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College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Assignment 3
Deadline: 30/11/2019 @ 23:59

Course Name: Student’s Name: Taher Alnemer

Course Code: Student’s ID Number: S170057274
Semester: I CRN: 11416
Academic Year: 1440/1441 H

For Instructor’s Use only

Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade: Marks Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
Obtained/Out of


 The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only)
via allocated folder.
 Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
 Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks
may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your
information on the cover page.
 Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
 Late submission will NOT be accepted.
 Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from
students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO
marks. No exceptions.
 All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-
spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be
considered plagiarism).
 Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Assignment Workload:
 This Assignment consists of a Case.
 Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the

LO 6. Apply knowledge and function effectively on teamwork activities,

management skills to create a development plan (Lo3.4)

 Please read the case “Steve Jobs’s Personality & Attitudes Drove his
Success.” in Chapter 11 “Managing Individual Differences &
Behavior” available in your textbook - Management: A Practical
Approach 7th edition by Kinicki, A., & Williams, B., and answer the
following questions:

Questions: (1.25 x 4 = 5 marks)

Q1. How would you evaluate Steve Jobs’s in terms of the Big Five
personality dimensions?
Q2. How would you evaluate Steve Jobs’s in terms of the five traits
important to organizational behavior? Explain.
Q3. What were Jobs's attitudes about effective leadership? Use the three
components of attitudes to explain.
Q4. Do you believe that Jobs's personality and attitudes affected the
workplace attitudes and behaviors of Apple employees? Explain.

1. Certainly Jobs would be classified as a extroversion because it was very firm. He was
not afraid to speak his mind. “but if something sucks, I tell people to their face. It’s my
job to be honest.”

Jobs was described as impatient, petulant, and tough with the people around him.
Therefore, he ranked rather low on the acceptance scale.

Jobs was very controlling and exceptionally focused "driven by his passion for

In the emotional stability, Jobs tormented using Apple software on other company's
devices, and he has spent few times relishing in the success of the iPod, instead of
worrying to what might endanger it.

Jobs was imaginative, creative and originative, that show his dimensions on openness to

2. Jobs had internal control, that clearly showing by his statement "My passion has been
to build an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products".
also, he had personal ability and high self-efficacy to do tasks. He counted on intuition
and sense about what customers wanted. "Our task is to read things that are not yet on the
page". Jobs had high self-esteem. This is clearly showing by the product review session
after he returned to Apple when he stopped everyone in the meeting to draw the grid and
announce, "Here's what we need". There was no hesitation. Emotional intelligence, the
ability to deal with others, empathize them and motivate them, is only a mixed bag. Jobs
was self-motivated, but he wasn't sympathetic, although he was inspiring as described in
Debbie Coleman's excerpts at the end of the case.

3. First, effective leadership must be environmentally aware. A leader must know who
their competitors and what do. For example, after the iPod was very successful, Jobs was
worried about risk might Apple product encountered. He felt there was a possibility that
mobile makers would start adding music players to their phones compared to iPods.
Because of this, Jobs being dismantled sales of iPod by creating an iPhone to compete
with competitors in product quality. This showed that functions use the emotional
component of the position.
Second, Steve Jobs effective leadership classification, must instructions be clear with the
employee. Also, he believes that a good and clear education with an employee can give
motivation to them. So, they can work more productive to complete their mission and
achieve company goals. Steve Jobs always drowned the Apple employee with a constant
passion for creating pioneer products and believes that it can achieve what seemed
Finally, effective leadership should have a goal. Steve Jobs uses the behavioral element
of the situation.
For example, when Jobs assumed his administrative functions, he focuses on an
innovative product, “My passion was to build a permanent company where people were
excited about making great products.”
4. Not affected. Although Jobs is impatient and strong with the people, the Apple's
workers work further and they loyal more than other companies, including those led by
gentle and kind CEOs.

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