Insurance Week 12

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1. Uy Hu v Prudential Assurance claims 60 cases of salmon of the value of P630.

There is no salmon at all in Exhibit

G.R. No. 27778 8. Plaintiff claims 30 cases of condensed milk of the value of P523, and on Exhibit 8,
16 December 1927 there is no condensed milk.).
Richie Rich ● Such is a fair comparison between the two statements as to the articles destroyed
Topic: Fire Insurance by the fire, from which it is very apparent that either plaintiff's claim or the
Petitioners: UY HU & CO. (plaintiff/insured) inventory made after the fire is false and fraudulent
Respondents: THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (defendant/insurer) ● It further appears that immediately after the fire, four different photographs were
taken of the merchandise as it appeared after the fire, all of which corroborate the
FACTS inventory known as Exhibit 8 as to the amount, kind and quality of the merchandise
● Uy Hu & Co. is a general mercantile partnership engaged in the sale of in the bodegas at the time of the fire, and are conclusive proof that plaintiff's claim
merchandise. Prudential insured Uy Hu against loss and damage by fire the for P30,000 is both false and fraudulent
property, goods, wares and merchandise of the plaintiff for the sum of P30,000,- ● Photography is an exact science. Witnesses pro and con may testify falsely, but a
● while the policy was in full force and effect, the property therein described was photograph of a scene is not a false witness, and is conclusive evidence of the
destroyed by re without the fault or negligence of the plaintiff. actual facts appearing on the photograph. (lol not in 2019. This is a 1927 case)
● Uy Hu filed a claim with Prudential and submitted evidence to substantiate the ● Although much latitude should be given to the insured in presenting his proof of
claim. The evidence comprised of Chinese books, supposed translations of those claim as to the value of his loss, in particular as to the price, kind and quality of
books, the secret service report, and the alleged invoices of the insured also the property destroyed, yet where the proof is conclusive, as in this case, that the
translated from Chinese. insured made a claim for a large amount of property which was never in the
● Prudential refused to indemnify on the ground that said claim was false and bodegas at the time of the fire and for a much larger amount of property than
fraudulent, in that it was therein represented that the value of merchandise at the was actually in the bodegas, it makes the whole claim false and fraudulent, the
time of the fire was P32,523.30, whereas in truth and in fact a large part of the legal effect of which is to bar plaintiff from the recovery of the amount of its
merchandise claimed and represented in plaintiff's proof of loss was not in the actual loss
building at the time of the fire, and that the value of the merchandise which was The judgment of the lower court is reversed and the complaint dismissed, with costs. So
actually consumed or damaged by the fire was a very small part of the claim made ordered
by the plaintiff. Thus, accdg to Prudential, all of Uy Hu’s benefits were forfeited as
per paragraph 13 of the policy.
● The trial court ruled in favor of the insured.
● It is vigorously contended by the defendant that this proof of loss and the
"Particulars of the Claim" are false and fraudulent, and that they were made with
the intent to mislead and deceive as to the amount and value of the goods in the
building at the time of the fire, and that by reason thereof, under the terms and
conditions of the policy, the plaintiff is not entitled to recover anything.

ISSUE: W/N Uy Hu’s evidence was fraudulent - YES
● The evidence shows that the fire was an ordinary one, and that it did not start in
plaintiff's bodegas but in other buildings. Plaintiff's bodegas were constructed
mostly of stone, and the roof was of iron and strong materials, to which very little
damage was done. In truth and in fact, plaintiff was damaged much more by water
than by fire.
● The merchandise in the store was not damaged either by re or water, and all of it
was turned over to, and accepted by, the plaintiff, with an estimated value of
● The adjuster found that the merchandise and effects in plaintiff's bodegas after the
fire was of the value of P4,823.20 (accompanied by a list of merch found in the
bodega, with corresponding value for each article), as opposed to the P32, 523.30
claimed by Uy Hu.
● The evidence shows that the value of lost goods was much less than what Uy Hu
claimed. Uy Hu claimed indemnity also for merchandise it did not have (ex. Plaintiff
- The policy’s Condition No. 9 (c) did not allow for the removal of the insured machineries
and equipment from the place which was indicated in the Insurance Policy
2.) Malayan Insurance Co., Inc. v PAP Co., LTD. a. A removal or transfer of the subject properties without the consent of the
GR 200784; insurer, would free the insurer from any liability
Aug 7 2013 - There was no notice to Malayan of the transfer. PAP Co, only notified RCBC not Malayan
By: Pax - Admin assistant of Malayan (PAP Co’s witness) even testified that it was him who procured
the renewal policy, not RCBC
Topic: Fire Insurance b. No written agreement between RCBC and Malayan
Petitioner: Malayan Insurance Company, Inc. c. Denied that PAP Co notified Malayan
Respondent: PAP Co., LTD (PHL. Branch) d. PAP Co knew that the Fire Insurance Policy would be renewed on an “as is
Ponente: Mendoza, J. basis”
Doctrine: Alteration in the use or condition of the insured property by the insured, which
increases the risk insured against, without the consent of the insurer, right for the insurer to The transfer from Sanyo Bldg to Pace Pacific Bldg increased the risk insured against
rescind the policy Old location (Sanyo Bldg) New location (Pace Pacific Bldg)
Factory of automotive/computer parts of Factory that repack silicone sealant to
Facts: PAP Co and factory of zinc and aluminum plastic cylinders
- Malayan issued a Fire Insurance Policy to PAP Co. covering machineries and equipment die cast, plastic gear for copy machine by
located at Sanyo Bldg. Coverage was Php 15m and effective for a period of 1 year. Sanyo
- The Fire Insurance Policy was procured by PAP Co for RCBC who was the mortgagee of the Tariff rate of 0.449% Tariff rate of 0.657%
properties covered by the Insurance Policy - The increase in the tariff rate put the subject properties at a greater risk of the loss
- The insurance policy was renewed prior to its expiration on an “as is basis”; New period: - Would have entailed an increase in the premium payment on the Fire Insurance Policy
May 13 1997 to May 13 1998 - Malayan is entitled to rescind
- On Oct 12 1997, the subject properties were totally lost by fire – PAP Co filed its fire - Policy was renewed on an “as is basis” – should have the same limitations and stipulations
insurance claim with Malayan - BUT in this case, the subject properties were no longer in the place indicated in the Policy
- Malayan denied the claim because the subject properties were actually removed from a. It was in a place of greater risk
Sanyo Bldg. and transferred to Pace Pacific Bldg b. Thus, is was now at PAP Co’s own risk – no longer covered by the Policy
a. Pace Pacific Bldg was not the location indicated in the Policy - Sec 27 in relation to Sec 26 of the Insurance Code gives insurer right to rescind when there
b. Later found out that the subject properties were exposed to greater risk is concealment
- PAP Co. filed a case vs. Malayan before the RTC – RTC ruled in favor of PAP Co., ordered - Sec 168 (now Sec 170 under Title 2: Fire Insurance) likewise gives the insurer the right to
Malayan to indemnify PAP CO. for the loss under the Fire Insurance Policy because: rescind:
(1) failed to show proof that the transfer resulted to an increase in the risk insured SECTION 170. An alteration in the use or condition of a thing insured from that to which it
against is limited by the policy made without the consent of the insurer, by means within the
(2) found that PAP Co., was able to notify Malayan of the transfer when it notified control of the insured, and increasing the risks, entitles an insurer to rescind a contract of
RCBC of the same fire insurance.
- Malayan appealed to the CA but the CA also ruled in favor of PAP Co because:
(1) Malayan failed to show that transfer was prohibited by the Insurance Policy Notes:
(2) Failed to show that consent was required prior to carrying out of transfer An insurer can exercise right to rescind an insurance contract when:
(3) Malayan should have been aware of the transfer since this was carried out during 1. Policy limits the use or condition of the thing insured
the renewed policy 2. There is an alteration in said use or condition
(4) failed to show increase in the risk insured against 3. Alteration is without the consent of the insurer
4. Alteration is made by means within the insured’s control
Issue: Whether the subject machineries and equipment should still be covered by the Fire 5. Alteration increases the risk of loss
Insurance Policy? NO
WHEREFORE, the October 27, 2011 Decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby REVERSED and
Held: SET ASIDE. Petitioner Malayan Insurance Company, Inc. is hereby declared NOT liable for the
- The subject machineries and equipment are no longer covered by the Fire Insurance Policy. loss of the insured machineries and equipment suffered by PAP Co., Ltd.
- Fire Insurance Policy did not allow the removal of the subject properties from the place
indicated in the Policy
● UMC sued CBIC. To support its claim, UMC procured sworn statements and
certifications from the Bureau of Fire Protection. The documents showed that the
estimated amount of damage was at ₱55M. The certification also stated that no
evidence shows that the fire was willfully and intentionally created; that the
3. UNITED MERCHANTS V COUNTRY BANKERS investigation of the fire incident is already closed being accidental in nature. CBIC
G.R. No. 198588 ; July 11, 2012 countered, averring: that the complaint states no cause of action; that the claim
By: Nico Nunez already prescribed; that the claim is tainted with fraud. CBIC alleged that UMC’s claim
was fraudulent because UMC’s Statement of Inventory showed that it had no stocks in
trade, and that UMC’s suspicious purchases for the year did not even amount to ₱25M.
UMC’s GIS and Financial Reports further revealed that it had insufficient capital, which
meant UMC could not afford the alleged ₱50M worth of stocks in trade. Both parties
Ponente: CARPIO, J..
presented evidence in the form of receipts, records, and testimonies to bolster their
DOCTRINE: Thus, in fire insurance policies, which contain provisions such as Condition No. 15 respective stances as to the issue of fraud.
of the Insurance Policy, a fraudulent discrepancy between the actual loss and that claimed in
the proof of loss voids the insurance policy. Mere filing of such a claim will exonerate the ● RTC ruled in favor of UMC, elaborating that “Fraud is never presumed but must be
insurer. proved by clear and convincing evidence. Defendant failed to establish by clear and
convincing evidence that the documents submitted to the SEC and BIR were true. It is
FACTS: common business practice for corporations to have 2 sets of reports/statements for tax
purposes. The stipulated documents of plaintiff may not have been accurate.” CA
● Petitioner (UMC) is engaged in buying, selling, and manufacturing Christmas lights.
reversed the RTC’s ruling, finding that the fire was intentional in origin, considering the
UMC leased a warehouse where it assembled and stored its products. UMC’s General
array of evidence submitted by CBIC, particularly the pictures taken and the reports of
Manager Alfredo Tan insured UMC’s stocks in trade of Christmas lights against fire with
Cabrera and Lazaro, as opposed to UMC’s failure to explain the details of the alleged
defendant Country Bankers Insurance Corporation (CBIC) for ₱15M. The policy stated,
fire accident. In addition, it found that UMC’s claim was overvalued through fraudulent
“PROPERTY INSURED: On stocks in trade only, consisting of Christmas Lights, the
properties of the Assured or held by them in trust, on commissions, or on joint account
with others and/or for which they are responsible in the event of loss and/or damage ● In this present case, UMC contends that because it had already established a prima
during the currency of this policy, whilst contained in the building of one lofty storey in facie case against CBIC which failed to prove its defense, UMC is entitled to claim the
height, constructed of concrete and/or hollow blocks with portion of galvanized iron full coverage under the Insurance Policy. On the other hand, CBIC contends that
sheets, under galvanized iron rood, occupied as Christmas lights storage.” UMC and because arson and fraud attended the claim, UMC is not entitled to recover under
CBIC also executed Endorsement which provides that UMC’s stocks in trade were Condition No. 15 of the Insurance Policy. UMC also contends that CBIC failed to prove
insured against additional perils, to wit: "typhoon, flood, ext. cover, and full that arson was committed; therefore the allegations of fraud must be dropped.
ISSUE(1): W/N the failure to prove arson equates to the failure to prove fraud - NO
● A fire gutted the warehouse rented by UMC. CBIC designated CRM Adjustment
Corporation (CRM) to investigate and evaluate UMC’s loss by reason of the fire. CBIC’s ISSUE(2): W/N UMC’s claim is tainted with fraud and, thus, should not be honored. – YES
reinsurer, Central Surety, likewise requested the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
to conduct a parallel investigation. UMC, through CRM, submitted to CBIC its Sworn ● Burden of proof is the duty of any party to present evidence to establish his claim or
Statement of Formal Claim, with proofs of its loss. UMC demanded for at least 50% defense by the amount of evidence required by law, which is preponderance of
payment of its claim from CBIC. However, CBIC rejected UMC’s claim due to breach of evidence in civil cases. The party, whether plaintiff or defendant, who asserts the
Condition No. 15 of the Insurance Policy. Condition No. 15 states: affirmative of the issue has the burden of proof to obtain a favorable judgment. In
insurance cases, once an insured makes out a prima facie case in its favor, the burden
of evidence shifts to the insurer to controvert the insured’s prima facie case.

If the claim be in any respect fraudulent, or if any false declaration be made or used in ● In the present case, UMC established a prima facie case against CBIC. CBIC does not
support thereof, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or dispute that UMC’s stocks in trade were insured against fire under the Insurance Policy
anyone acting in his behalf to obtain any benefit under this Policy; or if the loss or and that the warehouse, where UMC’s stocks in trade were stored, was gutted by fire
damage be occasioned by the willful act, or with the connivance of the Insured, all the within the duration of the fire insurance. However, since CBIC alleged an excepted risk,
benefits under this Policy shall be forfeited. then the burden of evidence shifted to CBIC to prove such exception.

● In prosecutions for arson, proof of the crime charged is complete where the evidence
establishes: (1) the corpus delicti, that is, a fire caused by a criminal act; and (2) the
identity of the defendants as the one responsible for the crime. Corpus delicti means between the actual loss and that claimed in the proof of loss voids the insurance policy.
the substance of the crime, the fact that a crime has actually been committed. This is Mere filing of such a claim will exonerate the insurer.
satisfied by proof of the bare occurrence of the fire and of its having been intentionally ● Considering that all the circumstances point to the inevitable conclusion that UMC
caused. Ultimately, CBIC was not successful in proving that arson was committed. padded its claim and was guilty of fraud, UMC violated Condition No. 15 of the
Insurance Policy. Thus, UMC forfeited whatever benefits it may be entitled under the
● However, the failure to prove arson does not mean CBIC also failed to prove fraud. In Insurance Policy, including its insurance claim.
Qua Chee Gan, the Court dismissed the allegation of fraud based on the dismissal of the
arson case against the insured, because the evidence was identical in both cases. In the Dispositive Portion: WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition. We AFFIRM the 16 June 2011
present case, arson and fraud are two separate grounds based on two different sets of Decision and the 8 September 2011 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
evidence, either of which can void the insurance claim of UMC. The absence of one 85777.
does not necessarily result in the absence of the other. Thus, on the allegation of fraud,
we affirm the findings of the Court of Appeals.
● The invoices presented by UMC cannot be taken as genuine. The invoices reveal that GR L-36413 / SEPT 26 1988
the stocks in trade purchased for 1996 amounts to ₱20M which were purchased in one By: Claire
month. Thus, UMC needs to prove purchases amounting to ₱30M worth of stocks in
trade for 1995 and prior years. However, in the Statement of Inventory it submitted to
the BIR, which is considered an entry in official records, UMC stated that it had no
stocks in trade as of 31 December 1995. In its defense, UMC alleged that it did not
include as stocks in trade the raw materials to be assembled as Christmas lights, which
Ponente: PADILLA
it had on 31 December 1995. However, as proof of its loss, UMC submitted invoices for
raw materials, knowing that the insurance covers only stocks in trade. Equally
important, the invoices from Fuze Industries Manufacturer Phils. were suspicious. The FACTS:
purchases, based on the invoices and without any supporting contract, amounted to ▪ Malayan issued in favor of Sio Choy a Private Car Comprehensive Policy covering a
₱19,550,400.00 worth of Christmas lights from 20 January 1996 to 23 February 1996. Willys jeep.
An uncontroverted testimony revealed that there was no Fuze Industries Manufacturer o The coverage was for own damage not to exceed P600 and third-party
Phils. located at "55 Mahinhin St., Teacher’s Village, Quezon City," the business address liability for P20k
appearing in the invoices and the records of the Department of Trade & Industry. ▪ During the effectivity of said policy, the insured jeep, while being driven by Juan
Campollo, an employee of San Leon Rice Mill, collided with a passenger bus
● Moreover, UMC declared in its financial statement assets amounting to ₱1,050,862.71 belonging to Pangasinan Transportation (PANTRANCO) at the national highway in
and liabilities amounting to ₱167,058.47. In the present case, it appears that the claim Rosales, Pangasinan, causing damage to the insured vehicle and injuries to the
UMC seeks to enforce is 25 times the actual claim proved. It has long been settled that driver Campollo and Martin Vallejos who was riding the jeep.
a false and material statement made with an intent to deceive or defraud voids an ▪ Vallejos filed an action for damages against Sio Choy, Malayan, and PANTRACO. He
insurance policy. The most liberal human judgment cannot attribute such difference to prayed that defendants be ordered to pay him for medical and hospital expenses,
mere innocent error in estimating or counting but to a deliberate intent to demand lost income, actual, moral, and compensatory damages, and atty’s fees
from insurance companies payment for indemnity of goods not existing at the time of ▪ PANTRANCO claimed that the jeep of Sio Choy was then operated at an excessive
the fire. This constitutes the so-called "fraudulent claim" which, by express agreement speed and bumped the PANTRANCO bus which had moved to, and stopped at the
between the insurers and the insured, is a ground for the exemption of insurers from shoulder of the highway in order to avoid the jeep; and that it had observed the
civil liability. diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage, especially in the selection
and supervision of its employees and in the maintenance of its motor vehicles. It
● UMC admitted the discrepancies when it stated that "discrepancies in its statements prayed that it be absolved from any and all liability
were not covered by the warranty such that any discrepancy in the declaration in other ▪ Sio Choy and Malayan also denied liability to Vallejos, claiming that the fault in the
instruments or documents as to matters that may have some relation to the insurance accident was solely imputable to PANTRANCO
coverage voids the policy." ▪ Sio Choy later filed a separate answer wherein he alleged that he paid Vallejos for
● On UMC’s allegation that it did not breach any warranty, it may be argued that the hospitalization and other expenses
discrepancies do not, by themselves, amount to a breach of warranty. However, the o And in his cross-claim against Malayan, he alleged that Malayan issued a
Insurance Code provides that "a policy may declare that a violation of specified policy wherein it obligated itself to indemnify Sio Choy for the damage to
provisions thereof shall avoid it." Thus, in fire insurance policies, which contain his motor vehicle, as well as any liability to 3 rd persons arising out of any
provisions such as Condition No. 15 of the Insurance Policy, a fraudulent discrepancy
accident during the effectivity of the policy. He prayed that he be such, it is subrogated to whatever rights the latter has against respondent San Leon
reimbursed by Malayan for the amount that he may be ordered to pay Rice Mill, Inc. Article 1217 of the Civil Code gives to a solidary debtor who has paid
▪ Also later, Malayan sought and was granted leave to file a 3 rd party complaint the entire obligation the right to be reimbursed by his co-debtors for the share
against San Leon Rice Mill for the reason that the person driving the jeep of Sio which corresponds to each. Upon payment to Villegas, Malayan becomes the
Choy was an employee of San Leon performing his duties w/in the scope of his task, subrogee of solidary debtor Sio Choy, and is entitled to reimbursement from San
and that as employer, San Leon should be liable for the acts of its employees under Leon.
Art 2180 of Civil Code. Malayan prayed that judgment be rendered against San ▪ San Leon must reimburse Malayan P14,551.50 (half of the 29k)
Leon, making it liable for the amounts claimed by Vallejos, and ordering San Leon
to reimburse and imdemnify Malayan for any sum that it may pay to Vallejos WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision of the trial court, as affirmed by the
▪ RTC: in favor of Vallejos, against Sio Choy, Malayan, and San Leon. Court of Appeals, is hereby AFFIRMED, with the modification above-mentioned. Without
▪ CA affirmed. Held that the 3 are jointly and severally liable for the damages pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.
awarded to Vallejos. However, San Leon has no obligation to indemnify/reimburse 5. COQUIA v FIELDMEN’S INSURANCE
Malayan as it was not a privy to the contract of insurance between Sio Choy and G.R. No. L-23276 November 29, 1968
Malayan. By: Jon (Carlo’s original digest since this is basically the entire case)

▪ Sio Choy and San Leon are the only ones solidarily liable to Vallejos for damages. DEFENDANT-APPELLANT: FIELDMEN'S INSURANCE CO., INC.
o Sio Choy was made liable pursuant to Art. 2184 of the Civil Code CONCEPCION, C.J.:
o San Leon’s liability is based on Art. 2180 of the Civil Code
o These two are the principal tortfeasors liable to Vallejos FACTS: On December 1, 1961, appellant Fieldmen's Insurance Company, Inc. issued, in favor
▪ While it is true that where the insurance contract provides for indemnity against of the Manila Yellow Taxicab Co., Inc. a common carrier accident insurance policy, covering
liability to third persons, such third persons can directly sue the insurer, 6 however, the period from December 1, 1961 to December 1, 1962. It was stipulated in said policy that:
the direct liability of the insurer under indemnity contracts against third party
liability does not mean that the insurer can be held solidarily liable with the insured The Company will, subject to the Limits of Liability and under the Terms of this Policy,
and/or the other parties found at fault. The liability of the insurer is based on indemnify the Insured in the event of accident caused by or arising out of the use of Motor
contract; that of the insured is based on tort. Vehicle against all sums which the Insured will become legally liable to pay in respect of:
▪ In the case at bar, petitioner as insurer of Sio Choy, is liable to respondent Vallejos, Death or bodily injury to any fare-paying passenger including the Driver, Conductor and/or
but it cannot, as incorrectly held by the trial court, be made "solidarily" liable with Inspector who is riding in the Motor Vehicle insured at the time of accident or injury.
the two principal tortfeasors, namely respondents Sio Choy and San Leon Rice Mill,
Inc. For if petitioner-insurer were solidarily liable with said two (2) respondents by While the policy was in force, or on February 10, 1962, a taxicab of the Insured, driven by
reason of the indemnity contract against third party liability — under which an Carlito Coquia, met a vehicular accident in consequence of which Carlito died. The Insured
insurer can be directly sued by a third party — this will result in a violation of the filed therefor a claim for P5,000.00 to which the Company replied with an offer to pay
principles underlying solidary obligation and insurance contracts. P2,000.00, by way of compromise. The Insured rejected the same and made a counter-offer
▪ In the case at bar, the trial court held petitioner together with respondents Sio for P4,000.00, but the Company did not accept it.
Choy and San Leon Rice Mills Inc. solidarily liable to respondent Vallejos for a total
amount of P29,103.00, with the qualification that petitioner's liability is only up to The Insured and Carlito's parents filed a complaint against the Company to collect the
P20,000.00. In the context of a solidary obligation, petitioner may be compelled by proceeds of the aforementioned policy. In its answer, the Company admitted the existence
respondent Vallejos to pay the entire obligation of P29,013.00, notwithstanding the thereof, but pleaded lack of cause of action on the part of the plaintiffs.
qualification made by the trial court. Moreover, the qualification made in the
decision of the trial court to the effect that petitioner is sentenced to pay up to TRIAL COURT: Company to pay to the plaintiffs the sum of P4,000.00 and the costs.
P20,000.00 only when the obligation to pay P29,103.00 is made solidary, is an Hence, this appeal by the Company
evident breach of the concept of a solidary obligation. Thus, We hold that the trial
court, as upheld by the Court of Appeals, erred in holding petitioner, solidarily ISSUE: plaintiffs have no cause of action because:
liable with respondents Sio Choy and San Leon Rice Mill, Inc. to respondent 1) the Coquias have no contractual relation with the Company;
Vallejos. 2) the Insured has not complied with the provisions of the policy concerning arbitration.
▪ Malayan, upon paying respondent Vallejos the amount of not exceeding
P20,000.00, shall become the subrogee of the insured, the respondent Sio Choy; as HELD:
FIRST ISSUE: In general, only parties to a contract may bring an action based thereon, this Thus, the policy under consideration is typical of contracts pour autrui, this character being
rule is subject to exceptions, one of which is found in the second paragraph of Article 1311 of made more manifest by the fact that the deceased driver paid fifty percent (50%) of the
the Civil Code of the Philippines, reading: corresponding premiums, which were deducted from his weekly commissions.

If a contract should contain some stipulation in favor of a third person, he may Under these conditions, it is clear that the Coquias — who, admittedly, are the sole heirs of
demand its fulfillment provided he communicated his acceptance to the obligor the deceased — have a direct cause of action against the Company, and, since they could
before its revocation. A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person is not have maintained this action by themselves, without the assistance of the Insured, it goes
sufficient. The contracting parties must have clearly and deliberately conferred a without saying that they could and did properly join the latter in filing the complaint herein.
favor upon a third person.
This is but the restatement of a well-known principle concerning contracts pour autrui, the SECOND ISSUE:
enforcement of which may be demanded by a third party for whose benefit it was made, If any difference or dispute shall arise with respect to the amount of the Company's
although not a party to the contract, before the stipulation in his favor has been revoked by liability under this Policy, the same shall be referred to the decision of a single
the contracting parties. arbitrator to be agreed upon by both parties or failing such agreement of a single
arbitrator, to the decision of two arbitrators, one to be appointed in writing by each
Does the policy in question belong to such class of contracts pour autrui? of the parties within one calendar month after having been required in writing so to
do by either of the parties and in case of disagreement between the arbitrators, to
In this connection, said policy provides, inter alia: the decision of an umpire who shall have been appointed in writing by the
Section I — Liability to Passengers. 1. The Company will indemnify the Insured in arbitrators before entering on the reference and the costs of and incident to the
the event of accident caused by or arising out of the use of Motor Vehicle against reference shall be dealt with in the Award. And it is hereby expressly stipulated and
all sums which the Insured will become legally liable to pay in respect of: Death or declared that it shall be a condition precedent to any right of action or suit upon
bodily injury to any fare-paying passenger including the Driver ... who is riding in this Policy that the award by such arbitrator, arbitrators or umpire of the amount of
the Motor Vehicle insured at the time of accident or injury. the Company's liability hereunder if disputed shall be first obtained.

Section II — Liability to the Public The record shows, however, that none of the parties to the contract invoked this section, or
xxx xxx xxx made any reference to arbitration, during the negotiations preceding the institution of the
3. ...the Company will indemnify any authorized Driver who is driving the Motor present case.
Conditions In fact, counsel for both parties stipulated, in the trial court, that none of them had, at any
xxx xxx xxx time during said negotiations, even suggested the settlement of the issue between them by
7. In the event of death of any person entitled to indemnity under this Policy, the arbitration, as provided in said section. Their aforementioned acts or omissions had the
Company will, in respect of the liability incurred by such person, indemnify his effect of a waiver of their respective right to demand an arbitration.
personal representatives in terms of and subject to the limitations of this Policy,
provided, that such representatives shall, as though they were the Insured, It will be observed that the obligation to procure or demand an arbitration is not, by this
observe, fulfill and be subject to the Terms of this Policy insofar as they can apply. clause, in terms imposed on either party. Each party is entitled to demand a reference, but
neither can compel it, and neither has the right to insist that the other shall first demand it,
8. The Company may, at its option, make indemnity payable directly to the and shall forfeit any right by not doing so. If the company demands it, and the insured
claimants or heirs of claimants, with or without securing the consent of or prior refuses to arbitrate, his right of action is suspended until he consents to an arbitration; and if
notification to the Insured, it being the true intention of this Policy to protect, to the insured demands an arbitration, and the company refuses to accede to the demand, the
the extent herein specified and subject always to the Terms Of this Policy, the insured may maintain a suit on the policy.
liabilities of the Insured towards the passengers of the Motor Vehicle and the
Public. Where neither party demands an arbitration, both parties thereby waive it.
Any conduct of the parties inconsistent with the notion that they treated the arbitration
Pursuant to these stipulations, the Company "will indemnify any authorized Driver who is provision as in effect, or any conduct which might be reasonably construed as showing that
driving the Motor Vehicle" of the Insured and, in the event of death of said driver, the they did not intend to avail themselves of such provision, may amount to a waiver thereof
Company shall, likewise, "indemnify his personal representatives." In fact, the Company and estop the party charged with such conduct from claiming its benefits.
"may, at its option, make indemnity payable directly to the claimants or heirs of claimants ...
it being the true intention of this Policy to protect ... the liabilities of the Insured towards the The decisive facts here are that both parties from the inception of their dispute proceeded in
passengers of the Motor Vehicle and the Public" — in other words, third parties. entire disregard of the provisions of the contract relating to arbitration and that neither at
any stage of such dispute, either before or after commencement of the action, demanded quasi-delict; GSIS as insurer of the truck; Uy for breach of contract of carriage; and
arbitration, either by oral or written demand, pleading, or otherwise. MIGC as insurer of the Toyota Tamaraw.
● RTC rendered its decision 5 holding that Corbeta’s negligence was the proximate cause of
Their conduct was as effective a rejection of the right to arbitrate as if they had said, "We do the collision. The findings of the trial court stated that the truck which crossed over to
not choose to arbitrate". As arbitration was chosen by neither, a waiver by both of the right the other lane was speeding because after the collision, its left front wheel was detached
to arbitration followed as a matter of law. and the truck traveled for about fifty (50) meters and fell into a ravine. 6 Likewise, the
court concluded that if both vehicles had traveled in their respective lanes, the incident
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from should be as it is hereby affirmed in toto, with costs would not have occurred. However, the Chevy cargo truck had crossed over to the other
against the herein defendant-appellant, Fieldmen's Insurance Co., Inc. It is so ordered. lane which, under traffic rules, was the lane of the Toyota Tamaraw.
Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Sanchez, Castro, Fernando and Capistrano, JJ., ● In Civil Case No. 2225, said court dismissed the case against Uy and ordered MIGC,
concur. Corbeta and NFA to pay plaintiff Taer, jointly and severally, the total amount of forty
thousand five hundred fifty-nine pesos and ninety four centavos (P40,559.94) for actual,
compensatory, and moral damages plus attorney’s fees. Damages were likewise awarded
to the herein private respondents in Civil Case No. 2256, as earlier mentioned.
6. GSIS v. CA ● CA affirmed
[G.R. No. 101439. June 21, 1999.]
CB CONTENTION: Petitioner denies solidary liability with the NFA or the negligent operator of
the cargo truck because it claims that they are liable under different obligations.
TOPIC: CASUALTY INSURANCE It asserts that the NFA’s liability is based on quasi-delict, while petitioner’s liability is based
PETITIONER: GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM (GSIS) on the contract of insurance. Citing articles 1207 11 and 1208 12 of the Civil Code of the
RESPONDENT: COURT OF APPEALS (former Tenth Division), VICTORIA JAIME VDA. DE KHO, Philippines, petitioner states that when there are two or more debtors or two or more
for herself and minor ROY ROLAND, GLORIA KHO VDA. DE CALABIA for herself and minors creditors, the obligation as a general rule is joint. It claims that the only exceptions are: (1)
MARY GRACE, WILLIE, JR., VOLTAIRE, GLENN, and MAY, all surnamed CALABIA, DANIEL KHO, when there is a stipulation for solidary obligation; (2) when the nature of the obligation
JOSEFINA KHO, EMERITA KHO APEGO, ANTONIO KHO and TERESITA KHO requires solidary liability; and (3) when the law declares the obligation to be solidary.
PONENTE: QUISUMBING, J However, since neither the provision of the contract nor the insurance law provides for
solidary liability, petitioner asserts that the presumption is that its obligation arising from a
FACTS: contract of insurance is joint.
● National Food Authority (NFA) was the owner of a Chevrolet truck which was insured
against liabilities for death of and injuries to third persons with the GSIS. ISSUE:
● On May 9, 1979, at about 7:00 in the evening at Tabon-Tabon, Butuan City, the said truck ISSUE STATED IN THE CASE: Whether the respondent court erred in holding GSIS solidarily
driven by Guillermo Corbeta collided with a public utility vehicle, a Toyota Tamaraw. The liable with the negligent insured/owner-operator of the Chevrolet truck for damages
Toyota Tamaraw was owned and operated by Victor Uy, under the name and style of awarded to private respondents which are beyond the limitations of the insurance policy and
"Victory Line." The Tamaraw was a total wreck. the Insurance Memorandum Circular No. 5-78. no
● All the collision victims were passengers of the Toyota Tamaraw. Five (5) passengers died ISSUE FOR RECIT: WON the injured or the heirs of a deceased victim of a vehicular accident
4 while ten (10) others sustained bodily injuries. Among those injured were private may sue directly the insurer of the vehicle. yes
respondents, Victoria Jaime Vda. de Kho and Gloria Kho Vda. de Calabia. Among the dead
were Maxima Ugmad Vda. de Kho, Roland Kho and Willie Calabia, Sr. HELD:
● Three (3) cases were filed with the Court of First Instance of Agusan del Norte and ● Petitioner’s position insofar as joint liability is concerned is not tenable.
Butuan City. ● It is now established that the injured or the heirs of a deceased victim of a vehicular
o The first, Civil Case No. 2196 for quasi-delict, damages and attorney’s fees, was accident may sue directly the insurer of the vehicle.
commenced by Uy on June 5, 1979 against NFA and Corbeta. On August 27, 1979, the ● Common carriers are required to secure Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance
second, Civil Case No. 2225 for damages, was filed by an injured passenger, Librado [CMVLI] coverage as provided under Sec. 374 of the Insurance Code, precisely for the
Taer, against Uy, the operator of the public utility vehicle, and insurer, Mabuhay benefit of victims of vehicular accidents and to extend them immediate relief.
Insurance and Guaranty Co. (MIGC). ● Shafer v. Judge:
o In turn, Uy filed a cross-claim against MIGC and a third-party complaint against o "Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (third party liability, or TPL) is
Corbeta and NFA. primarily intended to provide compensation for the death or bodily injuries suffered
o The third, Civil Case No. 2256, was instituted by herein private respondents on by innocent third parties or passengers as a result of a negligent operation and use of
November 26, 1979 against the following: NFA and Corbeta for damages due to motor vehicles. The victims and/or their defendants are assured of immediate
financial assistance, regardless of the financial capacity of motor vehicle owners.
x          x           x complaint. As matters stand now, the defense of laches or prescription is deemed waived
The injured for whom the contract of insurance is intended can sue directly the because of petitioner’s failure to raise it not only before but also during the hearing.
insurer. The general purpose of statutes enabling an injured person to proceed ● To recapitulate, petitioner seeks a definitive ruling only on the extent of its liability, as
directly against the insurer is to protect injured persons against the insolvency of the insurer of NFA, to those injured or killed in the May 9, 1979 vehicular collision.
insured who causes such injury, and to give such injured person a certain beneficial
interest in the proceeds of the policy, and statutes are to be liberally construed so DISPOSITIVE PORTION:
that their intended purpose may be accomplished. It has even been held that such a WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby GRANTED, but the decision of the trial court as
provision creates a contractual relation which inures to the benefit of any and every affirmed by the Court of Appeals is hereby MODIFIED, as follows:
person who may be negligently injured by the named insured as if such injured
person were specifically named in the policy. 1. Petitioner Government Service Insurance System is ordered to pay (a) twelve thousand
● However, although the victim may proceed directly against the insurer for indemnity, pesos (P12,000.00) as death indemnity to each group of heirs of the deceased, Willie Calabia
the third party liability is only up to the extent of the insurance policy and those Sr., Roland Kho and Maxima Ugmad Vda. de Kho; (b) eight hundred thirty-two (P832.00)
required by law. While it is true that where the insurance contract provides for pesos for medical expenses of Victoria Jaime Vda. de Kho; and (c) eight thousand, nine
indemnity against liability to third persons, and such third persons can directly sue the hundred thirty-five pesos and six centavos (P8,935.06) for medical expenses of Gloria Kho
insurer, the direct liability of the insurer under indemnity contracts against third party Vda. de Calabia.
liability does not mean that the insurer can be held liable in solidum with the insured
and/or the other parties found at fault. 2. Guillermo Corbeta, National Foods Authority, and Mabuhay Insurance & Guaranty Co.,
● For the liability of the insurer is based on contract; that of the insured carrier or vehicle Inc., jointly and severally, are ordered to pay private respondents’ claims 28 as adjudged by
owner is based on tort. The liability of GSIS based on the insurance contract is direct, but the Regional Trial Court of Butuan City, minus the amounts that GSIS must pay to the injured
not solidary with that of the NFA. The latter’s liability is based separately on Article 2180 victims and the heirs of the deceased victims as above stated.
of the Civil Code. This decision is immediately executory. No pronouncement as to costs.
● Obviously, the insurer could be held liable only up to the extent of what was provided for SO ORDERED.
by the contract of insurance, in accordance with CMVLI law.
● Consequently, heirs of the victims who died in the May 9, 1979 vehicular incident, could
proceed (1) against GSIS for the indemnity of P12,000 for each dead victim, and against 7. First Integrated Bonding v Hernando
NFA and Guillermo Corbeta for any other damages or expenses claimed; or (2) against G.R. No. 51221
NFA and Corbeta to pay them all their claims in full. July 31, 1991
● It follows also that injured victims, Gloria Kho Vda. de Calabia and Victoria Kho, could SPV
claim their medical expenses for eight thousand nine hundred thirty-five pesos and six Topic: Casualty Insurance
centavos (P8,935.06) and eight hundred thirty-two (P832.00) pesos, from any of the Petitioners: First Integrated Bonding & Insurance Co
following: GSIS, NFA, or Corbeta. As to the other damages, only NFA or Corbeta may be Respondents: Hon. Harold M. Hernando, Victorino Advincula, Romana Advincula, Silverio
held liable therefor. Blanco and the Sheriff of Manila and his Deputy Sheriffs
● Computation of hospital charges and fees for the services rendered to the injured victims
Ponente: Medialdea
was conclusively established by the trial court. The petitioner failed to object to the
evidence thereon, when presented by the private respondents during the trial. Thus,
these factual bases for the award of damages may no longer be attacked. FACTS
- Silverio Blanco owned a passenger jeepney which is insured against liabilities for
death and injuries to third persons with First Integrated Bonding & Insurance
UNNECESSARY ISSUE: Company (First Insurance)
● Petitioner contends that it cannot be held liable without proof nor allegation that the - Said jeepney bumped a five-year old child, Deogracias Advincula, causing his death.
private respondents filed before its office a notice of claim within six (6) months from the - The child’s parents (Sps Advincula) filed a complaint against Silverio Blanco.
date of the accident. o First Insurance was impleaded as insurer.
● Although merely factual, we need to emphasize that the alleged delay in reporting the - Only Blanco filed an answer and First Insurance was declared in default.
loss by the insured and/or by the beneficiaries must be promptly raised by the insurer in - The trial court ruled in favor of Sps Advincula:
objecting to the claims. When the insured presented proof of loss before the trial court, o 5K for moral damages
the insurer failed to object to said presentation. The petitioner should have promptly o 12K for the life of Deogracias
interposed the defense of delay, or belated compliance, concerning the notice of claim. o 3,664.50 for funeral expenses
Moreover, the petitioner merely waited for the victims or beneficiaries to file their o The satisfaction of these damages divulged independently upon First
- First Insurance filed a petition for relief from judgment o Its liability is primary and not dependent on the recovery of judgment
- Sps Advincula opposed stating that: from the insured.
o the petition is filed out of time - "Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (third party liability, or TPL) is
o there was gross and notorious negligence of First Insurance primarily intended to provide compensation for the death or bodily injuries
o the court has jurisdiction over their cause of action suffered by innocent third parties or passengers as a result of a negligent operation
- Trial court denied the petition and use of motor vehicles.
o 191 days already expired, which is more that the 6-month period o The victims and or their dependents are assured of immediate financial
required by Sec 3 Rule 38 of the Rules of Court. assistance, regardless of the financial capacity of the motor vehicle
o First Insurance was duly summoned and served a copy of the complaint, owners.
and it was received by the President of the Insurance Company as shown - ". . . the insurer's liability accrues immediately upon the occurrence of the injury or
by the Certificate of Service of Sheriff of Manila. event upon which the liability depends, and does not depend on the recovery of
▪ First Insurance was grossly and notoriously negligent in giving judgment by the injured party against the insured.
proper attention to the case (since they have been declared in - It should be noted that First Insurance was declared in default because of its failure
default before) to file an answer.
o The court has jurisdiction since Section 416 of the Insurance Code o It failed to raise any triable issue. It lost its standing in court and
provides that the authority granted to the Commissioner of Insurance judgment may be rendered against it on the basis only of the evidence of
shall be concurrent to that of the civil courts, but the filing of a complaint the Advincula spouses.
with the commissioner shall preclude the civil courts from taking - First Insurance had been given its day in court. Despite its having been declared in
cognizance of a suit involving the same subject matter. default and its failure to file a motion to lift the order of default, it was still notified
▪ Matter of exhaustion of administrative remedy may be waived of the subsequent proceedings in the trial court.
since First Insurance was declared in default. o But no positive step was taken by it on time to vacate the order of
- First Insurance filed an MR but it again failed to appear hence it was denied by the default, the decision nor the amended decision. Instead, it chose to file a
trial court. petition for relief from judgment, almost five (5) months from its receipt
- First Insurance filed a petition for certiorari on the grounds that: of a copy of the amended decision.
1. Sps Advincula has no cause of action against First Insurance o Clearly, the said petition for relief from judgment was filed out of time.
o They may only proceed against the driver, Blanco. - The rules require that such petitions must be filed within sixty (60) days after the
o They are not parties to the insurance contract hence they have no COA petitioner learns of the j udgment and not more than six (6) months after such
against First Insurance judgment was entered (Rule 38, Section 3).
2. The trial court erred when it rendered judgment only on the basis of the o The period fixed by Rule 38 of the Rules of Court is non-extendible and
documentary evidence presented during the pre-trial conference never interrupted. It is not subject to any condition or contingency,
3. It cannot be held liable in excess of the limits of liability as provided in the because it is itself devised to meet a condition or contingency.
insurance policy - The remedy allowed by Rule 38 is an act of grace, as it were, designed to give the
aggrieved party another and last chance.
ISSUE: W/N Sps. Advincula has cause of action against First Insurance – YES o Being in the position of one who begs, such party's privilege is not to
impose conditions, haggle or dilly-dally, but to grab what is offered him.
- Where the insurance contract provides for indemnity against liability to a third Dispositive
party, such third party can directly sue the insurer. ACCORDINGLY, finding respondent judge to have acted within his jurisdiction in denying the
- The liability of the insurer to such third person is based on contract while the petition for relief from judgment, the petition is DISMISSED. The questioned decision of the
liability of the insured to the third party is based on tort. trial court in Civil Case No. 1104 having become final and executory, is AFFIRMED. The
o The purpose is to protect injured persons against the insolvency of the temporary restraining order issued on August 20, 1979 is hereby lifted.
insured who causes such injury, and to give such injured person a certain
beneficial interest in the proceeds of the policy.
- A provision creates a contractual relation which inures to the benefit of any and
every person who may be negligently injured by the named insured as if such
injured person were specifically named in the policy.
- First Insurance e cannot evade its liability as insurer by hiding under the cloak of
the insured.
any other relief in respect of plaintiffs claim, to minimize the number of
lawsuits and avoid the necessity of bringing 2 or more suits involving the
same subject matter.
o that the contract of motor vehicle insurance, the damages and attorney's
fees claimed by accused third party plaintiff are matters entirely different
from his criminal liability in the reckless imprudence case, and that
petitioner has no cause of action against the insurer until petitioner's
liability shall have been determined by final judgment, as stipulated in
the contract of insurance.

ISSUE: W/N the insurance company may be impleaded as third party defendant in a criminal
case – YES.

● Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance (third party liability, or TPL) is
primarily intended to provide compensation for the death or bodily injuries
suffered by innocent third parties or passengers as a result of a negligent operation
and use of motor vehicles. The victims and/or their defendants are assured of
8. Shafer v. RTC Judge immediate financial assistance, regardless of the financial capacity of motor vehicle
GR NO. 78848. November 14, 1988. owners.
RMS ● The liability of the insurance company under the Compulsory Motor Vehicle
Topic: Casualty insurance; no fault indemnity Liability Insurance is for loss or damage.
Petitioners: SHERMAN SHAFER o Where an insurance policy insures directly against liability, the insurer's
Respondents: HON. JUDGE, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OLONGAPO CITY, BRANCH 75, AND liability accrues immediately upon the occurrence of the injury or event
MAKATI INSURANCE COMPANY, INC. upon which the liability depends, and does not depend on the recovery
FACTS: of judgment by the injured party against the insured.
● Shafer obtained a private car policy for third party liability over his Ford Laser from o The injured for whom the contract of insurance is intended can sue
Makati Insurance. directly the insurer to protect injured persons against the insolvency of
● During effectivity of the policy, the Ford Laser hit a Volkswagen car. the insured who causes such injury.
o Felino Legaspi (owner of the Volkswagen) filed an information for o Such a provision creates a contractual relation which inures to the benefit
reckless imprudence resulting in damage and serious physical injuries of any and every person who may be negligently injured by the named
against Shafer insured as if such injured person were specifically named in the policy.
o Jovencio Poblete Sr. (passenger) testified on his claim for damages during ● In the event that the injured fails or refuses to include the insurer as party
trial. defendant in his claim for indemnity against the insured, the latter is not
● Shafer filed a third party complaint against Makati Insurance. prevented by law to avail of the procedural rules intended to avoid multiplicity of
o Dismissed by RTC Olongapo on the ground that it was premature based suits. Not even a "no action" clause under the policy which requires that a final
on the premise that unless the accused (Shafer) is found guilty and judgment be first obtained against the insured and that only thereafter can the
sentenced to pay the offended party (Poblete, Sr.) indemnity or damages, person insured recover on the policy can prevail over the Rules of Court provisions
the third party complaint is without cause of action. aimed at avoiding multiplicity of suits.
● Shafer: the dismissal of the third party complaint amounts to a denial or ● A third party complaint is a device allowed by the rules of procedure by which the
curtailment of his right to defend himself in the civil aspect of the case; and further defendant can bring the original into the original suit a party against whom he will
raises the legal question of whether the accused in a criminal action for reckless have a claim for indemnity or remuneration as a result of a liability established
imprudence, where the civil action is jointly prosecuted, can legally implead the against him in the original suit to minimize the number of lawsuits and avoid the
insurance company as third party defendant under its private car insurance policy, necessity of bringing 2 or more actions involving the same subject matter.
as one of his modes of defense in the civil aspect of said proceedings. o If it appears probable that a second action will result if the plaintiff
● Makati Insurance: prevails, and that this result can be avoided by allowing the third party
o That a third party complaint is, under the rules, available only if the complaint to remain, then the motion to dismiss the third party
defendant has a right to demand contribution, indemnity, subrogation or complaint should be denied.
● In the instant case, the civil aspect of the offense charged, i.e., serious physical ● During the pendency of the civil case, Into was sentenced to suffer an
injuries allegedly suffered by Jovencio Poblete, Sr., was impliedly instituted with indeterminate penalty of 1 year, 8 months and 1 day of prision correccional, as
the criminal case. Petitioner may thus raise all defenses available to him insofar as minimum, to 4 years, 9 months and 11 days of prision correccional, as maximum,
the criminal and civil aspects of the case are concerned. with all the accessory penalties provided by law, and to indemnify the heirs of Lope
o The claim of petitioner for payment of indemnity to the injured third Maglana, Sr. in the amount of P12K with subsidiary imprisonment in case of
party, under the insurance policy, for the alleged bodily injuries caused to insolvency, plus P5K in the concept of moral and exemplary damages with costs. No
said third party, arose from the offense charged in the criminal case, from appeal was interposed by accused who later applied for probation.
which the injured (Jovencio Poblete, Sr.) has sought to recover civil ● CFI found that Destrajo had not exercised sufficient diligence as the operator of the
damages. jeepney.
o Hence, such claim of petitioner against the insurance company cannot be ● Heirs of Maglana filed an MR for the 2 nd paragraph of the dispositive portion which
regarded as not related to the criminal action. stated: “The defendant insurance company is ordered to reimburse Destrajo
whatever amounts the latter shall have paid only up to the extent of its insurance
DISPOSITIVE: coverage.”
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The questioned order dated 24 April 1987 is ○ The heirs were contending that AFISCO should not merely be held
SET ASIDE and a new one entered admitting petitioner's third party complaint against the secondarily liable because the Insurance Code provides that the insurer’s
private respondent Makati Insurance Company, Inc. liability is “direct and primary and/or jointly and severally with the
SO ORDERED. operator of the vehicle, although only up to the extent of the insurance
○ they argued that the P20K coverage of the insurance policy issued by
9 VDA DE MAGLANA v CONSOLACION AFISCO should have been awarded in their favor.
GR 60506 | August 6, 1992 ● AFISCO argued that since the Insurance Code does not expressly provide for a
TS solidary obligation, the presumption is that the obligation is joint.
Topic: CASUALTY INSURANCE ● CFI denied the MR ruling that since the insurance contract “is in the nature of
Petitioners: FIGURACION VDA. DE MAGLANA, EDITHA M. CRUZ, ERLINDA M. MASESAR, suretyship, then the liability of the insurer is secondary only up to the extent of the
LEONILA M. MALLARI, GILDA ANTONIO and the minors LEAH, LOPE, JR., and ELVIRA, all insurance coverage.
surnamed MAGLANA, herein represented by their mother, FIGURACION VDA. DE MAGLANA ● Heirs of Maglana filed a 2 nd MR reiterating that the liability of the insurer is direct,
Respondents: HONORABLE FRANCISCO Z. CONSOLACION, Presiding Judge of Davao City, primary and solidary with the jeepney operator because the petitioners became
Branch II, and AFISCO INSURANCE CORPORATION direct beneficiaries under the provision of the policy which, in effect, is a stipulation
Ponente: ROMERO pour autrui.
○ This was denied for lack of merit.
● Thus, heirs of Maglana filed the instant petition for certiorari which, prays for the
● Lope Maglana was an employee of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) whose work
setting aside or modification of the second paragraph of the dispositive portion of
station was at Lasa, Davao City. One early morning, Maglana was on his way to his
said decision.
work station, driving a motorcycle owned by the BOC. At Km. 7, Lanang, he met an
accident that resulted in his death. He died on the spot.
ISSUE: W/N AFISCO is directly liable with the negligent operator up to the extent of its
● The PUJ jeep that bumped the deceased was driven by Pepito Into, operated and
insurance coverage. – YES.
owned by Destrajo.
● From the investigation conducted by the traffic investigator, the PUJ jeep was
overtaking another passenger jeep that was going towards the city poblacion.
● The particular provision of the insurance policy on which petitioners base their
● While overtaking, the PUJ jeep of Destrajo running abreast with the overtaken
claim is as follows:
jeep, bumped the motorcycle driven by the deceased who was going towards the
direction of Lasa, Davao City.
1. The Company will, subject to the Limits of Liability, pay all sums necessary to
● The point of impact was on the lane of the motorcycle and the deceased was
discharge liability of the insured in respect of
thrown from the road and met his untimely death.
(a) death of or bodily injury to any THIRD PARTY
● the heirs of Lope Maglana, Sr., here petitioners, filed an action for damages and
(b) xxx.
attorney’s fees against operator Destrajo and the Afisco Insurance Corporation
2. xxx.
(AFISCO) before CFI Davao Branch II. An information for homicide thru reckless
3. In the event of the death of any person entitled to indemnity under this Policy,
imprudence was also filed against Pepito Into.
the Company will, in respect of the liability incurred to such person indemnify his
personal representatives in terms of, and subject to the terms and conditions o What should have been clearly stressed as to leave no room for doubt
thereof. was the liability of AFISCO under the explicit terms of the insurance
● The provision leads to no other conclusion but that AFISCO can be held directly contract.
liable by the heirs of Maglana. ● The liability of AFISCO based on the insurance contract is direct, but not solidary
● Shafer vs. Judge, RTC of Olongapo City, Br. 75: Where an insurance policy insures with that of Destrajo which is based on Article 2180 of the Civil Code.
directly against liability, the insurer’s liability accrues immediately upon the ● As such, the heirs have the option either to claim the P15,000 from AFISCO and the
occurrence of the injury or event upon which the liability depends, and does not balance from Destrajo or enforce the entire judgment from Destrajo subject to
depend on the recovery of judgment by the injured party against the insured. reimbursement from AFISCO to the extent of the insurance coverage.
● The underlying reason behind the third party liability (TPL) of the Compulsory
Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance is “to protect injured persons against the DISPOSITIVE PORTION: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the present petition is
insolvency of the insured who causes such injury, and to give such injured person a hereby GRANTED. The award of P28,800.00 representing loss of income is INCREASED to
9certain beneficial interest in the proceeds of the policy x x x.” P192,000.00 and the death indemnity of P12,000.00 to P50,000.00.
● Since heirs of Maglana had received from AFISCO the sum of P5K under the no-
fault clause, AFISCO’s liability is now limited to P15K.
ISSUE: W/N AFISCO is solidarily liable with the negligent operator up to the extent of its
insurance coverage. – NO.

● Malayan Insurance Co., Inc. v. CA: this Court had the opportunity to resolve the
issue as to the nature of the liability of the insurer and the insured vis-a-vis the
third party injured in an accident.
o “While it is true that where the insurance contract provides for indemnity
against liability to third persons, such third persons can directly sue the
insurer, however, the direct liability of the insurer under indemnity
contracts against third party liability does not mean that the insurer can 10. Guingon v Del Monte
be held solidarily liable with the insured and/or the other parties found at G.R. No. L-22042 17 August 1967
fault. The liability of the insurer is based on contract; that of the insured is By: Kath
based on tort. Topic: Casualty Insurance
o In the case at bar, petitioner as insurer of Sio Choy, is liable to respondent Petitioners: DIONISIA, EULOGIA, MARINA, GUILLERMO, and NORBERTO, all surnamed
Vallejos (the injured third party), but it cannot, as incorrectly held by the GUINGON
trial court, be made ‘solidarily’ liable with the two principal tortfeasors, Respondents: ILLUMINADO DEL MONTE, JULlO AGUILAR, and CAPITAL INSURANCE & SURETY
namely respondents Sio Choy and San Leon Rice Mill, Inc. For if CO., INC.
petitioner-insurer were solidarily liable with said two (2) respondents by Ponente: BENGZON, J.P., J.
reason of the indemnity contract against third party liability—under FACTS:
which an insurer can be directly sued by a third party—this will result in a ● Aguilar owned and operated several jeepneys in the City of Manila
violation of the principles underlying solidary obligation and insurance o He entered into a contract with the Capital insuring the operation of his
jeepneys against accidents with third- party liability
● While in solidary obligations, the creditor may enforce the entire obligation against
● an insurance policy was executed by the Capital Insurance. the pertinent provisions
one of the solidary debtors, in an insurance contract, the insurer undertakes for a
of which contains the following:
consideration to indemnify the insured against loss, damage or liability arising from
o "Section II — LIABILITY TO THE PUBLIC "1. The Company, will, subject to
an unknown or contingent event.
the limits of liability, indemnify the Insured in the event of accident
● Heirs of Maglana cannot validly claim that AFISCO, whose liability under the
caused by or arising out of the use of the Motor Vehicle/s or in
insurance policy is also P20,000.00, can be held solidarily liable with Destrajo for
connection with the loading or unloading of the Motor Vehicle/s, against
the total amount of P53,901.70 in accordance with the decision of the lower court.
all sums including claimant's costs and expenses which the Insured shall
o Since under both the law and the insurance policy, AFISCO’s liability is
become legally liable to pay in respect of: "a. death of or bodily injury
only up to P20K, the second paragraph of the dispositive portion of the
to any person "b. damage to property"
decision in question may have unwittingly sown confusion among the
o "E. Action Against Company No action shall lie against the Company
heirs and their counsel.
unless, as a condition precedents thereto, the Insured shall have fully
complied with all of the terms of this Policy, nor until the amount of the thru payment to third persons, said third persons' recourse being thus
Insured's obligation to pay shall have been finally determined either by limited to the insured alone
judgment against the Insured after actual trial or by written agreement of 2. The "no action" clause in the policy of insurance cannot prevail over the Rules of Court
the Insured, the claimant, and the Company. provision aimed at avoiding multiplicity of suits
Any person or organization or the legal representative thereof who has secured o The policy requires that suit and final judgment be first obtained against the
such judgment or written agreement shall thereafter be entitled to insured; that only "thereafter" can the person injured recover on the policy; it
recover under this policy to the extent of the insurance afforded by the expressly disallows suing the insurer as a co-defendant of the insured in a suit to
Policy. Nothing contained in this policy shall give any person or determine the latter's liability.
organization any right to join the Company as a co- defendant in any o Sec. 5 of Rule 2 on "Joinder of causes of action" and Sec. 6 of Rule 3 on "Permissive
action against the Insured to determine the Insured's liability joinder of parties" cannot be superseded, at least with respect to third persons not
● During the effectivity of such insurance policy, Del Monte, one of the drivers of a party to the contract, as herein, by a "no action" clause in the contract of
jeepneys operated by Aguilar, while driving along the intersection of Juan Luna and insurance.
Moro streets, bumped Guingon who had just alighted from another jeepney. the
latter died some days thereafter DISPOSITIVE PORTION:
o information for homicide thru reckless imprudence was filed against del Wherefore, the judgment appealed from is affirmed in toto. Costs against appellant. So
Monte. penalty of four months imprisonment was imposed on him ordered.
● the heirs of Guingon filed an action for damages praying that the sum of
P82,771.80 be paid to them jointly and severally by, del Monte, Aguilar, and the
Capital Insurance
o Capital Insurance & Surety Co., Inc. answered, alleging that the heirs of
Guingon has no cause of action against it
● CFI of Manila sentenced del Monte and Aguilar jointly and severally to pay
P8,572.95 and Capital Insurance to pay P5,500
● The case was appealed to the CA, which certified the case to the SC
o Capital Insurance contends that the "no action" clause in the policy closes
the avenue to any third party which may be injured in an accident
wherein the jeepney of the insured might have been the cause

ISSUE: 11. Perla Cia v Ancheta

1. W/N the heirs of Guingon can sue Capital Insurance – YES. G.R. No. L-49699 August 8, 1988
2 W/N the heirs of Guingon can sue Capital Insurance jointly with the insured? – YES. By: HH
Topic: Casualty insurance
1. The right of the person injured to sue the insurer of the party at fault (insured), depends Respondents: HON. CONSTANTE A. ANCHETA, Presiding Judge of the Court of First Instance
on whether the contract of insurance is intended to benefit third persons also or only the of Camarines Norte, Branch III, ERNESTO A. RAMOS and GOYENA ZENAROSA-RAMOS, for
insured. And the test applied has been this: Where the contract provides for indemnity themselves and as Guardian Ad Litem for Minors JOBET, BANJO, DAVID and GRACE all
against liability to third persons, then third persons to whom the insured is liable, can sue the surnamed RAMOS, FERNANDO M. ABCEDE, SR., for himself and Guardian Ad Litem for minor
insurer FERNANDO G. ABCEDE, JR., MIGUEL JEREZ MAGO as Guardian Ad Litem for minors ARLEEN R.
● The policy in the present case is one whereby the insurer agreed to indemnify the MAGO, and ANACLETA J. ZENAROSA.
insured "against all sums . . . which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay in Ponente: NOCON, J.
respect of: a. death of or bodily injury to any person . . ."
Doctrine: The following rules on claims under the “no fault indemnity” provision, where
o Clearly, therefore, it is one for indemnity against liability; from the fact
proof of fault or negligence is not necessary for payment of any claim for death or injury to a
then that the insured is liable to the third person, such third person is passenger or a third party, are established:
entitled to sue the insurer. 1. A claim may be made against one motor vehicle only.
o Where the contract is for indemnity against actual loss or payment, then 2. If the victim is an occupant of a vehicle, the claim shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle
third persons cannot proceed against the insurer, the contract being in which he is riding, mounting or dismounting from.
solely to reimburse the insured for liability actually discharged by him 3. In any other case (i.e. if the victim is not an occupant of a vehicle), the claim shall lie
against the insurer of the directly offending vehicle.
4. In all cases, the right of the party paying the claim to recover against the owner of the ISSUE: Whether or not the insurer is liable to indemnify private respondents under Sec. 378
vehicle responsible for the accident shall be maintained. of the Insurance Code. (NO)

The claim shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle in which the “occupant” is riding, and no HELD:
other. The claimant is not free to choose from which insurer he will claim the “no fault Sec. 378. Any claim for death or injury to any passenger or third party pursuant to the
indemnity,” as the law, by using the word “shall,” makes it mandatory that the claim be provisions of this chapter shall be paid without the necessity of proving fault or negligence of
made against the insurer of the vehicle in which the occupant is riding, mounting or any kind. Provided, That for purposes of this section—
dismounting from. (i) The indemnity in respect of any one person shall not exceed five thousand pesos;
(ii) The following proofs of loss, when submitted under oath, shall be sufficient evidence to
That said vehicle might not be the one that caused the accident is of no moment since the substantiate the claim:
law itself provides that the party paying the claim under Sec. 378 may recover against the (a) Police report of accident, and
owner of the vehicle responsible for the accident. This is precisely the essence of “no fault (b) Death certificate and evidence sufficient to establish the proper payee, or
indemnity” insurance which was introduced to and made part of our laws in order to provide (c) Medical report and evidence of medical or hospital disbursement in respect of which
victims of vehicular accidents or their heirs immediate compensation, although in a limited refund is claimed;|
amount, pending final determination of who is responsible for the accident and liable for the (iii)Claim may be made against one motor vehicle only. In the case of an occupant of a
victims’ injuries or death. In turn, the “no fault indemnity” provision is part and parcel of the vehicle, claim shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle in which the occupant is riding,
insurance Code provisions on compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance [Sec. 373-389] and mounting or dismounting from. In any other case, claim shall lie against the insurer of the
should be read together with the requirement for compulsory passenger and/or third party directly offending vehicle. In all cases, the right of the party paying the claim to recover
liability insurance [Sec. 377] which was mandated in order to ensure ready compensation for against the owner of the vehicle responsible for the accident shall be maintained.
victims of vehicular accidents.
The following rules on claims under the “no fault indemnity” provision, where proof of fault
Whether or not the fault or negligence lies with the driver of the bus, private respondents or negligence is not necessary for payment of any claim for death or injury to a passenger or
not being occupants of the bus cannot claim the “no fault indemnity” agreement against the a third party, are established:
insurer of the bus, but against the insurer of the vehicle they were riding. 1. A claim may be made against one motor vehicle only.
2. If the victim is an occupant of a vehicle, the claim shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle
FACTS: in which he is riding, mounting or dismounting from.|
1. In a collision between the IH Scout in which private respondents were riding and a 3. In any other case (i.e. if the victim is not an occupant of a vehicle), the claim shall lie
Superlines bus along the national highway in Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte, private against the insurer of the directly offending vehicle.
respondents sustained physical injuries in varying degrees of gravity. 4. In all cases, the right of the party paying the claim to recover against the owner of the
2. They filed a complaint for damages against Superlines, the bus driver and Perla, the vehicle responsible for the accident shall be maintained.
insurer of the bus. ● The law is very clear—the claim shall lie against the insurer of the vehicle in which
3. The bus was insured for the amount of P50,000.00 as and for passenger liability the “occupant”*** is riding, and no other.
and P50,000.00 as and for third party liability. The vehicle in which private ● The claimant is not free to choose from which insurer he will claim the “no fault
respondents were riding was insured with Malayan Insurance Co. indemnity,” as the law, by using the word “shall, makes it mandatory that the claim
4. Even before summons could be served, respondent judge issued an order directing be made against the insurer of the vehicle in which the occupant is riding,
Perla to pay private respondents under the “no fault clause” as provided for under mounting or dismounting from.
Section 378 of the Insurance Code.
5. Perla denied liability under the “no fault indemnity” provision. That said vehicle might not be the one that caused the accident is of no moment since the
a. The position that under Sec. 378 of the Insurance Code, the insurer liable law itself provides that the party paying the claim under Sec. 378 may recover against the
to pay the P5,000.00 is the insurer of the vehicle in which private owner of the vehicle responsible for the accident.
respondents were riding, Perla, as the provision states that “[i]n the case ● This is precisely the essence of “no fault indemnity” insurance which was
of an occupant of a vehicle, claim shall lie against the insurer of the introduced to and made part of our laws in order to provide victims of vehicular
vehicle in which the occupant is riding, mounting or dismounting from.” accidents or their heirs immediate compensation, although in a limited amount,
6. Respondent judge, however, denied reconsideration. MR denied and ordered the pending final determination of who is responsible for the accident and liable for the
issuance of a writ of execution. victims’ injuries or death.
7. Hence, the instant petition praying principally for the annulment and setting aside ● In turn, the “no fault indemnity” provision is part and parcel of the Insurance Code
of respondent judge’s orders. provisions on compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance [Sec. 373-389] and
should be read together with the requirement for compulsory passenger and/or
third party liability insurance [Sec. 377] which was mandated in order to ensure ○ While travelling along Mabini St., the car figured in an accident, hitting
ready compensation for victims of vehicular accidents. and bumping a gravel and sand truck parked at the right side of the road
going south.
Irrespective of whether or not fault or negligence lies with the driver of the Superlines bus, as ○ As a consequence, the gravel and sand truck veered to the right side of
private respondents were not occupants of the bus, they cannot claim the “no fault the pavement going south and the car veered to the right side of the
indemnity” provided in Sec. 378 from petitioner. pavement going north.
● The claim should be made against the insurer of the vehicle they were riding. This is ○ The driver, Benito Mabasa, and one of the passengers died and the other
very clear from the law. four sustained physical injuries. The car, as well, suffered extensive
● In ordering petitioner to pay private respondents the “no fault indemnity,” damage.
respondent judge gravely abused his discretion in a manner that amounts to lack of ● Villacorta then filed a claim for total loss with the respondent company but claim
jurisdiction. was denied.
● Hence, complainant, was compelled to institute the present action.
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. ● Insurance Commission: dismissed complaint for recovery of the total loss of the
○ The "Authorized Driver" clause in this wise: "It must be observed that
under the above-quoted provisions, the policy limits the use of the
insured vehicle to two (2) persons only, namely: the insured himself or
any person on his (insured's) permission. Under the second category, it is
to be noted that the words "any person' is qualified by the phrase
○ the car was not stolen and therefore not covered by the Theft clause
(based on RPC)
ISSUE: W/N Villacorta can recover from the policy. YES
● The main purpose of the "authorized driver" clause, as may be seen from its text,
supra, is that a person other than the insured owner, who drives the car on the
insured's order, such as his regular driver, or with his permission, such as a friend
or member of the family or the employees of a car service or repair shop must be
duly licensed drivers and have no disqualification to drive a motor vehicle.
12. Villacorta v Insurance Commission ○ A car owner who entrusts his car to an established car service and repair
Topic: Casualty Insurance shop necessarily entrusts his car key to the shop owner and employees
Petitioners: JEWEL VILLACORTA, assisted by her husband, GUERRERO VILLACORTA who are presumed to have the insured's permission to drive the car for
Respondents: THE INSURANCE COMMISSION and EMPIRE INSURANCE COMPANY legitimate purposes of checking or road-testing the car.
FACTS: ○ The mere happenstance that the employee(s) of the shop owner diverts
● Villacorta wons a Colt Lancer insured with respondent company under Private Car the use of the car to his own illicit or unauthorized purpose in violation of
Policy No. MBI/PC-0704 for P35,000.00 — Own Damage; P30,000.00 — Theft; and the trust reposed in the shop by the insured car owner does not mean
P30,000.00 — Third Party Liability, effective May 16, 1977 - 1978. that the "authorized driver" clause has been violated such as to bar
○ The comprehensive motor car insurance policy for P35,000.00 issued by recovery, provided that such employee is duly qualified to drive under a
respondent Empire Insurance Company undertook to indemnifyagainst valid driver's license.
loss or damage to the car ● There is no question of his being an "authorized driver" which allows recovery of
■ (a) by accidental collision or overturning, or collision or the loss although his trip was for a personal or illicit purpose without the owner's
overturning consequent upon mechanical breakdown or authorization.
consequent upon wear and tear; ● where a car is admittedly as in this case unlawfully and wrongfully taken by some
■ (b) by fire, external explosion, self-ignition or lightning or people, be they employees of the car shop or not to whom it had been entrusted,
burglary, housebreaking or theft; and and taken on a long trip to Montalban without the owner's consent or knowledge,
■ (c) by malicious act. such taking constitutes or partakes of the nature of theft as defined in Article 308
● May 9, 1978: the vehicle was brought to the Sunday Machine Works, Inc., for of the Revised Penal Code, viz.
general check-up and repairs. ○ "Who are liable for theft. — Theft is committed by any person who, with
● May 11, 1978: while in the custody of the Sunday Machine Works, the car was intent to gain but without violence against or intimidation of persons nor
allegedly taken by 6 persons and driven out to Montalban, Rizal. force upon things, shall take personal property of another without the
latter's consent," for purposes of recovering the loss under the policy in ● While driving the automobile in question, the Palermo met a violent accident. The
question. La Carlota City fire engine crashed head on, and as a consequence, the plaintiff
● The Court rejects respondent commission's premise that there must be an intent sustained physical injuries, his father, Cesar Palermo, who was with him in the car
on the part of the taker of the car "permanently to deprive the insured of his car" at the time was likewise seriously injured and died shortly thereafter, and the car in
and that since the taking here was for a "joy ride" and "merely temporary in question was totally wrecked.
nature," a "temporary taking is held not a taking insured against." ● The insurer, however, refused to indemnify Palermo on the ground that the insured
● The evidence does not warrant respondent commission's findings that it was a himself had violated the terms of the policy when he drove the car in question with
mere "joy ride". an expired driver's license.
● From the very investigator's report cited in its comment, 3 the police found from ● Andrew Palermo filed a complaint against Pyramid Insurance Co., Inc., for payment
the waist of the car driver Benito Mabasa Bartolome who smashed the car and was of his claim under a Private Car Comprehensive Policy.
found dead right after the incident "one cal. 45 Colt. and one apple type grenade," ● In its answer, the appellant Pyramid Insurance Co., Inc., alleged that it disallowed
hardly the materials one would bring along on a "joy ride". Then, again, it is equally the claim because at the time of the accident, the insured was driving his car with
evident that the taking proved to be quite permanent rather than temporary, for an expired driver's license.
the car was totally smashed in the fatal accident and was never returned in ● The policy provided:
serviceable and useful condition to petitioner-owner. ○ "AUTHORIZED DRIVER:
● The Court sustains as the better view that which holds that when a person, either ○ Any of the following:
with the object of going to a certain place, or learning how to drive, or enjoying a ■ (a) The Insured.
free ride, takes possession of a vehicle belonging to another, without the consent ■ (b) Any person driving on the Insured's order or with his
of its owner, he is guilty of theft because by taking possession of the personal permission. Provided that the person driving is permitted in
property belonging to another and using it, his intent to gain is evident since he accordance with the licensing or other laws or regulations to
derives therefrom utility, satisfaction, enjoyment and pleasure. Justice Ramon C. drive the Motor Vehicle and is not disqualified from driving
Aquino cites in his work Groizard who holds that the use of a thing constitutes gain such motor vehicle by order of a Court of law or by reason of
and Cuello Calon who calls it "hurt de uso. " 4 any enactment or regulation in that behalf."
● The insurer must therefore indemnify the petitioner-owner for the total loss of the
insured car in the sum of P35,000.00 under the theft clause of the policy, subject to ISSUE: W/N Palermo was an authorized driver under the insurance policy - YES
the filing of such claim for reimbursement or payment as it may have as subrogee
against the Sunday Machine Works, Inc. ● There is no merit in the appellant's allegation that the plaintiff was not authorized
to drive the insured motor vehicle because his driver's license had expired. The
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: ACCORDINGLY, the appealed decision is set aside and judgment is driver of the insured motor vehicle at the time of the accident was the insured
hereby rendered sentencing private respondent to pay petitioner the sum of P35,000.00 with himself, hence an "authorized driver" under the policy.
legal interest from the filing of the complaint until full payment is made and to pay the costs ● While the Motor Vehicle Law prohibits a person from operating a motor vehicle on
of suit the highway without a license or with an expired license, an infraction of the Motor
13. Palermo v Pyramid Insurance Vehicle Law on the part of the insured, is not a bar to recovery under the insurance
G.R. No. L-36480. contract. It however renders him subject to the penal sanctions of the Motor
May 31, 1988. Vehicle Law.
Richie Rich ● The requirement that the driver be "permitted. in accordance with the licensing or
Topic: Casualty Insurance other laws or regulations to drive the Motor Vehicle and is not disqualified from
Petitioners: Andrew Palermo driving such motor vehicle by order of a Court of Law or by reason of any
Respondents: PYRAMID INSURANCE CO., INC. enactment or regulation in that behalf," applies only when the driver "is driving on
the insured's order or with his permission." It does not apply when the person
FACTS: driving is the insured himself.
● the only question involved is the interpretation of the provision of the insurance ● The main purpose of the 'authorized driver' clause, as may be seen from its text,
contract regarding the "authorized driver" of the insured motor vehicle. is that a person other than the insured owner, who drives the car on the insured's
● After having purchased a brand new Nissan Cedric de Luxe Sedan car bearing order, such as his regular driver, or with his permission, such as a friend or
Motor No. 087797 from the Ng Sam Bok Motors Co. in Bacolod City, plaintiff member of the family or the employees of a car service or repair shop, must be
insured the same with the defendant insurance company against any loss or duly licensed drivers and have no disqualification to drive a motor vehicle.
damage for P20,000.00 and against third party liability for P10,000.00. ● Operating an automobile on a public highway without a license, which act is a
statutory crime is not precluded by public policy from enforcing a policy
indemnifying her against liability for bodily injuries inflicted by use of the - Supercars, Inc., with notice to the spouses, assigned to petitioner FCP Credit Corporation
automobile. (FCP) its rights, title and interest on said promissory note and chattel mortgage as shown by
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is affirmed with costs against the the Deed of Assignments
defendant-appellant. - On November 9, 1982 the vehicle was carnapped while parked at the back of Broadway
SO ORDERED Centrum along N. Domingo Street, Quezon City
- Evelyn Lim, who was driving the car, immediately called up the Anti-Carnapping Unit of the
Philippine Constabulary to report said incident
- She also went to the nearest police substation at Araneta, Cubao to make a police report
regarding said incident
- The Spouses requested from FCP for a suspension of payment on the monthly amortization
agreed upon due to the loss of the vehicle
- They theorize that since the carnapped vehicle was insured with Perla, said insurance
company should be made to pay the remaining balance of the promissory note and the
chattel mortgage contract
- Perla denied the claim. FCP manded that the spouses pay the whole balance of the
promissory note or to return the vehicle but the latter refused
- FCP filed a complaint against the Spouses who in turn filed a 3 rd party complaint against
- Trial Court ordered the spouses to pay FCP and dismissed the 3 rd party complaint
- After petitioners' separate motions for reconsideration were denied by the CA petitioners
filed these separate petitions for review on certiorari
- Perla alleges that there was grave abuse of discretion on the part of the CA in holding that
the spouses did not violate the insurance contract because the authorized driver clause is not
applicable to the "Theft" clause of said Contract

Issue: W/N the Insurer can deny the claim based on the “Authorized Driver” clause? No.

- The comprehensive motor car insurance policy issued by petitioner Perla undertook to
14. Perla Compania De Seguros, Inc. v Court of Appeals indemnify the private respondents against loss or damages to the car (a) by accidental
GR No. 96452 collision or overturning, or collision or overturning consequent upon mechanical breakdown
May 7, 1992 or consequent upon wear and tear; (b) by fire, external explosion, self-ignition or lightning or
By: Pax burglary, housebreaking or theft; and (c) by malicious act
- Where a car is admittedly unlawfully and wrongfully taken without the owner's consent or
Petitioner: Perla Compania De Seguros, Inc knowledge, such taking constitutes theft
Respondent: The Court Of Appeals, Herminio Lim And Evelyn Lim - It is the "Theft" clause, and not the "Authorized Driver" clause, that applies
Ponente: Nocon - Theft is an entirely different legal concept from that of accident. Theft is committed by a
person with the intent to gain or, to put it in another way, with the concurrence of the doer's
Doctrine: Where a car is admittedly unlawfully and wrongfully taken without the owner's will. On the other hand, accident, although it may proceed or result from negligence, is the
consent or knowledge, such taking constitutes theft— it is the "Theft" clause, and not the happening of an event without the concurrence of the will of the person by whose agency it
"Authorized Driver" clause that applies was caused
- The risk against accident is distinct from the risk against theft
Facts: - The “Authorized Driver Clause” in a typical insurance policy as in contemplation or
- The spouses Herminio and Evelyn Lim executed a promissory note in favor of Supercars, Inc anticipation of accident in the legal sense in which it should be understood, and not in
in the sum of PHP 77,490 payable monthly installments + Secured by a chattel mortgage over contemplation or anticipation of an event such as theft
a brand new red Ford Laser (5-Door 1981 model; Hatchback) - The distinction (which is often seized upon by insurance companies in resisting claims from
- The car was insured with Perla Compania de Seguros for comprehensive coverage their assureds) between death occurring as a result of accident and death occurring as a
result of intent may, by analogy, apply to the case at bar
- If the insured vehicle had figured in an accident at the time she drove it with an expired ● Tanco’s car, while being driven by his brother Manuel, figured in a collision with a pick-
license, then, appellee Perla Compania could properly resist appellants' claim for up delivery van, both vehicles damaged. Tanco paid for the repairs and then filed his
indemnification for the loss or destruction of the vehicle resulting from the accident claim with PH Guaranty under the car insurance policy. The claim was rejected, setting
- But in the present case, the loss of the insured vehicle did not result from an accident the stage for the commencement of suit.
where intent was involved
- The loss in the present case was caused by theft, the commission of which was attended by ● The policy sued upon covers, up to a certain limit, loss or damage to the insured vehicle
intent as well as damage to property of third persons as a consequence of or incident to the
- There is also no causal connection between the possession of a valid driver's license and the operation of said vehicle. There is an exception clause, however, which provides that
loss of a vehicle "the company shall not be liable in respect of any accident, loss, damage or liability
- To rule otherwise would render car insurance practically a sham since an insurance caused, sustained or incurred ... whilst (the insured vehicle) is ... being driven by or is
company can easily escape liability by citing restrictions which are not applicable or germane for the purpose of being driven by him in the charge of any person other than an
to the claim, thereby reducing indemnity to a shadow Authorized Driver." The policy defined the term "Authorized Driver" to be the insured
himself and "(b) any person driving on the Insured's order or with his permission,
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby MODIFIED to require provided that the person driving is permitted in accordance with the licensing or other
private respondents to pay petitioner FCP the amount of P55,055.93, with legal interest from laws or regulations to drive the Motor Vehicle or has been permitted and is not
July 2, 1983 until fully paid. The decision appealed from is hereby affirmed as to all other disqualified by order of a court of law or by reason of any enactment or regulation in
respects. No pronouncement as to costs. that behalf from driving such Motor Vehicle."

● At the time of the collision, Manuel who was at the wheel, did not have a valid license,
the one he had obtained for the year 1958 not having been renewed, as required by
section 31 of the Motor Vehicle Law, Act No. 3992. That section states that any license
not so renewed "shall become delinquent and invalid," and section 21 states that
"except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act no person shall operate any motor
vehicle on the public highways without having procured a license for the current year,
nor while such license is delinquent, invalid, suspended or revoked."

● Suit was filed in MC and was elevated to CFI which ruled in favor of Tanco. Appeal was
taken by defendant directly to SC, there being no dispute as to the facts.

ISSUE(s): W/N the insured could recover on an automobile policy for damage sustained in a
collision which occurred while the vehicle was being driven in violation of law
G.R. No. L-17312 ; November 29, 1965
By: Nico Nunez ● At the time of the collision plaintiff's brother who was at the wheel, did not have a valid
Topic: CASUALTY INSURANCE license, the one he had obtained for the year 1958 not having been renewed on or
Petitioners: ARTURO R. TANCO, JR. before the last working day of February 1959, as required by section 31 of the Motor
Respondents: THE PHILIPPINE GUARANTY COMPANY Vehicle Law, Act No. 3992. That section states that any license not so renewed "shall
Ponente: MAKALINTAL, J.. become delinquent and invalid," and section 21 states that "except as otherwise
specifically provided in this Act no person shall operate any motor vehicle on the public
DOCTRINE: The exclusion clause in the contract invoked by appellant is clear. It does not refer highways without having procured a license for the current year, nor while such license
to violations of law in general, which indeed would tend to render automobile insurance is delinquent, invalid, suspended or revoked."
practically a sham, but to a specific situation where a person other than the insured himself, ● In the case before Us now appellant's defense does not rest on the general proposition
even upon his order or with his permission, drives the motor vehicle without a license or with that if a law is violated at the time of the accident which causes the damage or injury
one that has already expired. there can be no recovery, but rather on a specific provision in the policy that appellant
FACTS: shall not be liable if the accident occurs while the vehicle is being driven by any person
other than an authorized driver and that an authorized driver, if not the insured
himself, is one who is acting on his order or with his permission, provided he is
permitted to drive under the licensing laws.
● If such a defense (that the vehicle was being driven in violation of law) were ▪ During the effectivity of said policy, their car was stolen. Hence, they immediately
permissible, car insurance would be practically valueless. The exclusion clause in the reported the theft to the Traffic Management Command of PNP who made them
contract invoked by appellant is clear. It does not refer to violations of law in general, accomplish a complaint sheet
which indeed would tend to render automobile insurance practically a sham, but to a o In said complaint sheet, the spouses alleged that a certain Ricardo Sales
specific situation where a person other than the insured himself, even upon his order took possession of the vehicle to add accessories and improvements,
or with his permission, drives the motor vehicle without a license or with one that has however, Sales failed to return the vehicle within the agreed 3-day period
already expired. No principle of law or of public policy militates against the validity of ▪ The spouses notified Paramount to claim for reimbursement of the lost vehicle.
such a provision. Paramount refused to pay.
▪ The spouses filed a complaint for a sum of money against Paramount before RTC
Makati for the payment of the insured value of their car + damages
Dispositive Portion: The judgment appealed from is reversed, with costs. ▪ RTC dismissed the complaint.
o RTC held that the spouses had been awarded the amount claimed in this
action in another civil case, which involved the loss of the same vehicle
under the same circumstances although under a different policy and
insurance company.
o This, considered with the principle that an insured may not recover more
than its interest in any property subject of an insurance, leads the court
to dismiss this action.
▪ CA reversed and set aside the RTC decision.
o CA held that the trial court erred when it dismissed the action on the
ground of double recovery since it is clear that the subject car is different
from the one insured with another insurance company, the Standard
Insurance Company. In this case, defendant-appellee [herein petitioner]
denied the reimbursement for the lost vehicle on the ground that the
said loss could not fall within the concept of the "theft clause" under the
insurance policy.
▪ Paramount argues that the loss is not a peril covered by the policy. It cannot be
classified as stolen as the spouses entrusted the possession to another person.

ISSUE: WON Paramount is liable under the policy for the loss of the vehicle – YES

▪ The policy clearly undertook to indemnify the insured against loss/damage when
cause by theft (check notes)
▪ People v. Bustinera: when one takes the motor vehicle of another w/o the latter’s
consent even when it is later returned, there is theft – there being intent to gain as
16. PARAMOUNT INSURANCE V. SPS. REMONDEULAZ the use of the thing unlawfully taken constitutes gain.
GR 173773 / NOV 28 2012 ▪ Malayan Insurance v. CA: taking of a vehicle w/o permission from owner is
By: Claire sufficient to place it within the ambit of the word theft as contemplated in the
Petitioners: PARAMOUNT INSURANCE CORPORATION ▪ Santos v. People: same with this case; entrusted the vehicle to someone. When the
Respondents: SPOUSES YVES and MARIA TERESA REMONDEULAZ owner tried to retrieve it, she was not able to do so as Santos abandoned his shop.
Ponente: PERALTA o Court held that there may be theft even if accused has possession of the
property. If he was entrusted only w/ the material or physical or de facto
FACTS: possession of the thing, his misappropriation constitutes theft.
▪ The spouses insured their Toyota Corolla 1994 with Paramount under a ▪ In the instant case, Sales did not have juridical possession over the vehicle. Here, it
comprehensive motor vehicle insurance policy for 1 year is apparent that the taking of respondents' vehicle by Sales is without any consent
or authority from the former.
▪ Records would show that respondents entrusted possession of their vehicle only to ● On February 21, 2007, respondent entered into a contract of insurance, Motor Car
the extent that Sales will introduce repairs and improvements thereon, and not to Policy No. MAND/CV-00186, with petitioner, involving her motor vehicle, a Toyota
permanently deprive them of possession thereof. Since, Theft can also be Revo DLX DSL.
committed through misappropriation, the fact that Sales failed to return the o The contract of insurance obligates the petitioner to pay the respondent
subject vehicle to respondents constitutes Qualified Theft. Hence, since the amount of Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Pesos (₱630,000.00) in case
respondents' car is undeniably covered by a Comprehensive Motor Vehicle of loss or damage to said vehicle during the period covered, which is from
Insurance Policy that allows for recovery in cases of theft, petitioner is liable under February 26, 2007 to February 26, 2008.
the policy for the loss of respondents' vehicle under the "theft clause." ● On April 16, 2007, at about 9:00 a.m., respondent instructed her driver, Jose Joel
▪ All told, Sales' act of depriving respondents of their motor vehicle at, or soon Salazar Lanuza (Lanuza), to bring the above-described vehicle to a nearby auto-
after the transfer of physical possession of the movable property, constitutes shop for a tune-up.
theft under the insurance policy, which is compensable. o However, Lanuza no longer returned the motor vehicle to respondent
and despite diligent efforts to locate the same, said efforts proved futile.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The Decision dated April 12, 2005 and o Resultantly, respondent promptly reported the incident to the police and
Resolution dated July 20, 2006 of the Court of Appeals are hereby AFFIRMED in toto. SO concomitantly notified petitioner of the said loss and demanded payment
ORDERED. of the insurance proceeds in the total sum of ₱630,000.00.
● Upon verification of the documents submitted, particularly the Police Report and
NOTES: your Affidavit, which states that the culprit, who stole the Insure[d] unit, is
The Company will, subject to the Limits of Liability, indemnify the insured against loss of or employed with you. We would like to invite you on the provision of the Policy
damage to the Scheduled Vehicle and its accessories and spare parts whilst thereon: — under Exceptions to Section-III, which we quote:
(a) by accidental collision or overturning, or collision or overturning consequent upon o 1.) The Company shall not be liable for:
mechanical breakdown or consequent upon wear and tear; o (4) Any malicious damage caused by the Insured, any member of his
(b) by fire, external explosion, self-ignition or lightning or burglary, housebreaking or theft; family or by "A PERSON IN THE INSURED’S SERVICE."
(c) by malicious act; o In view [of] the foregoing, we regret that we cannot act favorably on your
(d) whilst in transit (including the [process] of loading and unloading) incidental to such claim.
transit by road, rail, inland waterway, lift or elevator. ● Respondent reiterated her claim and argued that the exception refers to damage of
the motor vehicle and not to its loss. However, petitioner’s denial of respondent’s
insured claim remains firm.
● Respondent filed a Complaint for Sum of Money with Damages against petitioner
before the RTC
o The RTC of Quezon City ruled in favor of respondent
● The CA rendered a Decision affirming in toto the RTC of Quezon City’s decision

Issue: Whether or not the loss of respondent’s vehicle is excluded under the insurance policy
Held: No

● Significant portions of Section III of the Insurance Policy states:

17. Alpha Insurance and Surety v Castor
● The Company will, subject to the Limits of Liability, indemnify the Insured against
G.R. No. 198174 | September 2, 2013
loss of or damage to the Schedule Vehicle and its accessories and spare parts
By: Jon
whilst thereon:
o (a) by accidental collision or overturning, or collision or overturning
consequent upon mechanical breakdown or consequent upon wear and
Topic: Casualty Insurance
Petitioners: Alpha Insurance and Surety Co.
o (b) by fire, external explosion, self-ignition or lightning or burglary,
Respondents: Arsenia Sonia Castor
housebreaking or theft;
Ponente: Peralta, .J.
o (c) by malicious act;
o (d) whilst in transit (including the processes of loading and unloading)
incidental to such transit by road, rail, inland waterway, lift or elevator.
● EXCEPTIONS TO SECTION III alone in the entire policy or otherwise included a clear definition of the said term
● The Company shall not be liable to pay for: as part of the provisions of the said insurance contract.
o Loss or Damage in respect of any claim or series of claims arising out of ● It is a basic rule in the interpretation of contracts that the terms of a contract are to
one event, the first amount of each and every loss for each and every be construed according to the sense and meaning of the terms which the parties
vehicle insured by this Policy, such amount being equal to one percent thereto have used.
(1.00%) of the Insured’s estimate of Fair Market Value as shown in the ● In the case of property insurance policies, the evident intention of the contracting
Policy Schedule with a minimum deductible amount of Php3,000.00; parties, i.e., the insurer and the assured, determine the import of the various terms
o Consequential loss, depreciation, wear and tear, mechanical or electrical and provisions embodied in the policy.
breakdowns, failures or breakages; ● However, when the terms of the insurance policy are ambiguous, equivocal or
o Damage to tires, unless the Schedule Vehicle is damaged at the same uncertain, such that the parties themselves disagree about the meaning of
time; particular provisions, the policy will be construed by the courts liberally in favor of
o Any malicious damage caused by the Insured, any member of his family the assured and strictly against the insurer.
or by a person in the Insured’s service. ● Lastly, a contract of insurance is a contract of adhesion. So, when the terms of the
● Petitioner takes exception by arguing that the word "damage," under paragraph 4 insurance contract contain limitations on liability, courts should construe them in
of "Exceptions to Section III," means loss due to injury or harm to person, property such a way as to preclude the insurer from non-compliance with his obligation. 
or reputation, and should be construed to cover malicious "loss" as in "theft." ● It must be remembered that an insurance contract is a contract of adhesion which
● Thus, it asserts that the loss of respondent’s vehicle as a result of it being stolen by must be construed liberally in favor of the insured and strictly against the insurer in
the latter’s driver is excluded from the policy. order to safeguard the latter’s interest.
● The RTC of Quezon City scrupulously elaborated that theft perpetrated by the Dispositive Portion: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Petition for Review on
driver of the insured is not an exception to the coverage from the insurance policy, Certiorari is DENIED. Accordingly, the Decision dated May 31, 2011 and Resolution dated
since Section III thereof did not qualify as to who would commit the theft. August 10, 2011 of the Court of Appeals are hereby AFFIRMED.
o Theft perpetrated by a driver of the insured is not an exception to the SO ORDERED.
coverage from the insurance policy subject of this case.
o This is evident from the very provision of Section III – "Loss or Damage."
The insurance company, subject to the limits of liability, is obligated to
indemnify the insured against theft.
o Said provision does not qualify as to who would commit the theft.
o Thus, even if the same is committed by the driver of the insured, there
being no categorical declaration of exception, the same must be covered.
● Contracts of insurance, like other contracts, are to be construed according to the
sense and meaning of the terms which the parties themselves have used. If such
terms are clear and unambiguous, they must be taken and understood in their
plain, ordinary and popular sense.
● In interpreting the exclusions in an insurance contract, the terms used specifying
the excluded classes therein are to be given their meaning as understood in
common speech
● Adverse to petitioner’s claim, the words "loss" and "damage" mean different things
in common ordinary usage. The word "loss" refers to the act or fact of losing, or
failure to keep possession, while the word "damage" means deterioration or injury
to property.1âwphi1 18. FORTUNE INSURANCE v CA
● Petitioner cannot exclude the loss of respondent’s vehicle under the insurance [G.R. No. 115278. May 23, 1995.]
policy under paragraph 4 of "Exceptions to Section III," since the same refers only CB
to "malicious damage," or more specifically, "injury" to the motor vehicle caused by TOPIC: CASUALTY INSURANCE
a person under the insured’s service. PETITIONER: FORTUNE INSURANCE AND SURETY CO., INC., 
o Paragraph 4 clearly does not contemplate "loss of property," as what RESPONDENT: COURT OF APPEALS and PRODUCERS BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES
happened in the instant case. PONENTE: DAVIDE, JR., J
● If the intention of the defendant-appellant was to include the term "loss" within FACTS:
the term "damage" then logic dictates that it should have used the term "damage" ● Private respondent Producers Bank of the Philippines (hereinafter Producers) filed a case
in the RTC against petitioner Fortune Insurance and Surety Co., Inc. (hereinafter Fortune)
of a complaint for recovery of the sum of P725,000.00 under the policy issued by ISSUE: Whether the petitioner is liable under the Money, Security, and Payroll Robbery policy
Fortune. it issued to the private respondent or whether recovery thereunder is precluded under the
● The sum was allegedly lost during a robbery of Producer's armored vehicle while it was in general exceptions clause thereof. NO
transit to transfer the money from its Pasay City Branch to its head office in Makati.
● Accordingly: CONTENTION:
o An armored car of the plaintiff, while in the process of transferring cash in the sum of According to Fortune, when Producers commissioned a guard and a driver to transfer its
P725,000.00 under the custody of its teller, Maribeth Alampay, from its Pasay Branch funds from one branch to another, they effectively and necessarily became its authorized
to its Head Office at 8737 Paseo de Roxas, Makati, Metro Manila on June 29, 1987, representatives in the care and custody of the money. Assuming that they could not be
was robbed of the said cash. The robbery took place while the armored car was considered authorized representatives, they were, nevertheless, employees of Producers. It
traveling along Taft Avenue in Pasay City; asserts that the existence of an employer-employee relationship "is determined by law and
o The said armored car was driven by Benjamin Magalong y de Vera, escorted by being such, it cannot be the subject of agreement."
Security Guard Saturnino Atiga y Rosete. Driver Magalong was assigned by PRC
Management Systems with the plaintiff by virtue of an Agreement executed on HELD:
August 7, 1983 ● It should be noted that the insurance policy entered into by the parties is a theft or
o The Security Guard Atiga was assigned by Unicorn Security Services, Inc. with the robbery insurance policy which is a form of casualty insurance.
plaintiff by virtue of a contract of Security Service executed on October 25, 1982 o Section 174 of the Insurance Code provides:
● After an investigation conducted by the Pasay police authorities, the driver Magalong and Sec. 174. Casualty insurance is insurance covering loss or liability arising from
guard Atiga were charged, together with Edelmer Bantigue Y Eulalio, Reynaldo Aquino accident or mishap, excluding certain types of loss which by law or custom are
and John Doe, with violation of P.D. 532 (Anti-Highway Robbery Law) before the Fiscal of considered as falling exclusively within the scope of insurance such as fire or marine.
Pasay City. It includes, but is not limited to, employer's liability insurance, public liability
● The Fiscal of Pasay City then filed an information charging the aforesaid persons with the insurance, motor vehicle liability insurance, plate glass insurance, burglary and theft
said crime before Branch 112 of the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City. insurance, personal accident and health insurance as written by non-life insurance
● Demands were made by the plaintiff upon the defendant to pay the amount of the loss of companies, and other substantially similar kinds of insurance.
P725,000.00, but the latter refused to pay as the loss is excluded from the coverage of ● Except with respect to compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance, the Insurance Code
the insurance policy, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," specifically under page 1 thereof, contains no other provisions applicable to casualty insurance or to robbery insurance in
"General Exceptions" Section (b) particular. These contracts are, therefore, governed by the general provisions applicable
o The company shall not be liable under this policy in respect of: to all types of insurance. Outside of these, the rights and obligations of the parties must
(b) any loss caused by any dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act of the insured or any be determined by the terms of their contract, taking into consideration its purpose and
officer, employee, partner, director, trustee or authorized representative of the always in accordance with the general principles of insurance law.
Insured whether acting alone or in conjunction with others. . . . " ● It has been aptly observed that in burglary, robbery, and theft insurance, "the
● The plaintiff opposes the contention of the defendant and contends that Atiga and opportunity to defraud the insurer - the moral hazard — is so great that insurers have
Magalong are not its "officer, employee, . . . trustee or authorized representative . . . at found it necessary to fill up their policies with countless restrictions, many designed to
the time of the robbery. Producers contends that Magalong and Atiga were not its reduce this hazard. Seldom does the insurer assume the risk of all losses due to the
employees since it had nothing to do with their selection and engagement, the payment hazards insured against." Persons frequently excluded under such provisions are those in
of their wages, their dismissal, and the control of their conduct the insured's service and employment. The purpose of the exception is to guard against
● RTC: In favor of Producers. The trial court ruled that Magalong and Atiga were not liability should the theft be committed by one having unrestricted access to the
employees or representatives of Producers. The Court is satisfied that plaintiff may not property." In such cases, the terms specifying the excluded classes are to be given their
be said to have selected and engaged Magalong and Atiga, their services as armored car meaning as understood in common speech. The terms "service" and "employment" are
driver and as security guard having been merely offered by PRC Management and by generally associated with the idea of selection, control, and compensation.
Unicorn Security and which latter firms assigned them to plaintiff. The wages and salaries ● With the foregoing principles in mind, it may now be asked whether Magalong and Atiga
of both Magalong and Atiga are presumably paid by their respective firms, which alone qualify as employees or authorized representatives of Producers under paragraph (b) of
wields the power to dismiss them. the general exceptions clause of the policy.
● CA: affirmed in toto the appealed decision. Agreed with the conclusion of the trial court ● When Fortune used then the term "employee," it must have had in mind any person who
that Magalong and Atiga were neither employees nor authorized representatives of qualifies as such as generally and universally understood, or jurisprudentially established
Producers. in the light of the four standards in the determination of the employer-employee
relationship, or as statutorily declared even in a limited sense as in the case of Article 106
of the Labor Code which considers the employees under a "labor-only" contract as
employees of the party employing them and not of the party who supplied them to the
● Fortune claims that Producers' contracts with PRC Management Systems and Unicorn the transfer of Producer's money from its Pasay City branch to its head office in Makati,
Security Services are "labor-only" contracts. Producers, however, insists that by the its "authorized representatives" who served as such with its teller Maribeth Alampay.
express terms thereof, it is not the employer of Magalong. Notwithstanding such express ● Howsoever viewed, Producers entrusted the three with the specific duty to safely
assumption of PRC Management Systems and Unicorn Security Services that the drivers transfer the money to its head office, with Alampay to be responsible for its custody in
and the security guards each shall supply to Producers are not the latter's employees, it transit; Magalong to drive the armored vehicle which would carry the money; and Atiga
may, in fact, be that it is because the contracts are, indeed, "labor-only" contracts. to provide the needed security for the money, the vehicle, and his two other
Whether they are is, in the light of the criteria provided for in Article 106 of the Labor companions. In short, for these particular tasks, the three acted as agents of Producers.
Code, a question of fact. ● A "representative" is defined as one who represents or stands in the place of another;
● Since the parties opted to submit the case for judgment on the basis of their stipulation one who represents others or another in a special capacity, as an agent, and is
of facts which are strictly limited to the insurance policy, the contracts with PRC interchangeable with "agent."
Management Systems and Unicorn Security Services, the complaint for violation of P.D. ● In view of the foregoing, Fortune is exempt from liability under the general exceptions
No. 532, and the information therefor filed by the City Fiscal of Pasay City, there is a clause of the insurance policy.
paucity of evidence as to whether the contracts between Producers and the PRC
Management Systems and Unicorn Security Services are "labor-only" contracts. DISPOSITIVE PORTION: WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby GRANTED. The decision of
● But even granting for the sake of argument that these contracts were not "labor-only" the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 32946 dated 3 May 1994 as well as that of Branch 146
contracts, and PRC Management Systems and Unicorn Security Services were truly of the Regional Trial Court of Makati in Civil Case No. 1817 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The
independent contractors, we are satisfied that Magalong and Atiga were, in respect of complaint in Civil Case No. 1817 is DISMISSED. No pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED

● Virgina Calanoc (widow) was paid P2,000 representing the face value of the policy
but was denied of the additional P2,000 representing the value of the
supplemental policy.
● Philam Life: deceased died because he was murdered by a person who took part in
the commission of the robbery and while making an arrest as an officer of the law
which contingencies were expressly excluded in the contract and have the effect of
19. Calanoc v. CA exempting the company from liability.
GR NO. L-8151. December 16 1955. ● MTC and CFI in favor of Calanoc; CA reversed.
SPV (si RM gumawa ty po)
Topic: Concept of Accident ISSUE: W/N the death of Basilio is an accident covered by the supplemental policy – YES.
Ponente: BAUTISTA ANGELO, J ● The circumstance that he was a mere watchman and had no duty to heed the call
of Atty. Ojeda should not be taken as a capricious desire on his part to expose his
FACTS life to danger considering the fact that the place he was in duty-bound to guard
● Melencio Basilio was a watchman of Manila Auto Supply. was only a block away.
o He was insured with Philam Life for P2,000 to which was attached a o No doubt there was some risk coming to him in pursuing that errand, but
supplementary contract covering death by accident. that risk always existed it being inherent in the position he was holding.
● Basilio died of a gunshot wound on the occasion of a robbery committed in Atty. He cannot therefore be blamed solely for doing what he believed was in
Ojeda’s house. (circumstances provided below) keeping with his duty as a watchman and as a citizen.
o Atty. Ojeda, suspicious that there were culprits in his house looked for a o And he cannot be considered as making an arrest as an officer of the law,
policeman and finding Basilio in khaki uniform, asked him to accompany as contended, simply because he went with the traffic policeman, for
him to the house but the latter refused on the ground that he was not a certainly he did not go there for that purpose nor was he asked to do so
policeman. by the policeman.
o Atty. Ojeda found a traffic policeman, and on the way to the Ojeda ● Much less can it be pretended that Basilio died in the course of an assault or
murder considering the very nature of these crimes.
residence, they passed by Basilio and invited hinm to come along.
o In the First place, there is no proof that the death of Basilio is the result
o Approaching the Ojeda residence, a shot was fired and Basilio was hit in
of either crime for the record is barren of any circumstance showing how
the abdomen, the wound causing his instantaneous death.
the fatal shot was fired. Nor can it be said that the killing was intentional
for there is the possibility that the malefactor had Fred the shot merely to
scare away the people around for his own protection and not necessarily Topic: Casualty insurance; concept of accident
to kill or hit the victim. Petitioners: EMILIA T. BIAGTAN, JUAN T. BIAGTAN, JR., MIGUEL T. BIAGTAN, GIL T. BIAGTAN
o In any event, while the act may not exempt the triggerman from liability and GRACIA T. BIAGTAN
for the damage done, the fact remains that the happening was a pure Respondents: THE INSULAR LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD.
accident on the part of the victim. The victim could have been either the FACTS:
policeman or Atty. Ojeda for it cannot be pretended that the malefactor ● Juan Biagtan was insured with Insular Life under contract denominated "Accidental
aimed at the deceased precisely because he wanted to take his life. Death Benefit Clause, for an additional sum of P5,000.00 if "the death of the
● While as a general rule "the parties may limit the coverage of the policy to certain Insured resulted directly from bodily injury effected solely through external and
particular accidents and risks or causes of loss, and may expressly except other violent means sustained in an accident . . . and independently of all other causes."
risks or causes of loss therefrom", however, it is to be desired that the terms and o The clause expressly excludes death resulting from an injury intentionally
phraseology of the exception clause be clearly expressed so as to be within the inflicted by a third party.
easy grasp and understanding of the insured, for if the terms are doubtful or ● A band of robbers entered the house of Biagtan and the latter was killed.
obscure the same must of necessity be interpreted or resolved against the one ● The Biagtans, as beneficiaries, filed a claim under the policy.
who has caused the obscurity. o Insular Life paid the basic amount of P5,000.00 but refused to pay the
o the reason for this rule is that the "insured usually has no voice in the additional sum of P5,000.00 under the accidental death bene t clause, on
selection or arrangement of the words employed and that the language the ground that the insured's death resulted from injuries intentionally
of the contract is selected with great care and deliberation by experts inflicted by third parties and therefore was not covered.
and legal advisers employed by, and acting exclusively in the interest of, ● Biagtans filed suit to recover. Trial court ruled in their favor relying on the case of
the insurance company." Calanoc v. CA.
● The circumstances unfolded in the present case do not warrant the finding that the
death of the unfortunate victim comes within the purview of the exception clause ISSUE: W/N the wounds received by the insured were inflicted intentionally thus not covered
of the supplementary policy and, hence, do not exempt the company from liability. by the policy – YES.

Dispositive HELD/RATIO:
Wherefore, reversing the decision appealed from, we hereby order the company to pay ● Nine wounds were inflicted upon the deceased, all by means of thrusts with sharp-
petitioner-appellant the amount of P2,000, with legal interest from January 26, 1951 until pointed instruments wielded by the robbers. This is a physical fact as to which
fully paid, with costs. there is no dispute. So is the fact that five of those wounds caused the death of the
o Whether the robbers had the intent to kill or merely to scare the victim
or to ward off any defense he might offer, it cannot be denied that the
act itself of inflicting the injuries was intentional.
▪ Instances where the infliction of the injury is unintentional and
therefore would be within the coverage of an accidental death
benefit clause: A gun which discharges while being cleaned and
kills a bystander; a hunter who shoots at his prey and hits a
person instead; an athlete in a competitive game involving
physical effort who collides with an opponent and fatally injures
him as a result
▪ But where a gang of robbers enter a house and coming face to
face with the owner, even if unexpectedly, stab him
repeatedly, it is contrary to all reason and logic to say that his
injuries are not intentionally inflicted, regardless of whether
they prove fatal or not.
● The facts in the case of Calanoc are different. The insured there was a watchman in
a certain company, who happened to be invited by a policeman to come along as
20. Biagtan v. Insular Life the latter was on his way to investigate a reported robbery going on in a private
GR NO. L-25579. March 29, 1972. house. As the two of them, together with the owner of the house, approached and
stood in front of the main gate, a shot was red and it turned out afterwards that
the watchman was hit in the abdomen, the wound causing his death. 21 FINMAN GENERAL INSURANCE v CA
o Under the circumstances this Court held that it could not be said that the GR No. 100970 | September 2, 1992
killing was intentional for there was the possibility that the malefactor TS
had fired the shot to scare the people around for his own protection and Topic: CASUALTY INSURANCE – CONCEPT OF ACCIDENT
not necessarily to kill of hit the victim. Petitioners: FINMAN GENERAL ASSURANCE CORPORATION
o A similar possibility is clearly ruled out by the facts in the present case, Respondents: THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and JULIA SURPOSA
for while a single shot red from a distance, and by a person who was not Ponente: NOCON
even seen aiming at the victim, could indeed have been red without FACTS:
intent to kill or injure, nine wounds inflicted with bladed weapons at ● Deceased Carlie Surposa was insured with Finman General Assurance Corporation
close range cannot conceivably be considered as innocent insofar as such under Finman General Teachers Protection Plan Master Policy No. 2005 and
intent is concerned. Individual Policy No. 08924 with his parents, spouses Julia and Carlos Surposa, and
● Where a provision of the policy excludes intentional injury, it is the intention of brothers Christopher, Charles, Chester and Clifton, all surnamed Surposa, as
the person inflicting the injury that is controlling. If the injuries suffered by the beneficiaries.
insured clearly resulted from the intentional act of a third person the insurer is ● While said insurance policy was in full force and effect, the insured Carlie Surposa,
relieved from liability as stipulated. died as a result of a stab would inflicted by one of the 3 unidentified men without
o Hutchcraft’s v. Travelers: the insured was waylaid and assassinated for provocation and warning on the part of the former as he and his cousin Winston
the purpose of robbery. Surposa were waiting for a ride on their way home along Rizal-Locsin Streets,
▪ While the assassination of the insured was as to him an Bacolod City after attending the celebration of the “Maskarra Annual Festival.”
unforeseen event and therefore accidental, "the clause of the ● Julia Surposa and the other beneficiaries filed a written notice of claim, But Finman
proviso "that excludes the (insurer's) liability, in case death or denied said claim contending that murder and assault are not within the scope of
injury is intentionally inflicted by any other person, applies to the coverage of the insurance policy.
this case." ● Julia Surposa filed a complaint with the Insurance Commission which subsequently
o Butero v. Travelers: the insured was shot three times by a person rendered a decision, ordering Finman to pay Julia Surposa P15K representing the
unknown late on a dark and stormy night, while working in the coal shed proceeds of the policy with interest.
of a railroad company. ● CA affirmed.
▪ Showing that the murderer knew his victim and that he red
with intent to kill, there could be no recovery under the policy ISSUE: W/N the death can be indemnified under the personal accident insurance policy. –
which excepted death from intentional injuries inflicted by any YES
DISPOSITIVE: ● Finman is alleging grave abuse of discretion on the part of the appellate court in
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is reversed and the complaint dismissed, without applying the principle of “expresso unius exclusio alterius” in a personal accident
pronouncement as to costs. insurance policy.
● Finman contends that the death resulting from murder and/or assault are impliedly
excluded in said insurance policy, considering that the cause of death of the
insured was not accidental, but rather a deliberate and intentional act of the
assailant in killing the former as indicated by the location of the lone stab wound
on the insured.
o Therefore, said death was committed with deliberate intent which, by the
very nature of a personal accident insurance policy, cannot be
● The terms ‘accident’ and ‘accidental’, as used in insurance contracts have not
acquired any technical meaning, and are construed by the courts in their ordinary
and common acceptation.
● The terms have been taken to mean that which happen by chance or fortuitously,
without intention and design, and which is unexpected, unusual, and unforeseen.
An accident is an event that takes place without one’s foresight or expectation—an
event that proceeds from an unknown cause, or is an unusual effect of a known
cause and, therefore, not expected.
● The generally accepted rule is that, death or injury does not result from accident or
accidental means within the terms of an accident-policy if it is the natural result of
the insured’s voluntary act, unaccompanied by anything unforeseen except the
death or injury.
● There is no accident when a deliberate act is performed unless some additional, 22. De la Cruz v. Capital Insurance
unexpected, independent, and unforeseen happening occurs which produces or G.R. No. L-21574 30 June 1966
brings about the result of injury or death. By: Kath
● Where the death or injury is not the natural or probable result of the insured’s Topic: CONCEPT OF ACCIDENT
voluntary act, or if something unforeseen occurs in the doing of the act which Petitioners: SIMON DE LA CRUZ
produces the injury, the resulting death is within the protection of the policies Respondents: THE CAPITAL INSURANCE & SURETY CO., INC.,
insuring against death or injury from accident. Ponente: BARRERA, J.
● In the case at bar, it cannot be pretended that Carlie Surposa died in the course of
an assault or murder as a result of his voluntary act considering the very nature of
● Eduardo, employed as a mucker in the Itogon-Suyoc Mines, Inc., was the holder of
these crimes.
an accident insurance policy underwritten by the Capital Insurance
o In any event, while the act may not exempt the unknown perpetrator
o Eduardo was insured "against death or disability caused by accidental
from criminal liability, the fact remains that the happening was a pure
accident on the part of the victim. The insured died from an event that
● in celebration of the New Year, the Itogon-Suyoc sponsored a boxing contest
took place without his foresight or expectation, an event that proceeded
wherein Eduardo, a non- professional boxer, participated
from an unusual effect of a known cause and, therefore, not expected.
● In the course of his bout with another person, Eduardo slipped and was hit by his
o Neither can it be said that there was a capricious desire on the part of the
opponent on the left part of the back of the head, causing Eduardo to fall, with his
accused to expose his life to danger considering that he was just going head hitting the rope of the ring
home after attending a festival. o He was brought to the Baguio General Hospital where died the following
● The personal accident insurance policy involved specifically enumerated only 10
circumstances wherein no liability attaches to Finman for any injury, disability or
o The cause of death was reported as hemorrhage, intracranial, left.
loss suffered by the insured as a result of any of the stipulated causes.
● Simon, the father of Eduardo and who was named beneficiary under the policy,
● The principle of “expresso unius exclusio alterius”—the mention of one thing
filed a claim with Capital Insurance for payment of indemnity
implies the exclusion of another thing is applicable in the instant case since murder
● As the claim was denied, Simon instituted the action in the CFI for specific
and assault, not having been expressly included in the enumeration of the
circumstances that would negate liability in said insurance policy cannot be
● Capital Insurance set up the defense that the death of Eduardo, caused by his
considered by implication to discharge the petitioner insurance company from
participation in a boxing contest, was not accidental and therefore, not covered by
liability for any injury, disability or loss suffered by the insured.

● CFI rendered the decision in favor of Simon
● Finman’s failure to include death resulting from murder or assault among the
● Capital Insurance appealed
prohibited risks leads inevitably to the conclusion that it did not intend to limit or
exempt itself from liability for such death.
● Article 1377, Civil Code: The interpretation of obscure words or stipulations in a
W/N Eduardo’s death is within the protection of the policy? – YES.
contract shall not favor the party who caused the obscurity.
● It is well settled that contracts of insurance are to be construed liberally in favor of
the insured and strictly against the insurer. Thus ambiguity in the words of an
● The terms "accident" and "accidental", as used in insurance contracts, have not
insurance contract should be interpreted in favor of its beneficiary.
acquired any technical meaning, and are construed by the courts in their ordinary
and common acceptation.
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: WHEREFORE, finding no irreversible error in the decision of the
o An accident is an event that takes place without one's foresight or
respondent Court of Appeals, the petition for certiorari with restraining order and
expectation — an event that proceeds from an unknown cause, or is an
preliminary injunction is hereby DENIED for lack of merit.
unusual effect of a known cause and, therefore, not expected
● where the death or injury is not the natural or probable result of the insured's might he loaded. He assured her it was not and then pointed it
voluntary act which produces the injury, the resulting death is within the to his temple. The next moment there was an explosion and
protection of policies insuring against the death or injury from accident. Lim slumped to the floor. He was dead before he fell.
o while the participation of the Eduardo in the boxing contest is voluntary, ○ As beneficiary, his wife Nerissa Lim sought payment on the policy but her
the injury was sustained when he slid, giving occasion to the infliction by claim was rejected.
his opponent of the blow that threw him to the ropes of the ring ○ The petitioner agreed that there was no suicide. It argued, however that
o Without the unintentional slipping of Eduardo, perhaps he could not have there was no accident either.
received that blow in the head and would not have died ● RTC: In favor or Nerissa Lim
● The fact that boxing is attended with some risks of external injuries does not make ○ Sun Life sentenced to pay her P200,000.00, representing the face value of
any injuries received in the course of the game not accidental. the policy, with interest at the legal rate; P10,000.00 as moral damages;
o In boxing, as in other equally physically rigorous sports, such as basketball P5,000.00 as exemplary damages; P5,000.00 as actual and compensatory
or baseball, death is not ordinarily anticipated to result. damages; and P5,000.00 as attorney's fees, plus the costs of the suit.
● Furthermore, the policy involved herein specifically excluded from its coverage — ● CA: affirmed
"(e) Death or disablement consequent upon the Insured engaging in football,
hunting, pigsticking, steeplechasing, polo-playing, racing of any kind, ISSUE: Whether or not the death of Lim is considered an “accident” covered in the policy?
mountaineering, or motorcycling."
o Failure of Capital Insurance to include death resulting from a boxing RULING: YES.
match or other sports among the prohibitive risks leads inevitably to the
conclusion that it did not intend to limit or exempt itself from liability for The term "accident" has been defined as follows:
such death
The words "accident" and "accidental" have never acquired any technical signification in law,
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: and when used in an insurance contract are to be construed and considered according to the
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the decision appealed from is hereby ordinary understanding and common usage and speech of people generally. In-substance,
affirmed, with costs against appellant. so ordered. the courts are practically agreed that the words "accident" and "accidental" mean that which
happens by chance or fortuitously, without intention or design, and which is unexpected,
unusual, and unforeseen. The definition that has usually been adopted by the courts is that
23. Sun Insurance Office Ltd v CA Sun Insurance Office Ltd v CA an accident is an event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation — an event
GR 92383, 17 July 1992 that proceeds from an unknown cause, or is an unusual effect of a known case, and therefore
By: HH not expected. 4
Topic: Concept of accident
Petitioners: SUN INSURANCE OFFICE, LTD An accident is an event which happens without any human agency or, if happening through
Respondents: THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS and NERISSA LIM human agency, an event which, under the circumstances, is unusual to and not expected by
Ponente: CRUZ, J. the person to whom it happens. It has also been defined as an injury which happens by
reason of some violence or casualty to the injured without his design, consent, or voluntary
DOCTRINE: co-operation.
There is no accident when a deliberate act is performed unless some additional, unexpected,
independent and unforeseen happening occurs which produces or brings about their injury In light of these definitions, the Court is convinced that the incident that resulted in Lim's
or death death was indeed an accident.
FACTS: De la Cruz v. Capital Insurance says that "there is no accident when a deliberate act is
● Sun Life issued Personal Accident Policy to Felix Lim, Jr. with a face value of performed unless some additional, unexpected, independent and unforeseen happening
P200,000.00. occurs which produces or brings about their injury or death." This was true when he fired the
○ Two months later, he was dead with a bullet wound in his head. gun.
■ According to Pilar Nalagon, Lim's secretary and was the only
eyewitness to his death, Lim was in a happy mood (but not Under the insurance contract, the company wasn’t liable for bodily injury caused by
drunk) during his mother’s birthday party and was playing with attempted suicide or by one needlessly exposing himself to danger except to save another’s
his handgun, from which he had previously removed the life.
magazine. As she watched television, he stood in front of her
and pointed the gun at her. She pushed it aside and said it
Lim wasn’t thought to needlessly expose himself to danger due to the witness testimony that ● PANMALAY clarified that the damage caused was settled under the "own damage"
he took steps to ensure that the gun wasn’t loaded. He even assured his secretary that the coverage of the insurance policy, and that the driver of the insured car was, at the
gun was not loaded. time of the accident, an authorized driver duly licensed to drive the vehicle.
○ PANMALAY also submitted a copy of the insurance policy and the Release
There is nothing in the policy that relieves the insurer of responsibility to pay the indemnity of Claim and Subrogation Receipt executed by CANLUBANG in favor of
agreed upon if the insured is shown to have contributed to his own accident. PANMALAY.
● Fabie and driver filed M2D: payment under the "own damage" clause of the
insurance policy precluded subrogation under Article 2207 NCC, since
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: indemnification thereunder was made on the assumption that there was no
WHEREFORE, the challenged decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED in so far as it holds wrongdoer or no third party at fault.
the petitioner liable to the private respondent in the sum of P200,000.00 representing the ● RTC: dismissing PANMALAY’s complaint for no cause of action.
face value of the insurance contract, with interest at the legal rate from the date of the filing ● PANMALAY’S CONTENTION: the coverage of insured risks under Section III-1(a), is
of the complaint until the full amount is paid, but MODIFIED with the deletion of all awards comprehensive enough to include damage to the insured vehicle arising from
for damages, including attorney's fees, except the costs of the suit. collision or overturning due to the fault or negligence of a third party.
OTHER ISSUE: Were the damages awarded vaild? Section III-1 of the insurance policy which refers to the conditions under which the insurer
“In order that a person may be made liable to the payment of moral damages, the law PANMALAY is liable to indemnify the assured CANLUBANG against damage to or loss of the
requires that his act be wrongful. The adverse result of an action does not per se make the insured vehicle, reads as follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
act wrongful and subject the act or to the payment of moral damages. The law could not
have meant to impose a penalty on the right to litigate; such right is so precious that moral SECTION III — LOSS OR DAMAGE.
damages may not be charged on those who may exercise it erroneously. For these the law 1. The Company will, subject to the Limits of Liability, indemnify the Insured against
taxes costs.” loss of or damage to the Scheduled Vehicle and its accessories and spare parts whilst
thereon: —
If a party wins, he cannot, as a rule, recover attorney's fees and litigation expenses, since it is (a) by accidental collision or overturning, or collision or overturning
not the fact of winning alone that entitles him to recover such damages of the exceptional consequent upon mechanical breakdown or consequent upon wear and tear;
circumstances enumerated in Art. 2208. Otherwise, every time a defendant wins, (b) by fire, external explosion, self ignition or lightning or burglary,
automatically the plaintiff must pay attorney's fees thereby putting a premium on the right to housebreaking or theft;
litigate which should not be so. For those expenses, the law deems the award of costs as (c) by malicious act;
sufficient. (d) whilst in transit (including the processes of loading and unloading)
incidental to such transit by road, rail, inland, water-way, lift or elevator.
ISSUE: whether or not the insurer PANMALAY may institute an action to recover the
24. Pan Malayan Insurance v CA amount it had paid its assured in settlement of an insurance claim against private
Petitioners: PAN MALAYAN INSURANCE CORPORATION respondents as the parties allegedly responsible for the damage caused to the insured
FACTS: ● Based on a police report wherein the driver of the insured car reported that after
● PANMALAY filed a complaint for damages against Erlinda Fabie and her driver. the vehicle was sideswiped by a pick-up, the driver thereof fled the scene
○ PANMALAY insured a Mitsubishi Colt Lancer car (DDZ-431) registered in ● DOCTRINE: It cannot be said that the meaning given by PANMALAY and
the name of Canlubang Automotive Resources Corporation CANLUBANG to the phrase "by accidental collision or overturning" found in the first
[CANLUBANG]; part of sub-paragraph (a) is untenable.
○ due to the "carelessness, recklessness, and imprudence" of the unknown ○ Although the terms "accident" or "accidental" as used in insurance
driver of a pick-up, the insured car was hit and suffered damages contracts have not acquired a technical meaning, the Court has on
(P42,052.00) several occasions defined these terms to mean that which takes place
○ PANMALAY defrayed the cost of repair of the insured car and, therefore, "without one’s foresight or expectation, an event that proceeds from an
was subrogated to the rights of CANLUBANG against the driver of the unknown cause, or is an unusual effect of a known cause and,
pick-up and his employer, Erlinda Fabie; therefore, not expected.”
○ despite repeated demands, Defendants, failed and refused to pay the ○ Certainly, it cannot be inferred from jurisprudence that these terms,
claim of PANMALAY. without qualification, exclude events resulting in damage or loss due to
the fault, recklessness or negligence of third parties.
○ The concept "accident" is not necessarily synonymous with the concept
of "no fault." It may be utilized simply to distinguish intentional or
malicious acts from negligent or careless acts of man., CANLUBANG filed
its claim with PANMALAY for indemnification of the damage caused to its
car. It then accepted payment from PANMALAY, and executed a Release
of Claim and Subrogation Receipt in favor of latter.
● Moreover, a perusal of the provisions of the insurance policy reveals that damage
to, or loss of, the insured vehicle due to negligent or careless acts of third parties is
not listed under the general and specific exceptions to the coverage of insured risks
which are enumerated in detail in the insurance policy itself
● The Court, furthermore, finds it noteworthy that the meaning advanced by
PANMALAY regarding the coverage of Section III-1(a) of the policy is undeniably
more beneficial to CANLUBANG than that insisted upon by respondents herein. By
arguing that this section covers losses or damages due not only to malicious, but
also to negligent acts of third parties, PANMALAY in effect advocates for a more
comprehensive coverage of insured risks. And this, in the final analysis, is more in
keeping with the rationale behind the various rules on the interpretation of
insurance contracts favoring the assured or beneficiary so as to effect the dominant
purpose of indemnity or payment
● In conclusion, it must be reiterated that in this present case, the insurer PANMALAY
as subrogee merely prays that it be allowed to institute an action to recover from
third parties who allegedly caused damage to the insured vehicle, the amount
which it had paid its assured under the insurance policy. Having thus shown from
the above discussion that PANMALAY has a cause of action against third parties
whose negligence may have caused damage to CANLUBANG’s car, the Court holds
that there is no legal obstacle to the filing by PANMALAY of a complaint for
damages against private respondents as the third parties allegedly responsible for
the damage. Respondent Court of Appeals therefore committed reversible error in
sustaining the lower court’s order which dismissed PANMALAY’s complaint against
private respondents for no cause of action. Hence, it is now for the trial court to
determine if in fact the damage caused to the insured vehicle was due to the
"carelessness, recklessness and imprudence" of the driver of private respondent
Erlinda Fabie.
DISPOSITIVE PORTION: WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the present petition is
GRANTED. Petitioner’s complaint for damages against private respondents is hereby
REINSTATED. Let the case be remanded to the lower court for trial on the merits.

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