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Quick Reference

Clusters of Learning Outcomes

for future-ready skilled graduates


First printing: November, 2019

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Quick Reference: 5 Clusters of Learning Outcomes MQF2.0

ISBN ………………

Published by:
Department of Higher Education Malaysia
Ministry of Education Malaysia
No. 2, Tower 2, Street P5/6, Precint 5
62000 Putrajaya, Malaysia

· About the Book
· Outcome Based Education (OBE)
· Constructive Alignment (CA)
· Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF)
· Learning Outcomes Domains/ Clusters of MQF2.0

Cluster 1 Knowledge and Understanding

· Cognitive Domain Taxonomy
· Types of Knowledge
· Description
· Descriptor
· Attributes
· Examples of Course Assessment Plan

Cluster 2 Cognitive Skills

· Description
· Descriptor
· Attributes 3
· Examples of Course Assessment Plan
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills
· Description
· Descriptors
· Attributes
· Examples of Course Assessment Plan

Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills

· Description
· Descriptors
· Attributes
· Examples of Course Assessment Plan
Cluster 5 Ethics and Professionalism
· Description
· Descriptor
· Attributes
· Examples of Course Assessment Plan

Panel of Expert
Glossary and Index
The purpose of the Quick Reference is to assist Higher Education Providers (HEP) in developing and
strengthening their own academic programmes, curriculum and syllabus for future-ready skilled
graduates. There is a mismatch in the supply and demand of graduates, with employers lodging graduates
lack the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes. This matter is only expected to get tougher to resolve as
there are technological disruptions which would reshape industries and alter the types of jobs available in
21st Century. The revised Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) to MQF2.0 is a response by the MQA
(Malaysian Qualifications Agency) to make the framework more responsive to a better and higher quality
of academic programmes in HEP. Preparing Malaysian graduates to navigate this uncertain future does
not only require them with transferable skills and ethical foundations, but also the resilience and
enterprising spirits to forge new opportunities for themselves and others. This quick reference is
enlightening on the 5 Clusters of Learning Outcomes MQF2.0 which consist of knowledge and
understanding, cognitive skills, functional work skills, personal and entrepreneurial skills, and ethics and
professionalism in Level 6 (Bachelor's Degree) of MQF qualification only. The content of this Quick
Reference also discusses on operational definition and descriptor of each cluster. On top of that, this
reference also shows the examples of Course Assessment Plan (CAP) for each cluster. Finally, NOBLe
Committee wishes to thank all those who have participated in this Quick Reference guideline, particularly,
Division of Academic Excellence, Department of Higher Education, Malaysian Qualifications Agency,
panel of experts, authors, and all the contributors.


Introduction 1

About the Book

This section lays the foundations of the book. It highlights concept of outcome-based education and importance
of constructive alignment in educational curriculum design.
Subsequent sections are dedicated to explain each of the five
clusters of learning outcome outlined in the Malaysian
Qualifications Framework 2nd Edition. The purpose of these
sections is to provide further understanding of national
education requirement especially for MQF Level 6 Bachelor’s
degree programmes. It should be noted that the interpretation
of these clusters may differ slightly between disciplines of
study. For example, the numeracy skills may be read together
with the cognitive skills in most of disciplines of study.

The concluding section emphasises on the importance of the

book. It is hoped that this book would help educational
providers in curriculum design towards producing quality,
well-balanced, holistics, future-ready, and future-proof

The MQF is a framework that sets the classifications, learning outcomes, and academic load for all of the
nation’s post-secondary qualifications. It is dynamic and is revised periodically. Therefore, this book provides
information of the MQF learning outcomes clusters. 8
Introduction 2

Outcome-Based Education
Education is a process of changing the behavior patterns and/or
knowledge of learners. Learning is cumulative in nature, where
nothing has meaning or is learned in isolation. Shuell (1986)
defines learning using three criteria: (a) a change in an individual’s
behavior or ability to do something, (b) a stipulation that this
change must result from some sort of practice or experience, and
(c) a stipulation that the change is an enduring one.
Spady (1994) has introduced the term outcome-based education
(OBE) to describe an educational system which focuses a clear set
of learning outcomes. OBE is an educational model in which
curriculum, delivery, and assessment are developed, structured
and implemented to facilitate key student learning outcomes
(Spady, 1994; Driscoll & Wood, 2007) (Figure 1.1). Figure 1.1. Outcome-based education,
Learning outcomes play a dynamic role in structuring and where intended learning outcomes inform
developing a curriculum. Curriculum development based on curriculum, delivery, and assessment
Backward Design promotes Understanding by Design (UbD)
(Wiggins & McTighe, 2005).
UbD guides the planning process and structure of curriculum, assessment, and instruction. Two key ideas of
UbD are (i) focus on teaching and assessing for understanding and learning transfer, and (ii) design
curriculum “backward” from those ends. The main concept in planning for outcome-based curriculum is
constructive alignment (Tyler, 1949; Shuell, 1986; Biggs, 2003).
Introduction 3

Constructive Alignment
Constructive alignment is an
approach to curriculum design
where all aspects of teaching and
assessment are tuned to support and
encourage higher-order learning
processes (Biggs, 2003) (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.3 shows the alignment

between course outcomes, MQF
LOD, methods of delivery and
methods of assessment.
Figure 1.2 Constructive alignment (MoHE, 2016)

Figure 1.3 Alignment of teaching and learning elements (MoHE, 2016)
Introduction 4

According to Biggs (2003) (Figure 1.4),

‘constructive alignment’ has two aspects.
The ‘constructive’ aspect refers to the idea
that students construct meaning through
relevant learning activities. It is not
something imparted or transmitted from
teacher to learner, but is something
learners have to create for themselves.
Teaching is simply a catalyst for learning.

Figure 1.4 Constructive alignment is the main pillar of

OBE curriculum design (Biggs, 2003)

The ‘alignment’ aspect refers to what the teacher does, which is to set up a learning environment that
supports the learning activities appropriate to achieving the desired learning outcomes. The key is that the
components in the teaching system, especially the teaching methods used and the assessment tasks, are
aligned with the learning activities assumed in the intended outcomes.

Introduction 5

Malaysian Qualifications Framework

In 2007, Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) has
implemented Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF),
which encompasses qualification standards of national
higher education and training sector quality assurance
practices and accreditation. In 2017, the MQF was revised,
and it has since been known as MQF 2nd edition.

Introduction 6

Learning Outcomes Domains/Clusters of MQF2.0

MQF addresses a set of generic
learning outcomes which applies to
qualifications within the academic
and TVET sectors.

In 2007, MQF has outlined eight

domains of learning outcomes.
These outcomes have been
clustered, re-profiled and retained
to give the five clusters of learning
outcomes in MQF 2nd edition. As a
general practice, individual
programme should address all
domains of the clusters of learning
outcomes appropriately. Figure 1.5
shows changes to MQF generic
learning outcomes between 2007
and 2017.

Figure 1.5. Relationship between learning outcomes in MQF

2nd edition and MQF 1st edition (MQA, 2018) 13
Knowledge and
Cluster 1:
Knowledge and Understanding

credit: hishamadnan/usm
Cluster 1 Knowledge and Understanding 9

Cognitive Domain Taxonomy

COGNITIVE is a word that 02 Marzano’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Cognitive
originates from a Latin word
cognoscere, which means to
Taxonomy 01
know (Oakley, 2004).
Therefore, cognitive activities
04 SOLO Taxonomy
include all the psychological
processes and activities
involved in thinking and
Webb’s Depth of
knowing. Similarly, Bloom
(1956) defined cognitive as
Gagne’s Learning
Domain 03 05 Knowledge

the recall or recognition of

knowledge and the
development of intellectual
abilities and skills.

Appendix A to E provide further explanation for each taxonomy.

Cluster 1 Knowledge and Understanding 10

Types of Knowledge
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive
The basic elements The interrelationships among How to do something; Knowledge of cognition in
that learners must the basic elements within a methods of inquiry, and general as well as
know to be acquainted larger structure that enable criteria for using skills, awareness and knowledge
with a discipline or them to function together algorithms, techniques and of one's own cognition.
solve problems in it methods.

Knowledge of Knowledge of classifications Knowledge of subject- Strategic knowledge

terminology and categories specific skills and
algorithms Knowledge about cognitive
Knowledge of specific Knowledge of principles and tasks, including appropriate
details and elements generalizations Knowledge of subject- contextual and conditional
specific techniques and knowledge
Knowledge of theories, models methods
and structures Self-knowledge
Knowledge of criteria for
determining when to use
appropriate procedures
Source: Krathwohl (2002).
Cluster 1 Knowledge and Understanding 11

Knowledge and understanding refers to a systematic comprehension
of theories, concepts, principles, facts, ideas, information, technical
knowledge, regulations, numeracy, practical skills, usage of tools,
processes and system (MQF 2.0, 2017).

This cluster enables the learners to relate their prior knowledge

during their learning process as well as to expand to related fields. It
provides the basis for applications of all other learning outcomes.

Cluster 11 Knowledge
Knowledge and Understanding 10
and Understanding 12


Describe advanced and comprehensive,

theoretical and technical knowledge and
demonstrate relevant skills in a
specialized field, or of a multidisciplinary
nature related to the field of study, work
and/or practice

MQF 2nd Edition (MQA, 2017)

Cluster 11 Knowledge
Knowledge and Understanding 10
and Understanding 12

Domain Attribute Definition

Knowledge Recognize Locating knowledge in long term memory that is consistent with presented
Exhibit memory of previously material (sample verb: identify)
learned material by recalling Recall Retrieving relevant knowledge from long term memory (sample verb: name,
facts, terms and basic concepts. list)
Interpret Changing from one form of representation to another (sample verbs: clarify,
paraphrase, represent, translate)
Exemplify Finding a specific example or illustration of a concept or principle (sample
verbs: illustrate, instantiate)
Understanding Classify Determining that something belongs to a category (sample verbs: categorize,
Demonstrate understanding of subsume)
facts and ideas by organizing,
Summarize Abstracting a general theme or major point(s) (sample verbs: abstract,
comparing, translating,
interpreting, giving descriptions
and stating main ideas. Infer Drawing a logical conclusion from presenting information (sample verbs:
conclude, extrapolate, interpolate, predict)
Compare Detecting correspondences between two ideas, objects, and the like (sample
verbs: contrast, map, match)
Explain Constructing a model e.g. a cause and effect model of a system (sample 20
verbs: describe, explain)
Cluster 11 Knowledge
Knowledge and Understanding 10
and Understanding 12

Examples in Courses
Field of Knowledge &
studies Understanding
Science & Program: Software Engineering Explain the theory and principles
Technology of information security, element
Course: Ethical Hacking of security, hacking cycle,
hacktivism and ethical hacking.

Non-Science Program: Tourism Identify the concepts and practice

& Tech on product innovation in tourism
Course: Innovation Product in and hospitality industry
Tourism & Hospitality

Cluster 1 Knowledge and Understanding 15

Example of Course Assessment Plan (CAP)

(Science and Technology)
Course: Ethical Hacking (3 credits)

Course Learning Student

MQF LOC Delivery Method Assessment Method* Specific Task
Outcome Learning Time**

Explain the theory Cluster 1 Case Analysis Quiz Final Exam Discuss theories and 18 hours
and principles of
5% 10 % principles related to
information security,
information security,
element of security,
hacking cycle, element of security,
hacktivism and hacking cycle,
ethical hacking (C2)*. hacktivism and
ethical hacking

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLO addresses Level C2 (Understanding) according to Bloom’s Taxonomy for Cognitive Domain (Appendix A) 22
**The SLT considers both face-to-face (F2F) and non face-to-face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline
Cluster 1 Knowledge and Understanding 16

Example of Course Assessment Plan (CAP)

(Non-Science & Non-Technology)

Course: Innovation Product in Tourism & Hospitality (3 credits)

Course Learning Student

MQF LOC Delivery Method Assessment Method* Specific Task
Outcome Learning Time**

Identify the Cluster 1 Direct Instruction Quiz Final Exam Case study report 24 hours
concepts and Case Study 10% 10% related to the
practice on product concepts and
innovation in practice on product
tourism and innovation
hospitality industry

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLO addresses Level C2 (Understanding) according to Bloom’s Taxonomy for Cognitive Domain (Appendix A)
**The SLT considers both face-to-face (F2F) and non face-to-face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline 23
Cognitive Skills

Cluster 2:
Cognitive Skills
Cluster 2 Cognitive Skills 18

Malaysian Qualifications Framework 2nd edition
(MQA, 2017) has outlined cognitive skills as one of
the clusters of learning outcomes for post-
secondary education in Malaysia.
According to MQA (2017), cognitive skills involve
thinking or intellectual capabilities and the
ability to apply knowledge and skills. The
capacity to develop levels of intellectual skills
progressively begins from understanding,
critical/ creative thinking, assessment, and
applying, analysing, problem solving as well as
synthesizing to create new ideas, solutions,
strategies or new practices (see also Figure 1.5
and Appendix A). These skills enable learners to
search and comprehend new information from
various fields of knowledge and practices.

Cluster 2 Cognitive Skills 19


Demonstrate intellectual independence in the

application of knowledge within specific field(s)
by applying critical, analytical and evaluation
skills in the field of study/ work/ practice.
Manage, resolve complex applications and
handle unpredictable issues with creative and
innovative solution(s).
Apply skills/ knowledge to a range of approaches
in the field of study/ work/ practice.
MQA (2017)

Cluster 2 Cognitive Skills 20

Sub Cluster Attribute Definition
Problem The process of recognising and identifying an issue that may cause a problem or conflict
Identification (sample verb: identify, classify, explain).
Problem Solving Analysis The process of separating or detailed examination of gathered, measured or collected data,
Define or identify problem, into smaller elements for decision-making or interpretation (sample verbs: organise,
generate alternative analyse, describe, explain).
solutions, evaluate and Application The action of putting ideas or solutions into operation to solve problems (sample verbs:
select alternatives, making apply, solve, propose).
decisions and Synthesis and The combination or composition of small parts to form a whole idea, new solution or
implementing solutions. Evaluation system (sample verbs: evaluate, interprete, provide evidence).
Decision-Making The thought process of selecting a solution from several alternatives (sample verbs:
evaluate, make decision, compare, identify problems and solutions).
Conceptualisation Formation of new ideas or solutions (sample verb: generate idea).
Scientific Skills Generation of The process of producing alternative or new solutions (sample verbs: solve problems,
Intellectual ability to
Solutions provide alternative solutions).
process actively and
Evaluation and The process of weighing the significance, worth or value of a decision made and to choose
skillfully conceptualise,
apply, analyse, synthesise, Selection a solution or alternative solution (sample verbs: evaluate several solutions, select solutions).
and/or evaluate information Implementation The process of putting or executing a solution or idea into effect (sample verbs: compare
gathered from, or variety of strategies/ideas/solutions, evaluate).
generated by, observation, Integration The act or process of bringing together elements, ideas, solutions, people, systems etc. to
experience, reflection, function as one (sample verbs: integrate ideas, provide solution).
reasoning, or Development The process of growth, addition, improvement or a significant consequence or event
communication, as a guide
(sample verbs: think independently, produce ideas).
to belief and action.
Creation The act of making, produce or invent something into existence (sample verb: create new
MoHE (2016)
Cluster 2 Cognitive Skills 21

Example of Course Assessment Plan

(Science and Technology)

Course: Food Service Information System (3 credits)

Course Learning MQF LOC Delivery Assessment Method Specific Task and Student
Outcome (CLO) Method Related MQF LOD Learning
Assignmen Quiz Final Project
Attribute Time (SLT)**
t Assessment
Apply information Cluster Lecture; 5% 5% 15% 10% Students need to apply 42 hours
technology in 2 Practical; information
food service Case technology such as e-
management Study commerce,
(C3)*. intranet/internet, web-
technology and
telecommunication in
food service

- This table represents one (1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
- *The CLO addresses cognitive domain according to Bloom’s taxonomy (Appendix A).
- **The SLT considers both face-to-face (F2F) and non face-to-face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline. 29
Cluster 2 Cognitive Skills 21

Example of Course Assessment Plan

(Science and Technology)

Course: Hydraulics (3 credits)

Course Learning MQF LOC Delivery Assessment Method Specific Task Student
Outcome (CLO) Method and Related Learning
Assignment Quiz Test Project Written
Attribute (SLT)**
Analyse uniform Cluster Lecture; 5% 5% 15% 5% 30% Students need to 72 hours
and non-uniform 2 Tutorial; analyse
flows in open PoPBL. characteristics
channel (C4)*. and behavior of
open channel
flow for
applications in
civil engineering.

- This table represents one (1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
- *The CLO addresses cognitive domain according to Bloom’s taxonomy (Appendix A). 30
- **The SLT considers both face-to-face (F2F) and non face-to-face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Cluster 2 Cognitive Skills 22

Example of Course Assessment Plan

(Non-Science and Non-Technology)

Course: Measurement and Evaluation in Education (3 credits)

Course Learning MQF LOC Delivery Assessment Method Specific Task and Student
Outcome (CLO) Method Related MQF LOD Learning
Assignment Quiz Test Project Final
Attribute Time
Develop items Cluster Lecture, 5% 5% 10% 5% 15% Students are 48 hours
and marking 2 PBL. required to
rules for student conduct
assessment (C6)*. measurement and
evaluation of
academic program
in classroom,
workshop and

- This table represents one (1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
- *The CLO addresses cognitive domain according to Bloom’s taxonomy (Appendix A). 31
- **The SLT considers both face-to-face (F2F) and non face-to-face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Functional Work Skills


Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 24

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills

a. Practical d.Digital Skills

Work Skills

b. Interpersonal e.Numeracy
Skills Skills

c. Communication f.Leadership,
Skills Autonomy and

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 25

d. Digital Skills
a. Practical Work Skills Use a broad range of information,
Apply a range of essential methods and media and technology applications
procedures to solve a broad range of to support study and/or work
problems. Review, make adjustments
and supervise related practices and
processes concerning field of

e. Numeracy Skills
b. Interpersonal Skills Cluster 3 Use and combine numerical
and graphical/visual data for
Work together with different people
in diverse learning and working
Functional study/work.

communities as well as other groups

locally and internationally. Work Skills
MQF (2017)
f. Leadership, Autonomy
c. Communication Skills and Responsibility
Convey ideas both in written or oral forms using Work autonomously, and show leadership and
appropriate and different forms of presentation, professionalism in managing responsibilities within
confidently, accurately and coherently in broad organizational parameters. Undertake significant
appropriate context in a well-structured manner levels of work related responsibilities of others as well as
to a diversity of audiences. self. Demonstrate decision making capacities and
professionalism by working towards pre-determined
goals and outcomes Demonstrate accountabilities,
*Note: Descriptors are for MQF Level 6 especially in professional fields.
a. Practical Work

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 26

Description of Practical Work Skills

These are generally work skills It also includes
skills and operational skills specialised skills which
applicable in common Operational are set by specific
employment environment Skills subject, discipline,
such as planning; technical or occupation-
organisational skills; related work skills and
selection of tools, material, Employment professional practice
technology methods and Environment which enhance
procedures, while in study professional
context, it may include study Specialised competence. It should
skills and preparations, Skills include safe and
undertaking procedures, sustainable practices.
scientific skills, designs,
research and so forth. Occupational
Related Work

MQF 2nd Ed., 2017 37

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 27

Psychomotor-related practical/technical skill is the relationship between cognitive functions and physical movement, ranging
from manual tasks to more complex tasks. Different abilities that can be considered as psychomotor-related practical/
technical skills include Perceptual abilities, Physical abilities, Skilled-movements and Non-discursive communication. The
level of competencies can be measured based on Bloom’s Taxonomy or Dave’s Taxonomy (Appendix F and G).

Non-discursive Communication
Reflect Movements
Reactions that are not learned, such as Use effective body language, such as gestures and facial
an involuntary reaction expressions; expressive movements through posture,
and/or creative movements like those in mime or
ballet. These movements refer to interpretative
movements that communicate meaning without the aid of
Fundamental Movements Practical verbal commands or help
Basic movements such as walking, Work
or grasping Skills Skilled Movements
Advanced learned movements or skills as one would
find in sports, acting, dances, or for the arts.
Perceptual Abilities
Response to stimuli such as visual, Physical Abilities (Fitness)
auditory, kinesthetic (bodily Stamina that must be developed for further
movements), or tactile (touch) development such as endurance, flexibility,
discrimination; or coordination abilities strength, agility, reaction-response time or
as they are related to the ability to take dexterity.
in information from the environment and (Harrow, 1972) 38
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 28

Attributes of Practical Work Skills

Brings people
Social Sciences
Science & Technology Ability to (coordination
● Organize (event)
Control of people)
Exert extra
● Build/ Construct effort ● Creativity
● Calibrate Troubleshooting ● Technical/ Creative
Accuracy/ Sets attainable
● Organize (tools) Quality objectives writing
Procedures Precision
● Operational or ● Technical or multimedia
Processing ability Ability to handle
(speed, distance, pressure/ stays calm
Designing ● Techniques (computer
strength, stamina) drawing/ musical
Coordination Technical Attention to
skills detail
in ● Newsgathering
learns new
execution ● Visual storytelling/editing
skills Performance ● Advocacy skill
Risk-Taking review ● Legal research skill
Note: Instead of measuring psychomotor Observant ● Musical performance
domain, some of the attributes can measure ● Flexibility/ Mobility
cognitive or affective domain if the attributes ● Balance/ Posture/
reflect the occupational workplace and Generic Alignment 39
professional practice criteria.
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 29

Example of Course Assessment Plan (Science and Technology):

Practical Work Skills
Course: Manufacturing Process (3 credits)
No. Course Learning Outcome MQF LOC Delivery Assessment Method Specific Task and the Student
(CLO) Method / Component* Related Learning
MQF LOD Attribute Time
Practical Test (SLT)**

1 Measure Cluster 3a Laboratory 15% Student will operate 18 hours

performance parameters of work rotating machines
transformer or torque-speed during practical test
characteristics of rotating
machines accurately (P4)*

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLO addresses Psychomotor domain according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Appendix F)
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 30

Example of Course Assessment Plan (Social Science/ Art and Humanities):

Practical Work Skills
Course: Music Composition (3 credits)
No. Course Learning MQF LOC Delivery Method Assessment Specific Task and the Student
Outcome Method / Related Learning
(CLO) Component* MQF LOD Attribute Time (SLT)**

Practical Test

1. Display technical and Cluster 3a Demonstration in 30% Students will perform four 36 hours
musical expertise with class substantial solo
his/her instrument or compositions totaling to
voice (P4)*
60 minutes

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course
*This CLO addresses Psychomotor domain according to Dave’s Taxonomy (Appendix G)
**The SLT has considered both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non-Face-to-Face (non-F2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 31

Description of Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills refer to a

range of skills which, amongst
others, include interactive
Interactive communications; relationships
and collaborative skills in
managing relationships in teams
and within the organisations;
networking with people of
Skills different cultures; as well as social

MQF 2nd Ed, 2017 43
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 32

Attributes of Interpersonal Skills


● Acting responsibly and

● Collaborate
with maturity
● Network
● Teamwork
● Negotiation
● Socialize with skills and
● Non-verbal communication
● Decision making
● Convey information/ideas/
● Assertiveness
● Deal calmly and efficiently
● Respect
with conflicting priorities
● Tolerance
● Listening skill
● Social responsibility

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 33

Attributes of Interpersonal Skills

(Generic for all fields)
● The ability to build good relationship, interact with others
1 Self Confidence and work effectively with them to achieve common
● The ability to converse and maintain interactions with
2 Social Communication others and interchange roles between team leader and
team members.
● The ability to control emotions while socializing and be
3 Self-Awareness
ethical in carrying out responsibilities to society

● The ability to recognize and respect the attitude,

4 Respect
behaviour, belief and the rights of other people.
● The ability to be responsible and take the
5 Social responsibility initiative/volunteer to be engaged and able to act as an
agent of change in the society.
*Adapted from iCGPA Rubric: Learning Outcomes Assessment Guide
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 34

Example of Course Assessment Plan: Interpersonal Skills

Course: Strategic Marketing (3 credits)
No. Course Learning MQF Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Related Student
Outcome LOC Method Component* MQF LOD Attribute Learning
(CLO) Time
Peer review Project Proposal (SLT)**

1 Orally synthesise Cluster Project 5% 15% Students need to synthesise and 24 hours
stakeholders’ 3b Based respond to feedbacks from
feedbacks in Learning stakeholders in regards to their
regards to social proposal related to university social
and cultural issues responsibility (USR) events.
(Interaction with real industry players
or via role play)
This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLO addresses Affective domain according to Krathwohl’s Taxonomy (Appendix H)
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.46

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 35

Description of Communication skills

Communication skills refer
generally to the ability to
communicate/ convey
information/ ideas/ reports
cogently and professionally in
Convey appropriate language.

The communication must be effective
IDEA and in appropriate forms, in various
medium, to a range of audience and
different situations. The ability to
communicate in more than one language
is encouraged.
MQF 2nd Ed, 2017
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 36

Attributes of Communication Skills


● Communicate effectively, speak confidently, converse clearly

● Ability to communicate/convey information/ideas/reports cogently and professionally in
appropriate language.
● Critic,debate, argue, visual literacy
● Written and verbal and graphical communication
● Expression, interpretation
● Advocacy communication
● Articulate/Convince/Persuade/Negotiate/Influence
● Communicate in different language
● Promoting amicable atmosphere to achieve mutual benefits (verbal and in written)
● Express attitude and feelings through body language and facial expressions
● Convey characters, thoughts and emotions through music and painting
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 37

Attributes of Communication Skills


Oral Communication The ability to deliver ideas clearly and effectively

Written The ability to write an academic discourse which has a coherent flow that is clear and easy
to comprehend.

Responding to The ability to understand and respond to questions using appropriate language.


Expression ● The ability to read nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, eye contact, spatial
distance and tone of voice
● The ability to make sense of artistic expressions through music and painting by
exploring various rhythm, tempo, structure, colours etc.,

*Adapted from iCGPA Rubric: Learning Outcomes Assessment Guide 50

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 38

Example of Course Assessment Plan: Communication Skills

Course: Industrial Law and Relations (3 credits)

No Course Learning MQF LOC Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Related Student
. Outcome Method Component* MQF LOD Attribute Learning
(CLO) Time (SLT)**
Moot Court

1 Defend effectively Cluster Case Study 40% Students need to speak in a 48 hours
in both objective 3c clear, well-reasoned, and
and persuasive professional manner in both
styles appropriate objective and persuasive styles
to the in a series of moot court sessions

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLO addresses Affective domain according to Krathwohl’s Taxonomy (Appendix H).
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
d.Digital Skills

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 39

Description of Digital skills

Digital literacy is the ability
Digital skills generally
to access, manage,
refer to the ability to use
understand, integrate,
communicate, evaluate and
technologies to support
create information safely
work and studies. The
and appropriately through
skills include sourcing and
digital devices and
storing information,
networked technologies for
processing data, using
participation in career and
applications for problem
social life. It includes
solving and
competencies that are
communication, as well
variously referred to as
as ethics in applying
computer literacy, ICT
digital skills.
literacy, information
literacy, and media literacy.
MQF 2nd Edition, 2017
UNESCO, 2018
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 40

The ability to store, use and share
information, and being able to process, Digital skills can be measured as
using applications for problem solving. To generic skill or discipline-based skill
reproduce and process data into more
understandable form
The ability to generate clear text
and content, present idea or
information using digital programs,
It measures basic knowledge skills to
software or internet tools as well as
more complex engagement and creation
to engage with others on digital
through cognitive, affective and
psychomotor domain.

Digital design is the method by which graphic designs are
created using computers, tablets, digital drawing tools for
print, Web, television, electronic devices, multimedia
presentations, social media collateral, email and web ads,
digital billboards and signage, pitch decks, 3D modelling,
2D animation, and other media of innumerable nature
GRAPHIC and varieties.


generating visual ideas, graphic design, 2D and 3D
DIGITAL animation, web design, video game design, special
effects, advertising, computer applications, mark-
up languages, scripting languages, typography,
SKILL SET colour, project management, communication and
social media.

E-magazines, e-books, e-newspapers, television,
AREA OF web, advertising, marketing and sales displays and
APPLICATION promotions, aviation, astronomy, remote sensing,
architecture, photography, 3D development,
modelling, anthropology, archaeology, product
design, animation, mapping etc.
Create publishing
SKILL schedules, track the
content flow, and
maintain social media
Consistently come up APTITUDE
with new and engaging Learn where audience is
ideas, creative migrating to and when is
initiatives and the right time to switch
campaigns social media platform.


Able to tailor the BUILDING
content and know when Reach out to influencers
to share, what to share and make crucial
and where to share. relationships in order to
grow credibility
Keep headlines
magnetic and
captivating to attract Communicate with
audience audience and spread
reach organically
Smartphones, tablets and portable game and
music players are sometimes placed in the
gadget category. Gadget is also a mini app
that stays on screen to provide quick
functionality. Search box, clock, weather,
calculator and stock market gadgets are
typical examples. The gadget may be static,
such as a calculator, that requires input from
the user, or be "live" and changing such as
the weather and stock market.

Using digital
technologies for
collaboration, which THROUGH…..
connect broader Online meetings
Online team chat rooms
network of Co-authoring fluidNmovement through different
participants. Social media modes of working, from real-time
Shared task group work to asynchronous
group work.
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 41

Attributes of Digital Skills (not limited to)


(Information Literacy and Digital Communication)

● Gather ● Convey information

● Articulation ● Curate or create
● Refer ● Well-reasoned conclusions
● Optimization ● Processing
● Sourcing ● Publishing
● Argue ● Storing
● Collaboration ● design

Digital skills can also be measured through digital communication if the intended learning outcome is 59
to assess student ability in using digital platform to communicate.

Convey Present information through the use of digital or internet tools or application

Articulation Able to express ideas clearly and effectively in writing and easily understood
by the reader through digital or internet tools or application

Curate Creating new or original content in discipline or generic

Gather Gather appropriate and relevant information

Reproduce and processing combine different types of information from different sources into something
information new. Type of information may include in a form of images, texts, tables and

Collaboration Use technology or platform for collaboration or networking purpose

Design Use design related tools to produce or create graphic design

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 43

Example of Course Assessment Plan: Digital Skills

Course: Teaching method (3 credits)

No Course Learning MQF Delivery Assessment Method Specific Task and the Related Student
. Outcome LOC Method / Component* MQF LOD Attribute Learning Time
(CLO) (SLT)**

1 Create a teaching Cluster Independent 25% Students need to create teaching 30 hours
approach using or 3d Learning; product using different internet
integrating different project-based platform or internet tools or software.
internet tools or learning
software (C6)*

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course .
*The CLO addresses Cognitive domain according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Appendix A)
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non-Face-to-Face (non-F2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 44

Example of Course Assessment Plan: Digital Skills

Course: Geomatic (3 credits)
No. Course Learning MQF Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Related Student Learning
Outcome LOC Method Component* MQF LOD Attribute Time (SLT)**

1 Display proficiency Cluster Collaborative 25 % Students need to use surveying 30 hours

in the use of 3d Learning, software in collecting and
surveying software project-based analyzing spatial information
in geomatic field learning about the land/ the oceans,
(P3)* /natural resources or manmade

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course .
*The CLO addresses Psychomotor domain according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Appendix F)
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 45

Example of Course Assessment Plan: Digital Skills

Course: Digital Music Technology for Composer (3 credits)

No. Course Learning MQF Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Related Student
Outcome LOC Method Component* MQF LOD Attribute Learning
(CLO) Time
Assignment Final (SLT)**

1 Demonstrate Cluster Demonstration, 10% 40% Production of realistic musical 60 hours

autonomous learning in 3d group sound using humanisation
digital multi-track discussion techniques in digital multi-track
recordings using recording to emphasize digital
humanization skills among students.
techniques (A5)* (Appropriate rubric must be utilised
to measure this domain)

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course .
*The CLO addresses Affective domain according to Krathwol’s Taxonomy (Appendix H).
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the 63
related discipline.

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 46
Description of Numeracy Skills
These are the quantitative skills that require learners to acquire increasingly
higher levels of numerical abilities. It is acknowledged as an important living
skill relevant in study, work and daily life. Within the MQF levels, this
learning outcome may not be specifically mentioned for every level but it is
expected that numerical skills are required as an outcome ought to be
indicated for every specific programme. It may include understanding of

THINK basic mathematics, symbols relating to statistical techniques etc.

MQA 2nd Ed. 2017

LEARN Numeracy skill is the ability to access, use, interpret, and

communicate mathematical information and ideas, in
order to engage in and manage the mathematical
demands of a range of situations in adult life.

IDEA Numerate behavior involves managing a situation or

solving a problem in a real context, by responding to
mathematical content/information/ideas represented in
multiple ways
Descriptor level 6:Apply mathematical and other quantitative,
qualitative tools to analyse and evaluate numerical and
UNESCO, 2019
graphical data for study/work
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 47

Description of Numeracy skills

Numeracy tasks are

largely a function of the
cognitive demands.

Numeracy is key to the

Numeracy application of the scientific
method and to critical
Skills thinking.
(UNESCO, 2018)

*Majority of situations, numeracy skills measure

cognitive domains level 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Knowledge Understanding
Interpreting Visual
of numbers relationships
perception of
& figures between
information information

Argumentation skills,
and logical Measurement Scheduling
Working with
thinking & Data or budgeting
Analysis representation

Handling information, identifies mathematical information,
understands numbers, calculates, estimates and solves
problems, processing data, statistic and probability, interpret
data, draw conclusion, reliability and significance of data
OPERATION & CALCULATION Capacity to think about and applies
Procedural rules underlying
01 02 03 04 05 objects in 2D, 3D, angles and
manipulations of whole numbers, position and to draw conclusion.
decimals, and fractions. Mental representation of object
configuration, creating and designing
object, navigating and way-finding.


Represents and interprets data in Calculus and Advanced calculus,
graphs, tables and diagrams. complex mathematical tasks,
including problem solving and
mathematical reasoning. Routine
and non routine complex numerical
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 48

Attributes of Numeracy Skills

(some attributes can be applied for both field)
Science &
Social Sciences

Calculate Estimate

Measure Obtain Relationship

Interpret Recognize

Apply Solve problems

Analyse Make sense

Recognize Respond


Express 69
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 49

Attributes of Numeracy Skills


Calculate Calculate using calculators and a range of measuring instruments

Interpret Interpret statistical information, table, graph, chart or percentage

Analyse Analyse numerical information and to make the right conclusions and

Estimate Estimate numerical, mathematical and statistical information

Measure measurements count using any device or instruments

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 49

Attributes of Numeracy Skills


Obtain Obtain relationship between number, language skill, visualization of

relationship information.

Making sense make sense of numbers, time, patterns and shapes for activities like
cooking, reading receipts, reading instructions and even playing sport

Respond respond to information which is presented in mathematical ways, for

example, in graphs, tables, charts, or percentages

Transforming Transforming subjective into quantitative data,

Express Express ideas and situations using numerical or mathematical


Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 50

Example of Course Assessment Plan: Numeracy Skills

Course: Business Mathematics (3 credits)

No. Course Learning MQF Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Student
Outcome LOC Method Component* Related Learning
(CLO) MQF LOD Attribute Time
Examination Case Study (SLT)**

1 Solve basic Cluster Lecture, 20% 15% Students apply their 42 hours
mathematical problems 3e group mathematical knowledge to
in the specific area of discussion, meet the demands of business
business, finance, independent operation.
investment and income learning
tax assessment (C3)*

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course .
*The CLO addresses Cognitive domain according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Appendix A)
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 52

Example of Course Assessment Plan: Numeracy Skills

Course: Research Methods (3 credits)

No. Course Learning MQF Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Related Student
Outcome LOC Method Component* MQF LOD Attribute Learning
(CLO) Time (SLT)**
Case Presentation

1 Analyze a case Cluster Lecture, 20 % 10 % Students will be given a case study involving 36 hours
study using 3e group quantitative data. They need to recognize,
principles, theories discussion, understand, analyse, and respond to
and practices in case study information which is presented in
quantitative mathematical ways, for example, in graphs,
analysis in written tables, charts, or percentages. The students
and oral (C4)* also need to present their case study report.

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLO addresses Cognitive domain according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Appendix A)
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non-Face-to-Face (non-F2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Autonomy &

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 53

Description of Leadership, Autonomy and Responsibility

1 2
Managerial capacity Making decision and setting


Refers to an individual’s ability to build relationships and work

with teams made up of peers or in managerial capacities with
varying degrees of autonomy to make decisions or setting goals
at organisational/unit/team levels; to take responsibilities with
accountability; to be confident, knowledgeable, articulate,
honest, professional, concerned, resilient, a risk taker and
possess other intrapersonal skills including working in, and
leading teams
MQF 2nd Ed, 2017 75
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 54

Attributes of Leadership, Autonomy and Responsibility


● Influence, convince and motivate

● Foster good relationship and teamwork
● Lead with varying degrees of autonomy to make decisions
● Lead within authority and responsibility
● Setting goals at organisational/unit/team levels
● Take responsibilities with accountability
● Can command respect and confidence from team members
● Assess the risk of failures in the internal controls and procedures in
area of responsibility
● Persuade
● Initiate, delegate, manage, visionary
Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 55

Attributes of Leadership, Autonomy and Responsibility


Effective The ability to lead self and/or others using the fundamental concepts of

Responsibility The state of acting independently and making decisions or having control over someone
with/without authorization

Autonomy The ability to act independently, free from external control or influence by initiating,
delegating and managing responsibly

Work in team The ability to foster good relationships and play different roles for different situations

*Adapted from iCGPA Rubric: Learning Outcomes Assessment Guide

Cluster 3 Functional Work Skills 56

Example of Course Assessment Plan: Leadership,

Autonomy and Responsibility
Course: Event Management (3 credits)
No. Course Learning MQF Delivery Assessment Method / Component* Specific Task and the Related Student
Outcome LOC Method MQF LOD Attribute Learning Time
(CLO) Reflection in Peer Review (SLT)**

1 Evaluate personal Cluster Collaborative 15% 5% Students reflect and give insights 24 hours
strengths and 3f Learning; on how to evaluate personal
weaknesses, as Project based (own or others’) strengths and
well as their own learning weaknesses during the full event
development management cycle
through the event
process (A3)*

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLO addresses Affective domain according to Krathwohl’s Taxonomy (Appendix H).
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non-Face-to-Face (non-F2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Personal and
Entrepreneurial Skills
Personal and
Entrepreneurial Skills
Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills 58


Personal skills are life skills that learners are expected to use daily. They are normally
portrayed through enthusiasm for independent learning, intellectual and self-
development; by demonstrating confidence, self-control; social skills and proper
etiquette; and commitment to professionalism in the workplace. It also includes
capability to plan for career development or further education. Aspects of character
such as honesty, punctuality, time management, keeping to and maintaining
deadlines that are important in a work environment are also important personal skills.

Entrepreneurial skills require relevant knowledge, skills and expertise in key areas of
an enterprise. Important personal qualities will include creativity, grit and drive. The
drive to be an entrepreneur is set as personal skills but also requires the requisite of
relevant knowledge, cognitive and functional skills.

MQF 2nd Edition (MQA, 2017) 81

Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills 59


Personal Skills
Engage effectively in self-directed lifelong learning and
professional pathways.

Entrepreneurial Skills
Demonstrate entrepreneurial competency with selected project(s).
Demonstrate an appreciation of broader socio-political economic and
cultural issues at local/national and regional level.

MQF 2nd Edition (MQA, 2017) 82

Attributes & Definition

Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills 60

Personal Skills

Attributes Definition

Intrapersonal skill Those skills individual require to possess and perfect in order to manage
themselves and it is a prerequisite to interpersonal skills (e.g. flexibility,
resourcefulness, self-esteem, self-awareness honesty, punctuality, time
management, keeping to and maintaining deadlines)

Autonomous Independent and having the power to make own decisions

Proactiveness Taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it

Achievement Ability to put higher target and has high endurance in facing challenges such as
oriented enthusiasm for independent learning, intellectual and self-development and
capability to plan for career development or further education.

Attributes & Definition 85
Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills 62

Entrepreneurial Skills

Attributes Definition

Self-efficacy One’s beliefs about own capabilities to succeed in achieving an outcome or reaching a

Competitive Wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people

Networking The ability in a process of meeting and talking to a lot of people, esp. in order to get
information that can help you

Calculative Ability to undertaking the actual or chance of failure whose degree of probability has
Risk Taking been estimated before some undertaking is entered upon

Innovative & Able to use creative intelligence to improve, create change and disrupts the status
Creative quo

Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills 63

Entrepreneurial Skills

Attributes Definition

Opportunity Identifying new business based on the opportunities. Based on prior knowledge,
Recognition past experiences, current market conditions and potentially profitable new
business ventures

Business Able to understand, interpret, analyze, and deal with a business situation in a
Acumen professional and profitable manner


Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills 64


(Volunteerism Course; 3 credits)
No Course MQF Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Student
. Learning LOC Method Component* Related Learning
Outcome MQF LOD Attribute Time
(CLO) Report Presentation (SLT)**

1 Explain the Group 20% 20% Student able to write a 48 hours

importance of Cluster field work report from the fieldwork on
national identity 4a volunterism activities. From
and this report, student’s
volunteerism presentation should tackle
towards issues on the important of
building national identity that been
responsible gained from the fieldwork
citizens (A3)

The CLO addresses Level A3 (Valuing) according to Bloom’s Taxonomy for Affective Domain

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non-Face-to-Face (non-F2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline
Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills 65


(Foundation in Entrepreneurship Course; 3 credits)

No Course MQF Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Student
. Learning LOC Method Component* Related Learning
Outcome MQF LOD Attribute Time (SLT)**
(CLO) Product/ Presentation

1 Describe a Cluster Case 20% 20% Presentation regarding 48 hours

business plan to 4b Analysis business plan and
market a product/business service
related to the
product or
entrepreneurial attribute
service (A1)

The CLO addresses Level A1 (Receiving Phenomena) according to Bloom’s Taxonomy for Affective Domain

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non-Face-to-Face (non-F2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline
Cluster 4 Personal and Entrepreneurial Skills 66


(Entrepreneurship Apprenticeship Course; 3 credits)
No. Course Learning MQF LOC Delivery Assessment Method / Specific Task and the Related Student
Outcome Method Component* MQF LOD Attribute Learning
(CLO) Time
Report Business (SLT)**

1 Propose on the Cluster 4b WBL Case 20% Students propose and make 24 hours
service and Study, presentation on Business
consumer relation Field Work innovation for the service and
techniques (A3) consumer relation techniques
related to entrepreneurial skills

2. Explain the Cluster 4b WBL Case 50% Student’s report were assess by 60 hours
process of product Study, stages to display their
development and Field Work, understanding on the
quality control development and quality control.
The CLO addresses Level A1 (Receiving Phenomena) according to Bloom’s Taxonomy for Affective Domain
This table represents two (2) of the CLOs of the entire course
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non-Face-to-Face (non-F2F) learning time, ty pe of assessment and the related dis cipline
Entrepreneurship Inventory

SEA - Student Entrepreneurship


Ethics and
Ethics and Professionalism

Cluster 5 Ethics and Professionalism 67

Ethics is the study of morality—careful and systematic reflection on and analysis
of moral decisions and behaviour, whether past, present or future. Morality is
the value dimension of human decision-making and behaviour. The language
of morality includes nouns such as ‘rights’, ‘responsibilities’ and ‘virtues’ and
adjectives such as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ (or ‘evil’), ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, ‘just’ and ‘unjust’.
According to these definitions, ethics is primarily a matter of knowing whereas
morality is a matter of doing. Their close relationship consists in the concern of
ethics to provide rational criteria for people to decide or behave in some ways
rather than others.

The term professionalism is used to describe those skills, attitudes and
behaviours which we have come to expect from individuals during the practice
of their profession and includes concepts such as maintenance of competence,
ethical behaviour, integrity, honesty, altruism, service to others, adherence to
professional codes, justice, respect for others, self-regulation, etc.

Reference: Siang Chin Teoh Continuing Development in Ethics and Professionalism by Malaysian Medical Association
Cluster 5 Ethics and Professionalism 68

Ethics and Professionalism refer to Ethics refer to ways of feeling and state of
conduct or actions of an individual or a group of
Demonstrating adherence, and individuals in living their life in a society. It also
ability to identify ethical issues, refers to ways or methods of the individual or
make decision ethically, and act the group to practice moral values in cultural,
ethically and professionally within social and religious context based on social
the varied social and professional norms.
environment and practice.
Demonstrating a deep familiarity Professionalism refers to attributes of an
and knowledge of local and individual such as his/her ability, skills and
global issues relating to science, implementation methods as expected to be
technology, business, social and within or to be performed by a professional.
environmental issues. Ethics and professionalism refers to values and
Reference : MQA 2.0 – Appendix 2: code of practices that should be followed by a
MQA Level 6 for Bachelor professional in applying knowledge of his/her
discipline and career.
Reference: Buku Rubric iCGPA

Cluster 5 Ethics and Professionalism 74


Course: Ethical Hacking (3 credits)

No. Course Learning Outcome MQF Delivery Method Assessment Method Specific Task and the Related Student Learning
(CLO) LOC MQF LOD Attribute Time (SLT)**

1 Relate their surrounding Cluster Collaborative Project in Group Student is given a report that related to 10 hours
environment with the 5 Learning; Case 5% ICT security issues in an organisation.
professional practice by Study Student need to relate the individual and
demonstrating usage of data organisation practices to data and
and ethical hacking methods ethical hacking methods and tools on
and tools (C4*). that issue.

This table represents one(1) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLO addresses Cognitive domain according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Appendix A)
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Cluster 5 Ethics and Professionalism 70

Ethics and Professionalism

Attributes Definition

Moral Personality, manners and politeness according to universal good and positive values that are
generally acceptable and considered good by the community.

Identity Characteristics of an individual’s origin such as customs, language, culture and religion which
make up the pillar and portrayal of his personality and bring out the spirit of patriotism and
love for the nation-state.

Appearance Character, behaviour as well as tidiness and suitability of the attire based on situations in
interacting with other persons and in managing or performing a task.

Work Ethics System of moral rules or principles of behaviour, which are practiced in a workplace or a
working environment.

Integrity Level of honesty and being upright in keeping or defending his/her stand, principles and
accountability in carrying out a task.

Adapted from iCGPA Rubric: Learning Outcomes Assessment Guide 98

Cluster 5 Ethics and Professionalism 75


Course: Environmental Ethics (3 credits)

No. Course Learning Outcome MQF Delivery Method Assessment Method Specific Task and the Related Student
(CLO) LOC MQF LOD Attribute Learning
Time (SLT)

1 Discuss on the intentions and Cluster 5 Group Debate on the given issues/topic Students are given a topic that related to 20 hours
the plausible outcome in Discussion, between groups. landscape development, planning and
landscape development, Presentation 10% for CLO1 design and need to discussed in a group
planning and design related Documentation 5% for CLO2 of 3 students. Then, the topic need to be
to environment ethics (C4) debated between groups. The content of
the debate must be relate to the
2 Demonstrate good values and environment ethics. Students need to
professional code of conduct demonstrate good values and
in presenting the finding of a professional code of conduct in debating
given task related to the finding, idea and arguments..
environment ethics (A3).

This table represents two (2) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLOs address Cognitive domain according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Appendix A) and Affective domain according to Krathwohl’s
Taxonomy (Appendix H). 99
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Cluster 5 Ethics and Professionalism 76


Course: Data Structure & Algorithms (3 credits)

No. Course Learning Outcomes MQF Delivery Method Assessment Method Specific Task and the Related Student Learning
(CLOs) LOC MQF LOD Attribute Time (SLT)

1 Apply appropriate data Cluster Series of Lab Exercise Assignment & Students are given a specific problem 15 hours
structure and algorithms in a 2 based on a given Presentation solving task and need to write a
given problem solving task problem solving tasks 12% programming code to provide the
(C3) solution of the task. The programming
code must apply the several data
2 Demonstrate good character, Cluster 5 Preparation for the Presentation structure and selected algorithms.
as well as tidiness and presentation with good 3% Students need to present the solution
suitability of the attire in presentation skills, to the lecturer.
performing a presentation of good presentation
task (A3). content and good

This table represents two (2) of the CLOs of the entire course.
*The CLOs address Cognitive domain according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Appendix A) and Affective domain according to Krathwohl’s
Taxonomy (Appendix H). 100
**The SLT considers both Face-to-Face (F2F) and non Face-to-Face (nonF2F) learning time, type of assessment and the related discipline.
Professor Sr. Ir. Dr. Suhaimi bin Abdul Talib

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suria bin Baba (Leader) Ts. Dr. Anuar bin Mohd Yusof
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Zuhainis binti Saad En. Mohamad Dzafir bin Mustafa
Prof. Dr. Irfan Naufal bin Umar En. Kamarul Bakri bin Abd Aziz
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Muhamad Shahbani bin Abu Bakar En. Zamrin bin Salim
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Ishak bin Baba Pn. Norasikin binti Yahya
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Hayati bin Abdullah En. Wan Zainuddin Ali Aspar
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad bin Hj. Mohamad En. Muhammad Khairulna’im bin Azmi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roziah binti Sidik @ Mat Sidek
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mariam binti Taib
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Sharipah Ruzaina binti Syed Aris
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Tan Lai Wai
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ermy Azziaty binti Rozali
Ts Dr. Adzhar bin Kamaludin
Dr. Azza Jauhar binti Ahmad Tajuddin
Dr. Shah Iskandar Fahmie bin Ramlee 101
Professor Dr. Nik Maheran binti Nik
Professor Dr. Mohd Saberi bin Tan Ah Chik @ Mohamad
Dr. Anis Amira binti Ab Rahman
Dr. Dzulkifli bin Mukhtar
Dr. Fatmawati binti Latada
En. Ahmad bin Ibrahim

References 78
1. Biggs, J. (2003). Aligning Teaching for Constructing Learning. Higher Education Academy. UK: York, Higher Education
2. Bloom, B. S. (ed.) (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Book 1 Cognitive Domain. London: Longmans.
3. Dave, R. H. (1975). In Armstrong, R. J. (ed.). Developing and writing behavioral objectives. Tucson: Educational Innovators
4. Driscoll, A. & Wood, S. (2007). Developing Outcomes-based Assessment for Learner-centered Education. A Faculty
Introduction. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing.
5. Harrow, A.J. (1972). A taxonomy of the psychomotor domain. New York: David McKay Co.
6. Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S., and Masia, B.B. (1964). Taxonomy of educational objectives: Handbook II: Affective domain.
New York: David McKay Co.
7. Krathwohl, D. R. (2002). A revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy: An overview. Theory into Practice, 41(4), 212-218.
8. Mohd Yusoff, M. N. (2018). MQF v1 LO vs MQF v2 LO. Unpublished Training Notes.
9. MoHE (2016). iCGPA Rubric Learning Outcomes Assessment Guide. Putrajaya: Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
10. MQA (2017). Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF), 2nd edn. Cyberjaya, Selangor: Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia
(Malaysian Qualifications Agency, MQA).
11. Oakley, L. (2004). Cognitive Development. East Sussex: Routledge.
12. Shuell, T. J. (1986). Cognitive conceptions of learning. Review of Educational Research, Winter 56(4): 411-436.
13. Simpson, E. (1972). Educational objectives in the psychomotor domain. Washington, D.C.: Gryphon House: 25–30.
14. Spady, W. G. (1994). Outcome-Based Education: Critical Issues and Answers. American Association of School
15. Tiven, M. B., Fuchs, E. R., Bazari, A., & MacQuarrie, A. (2018). Evaluating Global Digital Education: Student Outcomes
Framework. New York, NY: Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
16. Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
17. Vijayalakshmi, V. (2016). Soft Skills-The Need of the Hour for Professional Competence: A Review on
Interpersonal Skills and Intrapersonal Skills Theories. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 4 (2016) pp 2859-2864.
18. Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding By Design, 2nd edn. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development ASCD.
19. ______(no date) Paying Attention to Spatial Reasoning. Available at
20.. ______(2019). Numeracy Skills Framework. NSW Department of Education. Available at

Glossary and Index 77


Term Description

Assessment A systematic mechanism to measure a student’s attainment of learning outcomes.

Competency A student’s knowledge, skills and abilities which enable the student to successfully and
meaningfully complete a given task or role.
Courses Components of a programme. The term courses are used interchangeably with subjects,
units or modules
Learning Outcomes Statements on what a student should know, understand and can do upon the
completion of a period of study.
Malaysian Qualifications An instrument that classifies qualifications based on a set of criteria that are approved
Framework nationally and benchmarked against international best practices.
Programme An arrangement of courses/subjects/modules that is structured for a specified duration
and learning volume to achieve the stated learning outcomes, which usually leads to an
award of a qualification.
Programme Educational Broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the
Objectives programme is preparing graduates to archive after the graduated.
Programme Learning Statements that describe the specific and general knowledge, skills, attitude and
Outcomes abilities that the programme graduates should demonstrate upon graduation. The
graduates are expected to acquire the outcomes upon completion of all the courses in
their programme.
Glossary and Index 77


Term Description

Outcome Based OBE is an educational model in which curriculum, delivery, and assessment are
Education developed, structured and implemented to facilitate key student learning
Constructive Alignment Constructive alignment is an approach to curriculum design where all aspects of
teaching and assessment are tuned to support and encourage higher-order
learning processes
Course Assessment Plan Assessment Plans provide an outline to facilitate continuous improvement of
student learning include the student learning outcomes, learning opportunities,
measures, targets and a process for carrying out the plan.

Appendix A

Appendix B Taxonomy
Appendix E

Marzono’s Webb’s Depth

Taxonomy APPENDICES of Knowledge

Appendix C Appendix D

SOLO Taxonomy Gagne’s

Domain 107
Appendix A

Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Recall previously Explain ideas or Use the info Distinguishes Justify a stand or Construct a new
learned concepts. State a (concept) in a new between facts and decision; making product, point of
information problem in one’s way inferences; separate judgement view, structure
own word into parts.
Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples:
Recite a policy. Explain in your Write a learning Compare and Judge the Design a machine
State the safety own words the outcome for each contrast between effectiveness of to perform a
rules in handling steps for level of Bloom's two learning Dual Language specific task.
an instrument performing a taxonomy theories Program in
complex task. schools
Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords:
Arrange, define, Classify, explain, Demonstrate, Compare, Appraise, argue, Assemble,
identify, label, list, summarize, report, dramatize, contrast, criticize, judge, defend, construct, create,
match, name, select, describe, employ, illustrate, examine select, evaluate, design, develop,
memorize, recall, demonstrate, write, use differentiate, value formulate
recite, repeat, discuss, illustrate, discriminate,
state, write paraphrase, experiment, test
predict, recognize,
translate 108
Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy
lower order thinking skills higher order thinking skills
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
Recognizing Interpreting Executing Differentiating Checking Generating
(identifying) (clarifying, paraphrasing, (carrying out) (discriminating, (coordinating, detecting, (hypothesizing)
representing, translating) distinguishing, focusing, monitoring, testing)
Recalling Implementing selecting) Planning
(retrieving) Exemplifying (using) Critiquing (designing)
(illustrating, instantiating) Organizing (judging)
(finding coherence, Producing
Classifying integrating, outlining, (construct)
(categorizing, subsuming) parsing, structuring)

Summarizing Attributing
(abstracting, generalizing) (deconstructing)

(concluding, extrapolating,
interpolating, predicting)

(contrasting, mapping,

(constructing models)

(Iowa State University, 2019, adapted from Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). 109
Types of Knowledge &
Cognitive Process

110 /
Appendix B

Marzano’s Taxonomy
Knowledge Utilization
Requires learners to apply or use knowledge in specific
1 situations
Decision Making . Problem Solving . Experimenting . Investigating

Involves reasoned extensions of knowledge and inferences
3 to go beyond what was directly taught
Matching . Classifying . Analyzing Errors . Generalizing . Specifying

Identifying what is important and placing that information into
2 category
Integrating . Symbolizing

Involves recalling information from permanent memory
1 Recognizing . Recalling . Executing

Gagne’s Learning Domain Appendix D

Intellectual Skills
Verbal Information
Sometimes called Procedural Knowledge,
Also known as Declarative Knowledge
are the rules, concepts, and procedures that
Involves the ability to state or declare we follow to accomplish tasks.
something, such as a fact or an idea.
Intellectual skills may be simple or complex
e.g.: define democracy
e.g.: compare and contrast concepts of
democracy and communism
Problem Solving
Rule Using
Internal states of mind that can influence
which of several behaviors we may choose Concept
e.g.: attitude towards using e-learning

Cognitive strategies
Psychomotor skills
The skills used to control learning, thinking
Involves using our bodies to manipulate
and remembering.
Cognitive strategies allow us to determine
Hitting a tennis ball, dancing, are examples
what procedural knowledge and verbal
of motor skills
information we need to perform a task

Gagne’s Learning Domain
Intellectual Skills
Info Discrimination Concept Rule Using Problem
Verbal Info
Distinguishing Concrete Concept: Learn relationship Applying a new
objects, features Identifying classes between concepts combination of
or symbols of concrete objects and apply this rules to solve a
Also known as complex problem
relationship in
Declarative e.g.
Defined Concept: different situations
Knowledge distinguishing a
Involves the ability square and a Classifying new
to state or declare rectangle examples of events
something, such or ideas by their
as a fact or an definition
Discriminatio Problem
Concept Rule Using
n Solving
Verbal Info

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Appendix E

DOK Level 2
DOK Level 1
(skill / concept)
(recall & reproduce)
Focus: on applying skills and concepts;
Focus: recall specific facts, definitions, details
explaining how and why
or procedures
Verbs: apply, categorize, cause / effect,
Verbs: arrange, calculate, define, draw,
classify, compare, distinguish, estimate,
identify, list, label, illustrate, match memorize,
graph, interpret, modify, predict, relate, show,
recognize, repeat, recite, tabulate, tell
summarize …

DOK Level 3
(strategic thinking) DOK Level 4
(extended thinking)
Focus: on reasoning and planning in order to
respond; complex and abstract thinking Focus: on complex reasoning, planning and
required; defending reasoning or conclusions thinking; make real-world application in new
Verbs: assess, cite evidence, compare,
conclude, construct, critique, develop logical Verbs: apply concepts, analyze, connect,
argument, differentiate, formulate, create, critique, synthesise, design, prove …
hypothesize, investigate, revise ….

(adapted from: 115

Bloom’s Taxonomy for Psychomotor Appendix F

7. Origination Skills are well developed and the individual can modify
Creating new movement patterns to fit a particular situation or movement patterns to fit special requirements. For examples:
specific problem. Learning outcomes emphasize creativity Ability to respond or react (physical response/ idea: Ability to
based upon highly developed skills. For example: Ability to be adapt to changes
innovative and creative in executing tasks 6. Adaptation

5. Complex Overt Response

The skillful performance of motor acts that involve
complex movement patterns. Proficiency is indicated
3. Guided Response by a quick, accurate, and highly coordinated
The early stages in learning a complex skill that performance, requiring a minimum of energy. This
includes imitation and trial and error. Adequacy of category includes performing without hesitation, and
performance is achieved by practicing. For automatic performance. For example: Ability to
examples: Ability to execute tasks (appropriate use complete task efficiently (time/ amount of resources/
of tools/ apparatus/ instrument/ steps as per high responsiveness/ less manpower/ cost/ errors)
instructions or manuals): Ability to work
4. Mechanism
independently (assistance/ supervision)
The intermediate stage in learning a complex skill. Learned responses have
1. Perception become habitual and the movements can be performed with some confidence
and proficiency. For examples: Ability to utilise safety measures (chemical or
Awareness. The ability to use sensory cues to guide
physical analysis/ safety regulations or instructions or manuals or protocols/
motor activity. This ranges from sensory stimulation,
statement of ethics): Ability to produce result / outcome (physical products/
through cue selection, to translation. physical skills/ tangible or intangible outcomes)
2. Set
Readiness to act. It includes mental, physical, and emotional sets. These three sets are
dispositions that predetermine a person's response to different situations (sometimes called
mindsets). For example: Readiness to execute tasks (early planning and strategies) (Simpson, 1972) 116
Appendix G

Dave’s Taxonomy for Practical Work Skills

Mastering a high level performance until it become second-nature or natural, without
needing to think much about it.
Coordinating and adapting a series of actions to achieve harmony and internal consistency

Refining, becoming more exact. Performing a skill within a high degree of precision

Being able to perform certain actions by memory or following instructions

Observing and patterning behavior after someone else. Performance may be of low

(Dave, 1975) 117

Appendix H
Krathwohl's Taxonomy of Affective Learning

(Krathwohl, 1964)

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