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The list of BOTA course are:

7 lessons - Seven Steps

11 lessons - Introduction to Tarot
47 lessons - Tarot Fundamentals
53 lessons - Developing Supersensory Powers (Ann)
32 lessons - Interpretation of Tarot
12 lessons - Master Pattern
40 lessons - Tree of Life
17 lessons - 32 Paths of Wisdom
12 lessons - Sound and Color
52 lessons - The Great Work
52 lessons - Esoteric Astrology (Ann's lectures using
PFC's notebooks)
52 lessons - Sexual Polarity (Ann)
78 lessons - Oracle of Tarot (Ann)
78 lessons - Vibratory Powers of the Qabalah (Ann)
104 lessons - Meditation Ascent on the Tree of
Livingness (Ann)
68 lessons - Qabalistic Doctrines on Rebirth and
Immortality (Ann)

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