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Chapter 4 Planning Business Messages

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1. adapt to your be sensitive to audience needs by using a 10. distribute the deliver your message using the chosen
audience "you" attitude, politeness, positive emphasis, message medium; make sure all documents and all
and unbiased language relevant files are distributed successfully
2. Adapt to Your Writing Business Messages (2) 11. Free Writing An exploratory technique in which you
Audience write whatever comes to mind, without
Compose the stopping to make any corrections, for a set
Message period of time.
3. Analyze Planning Business Messages (4) 12. gather determine audience needs and obtain the
situation information necessary information to satisfy those
Gather Info needs
Select the
13. general To inform, to persuade, or to collaborate
Right Medium
purpose with the audience.
Organize the
Info 14. identify your steps to conduct a thorough audience
primary analysis (4)
4. analyze the define your purpose and develop an
situation audience profile
5. brainstorming techniques to generate creative ideas (5) your audience
journalistic size and
approach geographic
question- distribution
and-answer determine
chain audience
storyteller's composition
tour gauge
mindmapping audience
members level
6. choose identify the best combination for the situation,
medium and message, and audience
15. Indirect Message organization that starts with the
7. compose the choose strong words that will help you create
Approach evidence and builds your case before
message effective sentences and coherent paragraphs
presenting the main idea.
8. consider your what you should do while gathering
16. Journalistic Verifying the completeness of a message
audience's information (5)
Approach by making sure it answers the who, what,
when, where, why, and how questions.
listen to the
community 17. Letters Brief written messages generally sent to
read the recipients outside the organization.
reports and
18. Main Idea A specific statement about the topic.
company 19. Medium The form through which you choose to
documents communicate a message
talk with 20. Memos Brief printed documents traditionally used
supervisors, for the routine, day-to-day exchange of
colleagues, or information within an organization; most
customers have been replaced by electronic media
ask your
21. Multimedia Refers to the use of two or more media to
audience for
deliver a message, typically some
combination of audio, video, text, and
9. Direct Message organization that starts with the visual graphics.
Approach main idea (such as a recommendation, a
22. oral medium, what medium and channel is this:
conclusion, or a request) and follows that
digital channel any transmission of voice via electronic
with your supporting evidence.
means (live or recorded)
23. oral medium, what medium and channel is this: 34. see various levels of visual charts help us to (3)
in-person talking with people, who are in the same ideas and how parts
channel location fit together
develop new ideas
24. organize the define your main idea, limit your scope,
restructure your
information select a direct or an indirect approach, ad
information flows
outline your content
35. Specific Purpose Identifies what you hope to
25. Plan, Write, 3 Step Writing Process of Business
accomplish with your message and
and Complete Messages
what your audience should do or
26. produce the use effective design elements and suitable think after receiving your message.
message layout for a clean, professional appearance
36. Topic The overall subject of a message
27. proofread the review for errors in layout, spelling, and
37. visual medium, what medium and channel is this:
message mechanics
digital channel visual media
28. revise the evaluate content and review readability,
38. visual medium, print what medium and channel is this:
message edit and rewrite for conciseness and clarity
channel photographs and diagrams
29. Revise the Completing Business Message (4)
39. when your want to situations you should consider a
make a formal printed message over electronic
Produce the
impression alternatives (4)
when your are
Proofread the
legally required to
provide information
Distribute the
in printed form
when you want to
30. richness a medium's ability to convey a message stand out from the
through more than one informational cue, flood of electronic
facilitate feedback, and establish personal messages
focus when you need a
31. richness factors to consider when choosing medium permanent,
formality and channels (7) unchangeable, or
media and secure record
channel 40. will anything test your purpose by asking these
limitations change as a result four questions:
urgency of your message?
cost audience is your purpose
preferences realistic?
security and is the time right?
privacy is your purpose
32. Scope The range of information presented in a acceptable to your
message, its overall length, and the level organization?
of detail provided. 41. written medium, what medium and channel is this:
33. screen size consider these issues whenever your digital channel written digital messages
and resolution messages are likely to be viewed on 42. written medium, what medium and channel is this:
input mobile devices (4) print channel letters and memos
speed, and
data usage and

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