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Section 1

1. Orangi sewerage disposable system, health and poor living conditions of people.
2. Police always want bribery.
3. Nobody is safe in the city of Karachi. From posh area to low income areas no one is safe.
Whoever thinks they are safe is living in a fool’s paradise.
4. Opposition you will face when interfering with 4 things in the city:

 Interfering with big contacts like contract development, land acquisition etc you will be
threatened, intimidated and opposed. Even if you take the case to court you will be
silenced by threats if you don’t back off you will be killed.
 The second is the land itself. Ever since the restrictions of gold have been lifted the land
has turned into gold.
 There are many vested interests in the city that distorts the existing system to meet the
needs of its residents including water supply, electricity and transport and this
politicians and bureaucracy is involved.
 In all these things police is also involved and it can harm you as well.

1. What was Parveen Rehman's idea of development and change?

 Perveen Rehman wanted to change and better the living condition of people of
Orangi by providing them proper sanitation, water supply and health. She believed
development is human development. Human development does not emerge from concrete.
She wanted to improve the city’s sewerage disposable system without taking help
from Asian bank and World Bank. She believed into making a difference. She
wanted to support people efforts by empowering them without the big players.
Perveen believed that we have no right to say no one cares unless we do something and we must
understand our own weaknesses and shortcomings. If you can see your own faults then only you
can see the shortcomings in your work to bring a change.

After observing the people’s effort she decided to help improve the laying of underground
sewerage lines. She helped them with the designs, methods of laying underground lines.

4. What is the role of development organizations like World Bank, Asian Development Bank according to

According to her, world bank and asian development bank provide funds for the projects of
Pakistan. She was against and rejected the funding from world bank and asian development
bank. She would not associate with their projects except to give feedback because she believed
Pakistan economic health is faltering and accepting funds from them would even make the
condition worse due to increasing load of interests and that leads to the government towards
taking loans to fill the gap which means the cycle repeats. According to perveen, instead of
taking loans from world bank or Asian bank. Government should adopt their OPP model.
5. What kind of resistance Perveen Rahman faced during her struggle for change in Karachi?

1. Illegal hydrants, stealing of water especially from bulk supply lines and this
stealing is not done by poor people but people with support from government
agencies and mayors etc.
2. She knew that if she published her research then she would be killed. She
knew she was in danger which led her to not publish her research work.
3. She was a woman and people believed that she cannot do this job due to her
lack of urdu speaking skills and because she was a woman and this
stereotypical approach was one of the resistances during her struggle.
4. People’s bad attitude towards her during meeting and they called her names.
5. She said, When People work together and something goes wrong, they blame
each other and this would lead to infighting and grievances.
6. It is easy to steal if there is not any map because if estimation is done but not
mentioned in the map so nobody knows where lines are layed and pipes are
grounded. There is so much of corruption involved in this situation.
7. She had been receiving threats on her life for a long time.
8. Floods
5. Recollect 5 key statements by Perveen Rahman that gives us major insights on the ideas of
development and change.

1. For any planning for sewerage mapping and documentation of existing conditions is
essential just like x-ray is important for a doctor before any operation in order to save
time, efforts, money and resources
2. Helping those disheartened and depressed youngsters who cannot attain education due to
lack of resources and want to do something better with their lives by providing
opportunities to further their education through youth resource service and English
language courses. Create forums for them where they can interact with each other and
provide emotional support for their psychological well-being and counter their
3. Critical appraisal of your own work is like self scrutiny and this is a very important
aspect of human development. We must understand our own weaknesses and
shortcomings. If you can see your own faults then Only you can see the shortcomings in
your work therefore the aspect of human development is crucial for OPP philosophy.

4. Government or professionals should Instead of partnering with world bank or IMF, it

should partner with its own people and this hold the key to sustainability.
5. Instead of bringing mega projects, mega roads and transports projects. What is really
needed is mega management
6. Development is human development. Human development does not emerge from
concrete. Karachi should develop like Karachi only not dubai or Singapore because
Karachi has history. .

The map itself helps the government and the people. The government announces the land title and the people
to get it. Just the map.

There is one thing more powerfull in all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has

1. Government or professionals should Instead of partnering with world bank or IMF, it

should partner with its own people and this hold the key to sustainability.

2. Instead of bringing mega projects, mega roads and transports projects. What is really
needed is mega management.

3. Helping those disheartened and depressed youngsters who cannot attain education due
to lack of resources and want to do something better with their lives by providing opportunities
to further their education through youth resource service and English language courses. Create
forums for them where they can interact with each other and provide emotional support for
their psychological well-being and counter their depression.

4. Critical appraisal of your own work is like self scrutiny and this is a very important aspect of
human development. We must understand our own weaknesses and shortcomings. If you can
see your own faults then Only you can see the shortcomings in your work therefore the aspect
of human development is crucial for OPP philosophy.

5.. Development is human development. Human development does not emerge from
concrete. Karachi should develop like Karachi only not dubai or Singapore because Karachi has
history. .

6.. For any planning for sewerage mapping and documentation of existing conditions is
essential just like x-ray is important for a doctor before any operation in order to save time,
efforts, money and resources

Section 2

B. first of all they should do a research first on how other successful campaigns work on their
issues and how they are emerging with ideas to reach masses. They should adopt those ideas
and methods that they think can have the most significant impact on the society. People want
entertainment. They want to learn things while having entertainment so focus on reaching the
masses through those platforms having a huge reach which is television. There are several ways
these campaigns can work more effectively for example:
 Just like NACP (National Aids Control Programme, a Pakistan NGO working for
prevention of Aids.) They should focus on areas where there are a larger number of
footprints like superstore, hospitals, and educational institutes. They should
organize activities there and involve students and people and their engagement
would help them retain the consequences and preventive measure that needs to be
catered for prevention of child abuse.
 Like UNAIDS, They should arrange awareness programs in the apartments where
families can come and join the programs having innovative and interesting elements
that generate interests and attention.
 Send brochures at every door step with preventive measures and possible signs that
your child is being abused to increase awareness.
 They should use influential people like celebrities, religious scholars, sportsmen, and
bloggers to help spread the message of child abuse and its hideous consequences.
 Like UNAIDS, They should make dramas, songs, movies and other ads that give clear
signs of child abuse and its effects on children because parents need to know that
these phases of life can turn a child into terrorists/child abusers.
 Emerge with their own hash tags unlike using international hash tags and run
campaigns on social media.
 There must a survey form or a child abuse ad on YouTube as well because YouTube
is the second most used media platform where there is involvement so reaching
people through this would increase awareness.
 They must arrange a concert, festival or other events with inexpensive tickets and
provide awareness in those events along with other entertainments means to grab
attention and content must be so hair rising that it provokes actions by parents.

The reason for failure of cause marketing and development advocacy campaigns usually emerge
from lack of law enforcement, injustice, threats, killings, ones reputation, intimidation are the
reasons for the failures of certain campaigns because people fear and when they fear something
they back off thinking that their life is at risk and crimes have no justice and criminal get away easily
therefore campaigns running for certain issues like child abuse, sexual harassment, AIDS usually
have mafia involved behind and they play a vital role in covering the crimes. People running
campaigns or NGOs for cause and betterment of Pakistan are silenced by threats.

Another reason is the inability to understand the significance of authenticity. When campaigns failed
to ensure their people that they are authentic and whichever donations people are making are
actually being utilized rather than eaten by the professionals. When people think that the
organizations do not care about the cause it is supporting the campaign will backfire.

For instance: RAAH foundation of Pakistan working for AIDS received a backlash because they
were not running any campaigns for the prevention and organizing event for publicity which
ensured that they are working on the cause but they were taking donations from people and
when people realized that there are not benefits they stopped helping Raah foundation and it
miserably failed and then NACP took control of it.

Lack of resources, lack of support and funding are also the reasons. Some of the campaigns do not even
reach the masses because majority of the people do not have access to it and they are unaware of their
motives as well. Some of the campaigns failed to address the issue and people take it as an agenda
rather than a social work. The hype of the campaigns on issues gradually diminishes and that’s evident
because people lose interest and the laws here in Pakistan are so weak that struggle face no success
hence campaigns results in failure.

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