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2020-11-17 19:20:55.713 - ShareX starting.

2020-11-17 19:20:55.843 - Version: 13.3

2020-11-17 19:20:55.843 - Build: Release
2020-11-17 19:20:55.844 - Command line: "C:\Program Files\ShareX\ShareX.exe"
2020-11-17 19:20:55.844 - Personal path: C:\Users\tibd8\OneDrive\Documentos\ShareX
2020-11-17 19:20:55.858 - Operating system: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
2020-11-17 19:20:55.872 - Running as elevated process: False
2020-11-17 19:20:57.978 - ApplicationConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:20:57.978 - ApplicationConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:20:57.978 - ApplicationConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:20:57.979 - Loading new ApplicationConfig instance.
2020-11-17 19:21:01.354 - UploadersConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:21:01.354 - UploadersConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:21:01.354 - UploadersConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:21:01.354 - Loading new UploadersConfig instance.
2020-11-17 19:21:01.616 - HotkeysConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:21:01.617 - HotkeysConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:21:01.617 - HotkeysConfig file does not exist:
2020-11-17 19:21:01.617 - Loading new HotkeysConfig instance.
2020-11-17 19:21:01.838 - MainForm init started.
2020-11-17 19:21:05.013 - MainForm init finished.
2020-11-17 19:21:06.604 - Startup time: 12624 ms
2020-11-17 19:21:06.953 - Hotkey registered: Hotkey: Ctrl + Print Screen,
Description: Capturar região, Job: RectangleRegion
2020-11-17 19:21:06.953 - Hotkey registered: Hotkey: Print Screen, Description:
Capturar a tela inteira, Job: PrintScreen
2020-11-17 19:21:06.954 - Hotkey registered: Hotkey: Alt + Print Screen,
Description: Capturar janela ativa, Job: ActiveWindow
2020-11-17 19:21:06.954 - Hotkey registered: Hotkey: Shift + Print Screen,
Description: Gravar tela, Job: ScreenRecorder
2020-11-17 19:21:06.954 - Hotkey registered: Hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + Print Screen,
Description: Gravar tela (GIF), Job: ScreenRecorderGIF
2020-11-17 19:21:06.956 - HotkeyManager started.
2020-11-17 19:21:06.958 - WatchFolderManager started.
2020-11-17 19:21:22.830 - Task in queue. Job: Job, Type: Image, Host: Imgur
2020-11-17 19:21:24.730 - Task status: Preparing
2020-11-17 19:21:28.160 - Image copied to clipboard.
2020-11-17 19:21:28.314 - Image saved to file:
2020-11-17 19:21:36.496 - Task completed. Filename: oh9b6Y5SDR.png, Duration: 11747
2020-11-17 19:21:49.350 - Starting screen recording. Video encoder: "H.264 / x264",
Audio encoder: "AAC", FPS: 30
2020-11-17 19:21:54.179 - Downloading:
-> "C:\Users\tibd8\AppData\Local\Temp\ShareX\"
2020-11-17 19:24:08.994 - CLI:
"C:\Users\tibd8\OneDrive\Documentos\ShareX\Tools\ffmpeg.exe" -rtbufsize 150M -f
gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 261 -offset_y 140 -video_size 164x428 -draw_mouse 1
-i desktop -c:v libx264 -r 30 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -crf 28 -pix_fmt
yuv420p -movflags +faststart -y
2020-11-17 19:25:46.549 - Starting screen recording. Video encoder: "H.264 / x264",
Audio encoder: "AAC", FPS: 30
2020-11-17 19:25:54.616 - CLI:
"C:\Users\tibd8\OneDrive\Documentos\ShareX\Tools\ffmpeg.exe" -rtbufsize 150M -f
gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 1117 -offset_y 140 -video_size 224x126 -draw_mouse
1 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -r 30 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -crf 28
-pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart -y
2020-11-17 19:26:19.738 - Starting screen recording. Video encoder: "H.264 / x264",
Audio encoder: "AAC", FPS: 30
2020-11-17 19:26:22.309 - CLI:
"C:\Users\tibd8\OneDrive\Documentos\ShareX\Tools\ffmpeg.exe" -rtbufsize 150M -f
gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 1117 -offset_y 140 -video_size 224x126 -draw_mouse
1 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -r 30 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -crf 28
-pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart -y
2020-11-17 19:26:31.386 - Task in queue. Job: Job, Type: File, Host:
2020-11-17 19:26:32.257 - Task status: Preparing
2020-11-17 19:26:32.261 - Task completed. Filename: aXYxFgylGH.mp4, Duration: 3 ms
2020-11-17 19:26:41.830 - Starting screen recording. Video encoder: "H.264 / x264",
Audio encoder: "AAC", FPS: 30
2020-11-17 19:26:45.996 - CLI:
"C:\Users\tibd8\OneDrive\Documentos\ShareX\Tools\ffmpeg.exe" -rtbufsize 150M -f
gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 171 -offset_y 36 -video_size 1024x672 -draw_mouse 1
-i desktop -c:v libx264 -r 30 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -crf 28 -pix_fmt
yuv420p -movflags +faststart -y
2020-11-17 20:41:43.533 - Task in queue. Job: Job, Type: File, Host:
2020-11-17 20:41:43.696 - Task status: Preparing
2020-11-17 20:41:43.701 - Task completed. Filename: HNQSKwvAv4.mp4, Duration: 108
2020-11-17 20:51:50.113 - Starting screen recording. Video encoder: "H.264 / x264",
Audio encoder: "AAC", FPS: 30
2020-11-17 20:51:52.040 - CLI:
"C:\Users\tibd8\OneDrive\Documentos\ShareX\Tools\ffmpeg.exe" -rtbufsize 150M -f
gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 171 -offset_y 36 -video_size 1024x672 -draw_mouse 1
-i desktop -c:v libx264 -r 30 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -crf 28 -pix_fmt
yuv420p -movflags +faststart -y
2020-11-17 21:31:39.705 - Task in queue. Job: Job, Type: File, Host:
2020-11-17 21:31:39.753 - Task status: Preparing
2020-11-17 21:31:39.761 - Task completed. Filename: OTJvn3fmdt.mp4, Duration: 16 ms
2020-11-17 21:34:24.089 - File opened:
2020-11-17 21:35:10.650 - File opened:
2020-11-17 21:36:37.756 - ApplicationConfig save started:
2020-11-17 21:36:37.756 - UploadersConfig save started:
2020-11-17 21:36:37.756 - HotkeysConfig save started:
2020-11-17 21:36:39.078 - UploadersConfig save successful:
2020-11-17 21:36:39.617 - HotkeysConfig save successful:
2020-11-17 21:36:39.828 - ApplicationConfig save successful:
2020-11-17 21:39:08.182 - Hotkey unregistered: Hotkey: Ctrl + Print Screen,
Description: Capturar região, Job: RectangleRegion
2020-11-17 21:39:08.182 - Hotkey unregistered: Hotkey: Print Screen, Description:
Capturar a tela inteira, Job: PrintScreen
2020-11-17 21:39:08.183 - Hotkey unregistered: Hotkey: Alt + Print Screen,
Description: Capturar janela ativa, Job: ActiveWindow
2020-11-17 21:39:08.184 - Hotkey unregistered: Hotkey: Shift + Print Screen,
Description: Gravar tela, Job: ScreenRecorder
2020-11-17 21:39:08.185 - Hotkey unregistered: Hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + Print Screen,
Description: Gravar tela (GIF), Job: ScreenRecorderGIF
2020-11-17 21:39:08.547 - ShareX closing.
2020-11-17 21:39:08.551 - ApplicationConfig save started:
2020-11-17 21:39:09.345 - ApplicationConfig save successful:
2020-11-17 21:39:09.347 - UploadersConfig save started:
2020-11-17 21:39:09.515 - UploadersConfig save successful:
2020-11-17 21:39:09.516 - HotkeysConfig save started:
2020-11-17 21:39:10.574 - HotkeysConfig save successful:
2020-11-17 21:39:10.575 - ShareX closed.

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