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Chapter 4 - Planning Business Messages

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1. Describe the three step writing process: b. Planning, 6. Media richness is a measure of: a. A medium's ability to
a. Writing, editing and producing writing and a. A medium's ability to use use more than one
b. Planning, writing and completing completing. more than one informational informational cue,
c. Writing, editing and distributing cue, facilitate feedback, and facilitate feedback and
d. Organizing, defining your purpose and establish personal focus. establish personal focus.
writing. b. A medium;s ability to use
more than one informational
2. The first step of the three-step writing c. Planning
cue, limit destructive feedback,
process is your message.
and establish personal focus.
c. How expensive the delivery
a. Writing the first draft
options are likely to be,
b. Organizing your information
particularly for large or
c. Planning your message.
geographically dispersed
d. Preparing an outline.
3. If you realize you have given your d. Contact the d. How much total employee
audience incorrect information, the most audience cost is involved in creating
ethical action would be to: immediately messages using a particular
a. Say nothing and hope no one notices and correct the medium?
b. Wati until someone points out the error error.
7. No matter what the message is a. Determine the
and then acknowledge the mistake
or the audience you want to information your audience
c. Post a correction on your website
reach, you should always: needs in order to grasp
d. Contact the auience immediately and
a. Determine the information your main idea.
correct the error.
your audience needs in order to
4. If you were to write a letter to a b. To persuade grasp your main idea.
manufacturer complaining about a b. Learn the names of everyone
defective product and asking for a refund, in the target audience.
your general purpose would be: c. Estimate the percentage of
a. To inform audience members who are
b. To persuade likely to agree with your
c. To collaborate message.
d. To entertain d. Determine a complete
5. The media choices of oral, written, and digital, non- demographic profile of your
visual can be delivered through __________ digital audience.
and __________ channels. 8. The ___________ ___________ of a general, purpose
message indicates whether you
intend to use the message to
inform, to persuade, or to
9. The purpose of limiting your d. Make sure that your
scope when planning a written message stays focused on
project is: the main idea and any
a. Make your job easier necessary supporting
b. REduce the number of things details.
you need to think about.
c. Make sure your memos are
never longer than one page.
d. Make sure that your message
stays focused on the main idea
and any necessary supporting
10. Starting with evidence first and indirect 15. Which of the following d. A posting on an internal
building toward your main idea choices would be best for website with an email
is known as the _________ communicating a complex message alerting
approach policy change to employees employees to the change
in a company with offices all and idrecting them to the
11. Starting with the main idea and direct
over the world: website for more
then offering supporting
a. A teleconference followed information.
evidence is known as the
by an email message
_________ approach.
b. Instant messaging
12. To determine whether the d. All of the above c. A traditional typed memo
information you've gathered is sent via regular postal mail
good enough, verify that it is: d. A posting on an internal
a. Accurate website with an email
b. Ethical message alerting empoyees
c. Pertinent to the audience's to the change and directing
needs them to the website for more
d. All of the above information.
13. To make sure you have provided c. Verify whether your 16. Which of the following is an b. You save time and
all the necessary information, message answers the important benefit of taking conserve creative energy
use the journalistic approach, questions of who, what, time to organize your because the writing proces
which is to : when, where, why, and business messages? is quicker.
a. Interview your audience about how. a. You can delay the actual
its needs. writing
b. Check the accuracy of your b. You save time and
information. conserve creative energy
c. Verify whether your message because the writing process is
answers the questions of who, quicker.
what, when, where, why, and c. Organizing your thoughts
how. and information saves you the
d. Make sure your information is trouble of asking colleagues
ethical. for input.
14. When your audience is likely to a. The indirect approach d. In many cases, you can
have a skeptical or even hostile simply send a detailed
reaction to your main idea, you outline and save the trouble
should generally use: of wrting the document.
a. The indirect approach 17. Which of the following is one a. Stories help readers and
b. The direct approach of the reasons storytelling listeners imagine themselves
c. The open minded approach can be effective in business living through the
d. The closed approach communication? experience of the person in
a. Storeis help readers and the torey.
listeners imagine themselves
living through the experience
of the person in the story.
b. Stories are entertaining, so
they offer some diversion
from the daily grind of work.
c. Readers and listeners are
overloaded with data, so
avoiding facts and figures is a
proven way to get their
d. Stories are inherently
funny, and people are more
receptive to new ideas when
they are in a good mood.
18. Which of the following tasks should you do when you're planning a writing project? d. All of the above.
a. Define your purpose
b. Revise carefully to make sure you haven't made any embarrassing mistakes.
c. Choose words and sentatences carefully to make sure the audience understands your main idea.
d. All of the above.

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