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14 Jacqueline St. Pleasantview Subd.

Tandang Sora, Quezon City

(02) 7752 4712
EP Solutions Philippines Inc.
Power Quality for the Digital Age.

February 12, 2021


Engineer, The Exchange Regency

Subject: Proposal for Energy Efficiency Audit in Compliance to RA 11285

Dear Engr. Donrey Reario,

EP Solutions, an aggressive research and development corporation headquartered in USA, specializing in

providing energy services to clients in the Philippines, is pleased to present this proposal to The Exchange
Regency for energy auditing to comply with the Republic Act 11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation

EP Solutions specializes in assisting public and private sector clients in installing energy-efficient technolo-
gies such as the EP filters and EP lights. The company also ventured to solar innovations and green technology
solutions that use less energy and thus lowering facility’s operating and maintenance costs.

Moreover, EP Solutions is a recipient of the Department of Energy’s ”5-star rating” because of its invention
of high-lumen LED light. In fact, EP light, is the first led brand in the Philippines that achieved such validation
from DOE. It has an unparalleled light efficacy of 180 lm/W, almost twice as much as the commercial brands.
Also, the company offers the EP filter, which is a waveform correction technology that removes oppressive
harmonics and high frequency noise in the system—which then results to lower electricity consumption.

Aside from these best-in-class energy-saving products, EP Solutions also has extensive experience in energy
consulting services in the private sector, some of which are Okada, Honda, Toyota, R. Lapids, and EDC. EP
Solutions is currently implementing energy efficiency initiatives at Malitbog Power Plant, at which 41 EP filters
are to be installed at their pumps.

As an energy consultant, EP Solutions specific scope of work includes conducting power quality audit,
assessing facility energy consumption, providing recommendations for improvements, and providing financial
analysis that include project cost, annual energy and maintenance savings.

With these aforementioned qualifications, EP Solutions is very much capable in serving your endeavors
towards implementing energy saving opportunities. With this, the company would like to present you the
formal quotation presented at the next page. The company is looking forward to working with you soon.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Engr. Jake Zozobrado Evangeline San Andres

Electrical Solutions Engineer President

Environmental Potential Solutions | BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.

14 Jacqueline St. Pleasantview Subd.
Tandang Sora, Quezon City
(02) 7752 4712
EP Solutions Philippines Inc.
Power Quality for the Digital Age.

February 12, 2021


Engineer, The Exchange Regency

Subject: Proposal for Energy Audit in Compliance to RA 11285

Dear Engr. Donrey Reario,

We are glad to enclose the following quotation of our services for your consideration.

Item Description Unit Price Quantity Total

Energy Efficiency Audit
– Power Quality and Energy Efficiency Audit
– Engineering Site Visits
1 – Feasibility Analysis of Energy Saving Opportunities =
P650,000.00 1 establishment =
– Bound Copy of the Energy Audit Report
– Bound Copy of Power Quality Report
– Implementation Cost

Sub Total: =
VAT (12%): =
GRAND TOTAL: = 728,000.00

Grand Total =
50% down payment upon issuance of purchase order.
Payment Terms
50% balance upon submission of report.
Duration of Work Thirty (30) working days including energy audit and generation of report.
Based on the scope of work required by the project:
– Two (2) EP engineers
Inclusions – Two (2) set of PS4500 Powersight Analyzers
– Comprehensive power quality/energy report with recommendations.
– Assistance in submission of report to Department of Energy.
Validity of Offer Thirty (30) days

For any inquiry, reach out via email at or call on (02) 7752 4712.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Engr. Jake Zozobrado Evangeline San Andres

Electrical Solutions Engineer President

Environmental Potential Solutions | BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.

14 Jacqueline St. Pleasantview Subd.
Tandang Sora, Quezon City
(02) 7752 4712
EP Solutions Philippines Inc.
Power Quality for the Digital Age.

To establish a clearer understanding of the proposal, Section 1 presents the overview of RA 11285 or the
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act, Section 2 presents the objectives of the energy audit, Section 3 presents
the scope of work of the project, and Section 4 presents the responsibilities of the designated establishment.

1 Overview of RA 11285 or Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act

Republic Act No. 11285, otherwise known as Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act, establishes a frame-
work for institutionalizing fundamental policies on energy efficiency and conservation, including the promotion
of efficient and renewable energy technologies. This Act declares that all designated establishments shall have
the following obligations:

1. Integrate an energy management system policy;

2. Set up programs to develop and design measures that promote energy efficiency and conservation;

3. Set annual targets, plans, and methods of measurements, and verification for the implementation of energy
implementation of energy efficiency and conservation projects;

4. Keep records on monthly energy consumption data and other energy-related data;

5. Improve average specific energy consumption data;

6. Submit an annual energy consumption report and annual energy conservation report online for each
facility to the DOE by the 15th of April of every year.

7. Conduct an energy audit by engaging either certified energy auditor and submit an energy audit report
to the DOE upon completion of energy audit; and

8. Employ Certified Energy Conservation Officer.

2 Objectives of Energy Audit

An energy audit is an inspection, survey, and analysis of energy flow of an establishment for identification of
energy savings opportunities to reduce the amount of energy input into the system, without negatively affecting
the outputs. There are many reasons for undertaking an energy audit including:

1. To achieve compliance with legal requirements such as the RA 11285;

2. To improve energy performance and minimize environmental impacts of the organization’s operation;

3. To identify technical opportunities by evaluating significant energy using components including ventilation
systems, lighting systems, motors, elevators, etc;

4. To provide clear financial information regarding energy savings opportunities in order to prioritize these
items for the organization’s decision-making process; and

5. To identify potential implementation of renewable energy supply technologies;

Environmental Potential Solutions | BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.

14 Jacqueline St. Pleasantview Subd.
Tandang Sora, Quezon City
(02) 7752 4712
EP Solutions Philippines Inc.
Power Quality for the Digital Age.

3 Scope of Work
This section constitutes the proposed methodology in assisting the designated establishment in the imple-
mentation of energy audit to comply with the Republic Act 11285.

4 Responsibilities of the Designated Establishment

1. The establishment shall obtain the necessary authorization to allow EP Solutions to have access to the
facilities at reasonable times throughout the term of this agreement, and shall set up interviews with
designated appropriate representatives.

2. The establishment shall provide pertinent data or information in its possession or control that may relate
to the services to be performed by EP Solutions (e.g. historical energy consumption, single line diagram,
building layouts, fuel bills, etc.).

3. The designated establishment shall provide a Certified Energy Conservation Officer that would oversee
the implementation of the energy audit.

Environmental Potential Solutions | BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.

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