitor & response 24/7, through the use of video analysis & artificial
intelligence to your existing or new CCTV infrastructure. It adds human-like cognition to your
security system by providing in-depth details for frames in the video, enabling accurate
detection of face with proactive notifications. Our machine learning algorithms can train and
customize to suit your requirements.

Intelligent Video Analytics provides centric solutions to fulfil our customers’ needs by
designing and implementing cutting-edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technology and

G3C.AI@Intel leverages the use of surveillance systems by providing:

Real-Time Alerts – Real-Time attendance and alerting on unknown person entering the

People Analytics – Real-time analysis and monitoring of people and providing thorough

G3C.AI@Intel highlights
◼ Flexibility – Easy deployment with any combination of video analytics applications on
every camera with no restrictions
◼ Accuracy – Leverages high success rate among clients with-proven technology to
provide high probability of detection (POD) and low false alarm rates (FAR)
◼ Automated Set-up and calibration – Get rid of the need for manual calibration with the
use of automated tools
◼ Machine Learning – The system is based on advanced machine learning technology and
reduces manual efforts
◼ Interoperability – Integrates with multiple video management solutions and cameras
across the industry
◼ Enterprise Grade – Provides full redundancy and fault tolerance to ensure 24/7
continuous operation
Real-Time attendance and Alerts
⚫ Records attendance through facial recognition using smart door access system
⚫ Auto alerts for unknown on entrance of unknow person

Real-Time Detections and Alerts

⚫ Detects intrusion, violence, emergency, abandoned objects
⚫ Sets wide range of customized events
⚫ Allows multiple combinations of analytics detection rules
⚫ Auto alerts for rapid response

Vehicle Analytics
⚫ Monitors, tracks, counts vehicles
⚫ Recognize authorized/unauthorized people
⚫ Detects models, number plate

Product features and details

Key analytics capabilities- Highlights
Facial recognition ⚫ Attendance Checking with identification
⚫ Event Feedback Research
⚫ Event Security Checking
⚫ Suspicious character spotting/Unknown visitor alerts
Building ⚫ Access Management using Facial Recognition;
Management ⚫ Abandoned objects in lobby and corridors;
⚫ Fire hazard alerts;
⚫ Automobiles lingering in the lobby pick-up area;
⚫ Detecting smoking people in non-smoking zones
⚫ Loitering and intrusion detections
⚫ Vehicle counting and vehicle color
⚫ Vehicle Over-speeding
⚫ Type of Vehicle segregated into,
o 4-wheeler/2 wheeler
o Taxi/ Private Vehicle

Intrusion detection ⚫ Specify up to 5 regions of interest (ROI) for a given field of view
⚫ Detect and report the incident of intrusion, time and camera ID
⚫ Detailed information on the intrusion including
- Nature of intrusion (person, vehicles), number of intruders
- Gender, age, ethnicity, emotion and clothing attributes if the intruder is a person
- Make, model and number plate of the vehicle in case of a vehicle
⚫ The added intelligence provides you ammunition to search for the intruder in a more effective
People analytics ⚫ Monitor people entering and exiting your premises
⚫ Detect, count and track people in your premises
⚫ Detect a crowd if the number of people exceed set limits, Heatmaps for crowd flow
⚫ Detailed attributes of people: age, gender, ethnicity*, emotion**, clothing attributes
* 5 main ethnic groups: African, Caucasian, East Asian, Southeast Asian, Southern Asian
⚫ ** 4 Emotions: Happy, Sad, Angry, Neutral
Vehicle analytics ⚫ Detect, track and count vehicles along with directionality of movement
⚫ Recognize major car make and models
⚫ Vehicle auto-registration and carparks lots allocation
o Wrong Direction movement of Automobile
o Available parking slots
o Vehicle type and ANPR detection to identify wrong parking
o Vehicle ANPR detection for boom-barrier access
o Fire hazard detection
o Abandon object detection in parking and other areas
Abandoned object • Detect objects idle more than specified limit of time and send alert to concern authorities
detection • Detect objects in airport, office premises, lobby etc.
Fire detection • Detect fire real-time in the premise and send alerts via SMS/video clip to concern authorities to
take immediate action and prevent potential hazards
Technical specifications and platform details
Product deployment details
Architecture The system supports as well as distributed architecture
Supported operating system The system provides a web based interface which is supported for Windows and Unix based
Supported camera types Fixed and mobile cameras are supported
Scalable deployment options On premise and on cloud deployment options available. The system is highly scalable and
ca be used for small as well as large scale deployments
Supported VMS Can be easily integrated with all market leading VMS systems
API access Offers easy web interface allowing easy integration with third party applications
Licensing model
Flexible licensing model Perpetual or subscription based licensing model available
Our clients and partners

For more information, visit or email

Learn more about the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit at

Learn more about the IEI TANK AIoT Developer Kit at

Singapore India USA

#02-01, Ascent, 2nd floor, 780, 19th Main Rd, Sector 4555 Great America Parkway,
2 Science Park Drive, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, 3rd floor, Santa Clara,
Singapore 118222 Karnataka 560102 CA 95054

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