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Final Documentation

MCS Final Year Project

Online Jewelry Shopping System

Supervisor: Miss Bariera Sarwar

Department Of Computer Science

The Islamia University Of Bahawalpur

Tooba Rehman
Class: Mcs 4th
Roll No. SP19M2MA037

Version: (1.0) Date: (10/02/2021)

Final Year Project Online Jewelry Shopping system

Revision History
Date Description Author Comments

<02/09/21> Null Tooba Rahman <First version>

Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the following:
Signature Printed Name Title Date
MS. Bariera Sarwar Supervisor, <02/09/21>
CSIT 21306
Ms. Quratulain Reviewer, DAI
Ms. Sana Gul Reviewer, DCS

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Final Year Project Online Jewelry Shopping system


CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Admin ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ 2
Table1. Terminologies, Abbreviations and Definition....................................................................... 2
1.4 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.6 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE ............................................................................................................... 3
1.6.1 System Interfaces .................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.2 Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.6.3 Hardware Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 3
1.6.4 Software Interfaces .................................................................................................................. 4
1.6.5 Communications Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 4
1.6.6 Memory Constraints ................................................................................................................ 4
1.6.7 Operations ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................. 4
1.8 USER CHARACTERISTICS .............................................................................................................. 5
1.9 CONSTRAINTS .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.10 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES ............................................................................................. 5
1.11 APPORTIONING OF REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 5
1.12 CLASS DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 8
Admin Aspect ..................................................................................................................................... 8
User Aspect ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Contact Us .......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 EXTERNAL INTERFACES ............................................................................................................... 8
2.3 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Homepage................................................................................................................................ 9
2.3.2 Admin Login ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 Contact Us ............................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.4 Logout ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.5 Select Category ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.6 See Details ............................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.7 Buy Product ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.8 USE CASES ................................................................................................................................. 11
SYSTEM USE CASE ................................................................................................................................ 11
Fig 1.................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 15
2.5 LOGICAL DATABASE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 15
2.6 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................................... 15

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2.6.1 Standards Compliance ........................................................................................................... 15

2.7 NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 15
2.7.1 Reliability .............................................................................................................................. 16
2.7.2 Availability ............................................................................................................................ 16
2.7.3 Security.................................................................................................................................. 16
2.7.4 Maintainability ...................................................................................................................... 16
2.7.5 Portability .............................................................................................................................. 16
2.8 ORGANIZING THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS............................................................................... 17
2.8.1 System Mode ......................................................................................................................... 17
2.8.2 User Class .............................................................................................................................. 17
Order Class ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Product Class .................................................................................................................................... 17
Feedback Class ................................................................................................................................. 18
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 18
2.8.3 Objects ................................................................................................................................... 18
Attributes .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Functions .......................................................................................................................................... 18
2.8.4 Feature ................................................................................................................................... 18
2.8.5 Stimulus................................................................................................................................. 19
2.8.6 Response................................................................................................................................ 19
2.8.7 Functional Hierarchy ............................................................................................................. 19
2.9 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ........................................................................................................... 19
2.10 ER-DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................. 20
3.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN........................................................................................................... 21
3.2 DECOMPOSITION DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 21
Fig 3.1 Architectural Design ............................................................................................................ 21
LEVEL 1 DFD ....................................................................................................................................... 22
LEVEL 2 DFD ...................................................................................................................................... 23
3.3 DESIGN RATIONALE ................................................................................................................... 23
3.4 DATA DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 23
User/Customer .................................................................................................................................. 23
Admin ............................................................................................................................................... 23
DATA BASE TABLES ............................................................................................................................. 24
3.5 DATA DICTIONARY .................................................................................................................... 25
3.5.1 Admin .................................................................................................................................... 25
3.5.2 Category ................................................................................................................................ 26
3.5.3 Product .................................................................................................................................. 26
3.6 COMPONENT DESIGN ................................................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER 4 IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING ....................................................................... 27
4.1.1 Shop Products Module .......................................................................................................... 27
4.1.2 Product Description Module ................................................................................................. 27
4.1.3 Shopping Cart Module .......................................................................................................... 27
4.2 DATABASE CONNECTIVITY ........................................................................................................ 27
4.3 OVERVIEW OF USER INTERFACE ................................................................................................ 28
4.4 SCREEN IMAGES ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.4.1 Homepage.............................................................................................................................. 28

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4.5 SCREEN OBJECTS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................ 31

4.6 TEST CASES ............................................................................................................................... 32
4.6.1 Test Case For Homepage Test Case :01 ................................................................................ 32
Test Case :02 .................................................................................................................................... 32
Test Case :03 .................................................................................................................................... 32
Test Case :02 .................................................................................................................................... 33
Test Case :03 .................................................................................................................................... 33
Test Case :02 .................................................................................................................................... 34
Test Case:03 ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Test Case :02 .................................................................................................................................... 35
Test Case :03 .................................................................................................................................... 35
Test Case :02 .................................................................................................................................... 36
Test Case :03 .................................................................................................................................... 36
Test Case :02 .................................................................................................................................... 37
Test Case :03 .................................................................................................................................... 37
Test Case :02 .................................................................................................................................... 38
Test Case :03 .................................................................................................................................... 38

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Chapter 1
The online jewelry has emerged as one of the fastest growing industries in Asia. This industry has been
majorly driven by factors such as growing base of internet users, rising awareness among the users and
lucrative prices of online jewelry. It has been observed that now majority of the Asian population is quite
familiar with the internet and its widespread uses. Due to the convenience provided by online jewelry,
customers can compare the jewelry offered by different companies easily!

1.1 Purpose
In today’s busy world, people don’t have time for their personal needs. And the technology fast that anyone
can do by sitting in a room. If someone buys new things, he can buy online with the help of Internet.
The application is implemented in PHP and consists of two main components:
 Admin
 Customer
Admin site consists of the features such as Login Username & Password, Input Items, Modify Items, Delete
items, Query Sale Data, Query Database’s data, and Logout.
Customer site consists of the features such as Select Products, Search Products, Buy Items, Continue
jewelry shopping, View Cart, Checkout, Sign-in, Creating an Account, Bill/Ship Information, Confirm,
Send Order, and Delete Order. There are also the future works for this application .There are mainly three
such objectives which are as follows:
• To shop in the comfort of your home, without having to step out of the door.
• To be able to easily save money and compare prices from website to website.

1.2 Scope
The scope of this jewelry shopping system is to provide user comfortable environment of Purchasing and
selling products and services over the internet without the need of going physically to the market is what online
jewelry shopping all about. Online jewelry shopping is just like a retail store jewelry shopping that we do by
going to the market, but it is done through the internet. Online jewelry shopping has made jewelry shopping
painless and added more fun.
Online stores offer product description, pictures, comparisons, price and much more.Online jewelry shopping
can be either B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to consumer)
Jewelry shopping cart is one of the important facility provided in online jewelry shopping, this lets customer to
browse different goods and services and once they select an item to purchase they can place the item in
jewelry shopping cart, and continue browsing till the final selection have in the database. Limited access is
available to the operator. As this is generic software it can be used by a wide variety of outlets (Retailers and
Wholesalers) to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining
the stock and cash flow.

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1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

This section is about to using various notations here. Table1 define the terms that use in this documentation.
Table1. Terminologies, Abbreviations and Definition

Acronyms/terms Abbreviations Definitions

CSS Cascading style Cascading style sheet is a style sheet language
Sheets used for describing the presentation of a
document written in markup language like
PHP Hypertext preprocessor Php is an HTML embedded web scripting
SRS Software Requirement Srs is a description of our project.

User Website User A person who have ability to perform all

those operation that the software actual
Admin Website Admin A person who can monitor all the products
and can order to make changes.

1.4 References
1. W3School HTML/CSS Tutorials, References and Examples @ (W3School is not
related to W3C).
2. WHATWG (Web Hyper Text Application Working Group) HTML(5) Specification
3. HTML 4.01 Specification W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999 (@
4. XHTML 1.0 Specification W3C Recommended Revised 1 August 2002 (@
This information can be provided by reference to an appendix or to another document. If your application
uses specific protocols or RFC’s, then reference them here so designers know where to find them.

1.5 Overview
The remaining sections of this document provide a general description, including characteristics of the users of this
project, the product's hardware, and the functional and data requirements of the product. General description of the
project is discussed in chapter 2 of this document.Chapter 3 gives the functional requirements, data requirements
and constraints and assumptions made while designing the Online Store. It also gives the user viewpoint of product.
Chapter 3 also gives the specific requirements of the product.Chapter 3 also discusses the external interface
requirements and gives detailed description of functional requirements. Chapter4 is for supporting information.

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1.6 Product Perspective

This product is aimed towards a person who don’t want to visit the shop as he might don’t get time for that
or might not interested in visiting there and dealing with lot of formalities.
The following subsections describe how the software operates inside various constraints.
1.6.1 System Interfaces
The first page of the system is Home page that provide the facility to choose jewellery category then Admin
login their specific id and password to login the system. User required to perform particular action. System
interface is friendly user can easily the interface one is login button and second is about us and third
is conatctus which is for sending messages and then see all Otherthen by clicking on the buy product option
you can buy desired product.
1.6.2 Interfaces
Each part of the user interface intends to be as user friendly as possible. The fonts and buttons used will be
intended to be very fast and easy to load on web pages. The pages will be kept light in space so that it won’t
take a long time for the page to load. The user interface for the software shall be compatible to any browser
such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla or
Netscape Navigator by which user can access to the system Here I describe how the user interacts with the
First of all click on the application icon ---> after that user enters to the system Home page will appear
where he/she perform various operations like
 Select Category
 Admin login
 Contactus
 About us
 Buy Product
 User Side
1.6.3 Hardware Interfaces
 Machine: 32bit OR 64bits.
 CPU: at least ability to run latest operating system.
 RAM: 512MB OR 1GB .
 Disk: 1GB
 Processor: Pentium I or above.
 Compatible: MOUSE and KEYBOARD.
Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for proper and complete viewing of screen. Higher resolution will
be accepted.
So the hardware requirements for the use of this system are:
Minimum processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHZ must be requiring. Minimum 4 GB RAM must
be required.
Hardware requirement for Insurance on internet will be same for both parties.

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1.6.4 Software Interfaces

 WAMP Server
 My SQL 5.6
No external software is requiring for accessing this application. The window operating system
e.g. window 7, window8, window10 are requiring for this application. An online database can be
used for storing the all data.
Operating System: Linux, Windows etc.
Development Tools: Frontend HTML, CSS JavaScript, Bootstrap.
Backend php.
Database: MYSQL.
1.6.5 Communications Interfaces
The communication means the user communicates with the system for perform some task.When the user
open the browser its actually communicates with crime site and online registerd complaint. The two parties
should be connected either by LAN or WAN for the communication
Communication channel
sender reciver

1.6.6 Memory Constraints

 RAM: 512MB OR More.
 Disk: 1GB
1.6.7 Operations
Specify the normal and special operations required by the admin such as:
Admin Required to login to admin panel to make changes in entire stock and user allowed to perform
limited Actions and to buy their desired product only user can also send messages and complaints and can
visit about us page to know more about us
And he or she can select products from different categories

1.7 Product Functions

All use cases are explained below:
Search Product: Users need to search their desied product to buy that product.
Check Details : If a user want to check details of the product then he or she can click on the check details
button to know more about product.
Admin Login : Login As Admin to make changes
Admin Logout: logout admin page to avoid unauthorized access.

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1.7.1 Use case diagram for product functions

1.8 User Characteristics

 Users can view and buy products.
 Users can also give feedback and reviews and also can contact through mail.
 Users can also request through message to bring their desired product to the store .
1.9 Constraints
 User interface must be in English.
 User Id and password require accessing this system.
 Admin need to login to use this system.
 After login admin can view all detail and modify it.
 Authorized officer from the admin perform specific operation according to permission.

1.10 Assumptions and Dependencies

One Assumption about the product is that application must run on a computer like desktop or laptop
computer. Computer has enough performance to run that application. Computer system has enough
hardware resources to install that particular application. Application is connected to SQL server to save the
data in database.

1.11 Apportioning of Requirements

This application should be update due to new secure algrothims or new version of the app adding
the new realiable functionality.
 In future,system will provide mail facility to users.users can send mail to us.
 In future ,system will provide online live chat application.

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1.12 Class Diagram

Class diagram 1.12

1.13 Sequence Diagram

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3.14 Activity Diagram

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Chapter 2
Software Requirements Specification

2.1 Specific Requirements

In Online Jewelry Shopping System specific requirement are user interact with the website to perform the
functions of the system.
The system should satisfy the following requirements:
Admin Aspect
 Login Admin
 Editing/creating/updating the Products
 Changing the passwords
User Aspect
 Select Category
 Find Desired Product
 Perform all specific operations
 Adding the Product to Cart
 Buy his required Products
Contact Us
 User Input His/her Information
 User Must Write His/Her Message
 User perform some specific operation
 User Click on submit button

2.2 External Interfaces

It contain both content and format as follow:
 Input admin information for login for authentication.
 Input in text field and output in text view
 Login activity
 GUI screen
 Main menu

2.3 Functional Requirements

Sr No Functional Description

1 Home Page This function will allow the user to visit our entire online store

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2 Login This function will allow the Admin to login through Username
and Password to access the website and to make changes. The
Administrator login and perform all operation in the database.
3 Select category The User Should Select their desired jewelry category to buy
required product.
4 Find Product The user find required product to buy that one

5 See Details Click on see details to check product complete details

6 Buy Product Click on buy product to buy selected products

7 Log Out If Administrator and want to close the system then select the
logout Button

2.3.1 Homepage

Description: This function will allow the User visit website and to buy his/her
desired products

Input: The User should visit website and check product and details briefly
before moving to next step

Processing: User should wait if server is down

Output: Products should be displayed completely to user

Error Handling: If .

2.3.2 Admin Login

Description: This function will allow the Admin to login to account on Online
Jewellry Shopping system.
Input: The Admin should be able Login the website. The Admin must provide
Registered Username And Password

Processing: Account Login using provided inputs.

Output: Account will be using can sign in now.

Error Handling: If the Username and Password is not provided proper manner its
gives Error.

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2.3.3 Contact Us

Description: This function will allow the User to Contact to admin to send different
Input: The User should write message To send their desired message to
admin team.
Processing: User should wait for response to his message

Output: If Message sent successfully Show Message sent

Error Handling: If message is not sent its gives Error.

2.3.4 Logout

Description: This function will allow the Admin to logout to account on Online
Jewellry Shopping system.
Input: The Admin should be able Logout the website. If session is destroyed
Processing: Account Logout using provided inputs.

Output: Account will be using can sign out now.

Error Handling: If the Session is not destroyed it gives Error.

2.3.5 Select Category

Description: This function will allow the User to Select the category of jewelry from list

Input: The User should click on required category of jewelry

Processing: User should wait for response to his action

Output: If Request sent successfully then move to next page

Error Handling: If next page is not available it gives Error.

2.3.6 See Details

Description: This function will allow the User to Know more about selected product

Input: The User should click on see details button to check product details

Processing: User should wait for response to click

Output: If Submit request done then show detaials

Error Handling: If Details page not available show error

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2.3.7 Buy Product

Description: This function will allow the User to buy product

Input: The User should write message To send their desired message to
admin team.
Processing: User should wait for response to his message

Output: If Message sent successfully Show Message sent

Error Handling: If message is not sent its gives Error.

2.3.8 Use Cases

This section contains use cases of the Online Jewelry Shopping system.
In this section all activities that are performing by admin and user describe in detail.
A use case is started by an actor. After its starting, a use case may interact with other actors, as well. A use
case represents a complete flow of events. The system in the sense that it describes a series of connected
interactions that result from its initiation.

System Use Case

Fig 1

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Home Page

Fig 2

Admin Login Use Case

Fig 3

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Select Category

Fig 4
Contact Us Use Case

Fig 5

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Product Details

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Logout Use Case


Session Destroyed


Fig 6
2.4 Performance Requirements
The system shall accommodate high number of items and users without any fault.
Responses to view information shall take no longer than 5 seconds to appear on the screen.

2.5 Logical Database Requirements

This section specifies the logical requirments for any information that is to be placed into a database.
This may include:
The System must store all the user account information as well as the complaints Records. All the data
should be stored in files. For any account ,the login ID, name, password, age, email, address should be
stored in one file. The email address give the option to receive any further Information.
Any Attribute should be delimated by a semicolon, and all the entries should be sorted Alphabetically
by the login ID, Further more.

2.6 Design Constraints

As certain by the user , security is not for this system. The database may store passwords in patent text and
there does not need to be a password recovery feature nor lockout after numerous invalid Login attempts.
As such , the system may not work accurately in cases when security is a care. A strong password that the
password contains a acceptable number of characters and contains not only Lowercase letters but also
capital, number , and in some cases, symbols.
2.6.1 Standards Compliance
 This Website is free available for user
 No standerd charges apply usage of website.
 User place the order and also view its records.
2.7 Non Functional Requirements
Nonfunctional requirements describe aspects of the system that are not directly related to the
functional behavior of the system . By following the requirements we can achieve the goal of our

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2.7.1 Reliability
The system is reliable as all the cutomers can easily access it even if they have lower internet connection .Thus the
overall stability of the system depends on the stability of container and its underlying operating system.
2.7.2 Availability
The system will be available at all times, meaning the user can access it using a web browser, only restricted
by the down time of the server on which the system runs. In case of a hardware failure or database
corruption, a replacement page will be shown. Also in case of a hardware failure or database corruption,
backups of the database should be retrieved from the server and saved by the administrator. Then the
service will be restarted. It means 24 X 7 availability.
2.7.3 Security
 The system use SSL (secured socket layer) in all transactions that include any confidential customer
 The system must automatically log out all customers after a period of inactivity.
 The system should not leave any cookies on the customer’s computer containing the user’s password.
 The system’s back-end servers shall only be accessible to authenticated administrators.
 Sensitive data will be encrypted before being sent over insecure connections like the internet.
2.7.4 Maintainability
A commercial database is used for maintaining the database and the application server takes care of the site.
In case of a failure, a re-initialization of the program will be done. Also the software design is being done
with modularity in mind so that maintainability can be done efficiently.
2.7.5 Portability
The application is HTML and scripting language based. So The end-user part is fully portable and any system using
any web browser should be able to use the features of the system, including any hardware platform that is available
or will be available in the future.
An end-user is use this system on any OS; either it is Windows or Linux.
The system shall run on PC, Laptops, and PDA etc.

ID Characteristic H/M/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Correctness *
2 Efficiency *
3 Flexibility *
4 Integrity/Security *
5 Interoperability *
6 Maintainability *
7 Portability *
8 Reliability *
9 Reusability *

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10 Testability *
11 Usability *
12 Availability *

2.8 Organizing the Specific Requirements

For anything but trivial systems the detailed requirements tend to be extensive. For this reason, it is
recommended that careful consideration be given to organizing these in a manner optimal for
understanding. There is no one optimal organization for all systems. Different classes of systems lend
themselves to different organizations of requirements. Some of these organizations are described in the
following subclasses.
2.8.1 System Mode
Some systems behave quite differently depending on the mode of operation. When organizing by mode there are
two possible outlines. The choice depends on whether interfaces and performance are dependent on mode.
2.8.2 User Class
User Class
UID: this is the unique identifier of each user
Name: the name of the user
Password: the password of the user
Email: the email id of the user
Picture: the picture uploaded by the user

Order Class
Order ID: the order ID associated with that particular order
User ID: the ID of the user who placed the order
Payment method: the mode of payment
Address: the shipping address of the user
Product_Id: the ID of the product that was ordered

Quantity: the number of items that were ordered

Amount: the cost of the order
Date: the date the order was placed
Status: the current status of the order, whether the order was shipped or still in the processing stage

Product Class
Attribute: the description of the product
Product ID: the unique ID of the product
Name: the name of the product
Price: the price of the product

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Model: the model number of the product

Image: a picture of the product

Feedback Class
Comment ID: the ID of the comment published
Product ID: the ID of the product on which the comment was made
Customer ID: the ID of the customer who made the comment
Timestamp: the time when the comment was made
Data: the string that was posted as a comment

Weight: the weight of the product
Length: the length of the product
Width: the width of the product
Height: the height of the product
Shippable: whether the product is shippable or not
2.8.3 Objects
Objects refers to the strategies that are used to market a product or service online, marketing strategies that include
search engine optimization and search engine submission, copywriting that encourages site visitors to take action,
web site design strategies, online promotions, reciprocal linking, and email marketing.
 Full Name.
 Email.
 Password.
 Mobile Number.
 Create Account.
 Login.
 Menu.
 Menu List.
 Select Category
 Show details .
 Update Website.
 Logout
2.8.4 Feature
The major features the product contains or the significant functions that it performs or lets the user perform. Details
will be provided in Section 3, so only a high level summary is needed here. Organize the functions to make them

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understandable to any reader of the SRS. A picture of the major groups of related requirements and how they relate,
such as a top level data flow diagram or a class diagram, is often effective..
2.8.5 Stimulus
A “blackbox” description of software requirements describes the behaviour of the system in terms of its
external stimuli (inputs) and external responses (outputs). In general, every requirement is specified in terms
of a relationship between an externally generated stimulus and an externally visible response. The
advantages of using a “blackbox” approach for describing requirements include minimizing the potential for
including internal design details in the specification and maximizing the suitability of the specification in
testing the system’s software. Discouraging the inclusion of design details in the specification decreases the
likelihood of overly constraining the design and makes the specification simpler to maintain as the design
details may change as the project develops. Minimizing the software’s internal processing descriptions
simplifies the development of “blackbox” test cases as the test engineers do not have to derive the
requirements based test cases from descriptions of internal processing.
2.8.6 Response
The SRS technique is based on describing externally visible stimuli and responses. The requirements are
typically described in terms of a direct relationship between a group of externally generated stimuli and a
group of externally visible responses. Because of the “blackbox” approach, a specification written in the
SSR technique is well suited for use as a working document by the system integration test group.
2.8.7 Functional Hierarchy

2.8.1 Functional Hierarchy

2.9 Additional Comments

While developing the system a conscious effort has been made to create and develop a software package, making use
of available tools, techniques and resources – that would generate a proper System While making the system, an eye

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has been kept on making it as user-friendly, as cost-effective and as flexible as possible. As such one may hope that
the system will be acceptable to any user and will adequately meet his/her needs. As in case of any system
development processes where there are a number of shortcomings, there have been some shortcomings in the
development of this system also. The project is still under modification

2.10 ER-diagram

fname Lname

Product Order
Parcel Sent
Detail Booked

contact Pro id
no Product Order

User Product Admin

Addres date
available Out of
stock time

Male Female

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Final Year Project Online Jewelry Shopping system

Chapter 3
System Design and Architecture

3.1 Architectural Design

The architectural design of the system includes the overall modules of the system. Each module has done its work
properly and provides functionality to the other module to work. All the modules work together either its front end or
back end.

Fig 3.1 Architectural Design

3.2 Decomposition Description
This section describes the decomposition of the system design in three different ways.
 Firstly, the design is decomposed by grouping data and functions into cohesive modules.The module
decomposition identifies each of the modules and briefly outlines their purpose, type, functions, and list of
sub modules constituting this module.
 Next, we look at the design from the point of view of concurrent processes/threads that run. We identify
each thread of execution in the program design and outlines the details of the processes just as for the
modules in the previous section.
 Finally, we identify the data entities in the design and briefly describe their purpose.

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DFD of System Level 0

It is a context level In DFD that describe the flow the system and main system

Level 1 DFD

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Level 2 DFD

3.3 Design Rationale

Besides structural and behavioural properties, rationale plays a crucial role in defining the architecture of a
software system. However, unlike other architectural features, rationale often remains unspecified and
inaccessible to tools. Existing approaches for recording rationale are not widely adopted. This paper
proposes a simple model for capturing rationales as part of an architecture specification and attaching them
to elements in the architecture.
3.4 Data Description
MYSQL database connects with Online Jewellery Shopping system.
The Database of Online Jewellery Shopping system will store the information about following entities:
• User Id
• Name
• Email
• Address
• Mobile number
• Username
• Password
• Cart number
• Admin Id
• Name
• Address
• Email
• Mobile number
• Username
• Password Category

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Final Year Project Online Jewelry Shopping system

• Category Id
• Name Product
• Product Id
• Name
• Price
• Image
• Status
Data Base Tables

Item Details

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3.5 Data Dictionary

3.5.1 Admin Admin id Integer 4 digits 0000-9999 Admin name VARCHAR/Text 25 characters 0-25 characters Admin address VARCHAR/Text 25 characters 0-25 characters Admin Email VARCHAR/Text 25 characters 0-25 characters Admin telephone number

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Final Year Project Online Jewelry Shopping system Integer 11 digits 00000000000-99999999999

3.5.2 Category Category id Integer digits 0000-9999 Category name VARCHAR/Text 25 characters 0-25 characters

3.5.3 Product Product id Integer 4 digits 0000-9999 Product name VARCHAR/Text 25 characters 0-25 characters

3.6 Component Design

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Chapter 4
Implementation and Testing
4.1 Code Modules
Following are all the modules designed for the Online Shopping System.
4.1.1 Shop Products Module
This module starts when the user visits the home page or when a user searches for a product by entering a search
term. This part of the application includes displaying all the products that are available or the products that match the
search term entered by the user. The user can then filter these products based on various parameters like
manufacturer, product type, operating system supported or a price range. The user browse through the products and
each product would be displayed with an image and its features like operating system supported, number of user
licenses and if it is a full version or an upgrade version. A user can add a product to the cart either by dragging the
product and dropping it in the cart or by clicking a button. The user would be able to see the shopping cart summary.
4.1.2 Product Description Module
This module starts when a user visits the product description page. A user can view various images of the product of
different sizes. The use can see an enlarged image in a popup window. The user can view the complete specification
of the product like its features, operating system supported, system requirements etc. A user can also view the
manufacturer information and also information about rebates, exchange policies etc. A user can also view the
reviews of the product. A user can also write a review for the product.
4.1.3 Shopping Cart Module
This module starts when the user views the shopping cart. All the products that have been added to the shopping cart
by the user are listed along with their price and the quantity. The total price of all the products added to cart is
displayed. A user can edit the quantity of each product or remove the product from the shopping cart. A user can
remove the product from the cart by clicking a button or by dragging the product and dropping it outside the cart.
The total price changes accordingly when a user edits the quantity of a product or when a product is removed from
the cart.

4.2 Database Connectivity

$servername = "";
$username = "3188822_toobarahman";
$password = "Toobarahman@144";
$dbname = "3188822_toobarahman";
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($conn) {
// code...
// echo "done";

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Final Year Project Online Jewelry Shopping system

4.3 Overview of User Interface

 First of all user open website
 Then Select category
 Select the Item
 Click on add to cart
 Buy selected products
4.4 Screen Images
In this section we add the screen shots of online crime reporting system.
Online Jewellery Shopping system
4.4.1 Homepage

4.4.2 Products

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4.4.3 Contactus Page

4.4.5 Admin Login

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4.4.7 About us

4.4.8 Footer

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4.4.9 Send Us Mail

4.4.10 Insert Item

4.5 Screen Objects and Actions

The system have login form with text boxes and a login button the user will click on login button
and it will display the main menu if the login information is correct.
The main menu consist of different objects such as Button
 Setting button use to reset the application setting as a default application setting
 Update button update the version of the applicaation
 Login button use to login the user

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 Logout button use to logout the user

4.6 Test Cases
4.6.1 Test Case For Homepage
Test Case :01
Page Name Homepage
TC ID 01
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose For checking that all controls and buttons are
working properly
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result All the sections will display properly
Result Pass
Test Case :02
Page Name Homepage
TC ID 02
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose For checking that all controls and buttons
are working properly
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result All the sections will display properly
Result Error in footer section
Test Case :03
Page Name Homepage
TC ID 03
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose For checking that all controls and buttons
are working properly
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No

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Final Year Project Online Jewelry Shopping system

Expected Result All the sections will display properly

Result Categories page not displaying

4.6.2 Test Case For About Page

Test Case :01
Page Name About page
TC ID 01
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Result is all about us
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result All data about us is accurate
Result Pass
Test Case :02
Page Name About page
TC ID 02
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Result is all about us
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result All data about us is accurate
Result Email address is not proper
Test Case :03
Page Name About page
TC ID 03
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Result is all about us
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result All data about us is accurate
Result Error in stores location

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Final Year Project Online Jewelry Shopping system

4.6.3 Test Case For footer Page

Test Case :01
Page Name Footer page
TC ID 01
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose footer page is working properly
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Working properly
Result Pass
Test Case :02
Page Name Footer page
TC ID 02
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Footer page is working properly
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Working properly
Result Message sending error
Test Case:03
Page Name Footer Page
TC ID 03
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Footer page is working properly
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Working properly
Result Message box error

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4.6.4 Test Case For Contact us Page

Test Case :01
Page Name Contact Us

TC ID 01
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Contact page is working properly
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Messages are receiving properly
Result Pass
Test Case :02
Page Name Contact us page
TC ID 02
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Contact page is working properly
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Messages are receiving properly
Result Message sending error
Test Case :03
Page Name Contact us Page
TC ID 03
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose All Inputs are able to get data
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Messages are receiving properly
Result Message box error

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4.6.5 Test Case For Login Page

Test Case :01
Page Name Login
TC ID 01
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Authorised people are accessing it
Environment Visual studio 2008

Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Getting correct username and password
Result Pass
Test Case :02
Page Name Login
TC I 02
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Authorised people are accessing it
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Login Succesful
Result Error in username
Test Case :03
Page Name Login
TC ID 03
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Authorised people are accessing it
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Login Succcessful
Result Not moving to next page
4.6.6 Test Case For Logout page
Test Case :01
Page Name Logout
TC ID 01
Tested By Tooba Rehman

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Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System

Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Logout from website
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Session completely destroyed
Result Pass

Test Case :02

Page Name Logout
TC ID 02
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Logout from website
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Session completely destroyed
Result Error in line 12
Test Case :03
Page Name Logout
TC ID 03
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Logout from website
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Session completely destroyed
Result Not Logging out

4.7 Test Case For Product

Details page
Test Case :01
Page Name Product Details Page
TC ID 01
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Check that all product details are proper

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Environment Visual studio 2008

Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Details of product are accurate
Result Pass

Test Case :02

Page Name Product Details Page
TC ID 02
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Check that all product details are proper
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Details of product are accurate
Result Error in line 10
Test Case :03
Page Name Product Details Page
TC ID 03
Tested By Tooba Rehman
Website Name Online Jewelry shopping System
Testing Cycle 01
Purpose Check that all product details are proper
Environment Visual studio 2008
Pre-Requisite No
Expected Result Details of product are accurate
Result Details are merging with each other

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