Mind Map 1 - Present Simple

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1 Mind Map


FORMA AFFERMATIVA Variazioni ortografiche

soggetto + forma base del verbo alla terza persona singolare
I play tennis. We watch TV. • verbi terminanti in -ch, -o, -s, -sh, -ss, -x, -z:
terza persona singolare ➝ forma base + -s si aggiunge -es
It lives in the sea. She speaks English. does, washes, fixes
• verbi terminanti in consonante + -y:
si elimina la y e si aggiunge -ies
cries, worries, replies
soggetto + don’t/doesn’t + forma base del verbo
I don’t play tennis. She doesn’t speak Chinese.
con wh- words
Wh- word + do/does + soggetto + forma base
Where do you play tennis?
Do/Does + soggetto + forma base del verbo + ?
Do you play tennis? Does she speak Chinese?
con who/what/which/whose con funzione di
RISPOSTE BREVI Wh- word + verbo alla terza persona
Yes, soggetto + do/does. singolare + ?
No, soggetto + don’t/doesn’t. Who sings Marlena?
Yes, I do. / No, she doesn’t.


affermazioni sempre vere azioni abituali e routine

The Sun rises in the east.

dare istruzioni con avverbi di frequenza:

You peel the apples and always, usually, often,
you cut them in cubes. sometimes, rarely, risponde alla
ever/never domanda
descrivere procedure I rarely drink coffee. How often…?
When the alarm is on, the How often
green light flashes. con espressioni di frequenza: do you drink
every day, once a week, coffee?
orari e programmi three times a month, ecc.
prestabiliti I drink coffee twice a day.
The train from Milan
arrives at 12:55. con espressioni di tempo: risponde alla
in the morning/afternoon, domanda
on Saturdays, ecc. When…?
raccontare storie
I drink coffee in the morning. When do you
At the end of the book,
drink coffee?
Anna discovers the truth.

1 © ELI Photocopiable
Grammar Lab 1
Present simple Adverbs and expressions of frequency
To form the Present simple with 4 5 READ the examples.
he / she / it we add -s at the base I’m often in the library after school.
form of the verb. I always wake up at 7 o’clock on
To form the negative and the weekdays.
interrogative form, we use the Do you often play football?
auxiliary verb does with he/she/it I take the bus to school every day.
and do with I/you/we/they. We put adverbs of frequency after
the verb be and before other verbs.
1 2 COMPLETE the sentences with the We put expressions such as
verbs in brackets using the Present every day/week/month/year at the
simple affirmative or negative. end of the sentence.
1 Hannah and Louis go (go) to school
5 6 REWRITE the sentences using the
by bus.
adverbs and the expressions in brackets.
2 After school Tom, __________
(relax) on the sofa in the living room. 1 He’s always in his bedroom after he comes
3 My sister __________ (not / have) home from school. (always)
a shower in the morning. 2 When they are ill, they watch TV. (never)
4 We __________ (wake up) early on 3 We have dinner all together in the evenings.
weekdays. (usually)
4 Before you have dinner, do you help your
2 3 WRITE questions using the mum in the kitchen? (every day)
Present simple. 5 Dad works in the garden on Saturdays. (often)
1 Jay and Lucy / leave home together Round up
in the morning / ?
6 8 Online interaction Read the email
Do Jay and Lucy leave home together
and CIRCLE the correct alternative.
in the morning?
2 you / do your homework in the Dear Sosuke,
evenings / ? My mother is a receptionist in a big hotel.
3 Greg / have lunch at home or at She only (1) work / works in the morning
school / ?
from 8:30 to 12:30.
4 Martin / always / catch the 7:45 bus / ?
My father is a businessman. He (2) gets / get
home (3) at / in the evening before dinner
Prepositions of time
but he (4) does / doesn’t work on Saturday
3 4 COMPLETE the sentences with the or Sunday. (5) Do / Does your parents work?
words from the box. What do they do?
in • from • at (x2) • to • on My sister is a student at university. She
(6) want / wants to be a vet because she
1 We start music class at nine o’clock. loves animals. She (7) have / has lessons
2 They go on holiday ______ the (8) on / in Monday, Wednesday
summer. and Thursday and she works in the lab
3 ______ Sundays I get up late. (9) in / on the afternoons.
4 The meeting is _______ seven Write soon!
_______ nine. Lennie
5 I have lunch______ midday.

© ELI Photocopiable 2

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