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This spreadsheet exhibit relates to the case Analyzing Low Patient Satisfaction at

Herzog Memorial Hospital, Case #KEL740.

©2013 by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This case
was prepared by Professor Jack Boepple. Cases are developed solely as the basis for
class discussion. Cases are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary
data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. To order copies or
request permission to reproduce materials, call 800-545-7685 (or 617-783-7600
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1 Count Case Comment
2 Admissions
4 17 Positive
5 476086234 Both stays admission was fast & thoughtful.
6 342747258 Efficient & very attentive.
7 500289793 Nothing wrong.
8 486887628 No complaints.
9 165209900 Good job.
10 28530725 Fast & kind.
11 541354739 Everyone was very helpful.
12 456236712 Very good.
13 364421199 Take in by ambulance to ER. ER terrific.
14 392976374 ER admit very good and quick!
15 25420550 Good.
16 193820570 Fast & courteous.
331555897 I really like the process of handing pt's & info to the next shift nurse (giving report) in front of
17 the patient. It confirms information that may be missed that either nurses forgot to tell pts or if
pts have info that nurses don't.
18 29090316 Top notch.
19 262778512 Asked for private room & was given one.
20 374928641 *Diana McMahon was MOST gracious.
21 372654121 Great - Service, quick, responsive. #2. Excellent.
22 20 Negative
23 287441622 9 hours in emergency room!
24 339134899 Had to wait 5 hours in emergency after being told I was being admitted.
25 453522917 7 hours in E/R too much time.
26 69687680 Rude volunteer at reception desk for the ER.
27 208802353 Too long of time period from ER to room. Should have info on patient before.
68934970 Admit through ER - Long wait, poor coordination between ER/floor. Long wait on floor, after arrival. No
28 continuity.
29 411010608 I had internal bleeding and there was no urgency to admit me.
287062261 Was in room 5 days before anybody told me there was a medicine cabinet for each bed. #1. 8 hrs. in
30 emergency room.
31 324470985 Waited for hours in ER for a room to be assigned.
32 353364750 Got to emergency at 10 p.m. In room at 1 a.m.
33 284922626 Nurse said stapling was poor.
34 582386269 Had to wait a long time in ER waiting for room.
35 262977275 2 girls who took me to my room were busy talking & the pole with the IV bags slammed into the door.
Almost pulled my catheter out. Very painful.
36 218502208 Emergency room always a very long wait 3 hrs.+!!
542521928 I told them several times that I had a draining open wound - and knew they would put me in a private but
37 no one listened & I had to wait 90 minutes for them to clean a room.
38 535414776 The ER doctors were very slow in caring for me. It was extremely noisy in the halls.
39 573238009 I could have been assigned a room a little faster.
40 198476622 Took several hours to finally get a room assigned. It was around midnight when we got there
41 514708001 Were pushing for transfer to Boulder. 1st told it was happening then nothing.
42 523303661 #1. Took 5 hours to be admitted.
43 1 Mixed
44 353323371 Emergency room always takes long but you get excellent care.
45 17 Neutral
46 38844469 I was not awake when I was admitted.
47 76509008 Emergency stroke patient.
48 335931659 ER admit.
49 548934415 Don't remember much because I blacked out. Seemed fine though.
50 236498832 Went to ER - sat there for about 45 minutes between getting registered and getting seen.

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51 199199907 Ambulance.
52 112636063 Came via ambulance.
53 309295200 Admitted through ER - No official admitting person.
54 417225745 Came in ambulance. No memory of admittance.
55 102721480 Came by ambulance to ER.
56 404548450 Came through ER.
57 136403571 Came in thru ER ran tests then admitted.
58 45471992 #2. ER desk.
59 250398328 Came in through the ER.
60 505565324 Brought in an ambulance - no memory of it.
61 194170032 Entered through emergency.
62 2490885 #1. ER.
65 Room
67 16 Positive
68 476086234 Cleaning staff was the best.
69 87151012 No bad experience.
70 487222957 Very good.
71 403393492 #5. Quiet.
72 552983012 Was impressed at how everyone used the hand sanitizers all the time.
73 486887628 No complaints.
74 165209900 I liked my room just fine -
75 79024559 3-E *Virginia always asked if I needed anything from her. Always a smile.
76 412108792 *Virginia cleaned my room - very nice lady - helpful.
77 287062261 Cleaning people very polite and helpful.
78 224519047 A very good experience.
79 284922626 Shared room - but OK didn't watch TV but other patient did -
80 45471992 Housekeeping person was excellent.
81 25420550 Good.
82 528834722 All good.
83 372321442 Room was small & tight.
84 75 Negative
164486407 Sharing a room with another patient when ill is very uncomfortable, when ill I like to be alone.
#5. Privacy can be a problem when sharing a room.
86 76509008 I had noisy patient in the next bed. He was hard of hearing consequently talked very loud.
339134899 Bathroom not clean at first; no bed in room when brought there. Roommate needed dialysis
87 which was done from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. when staff came in for him all night long, lights on,
loud talk, etc.
371995139 1 chair in the room for visitors - 2 bed room. Night stand with telephone - couldn't reach it from
bed. I felt like this room was reserve for Medicare patients.
89 453522917 Spider on ceiling, fly on window dirt on floor -
282079419 Too much noise in the hallways at night with patients being transferred to rooms and you
could hear a lot of noise.
91 236498832 #4. - Stat is behind curtain - room cold.
84068917 Became very noisy prior to day shift especially one clinical tech who was very loud. I told her
several times I was not hard of hearing.
93 342747258 Sometimes drafty.
94 387948183 I was cold at night.
95 65221921 Lady in other bed was very noisy & loud with constant company & kept light on all night.
96 332030901 Bathroom sink did not drain properly. I did not want to use.
97 436937038 Couldn't stay asleep due to buzzer, bells etc., in caring for roommate.
98 22007409 All night it was loud.

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99 171297788 Room wasn't cleaned as often as it could have been.
100 326152310 Roommate very loud & thoughtless.
116917334 The sheets in both the ER & on the cardiac wing were dirty - old blood stains & yellowed
goop/snot-like substance. Unacceptable.
102 114028945 Updates are needed on the 3rd floor, very dated, ran down rooms.
103 277650849 The nurses rarely remembered to close my door and it was noisy.
104 500289793 Room seemed warm.
105 524912596 Constant screaming from patient in the room next to me.
324336886 No room for family & I felt claustrophobic because having the bed by the wall was not
296890121 Open door next to nurses station all night even after asked to close. Shared room w/waterfall.
NO sleep all night.
108 493619702 I was always a little cold.
410237925 I would have preferred a separate room, the room I was in looked old, stains in bathroom, not
well kept.
110 28530725 Bathroom never cleaned very dirty & fixtures were broken - on.
111 143656662 Room mate visitors loud.
112 405727912 New trays are too big for room. The patient in next room yelled for nurses all day & night.
113 460914859 #5. Hammering - Remodeling room next to mine (terrible). Noise never stopped.
114 203318790 Didn't like yellow stain in toilet. Smell of well water didn't like washing in it turn off!
115 213105834 ICU was VERY cold other ICU patients were noisy.
116 490422533 Took 4-5 days to get heat fixed.
330635653 I was put in a room with a person who had pneumonia and I have a compromised immune
system, not a good idea.
118 309295200 Two nights with roommates not good. One asking for morphine all night, other gravely ill.
119 291665596 Room to hot & dry (roommate always cold).
68934970 I had an intestinal flu with bathroom assist. No one ever cleaned, after I used toilet/sink for me
or roommate.
121 245712747 Very noisy outside room especially at night.
122 560376267 Room was too small for two beds & furniture.
123 577808623 #4. Cold - Cold. #5. *Leo was very noisy TV & lights all night.
124 541354739 Lots of noises at night.
125 35767674 Room is looking unkept & outdated.
126 392262191 Lots of night noise, laughing, talking, general noise.
127 391473102 One poor professional nurse performance issue regarding medical pump...
128 233414049 Roommate was awful.
129 204042892 2 beds to a room can't talk or move!
102721480 #1. On floor not ER. #2. Floor very dirty. #3. Didn't speak. #4. Always hot or cold never
comfortable. #5. Always (almost) loud conversation outside door way - one night and most of
next day a patient crying and moaning. Another room had loud talking and laughing of visitors
2 days in a row. Laughing doesn't sound or feel good when you don't feel good at all.
131 260254658 Had roommate with seizures.
132 214328563 Too many nurses - All say some thing different - Contradict each other.
133 130506388 Cold.
392976374 I expected the rooms to be much better shape and decor. Very noisy! Brown water in room
sink!! Wow.
135 165670684 Room decor did not appear to be Adeline Herzog Memorial Hospital, more like a scam.
136 82671460 Yelling patient on same floor - had to always ask to keep my door closed.
137 542521928 Oxygen alarms were going off all night.
138 330823991 #4. Much too hot - difficulty breathing!
139 336661568 #5. Other people were SO LOUD!
2088081 Other pat.'s visitor stayed 12 - 7-8 p.m. and talk TV on in loud. Not suitable get a rest or sleep
for other patient.
141 489375871 Noise outside room.
142 3747735 1st night very noisy.

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143 359495181 Roommate kept room very cold, was noisy had a lot of... care.
144 595171245 Room was too warm at night.
145 253660137 Lights on & working with other patient every 2-3 hrs.
146 545617014 My roommate was very loud and had the TV on loud it was hard to rest.
147 500264464 #5. Noisy roommate.
148 3742217 Across from nursing station & loud at night.
98741360 I would not recommend the hospital. Water is dirty & yellow. Could not take a shower or brush
my teeth.
150 346722441 Roommate very loud & disruptive.
151 2490885 Idiot in bed beside should have been isolated.
152 106291641 Had a couple fire drills and person in bed next to mine had fans going constantly.
153 319101147 My roommate was very disruptive.
154 367485041 Had a roommate who was non confirmative.
155 553245669 #4. (Cold.)
156 446700658 Room too warm.
514708001 Room mate was a pest. Like Denver Health Medical Center & Boulder have private rooms.
Room mate had TV on 24/7.
158 274775593 It's hard having a roommate, especially when they have visitors.
159 523303661 Room was not cleaned prior to admittance.
160 6 Mixed
548934415 A very pleasant room. The only thing negative is that it was a little cold but other than that it
was perfect.
162 552953088 ICU - Excellent 3rd floor East - Disorganized - Noisy.
136403571 1st room lady next to me had mental issues - was running around my room naked, security
moved me, was very professional about the whole incident -
164 573238009 All was good until I got a roommate who's husband stayed all night & they both snored.
331555897 I had one night I got no sleep b/c I received a roommate @ 2 in the morning. I stated my
165 concern of lack of sleep @ 9 am that day & my roommate transferred out. Nurses were very
accommodating! I was very pleased!!
580807543 Was moved from quiet room with window bed to a dark, noisy room away from window of very
ill patient - Very noisy, got not sleep - moved because they wanted a private room for the
other patient in my first room because he was a volunteer there and those in charge wanted
him to have a private room. The patient did not want it, and was very pleasant -
167 7 Neutral
168 112636063 3 rooms - Emergency, Intensive Care and 2nd floor.
169 63665978 Room across from nurses station.
329537673 People in rehab on floor - 3rd morning at night (every night). Last night they put a LOON in my
171 404548450 Was by nurses station though.
172 203120390 #3. Never did.
173 446568706 I needed 3 units of blood - was pretty much oblivious regarding surroundings.
174 136118661 I was drugged & unconscious most of my stay (15 days) can't answer most questions.
177 Meals
179 30 Positive
180 116639750 Best I've ever had in a hospital.
181 548934415 Perfectly fine in every thing.
182 242201796 No food for 2 days. IV only. After that, everything was great!!
183 476086234 Being on cardiac diet food was good & healthy.
184 22007409 Food was very good.
185 172011136 Better than previous times.
186 487222957 Very delicious.
187 500289793 Nothing wrong.

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188 165209900 Good coffee - good food.
189 410237925 Food service was very polite and nice about ordering as well.
190 28530725 Very good -
191 405727912 *Carolyn was excellent with diet choices and a wonderful, friendly employee.
330635653 You have a employee named *Carolyn who is the greatest she will spend time with you to
make sure you order food you will eat & enjoy even thou...
193 153023595 Food service was exceptionally accommodating.
194 412108792 Loved *Carolyn - a very cheerful & caring person!
195 392262191 Server was excellent in all respects.
196 19985698 Outstanding service. #1-3. The best service.
197 204042892 Your gal is very polite & _____.
198 329537673 Always came in to see if everything was good -
199 404548450 Love your food service people.
200 214328563 Food was OK.
45471992 Every nurse and tech on 3 East were amazing - especially *Gwen, *Geraldine & *Anna.
Awesome nurses & techs!
202 392976374 Great service _____ food personnel.
203 25420550 Good.
204 193820570 *Carolyn in Food Service is awesome. She took time to explain menu selections.
205 573238009 Excellent choices. Really enjoyed the salmon w/mango sauce. (I _____ ices).
206 29090316 (Excellent.)
207 106291641 I VERY much enjoyed the food and beverages.
208 446700658 Super nice people.
209 523303661 Good homemade chicken noodle soup.
210 21 Negative
339134899 Was given nothing by mouth (including water) for most of my stay due to poor procedure
212 557992887 Not enough choices.
213 342747258 Sometimes required blankets or heating pads.
214 65221921 Too much - didn't like it.
354770578 You have a procedural gap for delivering to a patient in isolation - requiring wearing a plastic
216 114028945 Meals usually lukewarm.
217 324336886 Problem in how to order food daily - did not know I had to call it in.
296890121 Delayed in emergency room for 3 hours 5 p.m.-8 p.m. before room assigned, then kitchen was
closed. Not any off 6 different staff asked.
68934970 I had dehydration/nutritional _____ of what I could eat, poor food quality diminished appetite,
ability to eat.
220 541354739 Foods wasn't that great.
221 35767674 Significant weight loss - Required assistance - Not provided.
450608196 Scrambled eggs were grey looking leftovers. My breakfast was ordered later so should have
been FRESH.
223 391473102 Liquid diet very boring -
224 542521928 Because of being in isolation, my tray would just sit in the hall getting cold.
225 136173008 I was in hospital 18 days need to expand entree choices.
226 346722441 Limited gluten-free menu. #1. Coffee cold.
370167019 You do not cater to gluten & dairy free diets. I had only 1 or 2 things to chose from since I was
also on cardiac diet.
228 427012127 Food was awful - didn't even know what it was - BAD - BAD - BAD!!!!
229 448905498 At the end I saw *Dr. Tomczak made me mad. He killed my mom.
230 372321442 Hospital food is always bland & NASTY!
231 514708001 Didn't understand why I couldn't have a banana w/latex allergy. Never got an answer either.
232 3 Mixed
233 69687680 Brought up requests though the clerk said closed.

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234 102721480 Only the beef stroganoff was good.
235 34776128 Received an egg omelet that was severely saturated with grease. Otherwise great.
236 20 Neutral
237 164627858 #2. Extra _____.
238 397046848 Spoke with supervisor about a situation.
239 350185614 On IV mostly.
240 436937038 #1. N/A NPO except for CL last day.
241 403393492 I like HOT food - not spicy -
242 143656662 No memory.
490422533 Patient had poor appetite. Also used to eating small meals prior to hosp. stay - Don't know if
that was illness related.
244 262882041 #1. When got them.
245 411010608 Limited diet - not qualified to rate food.
287062261 Contacted food manager regarding quality i.e., grilled cheese 2 pieces of bread toasted 3/4 of
a piece of cheese (check with food manager.
247 136403571 Was not eating until last day was then on clears -
248 203120390 #2. Liquid diet.
249 473302271 "G" tube only.
250 250398328 I was not in condition to eat much food.
251 58884209 #1. Did not eat on tube.
252 330823991 Was not allowed to eat or drink.
253 174707364 #1-3. DID NOT EAT.
254 277378582 Liquid-diet.
255 397208080 Was only on liquid/soft diet.
256 446568706 Condition prohibited food for some time - didn't care.
259 Nurses
261 47 Positive
262 195865865 Awesome bedside care by the nurses and aides.
263 339134899 Experience with nurses was positive.
264 548934415 I loved the nurses. They were very nice and helpful.
265 476086234 My nurses & doctors made my hospital visit enjoyable.
266 512855501 *Linda (RN) was excellent along with *Lindsey (tech).
267 342747258 Always had a solution, almost always promptly.
87151012 Drs. were concerned I may have meningitis but the nurses were still as always very helpful &
269 326152310 Very caring.
270 112636063 Emergency Room - Excellent. Intensive Care - Excellent. 3rd floor excellent.
271 487222957 Excellent.
272 403393492 Nurses were special. #1-6. Repetitive.
273 500289793 Very good.
274 405017629 *Mary 26381/*Josephine 26324/Room 307-1, *Heidi/*Robin/*David excellent nurses thank
275 165209900 you.
They were always pleasant & informative.
276 552953088 ICU - Excellent care - Skill nurses. #2, 5. 3rd floor. #4. Bathroom 3rd fl. #6. 3rd floor - Fair.
277 28530725 Staff was the best.
278 405727912 *Karla RN & *Mary CNA 3rd floor were my favorite. They were caring & friendly & very helpful.
279 489049027 The nurses were all great! Only great thing about stay.
412108792 Excellent; *Sue, *Christeenia, *Mary. Techs: Excellent *Brigetta, *Mairsol, *Sandy/can't
remember all of them nurses & techs!
281 172824760 The best nurses & techs!
527604952 The frequent appearance of nurses & techs in the room was greatly appreciated. I never felt
that I had to hunt down help.

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283 212438729 Nurses were the best *Lola & *Mary.
284 456236712 Rms. - 3-E - Very good.
285 404005776 *ANEE & *Sandy were exceptional.
450608196 *Cynthia in the ED, *Sunny in triage also *Lynn, *Heidi and *Jennifer were very good very
professional and very supportive.
287 63665978 Excellent experience.
288 19985698 *Michelle Payton was outstanding!
289 99099970 All of the nurses/staff were VERY helpful.
290 404548450 Room nurses & techs were excellent.
291 136403571 Was on 3 EAST wonderful care - they were all great!
292 25420550 Good.
293 193820570 ALL the nurses were wonderful. Nurse *Galya was super!
294 330341192 Night time *Brenda in the ICU was the best!
295 573238009 They all were very upbeat & helpful excellent staff.
331555897 All my nurses & PCT's were amazing! One was an amazing compassionate nurse who really
cared for me!!
333643945 The nurses who cared for me during my stay were wonderful. They made my stay a little
359495181 Good staff. *Mallory, *Yvonne, *Jill, _____, *Mary were all excellent. Techs were all great as
278264159 Your nurses are back bone of patient care E/R & 3rd floor nurses were excellent. Please pay
them well & INSIST on top quality performance from your employee's!! It's WORKING.
300 29090316 My roommate, and I made there day. #4. They were sorry to see go.
328719911 *Brandon and *John from the ICU were extraordinary. Both provided the best of care for me
and I am truly grateful for everything they did. They are the best of the best.
302 194170032 Very competent.
303 305081552 Could not ask for a better experience.
304 174553930 Outstanding nurses was *Anna & *Debbie.
305 370167019 I loved my 2 nurses.
265234166 Exception: The charge nurse - *Jennifer Suhey was EXCELLENT. She was the bright spot in
the whole stay.
307 446700658 All the nurses & techs were fantastic.
308 372654121 Very nice, fun, enjoyable people one reason why I always come to this hospital.
309 22 Negative
310 366501484 Nurse wouldn't tell me what meds I was getting - eventually you... I couldn't...
311 453522917 Tech's - rude - did not side effects of meds.
312 22007409 They sent me home before my blood was normal 2.5 it was at 1.6.
116917334 #4. When in the ER - I asked to have my blood sugar checked and it took 2 hours for
someone to remember me _____ that time, I was headed to the cardiac wing.
277650849 There was one nurse who refused to give me pain medicine. After requesting a supervisor, I
eventually got it.
296890121 First hospital ever to not shave chest hair (or offer) before applying heart pads. 3 times within
12 hours. Very uncaring.
316 460914859 People who had a stroke need more attention - Especially - Restroom.
317 208802353 Nurses on 3-4 & 3-5 changed shifts so much I had to keep explaining my issues.
68934970 Long waits for responses to alarms/call lite. No facilitation of pain relief. Barriers to relief not
319 287062261 Nurses just very short handed I heard 1 night 24 patients for 2 nurses (not good).
320 35767674 Requested the assistance of a notary on more than 2 occasions - Never happened.
321 391473102 There was a different nurse every shift and _____ days of my hospitalization - no continuity -
322 204042892 These d_____ IV's they beep every time you move!
323 94192653 3 times a tech answered call button but there was no response to request.
324 214328563 Took 3 days to get discharged after being told I would go that day!
325 165670684 At times did not have access to call button, took it away. Had to lay & wait for everything.
326 467638063 Didn't follow _____ schedule.

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327 255704162 In ER my nurse wasn't very nice to my children. Didn't answer their questions.
545617014 I speak some English but I wish they would have given me information in Spanish about my
386904911 I was in room over 24 hrs and nothing had been I kept asking where was _______ surgeon
nobody knew.
60086558 I could not sleep the 3 nights because the woman with me was a very bad _____. #3. Asked
for a different room nothing done.
331 514708001 Never got follow-up call w/in 48 hrs from transitional nurse as planned.
332 11 Mixed
333 171297788 Nurses were great, more info on days schedule/time line would be nice.
334 467821537 #2. Very mixed. BAD, BAD!!
410237925 The room (appearance) was really bad - but the nurses were GREAT ... thanks to *Jody she
was awesome.
65876215 Head nurse came in to put me in my place I think - Brought another for what I don't know - I
asked. #1. Most were good 1 nurse poor.
337 411010608 2 rude nurses - notified hospital staff. #1. - 2 bad nurses - others great.
338 392262191 Only had one nurse who was not top notch. I reported her. The others were great.
95668765 One nurse "3E" (*Jessica) was rude & not helpful and I saw her being rude to another visitor.
Uncalled for! All the other nurses & techs were WONDERFUL.
340 527831287 The night nurse was excellent. The day nurse was not so good resulting in averaging the two.
341 392976374 Poor coverage on evenings. I had to go find staff to meet my needs. *Lynn is excellent nurse!
342 254176238 Most were great/one had poor skills.
509527071 My first day nurses (*Sue) were much better than 2nd half Friday Sat a.m. nurses. They
seemed distracted & just going thru motions but they were really busy so I understand.
344 2 Neutral
345 213105834 Had many in-training nurses along with regular nurses.
346 346722441 #4. Bath was on day 7 of hospitalization.
Tests &
351 19 Positive
352 548934415 I felt very comfortable with the tests and treatments.
353 476086234 My health condition was explained thoroughly & what programs were available to me.
354 171297788 Never told exactly when to expect tests, all staff administering them were great.
355 487222957 Excellent.
356 403393492 Physical & occupational exceptional -
357 500289793 Never waited very long, skillful administration of IV, never needed therapist.
358 165209900 They did good -
359 412108792 *Jim in Respiratory very helpful & educational - thank you.
360 541354739 Everyone was helpful.
361 27127636 PT, OT ST very very good.
102721480 #6. Physical therapy evaluation on day of discharge to determine if I could live alone -
therapist exceptionally nice and helpful.
363 260254658 Every body explained everything in detail.
364 404548450 I don't remember much. Care through ER but my husband was pleased.
365 136403571 RN *Karen in ER was really awesome/she is a great nurse!! #4. *Karen in ER was great!
366 473302271 Excellent experience.
367 25420550 Good.
368 617682506 All people that came to my room was very good.
369 193820570 I'm a "hard stick" patient & the staff did great on starting my IV.
370 446700658 Great people.
371 24 Negative

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366501484 When leaving had to ask 3 times before needle for IV was removed - once... were waiting for
me to get in the wheelchair.
373 339134899 Procedure postponement was untenable.
282079419 In ICU one Indian guy could not get blood from my veins and he just kept poking me a couple
times. Then he called for help and left the syringe on my bed.
236498832 Had to get jabbed 3 times in one arm didn't work; then two more in the other; that one was
inserted crooked; removed to top of hand.
376 22007409 They where never on time.
87151012 The first lady that came in for my respiratory care was very short and did not explain the new
care instead of the older piece of equipment a person used to... breathing capacity was good.
In fact I told... complained she had too many new patients - In all of my stays at Herzog
Memorial since Oct. 2008, she was one of the only ones... to do her job.
467821537 My roommate came in with extreme chest pain. Waited HOURS in emergency. Extreme pain
in room, LEFT ALONE, I had to get help.
379 293251782 Bathroom needs a lot of help room could be cleaner.
296890121 I was left shivering, sitting in a wheel chair, for over 15 mins. multiple times while nurses
wearing sweaters walked by.
381 143656662 Only 1 bad experience with male nurse assistant taking blood pressure early in stay.
252235069 Plug C-Pan out of reach to torn off was not her job to put unit on table to move it not her job
did not need her to plug C-PAP.
383 262882041 Nurses not coming in enough. Left with pain.
68934970 Most phlebotomists not concerned with patient comfort with draws. Resp. tx. protocol not
followed with respect to pre/post lung assessment, pt. communication.
385 287062261 Several issues getting IV started had 4 in 4 days.
386 35767674 Could not access vein.
387 95668765 #1. Way too long to wait for a test, or procedure.
94192653 EEG had to be called 3x = Seizure 2-1/2 hrs. EEG arrived 1-1/2 hrs. after 1st call - I was
388 already on schedule for an EEG on that day - I do not believe they came earlier when called &
requested? - Tech comment "no wonder they are calling." #1. EEG.
389 262977275 Family never informed that tests were being done sooner than told.
390 233048443 Surgery cancelled - not advised till 3 hrs later - kitchen closed - given box lunch - inedible.
391 397208080 CT scan area had a fair amount of flakes/dust around base.
580807543 Came in ER at 5:00 p.m. did not get in room until 11:00 p.m. Went down for colonoscopy, then
392 was parked in curtained area (with no explanation of wait time) for about 2 hours - #5. None I
know of.
393 106291641 There was a shift change and it took a few hours for my breathing treatment.
553245669 Had to have ultrasound when already prepped for colonoscopy; poor communication btw.
depts; inconsiderate!
395 523303661 MRI kept getting delayed.
396 2 Mixed
405727912 Had to wait 3 hrs. for surgery and then had low blood sugar. They had hard time starting IV
but everyone was excellent.
450608196 *Dory Sanders from MRI was very comforting. The MRI was difficult for me to do and with her
encouragement I was able to complete the study.
399 9 Neutral
400 287441622 Had no respiratory care.
401 38844469 I was not awake when tests were administered.
402 453522917 #5. Midnight - _____ ER.
403 350185614 All these questions are being answered by patients mother since he had another brain injury.
404 552983012 After 2 days I learned what I didn't have; not what I had.
405 518343363 Was bleeding in brain, didn't know to much.
406 582386269 Was told to fast one day & didn't get test until 4:00 p.m.
407 22578264 #6. No therapy.
408 29090316 Did not req. any therapy.

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Visitors &
413 4 Positive
414 548934415 Every thing was fine here.
415 171297788 A touch cramped but functional, staff was always great.
416 79024559 The staff always included family in conversations - Made them feel comfortable.
417 29090316 Excellent service.
418 47 Negative
164486407 Visitors from friends but when sharing a room and you are sick it is quite annoying when trying
to rest. #1. Sick people need privacy mentally & physically.
420 339134899 Room small, one chair provided was small and uncomfortable.
421 73356717 Person in other bed visitors very noisy & loud.
422 453522917 #1. No chair.
423 236498832 Rooms very small to accommodate even one chair; especially with 2 beds.
424 84068917 Room mates visitors were many & very loud.
425 112636063 1 chair - small area.
277650849 When I needed assistance, my visitor couldn't find anyone at the nurse's station. He was
treated somewhat rudely.
324336886 In a 2 bedroom room there is nowhere for people to have visitors, when you have the bed next
to the wall.
428 405727912 Room size is small and new big trays are hard to move around with people in room.
429 460914859 Rooms are so small - Hardly room for 2 visitors.
430 203318790 Not enough room for more than one!
431 476881643 Small rooms not enough room for chairs.
432 432541906 #1. Very small.
433 490422533 Don't think it was necessary to institute gown/glove procedures for visitors.
434 68934970 No chairs for visitors. Concerns were minimally addressed.
435 141169902 Room to small.
436 560376267 Dr. admitted me at 700 p.m. family had to wait till 10:30 before I was taken to a room why?
437 374213729 Need better chairs.
438 392262191 No places to sit. Curtains not pulled.
439 391473102 Staff appeared to be confused and unsure of what they were doing.
440 233414049 Roommate was not very accommodating to visitors.
441 117296238 Very crowded rm. - space for only one visitor to sit in rm.
442 204042892 There is nowhere to sit or talk! 2 person room.
443 95668765 Like I commented in "D." One nurse was NOT helpful, friendly, even rude.
444 329537673 Only 1 chair per bed - Visitors had to stand.
445 94192653 No space - only one chair.
446 102721480 I didn't have many - room was exceptionally SMALL.
447 191960564 More room.
448 260254658 Cafe food not good.
136403571 Semiprivate rooms not very big, 1 chair need private rooms - 2nd room had a detox patient
come in -
450 296369120 Need to ask visitor.
451 473302271 Room too small for visitors.
452 188183773 The chair provided for visitor/patient @ bedside were very uncomfortable.
453 3747735 Very little room, sometimes no chair.
454 301774301 One worker would not allow my husband a cup of coffee.
455 340781042 I was not treated good in the hospital.
29945188 Patient was moved to ICU. Family was not notified. Family found out when calling to check on
457 397208080 Roommates little kids (age 1-3) were in room late at night.
458 580807543 No room or chairs for visitors -

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459 98741360 Room was too small with no chairs.
460 2490885 #1. Need better side chair.
189706319 Personal rooms - Sharing with someone else is very depressing when you're trying to get
462 289729298 Chairs uncomfortable.
463 446700658 Few chairs.
464 274775593 Room very small - 1 hard back chair for my wife.
465 523303661 Room - mate had 6 noisy visitors and I got moved. Policy states that max is 2 visitors.
466 3 Mixed
294202592 Roommate (3rd) had way too many loud visitors. (Patient had hearing difficulties) they were
courteous otherwise.
468 255704162 In ER, the nurse wasn't so nice. In my room all other nurses I had were super sweet.
469 106291641 My children were able to visit which boosted my spirits but really nowhere to sit in the room.
470 6 Neutral
471 429894802 No visitors.
472 242201796 My wife and I did face time with family in p.m., MA & WA on Christmas day! Special!!
473 73999105 Minimal space for only 1 small chair.
474 35767674 No seating for visitors.
475 527831287 No visitors.
476 446568706 I was too ill to notice.
479 Physician
481 25 Positive
482 548934415 No problems here, the physicians were very respectful and cared about my health.
483 242201796 Saw 7 or 8 MD's over 4 days. *Dr. S. Gentry and *Dr. C. Thomas were the best!!
484 476086234 My physicians explained everything & this helped my concerns.
485 512855501 We pinpointed the problem!
486 87151012 *Dr. Gault & Dr. P_____ are awesome at what they do!
487 171297788 All great.
488 487222957 Very good job.
403393492 My physician *Dr. Lisa McKinnon is an EXCEPTIONAL CARING doctor as in excellent. #5.
Weird question.
490 467821537 She is GREAT! Surgery to come.
491 165209900 They were great!
492 203318790 Liked him very much!
493 213105834 1. Some were thorough some very quick.
494 153023595 ER doctor was exceptional. *Dr. Maurice Manness all dr's great.
495 208802353 Best practice is a superb group of doctors.
496 141169902 She was wonderful.
245258351 All the dr's were exceptional the kindness, compassion took their time _____ everything
497 answered all our questions. I felt they treated _____ as if it was their own family member!!
Can't say enough good things about all physicians.
450608196 *Dr. Margerum saw me in the ED. Spoke with me about admission, then saw me the next
498 morning. I was very reassuring. *Dr. Baschnagel in the ED received the results of my CT and
lab and reassuring me of my condition,
499 63665978 *Dr. John Anderson was fantastic.
500 214328563 Surgeons and doctors were great.
501 25420550 Good.
502 29090316 *Dr. Ortego is a peach.
136173008 During time I was seriously there was a stream of physician monitoring everything and
informing my family.

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374928641 Excellent care by anesthesiologist *Dr. Moorehead & operating surgeon *Dr. Richard
505 446568706 Just fine.
506 446700658 *Dr. Butler great.
507 16 Negative
508 195865865 Doctors were too hurried to return with questions and follow up care.
541064077 When my doctor asked a question, told her he already told her, she made him repeat it so she
could understand. #4. *Dr. Buford.
510 357459920 Some were heading toward the door while talking (in a hurry).
511 296890121 Over $20k with no result.
309295200 Above comments for physician only. One PA visited me and I was HORRIFIED about his
bedside manner & attitude.
35767674 Did physician review Jacqueline's records or bother to consult w/her pulmonologist? #4.
514 324470985 Several doctors I didn't know saw me - It was hard to remember which doctor did what.
515 117296238 Still without clear diagnoses or what caused my "illness."
516 387752528 Specialists (G/I) didn't always share info or discuss info with primary care physician.
517 527831287 *Dr. Leone told me he was discharging me (at 9:00) but was not allowed to leave 'til noon.
518 392976374 The contract "Best Practices" company I felt was poor in timeliness and overall care.
519 3742217 #1. Most spent little time. #2. Too many doctors? #3. To educate?
520 34776128 1. Not informed properly. 2. Over medicated.
16021176 The doctor that makes the rounds, a Indian doctor, was not very understanding, or taking my
concerns in considerations completely dismissing my opinion or concerns.
522 553245669 Woken up by hospitalist @ 1 a.m. for questioning - inconsiderate!
523 523303661 Attending physician did not add value to experience.
524 11 Mixed
429894802 Saw *Dr. Bortz Fri. a.m. after his PA saw me; I was admitted Thurs. p.m. late; he buzzed in &
out & stated Medicare may send me home Sat. (I have BC/BS too) & said I wasn't going
anywhere til I was better!! Never saw him again. I was discharged on Tues. Saw another dr. &
he was WONDERFUL (can't remember his name).
236498832 ER doctor very good; issue on floor all were gone at 7:30 at night; too many others involved
526 don't know who is taking care of you; pain meds not approved till 12:30 a.m. - normal
maintenance drugs not issued.
527 116917334 I wasn't impressed. The neurologist was nice, but his services were unnecessary.
68934970 Very pleased with my hospitalist, but question accuracy of final diagnosis. No test done for
possible _____ diagnosis.
529 392262191 Could barely understand one of my doctors. I know she tried, but bad experience.
530 391473102 My primary physician was excellent his partner _____ practice was not courteous -
531 204042892 Doctors were fine would like to know when they are coming!
136403571 My physician *Dr. Brenda Hilgenberg was wonderful - Gastro. group I was not happy with at
all - *Dr. Thayer not friendly, kept me waiting for tests then DID not do them -
359495181 *Dr. Farrah & *Dr. Sten were very good. Dr. B_____ & *Dr. Dain seemed in a hurry to be
198476622 The psychiatrist, *Dr. Van Horne was the most inconsiderate doctor we've ever come across.
He made us wait 12 hours (the whole day) for a consult. Then *Mae was sleeping and he
simply assessed her without waking or meeting her at first. We had to force him to talk with
509527071 Hospital doctor was great G.I. doctor *Andrews kind of arrogant//talked down to me other
doctor had to explain what *Dr. Andrews was saying.
536 12 Neutral
537 350185614 Only saw him immediately after surgery.
538 112636063 Multiple physicians.
539 524912596 The physician was not a hospital staff doctor. My primary care doctor took care of me.
540 324336886 Was not able to have my own physician see me.
541 490422533 Physicians were in & out for brief periods of time (sometimes 60 sec or less).

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542 518343363 Mostly talked to my wife.
543 60988109 #2-5. *Dr. Frederick only.
544 542521928 Both doctors caring for me, were my personal doctors.
545 386904911 #4. *Dr. Covert.
546 397208080 1st time met the attending physician.
580807543 ER doctor was informed by my son, a doctor, that the reason for my low hemoglobin was that I
547 had Thalassemia Minor, but never informed *Dr. Humphries, *Dr. Humphries should have
known since he did the same procedure on me 2 yrs earlier.
548 624427394 #1. Little.
551 Discharge
553 8 Positive
554 476086234 My discharge was speedy & explained in detail.
555 165209900 Pleasant - information.
556 489049027 Nurse & training nurse were great.
557 412108792 Thanks nurse *Sue!
558 204042892 We know how we feel was ready ASAP - to go home.
94192653 I had 5 seizures the day before discharge & receiving IV meds to stop them when suggest
560 102721480 Much better than 3 years ago!!
561 99099970 *Cheryl was EXCELLENT. Very knowledgeable & most helpful.
562 37 Negative
366501484 Would not give me my clothes or start process until my son was there & then it took an hour -
some paperwork could have been prepared before. Very bad - see above.
564 548934415 Would have loved to stay at the hospital longer if the costs weren't so high.
565 401486989 Doctor told me I'm going home - Then said no two days in a row.
566 65221921 Had to wait several hours before leaving.
567 22007409 They sent me home with a blood levels of 1.6 and I am suppose to be at 2.5. I am still at risk.
568 326152310 Primary MD delayed & did not call staff to let us know what was happening. 3 hours after told.
569 467821537 Too many calls to home.
570 293251782 No instruction given.
296890121 No instructions given, waited 2 hours in room after cleared to leave, didn't want to wait and get
charged another night with no sleep.
572 460914859 From the time we were told to go home - Or to next facility - Took 4 hrs.
573 68934970 #2. Long wait for dr. arrival for discharge. Long wait (1-2 hrs.) after doctors visit.
574 541354739 Wanted to leave sooner.
575 391473102 This hospital was disorganized.
58760043 Discharged from ER, then sent back next day for 5 days. Should not have been discharged
from ER.
27127636 Did not feel case manager who did release was helpful. Felt rushed and questions not
578 529698331 Instructions very interrupted.
284922626 Told to call husband on everyday BEFORE discharge to pick me up but not released until 5:00
a.m. NEXT day.
580 214328563 Again - Told of discharge for tomorrow. Then it took 2 MORE days!
136403571 Frustrated w/my specialists my gastro. doctors DID not come in & discharge me, did it over
phone - Not happy with this group at all!
582 527831287 No instructions.
392976374 Expected certain meds to continue for nausea and they were not given almost readmitted due
to oversight from staff and mostly doctors.
584 617682506 Waited for dr. to go home.
165670684 Was transferred to Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center. At Adeline Herzog Memorial
Hospital clothes & purse missing. Missing money out of purse. Still missing my cane!

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586 330341192 It seemed that a day was added on every time even when I felt good enough to leave.
587 573238009 I _____ to wait several hours for dr. to discharge me was a _____.
2088081 The nurse put it somewhere. I did not take with me. Documents were lost after nurse
588 explained/when discharge one nurse comes to bed and should check everything take with
patient. This way nothing left in the room include important document.
233048443 Surgery complete - dr. left hospital w/o signing discharge papers - had to wait for associate to
sign papers.
301774301 Nurse was preoccupied and gave no instruction, just asked me to sign papers with no
591 545617014 Was missing information in Spanish especially about diet.
592 509901843 After dr. released me - told me I could go home - not until hours later could I leave.
274867228 Hospital said must go to extended care, no extended care would take me. Hospital said I
could stay went home 3 days later. What a yo yo time.
580807543 *Dr. Humphries did not come in to give me the results of my treatment or follow up on what I
should or shouldn't eat or drink - No contact at all -
595 136173008 #2. Not enough staff.
596 34776128 My shoes were lost at hospital.
597 16021176 Not much information or help.
274775593 No excuse for delay in discharge. Primary physician gave OK at 9:00 a.m. - Discharge about
4:00 p.m. – NO EXCUSE.
599 366329457 After dr. signed off it took 3 hours to be discharged.
600 3 Mixed
601 468530657 Nurse left due to illness. New one had to get all ____ took over 2 hrs.
602 582386269 Discharge was delayed when they decided another test was required.
603 203120390 But they delivered them to me (they couldn't find my medicines) so that was great.
604 17 Neutral
605 73356717 Went straight to rehab & hospital for pain control & _____ therapy.
606 350185614 Send to a rehab.
607 171297788 No instructions truly needed for home care.
608 403393492 Plus booklets -
609 476881643 Didn't go home went to a health care (Concord).
610 295478165 Went to rehab.
611 527604952 #3. Nursing rehab.
612 35767674 Sent to Edmonds Care Nursing Care.
613 95668765 #2, 3. Rehab.
614 198045235 I'm not there yet!
615 239311667 Discharged to a rehab hospital.
616 818515 #1-3. To Concord Health Care.
617 174707364 #1-3. Sent to St Joseph Hospital both times.
618 3742217 Had a care giver for a few days.
619 199012432 Discharged to rehab facility.
620 448905498 I went from hospital to Glen Maple Hospital.
621 616108125 #3. Went to rehab nursing home not home question 3.
626 21 Positive
627 110908346 #2. No pain.
628 548934415 Had no personal issues because the staff was great.
629 476086234 Had no pain or emotional needs or complaints.
630 541064077 Aides & nurses were excellent.
631 387948183 No pain.

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632 171297788 Great.
633 112636063 I could not participate in what my treatment should be - They are the experts & I trusted them.
634 165209900 Well satisfied.
635 293251782 No pain.
636 414781917 Good (5 p.'s).
637 19985698 Nurse *Michelle Becker was outstanding!
638 102721480 #3. Very kind to daughter on telephone. #5. Especially enjoyed visits with *Kathleen!!
404548450 One night nurse & or tech was very helpful emotionally and spent time with me when I needed
it most.
640 573238009 #2. No pain.
641 301774301 Roommate's 24 hr. guest was given a lot of "courtesy" and I was not able to rest adequately.
642 305081552 #3. Biggest asset!
643 446568706 Just grateful to have been rescued.
644 265234166 The charge nurse - *Jennifer was the best nurse I EVER had!
645 310570586 #2. No pain.
646 446700658 #4. No complaints.
647 410941569 No bad experience. #2. No pain. #3. No such needs. #4. No complaints.
648 15 Negative
649 281941068 They need more nurses they have to many patients. Hospital looked dirty.
84068917 Dispute about discharge. Attending said GO. Hospitalist felt I should stay because of pain &
unable to eat.
651 22007409 I was never included.
652 296890121 I had to insist '3' times I was leaving and not staying another night with no sleep.
68934970 Despite attempts to call _____ with staff R/T pain control, it was not achieved, contributing to
653 other preventable problems. Min. response to requests for unnecessary noises/lite, _____
aggravated pain. Pain meds not given on time an request.
654 287062261 Attached letter with very upsetting details.
392976374 Pain was PRN and requested that we stay "on top of pain" depending on staff this was hit or
miss on top of having to search for staff after wake up in pain.
165670684 Have been in your hospital before and would had recommended it in the past. A terrible
experience and feel it wasn't Adeline Herzog Memorial Hosp.
657 288320701 I think doctors could have been more informative.
658 505565324 Too much concern about privacy.
659 545617014 Issues with roommate should have been addressed.
660 274867228 The above comments were very stressful & emotional.
661 2490885 Health questions read aloud so whole room could hear. No closeness or soft voice.
662 16021176 I had to fish for information.
531919434 Main complaint: I would ask staff to get me something or do something for me - they'd say
"yes - I'll be right back" & go out the door never to be seen again. It was maddening!
664 5 Mixed
665 403393492 #1. No such thing in a 2 bed room. #2. No pain.
666 277650849 Most of the time, my pain was well controlled. The exception was with the one nurse.
667 35767674 Good eye contact & "display" of concern. Netted useless results.
392262191 Only had one "bad" nurse rest were great. Docs were fine but accent was an issue with one in
terms of understanding.
233048443 Head nurse came in to listen to my concerns - surgery postponed - not advised - w/o food or
water 26 hrs.
670 3 Neutral
671 467821537 #4. Roommate.
672 391473102 Hospitals are difficult places to be a patient in these times -
673 580807543 #2. None - no pain.

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678 27 Positive
679 246476639 Every one - I mean everyone I met during my stay 11-27-11 to 12-2-11 was GREAT!
116639750 I have never been to a hospital where I was treated so well. Everyone was kind and efficient. I
was very impressed.
548934415 I loved this hospital. The nurses were absolutely great and I had a wonderful stay. Thank you
for caring for me.
682 476086234 Herzog Hospital is the best. I rate it 100%.
683 350185614 No complaints.
684 357459920 *Tina the nurse was excellent.
87151012 My husband & I moved to Tomah, _____ in Nov. 2007. My health issues began summer 2008,
I've been at Adeline Herzog Memorial Hospital Oct. 2008, Feb. 2009, by 2009, March 2010,
May 2010, Oct. 2010 & Jan. 2012. I have always been treated with the utmost care &
686 171297788 Very positive experience in general.
687 112636063 Emergency Room staff - All pro. Intensive care staff - Great - 3rd floor - Great (all friendly).
403393492 All the staff & nurses/doctors - - GREAT - #1. Over & above. I hate surveys - I just happened
to be in a good mood.
689 165209900 Liked my stay there very much - excellent care!
690 153023595 Due to complexity of problem, I felt very well cared for.
691 295478165 Been using this hospital for last 12 years.
450608196 *Brad the evening transporter took me to MRI he stayed and help dr, even offered to sit at the
head end of the MRI.
65061495 The nurse that stood out was *Myla and the techs where *Sandy, *Mary & *Tracy - but all
where - very good.
694 392262191 Bad pain but overall, once managed by a great nurse, good experience.
695 19985698 Cardiac rehab group took great care of me.
136403571 Great nurses, staff very good experience considering I was in a lot of pain 3 EAST was great!
Thank you for the great CARE!
697 545617014 Thank God the hospital was able to help me with my bill. I am so grateful.
453114824 The only bad experience was having to come to the hospital in the first place! - But thank you
for excellent care while there! - ... & very kind!
699 305081552 #3. Best anyone could expect.
700 100228518 Staff on 3rd floor was a blessing. Rm. 315-1.
60086558 ER was very good and the nurses were wonderful on the 3rd floor the tech who was great was
702 106291641 I loved my RN's & techs.
446169932 The entire staff, mainly nurses, treated me with the upmost respect - The tech's also - And
made me very comfortable. THEY WERE GREAT.
704 446568706 Saved my life. Perhaps.
705 572928410 Never stayed in a hospital before, except for birth of my children - they knew what to do!
706 28 Negative
707 368803667 Need single person rooms!
708 366501484 No _____ brought to bathe (3 day stay).
164627858 Food was abominable and I lost 10 pounds. This survey covers my stays at Adeline Herzog
709 Memorial Hospital in Oct, Nov, Dec 2011 Jan 2012. No one ever helped me bathe or brush
710 453522917 Would NOT recommend Adeline Herzog Memorial Hospital to anyone!!
236498832 Communication on who is who is poor. If you haven't been hospitalized for several years you
711 don't know what to expect. Primary care dr. sends you to ER; ER sends you to room -> no
doctor on floor then a new physician group shows up - who are they?
541064077 There was a communication problem between ER & 3rd floor. Those wounds were to be
checked on the 3rd day for infection & healing.
281941068 The in house doctors very slow at getting things done. Never informed my doctor I was even
713 there. Said they were in touch with him they lied. And there was so many of them. Confusing
& annoying.

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714 65221921 My second stay was as bad as my first Dec 2010. Never again!!
715 22007409 No privacy with no help when needed and very very slow and rude staff.
326152310 Roommate had mental & physical issues, talked loudly on phone, TV loud, called RN's/CNA's
constantly. Should have had a private room. I did not sleep for all 3 nights/4 days.
277650849 I made a complaint to patient relations and risk management. Patient relations hasn't yet
followed up with me.
493425384 Too much furniture in the room. New trays are impossible to maneuver with IV to go to the
bathroom. Bathroom sink clogged.
405017629 #1. The cooperation given to the nurses by your Pharmacy can be improved especially when
719 they do not carry home meds and want to substitute other meds. It takes too much time for the
296890121 You have a lot of staff doing very little. As a result, patient is required to keep reporting
condition with no comfort level with staff - no personal level of care -
721 203318790 The bathroom issue bother me!
722 262882041 Didn't come when pressed button & didn't manage pain.
68934970 Staff seemed poorly informed of my needs. Lack of communication/coordination of care.
IGNORED my requests!
35767674 Bottom line - Jacqueline (87) was admitted to Herzog Hospital - and someone failed to
properly gather the correct medications that she was supposed to be on, she left worse off
than her day of arrival. The family -never notified or called. The family - requested the
assistance of notary - never happened. Deceased4/10/2012.Dorien Fuller - Daughter.
456236712 Need to rid rooms of that rolling = MENACE - SO BULKY TO MOVE FOR PATIENTS -
726 117296238 Night noise & crowdedness of rm. - but don't know how that can be helped.
94192653 Had to tell nurse 3x that ear pain had developed before doc & meds administered = this was
over 12 hours there appeared to be no attempt to check ear or notify a doctor.
392976374 Until you update facility I will not recommend anything other than outpatient services at
Herzog Memorial. Best Practices contract should be canceled.
165670684 Worst experience of a hospital stay I've ever had. Did not feel it was Adeline Herzog Memorial
Hospital, more like a scam. A very mismanaged hospital.
73143111 I was not told nurse button on bed was disconnected, that is why no one came when & used
the call button.
731 489375871 Noise outside room - could not get very much sleep.
732 277378582 Too many questions to ask for every time at hospital.
733 3742217 Room so small! NEVER changed linen I hope to never return to this hospital.
734 288142295 Need: Suggestion page.
735 9 Mixed
161016440 BAD: Rooms too small for size of beds & tables. Good: Two techs - *Dave and *Anna
provided outstanding service and comfort.
467821537 My roommate's experience was very scary. I'M NOT SURE. My husband had open heart - one
bad problem -otherwise GREAT!
309295200 Other than a horrific experience with a physician asst. (nursing) everyone was absolutely
739 489049027 Nurses great!! Neuro dr. good - Doctors not so good -
740 324470985 Nursing staff was very good sensitive & skilled. Waiting in ER so many hours not good.
741 214328563 Great surgeons and doctors - Nurses and bureaucracy are terrible!
742 136173008 ICU excellent care - General floor staff shortage slows care.
743 98741360 Care was excellent! - Water was horrible!
446700658 Only concern is the amount of cologne or after shave everyone from doctors, nurses, techs,
those giving tests, housekeeping & food service was wearing. Having respiratory issues
744 (reason for stay) at times it was having an effect on me. They always smelled nice, but
sometimes it was WAY TOO STRONG! Also they changed my room over & over 310, 315,
308, thanks. That was getting old.
745 9 Neutral
339134899 Someone may wish to call me for further commentary and suggestions. Since I am a people -
helper (pastor) and in the hospital frequently for others, I have a perspective to share.

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285684758 I was only in the hospital for one night (most of 2 days) for tests much of these questions did
not apply.
748 541354739 Do not recommend staying in any hospital.
749 391473102 It seemed as if some staff were just there to make a paycheck.
750 191960564 Take survey while in hospital.
751 29090316 (Room 309-1).
752 580807543 And a home visit.
753 136118661 I was drugged & unconscious most of my stay (15 day) I can't answer many questions.
754 448905498 #3. Not *Dr. Tomczak
755 675 675

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509903985.xlsx Room - Negative
1 Frequency
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Category
4 Row Case Comment Category 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 6
5 Room
7 75 Negative
85 164486407 Sharing a room with another patient when ill is very
8 uncomfortable, when ill I like to be alone. #5. Privacy
can be a problem when sharing a room.
86 76509008 I had noisy patient in the next bed. He was hard of
hearing consequently talked very loud.
87 339134899 Bathroom not clean at first; no bed in room when
brought there. Roommate needed dialysis which was
done from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. when staff came in for him
all night long, lights on, loud talk, etc.
88 371995139 1 chair in the room for visitors - 2 bed room. Night stand
11 with telephone - couldn't reach it from bed. I felt like this
room was reserve for Medicare patients.
12 89 453522917 Spider on ceiling, fly on window dirt on floor -
90 282079419 Too much noise in the hallways at night with patients
13 being transferred to rooms and you could hear a lot of
14 91 236498832 #4. - Stat is behind curtain - room cold.
92 84068917 Became very noisy prior to day shift especially one
15 clinical tech who was very loud. I told her several times I
was not hard of hearing.
16 93 342747258 Sometimes drafty.
17 94 387948183 I was cold at night.
95 65221921 Lady in other bed was very noisy & loud with constant
company & kept light on all night.
96 332030901 Bathroom sink did not drain properly. I did not want to
97 436937038 Couldn't stay asleep due to buzzer, bells etc., in caring
for roommate.
21 98 22007409 All night it was loud.
22 99 171297788 Room wasn't cleaned as often as it could have been.
23 100 326152310 Roommate very loud & thoughtless.
101 116917334 The sheets in both the ER & on the cardiac wing were
24 dirty - old blood stains & yellowed goop/snot-like
substance. Unacceptable.
102 114028945 Updates are needed on the 3rd floor, very dated, ran
down rooms.

Page 20 of 27
509903985.xlsx Room - Negative
3 Category
4 Row Case Comment Category 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 6
103 277650849 The nurses rarely remembered to close my door and it
was noisy.
27 104 500289793 Room seemed warm.
28 105 524912596 Constant screaming from patient in the room next to me.
106 324336886 No room for family & I felt claustrophobic because
having the bed by the wall was not pleasant.
107 296890121 Open door next to nurses station all night even after
30 asked to close. Shared room w/waterfall. NO sleep all
31 108 493619702 I was always a little cold.
109 410237925 I would have preferred a separate room, the room I was
in looked old, stains in bathroom, not well kept.
110 28530725 Bathroom never cleaned very dirty & fixtures were
broken - on.
34 111 143656662 Room mate visitors loud.
112 405727912 New trays are too big for room. The patient in next room
yelled for nurses all day & night.
113 460914859 #5. Hammering - Remodeling room next to mine
(terrible). Noise never stopped.
114 203318790 Didn't like yellow stain in toilet. Smell of well water didn't
like washing in it turn off!
38 115 213105834 ICU was VERY cold other ICU patients were noisy.
39 116 490422533 Took 4-5 days to get heat fixed.
117 330635653 I was put in a room with a person who had pneumonia
40 and I have a compromised immune system, not a good
118 309295200 Two nights with roommates not good. One asking for
morphine all night, other gravely ill.
42 119 291665596 Room to hot & dry (roommate always cold).
120 68934970 I had an intestinal flu with bathroom assist. No one ever
cleaned, after I used toilet/sink for me or roommate.
44 121 245712747 Very noisy outside room especially at night.
45 122 560376267 Room was too small for two beds & furniture.
123 577808623 #4. Cold - Cold. #5. *Leo was very noisy TV & lights all
47 124 541354739 Lots of noises at night.
48 125 35767674 Room is looking unkept & outdated.
49 126 392262191 Lots of night noise, laughing, talking, general noise.
127 391473102 One poor professional nurse performance issue
regarding medical pump...

Page 21 of 27
509903985.xlsx Room - Negative
3 Category
4 Row Case Comment Category 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 6
51 128 233414049 Roommate was awful.
52 129 204042892 2 beds to a room can't talk or move!
130 102721480 #1. On floor not ER. #2. Floor very dirty. #3. Didn't
speak. #4. Always hot or cold never comfortable. #5.
Always (almost) loud conversation outside door way -
53 one night and most of next day a patient crying and
moaning. Another room had loud talking and laughing of
visitors 2 days in a row. Laughing doesn't sound or feel
good when you don't feel good at all.
54 131 260254658 Had roommate with seizures.
132 214328563 Too many nurses - All say some thing different -
Contradict each other.
56 133 130506388 Cold.
134 392976374 I expected the rooms to be much better shape and
decor. Very noisy! Brown water in room sink!! Wow.
135 165670684 Room decor did not appear to be Adeline Herzog
Memorial Hospital, more like a scam.
136 82671460 Yelling patient on same floor - had to always ask to keep
my door closed.
60 137 542521928 Oxygen alarms were going off all night.
61 138 330823991 #4. Much too hot - difficulty breathing!
62 139 336661568 #5. Other people were SO LOUD!
140 2088081 Other pat.'s visitor stayed 12 - 7-8 p.m. and talk TV on in
loud. Not suitable get a rest or sleep for other patient.
64 141 489375871 Noise outside room.
65 142 3747735 1st night very noisy.
143 359495181 Roommate kept room very cold, was noisy had a lot of...
67 144 595171245 Room was too warm at night.
68 145 253660137 Lights on & working with other patient every 2-3 hrs.
146 545617014 My roommate was very loud and had the TV on loud it
was hard to rest.
70 147 500264464 #5. Noisy roommate.
71 148 3742217 Across from nursing station & loud at night.
149 98741360 I would not recommend the hospital. Water is dirty &
yellow. Could not take a shower or brush my teeth.
73 150 346722441 Roommate very loud & disruptive.
74 151 2490885 Idiot in bed beside should have been isolated.
152 106291641 Had a couple fire drills and person in bed next to mine
had fans going constantly.

Page 22 of 27
509903985.xlsx Room - Negative
3 Category
4 Row Case Comment Category 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 6
76 153 319101147 My roommate was very disruptive.
77 154 367485041 Had a roommate who was non confirmative.
78 155 553245669 #4. (Cold.)
79 156 446700658 Room too warm.
157 514708001 Room mate was a pest. Like Denver Health Medical
80 Center & Boulder have private rooms. Room mate had
TV on 24/7.
158 274775593 It's hard having a roommate, especially when they have
82 159 523303661 Room was not cleaned prior to admittance.

Page 23 of 27
509903985.xlsx Room - Negative
1 Frequency
2 0
3 Category
4 Comment Cat 7
Sharing a room with another patient when ill is very
8 uncomfortable, when ill I like to be alone. #5. Privacy
can be a problem when sharing a room.
I had noisy patient in the next bed. He was hard of
hearing consequently talked very loud.
Bathroom not clean at first; no bed in room when
brought there. Roommate needed dialysis which was
done from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. when staff came in for him
all night long, lights on, loud talk, etc.
1 chair in the room for visitors - 2 bed room. Night stand
11 with telephone - couldn't reach it from bed. I felt like this
room was reserve for Medicare patients.
12 Spider on ceiling, fly on window dirt on floor -
Too much noise in the hallways at night with patients
13 being transferred to rooms and you could hear a lot of
14 #4. - Stat is behind curtain - room cold.
Became very noisy prior to day shift especially one
15 clinical tech who was very loud. I told her several times I
was not hard of hearing.
16 Sometimes drafty.
17 I was cold at night.
Lady in other bed was very noisy & loud with constant
company & kept light on all night.
Bathroom sink did not drain properly. I did not want to
Couldn't stay asleep due to buzzer, bells etc., in caring
for roommate.
21 All night it was loud.
22 Room wasn't cleaned as often as it could have been.
23 Roommate very loud & thoughtless.
The sheets in both the ER & on the cardiac wing were
24 dirty - old blood stains & yellowed goop/snot-like
substance. Unacceptable.
Updates are needed on the 3rd floor, very dated, ran
down rooms.

Page 24 of 27
509903985.xlsx Room - Negative
3 Category
4 Comment Cat 7
The nurses rarely remembered to close my door and it
was noisy.
27 Room seemed warm.
28 Constant screaming from patient in the room next to me.
No room for family & I felt claustrophobic because
having the bed by the wall was not pleasant.
Open door next to nurses station all night even after
30 asked to close. Shared room w/waterfall. NO sleep all
31 I was always a little cold.
I would have preferred a separate room, the room I was
in looked old, stains in bathroom, not well kept.
Bathroom never cleaned very dirty & fixtures were
broken - on.
34 Room mate visitors loud.
New trays are too big for room. The patient in next room
yelled for nurses all day & night.
#5. Hammering - Remodeling room next to mine
(terrible). Noise never stopped.
Didn't like yellow stain in toilet. Smell of well water didn't
like washing in it turn off!
38 ICU was VERY cold other ICU patients were noisy.
39 Took 4-5 days to get heat fixed.
I was put in a room with a person who had pneumonia
40 and I have a compromised immune system, not a good
Two nights with roommates not good. One asking for
morphine all night, other gravely ill.
42 Room to hot & dry (roommate always cold).
I had an intestinal flu with bathroom assist. No one ever
cleaned, after I used toilet/sink for me or roommate.
44 Very noisy outside room especially at night.
45 Room was too small for two beds & furniture.
#4. Cold - Cold. #5. *Leo was very noisy TV & lights all
47 Lots of noises at night.
48 Room is looking unkept & outdated.
49 Lots of night noise, laughing, talking, general noise.
One poor professional nurse performance issue
regarding medical pump...

Page 25 of 27
509903985.xlsx Room - Negative
3 Category
4 Comment Cat 7
51 Roommate was awful.
52 2 beds to a room can't talk or move!
#1. On floor not ER. #2. Floor very dirty. #3. Didn't
speak. #4. Always hot or cold never comfortable. #5.
Always (almost) loud conversation outside door way -
53 one night and most of next day a patient crying and
moaning. Another room had loud talking and laughing of
visitors 2 days in a row. Laughing doesn't sound or feel
good when you don't feel good at all.
54 Had roommate with seizures.
Too many nurses - All say some thing different -
Contradict each other.
56 Cold.
I expected the rooms to be much better shape and
decor. Very noisy! Brown water in room sink!! Wow.
Room decor did not appear to be Adeline Herzog
Memorial Hospital, more like a scam.
Yelling patient on same floor - had to always ask to keep
my door closed.
60 Oxygen alarms were going off all night.
61 #4. Much too hot - difficulty breathing!
62 #5. Other people were SO LOUD!
Other pat.'s visitor stayed 12 - 7-8 p.m. and talk TV on in
loud. Not suitable get a rest or sleep for other patient.
64 Noise outside room.
65 1st night very noisy.
Roommate kept room very cold, was noisy had a lot of...
67 Room was too warm at night.
68 Lights on & working with other patient every 2-3 hrs.
My roommate was very loud and had the TV on loud it
was hard to rest.
70 #5. Noisy roommate.
71 Across from nursing station & loud at night.
I would not recommend the hospital. Water is dirty &
yellow. Could not take a shower or brush my teeth.
73 Roommate very loud & disruptive.
74 Idiot in bed beside should have been isolated.
Had a couple fire drills and person in bed next to mine
had fans going constantly.

Page 26 of 27
509903985.xlsx Room - Negative
3 Category
4 Comment Cat 7
76 My roommate was very disruptive.
77 Had a roommate who was non confirmative.
78 #4. (Cold.)
79 Room too warm.
Room mate was a pest. Like Denver Health Medical
80 Center & Boulder have private rooms. Room mate had
TV on 24/7.
It's hard having a roommate, especially when they have
82 Room was not cleaned prior to admittance.

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