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Vol. — VIII (Ula 5. 2908 q 3008) If. W. QM., WZ. HH. 183/Ro2o, (awieach cette st, a. 2. . 83/2020) WEA BOR, Yo, ¥EY, YEC, 920(a), ov, M98, 20, OW, 292, 3Y aS. fA ara weil aren aren alada Ba Asha f&. 28/92/2020 acien darren sictia dead steel eleasin ded ftic suse Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Arnab Goswami 7/15/19, 1:23 EM - POGAG: No results 7/15/18, 1:26 PM - Arnab Goswami: It may appear so now, But the inside story is at they are avare and more will happen later this month. /19, 1:25 PM - PDGAO: It's late - damage is happening i25 PM - Arnab Goswami: But since I'm the only one affected and India 70 7/13/13, tv and India today have been wholly unaffeccted by landing they aren't doing nueh 7/15/19, 1:28 PM - Arnab Goswami: Though now there is @ large association of Channels and networks affected by landing besides these two above who are well organised and are also fighting 3/15/19, 1:29 FM - BDGAG: No impact on the powers that are yis/1s, 1:29 eM - Arnab Goswami; The only powers are in Delhi Wisns, PM = PDGAO: Who are not doing anything 1/15/19, PM = PDGAG: Kence the powers of the industry are deciding 7415/28, PM - PDGO: Who are foolishly gunning for full automation TASS, PH — Arnab Goswami: Of course they are and will. The detailed notes of your board meeting have been ciculated. Govt takes some time to act 1/15/18, 1:41 EM - Arnab Gosqami: I want to give you seme feedback for a min en you're free T/Y5/19, 1:41 2M - POGRe In 90 min pls 1/15/19, - Arnab Goswami: Sure 1/15/13, 4 - PDGA®; Free now 3/15/19, = Arnab Goswami: Will take @ breather in just a bit. In a hugely Crowded Vatican now 1/15/18, 4231 PM = POGAD: Cops ok 7/15/19, 4:3) PM PDGRO: It's a long walxot™. 7/15/19, 4:32 PM - Arnab Goswami: You bet. In laws and family 7/15/19, 4232 PM - POGRO: O2°SOY"S 7/15/19, 9:12 PM — Arnab Goswami: I'm very sorry boss for not calling. After we connectad my mom in law fell and had a femur Zracture neax the Sistine chapel- So I'm at a private hospital trying to crganise her evacuation to India in next 36 hour: 7/15/18, $113 2M - Arnab Goswam: these days of=” 7/15/19, 9:18 PM - POGRO: You should take care of thi 3/15/19, 9218 PM ~ POGAD: Our talk can walt 3/16/18, 3:13 PN ~ Arnab Goswami: 7/16/18, 3:13 PN - Arnab Goswami: 7/16/18, 4:13 PH - Arnab Goswami: 7/16/19, 3:14 PM - Arnab Goswami: The first ever and completely explosive interview kangane. Aajtak is in the queve and republic Bharat hag smashed this ratings cruncher V/11/19, 11:83 AK ~ Arnab Goswami: https: //— regional-broadeasters-drau-paral lele-with-net-neutrality-contraversy-87054. html 7/16/18, 10:18 AM - Arnab Soawami: ht tps:// page-and-~free-basic-seek-trai-s-action/ T/lB/19, 10:16 AM - Arnab Goswami: © don't think punlt can jus view in govt was clear on freebasics T/1B/19, 10:17 AM - POGAe: You deleted this message TAsI5, AM - PDGAG: Things don't work that way - unfortunatel 7/1@/18, 10:22 AM - POGAS: Anyways 3/18/19, 10:38 AM - Arnab Goswami: I meant T don't know why punit is doing this. Makeg no sense to fight such a spirited battle with the government... a aaa. Sa DEG aa AO) a ait 9 much happening at one time in my life -dvay-parallel-between-landing- y this now .. Scanned with CamScanner 2506 ‘Chat With Arnab Goswami 4/18/19, 10:58 AM - PDGRO: Cbviously he is being motivated by some and it has started affecting me now 1/18/19, 10:58 aM - POCAO: Directly 3/18/19, 1:05 PM - Arnab Goswami: Tv18 is behind this and Tv18 has been built a5 a leading from a Jaggard channel. That's what [ needed ce tell you. Landing in Hindi not Deing stopped and ranking in Hindi also being kept the seme has encouraged them nore. 7/19/19, 1:08 PM = Arnab Goswami: Don't trust Rahul Joshi 7/18/19, 1:07 PM - POGAB: I dont T18/19, 1:07 PH - POGAO: But now I am screwed anyways 3/18/19, 1:08 2M - Arnab Goswand; Ty18 shouldn't have been kept in top in hindi after landing measurement decision. Emboidens them 4/18/19, 1:08 PM - Arnab Gcswami: We lost our everything. Industry is divided. Gove distrusts BARC. And only tv18 gains 78/49, PN — POGAG: = had told you long back on what's to be done 7/18/19, Fu - PDGAG: You didn't taxe it seriously tess, PM - Arnab Goswami: i've done more than any person has. You know that 7/18/19, PM = PDGAO: Ultimately I am affected 3/18/19, PM - Agna’ Goswami: Not fair of you to say that 7/18/15, PH - PDGAD: Yes you did 1/18/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: I've been hit the most. 7/18/13, PM - POGAe: But it didn't have the effect we desired Avnab Tess, 2M = eDGhO: You did try 7718/19, PW — Arnab Goswami: I was shafted in Bnglish. And 1 © been screwed in hindi 7/18/19, 1:18 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: Ty 18 has many holea to bring them down in di. T shared with romil. Ke knows. 7/18/19, 1:18 PM ~ POGAC: And people are accusing me of aiding with you 7/18/19, 1:18 EM = Arnab Goswami: And India ty and Aajtak are enjoying it because they've been kept constant 7/18/19, 1:19 2M - Arnab Goswami dissing you before the minister 7/18/13, 1:18 FE - Arnab Goswem meetings 7/18/19, 1:49 PM - BDGAD: Yes i know 3/29/19, 1:19 PM - Arnab Goswami: I wanzed to tell ycu that day 7/16/19; 1:29 PM - Arnab Goswami: We hae managed te get an unfair advantage for Hindi and feels it's now permanent 1/18/19, 1:20 PM ~ FPGA: But he can't do mich if the beard hadn't have had I've spoken for you when Rahul Joshi was Rahul Joshi has targeted you personally in w1s/38, PM - Arnab Goswami: The board is Hismly against lending 718/19, PM = POGAD: No 718/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: Because they know the government is against it 7/18/13, PM - Arnab Goswami: Yes they are and will be 7/18/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: Nobedy cares fight the govt 1/18/18, PM - Arnab Goswami; The government and you are on the same page. speak to Shashi and share your views. Don't give in. /1H/18, 2216 PM - PDGAD! Wonder why ie Govt not helping me then and letting peaple fuh With their opinions ~ who don't understand implications 9/18/19, 2:28 PM - POGAG: None in Board understands News 4/18/18, 2:17 PM - Arnab Goswami; Government is 100 percent against landing. It has affected BARC image in a big way. 7/18/19, 2:18 PM = Arnab Goswami: Prime minister hima and knewe about it. = = CA tigle== Dat ae ae ft Page No.92 ks. 6) at f£ is against this landing Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Amab Gaswami aso Gadd) dete wa < peba Gedeaals Bare a5 douse abo d 7/18/19, 2:18 PM - POGAD: Yes but only 1 am facing the music - govt not calling and telling anyone anything 7/18/13, 2:19 PM - Arnab Goswami: Government will at 7/18/19, 2:18 Pa - Arnab Goswami: I am having further meetings next week 7/18/13, 2:18 PM - PDGAS: Tc may but maybe too late for me 7/18/19, 2218 PM - Arnab Goswami: Others have also met 7/19/19, 2:18 PM = Arnab Goswami: Pwo 7/18/19, 2:13 PM - POGAe: Yes i know 7/18/18, 2:19 PM - Arnab Goawani: You should make it a matter of principle. 7/18/19, 2:13 PM ~ POGAR: But they are aos acting on it 7/18/13, 2:19 eM = Arnab Goswami: They will, Hang in there. 7/18/19, 2219 PM = POGAO: T am getting shafted by people who don't know the subject 7/18/19, ~ POGAS; And government is just watehing 7/18/19, = POGKS: Tt will affect all but two groups 7/18/13, ~ Arnab Goswami: Government has sent it's fixet missive. 7ngsig, - POCAD: find all will bleed to death 7/19, - Arnab Goswami: Via Shashi at the board meeting 7/8/19, = Arnab Goswami: Speak to ty today. They're very quiet and don't care, 7/18/19, 2120 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: Tv18 8s no 2 is bizarre. 7/18/19, 2:20 PM ~ POGAO: AM just saying it's tea small and got missed - if they have te they should do it decisively 719/18, 2:20 PN - POGAG: They have spoken to minister too 1 am told 7/28/19, 2:22 PM - PDGAC: No matter what you say — { have seen what people said in Board that day myself - they aze nor going with your thing 7/18/19, 2:22 8M - PDGAG: J am saying all this since i consider you as a friend 7/18/19, 2:22 BM = EDGAO: I don't even interact as much with other news guys 7/18/19, 2:23 PM - PDGAD: They are saying good things to you but behind your back doing something else 7/18/19, 2:23 PH - POGAD: Unless govt calls people and asks them to quit not! will change 7/18/13, 2:23 PM - BpGAD: Tt will get only bad 7/18/19, 2:24 EM - Arneb Goswami: Noted, Government will, You must not give up. Please look at TVL8 landing markets 7/18/29, 2:27 PM - Arnab Goswami: T have done such hard work on my ¢pc. Changed my 9 pm and orought in a wave of formats after 5 pm. Ne break everything well in advance and Tv18 which dees nothing has nothing is no 2. 7/16/19, 2:28 PA - PDGAG: Maybe you should lock at your break scrategy 7/18/19, 2:29 PM - Arnab Goswami: Shall take inputs on that. 7/18/19, 2:29 PM = Arnab Goswami: ilave lower inventory. TW1g/19, 2:29 PM - Arnab Goswami: Further penetrated more networks. Tv 18 is Giving up networks they are so confident of landing being measured. They need to be hit not us. 7/18/19, 2:30 eM - EDGAG: Ramil and team is following the SOP to the T mow — they are alsc nervous to use judgement with all the aegative press and comments in board B18, PK - pDGHO: You need to understand 7/18/28, PY - POGAS: I told thie to you long back 7/18/18, PH - POGAO: Barc management hag to be independent 78/18, Pil - Arnab Goswami: Not fair. 7/38/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: Don't let TV18 win like this Taf, ma = Poche: Nobody is letting thot napg ang | — rags Nos Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Aenats Goswami 7/18/19, 2:32 PM - Arnab Goswami: Govt doesn't seperate, They think BARC is helping ty 18. 7/18/18, 2:33 PM ~ PDGAD: They need to make us independent q418/19, 2:33 2M - PDGAG: Te see haw we operate without influence 3/18/13, 2:33 PM - Arnab Goswami: The pro guys said that yesterday to a channel head. That tv18 is winning like this 7/18/18, 2:33 PM = Arnab Goswami: You moderate tv18 landing 1/18/19, 2:33 PM - Arnab Goswami: They will come down to 7 percwnt 7/19/18, 2:33 PM - Arnab Goswami: Or less given their content Téla/19, 2:34 PM — POGAG: One day see the actual numbers of tvlé - you will then decide whether it's moderated or not T/1B/19, 2:34 EM - PUG: It's severely moderated 3/1/19, 2:34 eM - PDGAG: But the larger issue - i have explained 7/18/19, 2:35 24 = Arnab Goswami: The only honest and straight channel showlda't be shafted 7/18/13, 2:38 PM - Arnab Goswami: As I said I fight for the right thing. and goshi becomes no 2 /18/19, 2:33 PM ~ PDGAO: See the numbers and you will know T/18/19, 2:33 PM - Arnab Goswami: T honestly and diligently showed romil. Atleast ten markets. He knews the landing markets are sharply evident. There ‘should be no nervousness to correct that. They have stayed static for eight weeks now. Please see. 7/18/13, 2238 PM - Arnab Goswami: You cannot imagine the mountains I nave meved against Landing. 1/18/19, 2240 PM = Arnab Goswami: And T will continue to, But please see how horribly I'm hit. Week after week. No respite. 7/48/19, 2:44 PM - Arnab Goswami: I will also review tne break strategy 7/18/19, 2:45 PM - POG: I jave asked Romil to show you or vikas what kind of cuts happen on News18 7/18/19, 2:45 2M ~ FOGAD: Have a look 7/18/19, 2:45 PM = BOGRO: Confidential of course 7/8/19, 2145 BM - POGAC! We don't even talk this level with anyone else T/1O/19, 2:46 PM ~ Aznab Goswami: 1 appreciate 7/18/19, 2:46 FM ~ Ana Goswami: Will also take the inputs on breax strategy TA1B/19, 2:46 PM ~ POGAB: Ok 7/18/19, 2:47 EM ~ PDGAO: Unless the Government helps - ay hands are tied Arnab 7/18/19, 2:47 PM = POGAG: 7 am fighting back 7/18/19, 2:47 PM ~ POGAc: But fighting the biggies 7/18/15, 2:48 PM - Arnab Goswami: Yes yes 1/18/19, 2:49 2M - EDGAG: And because none in Board understands news nor cares for it ~ em fighting a lonely battle 7/18/18, 3:05 PM = Arnab Goswami: I'm with you .. 7 will speak te all and galvanise mere support 7/18/19, 3:07 PM - PDSAD: H onestly ple don't do that - people are seeing it differently and think yeu and me are joined in the hips 5/18/18, 3:07 EM - PDGAG: Better to vaise the principle issues and ensure independence 2/18/19, 2:08 PM - EDGAD: Which only government can do 3/18/19, 3:27 PM = Arnab Goswami: I'm soaking to geveznment T/18/19, 3:27 PM - Arnab Goswami: Net getting into technicalities 7/18/19, 3:28 PM - PDGKO: Ok T/19/19, 1:27 PM - Arnab Goswami: https: //www.republicworld.cem/india- news/politics/all-tine-pol itical-exclusive-priyenka~ se secret-conspiracy-to- eplace-rahul-gandhi-exposed?v=1234 = of - Page No.34 _ he alt a Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Arnab Goswami 7/19/19, 1:30 PM - PpGie: St? 7/19/18, 1:31 PM = Arnab Goswami: Part of my stronger digital push. T am penetrating even more networks and have a Gramatic stretegy there. Along with Supech inprovewents on FEC content and breake, Determined to challenge Aajtak and dislodge 2 Té19/19, 1:32 PM - Ppcho: éf*+ 3/20/19, 10:17 AM - PDGAO: These insults are from an era before the English language got boiled down to 4=letter words. Insults then, had some class! "] am enclosing two tickers to the first might of ay new play: Bring a jend, if you have one." George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill. fr “cannot possibly attend first night, T will attend the there is = Winston Churchill, in response. 2. A member of Parliament to Disrael gallows, or of some unspeakable disease. S€aThat depends, Sir," said Disrael! your mistress." "Siz, you will either die on the “whether I embrace your policies or 3. He had delusions of adequacy.” - Walter Kerr 4. "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." = Clazence Darrow 5. "We has newer been known co use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary." = William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway). 6."thank you for sen = Moses Hadas ng me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it.” 7, "1 didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of ie." - Makk Twain 8. "He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends. = Osear Wilde 9, "E feel so miserable without you; it’s almost like having you here.” = Stephen Bishop 10. "He is a self-made man and worships his creator." = gehn Bright 11, "I've gust learned about his illness. Let's nope it's nothing trivial." - Irvin §, Cobb 12, “He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others." = Samuel Jahnson = sna oy ARI aeaeRr og Finis Ae. ok 67 att Scanned with CamScanner | "in order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily.” - Charles, Count Talleyrand Chat With Arnab Goswami 13. “He is simply a shiver looking for spine to run up." = Pau Keating 15. "He loves nature in spite of what it did to him." - Forrest Tucker 16. "Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?” - Mark Twain 17. "Kis mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork." - Mae Hest 18. "Some cause happiness wherever they gor others, whenever they go." = Oscar Wilde 19. "de uses statistics as a drunken man uses lem shan ilhumination." - Andrew Lang (1944-1912) For support rather 20. “He has Van Gogh's ear for music." - Billy Wilder DL. "I've ned a perfectly wonderful evening, But this wasn't it = Groucho Marx. 22."We has ali the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." = Winston Churcnii1 7/22/18, 10:23 a - PDGAO: Do you think it's possible thet Rajat has some stor on Zee and holding that and making unit act on you and me? 3/22/19, 10:28 aM - Arnab Goswami: I den't think se parcho honestly 1 feel that punit has a short attention span because of his other business issues 1422/18, 10 Possible 7422/19, 10: But wondering why is he going after us 7122/19, 20: Somebody close to him tells me he is 9/22/19, 19:29 AM - PDGA®: And 4 trust him 7/22/29, 10:24 AM - Arnab Goswami: He is what ? 1/22/19, 10:30 AM - POGAG: Going after you and me 7/22/13, 10:30 AM - POGAC: That's why i thought it's provoked by Rajat 3/22/19, 10:31 AM = Arnab Goswami: God knows whet goes on in these people's minds. 1/22/18, A - ppGae: True 7/22/19, Al - Arnab Goswami: Am going te Delhi in a few days. Both in laws hospi handling that first Vans, am ~ POGAD: Yeen that's nore important 3/24/19, AM — POCAS: Bat unless ne ds taken off he will harm cur interests 7/24/13, PM - PDGAD: Saw some missed call alerts - wes on flight ~ tried calling 3/24/18, - PRGAO: Pls call on whatsapp 7/24/13, - Arnab Goswami: Missed voice call S2RrRy sain GeO ee 3/24/29, 12:38 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: a @ fo. Page No.98 Scanned with CamScanner 7/25/13, Fe 7/25/19, Pa 7025/19, Ey 1/25/13, ex 725/13, EM 3/25/18, aM 2/28/19, a 3/25/19, rl 125/13, PM W25/19, 2:37 PM look inte 1/28/19, 2:37 3/25/19, 2:37 PM 2/25/19, 2:37 PH her contraversy 1/28/19, 2:37 PM 1/25/19, 2:37 eM first which ev ‘chat With Arnab Goswami = FDGAO: Look at this guy - PDGAO: There is this going = Arnab Geewami: An absolute = FDGAS: Very close to Punit - eDGhG: Yes Absolute - Arnab Goswami: You can! x1 = poche: Yes i don = PDGAO! But they provoxe su: = PBGAD: and sen enough the - Arnab Goswami; I'm raising = FDGha: Ok - Arnab Goswami: Kangana is = Arnab Goswami: and ve got - PDGAG: Didn't rate?.is it? = Arnab Goswami: Huge contra: around on English news too idiot he is espond to all these idiots ch views ra will be stories an issue with BARC which you can a massive rating cruncher. her first when India vas burning on diction. Kangana inter wwe got ery channel fellewed later. Kengana has always delivered high time spent and this time the interview was in the middle of a raging controversy. The interview done by sucherita was very neway and tracked by media and followed by Rajtek. { don't understand when Aajtak does the same interview later they get the numbers. 1/28/19, 2237 EM = Arnab Goswami: We ran at 3 debate at 6.90 on Kangna ke khilaf kaun lobby, We got average 2. 7/a5/49, 2:37 BM 3.30. 4% 8.00, 38 8.30 cn 11.00. 3% 11,30 2% 1/25/19, 2238 1/25/19, 253% PM 54 = Arnab Goswami: 3.00 - 58 = PDGAD: Hmm pls agk someone = Arnab Goswami: Not didn't 00 pm, 8,00 pms 11.00 pms to send a mail with this vate. Col zero ratings. Now we were ahead of everyone and there was on industry fight over this interview. Very very strange that this happened. 7/25/19, 2:39 PM = POGAC: Yes i was watching at the tine - remember you were st - af some minutes aa} tak started 7/25/19, 2:39 PM - PDGAG: Or India Today = one of then Té25/19, 2:40 2M - Arnab Goswami: No we were atleast two hours anead of Aajts 7/25/18, 2:41 PR - Arnab Goswami: And Aajtak ran later. India today fan first. so we had an over happen 7¢25/19, 2:41 PM 7425/1, 11 98388-nen 2/25/19, 1/25/15, 1/25/13, 1/25/13, 3/25/13, 3/25/19, 7/28/19, J@ PM - Arnab Goswami: hetp: news /over-50-news-channe four nour lead on this bloc! = PPGAO: ok ode come-together-to-f: = FOGG: Saw = PDGAD: BY rei» = Arnab Goswami: Sudhansiw - PDGAe: Official? - Arnab Goswami: I always hé - POGAd: Am nearing to but = PDGho: 31 kbuster. Impossible this to—tv- ort-news-broadeastere=federation- vats has quit ave breaking news don't know if it's confirmed Page No.3T Scanned with CamScanner 081% Chat With Arnab Goswami 25/19, 11:09 PM ~ Arnab Geswami: Comcast takeover of zee. Punit may serve in titular role only .. full management control with Comcast and new buyers 1/25/19, 12:10 eM ~ POGRE: One day he mentioned the deal May go to CCT 1/25/23, = POGRe; Comcast deal won't need CCT - hence doubted 1/26/19, 10:43 AM - Arnab Goswani: Missed voice call 7/26/19, 12:07 PM - POGAD: now there is Pack level landing page that has started = 30 if you have selected a pack - one of those channels can be served in landing page - 20 life becomes nore complex 7/26/19, 12:07 PM BDGRO: BY-, 7/30/19, 7:36 AM - Arnab Goswami: SAWAN SHIVAATRI SPECIAL BROADCAST ON REPUBLIC BHARAT Tomorrow as India observes the auspicious cccasion of Shivratri, Republic Bharat will be broadcasting live from 12 Jyotirling. Republic Bharatae™s special coverage from Dudheshwar Nath Temple in Gkaziabad fre ? AM will also have a special gueszaé” Internet Sensation, Indian Classica: Singer Maithili Thakur who will bring a dash of devotion and spirituality 71/30/19, 7236 AM = Arnab Goswami: TDOLS OF DEITIES DRINKING MILK: FACT ¥a FICTION, ‘Over the last two days, Republic Bharat has been reporting how devetees are rushing to temples in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh after reports of deities4e™ idols drinking milk. At 3 PM and 5 PM today, Republic Bhazet, for 60 minutes extensively debated whethe: this is fact or blind faith. Hours after Republic aharat grozdcast at 8:26 Pu, Aaj] Tak did a 13 minute reportage on the same. 1/30/19, 1)41 RM ~ Arnab Goowami: The only indi network that has connected jyctorlings on shivratri live. HUGE SIGNIFICANCE for Hindus and never done before 7/30/18, 7:49 AM = Arnab Goswam: Monday (28 June, 2019) ic TV began the week with @ newspacked Repul *REPUBLIC LEAD WITH ON GROUND COVERAGE ON THE UNWAO RAPE VICTIMSE*S 'ACCIDENT":* — Republic TV had repoztecs on the ground not just at the Hospital in Lucknow, but also at the accident site = Republic Ty was the first to get the Ncw Cl in the Unnao Rape Case = Republic TY continued itt ad-breaks over news f on record on action te be taken coverage on the Unnao Rape Survivor , Times Now put *REPUBLIC BREAKS STORY ON MHA ORDER GN XASHMTR MOSQUES, OTHERS CATCH UP 20 MINUTES LATER:* Republic was the first to break the news om the MA order seeking details of the Mesques in various sectors across Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir from the police REPUBLIC I FIRST TO BREAK NEWS ON 112 VETERANS CONDEMNING THE LOBBY: * While Times now is on add breaks and India today air news wraps, Republic TV breaks the news on the epen letter by 112 veterans against the lobby “REPUBLIC LEADS ON COVERAGE OF D-GANG CRACKDOWN:* Live from Mumbai, Republic TV was the first to break the story on the crackdown on the Dawood Gang and how Dawood Tbrahim's nephew Rizwan Kaskar was sent to police custody SAAR iT: Lip woh GO ret a acl Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Arnab Goswami REPUBLIC TV IS THE FIRST 76 BREAK NEWS CN KAMAL NATH KIN BEING UNDER ED SCANNER:* Republic TV is first on the aews of how Kamal Nathaé™s nephew was accused of having linke te money laundering and shell companies in the AgustaWestland case. “REPUBLIC BREAKS NEWS ON KARNATAKA FLOOR TEST, TIMES NOW PLAYS CATCH: * while Times New catches up cn the story of how mosques in Kashmir are under the MHA radar, Republic broke the news on the floor rest results in Karnataka. 7/20/19, 12:10 PM - Arnab Goswami: nttpe://wew.adgully.con/nbf=counters-doubts~ raised-over-ite-efficacy-says-nba-has-become—]ittery-87336.btm) 7/30/19, 12:10 eM - Arnab Goswami: httpe://www.exchangetmedia. com/media—tyv— news /news-broadcasters-bod ies-wont-have-a~cl ash-of-interest-#8458. html 2/2/19, 9:28 AM - Arnab Goswami: https: // channe!-repubiic-set-to-launch~in-uk-this-month/ 8/2/19, 9:29 AM - PDGRe: avs 4/2/19, 2:05 PM - Arnab Goswami: Mediation in ayodhya fails. Republic BHARAT again breaks the biggest story of the hindi news universe. One min before any other channel especially the slowest channel Aajtak 4/2/19, 2:05 pa - Arnab Goswami: Mediation in ayodhya fails. Republic BHARAT again breaks the biggest story of the Aindi news universe. One min before any other channel especially the slowest channel Aajtak 8/2/19, 2:17 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: Bharat destroys aajtak again. Live now joint news conference of army and police in Kashmir. The biggest news s:ory is Kashmir and Aajtak which first lost on the ayodhya breaking stary has keen unable to establish a live input from this monumental need conference 8/2/19, 2:37 PH - Arnab Goswami: 8/2/19, 2237 PH - Arnab Goswami: 8/2/19, 2:37 PM - Arnab Gcewami: Massive breaking army news conference + ayedhya mediation breaking news. You can't show stale serial footage and exoget to get ratings. Bharat storms on news. 8/2/19, 2254 PM - Arnab Goswami https; //m,sconomictines .com/markets/atocks/news/street-was-hoping-for-more> fron— zee-deal-shows-Jts-not-happy/articleshow/70091211.cme 8/2/19, 8:23 PM - Arnab Goswami: REPUBLIC SHARAT LEADS JéK COVERAGE With ten Reporters on ground zero and over 20 Stringers acress Jammu and Kashiie, Republic Bharat was ahead on every development in the stace today Apart £foc itaximum presence across J&K in Uri, Nowshera, Amarnath Base Camp, Rajouri and Srinagar, Republic Bharat is also ahead on the News. At 3:48 BM, 5 ites before other channels accessed it, Republic Barat was the first channel to air MHA advisory to Amarnath Yatris. 8/2/19, 8:23 EM - Arnab Goswami: AYODHYA CASE: FASTEST UPDATES, LARGEST REPORTING TEAM With 6 Reporters in Supreme Court, the largest reporting team in Ayodhya and maximum stakeholders live oa the channel, Republic Baarat kept Indta ahead as Supreme Court delivered the crucial Ayodhya Verdict. Republic Bharat was also the first channel co break the news when Supreme Court declared Mediation Unsuccessful at 2:04 PM, minutes before any other Channel. At 2:25 PM when Qther HindL News Channels including Aaj Tak and ABP broadcast their regular Entertainment progrenming, Republic Bharat got the fastest updates ¢ maximum voices on Mandir hearing decision. 8/2/19, 8:32 EW - PDGAD: *_News Flash :_ Government of India to Hake Janmu separate state, Kashmir and Ladakh as union Terrizories. Means we can't have SET ) = i aaa OT f — Page No.99 Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Arnab Goswami any political party, and will be controlled by Delhi based Governor for ever. Order will be made in next 1 week. Curfew will be imposed 2 days ahead of order it will automatically abrogate article 370 and 35 A.* 9/2/19, 8:31 PM — PDGAe: Tree? 8/2/18, 8:32 PY ~ Arnab Goswam’ 8/2/19, B:33 EM - PDGAG: Big one 8/2/19, 8:33 PM - Arnab Goswami: SIR 1 HAVE SET PLATINUM STANDARDS IN BREAKKNG AND THIS STORY TS OURS 8/2/19, 8:35 2M - PDGAO: BY *COtnm 8/2/19, 9:35 PY - Arnab Geewan: 8/2/19, 8:35 PM - Arnab Goswami; Meeting NSA and PMO Monday 8/2/19, 8:35 PM - POGAD: imam 8/3/19, 11:57 AM = Arnab Goswami: 8/3/18, 12:93 PM - Arnab Goswami: Unprecedented rallying for republic Bharat as the channel breaks the national record by trending on its coverage foperationkashmir for 24 hours. With $0 strong crew in J&K as of this minute REPUBLIC sets the trend on the years biggest developing story. 8/4/19, 2:25 PM - Arnab Goswami: 3/5/19, 12:12 AM - Arnab Goswami: 8/5/19, 12712 AM - Arnab Goswami: Only netwerk that is live and broken the biggest story. Republic network breaks the biggest story of the year as 144 is pat in motion. 8/5/19, 12:15 AM - Agnab Goswami: Republic team rocks giving every update but by bite siz ‘That ig the speculation but we can't say as of Regards Amrit Pal Singh amar Uj Rashmi 8/5/13, 10:39 AN - Arnab Goswami: Operation Kashmir; Live Updates from Ground Zero th 10 reporters across Jammu and Kashmir, Republic Bharat is getting live updates on situation in the valley from 6:12 AM onwards. Between 6~6:30AM, when Aaj Tak and ABP vere solely om studia discussion, Repablic Bharat was reporting live from Srinagar as weld as Janmu 8/5/18, 10:39 AN - Arnab Goswami 8/5/18, 10:39 AN = Arnab Goswami: Operation Kashmir: Non-Stop Broadcast On Republic Bharat Republic Bharat is the only channel which is tracking minute to minute updates in Jammu and Sashmir as well as Delhi non-stop. Between 7:59 6 8:17 AM, while Republic Bharat was broadcasting live from 10 locatiens across J&K and National Capital, Aaj Tak and India TY aired Astrology Segments. 8/5/19, 10:39 AM ~ Arnab Goswami: CMecia omitted> 8/5/19, 10:39 AM - Arnab Soswami: 8/5/19, 10:55 AM - Arnab Goswami: 8/5/19, 10:57 AM - POGAG: Not understanding - just increasing namber of policemen in front of Onar and Mehbocha s houses ~ does it mean house arrest? Has any official called it house arrest? ue “det ah vane of ape a. AS) at! Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Amab Goswami 8/5/19, 1:30 PM = Arnab Goswami: Gazab ke hai din.. socho zara omaz- Hum bhi akele Mehbocba~ Hum bhi akele Amit Shah- Maza aa raha hai? Public- Kasam se 8/5/19, 2:48 Pu - PDGAD: BY-,8Y" AY" ,A8., 8/5/19, 3:04 PM - PDGAG: Lodha developers moves in... Kashmir is now renamed @s upper Haryana!!! 9/5/19, 5:19 PY - Arnab Geswami: 4/5/19, 5:22 PM - Arnab Goswami: On a Aistoric day like today this is the focus of the TV18 Hindi channel. A channel that has been two hours behind others has no news and no programming or fecus on Kashmix. The channel incredibly has zero extra presence in Kashmir 8/5/19, 5:85 2% - POGAD| Do watch " the loudest voice" 8/5/19, 5:55 PH - POGAD: Cn Roger ailes 8/5/19, $255 PH - POCAD: Fucking brilliant 8/5/19, 5:55 PM - POGAS: Hotstar 8/5/19, 5:57 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: Will do at*+ 2/5/19, 5253 PM - Arnab Goswami: Have been told by many to 8/5/19, 5:57 EM — Arnab Goswami: We have captured the spirit of the nation in a teunami this tine 8/5/19, 6:03 EH — POGAD: BYE» 8/5/19, 6:02 2M - PDGRO: Gust @ suggestion - don't mix hindi in Znglish channel = South wiewers may start switching out 4/5/19, 6:04 PM - Arnab Goswami: Almost none now. Was for. Big yesterday because my first buret of reporters landing in Srinagar were from Bharat. Last night 2 had the biggest story first. Today [ was called by NSA and asked how I got the news. Bveryane in NSA PMO everyone hooked to Bharat and republic. It's complete madness. Doval met me befoze taking off for Srinagar, They will push this through 8/5/19, 6:04 2M ~ PDGAO: OY” OY Ot» 8/5/19, 6:30 Pu - Arnab Goswami: 8/5/19, 6:30 PM - Arnal Goswami: TvL8 had highest breaks during the Amit shah response ta the Kashmir debate, 8/5/18, 6:30 PM - PDGAB: OY" 2/6/19, 2:43 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: €/6/19, 2145 PM = Arnab Goswami: When taere are fireworks in parlienent following Amit shah statement abp news does 4 special show on Katrina kaif's sister. Is this news ? Will this news get ratings ? Ts there any ethics in having this on a news channel at a time like this ? Contrast this with REPUBE. BHARATs consistent and total focus on the breaking story. Choose waich channel you want to watch. Mecide what channel India is watching. 8/1/13, 2:59 PM - Arnab Goswami: 1 PM - PDGAS: Good one - ektu shorter korle parte 8/7/19, 7:02 PM = Arnab Goswami: There is a huge war launched on us. Massive per ar gee Be er at Dede 4 er aes . a Af) ogf page No.10L Scanned with CamScanner 2516 Chat With Arnab Goswami 8/7/19, 7:02 PM - PDGAO: Hmmm not surprised 8/7/18, 7:02 2M = PDGAD: You are the biggest voice of 2/7/19, 7102 PM — PDGAO: And chey would hate it 8/1/13, 7:59 PM - Arnab Goswami: FASTEST UPDATES FROM PAKISTAN ON REPUBLIC BHARAT ian nationalism As a Jittery Pakistan pulied another tactic of expelling Indian Envoy, Republic Bharat was the first channel to air the news as well as expose Isvamabad at 7:42 FM, 10 minutes ahead of Aaj Tak and ABP. 8/7/19, 7:59 PK - Arnab Goswami: 3/7/19, T1599 PM - Arnab Goswami; B/1/19, 9:43 PM - POGAE: Th the Euphoria over 270 Let&é™s not forget our economic issues! Now irée™s not Anil but Mukesh | When Indiagems biggest Co cande™t service its debt cause for concern as if this crashes a Lot will crash https: //www . financialexpress.con/mazket/credit-suisse-eaves-red-flag-as- eliance-industrys-liabi:ities~jump-ta-€5-billion-in-fyl9/16s7L06/ 8/4/19, 9:03 AM - Arnab Goswami: https: //wap-business: on/article/markats/2ee-entertainment=s1ips~ near-52-week-Low-119080600427_1.html 8/8/18, 9:03 AM - POGA@: Yes Stupid deal they did 8/8/19, 2155 PM - Arnab Goswami: news s moved lending to colers in hsm markets of nathway and te southregional channel is south markets of hathway den ~in-seven-days-trades- asianet news 18 has switched off landing in fastway 8/8/19, Pu - PDGRe: ves lots of changes 8/8/19, FH - Arnab Gosuami: Se new TV 18 Hindi shall crash 88/19, PM - Acnab Goswami: Panic in TV 18 8/8/19, pM - POGKo: Lending was already being processed - isn'= ut afs/is, fM = Arnab Goswami: Chaos there. 8/8/19, PM - PDGAG: TRAI has filed Appeal before Supreme Court en the Landing Judgment today 8/8/15, EM — Arnab Goswami: That's because big GECs have now got into this game. 8/8/19, 8:40 PM - POGAG: ves 8/8/19, 10:49 2M ~ FDGAD: 8/9/13, 6:13 AM — Arnab Goswami: 8/9/19, 6:13 AM ~ Arnab Goswami: 8/9/19, 6:13 AM = Arnab Goswami: 2:30-2:30 PM: REFUBI ON PH MODIae™s ADDRESS BHARAT LEADS SROADCAST Minutes efter the news break on PM Modiae™s address to the mation at 8 EM, all Hindi News channels including AAJ TAK, ABP @ News 1¢ aired their regular Entertainmeat programming. Republic Bharat was the only channel to stay live RT Page Mo.102 Scanned with CamScanner 2517 Chat With Arnab Goswami with a tean of 14 reporters across Delhi & Srinagar building up of Prime Ministeréems address. 8/9/19, 6113 AM - Arnab Goswami: 8/9/19, 6:13 AM - Arnab Gcewami: 8/9/19, 6:13 AM - Arnab Goswami: 8/9/13, 6:13 AK - Arnab Goswami: 8/9/18, 6:13 AM = Arnab Goswami: When can we mest at the earliest 8/9/19, 8135 AM - PDGRD: Gocd morning 8/9/19, 8:35 AM - PDGAO: Can do tomorrow 8/9/19, 8:36 AN - POGAG: Or today i have a lunch meecing in bkc at 115 - before that anywhere or after 639 8/9/19, 3:03 aM ~ Arnab Goowam. 8/3/19, 9:03 AK - Arnab Goswam: show B/$/19, 9:04 AM ~ PDGRO: Ok 8/9/19, 9:27 AM - Arnab Goswami: Shali we do a 2 pm lunch 8/9/19, 9:27 aM - PRGAO: Ck Let's do 2/3/19, 9:28 AM ~ C0GEO: An living on soup thougha!"S 3/9/19, 9:28 AM = POGAD: Had a dental surgery day before 8/9/19, G:48 AM - Arnab Goswami: Happy to share scup with you 2/9/19, 10207 AM - poche: eY-Sorrs 8/8/18, 12:52 PM - POGAE: CA No. 6001-6002/2019 filed by TRAI vs. Bennet Coleman and Ors in SC challenging the judgement of TOSAT in the Broadcasting Appeal Ne. ] of 19 challenging the Landing Pages Directions issued by TRAT. TDSAT had stayed the impugned Direction c's do tomorrow am in Chennai today back just in time for the The CA was listed today, 9.8.19, before the bench Comprising Justice Arun Mishra and dustice ".R. Shah in SC. Mr. Rakesh ivedi, sr adv with Mr, Sajet Singh appeared for Trai Sr. Advocates Me) Mukul Rohtagi, Me Maninder Singh appeared for Rescobdenta. bwivedi says this will have to be heard, Mr. Rohatgi said that this is complete lack of jurisdiction brigiby here He explained landing pege. Me. Dwivedi prayed to stay the judgement and direct them to file Reply. 2 Bench refused to give any stay tt was passed order issuing nosice and posted to 12 September 2019 by then the Pleadings wilt be complete. 3/9/19, 7:50 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: 8/9/19, 7:51 PM - Arnab Goswami: Massive crowds gather as republic SHARAT steamrolls Lalkar with che fastest emerging new face pradeep bhandari. 530 pm. All new. On BHARAT 8/9/19, 7:53 EM - POGA: ‘This helps 8/9/19, 8:00 PM - Arnab Goswami: There is en unstoppable craze about Bharat across the north. Have some data to share 8/9/19, 8:01 PM — Arnab Goswami: At 8 tenight. Hari om panwar. The emperor of Hindi poetry in a live studio show dedicated to the forces and against Fakisten Worth @ watch. 8/9/19, 8:02 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: 8/9/19, 8:03 FM - PDGAD: Apparently lots of lookout notices in airports SE UT a af Page Wo.103 Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Arnab Goswami 8/9/18, 8:03 eM - POGAG: Lots in business community tense 8/9/19, 8:03 2M - BDGAO: And between agencies no coordination 8/10/18, 9:C7 AM - Arnab Goswami: Shall we meet at the Chinese place in St Regis B/10/19, 9:14 AM - POGAG: Ceol - will get it reserved - Mekong = or we could be in Bquus too ~ more private and get feod from Mekong 8/10/18, 9:14 am = PDGkO: @hich do you prefer 8/10/19, ‘AM = Arnab Goswami: Let's meet at eguus. I am on scup too Sf°€ 2/19/19, AM ~ PDGRO: 897,84". 8/10/18, AM - PDGAg: Done 8/16/18, Pi - PDGKO: Bad traffic 8/10/19, PM - PDGAS: Looks like ten min late 8/10/19, PM - Arnab Soswami: Behind you 8/12/19, PM - Arna Goswami: 8/12/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: 8/12/18, PY - Arnab Goswami: 8/12/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: 8/12/13, FM ~ poGhs: a¥'+ 8/12/13, 8 EM - Arnab Goswami: Also cur campaign to promote cur new shows on R Bharat on the largest reach platforms of Dangal, Bhojpuri Cinema, Enter id and Fakht Marathi 8/13/19, 5:29 PM - Acnab Goswami: https: //www.samachaz4media.con/industry= briefing-news /media-group-employees-worsied-about-cheiz~job-51474. tml 8/13/19, 3:32 PM PDGAS: just rumour or true? 8/13/19, PM = POGAC: Zist is IBF Doard meeting 8/13/19, PM - POGAG: speak to US before that 8/13/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: Will do ef*s 8/13/19, PM - PDGAS: 8/13/13, PM - Arnab sUedia omitted> 8/13/19, PK - Arnab 9/13/13, PM - Arnab 8/13/19, PM - Arnab 8/13/19, PM ~ Arnab aMediz omitted? 8/13/19, 7:56 EM ~ Arnab & Soldiers poets and the Bharat team in an unmissable Independence day special 8/13/19, 7:7 PM = POGRO: OY'+ 8/13/19, 10:51 PN - Arnab Goswami: 8/13/19, 19:52 PM - pockS: BY'e 6/13/19, 19:56 PM - Arnab Goswami: Unprecedented and never seen before supe: for the relentless expose of Pakistan, Fake news fron the Isi, most widespread and detailed coverage fron Kashmir and the border and LOC, This is a rarity wh one news organisation dominates the country's top 3 :rends and a measure of the popularity of the Republic Media Network today €/13/19, 11:16 PM - Arnab Goswami: 8/14/19, 3:45 EM - Arnab Goswami: 8/14/13, 3:45 EM - Arnab Goswami; 8/14/18, 3:45 EM - Arnab Goswami: @/24/19, 3:45 eM - Arnab Goswami: 8/14/19, 3:40 BM = PDGAO: Of” 0%, 4/14/19, 7:51 PM - Arnab Goswami: 4/15/13, 12:01 aM - EDGAG: 8/15/13, 12:61 aM - POGAO: Froud ef our National Anthem. Don't Miss The Beginning SBA Page No, 104 Scanned with CamScanner asi3 Chat With Aenab Goswami spread the message 8/15/19, 12:09 AM - PDGA®: B/is/is, Lilo p= arnah oswani? Shah Faisal eRRESTED BREAKING sent back to Kasheis' and ESR slapped -.1- tt given at 2:01 broken at 2:04 pm Bharat. Wig'en guglish «27 Poeneds yore Tin tae +. ABP vas next Co us co break Hen jnoca Tv HEN RAJTAK T/IS/lS, 1110 7M ~ Arneb Goevaml: Close monitoring of breakin 10 mom Lesa is considered very majoz : biggest stories e/iési9, t = Arnab Gcevemi: reminder of the stuff youve to give me on BARC 8/16/19, = Arnab Goswami; meeting mid next week asi6/19, = POGAe: Ok 8/16/19, = POGAG: Check gmail e/16/39, - Arnab Goswami: thank you 8/16/29, = PDGAG: You can use your own language 8/16/13, = Arnab Goswami: yes 1 shall tweak add and expand on what i had done 8/18/19, PDGAG: Rajat again raising issues with punit citing my proximity 8/16/19, poche: Today 8/16/19, POGAG: O2°5 8/16/19, Arnab Goswami: hes in a mess with jaitley almos: gone 8/16/19, POGAG: Yes i know ari6s19, Arnab Goswami: NSF taken his sting off 8/16/19, POGAe! But most of my board members dont 8/16/19, 6:42 PM — Arbab Goswami: plus AS wants to know about landing 8/16/19; 6:44 PM - Arnab Goswami: so am timing my visit accordingly neat week 8/16/12, 6:44 PM ~ POGAO: Rajat also doesn't want Landing but is a tampering guy 8/16/19, 6:44 PM ~ POGAB: Ox a/26/19, 7:54 EM = Arnab Goswami: The chairman of Pakistan Senate Defence Committée gets thrashed on a live debate by the BJP representative. REPUBLIC BHARATs hottest indo Pak debate live as UNSC meets on Kashmir 8/16/15, 8:01 2M - Arnab Goswami: 4/16/19, 10:20 PM - Arnab Goswami: watch the difference between bharat and others now !!!!! live now !!! 8/16/19, PM = PDGAG: K 8/16/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: non stop massive indo pak debate after the uns vic’ 8/16/19, PE - Arnab Goswami: no other channel even came close 8/16/19, pu - poGho: of*+ 8/16/13, PM - Arnab Goswami: 8/16/19, PM ~ Arnab Goswami: 8/16/19, 11:18 PM - Arnab Goswami: prime minister and amit shah at aiims. ajtak on features. the clear brand definition of bharat is as the number one hindi news breaker. 8/17/13, 10:12 AM - POGA@: One point 1 missed - chaizman to be one of four external B/17/19, 10213 AM = Arnab Goswami: yes noted B/IT/19, 1:25 PM - PDGAC: B/I7/18, 1:26 PM - PDGAC: Of ,3%"4 8/17/13, 2:02 PM - Arnab Soswamd 8/17/19, 2:02 eM - PDGRO: OY” ,0F 8/18/29, 1:17 2M = Arnab Goswami: Missed voice cali REL erat etey Todd Be aha nice one Page Wo.105 Scanned with CamScanner ased Chat With Amab Goswami 8/18/19 - PDGAG: Just ask then to do this quickly - or else it could ne too late for us e/18/19, 1:22 PM ~ EDGAS: Trust me when 1 am saying t g/1e/19, 1:23 eM ~ Arnab Goswami: i shail certainly tell then 3/18/19, 1:25 2M - Arnab Goswami: but rajat is over and dont take his bullshit anymore. 8/18/18, - PDGAO: 1 don't but others do 8/18/18, - PDGKO: Who may act against our interests 8/18/19, = arnad Goswami: punit ka to halat kharaab hai e/1a/19, = POGAE: But in chair g/1a/19, = PDGAG: So has power 8/16/19, 1:44 PM - Arnab Goswami: landing is now totally off on tvi8. sharp knock on knuckles theyve got from the top 8/18/18, 1:45 PM - PDGAO: They hae shifted to other channels in nezwork 8/18/19, 1:45 PM = Arnab Goswami: news is off. totally 8/18/19, 1:45 PM - PDGAD: News18 tamil, colors etc 8/18/19, 10:50 e4 - Arnab Goswami: ALINS FIRE: REPUBLIC BHARAT AHEAD OF AAJ TAK, ABP & NEWS 18 BY OVER 22 NENUTES on August 18, Saturday when a major fire broke out at RIIMS, Republic Bharat was the first to air the NENS as well as visuals at 5:08 PM while Aa) Tak & ABP aired the news at 5:27 PN & 5:32 PM respectively. With a team of 5 reporters live from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Republic Bharat aired the fastest updates. At 9:32 PM when fire reached the Sifth floor of building, Republic Bharat was the only Hindi News channel live from the spot. 8/18/19, 10:50 PM - Arnad Goswami: tracker on breaking news on the event that dominated saturday. 2ippiest response with 22 min lead followed by battle on scale of coverage. 3/13/19, 9:59 AM — POGRO: 8/19/19, 9:59 AN ~ PDGRO: 8/19/19, 5:59 AM ~ POGAB: ofa" 9/19/19, 9:59 AM ~ PDGAS: 8/19/19, 9:59 AM - PDGAS: Pind heréf”,2¥"» 8/19/19, 10:09 AM - Arnab Goswami: 8/19/19, 10:03 AM - Arnab Goswami; Indda Day Parade- New York 8/19/18, 10:04 AM ~ Arnab Goswami: paraliel deal breaking inte the times sponsorship of the india day parade in NY. 9/19/19, 10:06 AM - PDGkO: Guerrilla marketing ~ it's called of” ,o8'+ 9/19/19, 10:06 aM - Arnab Goswami: shes too good! 8/19/19, 10:07 AM - PDGAB: Hai na? 8/19/19, 10:08 AM - Arnab Goswami: jaitley stretching it. 8/19/19, 10:08 AM - Arnab Goswami: pmo doesnt know whas to do. pm leaving on Wednesday for france 8/19/19, 19:09 aM - poGAe: aYarseua™, 8/19/19, 10:09 AM - PDGAB: So hasn't died yet? 8/19/19, 10:55 AM - Arnab Goswami: maintaining him. i expect something by evening. one of my meetings in delhi this week gets pushed becauce of this 8/19/19, 10:55 AM - PDGA@: ofa” 8/19/19, 1:28 PM = Arnab Goswami: http: //aww. channels /english-entertainment /times-necwork-reduces~mirror-now-mrp-Launches~ new-bouquet-for-english-nevie-channels-at—rs-10-190813 8/19/19, 1:28 2M - Arnab Goswami: mirzor now in doldrums 8/19/19, 3:07 PM — PDGRG: Not surprised eRe canes ST gel rea \ AO ae Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Amab Goswami 8/19/19, 8:11 eM - PDGAG: 8/19/19, 10:05 PM - Arnab Goswami: no news on fuel hike on Aajtak. breaking on BEARAT. news thag matters to people 8/19/15, 10:13 PM - Arnab Goswami: the hike is in uttar pradesh. biggest news from UP, 8/19/19, 10:53 PM - POGAG: K 8/20/18, 1:11 PM - PDGAO: BTVi for sale - apparently they dont want accrued liabilities to be transferred to buyer 8/20/19, 1:11 PM - PDGAG: so a clean slate basically with infra €/20/19, 1:]4 PM - Arnab Goswami: we have been approached. running costs an issue. there is a significant negative cash flow month om month and heavy rental. how are the ratings 7 8/20/19, 1:14 Pe - PDGAB: yes 8/20/19, 1:14 PM = PDGKO: 35 cr op loss almost 8/20/19, 1:14 PM - PDGAS: 6 metro cut not bad actually 8/20/19, 1:15 PM - Arnab Goswami: thats che prob 8/20/19, 1215 PM - POGAD: yes 8/20/19, 1:15 eM - POGRR: but if one stack market one - then irs doable @/20/19, 1:16 PM - POGAG: no investment and no int nds a new positioning - mot the standaré ectual input since years 8/20/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: am examining. gave sundaram a few suggestions 8/20/39, PH PDGAS: hmmm 8/20/19, PH - Arnab Goswami: that zarabi guy runs it like his shop 8/20/19, Pu - PDGRO: sanjiv goenka trying 8/20/19, PM = PDGAO: because there is no one else 8/20/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: is he 9/20/19, PM - POGKe: ene could rebrand and run differently 3/20/19, PM - POGAS: yes heard so 8/20/19, 1:16 PM - Arnab Goswami: they want republic branding to monetise §/20/19, 1:18 PM - POGAG: your team has to run it - not just brand ~ then only it will’ turn around 8/20/19, 1:18 PM - POGRO: right now no expertise there 4/20/19, 3:06 PM — Arnab coawan: i bail rejected fer chidanbaram. for the news watch republic and republic bharat. for urgent updates on the romances on ty serials watch aajtek and abp. honestly, isnt this a shame that these Channels describe their genre as news ? 8/20/19, 3:09 PM = Arnab Goswami: 8/20/13, 2M - PDGAG: BY°S 8/20/13, PH - Arnab Goswami: 4/20/15, FE ~ Arnab 1 {Media omitted> 8/20/18, PH - Arnal 4/20/18, FY - Arnab Goswami: 4/20/19, 3:23 PM - Arnab Goswami: Bharat is ehead - Aajtak , India TV 6 AbP. ‘They all ng Saas Babu 8/20/19, PM - PDGAS: Tom is the ibf meeting 3/20/19, PM - EDGAS: Hope you have told Uday te support me 8/20/15, PM - EDGAG: A word from AS office or ministry to Rajat to shut up 8/20/19, 9:33 PM - PDGAG: It's at 12 noon 8/20/19, - PDGA®: All in your name 8/20/19, 9:34 PM - PDGAD: That i am your friend etc ete a aes tat th ery Scanned with CamScanner “Chat With Arnab Goswami 8/20/19, 9:51 PM - Arnab Goswami: im going to Delhi for those and more meetings in connection tomerrow 8/20/19, 9:53 2M - Arnab Goswami: https: // republic-bharat-on-par-with-aaj—tak-on-monday-in-uk/ E/20/19, 9:55 FH - Arnab Goswami: now those questioning you can keep quiet. giving this big play in our trade. 3/20/19, 10:07 Pw - PDGEO: Fis talk to uday hes 8/20/19, PM = PDGHO: With someone 8/20/19, PM - POGAc: can't talk 8/20/19, PM - POGAD: Tom noon is the meeting 8/20/13, PM — POGAS: People are expecting Rajat and Uday to do a major offensive to remove me 8/20/19, 1G:0B PM - PDGAO: I don't care beyond a polnt but it affects your credibility toc 8/20/19, 10:08 PM - PDGAE: Whatever you do try before noon 8/20/29, 10:46 PM - POGAG: Someone should ask him aa? 8/20/19, 10:47 PM - FOGAO: Unfortunately in IBF everyone is impotent 8/20/19, 10:50 2M - Arnab Goswami: wont india today not be in ip: 2/20/19, 10:80 2M - POGAD: Yes they will ve 3/20/19, 10:51 PM - POGAD: And Arun poorie ~ am told is attending the meeting tom - which he doesn't nermally ~ since it's in Bombay 8/20/19, 10:52 PM - POGA®: And someone close to you and me told me ~ it will be a Rajat vs Arnab tomorrow in Z8F and Paxtho will be collateral damage 8/20/19, 10:53 PM - POGAC: This and next bare board meeting is erucial Arnab 8/20/19, 10:53 BM - FOGAc: You have too many enemies 9/20/19, 10:54 PH But i will be your friend - whichever role 1 am in 3/20/19, 10:54 2 But not compromise my values 8/20/19, 20:54 FM Good night 8/20/19, 10:56 PM - Arnab Goswami: i will tell all who matter the right thing about honest ratings. these people try vo influence a honest system built with hard work and i will try hardest to make sure they are not allowed to, show then the UK numbers where day cne week one we smash aajte* and app. that's also a good sanple and an indian audience. they wont have a reply. @/21/13, 2:7 PY ~ POGKG: Khare closing: with multiple stakeholders, there will be conflicts and overlap of interests...s0 we need to see if NTO has been +ve another issue...Landing Page. It's a serious issue we cannot ignore. Does it impact BARC ratings? We ‘ave to exemine in detail before ta any decision $/21/19, 2:47 PH - PDEAO: in a cit meeting in delhi 3/21/18, 2:47 PM ~ POGAG: my colleague reported 8/21/13, 2:47 PM ~ PDGAO: present continucs tense always 8/21/19, 2:47 PN = PDGAD: will do nothing 8/21/19, 8:40 PM - Arnab Goswami: the ultimate breaking story: bharat beats all and everyone on chidambaram appearance. story. breaking. shots. everything. massive. 8/21/19, PM - EDGE: Of'+ 8/21/19, FH - Arnab Goswami: hammered 8/22/19, AM BDGKO: 8/22/19, aM Goswami: sir gcod morning 8/22/19, aM - Soswami: good meetings in Delhi 8/22/18, AH - PDGAG: B2"* 8/22/19, POGAO: Your Landing in UP, MP qot removed from Siti? 8/22/18, At 3302 8/22/18, Arnab Goswemi: MP never started .UP running qa OT oh age No. 108 Scanned with CamScanner qs Chat With Arnal Goswami 8/22/19, 3:58 PM - PDGAG: 8/22/19, 4:15 PM - PDGAS: Everyone wants zo be chalwala now 8/22/19, $:53 PM - Arnab Goswami: day one of launch in UK, Barb data shows republic bharat 470 percent more viewers as Aajtak, its a knockout ! 8/22/18, 10:14 eM - PDGAe: OY 8/23/15, 8:47 AM - PDGAD: good morning - Any progress on shrubis mail? 8/23/18, PM - Acna Goswami: 8/23/13, EM - Arnab Goswami: crowd show. new Star. pradeep bhandari. 5 pm. 8/23/15, PM - Arnab Goswami: yes sir BARC reform now firmly on the agenda 8/23/19, 12:43 2M ~ PDGAD: Five year plan? 8/23/19, 12:45 PM - Arnab Goswami: no sir. f ly seriously under consideration. 8/23/19, -Avnab Goswami: in all circles outside MIB 8/23/19, = PDGKS: Good that MIB is not involved 8/23/19, - POGAS: They do nothing 8/23/19, 12:46 PM - Acneb Goswami: MIB went do anything on its own 8/23/19, = poche: And the Media advisory council thing? 6/23/19, - poGAe: Any action plan? 8/23/19, - Arnab Goswami: that is seen to be one route ta address it 8/23/19) ana Goswami: that was the agenda this week Bzasig, - Arne Goswami; a/24/13, 12:5 EM = POGAD: Hmmm 8/24/19, 9:45 PM — Arnab Goswami: 8/24/19, 9:45 PM — PDGAO: What did aa} tak do @/24/19, 9:45 EM - POGAD: Didn't follow 8/24/19, 9:47 OM - Arnab Goswami: first missed jaitlet and then cut out on fake news of assault on their reporter in srinagar. bharat broke story end had 16 reporters live on Jaitley. brand loss for aajtak big gain for BHARA? 8/24/19, 9:47 PM — PDGAB: K §/24/19, $249 PM - Arnab Goswami: AT believe we are sponsoring the trend which is 100 percent false 2/24/19, 9:49 PM - PDGAS: Hamm 8/28/19; 3:50 PM - PDEA: yahoo. com/indias-10-most-influential~ redia-persoral:ties-075000257.html?s0c_src=communityasoz_ts 9/28/19, 3:80 PM - PDGAO: CheckoY-§ 8/28/19, 3:52 PM - Arnab Goswami: sir 8/26/19, 3:53 PH - Arnab Goswami: im 8/28/19, 3:53 PM - POGKO: Of7,8Y" 8/28/19, 8:59 PM ~ POGAS: Anar Singh making a startling statenent from his hospital bed 3/28/19, 8:59 2M - PDGAS: 8/2/19, 3:57 PM - POGKE: Should be good for you 8/30/19, 9:12 AM - POGAG: Forgot to ask ~ did you speak to Uday? er eR ET 9g mena boo) AF? Jt Scanned with CamScanner 2524 Chan wes art Goon 8/30/19, 9:14 AM - Arnab Goswami: hes been having a lot of stress .. his dad passed avay yesterday... had spoken briefly and was to meet.. 8/30/19, AM = POGAO: Is it 8/30/19, 9:35 AM — POGAE: Oh 8/20/19, 12:02 PM - POGAE: Any progress on PMO? 8/30/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: yes. aloo meeting javdekar in mmbai tomorrow 8/30/19, PH ~ he is useless honestly and nis secy is furcher 3/30/19, Pe = cant take a stand and implement 8/30/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: not for pmo just as info 2/30/19, PH - Arnab Goswami: PNO being dealt differently 8/30/19, PM — Arnab Gcowami: nov 26/2) pls block republic summit now Delhi 8/30/19, PM - PDGAD: I hope they understand urgency 8/30/19, Pw - poche: of*= 8/30/19, PM = POGAS: Dhamki gangak~.0%,, 8/30/19, PM PDGAG: Your term? 8/30/18, PM - Arnab Gosuami: Sir we were at lease 30 min plus PRIOR ON THR BANK MERGER STORY .,, from all /30/19, 5:31 PM - Arnab Goswami: yes sir my coinage 8/30/19, 5:36 FM ~ PDGAD: OF”,, 8/31/19, 11:14 AM - Arnab Goswami: told you NM was going from ENO 3/31/19, 11:15 AM - Arnab Goswami: rajats last link 6/31/19, 11:16 AN - PDGA®: Yes you had said much earlier and it happened 9/5/13, 1:03 PM - Arnab Goswami: 9/5/19, 1:03 PM - Arnab Goswami: See this six insecure 9/5/19, 1:03 PM - Arnab Goswami: Our of 40 mins Gf content he has focused on me and network for 12 minutes. 9/5/19, 1:03 PM - Arnab Gost mi: 8Y>, BY ees 9/5/19, 1:03 PM - Arnab Goswami: Tv1é threatened tp close show after the Lalkar sensation 9/5/19, 1:05 PM - Arnab Goswami: 9/5/19, 1:05 PM = Arnab Goswami: 9/5/19, 1:16 PM - POGAG: who is this ass 4/5/19, 1:16 PM - PDCAG: They are referring te your show? 5/5/13, 1:18 PM - Arnab Goswami: yeah. this used to be a show called bhalyaji kahin on cvs $/5/19, 1:20 EM ~ POGAS: Competition in your sector is se dirty now 9/5/19, 1:20 EM - Arnab Goswami: we have brought them down to closure almost with pradeep Bhandari show Lalkar 9/5/18, PH - PDGAS: Govt should clean up this place 3/5/13, PM - EDGAG: Tk's very dirty 3/5/18, PU - Arnab Goswami: after digital cap things have becone messier 9/5/18, PM - EDGAO: Yes 9/5/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: i hired 40 in digital another $0 outsourced 9/5/19, PY - POGAD: But the notification needs clarity 9/5/19, PY - Arnab Goswami: put neve money in distribution 9/3/19; 1:23 PN - PDGAS: But honestly your digital ts tec small now 9/5/19, 1:24 PM - Arnab Goswami; PM confirmed Summit 26/11 evening in delhi 9/5/19, 1:24 PM = EDGAD: Wuch more should be done to even add to the brand 9/5/19, 1:2¢ PM = Arnab Goswami: haven't fired digital yet 9/5/19, 1:24 PM - PDGAD: Yes you told 5/5/19, - PDGAG: Sood day to drum up nationalist sentiments 8/9/19, 1:26 Fa ~ PDGAO: Should generate sngastent aR] mene eT Scanned with CamScanner Chat With mab Goswami 9/3/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: started something, new doing a motercycle rally 3/5/18, PM ~ PDGAO: Of" 9/3/18, PM - Arnab Goswami: 9/5/19, pw - PDGAD: a¥~,0%". 3/5/13, PH - Arnab Goswami: 9/5/19, PH - Arnab Goswami: Sax aapke channel ke alava koi bhi news channel nahin dikha raha hai chithenbaram ji ka news 9/5/19, 7:50 PM ~ eoGAc: Tihar for former Home minister - never imagined 8/5/18, 3:54 PM = Arnab Goswami: Sare channel blackout kar rakhe h 5/5/19, F254 BM ~ Arnab Goswami: 22.25" avtantauvayc dx"As" astas* assays Gmgdv"he"Ae? ameavc anGay ax, aumduigys Avlacgaa? az avt asvan@an” anean’acagay A002¥, an, a}antde-AYE AendoQAvTaoaokase aa-d¥< anQ¥"an, 4n,an?Askiaw dscae‘ascdoh asta¥, ae, aslas An-a¥t anhdntaakaegavlas astae 9/5/19, 7:57 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: 9/11/19, 12:08 Pu ~ POGAD: Any word from PMO on the industry advisory thing? 9/11/19, 12:09 Pu - PDGAG: Also other ching? 9/11/19, 12:22 BM - Agnab Goswami: helle 3/11/15, 1500 PM — POOR: BY°s 3/11/19, €:17 EM - Arnab Goswami: last two weeks havent gone to delhi 3/11/19, 6:17 eM ~ Arnab Goswami: have spoken to them on the first idea 3/11/19, 6118 2M — PDGAO: Ask vikas ~ he just heard how your friends ere harassing mea?"3 $/12/19, 6:18 PM — POGAS: Ask him about «hat shashi said 9/11/19, 6:20 PH — Arnab Goswami; debu came back over 9/11/13, 6:20 PM - PoGAB: oY” Sal 9/11/19, 6:22 PM — Arnab Goswami: rajaz is over and Shashi also knows thar 9/11/19, 6:23 PM ~ POCAD: He still gets rattled 9/11/19, 6:23 PM - PDGAe: Will show you wnat he wrote to me when that call came 9/11/13, 6:24 PM - shashi 9/11/19, 6:24 eM ~ 9/11/18, 6:24 PM ~ 6:25 PN ~ PDGKO: We should work upstairs 6:25 PN - Arnab Goswami: rajat Aas been blocked by rss after recent deal atterp: in minister of state office 9/11/18, 6:25 PM - PDGAG: So that these calls and comments don't happen 9/11/13, 6:26 PM - PDGAG: People should be wary S/11/18, 6:26 PM - PDGKO: Thats why thisd?*te?e» 9/12/18, 12:51 aM = Arnab Goswami: congrats on ad club as well as the fortune list. very proud. debu shaskar and i were talking about you, Bhaskar feels proud you joined times when ke waz there. three of us spoke in Bengali and vikas is now deciding to launch @ Bengali channel to feel included 9/12/18, 1:00 AM - PDGAB: Hahaha 9/12/18, 1:00 aM - ‘Thank you 9/12/18, 1:00 AM - FDGAD: He has @ bong wife too 9/13/19, 5:08 PM - PDGAS: DDCA president Sharma in line for top BC Butae! https: // post-but/ 3/13/19, 5:53 PM - Arnab Goswami: hes desperately trying 9/15/19, 7:27 AM - Arnab Goswami: 9/15/19, 7:27 AM - Arnab Goswami: Media omitted> 9/15/29, 7:27 AM - Arnab Goswami: tracked: the new wonder. is she eally that good? 9/15/13, 8:03 AM - PDGAG; T don't thi = 4 eG _ Steg Ee OF — Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Amab Goswami 9/15/19, 8:13 AM - PDGAe: ay 3/15/19, 8:13 AM - EDGAC: Himesh is usiAtg te revitalize his career 9/16/15, 2:08 PM - PDGAG: One can see the reason why researchers are essential in mythologicals on GECs, especially on topics thet cen cause flare-ups; and why one should stay away from distorting fects. Today, the country is in a very volatile state and people are becoming extremely hypersensitive. Ram and Valmiki are touchy subjects. Wo need to tread carefully he tps: // /ram-si ya-ke-Luv-kush~: governnents-not ice-21 00547 3/16/19, 2:08 PM — POGAD: 20 motabhed influence didnt work here? 9/17/19, 6:55 PM - PDGAS: Rajat relected as NBA head 9/18/19, PM - Arnab Gosxami: sir rajat has taken 8/18/19, 12:28 PM = POCKO: oY”, 9/18/19, 12:29 PM - PDGAg: bur vender how other asaholes lick his $/18/19, 12:29 2M - Arnab Goswami: sir also reliance has pulled ou channels 9/18/19, 12:30 PM - PDGRO: they have put their regional news on landing - south guys are up against them new - serves your agenda 9/18/19, 12:30 PM - PDGAD: see BMI story today 3/18/19, 12:30 PM - PDCAS: hitps:// shakes-up-regional-market-broadcasters-seek-trai-s-help/ 9/18/19, 12:30 EM - Arnab Goswami: biggest story in hindi market on ayodhya broken by BHARAT 9/18/19, 1:02 PM - PDGAO: how was your meeting with Nekul 9/18/19, 214 PY - Arnab Goswami: ean 1 call 9/18/19, 2:19 PM - POGAD: Yes sir 9/18/18, 6:25 PM - Arnab Goswami: From Discover on Google heeps://www.-meneycontro! . con/news/business /stocks /zee-entertainment-plunges-8— as-arbitrator-cestrict-promoter-fron-stake-selling-44$2911 .htmd 9/19/19, 6:35 eM ~ GOGAD: Yes bad scene 9/23/19, 7:24 PM - Arnab Soswami: 9/23/19, 7:24 2M — Arnab Goswami: A lender has sold part of pledged shares of zee Ent in open market, sources say it could be Kotak Mutual Fund olours-ty-get-cent rel ~ ots in nba Zee Ent says remain engaged with lenders om optimising value from asset sale; 1 apprise ence decision on extension is finalised 9/23/19, 7:34 PM — Arnab Coswami: Subhash Chandra m 9/23/18, 7:36 PM - PDGAD: heard about this 9/24/18, 6:31 PM ~ PDSAS ng Megha Tata and Jobn Be! their board and not you? 9/24/19, 6:33 EM = PDGAC: some there has lost their mind 9/25/15, 1:54 PM - Arnab Goswami: hi partho 9/25/19, 1:55 PM - Arnab Goswami: I Chink it will take six more months for that, we can get in next tine once we are permanent members {some time period thing there) .. I think Monica is [lling in the discovery position this time.. 9/25/18, 1:56 PM - Arnab Goswami: glad the discussion with nakul (besides his own findings) are in the right direction 9/25/19, 1:57 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: I was given the lowdown by Some of the BARC board members. 9/25/19, 1:57 PM - Arnab Goswami: am coming back day after. in Lendon for last few days fale ay ere sate? der we Page No.112 AO) oat cr la Sithacaman today ag in to Scanned with CamScanner 9527] Chat With Arnab Goswami 9/25/19, 1:58 Pit - 2DGAO: Have a good trip 9/25/19, 2:03 MM - PDGAS: There are subsequent mail exchanges and calls - our PE friend hot friendly at alt 9/25/19, 2:05 PM - Arnab Geswand: any 9/25/18, 2:05 FM - PDGAG: Simple 9/25/19, 2:06 PM - PDGAG: Big broadcasters don't care about nevs issues 9/25/19, 2:06 EM = EDGAC: Unless board is reconstituted you soon will have no BARC ing specific 9/25/19, 2:26 PM - Arnab Goswami: as in? 9/25/19, 2:40 PM - PDGA 1 talk when you get back 9/25/18, 2:40 Pe - Basically some decisions being taken whieh can hurt you guys 3/25/19, 2:41 PM - POGAS: Most sitting there doesn't even understand it will hurt seme 2/25/18, 2:44 PM - Arnab Soswami: ok .. most board members talking to me .. only have Focused on landing which now there is a positive consensus on. c¥1B can't force its way anymore so that's good, MBF is meeting PMO on invitation in a few days as a group s0 you can let me know, 9/25/19, Pe = PDGAE: Ck 9/25/19, PM - PDGRO: Let's talk before the meeting 9/25/19, PH - POGRe: You can make some big points 9/28/19, PN - POGAS: Earlier you de this is better 9/25/19, PM - Arnab Gertainiy. I shall call when back 9/25/13, PM - POGAG: Is shashi Yempati aligned to Nripendra Mishra? 9/28/19, PM = BDGAD: Ne is acting funny 9/25/19, PM - Arnab Goswami: Mishra is out of the system. sacked. 9/25/19, Pu - PDGAD: T know 9/25/19, PH - PDGAS: So will Venpati s wicket fall? 9/25/13, PM - POGAS: I don't know why is he acting funny against us suddenly 9/28/19, PM = POGKe: Maybe promised something by star 9/28/19, PM - POGAG: To side with them 5/26/19, Pu - Media omitted> 9/26/19, —— 9/26/19, 6:03 BM — PDO: why use the word Debate? Why not charcha or a more Hindi heartland word - you may think 9730/19, 10:28 aM - PDSAD: Are you back? 9/20/19, 10:46 aM - Arnab Goswami: yes sir 5/30/19, 10:46 AM - PDGAD: lets talk post L 9/30/18, 10:46 AM - PDGAG: your DD man iz acting funny 9/30/13, 11:05 AM ~ Arnab Goswami: ok 10/1/19, 2:01 eM = PDGAG: Convergence committee No representation of smaller channels in BARC and I6F board Rotation important Chairman should be from outside indust+y~ veputed person 10/1/13, 2:01 Fa ~ PDGAD: For pro 10/1/19, 2:49 FM ~ Arnab Goswami: noted. 10/3/19, 1:48 pM - eDGAC: Any clue on what's happening - meeting MiB secy at 4 10/3/19, 2:00 EM = Arnab Goswami: I nave shared those points yesterday 10/3/49, 2:00 PM with pmo? 10/3/18, 2:09 ex Or minister 10/3/13, PM Goswami: not with the secy q 10/3/13, PM Minister? 10/3/13, r aed aArnad ee ory ot- seen Adoni ' “A aot Scanned with CamScanner AS2E. Chat With Arnab Goswami 10/3/19, = Arnab Goswami: please let me know what he says 10/3/13, = PREhO: Ok 10/3/18, = PDGAS: Useless guy 10/3/19, = pocks: Wants to technologically identify landing - not napey with what we do 30/3/23, Pu - Poche: at-8 10/3/19, PM - Arnab Goswami; he showld be leaving mib soon. 10/3/15, Pu ~ PDGEO: Hmm 10/3/19, Pu = POGRO: Any news? 10/3/19, Pa = POGAD: Concrete? 14/15, PY - Arnab Goswami: 30/4/19, Pi! - Arnab Soawami: Makes & look like Pogo 10/4/19, Pm = 2 BET OE BL BL 10/4/13, PM - Bid you get to understand Shashi Venpati? 10/4/19, PK = Arnab Goswami: I didn't meet him 10/4/19, PM — POGAB: 10/8/29, pu - Arnab Goswami: T met pno 10/4/18, PM — Arnab Goswani: will weet vempati on Monday 10/4/19, PM ~ ence: kuch karega? 19ras13, PM = PDGEO: till now nothing has hape 19/4/19, 2:32 PM - Arnab Goswami: https: //www.televisianpost. com/ib-i favour-o£-regulating-ott-platforms-on-the-lines-of-tv-print/ 16/5/19, 9:56 PM - Arnab Goswami: https://ww.bloombergquint .com/pusiness/zee~ entertainment-reveals-that-90-of-promoter-stake-is-pledged 10/5/19, $:00 EM - Arnab Goswami: *ZEE Management Call with Punit| Key Dakeawaye™ Aeé ‘Opening remarks by Mr. Punit Goenka* Loan from TB was taken in 2017, none of the ZBEL shares weze pledged rectly to VIB" 2. “No additional debt has keen taken by promoters than what was disclosed previausly* 3. ‘This debe was always included in LAS 4" INRL3Sbn in 26th Jan 2019; redueed by half te INR TGbn NOW" 4, -*LAS currently stands at IR70bn Ze" against the shares of ZEB and other unlisced conpanies* 5. ‘Working towards deleveraging through ALL the groupae™s media and non~ media* asset sale see ‘Solar asset sale a few of the road assete* S64 ‘No E2E LAS with Indiabulle*; KCac™s order was related to br. 8 Chandrasé™s shares in nis personel capaci; ee *Curreat pledging le over 902 ef the promoter stakes both a: indirectly" gee *Dish TV deal ae" not at liberty to talk about this: as a family we are pursuing all sur optiens* e¢ ‘No regairesent for top up of shares if the shares go down, even in the ge¢ ‘Promoter holding to Oppenteimer)* gee *Total debt outstanding at promoter level a€" beyond the IWR7Okn LAS rest is operating debt of the entities* Se¢ Domestic is INRSObn; Foreign is INR20bn a€™ Only one foreign lender is Be Re Ty of al ane happen before the end of 03; have a binding offers for eetly and nds at ~22% currently (exelading 2.32 atake to be sold Page No.114 Scanned with CamScanner 2523 Chat With Aenab Goswami ae¢ *2.38 stake sale to Gppenheimer is remaining due to the closure of Insider crading window a€" they ave the single largest shareholder now except promoter expect them £0 honour the balance stake* Bee Current 228 stake 4€" empect the promoter stake not to go down furcher and lenders to stick to the agreement at *ho repayment is due in the next 3nonths, but expect te reselve by then* 3€¢ Pledging was indirect encumbrance that was created; they could be potentially invoked and scld when needed Set *VTB can sell the ZEEL shares dircetly if required, 1 year is remaining fox the loan matuzity* get Standstill agreement has not changed ge¢ Covenants with WIS 4€° has any covenant been breached as of now? Will check and come back, in constant dialogue with vTB ge¢ The *disclosure made by VIB was pertaining to 4 SEBI circular zeleased on 7th Aug 2019¥ 4e¢ Debt levels disclosed in Jan donde™: stand todays some has been repaid and some have matured 3e¢ Monetisation of the nen-media assets a€" Still working on already paid naif the debr so far the timelines put in sight St “Open to strategic investors still a€™ whoever would be leoking to participates SEC Other assets are also there except the ZBEL shares; have options to exercise to repay the debt ace. Securities that local lenders have comprised aot Just of ZEEL shares but also of other group entities Bee How moch of promoter debt 4s due by March? Dongevt have the details, maturity starts from end of Q4FY20 to FY21, but committed ta resolve much before the maturity dates ae¢ Expect some resolution to happen in the next 3 months from group asset sale ige Have a certain timeline that the mgm: is working currently to resolve the debe issue, still willing to work for 226 if the process allows in case the ke goes down materially 10/5/18, 9:04 PM ~ POGAS: Hnsun 10/9/19, 10:14 aM = POGAG: https: //www. teLevisienpes iv-to-air-unconditional=apology/ 10/9/19, 10:14 aM - Arnab Goswami: mad they are {0/9/19, 10:14 AM - PDGAG: Do they have the juriediction? Or any regulatory yt? 10/9/19, 10:14 At - Arnab Goswami: nothing boss 10/9/19, 10:14 AM - PDGKO: Just ignore then 10/9/19, 4:42 PN ~ Arnab Goswami: 10/9/19, 8:10 EE - PDGhe: ofS 10/9/19, 8:17 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: boss am really investing nassively to beat aajtak 0/3/19, 8:48 PM - Arnab Soswani: NEF first AGM meeting on in a couple of weeks 10/3/18, 8:18 PM - Arnab Goswami: after that ASAP 10/9/19, 11:35 PM - FOGAG: Why do you think Vempati is acting against BARC 39/9/18, 11:36 PM - POGAO: Ministry or TRAT has definitely not told hin 10/9/19, 11236 PM - PEGKO: On his own? Or inspired by Rajat ey Ae TOY OF Page No.115 e sale, have confident that we should be able to achieve e various com/nbse=di: s-republice Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Amab Goswami 10/13/19, 10:12 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: 30/13/19, 10:12 PM - Arnab Goswami: Pappu is back !! 30/13/19, 10:12 PM - Arnab Goswami: Just when you think he can't do worse. "90 Saal mein kuchh nahi hua... dekh liya humne..” os, OF 88", 10/13/23, 10:20 eM - poke: OY” ,0¥- 10/13/19, 10:5¢ 2M - Arnab Goswami: sorry for not replying to the earlier message. sonehow was meaning ce call you and forgot. you need to tell ne what precisely venpati has been doing. will give me a Detter understanding because itm to meet him this mid week 10/13/19, 11:46 PM - POGAG: Let's talk tomorrow 10/14/19, 8:04 AM - Arnab Goswami: President: Sourav Ganguly Secretary: Jay shah Treasurer: Arun Daunal 10/14/19, @:14 AM ~ PDCAD: aY-8 10/14/15, @:41 AM - Acnab Goswami: this really puts zajat in his place. gigantic snub. had zero clout and ao« faces inquiry got corruption in dace, no need to be worried about him and his sub standard channel. 10/14/19, 8:41 AM ~ EOGAG: But still on ibf board 10/14/19, 8:42 AM - PDGA@: Even last meeting he raised issues to change berc \O/14/19) 0:42 AM - Arnab Goswami: come on there are many others theze. fact is he has no clout and you should not let his perceived clout affect because that's gone 16/14/19, 8:42 AM - FOCAG: And some seniors in ibf stitl think he is powerful 10/14/19, 9:43 AM = Arnab Goswami: they will know efter this. he had announced he is taking over beci. now he looks like an utter fool 10/14/18, 8:42 AM - EDGAG: Told you - only solution is rotation of board members to give wider representation 10/14/19, B:44 aM ~ 2DGAO: That's true 10/14/19, 8:44 AM - Arnab Goswami: the solution is first to stop Lecting hin get away by fusging the BARC system. rest will happen but takes time LO/14/19, 8:45 AU - Arnab Goswami: he is a cheat and now a cheat who even an MP dosen't give a damn to. single channel owner with falling image 10/14/19, 8:46 aM - agree but others should see it thru too 10/14/19, $:46 aM ~ PDGKO: why is uday keeping hin in ibf beard 0/14/19, 8:67 AM - Arnab Goswami: becouse he told him he will be beei chief. imagine What happens now. 10/14/19, 9:47 AM - PDGRO: 6Y-S 10/14/19, 8:47 AM - PDGAO: Let's see if he gets removed 10/14/15, 8:48 AM - PDGAO: T have ensured everyone including uday knows he is a cheat 10/16/19, 8:48 AM - PDGAD: They have to move now 10/14/19, §:49 AM - Arnab Goswami: I will also speak to Uday. 10/14/19, 250 AM - POGAE: Tell him to protect BARC 10/14/19, #:50 AMX - EDGR: He created it 10/14/19, 8:52 AM - Arnab Goswami; noted. 10/14/18, B:52 AM - Arnab Goswami: rajez has been running like crezy got beed. Delhi full of stories 10/14/19, 8:53 AM - PDGAD: at-S 10/15/18, 4:43 PM - PDGAO: Confirmed - shashi Venpati is being used by sone IBE guys : 10/15/19, 4:56 PM - POGAS; Gall when free SARE RGR ART “og— = pease ada as Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Amab Goswami 10/15/19, 4:56 PM - Arnab Geswami: with AS 10/15/19, 4:56 PM - POGAe: Ok after that 10/15/19, pM - poGKe; iaF is using him te get me 10/15/19, mM - packs: Lots of things will change 10/18/28, PM PDGAD: See if he can help you 10/15/13, PM - Arnab Goswami: Missed voice c 10/15/13, PH - Arnab Goswami: pls call 115/13, PY - PDGAD: You must be in studio 20/15/19, PM - PDGA®: Call when free 19/15/19, POGAS: Tried calling 10/15/19, POGA®: Am in delhi too 10/16/19, Aenab Goswami: Missed voice call 10/16/19, POGAG: Am taking a flight at 1020 10/16/19, ppGko: Was checking in when you called 10/16/13, PDGAD: If you can pls get me a media advisoz kind of position TO/16/19, 9:42 AM - POGAG: Am fed up cf barc now 10/16/19, POGAE: And pressures from vested interests 10/16/15, Arnab Goswami: Missed voice call 10/18/18, FDGAS: modi in bombay? 10/18/18, Arnab Goswami: yeah rally at 7 pm 10/18/19, bomm traffic fucked 20/21/19, PDGAG: Pls call when you get free from studio 20/2/19, Arnab Goswami: wokay 10/21/19, Arnab Goswami: call in two minutes? 10/21/18, 8:41 PN = Arnab Goswami: Missed voice call 10/21/19, 20:02 FM - PGAG: Person who Will succeed also knaws you well - so don't voreyst"5 10/21/19, 19:02 PM - Arnab Goswami: who is it 10/21/19, 10:02 PM - Arnab Goswani: but 7 am very shocked 10/21/18, 10:02 &M - Arnab Goswami: had te cut call only because debate two was starting 10/21/19, 10:29 EM = PDGAD: Let's meet in the weekend when you get 10/22/19, 9:19 AM - Arnab Goswami: free to talk ? 10/23/19, 12:45 PM - PDGAE: Saw the article = you know the sourced-5 10/23/18, = PDGAD: Have decided won't react 10/23/18, = POGAG: Tt harms ne in a way 10/27/13, = PoGAe: Happy Diwalié¥-5 10/27/19, = Arnab Goswami: to you too brother 11/12/19, PDGNO: 31/12/18, PDGKB: aY-8 11/12/13, Arnab Goswami; eita ki holo 11/12/13, POGAS: Just saw 11/12/18, PDGAE: You may know the motivationd’*s 1i/ie/is, = Arnab Goswami: 11/16/19, Ge: AY" 11/19/28, = PDGAE: 21/18/18, ib mentaons video tos ss no harm checking 21/19/18, nough i think they are not geared 11/13/19, It's just an announcement 11/19/19, When they came to us a year back they were just audio - no f their video capabilities 11/20/19, 2:52 PM - EDGAS: This Altaf Hussain is an asset for youd?” 0%" ,0%", was just watching @ cli weease: Sek. — Lede, oe ale Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Arnal Goswami 21/20/19, 3:05 PM - Arnab Goswani: Boss 11/20/19, 3:05 PM - Arnab Goowami; Pure pure ratings 11/20/19, 3:05 OM = Arnab Goswami: T need to spam romil again haha 11/20/29, 3:10 2M - BOGE: yesBY",a¥", 12/5/19, 4:41 OM - PDGAG: 12/5/13, 4:41 FM - PDGAD: OP7,O%"» (9/19, 2:56 2M - EDGAD: iooks like NBF is taking offa?"Se¥"S cengratulations - make a compe?ling agenda so that your friends axe forced to drop the lanbu fraud and veer towards you 12/9/19, 3:48 PM - Arnab Goswami: Yes boss 32/13/19, 6:02 PM - PDGAS: Assam burning apparently? 12/13/13, 6:02 PK - eDGRe: Some parts of Bengal too 12/13/19, 6:03 Pu - PDGAD: Sehrampur, uluberia 1/13/20, 10247 am = pDGAe: Actps: //waw. barandbench.con/news/rajdeep-sardesad— ors-acquitted-after-issuing-uneondi tionalapology~for~false-repozting-on- sohrabuddin-case 1/13/20, 10:47 AM - PDGA®: You called yesterday? 3/13/20, 11:19 AM - Arnab Goswami: https: //www.barandkench-com/news/zajdeep~ sardesai-ors-acquitted-after-issuing-uncondi tional-apelogy-fer-fa!se-reporting- on-sohrabuddin-case 1/24/20, 9216 AM - PDGAS: 1/24/20, AM - PDGRE: Knocking distance nowet~S 1/24/20, AM - POGAG: With your favourite fiend 1/27/20, 4:05 PM - PDGRO: In your palace 1/27/20, 4214 PM - Arnab Goswami: Sit tell me when u finish 1/27/20, 4214 Pu - BDGRO: et ‘ay » 1/28/20, 10:58 PM - eNGAe: You handled it wel1o?~S kudos 1/23/20, 7:31 AM - Arnab Goswami: Thanks partho. He seemed unstable to be honest and did/a lot worse than what he posted 1/29/20, 7:32 aM ~ POGAG: Hmm 1/29/20, 7:32 AM ~ BUGRO: Ke was trying to get some visibility at your expense - clearly he had that in mind since he was recording 2/8/20, 4246 PM - BOCAG: What happened with surya prakash 2/10/20, 12:19 AM - Arnab Goswami: It sure boss sorry sau your mail now 3/8/20, 12111 PM ~ POGAG: Belated happy buddayat”S 3/8/20, 5:46 eM — Arnab Goswami: Thank you my friend 5/2/20, 3:55 PM = Arnab Goswami: Republic (@republic}) Tweeted: One of Indiade™s top media professionals, our CFO 5 Sundaram is being interrogated py the tumbad Police since this morning. Hereaems our statement on media querie: https: // https: //—20 5/2/20, 3:36 PM - Arnab Goswami: Pla share in our circles 5/2/20, 5153 EM ~ EOGAG: This is really sed 5/21/20, 3:07 PM - PDGAC: Caravan is doing a detailed story on Republic - fyi 5/21/20, 3:10 EM - Arnab Goswami: Ana 5/21/20, 3:19 PM ~ Arnab Goswami: Tell me more 5/21/20, 3:11 PM - Wil) let you kaow 5/21/20, 2:11 PM = Arnab Goswami: Call me when you have a moment, leng time 5/21/20, 3:11 PM - FDGAD: ofS 5/21/20, 3:14 PM - Arnab Goswami: This will be their second dedicatian to me. The first was lucky because after they savaged me to their hearts delight our ratings went up. These folks don't understand the media business 5/21/20, 3:14 PM - POGAS: Yes second time 5/21/20, 3:14 eM ~ PDGAO: It wes Times aow 1 think aide OF = rage No.8 ed Scanned with CamScanner 538 Chat With Arnab Goswami 5/21/20, 3:27 PM - Arnab Goswami: Yes in cimes now estranged uncle in Guwahati, And predicted our col, shivshankar 5/21/20, 3:28 PM - FDGAO: Yes I remember that story 5/21/20, 3:29 PM = POGAO: Tt had some anecdotes of the start up days but never mentioned me 5/21/20, 3:29 PM - PDGKG: Unfortunately or fertunatelys?-S 5/21/20, 3:30 PM - Arnab Goswami: Asli story these guys never tell. Like us seouting for space or almost losing our jobs. If only they had a P/a to ever protect 5/21/20, 3) 7/1/20, 10228 AM - hetps://awwinatagram, con/p/CCRLivwpYVw/2igshid=kljd01sgagnd 1/1/20, 10223 AM - POGRD: New oned¥ 7/5/20, 1:41 AM ~ Arnab Goswami: e raam eita kee 7/5/20, 1:42 Als - PDGRO: OY” ,0Y~, hey even interviewed my se, Their main source was ayes, 7/19/20, 5:31 PM - PDGRe: Good interview of Kanganady"§ 7/19/20, 7:17 PM - Arnab Goswami: thanks a ton man ita gone berserk 1/19/20, 7:29 PM - PRGAD: Must be - topical and you got if out of her — stopped her ranbling and made her say things that will get controversialS!S 7/25/20, 5:56 EM ~ POGAG: Saw these? 7/25/20, 5156 PM — POGAO: nttps://uww. Linkedin. com/posts/sivakumar-sundaran~ GbE01342 timesofindia-morningnotivation-Zitness-activity-669275¢181276667904— wr 7/25/20, $136 BM ~ POGAG: hewps://wwe. 7145609_ilovemypaper-timescfindia-ugc?ost~ 6692685171 688251392-Cm¥r 7/25/20, 7:25 PW - Arnab Goswami: hadnt seen 7/25/20, 7:25 PM - Arnab Goswami: seems like a whip has been issued 7/25/20, 7:32 PM - POGAO: Yesd?”,, 7/28/20, 7:33 PM — POGAO: Chakri korte gele ki na korte hot 8/14/20, 6:24 PM - POGAG: 8/13/20, 2:20 PM — PDGAG: Good stuff - you were the force behind the SC verdict veda yee? st 8/24/20, 5:20 PM - Arnab Goswami: thanks 2 ton and sorry for this highly late response, have been at war on ssr Boss 8/24/20, 3:23 PN - BDGAO: Yes as usual you know the right story te pickup — something tha: will rock.the nation 8/26/20, 6:43 PM - PDGA®: Goss ki? Who all named in the drugs list - politichans/actore? 8/26/20, 6:42 PM - PDGAS: Don't write - tell me when 8/30/20, 8:22 PK - Heard about MK? 8/30/20, Goswami: yes boss 8/30/20, ors 8/30/20, It catches up sone time or other 10/6/20, 11:52 PM POGAS: What happened to your hand? Bandaged 2? 10/13/20, $259 Pu - Arnab Goswami: cMedia omitted> 10/19/20, 6218 PM - Arnab Goswami: nttps://twitter. com/republic/status/1313162401577951235, cail you AAT ater le j ane ay Oe . A Page Nest. an Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Romil Ramgaria 11/9/18, iw - Romil Ramgaria Barc: An quite Unwell since yesterday and have hot been able to check mails and messages. Will try and clear today 11/9/18, - What happenea 11/9/18, + Ps take care (9/18, - Too much eating on Cal? fara, = Romil Rangaria Bars: Fever headache throat checked and full body ache = 11/9/18, 9:54 AM - FDGKO: Oh 11/9/18, 9:54 AM - PDGAO: Flu maybe 11/9/18, 9:54 AM — Remil Ramgaria Bare: Yes too much eating and too hectic 12/$/18, 9:54 AM - POGAG; Hmm take care 11/9/18, 3:55 AM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Visiting so many people hiys/ie, 9:55 aM - FOGAS: Yeah kolkata visits are Like that only 710/18, 8231 PM = BOGAD: Status of PMO ppt? 11/10/18, 9:23 PM - Roti] Ramgaria Bare: Tomorrow shall send to you. One more revision pending. Sorey for the delay Vifio/1g, 9:27 2M - POGRD: 11/12/18, 11:04 AM - EDGAG: 27 11/12/18, 5740 PM - Romil Rangaria Barc: Hi Romil.. there is a dispute within xposure between Sundeep and Rajul.., Rajul is coming up with a new agency.. 11/12/18, 5:58 PM - POGAS: BY-s 11/12/18, 5:59 PM - POGAG: No credit 11/13/18, 6:08 eM ~ Romil Ramgaria Barc: Janam tv is ne 1 in urban alongieth Asianet. Growth of almost 100% compared te last week 11/13/18, 4:08 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Largely due to Sabarimala 11/13/18, 4:09 PM - Romil Ramgaria Sarc: Making a deck to pre circalate 11/13/18, 4:40 PM - PDGAG: Can we not control a bit 11/13/18 4:59 PM — Romil Remgaria Bare: We can - but still it will be a sizeable growth - currenzly its almost doubled vs last week whereas others are almost flat 11/13/18, 5 11/13/18, 5 saying 11/13/18, 8:01 FH - POGAG: weeks 11/13/18, 5:01 PN - Romil Remgaria Barc: Totel ty has grown By 4-Sa but news has only grown because of Janam ) 11/13/18, 5:01 PM - Romil Rangaria Barc: News category is most relevant 11/13/18, $:01 eM - eDGhe: Yes ais/13/i8, 5 = Romil Ramgaria Bare: That has grewn only because of Janam 1/13/18, $ = PpGKe: 4-5 percent is reasonable number - people then have switched to Janam and others degrown 11/13/18, §:92 PM = POGAC: That's justifiable 11/13/18, §:03 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yes - people have switched to Janam - reach crown by 308 but ATS has grown significantly 11/13/18, §:04 PM - Romil Remgaria Barc: Their pro devotee stance on sabrjmala is making stand out 11/13/18, 5:04 om - PDGHO: ves 11/13/18, 5:04 PM ~ PDGRO: Apparently the PNO boys have also noticed this 11/13/18, 5:04 PM - Romi Ramgaria Barc: We checked the trend earlier and it has grown acrosa all 14 districts - primarily more in 3 wnich are closer to temple 11/13/18, 5:04 PM - POGA®: Janam TV phenomenon 11/13/18, 5:04 PM - Romi] Ramgaria Barc: Ham 31/13/18, 5:04 eM - Romil Ramgeria Barc: They have @ RSS funder are ese ae rf — age No "eye af 0 PM = PDGAO: What about total ty in kerala (0 PM = PDGAM! This doubling is after sizeable growth already hence Just check how much is total ty growth in last six Scanned with CamScanner E539) CChat With Rorhil Ramgaria 11/13/18, 5:04 PM - POGAG: Yes 11/13/18, 5:05 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: We should probably use him to speak about wht amazing ratings system we nave 11/13/18, §:05 o4 - Romil Ramgaria Bare: And how it is sharp and captures the pulse msissis, Pu - Romil Ramgazia Barc: Internally to their people 1i3ris, Pu - POGRO: Yes 32/13/18, Ps = Rangaria Barc: How was the MEA meeting 11/13/18, PM - Very gocd 11/13/18, Pa - Bright guy 21/13/18, PH 64 born iit kanpur 88 batcn 11/13/18, PM - PDGAS: Additional secty nAghs, Bw = PDGKO: He wants us to do it 13/13/38, PM POGA®: Will give all support 14/13/38, FM - PDGRD: Good test case for us tao 14/13/28, PH - PDGAG: For audio matching 3/18, PM - EDGAS: Nill make the tech guys move a3, EM - Romil Ramgaria Berc: Yes absolutely Aas, 2M = PDGAS: Ke should share it internally carefully unas, PY - Romil amgaria Barc: Internally we should just move as we are 11/13/18, PM - POG: Yes but with proper reference site ete 11/13/18, PM - Romi: Rangaria Barc: Yes - but we would need to procure the box which is not easily available 11/13/18, 5:10 PM ~ BOGAD: DD will heip they said 11/13/18, 5:10 PM - POGAe: Ie's available in Delhi only 11/13/18, $:12 PM - BDGKe: Pls guide Varun - need the investments of three digital Options by Thursday merning 11/13/18, 5:12 FM - Romil Rangaria Barc: Yea spoke te Vivek - he is working on this 11/13/18, 6:21 PM = BOGAS! nttps:// www. Four-major-aé-holding-companies-unite-around- blockchain/amp/?_ twitter _impression-teue 11/13/18, 6:30 EM - EDGAG: Already had seme homework on BARC 11/13/18, 6:40 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Him - theres will be Serious and will cefinitely net 11/13/18, 6:40 BM - PDGAO: Yea 11/12/18, 7:07 PM ~ Romii Rangaria Barc: 11/13/18, 7:07 PM - Romil Rangaria Bare: Zee selling 508 stake 11/13/18, 7:09 PM ~ BDGAE: oY"? 11/13/18, 7:10 EM - EDGAG: Anybody Lined up? Am suze 11/13/18, 7:10 eM - EDGAD: Suddenly? 11/13/18, 7:10 PH = Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yeah - quote sudden - has heard they were under stress from bank - but this selling is toa soon ~ 11/13/18, 710 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: I hope not reliance 6 11/13/18, 7:11 PM - FOGAG: 6) 11/13/18, 7:23 PM - POGAS: 21/13/18, 8:07 PM = pOGAO: if sales and profits were really doing so well as reported - then their casn flows will ke healthy ~ wonder why banks can push hen — can understand stock markets sentiments 11/13/18, 8:25 PM - Romil Remgaria Barc: 6. On Sale: Zee Entertainment Stake ntere: cing - so they Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd.8€"s promoters plan te sell half of their Oy igi ienjene bares ng Ree Pea ae G Page No? - a bi Scanned with CamScanner G53) Chat With Romi Ramgaria Essel Group appointed Goldman Sachs Securities (India) Ltd. as investment banker and U.S. and Europe-based LionTree as ar international strategic adviser for the stake sale. The promotes, led by founder and Chairman Subhash Chandra, held around 41.62 percent stake in Zee Entertainment At the current market price, the sale will fetch Rs 8,756 crore. The move ig te maximise value, the company said 11/13/18, 3:29 2M - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Majority shares pledged. And want ti exit before it becomes another dish 11/13/18, 8:30 PM = POGRO: Hmm 11/13/18, 8:30 PM - Rom{l Ramgaria Barc: Netflix or Amazon. and is for depledging ag well as partnership. Is what I am hearing 31/13/18, PH - EDGAS: Deal must be done 11/13/18, PM - POGAS; These are formalities 1isa3vie, FM - Romil Ramgaria Bare: Yup 11/14/18, AM - Romil Rangaria Barc: nick from canter coming next week 11/14/18, 9:51 AM = Romil Ramgaria Barc: one govt official from nigeria in the week of 26th nov 11/14/18, 9:52 AM ~ POGAG: K jiyia/ia, 3:52 aM — Romi Ramgaria Barc: and ceality mine from australia in the week of dec 3zd 11/14/18, 8:82 AM = PDGAD: PL calendar L/14/18, 8 - Romil Rangaria Bare: yee ok 11/14/18, 9:53 AN - POGAO: Is there a tam Board meeting 11/14/18, 9:53 AM - PDGAG: Then we should fixe a salvo this week 11/14/18, 9:54 aM = Romil Rangaria Barc: let me check 11/14/18, 9:54 2M = PDGAS: Look at how star behaves wish us controlling 30 percent sales LI/14/18, 9:54 AM - POGAG: We control double of tam 11/14/18, 9:54 AM - PDGA: OF that percent 1iasie, 9:55 AM - Romil Rangaria Barc: yes - 60% by sales should behave like 2 majority shareholder only 1/14/18, 9:53 AM - Romil Ramgaria Bare: we also have a MDL beard meeting on 2ist and nick as heve or 20/21 only 11/14/18, 9:56 AM - POGAG: Hmm good 1i/14y1a, 9:58 aM — PDGRO: Friday let's spend some time talking on tam qisi4fta, Ramgaria Bare: yes ok 1iyissis, 1 : Good meeting with MIB iinane, 1 They also asked on RED - explained how it is sample = will have to send a note 21/14/28, 11:32 AM - Romil Rangaria Barc: ok great give nitika and vira dares so that they can block 1/fa/e, Romil Rangeria Barc: friday yeu are at the csha conclave 11/14/18, Rowil Ramgaria Barc: odisha aisiayie, 12159 thursday 21/14/28, 12:06 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Ok 31/14/18, S241 PM — PDGAG: Met Shashi six in airport 11/14/18, 9:42 PM - POGAD: He ds getting dish TY account 11/14/18, 3:42 EM - POGAS: The Bt numbers on DTH are ant 1/19/18, PM Romil Ramgaria Barc: 11/18/18, PM = PDGAD: What about that Kairali ~ that britto guys channel 719/18, rps this 11/19/18, 7:30 PM - POGRO: K Lisigsis, a:26 PM - PDGA®: hetps://—viewership- patterns -to-movie-trailers-ai-analytics-are-crucial~in-showb!2z-guruprasad- nandrawadkar-star-india/ 11/19/18, 9:26 PM - POGAe: Who is this guy? 11/19/18, 8:26 EM - EOGAG: Never heard of him 31/19/18, 8:30 EM - Romil Rangaria Barc; Yes never heard of him. Let me check lis1g/i8, 8:31 eM - Romil Rangaria Barc: lifievig, 8:49 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: He has been heading the busine: intelligence site implementation from 2016 onwards 11/19/18, 8:49 FM - Romil Rangaria Barc: We have been interacting with him on Mafras as well. PM — Romil Ramgaria Bare: Their news channel is people tv ~ 26 11/20/18, 8:49 AM ~ Romil Ramgaria Barc: hitp://wew.ecoti.{a/giQ7Bb 11/20/18, 8:56 AN - EDGAD: OYE” 11/20/18, 8:57 AM - EDGAD: Meeting him today 11/20/18, 8:58 AM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: of°S 11/20/18, 9:07 AM - Romil Rangaria Barc: we postponed the MDL meer, is it? 11/20/18, $:07 aM - BDGMO: Board meeting 11/20/18, $:07 aM - Romi! Remgaria Baxc: Yes 11/20/18, 9 = PDGAC: Yes because of NP meeting tomorrow 11/20/18, 3 = Romil Rangaria Barc: On ok 2120/18, 9 = POGAe: I have te go to sony 11/20/18, 9 = POGAD: Wish the veek ratinga would have been oute?™, 11/20/18, 3:68 AM - Romil Rangaria Barc: Meeting Amit shah from star now and then Gayatri and all at llam 11/20/18, AM = PDGKO: Ok 11/20/18, AM = Romil Ramgaria Barc: o¥5 11/20/18, AM - POGAC: Post this will meet Rohit 21/20/18, AM - POGKG: As in Sarma 11/20/18, AM - EDGAG: Fox his conversation 11/20/18, AM ~ Romil Rangaria Barc: Also taping up aick at lpm teday — both me and Sanjay on igsues across tam, watermarking and international 11/20/18, 9:09 AM - PDGAO: Show a tough stance on RLD 12/20/18, AM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: 12/20/48, AM — POGAG; Doubt ministry will clear now 120/38, AM - PDGAC; This Khaze and Rathore are both for status que 31/20/28, AM - Romil Ramgaria parg:, J think it will get cleared mice dae a) areq 3g Page No- 6 Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Romil Ramgaria 11/20/28, 9:39 AM - Romil Ramgayia Barc: Also republic looking for « slot 11/20/18, 9:39 Al - Romil Ramgazia Barc: So Arnab is also pushing 11/20/18, 9241 Al - POGAD: Anm 21/20/18, 9242 AM - POGAG: Hindi 31/20/18, 3:42 AM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yup 31/20/18, 11:18 AM - PDGA®; Catch media - what's the discussion about? 11/20/18, 11:19 AM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: We are using their help on analytics - RLD 11/20/18, 11:19 AM = Romil Ramgaria Barc: for internal purpose 21/20/18, 11:20 AM - POGAS: Can they help in metaruied? TiyZov18) 14:20 AM - Romil Ramgaria Bare: And they claim to have some digital measurement solution also - so exploring that 11/20/18, 11:20 AM - PDGA: Ashish wanted me to meet them for five minutes after your meeting 11/20/18, 11:20 AM ~ PDGAe: Ok 11/20/18, 11:20 AM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: I doubt ~ trying to involve Athenas owl for that 11/20/18, 11:20 am ~ Romil Remgaria Bare: Ok 1Ly20/18, 11:20 aw — PDGAD: ok 11/20/18, 6:32 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Tor group m agreement ~ code of conduct and displeasure council process will not be applicable to them. Last time alse dt wasn&e™ there. I think itae™s ok 11/20/18, 6:34 PH - BDGAD: Yes 31/20/18, 7:30 PM - PDGAG: Heard Simran also put in papers 11/20/18, 3:30 PM - PDGAB: Check 11/20/18, EM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Let me check 11/20/18, PM = POGAG: Can you ask someone to figure this out 11/20/18, FM - PDGAG: Senrewise Few much of original content is played out in Indian sion 11/20/18, 8:22 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Hindi GEC itself will be around 130 hours per week. Across ail GEC it would be good 1500 hours approx. let me check 20/18, 8124 PM ~ EDGAO: Let's do @ genrewise thing V1/20/18, 9:25 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yes ok 11/20/18, 11:59 PM - POGAG: 11/21/18, §:31 AM - Romil Rengaria Barc: a¥"8 11/21/18, 1:05 PM - Remil Ramgaria Barc: Case filed by Associated Broadcasting Limited against BARC is listed today before High Courz on a nermal course. The show cause issued was already withdrawan by BARC and ic's only pending on the Comphesation part. DSK is present and will update on developments in second half. 11/21/28, 1:06 PM - PRGAO: This is the old one? 11/21/18, 1:06 PM - PDGRO: Is Rajini there in court? 11/21/18, 1:09 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yes old one, He got to know today mevning only from DSK. Ke has told them to keep him informed earlier. Most likely dt Will be adjourned 11/21/18, 1:10 PM - POGKe: yes but get him to get inte brasstracks 11/21/18, 1:11 PM - Ramil Ramgaria Barc: Yes 11/21/18, 2:23 em - eoGko: if niche channels ae to be reper are we read: 11/21/18, 2:22 PM - PDGAO: will it be in same BMA? 1/21/18, 2:24 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: It can be in BMW But not planview 1/21/16, 2:24 PM - Romi] Ramgaria Barc: There it will be a challenge is21/18, 2:25 PM - POGAC: separate planview? aE arava ates OF fee : ae of Scanned with CamScanner Cap 42/21/18, 2:25 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: That would be possible. Let me check and confirm 11/21/18, 2:25 PM = POGAB: ok 11/21/18, 2226 PH - PDGAO: using somo ascription beltind the numbers - why cant we dnclude in same planview? Ti/2ifle, 2226 PM - POGAG: use some grey logic but push Markdata te give one 11/21/18, PM - Romil Rangaria Barc: Ham ok n/2i/ie, pM - pDGAe: maybe coming from today's IBF meeting 1/21/18, PM = Romil Ramgaria Barc: Ok 11/21/18, pM - Remil Ramgaria Barc: Stuck at elphinston since Yast 20 mii 0 min away. Thankfully nick is also late 1/21/18, 3:42 PM - POGAS: Ok jiy2i/1a, 8:31 FM - Romil Rangaria Barc: New Trs has started 1is2is/ia, PM = FDGAS: Ok 1/2is18, PM - POGAO: Wanted to chat with you yesterday 11/21/18, PM = POGAS: What's happened to Shantanu 11/21/18, PM - PDGHS: Why has he lost his mojo 11/21/18, FM - POGAM: What should we do 11/21/18, 10:27 8M - Ronil Remgaria Barc: Yes agree. Ne is becoming reactive and slow 11/21/18, 10:29 PM - Romil Rangaria Barc: Had a chat with him 2 days back on delegation end process also - but he is going in the negative zone - need to work on hin / 11/21/18, 10:29 PM - Romil Ramgarda Bars: f think for some time he needs to continue being in Delhi 11/21/18, 10:20 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: And travel less frequently. We showld directly interact with the other pecple mare = 11/21/18, 10:30 2M - Romi Ramgaria Bare: Also govt interaction I think have reduced ~ 11/21/18, 19:31 PM - PDGA: 1 have a mentoring session with him tom 11/21/18, 10:31 PM - EDGAD: Let's talk before that 11/21/18, 10:32 2M - Romi Rangaria Barc: Ok. Will call you around 1130 once 7 land ip Gockin 11/21/18, 10:32 PM - POGAE: ok 12/22/18, 1:52 EM - EDGRO: Viacom ppt?? 12/22/18, 1:52 PM - PDGKO: This is terrible 1ay22/18, 1:56 : Suna sending out in 10 mins 11/22/18, 1:54 PM - Romi! Ramgaria Bazc: It had to undergo changes last night 11/22/18, 1:54 PM - POCAG: Understand but so last minute 11/22/18, 1:54 PM - POGAC: Hepe it justifies with gocd insights 11/22/18, 1:55 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: It will nead to be Looked sexier ~ insights are there on BE and time slot changes and late start 11/22/18, 1:56 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Also the steep slope of ochers vs colors, will Be content justification waich with Manisha may not go down well - 21/22/28, = Roril Ramgaria Bare: But still we will take it 31/22/18, = PDEAS: yes - she will try co be aggressive - so lets do 11/22/18, ~ nomi] Rangazia Barc; Colors meeting delayed te tue/wed noxt week 11/22/18, POGAD: Heard 11/22/18, PDGAD: 11/22/18, PDGKe: Whe is this ? Lost some numbers in transfer 11/22/18, PDGAG; And is it true? 11/22/18, hontl RongeriepBerpy cannot see the aunber? SNe te Page No- 8 Scanned with CamScanner 2542. Chat With Romil Ramgaria 11/22/18, Br14 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Team tells me all nave signed. Ts this Vivek malhotra asking? 11/22/18, 8114 PM = POGAG: 11/22/18, @:14 PM - PDGK®: Cheek now 51/22/18, 9:15 PM - Romil Rangaria Bare: Yes Malhotra 31/22/18, @:18 PM - Romdl Ramgaria Barc: He is calling me also 11/22/18, @:15 PM - PDGAS: Hope our info is corzect 11/22/18, 8:13 PM POGAD: Nill be loss of face if not 11/22/18, 8:15 PM - POGRO: Talk to him 11/22/18, 8:15 DM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yes agree - will talk to him and check also - I have also maintained the same 11/22/18, 8:16 PM - PDGAG: Ask Elbert to confixm right away 11/22/18, 8:17 PM - Romil Rangaria Barc: Yes 31/22/18, 8:24 PM ~ Romil Ramgaria Barc: Spoke to Vive and sorted 11/22/19, 9:25 EM - POGAG: What's the reality on watermark clause 11/22/18, 3:25 PM - Romi] Ramgaria Barc: Spoke to Amit arora also and he has also confirmed everyone has signed except NGC - vhich is linked ta star 11/22/18, 8:25 EM - POGAG: How was he so condident 11/22/18, 8:25 PH — Romi] Remgaria Barc: I will get a check done by rajni also 11/22/18, 9:47 Py = Romil Ramgaria Barc: 31/23/18, 10:16 AM - Romil Ramgaria Zarc: Newsie no 1 this week - fastway CNW Lansing relplced with News18 11/23/18, 10:16 aM - PRGRO: OY"? 1123/18, 10:17 aM - PDGAS: If it's close margin see if can be 2 11/23/1a, 10:17 AM - Romil Remgaria Barc: Yes - we have to make it no 2, Entire market saying since laet ¢-5 waeks that News18 will become no 1 scon - and you will see 11/23/18, 10:17 AM - POGAe: Yes 21/23/18, 10:18 AM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: 2ven Avinash mentioned that day they going for the Kill before the elections 3i7§ 11/23/18, 10:18 AM - FDGAD: Yes 23/18, 10:18 AM ~ BDGAO: But that's iogical too 11/23/18, 10:18 aM - Remit a Bare: Yes absolutely - but people will perceive it to be tampering 11/23/21, 19:38 AM - Romi2 Ramgaria Ba: 11/23/18, 10:13 aM - Romi Ramgaria Barc gtpl also a:most done 11/23/18, 10:19 aM = pDGRO: True 11/23/18; 10:19 AM - Rewiil Ramgaria Bare: Pree dish auctions most likely to open in dec /'3 categories likely for GeC news and ethers As they contvol ground also = And everyone speaking that fastway and 11/23/18, Romil Rangaria Barc: Buzz is GEC will be areund iser, news Jer and others 3.5 11/23/18, pogis: Arnab will take it 1/23/18, Romi] Ramgaria Barc: Yes 21/24/18, Romil Rangaria Sere: 11/24/18, Romil Ramgaria Barc: 11/24/18, ppohe: ay-5agS 11/24/18, Romil Ramgaria Barc: Straight talk is largely full of jected in south advertisers. I think we should do it given we are largely disco 11/24/18, 12:39 PM - POGAD: Ok 11/24/38, 5:07 PM - Rowil Ramgaria Barc: ASI happening next year in Prague and not in Vienna 11/20/18, 5:07 PM - POGRD: & an2arie Pu POGAB: November) C)_ — eg gone ar ot Ree -_ A J an Scanned with CamScanner Chat With Romil Ramgaria 21/24/18, PM - FOGG: 2 31/24/18, 5:07 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yup. 11/24/18, 5:08 FM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Singapore in 2020 11/24/18, 5:08 PM - PDGAO: Can we offer co host them in India for 20197 11/24/18, 5:02 EM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Too late mow. And the bigger problem for them ia finding 11/24/18, $:08 2M - PDGA®: Commercially we can work cut 11/20/18, 5:09 BM - Romil Rangaria Barc: Funding 11/24/18, 5:09 PM = PDGAD: Don't know if it will be a heavy gap to fund 11/24/18, S111 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Letae™s explore - have broached with 11/24/18, 5:11 PM ~ PDGae: K 11/24/18, 8:01 PM ~ Romil Ramgaria Barc: Smailed you. Shantanu has spoken to Gaurav. But ne is saying itges on bodhis desk and he will decide 11/24/18, 8:05 EM ~ POGAe: I spoke to Bodh 11/24/18, 8:05 EM - POGAG: Also told Sahay 11/24/18, B:06 EM - PDGAO: He says don"t give data 11/24/18, 8:06 eM - Didn't tell him already givea 1if2ay18, B10 EM ~ Romil Remgaria Barc: Hen 11/24/18, 8:06 PM = Romil Rangaria Barc: Bodhi agreed to stop? 11/24/18, 9:07 PM - PDGAG: He didn't remember anything like this 11/24/18, 8:07 PH - PDGAD: Said will check 11/24/18, 8:07 PM ~ Romil Ramgaria Barc: Hmm ok 11/24/18, 8:19 PM - Romii Ramgaria Barc: We haves guaray = so alt ok 11/24/18, 11/24/18, 11/24/18, iL/24/18, - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yes a24/ig, - ppcko: 1 called Sahay to show we are helping them 11/24/18, 8123 PM - Romil Rangaria Barc: oY-8 11/25/18, 3:08 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Do you thik I should go to Delhi tomorrow? To mest Sahay? 11¢25/18, 3:09 PM - PDGAD: Yes better 11/25/18, PM ~ Romdl Ramgaria Bare: Yeah T am eiso thinking, Let me check if he is there and will plan given the data yet to 11/25/18, PM = BDGAC: Yes and let's talk before you meet 11/25/18, PM = Some things we will put on record in note 11/25/18, PM - Some has to be verbal 11/25/18, PH ~ Romil Ramgaria Bare: Yes ok 25/18, PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Sahay said will confirm tomo: morning on 11/25/18, Pe = Romil Ramgaria Bare: Hence not planning right now 11/2578, PM - Remil Ramgayia Bare: We even candet say TAM does this for us - it may get worse? 11/25/18, 3:38 PM - POGA®: Yes 11/25/18, 3:39 PM - Romil Ramgaria Rare: Or other angle we can take is we started with different naming conventiens but industry forced us to move to TAM 11/25/18, 3135 PM ~ FDGAD: Yes that we can say 11/25/18, 3:39 PM - PDGAe: And henee we followed old convention 11/25/18, 3:39 PM - POGAS: And it's what has been 11/25/18, 3:39 PM - Romil Ramgaria Barc: Yes 11/25/18, 3:40 PM - PDGA®: Bat important to show iz has come up before but press didn't pick aaa SRR Hes 2 Ag ol Scanned with CamScanner Page No- 10 ex Chat With Romil Ramgaria 11/25/18, 3:40 PM - Romil Rangaria Baze: Yes 725/18, 3:40 PM - POGAS: So nothing new 21/25/18, 6:24 PM - POGAD: Media omitted> 51/25/18, 9:21 PM - Romil @amgaria Barc:

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