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Prevent COVID-19 Inside Your Home:

 Wear a mask in shared spaces around others
 Stay at least 6 feet apart
 Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20
 Monitor your health daily
 Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in shared spaces
 Avoid sharing personal household items
 Do not share items such asdishes, drinking glasses, cups,
eating utensils, or towels with other people in your home.
 Wash these items thoroughly after using them.

If Someone Gets Sick:

 Separate the person who is sick from other people in your
home, if possible.
 People in the household should stay separated from the
person who is sick. If they must be around the person who
is sick, they should wear a mask.
 The person who is sick should
 Be sure the person who is sick
 Does not prepare, serve, or assist in preparing or serving,
food to others.
Prevent COVID-19 in your community:

 Stay home when you are sick

 Avoid contact with people who are sick
 Get adequate sleep and eat well‐balanced meals
 Wash hands often with soap and water for 20
seconds or longer and dry hands with a clean towel or
air dry
 Wear a cloth face cover when going out in public
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with
unwashed hands or after touching surfaces
 Cover your mouth with a tissue or sleeve when
coughing or sneezing
 Clean and disinfect “high touch” surfaces often
 Call before visiting your doctor
 Avoid shopping at peak hours and take advantage of
delivery or pick‐up services with retailers.
 Avoid shaking hands as a social greeting .

 Avoid crowded places.

 Avoid public transit if possible and don’t travel to
areas with active outbreaks.
 implementing web‐based learning and canceling large
campus meetings and gatherings.

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