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Date Issued: January 26, 2021


(during the National Orientation on Road Clearing Validation)

For Advance Information Note: The Central Office will issue Supplemental Guidelines

of Validation ● Validation Teams for provincial governments and HUCs may be cross posted intraregional, e.g. VT from
Teams Province 1 to validate HUC 1, VT from HUC 1 to validate Province 2.
Note:Agreement during the regional orientation: Misamis Oriental to validate Cagayan de Oro City, while
Lanao del Norte for Iligan City

● Regional Offices have the flexibility to assign Validation Teams for Provincial Governments and HUCs where
there are challenges in travel, strict application of COVID-19 border protocols, etc, e.g. Validation Team from
Component City/Municipality X may validate Province X where component Municipality X is located, as long
as DILG, BFP, PNP are not from the Provincial Offices.
● The Chief of Police and the local Fire Marshal shall validate together with the C/MLGOOs. If not the Fire
Marshall, at least a permanent representative. (Regional Memorandum to be issued) - based on the
agreement during the Regional Orientation and concurred during the National Orientation.
● The CSO who shall join the Validation Team shall come from the LGU to be validated (agreed during the
national orientation).
Conduct of
Validation in ● LGUs under Partial and Full Implementation shall be validated using the guidelines stipulated in Item C.3.a to
LGUs under f of DILG Unnumbered Memorandum dated January 19, 2021. Therefore, the selection of 3 to 10 local roads
Partial and Full (PCMBs) and other provisions shall apply for LGUs under Full Implementation.
Implementation ● The details on the conduct of provincial validation to be reflected in the Supplemental Guidelines of the
Central Office.
equivalent ● LGUs to focus on the assessment. Passing rate to be determined by the Secretary.


Technical Notes (prepared by the Regional Office)

January 26, 2021

In bold text: Instructions / Agreements during the National Orientation on Road Clearing Validation

COMPONENT Data Required/ Assigned Definition / Requirements / References / Remarks

Sub-indicators/Rubrics Score
Name of Road Assessed N/A ● National roads are excluded since these are not in the
local road plan. However, conduct of road clearing in
ROAD CLEARING national roads shall be treated as Other
Province/City/Municipality/Baranga N/A
y Accomplishments of the LGUs and to be noted under the
(50 points) Remarks Column of Component 1 (Road Clearing).
Road Length (in kms) N/A ● For cities and municipalities, cities/municipal and
No. of obstructions identified N/A barangay roads will be validated, while for the
Deductions N/A provinces, cities and municipal roads only. (To be
incorporated in the CO Supplemental Guidelines).
● 3 to 10 local roads shall be validated. In the case where
Raw Score (Road Length / Total there are no Provincial/City/Municipal Roads (e.g.
Length) x (50 - Deductions) Tagoloan, Lanao del Norte), barangay roads shall be
*Please see Figure 1 in Page 7 to ● CO will enhance the Road Clearing Component table, to
determine obstructions and create sub-columns (Major Obstruction and Minor
deductions Obstruction) under the columns for number of
obstructions identified and corresponding deductions to
*Please see Figure 2 in Page 8 for avoid confusion in determining points/scores.
a sample in Computing for Scores ● Deductions (Item 3.iii, DILG MC 2020-145):
➢ 1 point for every major obstruction:
❖ improperly or illegally parked vehicles (including
those parked in violation of a local parking
scheme such as one-side parking)
❖ unauthorized vending stalls

➢ 0.5 point for every minor obstruction
❖ Structural encroachments
❖ obstructing markers
❖ Vehicular terminals except in areas designated by
the concerned LGU
❖ Vending sites for any kind of item.
❖ Housing encroachments that obstruct the RROW,
protruding gates, conduct of household activities,
and tents, except those being temporarily used
for funerals and other similar activities.
Note: Heritage houses shall not be considered
as obstructions.
❖ Store encroachments and indiscriminate signage
and advertisements
❖ Obstructing barangay outposts, halls, markers,
and directories.
❖ Conduct of sports, sports facilities, and other
related activities.
❖ Drying of rice or other crops
❖ Construction materials including sand, gravel,
cement, steel bars, logs, and the like
❖ Debris, waste materials, and other junked items
❖ Other structures, materials, or activities identified
by the LGU as obstructions through their road

➢ 0.25 point for every obstructions needing

coordination or beyond the capability of the LGU
with government agency / private company but no
MOV of coordination, such as agreement on the
timeline for the removal, to concerned
office/agency (e.g. DENR, service utility provider)
was presented:
e.g. post, trees and other structures.
● LGUs may coordinate with the DPWH in conducting road
clearing operations in national roads or any other roads
under the direct management and maintenance of the
said agency. (Item II.f, DILG MC 2020-027)
● All LGUs are not expected to conduct road clearing in
villages, subdivisions, barrios, or along roads, streets, or
alleys that are declared to be under localized ECQ or
MECQ. (Item 4. 5, DILG MC 2020-145)
● All road closures currently set up by the Barangays
without respective enabling ordinances nor approval from
concerned authorities shall be dismantled and cleared to
ensure unhampered public conveyance. Barangays under
ECQ or MECQ may put up such road closures subject to
the approval of concerned authorities.(Item 4.8, DILG MC
ORDINANCE Based on the requirements
(15 points) stipulated in DILG MC 2020-027 ● LGU to provide the Validation Team with a copy of the
Ordinance prohibits illegal 10 points ● Pursuant to DILG MC 2020-027, all LGUs are required to
obstructions come up with their own Ordinance.
Ordinance provides penalties for 3 points ● LGU to enact or review existing ordinance/s that provide
for the conduct of road clearing operations and the
Ordinance provides for awareness 2 points
prohibition of road obstructing structures and
raising mechanism
constructions, which shall provide, among others: a
*Note: point score definition of obstructions and illegal structures,
The ordinance must cover all the 3 mechanisms for raising public awareness on road clearing,
requirements for the LGU to get and a set of clear and reasonable penalties for
perfect score (15 points) violators.(Item 1, DILG MC 2020-027)

INVENTORY Inventory of road obstructions have 5 points
(5 POINTS) been completed ● LGU to submit to the Validation Team the Annex “D” -
Inventory of road obstructions are 0 point Inventory of Road with Obstructions
yet to be completed or started ● Conduct an inventory of roads within its jurisdiction,
which may be conducted in coordination with the
*Note: given score concerned DPWH DEO, and shall include road
classification, determination of road measurements, and
identification and documentation of obstructed roads and
natures of obstructions. (Item 2, DILG MC 2020-027).
● Type of Road and Definition are provided in Item II.e of
the DILG MC 2020-027.
DISPLACEMENT Removed obstructions are 5 points
(10 POINTS) relocated ● LGU to implement a displacement strategy for those
Orderly parking schemes are 3 points affected by the conduct of road clearing operations, such
implemented as removed vehicles or vendors, which may include
Affected vendors are provided 2 points designation of unused spaces for their relocation,
alternative livelihood provision of alternative livelihood for vendors, and other
similar efforts (Item 4, DILG MC 2020-027).
*Note: Point score
● No Displacement Plan template provided by CO, only the
reporting template of the LGU
● LGU to submit to the Validation Team the accomplished
Annex “E” - Report on Displacement
● Basis is LGU’s Displacement Plan. If all the requirements
are met, the LGU can get a perfect score (10 points).
REHABILITATION Cleared portions of roads are fully 10 points
(10 POINTS) restored for public use ● LGU to submit to the Validation Team the accomplished
Rehabilitation efforts for cleared 5 points Annex “F” - Report on Rehabilitation
roads or portions of roads are ● Ensure that the cleared roads are rehabilitated and
ongoing and are yet to be complied

No rehabilitation effort has been 0 point restored for public use, through efforts such as cleaning
made or initiated by the LGU and flushing, installation of street lights, erection of
appropriate signage, setting of appropriate speed limit,
and the like.(Item 5, DILG MC 2020-027)
GRIEVANCE The LGU has established an 5 points
(10 POINTS) electronic grievance mechanism ● LGU to submit to the Validation Team the accomplished
(e.g. social media, call or text Annex “G” - Report on Grievance Mechanism
hotline) ● Establish a grievance mechanism, either physical or
The LGU has established a physical 3 points electronic, through which citizens can report unremoved
grievance mechanism (e.g. obstructions, provide suggestions, and air our
helpdesk, road clearing office)
implementation concerns.(Item 6, DILG MC 2020-027)
The LGU acts on received feedback 2 points
● The Central Office considered the recommendation to
switch/change the points for the first 2 requirements.
*Note: Point score immaterial
Hence, 5 points for physical grievance mechanism and 3
points for electronic mechanism.
● Road clearing concerns directed to Displina Muna and
not to the established grievance mechanism (e.g.
electronic and physical grievance mechanism) are

TRICYCLE BAN ON No action ● LGU to submit to the Validation Team the accomplished
NATIONAL Enforcement of tricycle ban along Annex “C” - Report on Tricycle Ban along National Roads.
ROADS National Roads ● No corresponding point. Progress monitoring only.
● Not applicable for the Provinces. To be incorporated in
Creation of a Tricycle Route Plan
the CO Supplemental Guidelines.
Review of Tricycle Route Plan (TRP)
Crafting of a new Tricycle Route
Plan (TRP)

Figure 1. Determining Obstructions and Deductions

Note: Proper parking scheme should have corresponding written policy such as an Ordinance.

Figure 2. Sample in Computing for Scores

● LGU X, a component municipality:
➢ Municipal road A, 3.2 kilometers, 14 obstructions (6 major, 8 minor)
➢ Municipal road B, 1.7 kilometers, 4 obstructions (1 major, 3 minor)

➢ Barangay road C, 0.6 kilometers, 12 obstructions (9 major, 3 minor)
➢ Barangay road D, 0.5 kilometers, 3 obstructions (3 minor)
Step 1 Step 2

Step 3 Step 4




January 25, 2021 | via Zoom Teleconferencing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government


Vivian P. Suansing
OIC Director, BLGS
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Cross Posting of Validation Teams

• Cross posting of Validation Teams is necessary to ensure the impartiality of the validation process.
• As provided in the Validation Guidelines, Validation Teams for component cities and municipalities within a
province may be cross posted intraprovincially – V.T. from component municipality 1 to validate component
municipality 2, V.T. from component municipality 2 to component city 3, etc.
• Validation Teams for provincial governments and HUCs/ICCs may be cross posted intraregionally – V.T. from
province 1 to validate HUC 1, V.T. from HUC 1 to validate province 2, etc.
• Questions arose from Regions where intraregional cross-posting may be difficult (e.g. challenges in travel, strict
application of COVID border protocols, etc.) – ROs have the flexibility to assign Validation Teams for provincial
governments and HUCs/ICCs in these cases. Example: a V.T. from component municipality 1 may validate
province 1 where component municipality 1 is located, so long as DILG, BFP, PNP are not from provincial offices.
• Regardless of cross-posting scheme employed, ROs must ensure the members of V.T’s are listed in the directory
(Annex “A” of the Guidelines).
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Forms to be Used
• The Guidelines attach EIGHT annexes:

• Annex “A” – directory of V.T’s (for accomplishment and submission of DILG Regional Offices)
• Annex “B-1” and “B-2” – Validation Form (for use and accomplishment of V.T’s, submitted to ROs for
consolidation together with submitted reports and MOVs)
• Annexes “C” to “G” – Report templates for adoption of local government units (Note: Annexes “D” to “G” not
required for LGUs under partial implementation).
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Partial vs. Full vs. Suspended

• Note that MC 2020-145 provides a distinction between partial, full, and suspended implementation depending
on the local government unit’s community quarantine classification:

• PARTIAL – for local government units under General Community Quarantine (GCQ)
• FULL – for local government units under Modified GCQ or lower
• SUSPENDED – for local government units under MECQ or higher

• The distinction lies in the components of Road Clearing required of the LGUs:

• PARTIAL – Road Clearing component only

• FULL – All components of the directive incl. Ordinance, Inventory, Rehabilitation, etc.
• SUSPENDED – None required until proclamation is lifted.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Partial vs. Full vs. Suspended

• This also contemplates a difference in the Validation Form to be used by the V.T.:

• PARTIAL – Annex “B-1”

• FULL – Annex “B-2”
• SUSPENDED – No validation until such proclamation is lifted.

• Similarly, validation is also suspended for LGUs under a State of Calamity at the start of the Validation Period
(February 16, 2021).

• Note that the Tricycle Ban on National Roads is required for all LGUs, regardless whether they are partial or full in
Road Clearing.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Partial vs. Full vs. Suspended

• Questions arise regarding LGUs that changed their classification from MECQ to GCQ or vice versa. The key date
here is November 16, 2020 (the effectivity date for MC 2020-145). The following rule applies:

• If an LGU was under GCQ for 14 days or more since November 16, 2020, it will be validated as under PARTIAL

• Hence, an LGU under MGCQ at the time of the validation may still be validated for PARTIAL, if said LGU was
under GCQ for 14 days or more since November 16, 2020
• Conversely, an LGU under GCQ at the time of the validation may still be validated for FULL, if said LGU was under
GCQ for less than 14 days since November 16, 2020.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Reports from LGUs

• Annexes “C” to “G” are report templates for the adoption of local government units. They are not for V.T’s to
accomplish. LGUs shall attach means of verification (MOVs) such as photographs, videos, documents to support
their claims in the report.
• Annex “C” is a template for report on Tricycle Ban and is hence required for all LGUs, whether partial or full.
Annexes “D” to “G” are templates for reports on components of Road Clearing, and is hence required only for
LGUs under full implementation. These reports & MOVs are to be submitted to the V.T. within the validation
period (February 16 to March 2, 2021). Electronic submission must be encouraged.
• A copy of the LGU’s Road Clearing ordinance is also required for submission to the V.T.
• Assessment of these documents will be done by the V.T. thru the Annex “B-1” or “B-2”.

• Local government units are included in our Validation Guidelines so they are expected to know about the reports
and MOVs they have to submit to their V.T. Our policy is no report, no action, so no score for that particular
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

COVID-19 Health Protocols

• Interzonal movement of authorized persons outside of residence (APORs) are automatically allowed per IATF
• Wearing of masks, use of face shields, and social distancing shall be observed in all face-to-face activities during
the validation process (meetings, interfacing, assessment of local roads).
• Reports, documents and MOVs from LGUs must be encouraged to be submitted electronically. This is to minimize
the V.T’s stay/exposure in their LGU of assignment.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government


Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Annex “B-1” and “B-2”

• The validation of the Road Clearing component will be done through assessing local roads. Note that this is
required for all LGUs, whether partial or full.
• The following table appears in Annex “B-1” and “B-2”:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Determining Obstructions and

• The Validation Guidelines provide for the following classification of obstructions:

• MAJOR OBSTRUCTIONS (1 point deduction) – improperly parked vehicles (including those parked in violation of a
local parking scheme such as one-side parking) & unauthorized vending stalls
• MINOR OBSTRUCTIONS (0.5 deduction) – structural encroachments, obstructing markers, and other obstructions
listed under MC 2020-027 not otherwise classified as major obstructions
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Determining Obstructions and

Car 1 Car 1 Car 1

Car 2
Car 2 Car 2
Car 3
S.E. 1
Car 3
Car 4

Barangay road; 2 illegally parked vehicles 1 illegally parked vehicle

Proper parking scheme 2 major obstructions 1 structural encroachment
0 major obstructions 2 point deduction 1 major, 1 minor = 2 obstructions
1.5 deduction
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Computing for Scores

• For each local road assessed, a raw score shall be computed through the following formula

𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑

x 50 − 𝑑𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑠 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑

• The LGU’s score for the entire component will be the sum of all raw scores for all local roads assessed.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Practice Validation
• LGU X, a component municipality

• Municipal road A, 3.2 kilometers, 14 obstructions (6 major, 8 minor)

• Municipal road B, 1.7 kilometers, 4 obstructions (1 major, 3 minor)
• Barangay road C, 0.6 kilometers, 12 obstructions (9 major, 3 minor)
• Barangay road D, 0.5 kilometers, 3 obstructions (3 minor).
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Practice Validation
First, determine the deductions

Mun. Road A. – 14 obstructions (6 major, 8 minor) =

Road A M 3.2 14 10 point deduction
Road B M 1.7 4
Road C B 0.6 12
Road D 0.5 3 Mun. Road B – 4 obstructions (1 major, 3 minor) =
2.5 point deduction

Brgy. Road C – 12 obstructions (9 major, 3 minor) =

10.5 deduction

Brgy. Road D – 3 obstructions (3 minor) = 1.5 point

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Practice Validation
Next, determine the total length of all roads

Road A M 3.2 14 10 3.2 + 1.7 + 0.6 + 0.5 = 6 kms total

Road B M 1.7 4 2.5
Road C B 0.6 12 10.5
Road D 0.5 3 1.5 Then, compute for raw scores of each road
(3.2 / 6) x (50 – 10) = 21.33333
(1.7 / 6) x (50 – 2.5) = 13.458333
(0.6 / 6) x (50 – 10.5) = 3.95
(0.5 / 6) x (50 – 1.5) = 4.0416667
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Practice Validation
Finally, determine the LGU’s score by adding all the
raw scores

Road A M 3.2 14 10 21.3333 21.3333 + 13. 458333 + 3.95 + 4.041667 = 42.7833

Road B M 1.7 4 2.5 13.45833
Road C B 0.6 12 10.5 3.95
Road D 0.5 3 1.5 4.041667 Do not forget to also input other totals.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Practice Validation

This is how the table should look.

Road A M 3.2 14 10 21.3333
Road B M 1.7 4 2.5 13.45833
Road C B 0.6 12 10.5 3.95
Road D B 0.5 3 1.5 4.041667

6 32 24.5

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government


Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Regional Consolidation Forms

• All Regional Offices will be given a spreadsheet file which they can use to input the scores provided by the V.T’s.
• Accomplished copies of these forms are to be submitted together with copies of Validation Forms and

• Demonstration
Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government


Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government

Reminder of Deadlines
• February 2, 2021 – Designation of Regional FPs
• February 9, 2021 – Directory of VTs
• February 16 to March 2, 2021 – Validation Period
• March 9, 2021 – Consolidation Spreadsheets, Copies of Validation Forms, Copies of reports from LGUs + MOV

• Kindly standby for a technical manual/guide for VTs to be provided by BLGS.

• Copies of the Regional Consolidation Spreadsheets will be provided to you by tomorrow.

For concerns, kindly email or

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