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Business Letter Quiz

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1. The address on the letter of who you are writing the letter to is called the ____________ address. inside
2. After writing your resume to try to get a job you should attach what kind of letter to the 1.Cover letter
resume? This letter gives an overview of what? 2. You, your education, job
experiences, job skills
3. An example of a complimentary close is Sincerely yours, yours truely
4. An example of a salutation is Dear Mr. Smith
5. How many blank lines are between paragraphs on a business letter. 1 line
6. How many blank lines for the signature line? 3 lines
7. How many lines after the date? 3 lines
8. The left and right margins of a business letter should be set to- 1 inch
9. The return address on the envelope represents what and where does it go on the envelope? Who sent the letter and top left
10. When a block style business letter is written it means that everything is aligned to the Left Margin
11. When a business writes a letter their address in the letter is called a Letter-head
12. When the word "Enclosure" appears at the end of the letter what does that mean? There is something inside besides
the letter
13. When you have your initials in lower case at the bottom of the letter what does that mean? You typed or keyed it
14. When you mail a letter in an envelope where does the postage stamp go? Top right corner
15. When you mail a letter to a person in a company what is the proper format (order) for the A. The name
address on the front of the envelope? B. ABC Company
C. 123 main street
D. Name of street and zip code

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