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New Sinai School and Colleges

NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Chapter 1
Problem and its Background

School Activities is a part of every school’s purpose, it indeed makes the

campus livelier by enhancing the skills of each student’s ability. Moreover, these
activities has to do something about the attitude of the pupils which is one of the most
essential part of every student’s personality inside the campus. According to Merriam-
Webster’s Dictionary, attitude is a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state.

As a matter of fact, the researchers had observed that attitude initiates

every students to participate in different school activities for how they deal with the
environment in their school. The experiences beyond these school activities helps
students find what their interests are and even perception in their future to achieve more

On the other hand, some students do not involve themselves in such

activities and it may affect their performance even their confidence at the campus.
Eventually, being active and inactive in participation during school activities has an
effect towards the attitude of students. According to the study on Analysis of factors
influencing students’ attitudes towards practical aspect of secondary school physics in
Ekiti state by Adedayo, Julius O. (Volume: 2, Issue: 7, 417-421 July 2015):

“The concept of attitude is crucial when dealing with

the way one response to an issue. The attitude could
be considered as the outcome of one’s impression
about something or better still, one’s perception of
something. Attitude was defined by Gagne (1979) as
an internal state that influences the personal actions
of an individual, a major factor in subject choice, a
mental and neutral state of readiness, organized
through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic
influence upon the individual’s responses to all
objects and situations with which it is related.
Attitudes are related to coping with and management
of the emotions occurring during learning process,
and they play an important role in directing human

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

behaviour (Hasan & Uğur, 2012)]. Pearson (2010)

also defines attitude as someone’s opinions and
feelings about something or someone, especially
when this shows in the behavior. It can then be
adjudged that one’s attitude to something manifests
in the way he/she would response to issues that
pertain to the thing. This is applicable to learning,
especially in physics, which involves full
concentration of the learners’ attention. Thus, the
attitude of students contributes immensely to their
progress. Whatever form attitudes may take, whether
occurring as part of a system of values and beliefs,
has direct positive or negative effects on learning
process and influences future lives of individuals
(Seferoglu, 2004; Sunbul et al., 2004).The
development of positive attraction or negative feeling
towards other people or object essentially means that
an attitude has been formed about the object. In
essence, the attitude towards an object is a function
of the perception of the object.”

Generation nowadays are lack of involvement when it comes to joining in any

school activities, they would choose to sit down, just watch and face their mobile
phones all day than to make sweats outside the room. These conflicts may affect their
attitudes towards their school participation, it may lose their ability to communicate with
other people as well as their intelligence to be practical in their lives. Furthermore, the
study of Kimiko Fujita from his article “The effects of Extra-curricular activities on
Academic” has stated that the effects of School Activities have “differed substantially for
different activities. There were a total of seventy-six statistically significant effects, fifty-
eight positive and eighteen negative (Marsh & Kleitman, 2002)

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to evaluate and assessed the Grade 11 MWF Senior High School
students of New Sinai School and Colleges, Laguna. Specifically it aims to answer the
ff. questions:

1. How much does Extra-Curricular Activity helps improve your positive attitudes
inside the campus? How about Academic Activities?

2. Which of the following effects of School Activities made the most impact in the
attitudes of the students?
2.1 Confidence in Socialization
2.2 Sensitivity for Better Grades
2.3 Determination to achieve their goals
2.4 Responsible for school completion
2.5 Decision Making in their career development

3. Which among attitudes are mostly gained by the Grade 11 MWF SHS students
through School Activities?

3.1 Extracurricular Activities

3.2 Academic Activities

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the effects of school activities towards

the attitudes of Grade 11 MWF SHS students.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Conceptual Framework

1. School activities being

offered at New Sinai School and
Result of the Study:
2. Factors that made most
impact in the perceptions in life
Determine the effects
1. Survey
of Grade 11 MWF SHS students
of school activities
after joining school activities Questionnaire
towards the attitudes
3. Attitudes are mostly gained 2. Related
of Senior High
by the Grade 11 MWF SHS students inand
New Sinai
students through School Literature
School and Colleges
Activities Studies
and suggests more
2.1 Extracurricular Activities programs that will
2.2 Academic Activities effectively make the
student improve their
positive attitudes.

Figure 1 illustrates the input, process and output. Under the input variables, it is
consist of the Attitudes that are mostly gained by the NSSC Grade 11 MWF SHS
students through School Activities. The process of system approach focused on
administering the Survey Questionnaire and Related Literature and Studies of input
variables to test the output and to determine the effect of school activities towards the

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

attitudes of Senior High students in New Sinai School and Colleges and suggests more
programs that will effectively make the student improve their positive attitudes.

Theoretical Framework

The progress in growth of extra-curricular activities or school activities were too

slow at the beginning, it is notably seen as a fad that is just like a wave to pass through
for just a short period of time. There is an early Philosophy which stated that ”grow out
of curricular activities and return to curricular activities to enrich them” (Millard 1930).
Therefore people as well as educators break out a scrutiny of the benefits of extra-
curricular activities which took a moderate period of time to orient their selves into it.

In the year before 1900, educators were doubtful in participating in such extra-
curricular activities, but it activates believing that “school should focus solely and
narrowly defines academic outcome. Non-academic activities were discouraged” (Marsh
& Kleitman 2002). Early experts on Extra-curricular Activities, Deam and Bear, stated,
“Extra Activities supplement and extend those contacts and experiences found in the
more formal part of the program of the school day” (Millard 1930). And eventually,
“educational practitioners and researchers have taken more positive perspective,
arguing that extra-curricular activities may have positive effects on life skills and may
also benefit academic accomplishments” (Marsh & Kleitman 2002). In the final analysis,
extra-curricular activities has an impact on student’s academic performance and
education ever since it began.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Significance of the Study

The results of this study are important to different groups of people:

The school will hand a basis for their program development and for its decision-
making that would be for the best.

The school officers can utilize the results of this study for the enhancement of
the curriculum and the development of the policies that would serve as the best
program for the students.

The students were given a chance to assess their skills towards this study to
further know the effectiveness of the program provided to them and also an additional
knowledge to them as they evaluate their skills and attitude during school activities.

The faculty would be able to use the results and findings of this study to further
enhance their practical and teaching skills to the active participation of students on what
ways will they motivate them whether in the classroom or either to their organization to
be more efficient and interesting to the students.

The parents can actually know the dilemmas in them to where do the attitude of
their children came from and to watch over for their children’s active participations.

The future researchers can utilize the findings of the study for additional
information’s especially on the effects of school activities towards the attitude of
students to the competence to the inside and outside world where challenges and skills
were shown and to handle the struggles correctly.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

In terms of assessing the effect of school activities this study can encourage
them to be more aware of what attitudes they are dealing with. School Activities
maintain their positive sides as well as participating it in a right way and in right purpose.
This study promotes greater academic achievements with the effects of school activities
as the instrument of their career development and future.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study population comprise of all Grade 11 MWF Senior High Students in
New Sinai School and Colleges.

This study attempted to identify the kind of School Activity Grade 11 MWF Senior
High Students mostly helps their selves to improve their positive attitudes inside the
campus: either Academic Activities or Extra-Curricular Activities in New Sinai School and
Colleges. Likewise, the attitudes that are mostly gained by the Grade 11 MWF SHS
students through School Activities (Academic Activities, Extra-Curricular Activity) as
determined and evaluated by both faculty and students.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Definition of Terms

Academic- of or relating to performance in courses of study; associated with an

academy or school especially of higher learning

Adjudged- to award or grant judicially in a case of controversy

ADMU – Adamson University of the Philippines

Assess - to determine the rate or amount of something

Attentiveness- paying careful attention to something

Attitudes- a settled way of thinking or feelings about someone or something: typically

one that reflected in a person’s behaviour

Camaraderie- a feeling of good friendship among the people in a group

Commitment – a promise to do or give something

Companion – one that accompanies another

Compromise – something that combines the qualities of two different things

Convene – to come together in a group for meeting

Cooperative-willing to be helpful by doing what someone wants or asks for

Courage –the ability to do something that you know is difficult

Critical Thinking - the objective evaluation and analysis

Crucial - important or essential as resolving a crisis

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Dawdle – to move or act slowly

Demographic – relating to the structure of population

Develop- to grow or become bigger or more advanced

Devoted – having strong love or loyalty for something or someone

Discipline – a way of behaving that shows a willingness to obey rules or orders

DLSU – De La Salle University of the Philippines

Endurance- the ability to do something difficult for a long time

Exert – to cause (force, effort, etc.) to have an effect or to be felt

Extent- the degree to which something has spread

Extracurricular - not falling within the scope of a regular curriculum.

Formulate – to create, invent, or produce (something) by careful thought and effort

Goals- something that you are trying to do or achieve

Interactivity- requiring people to talk with each other or do things together

Leadership- the time when a person holds the position of leader

MMC – Media Management Committee

Multi-tasking - the ability to do several things at the same time-

Novelty- the quality or state of being new, different and interesting

Open Mindedness- willing to consider different ideas or opinions.

Optimism- a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future

Perseverance- the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even
though it is difficult

Potential – a quality that something has that can be developed to make it better

Productivity- the rate at which goods are produced or work is completed

Realm – an area of activity, interest, or knowledge

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Resourcefulness - able to deal well with new or difficult situations and to find solutions
to problems

Skills - the ability to do something that comes from training, experience or practice.

Sportsmanship - fair play, respects for opponents and polite, behaviour by someone
who is competing in a sport or other competition

Statistics - a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation,

and presentation of masses of numerical data; a collection of quantitative data

UA&P – University of Asia and the Pacific

Weighted Mean – calculated by giving values in a data see more influence according to
some attribute data.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Chapter 2

Review Related Literatures and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature that will provide information from what
we have gathered which has a relation to our study. This will also include a review of
the related studies about the effects of school activities towards the attitude of the
students. Each author was introduced their information about our study in every details
that shown below.


“Extracurricular activities are activities that students participate in that do not fall
into the realm of normal curriculum of schools. They are found in all levels of our
schools. There are many forms of extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs,
governance, student newspaper, music, art, and drama. Extracurricular activities are
totally voluntary so students that do not want to participate in them do not have to.
Lunnenburg states in his article that “Extracurricular activities serve the same goals and
functions as the required and elective courses in the curriculum. However, they provide
experiences that are not included in formal courses of study. They allow students to
apply the knowledge that they have learned in other classes and acquire concepts of
democratic life.”(2010, 2) Extracurricular activities have many positive effects on
education. The positive effects that extracurricular activities have on students are
behaviour, better grades, school completion, positive aspects to become successful
adults, and a social aspect.
Extracurricular activities began in the United States in the 19th century. At first
they were just an additional part to the normal academic schedule for the year.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Extracurricular activities usually had some practical or vocational interest that was
included into the activities. The first extracurricular activities that were well known in
schools started at Harvard and Yale University. They were literacy clubs that consisted
of different debate clubs and Greek systems such as fraternities and sororities.
Students in American schools were the first to initiate athletic clubs. (Casinger, J. 2011)
These soon became popular and literacy clubs began to decline. Around the time
of World War I, schools started adding clubs such as journalism, and newspaper.
(Casinger, J. 2011) Now these clubs have become popular and many public high
schools and grade schools have clubs for all interests. Today about 1 in 4 students
participate in academic clubs. (Miller, Zittleman, 2010, 189) It costs about $250 million
to establish extracurricular activities in rural and inner city schools.”

“Co-curricular vs. Extracurricular

Generally speaking, co-curricular activities are an extension of the formal learning

experiences in a course or academic program, while extracurricular activities may be
offered or coordinated by a school, but may not be explicitly connected to academic
learning. This distinction is extremely fuzzy in practice, however, and the terms are
often used interchangeably. Athletics, for example, are typically considered to be
extracurricular activities, while a science fair would more likely be considered a co-
curricular activity, given that students are learning science, participation may be
required by the school, students may be graded on their entries, or a science teacher
may coordinate the fair.”


“There are different extra-curricular activities for every university in the world. The
Philippines is no exception, the researcher observes that universities such as De La
Salle University (DLSU), Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU), and University of the
Philippines (UP) have their own extra-curricular activities that students actively take part

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

in. In the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) there exist multiple extra-curricular
activities a student can take part in such as, the Media Management Committee (MMC),
Dulaang Roc, Viare, Communitas, Bosun (the school publication), and many more to
mention. The researcher has observed that despite the myriad of extra-curricular
activities a student can take part in; there are students who become active and
eventually become inactive in participating.
Since extra-curricular activities have different benefits (Holloway, 2000), the researcher
observes that being active is good because students can take advantage of the benefits
offered. Moreover, because of these benefits the researcher finds it questionable to
investigate further if simply having fun is the most influencing factor for active
participation. Therefore, it has led to the researcher to further probe what other factors
influence active participation in extra-curricular activities of select university students in

“On Active Participation

Active is defined as, “[being] marked by present operation, transaction, movement, or

use,” and participation as, “[the act] of participating to take part in an activity or event
with others” (Merriam-Webster, 2015). Thus, Active Participation is defined as presently
participating with others in an activity of a club, varsity, or organization in general.

According to The Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service (2013) active

participation is characterized by: decision making involving the operation or
management of an activity, and performing services for the activity.

Cuseo (2010) states that active participation: is the foundation of college success where
other college-success strategies are established; enables success to maximized as
students need to be active participants in the learning process; and has two key

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

components basic to it, the time devoted to the process of learning; and degree of
personal mental and physical effort exerted in the process of learning.

The researcher himself has observed that active participation in the university life is not
limited to the realms of academic units such as Biology, Mathematics, and History to
name a few. Moreover, active participation is also manifested in extra-curricular
activities such as clubs, varsity teams, and organizations.

In an interview with Briones (2015) he states that, “An active participant is someone
who finds time, devotes, and commits to extra-curricular activities.” He further adds that,
involvement with extra-curricular activities has taught him to be committed, involved,
accountable, responsible, and have a vision to both inspire and empower people. Aside
from that he had also discovered skills such as speaking in public, event organization
and management, and team building facilitation.

Namuco (2015) contradicts that active participation exists not only in being physically
present but also by living the ideals and advocacy of an extra-curricular organization.
Moreover, she points out that inactive participation is unhealthy because a person is
hindering their selves from doing something they are passionate about. In addition, in
this current generation there is a need for more doers rather than those dawdle waiting
for something to take place (Namuco, 2015).

On Extra-curricular Activities

Merriam-Webster (2014) defines extra-curricular as: “extra activities that can be done by
students in a school but are not part of the regular class curriculum.” and activities as:
“something that is done for pleasure or a particular purpose and that usually involves a
group of people.” Therefore, extra-curricular activities are extra activities done by a

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

group of students in school either for pleasure or a particular purpose outside the
regular class curriculum.

The types of extra-curricular activities include: sports, jobs—working before and after
class hours, and anything that a student does not to get a grade or graduate
(Wierschem, n.d). Sports that involve training before and after class hours are
considered extra-curricular activities because it is done by a student not for a grade or
graduation requirement, but for a particular purpose such as becoming better or just to
have fun—the same concept applies to the latter that of jobs but have different
purposes as well (Wierschem, n.d).

Brown (n.d) explains that extra-curricular activities fulfill two basic conditions: they are
not part of regular school curricular program; and there is a structure towards a pro-
social mission or goal. Furthermore, an extra-curricular activity becomes effective when:
students have the opportunity to cultivate relationships with adults and pro-social peers;
the activity has goals that encourage the students to achieve great things; students are
given the opportunities to be leaders by having a committee to organize an activity; the
extra-curricular activity is age appropriate— activities which are not too arduous; and
most importantly ,the activity is enjoyable for the students (Brown, n.d).

Sharp (2012) states that students do extra-curricular activities that are relevant to their
specialization. In addition, students are also trained to handle multiple commitments—
balancing both academic units and extra-curricular activities. This is because job
recruiters look for graduates who have experienced work that involves their
specialization. Sharp (2012) also quotes from Yeates (n.d) that: “job recruiters are more
interested in graduates who can balance multiple commitments, build successful
relationships, lead and manage projects, and solve problems.”

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Being a student is difficult because a student is in school for an average of 8-9 hours
day, maintaining good grades is challenging task as it leaves little time for other
activities to be pursued (Career India, 2014). Extra-curricular activities only become
effective when: they are differentiated—a difference between commitments in academic
and extra-curricular activities is made; what is more urgent and important is prioritized;
activities are properly scheduled so as not to impede regular academic tasks; and
things are questioned—whether or not the student can handle it or accomplish the
activity together with regular academic tasks (Career India, 2014).

Extra-curricular activities are essential because they develop: hobbies and interests,
skills in working in groups, and participation in athletics that lead to the discovery and
cultivation of talents (Lunenburg, 2010).”

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track


Every activity is affiliated by gaining an attitude eventually. Student’s experience

in related activities about their interests build their aspirations better on their future job
success. The related literatures of Foreign and Local helps the researchers find an
accurate information about the past and present studies of their topic.

Foreign studies emphasize the positive impacts of involvement of students in

School Activities. It makes every individual’s physicality engaged in intellectual, mental
and practical challenges. Furthermore, most of the student’s belief as the twenty-first
century began, extra-curricular is termed as the key tool in personal development which
satisfied almost of the schools in each country including the Philippines. In the gathered
information in the foreign studies, “Extracurricular activities serve the same goals and
functions as the required and elective courses in the curriculum. However, they provide
experiences that are not included in formal courses of study. They allow students to
apply the knowledge that they have learned in other classes and acquire concepts of
democratic life.” (Lunnenburg 2010) Local studies stated that extra-curricular activities
are not only Mathematics, Biology, History and few things to mention which can show
the real intellectuality of students. Consequently, it is expanded into different fields such
as clubs, varsity and organizations

According to the information gathered in an interview by the researchers of

University of Asia Pacific University (under the College of Arts and Sciences) in
Philippines “An active participant is someone who finds time, devotes, and commits to
extra-curricular activities.” “Involvement with extra-curricular activities has taught me to

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

be committed, involved, accountable, responsible, and have a vision to both inspire and
empower people. Aside from that I had also discovered skills such as speaking in
public, event organization and management, and team building facilitation.” (Briones
Therefore, both studies signifies the school activities as the betterment of the
student’s attitude through the skills they are showcasing in the way of involving
themselves in such events. Both study set forth that it is effective to participate, for them
to learn how to be committed, responsible, accountable, and build their passion that can
potentially reach their career development. Interacting with other people with the same
interest as every individuals do is an advantage to simulate the tactics of other
companion and apply it into student’s skill development.

This study assures that in terms of joining school activities, students will be more
prudent in life taking school activities not just for a grade but also for them to maintain
their degree of personal mental and physical effort exerted in the process of learning.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track


This chapter contains the research methodology, research design, research

locale, sources of data, respondents of the study, instrumentation and validation, data
gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.


This research study were used a descriptive research. According to Joppe (2003):

Descriptive research provides data about the population or universe being

studied. It describes who, what, where and how of a question, not what caused it.
Descriptive research often used when the objective is to gather systematic descriptions
that is true, factual and accurate as possible. It provides the number of times something
occurs, or frequency, which lends itself to the statistical calculations such as
determining the number of occurrences or central tendencies

The structure of the research is to gather facts from both past and present
conditions of the School Activities specifically in the country. Emphasizing the current
data gathered from the related literature and studies from both the past and present.
Consequently, this study got the inspiration for researchers to know and to analyse the
current impact of culture and knowledge to each schools particularly to the program of
New Sinai School and Colleges. However, this method is used to research Grade 11

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

MWF Senior High students only. The result of the study covers attitudes of the people
and events, situations, and data from the selected respondents to formulate rational
answers and recommendations for the study.

Source of Data
The researchers used primary and secondary source of data. The responses of
respondents to the survey questionnaires will serve as the primary data and related
information from books, thesis journals and online information from internet as the
secondary data.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the selected Grade 11 MWF Senior High
Students of New Sinai School and Colleges, Laguna who are enrolled this school year
of 2017-2018. Stratified sampling technique is used in this study which formed the
selected Senior High Students.

Research Locale
The study were indicated at New Sinai School and Colleges, Laguna. The
research will be choosing for the said study of selected Grade 11 MWF Senior High

The New Sinai MDI Hospital (a tertiary hospital) opened on July 7 2007 in the
newly-built six-storey building in Tagapo, Sta. Rosa Laguna. Organizational meeting for
a school started in October 2007 in Max’s, Tunasan, Muntinlupa. The President of
NSMDIH, Dr. Rosalinda Deala convened the 26 core members of MDI for the purpose
of putting up a school. The meeting was conducted in the presence of Atty. Linda
Jimeno as legal counsel. Several options were discussed but the final decision

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

approved by the majority was to put up a new corporation- thus the New Sinai School
and Colleges Sta. Rosa Inc. (formerly the New Sinai Educational System of Sta. Rosa
Laguna) was orn on June 28, 2008.

SEC papers, constitution, by-laws were prepared for submission through its
interim chairman, Mrs. Nelia Barlis. SEC approval was obtained on 14 December 2007.
Instrumentation and Validation

The survey questionnaire is the main data gathering instrument of the study. It
has one set of questionnaire and it is for the NSSC Grade 11 MWF Senior High

For the 1st part of questionnaires, the researcher’s respondents were asked to
rate the Extra Curricular Activity and Academic Activities as a help on improving the
student’s positive inside the campus. In the 2nd part, respondents were asked for their
improvements in their perception in life after joining the school activities and in the 3 rd
part are a set of questionnaires where the respondents must rate their attitudes gained
or improved from the School Activity (Extracurricular and Academic).

Evaluation of the General Academic program at New Sinai School and Colleges,
Laguna was centred on their attitude towards the effect of school activities.

The respondents were tested to give their evaluation on each specific value from
numbers 1 to 5, in accordance with following likert scale below:

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Data Gathering Procedures

The survey questionnaire and observations were used to gather certain data’s
from New Sinai School and Colleges, selected Grade 11 MWF Senior High students
who are enrolled 2017-2018. This method is made essentially to gather quantitative
information and assessed existing conditions to the Effect of school activities towards
the attitude of Senior High Students in New Sinai School and Colleges.

Statistical fx of Data

Scale Description Rating

The following
statistical tools 5 Most Improved by the
researcher in interpreting,
4 Better Improvement
computing and analysing the
data gathered 3 Good Improvement from the
questionnaire with the
2 Fair Improvement
corresponding quantitative.
1 Least Improved

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

For the problem number 1 to 3 question, the researcher will use the ff.:

P= x 100

P = percentage rating computed

f = frequency of respondents
total no. of
5 - Most Improved 4.5 - 5.0 5 4 3 2 1

4 - Better Improvement 3.5 - 4.49 5 4 3 2 1

3 - Good Improvement 2.5 – 3.49 5 4 3 2 1

2 - Fair Improvement 1.5 – 2.49 5 4 3 2 1

1 - Least Improved below 1.5 5 4 3 2 1


Percentage Method. The author used this to come up with the exact number of
respondents and determine the percentage of respondents. This was used to compare
the frequency of responses with the total number of responses.

For problem number 1 to 3 question, to measure the attitudes of the students,

Likert Method of management scale is to be utilized as follows:

For further interpretation, the likert scale below will be used.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

5 ( x 1 ) +4 ( x2 ) +3 ( x 3 ) +2 ( x 4 ) +1(x 5 )
x 1 + x2 + x 3 + x 4 + x 5

Chapter 4

This chapter presented the data gathering of the study, interpretation of the
results from the conducted survey and analysis, using tabular illustrations. The tables
summarize the number of figures which were obtained from the answers of the

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Table no. 1

Total of 150
60 Extracurricular 3.55 Better Improvement
40 Academic 3.65 Better Improvement
20 Overall 3.6 Better Improvement
1 (Least Improved) 2 (Fair 3 (Good 4 (Better 5 (Most Improved)
Improvement) Improvement) Improvement)

A. Extracurricular Activities B. Academic Activities

Figure no. 2

Table no. 1 shows that most of the Grade 11 MWF Senior High Students of New
Sinai School and Colleges had interpreted an outcome of “Better Improvement” with a
weighted mean of 3.55 in “Extracurricular” while “Academic” had interpreted an
outcome of “Better Improvement” with a weighted mean of 3.65. The interpretation for
an overall remark results into “Better Improvement” for both Extra-Curricular Activities
and Academic Activities in the category of “School Activities”.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

In figure no. 2, it states that majority of Grade 11 MWF Senior High Students of
New Sinai School and Colleges answered “Good Improvement” in both
“Extracurricular” and “Academic”. Complying of 60 out of 150 students for
“Extracurricular” and 54 out of 150 students for “Academic” in the category of
“School Activities”.

And as a result, “Extracurricular” has a greater help in improving their positive

attitudes inside the campus than “Academic”.

Table no. 2

Figure no. 3

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Total of 150 Respondents
50 Behaviour 3.5 Better Improvement
Better Grades 3.49 Good Improvement
Goals in Life 3.9 Better Improvement
30 Popularity 2.82 Good Improvement

Social Aspects 3.32 Good Improvement
Overall 3.41 Good Improvement

1 (Least Improved) 2 (Fair Improvement) 3 (Good 4 (Better 5 (Most Improved)
Improvement) Improvement)

Table no. 2 shows that the largest weighted mean of 3.9 was obtained by
“Goals in Life” interpreted as Better Improvement. “Behaviour” ranked 2nd with a
weighted mean of 3.5 interpreted as Better Improvement. “Better Grades” ranked 3rd
with a weighted mean of 3.49 interpreted as Good Improvement. “Social Aspects”
ranked 4th with a weighted mean of 3.32. Lastly, “Popularity” ranked 5th with a
weighted mean of 2.38 interpreted as Good Improvement. The results made an overall
remark of “Good Improvement” in the following factors that made the most impact in
the perceptions in life of Grade 11 MWF SHS students after joining school activities.

According to figure no. 3, most of the students answered “Behavior” as a

“Good Improvement” having 65 out of 150 respondents represented as 43.3%. 58
out of 150 respondents represented as 38.7% had answered “Popularity” as a “Good
Improvement”. 61 out of 150 respondents represented as 40.7% had answered
“Social Aspects” as a “Good Improvement”. 51 out of 150 respondents
represented as 34% had answered “Better Grades” as a “Good Improvement”. On the

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

other hand, “Goals in Life” has 51 out of 150 respondents represented as 34%
answered “Most Improved”.

Results show that in terms of joining school activities, “Goals in Life” makes the
most impact in the perceptions in life of Grade 11 MWF SHS students.

Table no. 3
Attentiveness 3.8 Better Improvement 1

Creativity 3.6 Better Improvement 2

Productivity 3.51 Better Improvement 3

Critical Thinking 3.39 Good Improvement 4

Courage 3.37 Good Improvement 5

Endurance 3.32 Good Improvement 6

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Optimism 3.25 Good Improvement 7

Total of 150 respondents
80 Perseverance 3.17 Good Improvement 8
70 9
Novelty 2.99 Good Improvement
50 Overall 3.38 Good Improvement
1 (Least Improved)
40 2 (Fair Improvement)
3 (Good Improvement)
4 (Better Improvement)
20 5 (Most Improved)
y ce is m l ty ce ity ss
ur nk ti ran ve ran tiv ne
o Th
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Figure no. 3

Table no. 2 shows that the largest weighted mean of 3.8 was obtained by
“Attentiveness” interpreted as Better Improvement. “Creativity” ranked 2nd with a
weighted mean of 3.6 interpreted as Better Improvement. “Productivity” ranked 3rd
with a weighted mean of 3.51 interpreted as Better Improvement. “Critical Thinking”
ranked 4th with a weighted mean of 3.39 interpreted as Good Improvement.
“Courage” ranked 5th with a weighted mean of 3.37 interpreted as Good
Improvement. “Endurance” ranked 6th with a weighted mean of 3.32 interpreted as
Good Improvement. “Optimism” ranked 7th with a weighted mean of 3.25 interpreted
as Good Improvement. “Perseverance” ranked 8th with a weighted mean of 3.17
interpreted as Good Improvement. Lastly, “Novelty” ranked 9th with a weighted mean

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

of 2.99 interpreted as Good Improvement. The results made an overall remark of

“Good Improvement” with a weighted mean of 3.38 in the attitudes that are mostly
gained by the Grade 11 MWF SHS students through Academic Activities.

According to figure no. 3, most of the students answered “Attentiveness” as a

“Good Improvement” and “Most Improved” having both 46 out of 150 respondents
represented as 40.7%. 57 out of 150 respondents represented as 38.0% had answered
“Creativity” as a “Good Improvement”. 47 out of 150 respondents represented as
31.3% had answered “Productivity” as a “Better Improvement”. 63 out of 150
respondents represented as 42.0% had answered “Critical Thinking” as a “Good
Improvement”. 74 out of 150 respondents represented as 49.3% had answered
“Courage” as a “Good Improvement”. 68 out of 150 respondents represented as
45.3% had answered “Endurance” as a “Good Improvement”. 57 out of 150
respondents represented as 38.0% had answered “Optimism” as a “Good
Improvement”. 65 out of 150 respondents represented as 43.3% had answered
“Perseverance” as a “Good Improvement”. 76 out of 150 respondents represented
as 50.7% had answered “Novelty” as a “Good Improvement”.

Results show that in terms of joining school activities, most of the students has
gained “Attentiveness” in the attitudes that are mostly gained through Academic


Open Mindedness 4.15 Most Improved 1

Better 2
Discipline 4.01
Better 3
Cooperative 3.91
Better 4
Sportsmanship 3.62
Better 5
Resourcefulness 3.58
Multi-tasking 3.57 Better 6

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

150 Total of Respondents
70 Good 7
Interactivity 3.45
Good 8
Leadership 3.38
50 Improvement
Good 9
40 Camaraderie 3.11 1 (Least Improved)
30 Better2 (Fair Improvement)
Overall 3.64 3 (Good Improvement)
20 4 (Better Improvement)
5 (Most Improved)

ie y ip ve e ip s g s
er ti vit sh ati lin sh nes kin nes
ad c an er ic p er ul s d
a r ra m p Di
s ad ef -ta de
m te ts o Le rc lti in
Ca In or Co u u M
Sp so M
Re Op

Table no. 4

Figure no. 4
Table no. 2 shows that the largest weighted mean of 4.15 was obtained by
“Open Mindedness” interpreted as Most Improved. “Discipline” ranked 2nd with a
weighted mean of 4.01 interpreted as Better Improvement. “Cooperative” ranked 3rd
with a weighted mean of 3.91 interpreted as Better Improvement. “Sportsmanship”
ranked 4th with a weighted mean of 3.62 interpreted as Better Improvement.
“Resourcefulness” ranked 5th with a weighted mean of 3.58 interpreted as Better
Improvement. “Multi-tasking” ranked 6th with a weighted mean of 3.57 interpreted as
Better Improvement. “Interactivity” ranked 7th with a weighted mean of 3.45
interpreted as Good Improvement. “Leadership” ranked 8th with a weighted mean of
3.38 interpreted as Good Improvement. Lastly, “Camaraderie” ranked 9th with a
weighted mean of 3.11 interpreted as Good Improvement. The results made an overall
remark of “Better Improvement” with a weighted mean of 3.64 in the attitudes that are
mostly gained by the Grade 11 MWF SHS students through Extra-Curricular Activities.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

According to figure no. 3, most of the students answered “Open Mindedness”

as a “Better Improvement” having 51 out of 150 respondents represented as 34.0%.
58 out of 150 respondents represented as 38.7% had answered “Discipline” as a
“Most Improved”. 57 out of 150 respondents represented as 38.0% had answered
“Cooperative” as a “Better Improvement”. 44 out of 150 respondents represented
as 29.3% had answered “Sportsmanship” as a “Most Improved”. 55 out of 150
respondents represented as 36.7% had answered “Resourcefulness” as a “Good
Improvement”. 54 out of 150 respondents represented as 36.0% had answered
“Multi-tasking” as a “Good Improvement”. 59 out of 150 respondents represented
as 39.3% had answered “Interactivity” as a “Good Improvement”. 46 out of 150
respondents represented as 30.7% had answered “Leadership” as a “Good
Improvement”. 62 out of 150 respondents represented as 41.3% had answered
“Camaraderie” as a “Better Improvement”.

Results show that in terms of joining school activities, most of the students has
gained “Open Mindedness” in the attitudes that are mostly gained through
Extracurricular Activities.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings

1. What kind of School Activity does NSSC MWF SHS students mostly helps their
selves to improve their positive attitudes inside the campus: Academic Activities or
Extra-Curricular Activities?
In terms of helping the students to improve their positive attitudes inside the
campus, “Extracurricular” with a weighted mean of 3.65 has a greater help than
“Academic” with a weighted mean of 3.55.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

2. Which of the following factors made the most impact in the perceptions in life of
Grade 11 MWF SHS students after joining school activities?
According to the results, “Goals in Life” having the highest weighted mean
consisting of 3.9 and compromising of 51 out of 150 students had answered
“Most Improved” in terms of making a school activities an impact in the
perceptions in life of Grade 11 MWF SHS students after joining and participating.

3. Which among attitudes are mostly gained by the Grade 11 MWF SHS students
through School Activities?

2.1 Extracurricular Activities

In terms of gaining attitudes, 51 out of 150 respondents, states that their “Open
Mindedness” has a “Better Improvement” after joining extra-curricular-activities.

2.2 Academic Activities

In terms of gaining attitudes, having both 46 out of 150 respondents, states that
their “Open Mindedness” has a “Good Improvement” and “Most Improved”
after joining Academic Activities.



New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

1. The researchers recommend that the students should have their own
best way to be motivated continuously in learning and proving their skill
in joining School Activities inside the campus to continuously enhance
their skills and positive attitudes.

2. Keep participating inside their classroom and make it a hobby to

continuously enhance their positive attitudes they learned from their
classroom activities and apply it to each School Activities.

3. Apply the positive attitudes gained from school activities as a motivator

on your career achievements.

4. If you already have the guts to lead a team, don’t forget to share your
knowledge to them.
5. Certificates from participation or seminars in school activities can be a
great help in application for your future job.

6. Conduct more school activities as students can build more self-


7. A similar study is strongly recommended by future researchers of this

school to design criteria in the effectiveness of the school activities
towards the attitude of Senior high school students.

8. More follow-up research by future researchers on this topic should be

conducted in other places or university.

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

9. Have more group activities so students can build a good relationship

among each and every one.

10. Reserve a lot of energy and patience in making research papers in the

11. Join school activities to gain more experience that will help to improve
skills in both academic and extracurricular activities.

12. Participate as much as they can in every school activities, as these

activities will shape themselves into betterment.

13. Senior High School Department should conduct activities that is

accurate to the career development of their students.



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NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

 Adedayo, Julius O. Analysis of factors influencing students’ attitudes towards

practical aspect of secondary school physics. Ekiti State (Volume: 2, Issue: 7,
417-421 July 2015).
 Hidden curriculum (2014, August 26). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of
education reform.
 Fujita, Kumiko."The Effects of Extracurricular Activities on the Academic
Performance of Junior High Students"(The Master's College,2016)
 Massoni,Erin (2011) "Positive Effects of Extra Curricular Activities on Students",
ESSAI:Vol.9,Article 27
 Gatchalian, Nathan Jhon."What Makes Students in the Philippines Actively
Participate in Extra-curricular Activities?"(University of Asia and the Pacific-
College of Arts and Sciences,2015)
 Gagne ,1979
 Hasan & Uğur, ,2012
 Pearson ,2010
 Seferoglu, 2004
 Sunbul et al., 2004
 Marsh & Kleitman, 2002
 Millard 1930
 Marsh & Kleitman 2002
 Lunnenburg 2010, 2
 Casinger, J. 2011
 Miller, Zittleman, 2010, 189
 Holloway, 2000
 Merriam-Webster, 2015
 The Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service 2013
 Cuseo 2010
 Briones 2015

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

 Namuco 2015
 Merriam-Webster 2014
 Wierschem, n.d.
 Brown n.d
 Sharp 2012
 Career India, 2014
 Lunenburg, 2010
 Joppe (2003)

New Sinai School and Colleges
Senior High General Academic Track

Good day!

As part of the requirement, we are currently conducting our data collection

for our research entitled “Effects of School Activities towards the Attitude of
Grade 11 MWF Senior High students in New Sinai School and Colleges: A
Perceptual Study”. The primary objective of our study is to determine the effects
of school activities towards the attitudes of Senior High students in New Sinai
School and Colleges and suggests more programs that will effectively make the
student improve their positive attitudes. We hope that you lend as a couple of
minutes of your time for answering the survey.

Thank you and God bless us all!

Respectfully Yours,
Balandra, Coleen Jewelmae
Francia, Michaela Dennielle
Hernandez, Regielyn

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

San Antonio, Ryzen Arjake

Venus, Jocelle

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Effects of School Activities towards the Attitudes of Grade 11 MWF SHS students in
New Sinai School and Colleges: A Perceptual Study

Research Questions:

1. From a scale of 1-5, how much does Extra-Curricular Activity helps improve your
positive attitudes inside the campus? How about Academic Activities?

1 2 3 4 5
(Least (Fair (Good (Better (Most
Activities Improvemen Improvemen Improvemen Improvemen Improve
t) t) t) t) d)

a. Extracurricul

b. Academic

2. Which of the following effects of School Activities made the most impact in the
attitudes of the students?
1 2 3 4 5
(Least (Fair (Good (Better (Most
Improved) Improvement) Improvement) Improvement) Improved)

Confidence in Socialization

Sensitivity for Better Grades

Determination to achieve their
Responsible for school

New Sinai School and Colleges
NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track

Decision Making in their career


Direction: From the scale of 1-5, rate your improvements cause by the School
Activities from the given attitudes below.

5 – Most Improved 4 – Better Improvement 3 – Good Improvement 2 – Fair Improvement 1 – Least Improvement

Academic 1 2 3 4 5
(Least (Fair (Good (Better (Most
Activities Improved) Improvement) Improvement) Improvement) Improved)

Extra-Curricular 1 2 3 4 5
(Least (Fair (Good (Better (Most
Activities Improved) Improvement) Improvement) Improvement) Improved)








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NSSC Bldg., National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Santa Rosa Laguna

Senior High General Academic Track



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