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19 27
18 1

1,4 4

1 Entering keyboard 14 Non-add key

2 Subtraction key l5 Multiplication selector
3 Total key 16 Multiplication key
4 Sub-total key 17 Negative multiplication key
5 Automatic sub-total key 18 Division key
6 Addition and dividend 19 Re.entry key
entering key 20 Date key
7 Cypher keys 2L Automatic total printing lever
8 Keyboard clearing key 22 Papertable
9 Addition bar 23 Paper-release lever
10 Repeat lever 24 Platen knob
1l Back-space key 25 Decimal indicators
12 Memory reading key 26 Column indicator
L3 Memory entry key 27 Credil balance indicator


lnstnuations foo the rg,se of the

o ! iYetti Divisumma 24
supenauto mat ic p ol nt ing c.alc u lato n
Ciontents automatic re-entfy of a product
negative multiplication
capacity of the machine in multi-
Foreword automatic retention of the quo-
tient and its uses
Entry keys
Clearing the machine Determining the position
Entering an amount of tke decimol poinl
Correcting an entry
Capacity of the machine in multiplication
Column indicator in division
Credit balance signal

Addition Preliminory nole

Subtraction Addirion nnd sublraclion
Credit balance adding a constant amount to a
Printing of amounts and symbols series of different amounts
Repeat Iever subtracting a constant amount
Static memory from a series of different a-
Printing of amounts without cal" mounts
culation series of addition sequences with
Date key individual totals and a grand total

Dynamic memory Multiplicotion

A - transferring an amount en- calculating discounts and per-
tered on the keyboard into centage increases:
d iscounts
the dynamic memory percentage increases
B - simuitaneous transfer of an
amount into the dynamic chain discount and percentage
memory and into the register increase calculations
for addition or subtraction invoicing
C - transferring a total or sub- wages
total into the dynamic mem- Culculoling surfqce areos
D - recallinq an amount from the ond volumes
dynamic memory calculating surface areas with
E - printing of amounts trans- the deduction of enrpty spaces
ferred into or recalled fronr calculating tlrnber volumes and
the dynamic memory prices
Mulriplicotion Division
positive multiplication interest calculations
constant factor calculating averages and nreans
automatic sub-total percentages
2 f,
r Sterling colculqtions INFORMATION

adding sterling amounts FOR THE OPERAIOR

converting sterling currency to How to fit the tally roll
decimal currency (U. S. dol[ars) Paper table
converting decimal currency (U. Paper release lever
S. dollars) to sterling currency How to change the ribbon
Electric motor
sterling invoicing Taking care of the machine
Squore snd cube roois IABLES

The Olivetti Divisumma 24 is a superautomatic printing cal-
culator with one register and a dynamic memory. lt is designed
to add, subtract, multiply, and divide at high speed, ana to
{ calculate negative (or credit) balances.
Automatic controls allow any of ,the four operations to be
ij Iinked directly to others, in any /equence. ln this way a wide
variety of chain calculations can be quickly and simply car-
ried out.
tl For example:
involving a constant addend or subtrahend;
- calculations
positive or negative multiplications involving a constant
- factor;

- calculations requiring the automatic re-entry of products or

totals for further multiplication (volumes, powers, fac-
torials, etc.) ;
fully automatic divisions requiring the retention of the
- quotient for further use.
_Each stage and result of a calculation is printed on a tally roll.
This, besides providing a permanent record of the calculation,
allows accuracy to be checked, on the spot or at a later date
and in a different place.
This manual contains, as well as full operating instructions
for the machine, additional information for the benefit of the
operator, examples of some typical applications of the machine,
and a set of tables for values and conversions frequently
required in day-by-day calculation.
Entry keys lf you wish to correct only the last
The Divisumma 24 keyboard con-
digit entered, depress the back
space key !; this key cancels only
tains nine round keYs for entering the last digit. By depressing the
the digits 1 to 9, and three rectangu- back-space key I again, you can
Iar keys for entering single, double cancel the next-to-last-digit entered,
and triple zeros. and so on.

Cleoring lhe mochine

Copocity of the mqchine
Before beginning a fresh series of
calculations always check that the The entering capacity of the ma-
machine is clear.
chine is 12 digits: 999,999,999,999.
To do this, depress key fl: the sYm'
The totalling capacity of the ma-
bol r will then be printed, indicating chine is 13 digits: 9,999,999,999,999.
that the machine is clear.
Column indictrtor
Eniering on omount While an amount is being entered,
To enter an amount on the keyboard, as many dots as there are digits
simply depress the keys which corre- so far entered appear in the window
spond to tlle digits in the amount
in the same order as you would
write them (i.e., from left to right).
The machine auton.ratically arranges
on the front of the top cover. For
easier reading these dots are arrang-
ed in groups of three, with the
propriate number underneath.
ap- 0
them in their respective columns.
credit bolonce signal
Correcling dn enlry At the foot of the column indicator
lf you realise that you have made there is a small signal which shows
a mistake in figure entry, you can
cancel the entry by depressing the
keyboard clearing key !.
white when there is a negative (or
creditl balance in the register of the
rnachine. 0
The hasic openations Depress the sub'total (running total)
key !t: the running total, 26,500,
is printed with the symbol S and
retained in the register of the ma-
Complete the calculation by 500
E xomple, 123 + i5 = l3B sub-
800 +
tracting 500 and adding 800, and
123 Enter the first amount by depressing then - to obtain the final result and 26800 r
15 + in order keys @ @ @, and then to clear the machine for the next
138 T depress the addition k"y (or. tt.l"
H calculation - depressing the full total
bar 11. key E.
Enter the second amount @ @ and
deoress the addition kev P agarn. CREDIT BATANCE
Depress the total key $: the result,
138, is printed in red together with
The nrachine is equipped to find a
true negative (or credit) balance,
and so to carry out automatically
any kind of algebraic calculation.
SUBTRACTION The credit balance, which is indi-
cated by the credit balance signal
E xomple, 321*301=20 already referred to, is designated
Enter the first amount,321, and de- on the tally roll by the symbol c
321 +
(creditl printed alongside the T or
301 press key
20r fi.
Enter the second amount, 301, and
S symbols.

depress the subtraction key E. Exomple, 50 B5: - 35

Depress key $, which causes the
difference between the amounts -
i.e., 20 - to be printed.
Enter 50 and depress key
Enter 85 and depress key E.
fi. 50+
Depress key fl: the credit balance, JCc I

35, is printed with the symbols s T .

sub-totdl (running totol)
Exomple 25,000 Prinling of figures ond symbols
+ r,500
-amounts added or subtracted are
= 26.500 printed in blue (or black) with
+ 8oo the symbols * or -;
= 26,800 - totals and sub-totals, both positive
and negative, are printed in red
25000 + Depress keys 6 @@ and then with the appropriate symbols. They
1500 + r,ev are followed by an automatic
26500 s fi. double line spacing to mark off the
Depress keys
6) 6) E and then
end of one calculation from the
xev beginning of the next"
Repeol lever on the keyboard even when a total
lf an amount has to be added or or sub-total operation is carried out.
For this simply hold the repeat lever
subtracted more than once in suc-
cession, to avoid re-entering it each
in the " on " position manually while
you depress the total or sub-total
time " hold " it on the keYboard bY
using the repeat levef.
key. This feature (the " static me-
mory ") is ParticularlY useful for
When you have entered the amount
working out arithmetical progression
concerned, move the repeat lever to
and other similar calculations.
the left towards the position marked
" B ". Add or subtract the amount Priniing of omounls
the required number of times, and
then, at the end of the sequence' withoul colculqlion
depress either the total or the sub- (reference numbers)
total key: the result is then printed, To print a reference number, simply
and the repeat Iever automatically enter the number (e.g., 123) on the t23
returned to its " off , position. keyboard and depress the non-add
xomp /e: t25 key Q: the number is Printed on
+ 250 the tatly roll, together with the
+ 250 symbol < to indicate that the regis'
+ 250
ter of the machine has not been
= 875 involved in the operation.
125 + Enter 125 and dePress key E.
D(rle key
250 + Enter 250, engage the repeat lever,
To print the date automaticallY,
250 + and depress kev ff three times. simply:
250 + Depress key [: the result, 875, is
875 r - depress the date keY !, and then;
printed, and the repeat lever auto- - depress any of the motor control
matically returns to its ( off D Po- keys.
sition. The particular date to be printed is
Where the repeat sequence is to selected, at the beginning of each
be followed by other additions or day, by manual Positioning of the
subtractions, the repeated amount four date printing wheels situated
can be cancelled either bY depres- to the left of the numerical printing
sion of the sub-total key or (if it wheels.
is preferred that the sub-total should At the side is shown an addition 123 +
not be printed) bY depression of calculation with the date Printed 456 +
the keyboard clearing keY t and alongside the result. To obtain this, 258 +
the manual return of the repeat lever simply carry out the additions and 12.10 83i T
to its * off, position. then depress the date keY ! before
the final depression of the total
Slotic memory rey E.
It is important to realise that the Obvi6-usly this feature can be used
Divisumma 24 can " hold " an amount to print, instead of the date, other

constant . reference numbers: the B . Simultaneous transler of an a-
number of the machlne operator, mount into the dynamic memory and
the number of the machine itself into the register for addition or sub-
(where several machines are in traction.
use), etc. Enter an amount (e.9., 123), depress 123x +
the preselector key @ , and then
depress the addltion or subtraction
DYNAMIC MEMORY key according to the operation to
be carried out.
A - Transferring an amount entered
on the keyboard into the dynamic For example:
- simultaneous transfer into the dy- 123x -
125x < Enter an amount (e.9. 125) on the namic memory and into the regis-
keyboard and depress key[. ter (in addition):
The amount, 125, is received in the depress first key @ and then
machine's dynamic memory, auto- ruv
matically cancelling any amount that E;
may have been held there previously. - simultaneous transfer into the dy-
namic memory and into the regis-
Of the two symbols printed along- ter (in subtraction):
side the amount on the tally roll, depress first key @ and then
the < indicates that the register key E.
has not been involved in the oper-
ation, and the x that the dynamic
memory has been involved. C . Transferring a total or sub-total
into the dynamic memory.
As any amount received in the
register automatically cancels the The transfer of a total or sub-total
amount previously held there, the into the dynamic memory, which is
operator has no need to worry about known as the " automatic re-entry
clearing the dynamic memory at any of totals ", allows a result or partial
stage. Nevertheless it is worth result to be stored in the dynamic
noting that, if key [l is depressed memory ready for further calculation
when there is no amount entered (e-9., to be multiplied by another
on the keyboard the dynamic memo- amountJ.
ry is cleared.
At any point in a calculation the Exomple, t2+ts+20=47
contents of the dynamic memory fto be sfored in lhe dynomic memoryl
can be read. To do this depress
in order the preselector key @ and Enter and add the individual amounts t2 +
ff, d"nr"." the preselec-
the non-add key O. using key 15
The contents of the dynamic memo- 20 +
tor key @, and then depress key fl:
ry are then printed in red, the register is cleared and the re- 47x T
l25x < as
shown at the side. sult, 47, is transferred into the
memory. The symbols printed along' MUTIIPLICAIION
side identi{y the operation that has
been carried out. A . Positive multiplication
(automatic clearing of the product)'
D - Becalling an amount from the When a multiplication is carried out,
dynamic memory. the product obtained at the end of
the operation will normally be
Depress in order the Preselector retained in the register. To find out
key @ anci the fi or P key as what the product is and to clear
requ red.
i it from the register, depress key $.
ln the last section we transferred However, there is a special control
the amount 47 inlo the dynamic on the Divisumma 24 which allows
memory. If we now wish to recall the automatic printing and clearing
this amount for addition in the regis- of the product. This control is
ter, we can do so bY dePressing in the automatic total printing lever at
the top of the keyboard towards the
order keys @ and fi. ft,".u- left-hand side: by moving it to the
47x+ chine prints the amount 47 and the left (i.e., to position " A ") before
svmbols x + .
beginning the multiplication, the A(}
47x- By depressing keys @ and ;3 in-
machine can be preselected to print
stead, we can recall the amount the product and clear it from the
from the dynamic memory for sub- register at the end of the operation
traction in the register. automatically.
E - Printing of amounts transferred Eromple

into or recalled from the dYnamic Enter the first factor, 12, and de-
memory. press key [ (').
The printing of amounts in operations Enter the second factor, 1,234, and
involving the dynamic memory is as depress key !1.
tollows; On the tally roll, the factors are
printed in blue (or black) and the
- amounts entered on the keyboard product in red. For clelarer and easier
which are simultaneouslY trans- reading, the machine does not Print
ferred into the dynamic memory any intermediate terms.
and into the register are printed in
123x + blue (or black); B - Constant factor,
- amounts which are transferred The first factor entered on the key-
from the register into the dynamic board (e.9., 12 in the previous ex-
L23x r memory are printed in red;
- amounts which are recalled from (1) The 0roi foclor enlered is treoted by the
mochine os the multiplier. For ihis reoson
the dynamic memory and added it is odvisobie, wherever prociicoble, to
L23x + or subtracted in the register are enter lhe smoll {oclor ffrst, so ihol less mo_
723x - printed in red. chine cycles ore involved in the operotion.

anrple) is transferred into the dy- tions only when the automatic total
namic rremory by means of the printing lever is also engaged; but
key. when the two levers are engaged
This amount is then stored in the together, the progressive total of
dynanric memory, even after the products is printed after each multi-
product has been printed and clear- plication.
ed from the register, and so can ( 12X 12)
be ernplo,ved - without re-entry - | {r23 X 1,4s0)
in a whole series of multiplications l-( tsx .11!
involving a constant Iactor.
In this way, once the constant factor
= 185 ,334

l.ras been entered and transferred Check that the automatic total print- 72" <
into the memory, the series of multi- ing lever and the automatic sub' 12
plications can be carried out with total lever are both engaged. 144 s
only the variable factors needing to Enter 12 and depress keY E.
be entered each time. Enter 12 and dePress keY E. fhe 723x <
product,144, is obtained and Print- 1450
Exonrpie 12X1,234=14,BAB ed as a sub-total. 178494 s
' 12X1,580=18,960
l2)< ),62C=31,440 Enter 123 and dePress kuY E.
Enter 1,450 and depress key E. 15x <
72x < Check that the automatic total print- The sum of the products of the two 456
1234 ing Iever is in position " A ", enter multiplications so far carried out, 185334 s
14808 r 12, and depress key [|" 178,494, is obtained and again print-
Enter 1,234 and depress key p. ed as a sub-total. 185334 r
1580 The machine carries out the first Enter 15 and dePress keY [l '
i8960 T
multiplication, printing the product Enter 456 and depress keY E ' rhe
14,808 and clearing it from the required sum of the products of all
2620 reg i ster. three multiplications is obtained and
31440 r The factor, 12, remains in the dY- printed as a sub-total: 185,334'
namic memory, however, so that bY To clear the register depress key S.
entering 1,58C and dePressing key
p you can at once obtain the second D - Automatic re-entry of a Product
product, '18,960. Proceed in the same Ichain multiplication).
rvay to obtain tlre third product.
There is a device on the Divisull'l-
ma 24 which makes Possible
C - Automatic sub"total. automatic re-entry of a product (i.e.'
The Divisumma 24 can be used to the automatic transfer of a product
accumulate successive products if from the register to the dynamic
tlre small Iever below the keyboard memory) . For example, to Perform
on the right-hand side is engaged the calculation 3 X 5 X 12,we have
(i.e., is moved into the " down " first to carry out the multiplication
A} E. position).
This automatic sub-total Iever func-
3 X 5 : 15 and then to transfer
this product into the dynamic
memory to be multiplied in its turn Enter 2,000 and depress key 2000 +
by 12, before we can obtain the final ff. 3300 +
result:180. Enter 3,300 and depress key 23x <
For this it is not necessary to re- Enter 23 and depress key E. 45x
enter the product 15 on the key- Enter 45 and depress key €. 4265 T
board for transfer into the memory, The symbol x is printed alongside
nor even to make use of the pre- the second factor to indicate the
selector key @. The procedure is, negative multiplication, and the re-
in fact, as follows: su1t,4,265, is obtained and printed
Check that the automatic total print- in the normal manner.
ing lever is engaged, and the auto-
matic sub-total lever disengaged. F - Capacity of the machine in mul.
A (lF E. Enter 3 and depress key E.
Enter 5 and depress key @. The
The Divisumma 24 can carry out in
product, 15, is printed, together with a sir.rgle operation any multiplication
3x <
the symbol x to indicate that it has in which: (a) the digits of the fac-
5: been automatically transferred into tors concerned come to a total of
15x T
the dynamic memory. not more than 13, when the left-
Enter 12 and depress key p. The hand digit of the factor transferred
180 r required result, 180, is obtained and into the dynamic memory is less
printed. than 5 (i.e., is 1,2,3 or 4); or (b)
lf more than three factors are con- the digits of the factors concerned
ceined in the chain multiplication, mal<e a total of not more than 12,
the @ key should be used in place when the left-hand digit of the factor
of the p key for all but the last transferred into the dynamic memory
operation. is 5 or more.
E - Negative multiplication. 427x <
(1 3 disits) 421
" Negative multiplication " is the x t ,234,567,891
term used to designate an operation 519,713,082,111
519753082111 r
by which a product is subtracted 546x <
{12 d;gits)
from an amount which is already 546
8954s1 232
in the register, or which is to be -1:---j::4M? 488516372672 r
accumulated in the register at a later = 486,91 6,372,672

stage in the calculation. The Divisurnma '24 automatically in-

Orr the Divisumma 24 this negative forms tlre . operator when the multi-
multiplication is achieved automa- plication ileing. attempted excerjds
tically by use of the @ key in place this capacity: when the E, (D or.
of the p key. Q key is depressed, the machine
remains inoperative. To unlock the
E xamplei keys and clear the keyboard, simply
2,000 + 3,300 (23 X 45) 4,265 depress the clearing key !.
- =
ln practice, however, there is no Enter 42 and depress key E.
limit to the size ol multiplication that The machine carries out the division
can be carried out on the Divisumma automatically by first reprinting the
24: there is a simple method where' dividend (in red) as a check (1),
by multiplications that exceed this and then printing, at the end of the
capacity may be carried out' operative cycles, the divisor, the
quotient, and the remainder, in that
Fromple 4,521 ,368 order [s].
x 12,747 ,854,585
The engagement of the automatic
= 57 ,637 ,741 ,789,27 2,280 total printing lever causes both the
quotient and the remainder to be
A(> m.
Check that the automatic total print-
ing lever is engaged, and the auto-
matic sub-total lever disengaged.
printed and cleared from the regis'
ter; if it is left disengaged before
the beginning of the division, onlY
4521368 x< Enter the smaller factor, 4,521,368, the quotient is printed, and the re-
854585 and depress key [ . mainder is Ieft in the register for
r Enter the first six digits (reading further use or for manual clearance
from the right) of the second factor, (by depression of key S).
3863893 + i.e-, 854,585, and depress key ll.
lgnoring the first six digits (reading
12747 Aulomdtic retenlion
r from the right) of the product print-
ed (i.e., the same number of digits of the quotienl qnd ils uses
as were entered from the second At the end of a division operation
factor), enter the remaining digits, the quotient is stored automatically
3.863,893, and depress kev in the dynamic memory, ready for
Enter the remaining digits from the
left of the second factor, 12,747, and (1) By reprinting the dividend in red, the
depress key l. to this second Pro- Divisummo 24 provides visible proof of the
duct obtained, 57,637,741,789, add occurocy of the colculotion. This meons thoi,
if the register is noi cleor if the operotor
the last six digits of the first pro-
forgels to cleor it, the error becomes imme'
duct obtained, 272,280, to give the diotely obvious. lvlore imporiontly, it otso
final iesult: 57,637,7 41,789,272,280. meons lhot if ihe dividend in o poriiculor
colculolion is the sum of o series of odditions
or ihe product from o previous col.uloiion,
the volue of this sum or producl is oulo'
DtvtstoN moticolly mode known by iis being prinled
os the dividend.
5,560 (21 If you wish lo stop the moch,ne in the
132 (renoinder 16)
= middle of o division (e.g. becouse ihe
T 42 dividend reprinting shows thot the register
5560 + wos not cleor beforehond, or becouse on
5560 - the automatic total print-
Check that onswer occurole to o suftlcient numbei of
decimol oloces will olreodv hove been ob-
ing lever is engaged, and the auto-
42 :
matic sub-total lever disengaged. toinedl, depress k"v O . : tt i, couses lhe
132 T mochine fo print rhe dividend os colculoted
16 T Enter 5,560 and depress key to ihot point, followed by ihe remolnder'
immediate use in a subsequent oper- multiplier and multiplicand taken 323x <
1245 + ation. together. 12
1245 :
lst Exomp/e: 3876 T
12: 1,245
Exomple 3.23X12
3.23 X 12.1
103 r 12 323x <
9T Check that the automatic total print-
In chain multiplications the principle 1215
remains the same: the number of 392445 r
ing lever is engaged, and the auto- decimal places in the product will
1545 r matic sub-total lever disengaged. be equal to the sum of decimal 107x <
Carry out the division operation as places in all the factors. 98
before. Enter and depress key p:
the required answer, 1,545, is ob- Exomple:
10486 xr
1250 + tained and printed- 1.alXA.9BXl.41X.729 : 1,A77.845454
1250 : 2n<1 Example 1,2s0 1478526 x r
12: Division
104 r 12
Ouotient: in division, the number of 729
2r Carry out the first division oper- decimal places in the quotient will 1077845454 r
ation. Depress the preselector key be equal to the number of decimal
104x + places in the dividend Iess the num-
104 :
@ followed by key fi to transfer ber in the divisor.
6: the quotient,104, still stored in the Remainder: in division, the number
17r dynamic memory, to the register. of decimal places in the remainder
2r Enter 6 and depress key B: the
required answer, '17, is obtained and
will be the same as the number in
the dividend.
prinied. Two di{[erent types of case arise:
3rd Exomple, 12,636
a) where the dividend is larger tharr
12636 + 293 -. 4 55 the ciivisor;
12636 : b) where the dividend is smaller
78: Carry out the division operation. than the divisor.
162 r Depress the preselector key @ fol-
T a) where the dividend is larger than
lowed by key
E, and then enter the divisor
162x + and add 293. Finally depress key fl: I - li neither the dividend nor ihe divisor
253 + the required answer,455, is obtained hos decimol ploces, ihe quotient will not
hov" derimol plnces.
455 r and printed.
lf, despite this, decimal places are
DETERMINING THE POSIIION required in the quotient, add as many
OF THE DECIMAT POINT zeros to the dividend as there are
decimal places required in the quo-
Multiplicolion tient.
ln multiplication the product will Exonp/er 1,450 13
have as many decimal places as -
(two decimol ploces ore required in the
there are decimal places in the quolien l).

145000 + Enter 1,450 followed by 00 and de" Enter 5.2 followed by 00 00 and de- 520000 +
145000 : press key press key 520000 :
t3: fi. fi. 2346 :
Enter 13 and depress key p. Enter 234.6 and depress key p.
11153 r The quotient and remainder printed The quotient and remainder print- 221 r
11 T should be read as 111.53 and 0.11 ed should be read as 0.0221 and 1534 r
respectively. 0.01534 respectively.
2. Both the dividend ond the divisor hove
decimol ploces, and the quotieni is required
wiih decimol ploces.

ln this case, zeros must be added

to either the dividend or the divisor
as it is entered so that the number $ome typical
of decimal places in the dividend
Iess the number of decimal places
in the divisor is equal to the num-
ber of decimal places required in PRETIMINARY NOTE
the quotient. In the " Application , section which
Exomple: 145.2 | 12.5 follows it should be assumed, in the
llwo decifrol ploces ore required in lhe absence of any specific indication
quolienl). to the contrary, that the automatic
total printing lever is engaged and
145200 Enter 145.2 followed by 00 and de- the automatic sub-total lever disen-
145200 press key gaged.
125 ff. Whenever a particular operation re-
Enter 12.5 and depress key S.
1 161 quires a different positioning of one
The quotient and remainder printed
should be read as 11.61 and 0.075 or both of these control levers, this
respectively. will be clearly indicated.
b) where the dividend is smaller ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION
than the divisor
Where the dividend is smaller than Adding .r conslrrnl dmounl
the divisor, zeros must be added to lo o serieg of different omounls
the dividend entered as necessary Example, 1,748 + 478 = 2,226
(at least as many zeros as there 344+478= 822
are digits in the divisorJ. The number 871 +478=1,349
of decimal places in the quotient
will then be, as before, equal to the Enter 1,748 and depress key
number of decimal places in the Enter 478, depress the preseleetor
dividend less the number in the di-
vl sor.
t<ey @,and then kev ff. 1748 +
Depress key $: the first answer, 478 x +'
Exomp/er 5.2 | 234.6 2,226 is obtained and printed. 2226 r
344 + Enter 344 and denress key Enter and add 123,140, and 1,930. 123 +
478x + $1.
Depress the preselector key @ and Depress the preselector key @ and 140 +
822 T then key fl: the first total, 2,i93, is 1930 +
then key printed and stored in the dynamic
fi. xr
871 + Depress key S: the second answer, memory.
478x + 822, is obtained and printed. Enter and add 423, 12, and 893. 423 +
1349 r Carry out the third and any sub- Depress key !t: the second total, 12+
sequent additions in the same way 1,328, is printed. 893 +
as the second. Depress the preselector key 1328
@ and s
then kev
Subtrociing d constdnl omount f,i. 2193 x +
from q series of difierent omounls Depress the preselector key @ and
then key: the progressive total is 3521 xr
Eronrp/e: printed and stored in the dynamic
Co/culote o series ol nel weights given lhe
indivicjool gross weighls ond a conslont' lare memory. 27+
weighi Enter and add 27, 144, and 4,220. 144 +
Gross Tore Net
Depress key !t: the third total,4,391, 4220 +
weig h t weight weight is printed. 4391 s
145 62 Depress the preselector key @ and
186 62
124 then kev
209 62 147 f,i 7912 r
Depress key f!: the progressive
145 + Enter 145 and clepress key
E. total,7,912, is printed as the grand

62" Enter 62, depress the preselector total of the three addition se-
key @, and then key E. quences.
Depress key !: the first net weight,
186 + 83, is obtained and printed. MUTTIPTICATION
A)" _
Enter 186 and depress key
1,24 r ff.
Depress the preselector key @ fol-
Calculuting discounts
and perrenloge increases
209 + lowed by key E. Because of the large number of
Depress key fl: the second net
147 T weight, 124, is obtained and printed.
automatic devices on the Divisum-
ma 24, percentages - whether dis-
Carry out the third and any sub- counts or percentage increases -
sequent operations in the same way can be carried out in several differ-
as the second. ent ways.
Series of addition sequences Discounls
wilh individuql totals 1 - The gross omouni is muliiplied os o
ond a grond total consioni focior, first by ihe discount rote
Exomp i e,
ond then by ihe complemeni of the role
io 00.
14a++ 423 + 27 1- ist 6xompler
t2+ 144+
1 ,930 + 893 + 4,220 + Discounf 1,430 by 7 % to sfiow bol]r the
volue ot' the discounl dnd the discounied
2,1es l- 1,32e 1 4,391 =7.91 ) (net) omaun!.

1430, < Enter 1,430 and depress key [. the value of the discount,100.10.
Enter 7 and depress key l: the EnteY 2,745 and depress key l: the
100i0 r discount printed should be read as answer printed should be read as the
1 00.1 0. net amount, 2,552.85, followed bY
oe Enter 93 fthe complement of 7 to the value of the discount,'192.15.
132990 r 100J and depress key l: the net
amount printed should be read as PerGenloge increqses
,329.90. 1 - The omouni to be increosed is mul
NOT E. iiplied by the roie of increose ond by ihe
roie of increose plus 100.
Since we ore here deoling wlth percentoges,
it will be obvious thql ihe onswers piinted I sl Exomple:
must be divided mentolly by '100.
lncreose 1,430 by 15 % lo show botl tfie
2 - By o different procedure ihe decimol volue of the increose ond ihe increosed
ploces con be eliminoted. omounl.

2nd Exomple, Enter 1,430 and depress key [ . 1430 x <

Discount 1,430 by 7 "/". Entell5 and depress keY fl: the 15
1430 x < percentage increase printed should 21450 r
a_ Enter 1,430 and depress key [. be read as 214.50.
Enter 7 and depress key l: the Enter 1'15 (15 + 100) and dePress
10010 r discount printed should again be
key p: the increased amount print- 16450
read as 100.10.
1430 x + ed should be read as 1,644.50.
Depress consecutively l<eys @ and
100 E
2 - By o difierent procedure the decimol
1330 r E ploces con be omitted.
Enter the value of the discount less
2nd Example,
its decimal places, 100, and depress
key E. lncreose 1,430 by 15 '/".
Depress key fl: the net amount, Enter 1,430 and depress key E.
1,330, is printed without decimal 1430 x <
Enter 15 and depress key p: the 15
places. percentage increase printed should n45A r
3 - The discount ond the nei omounl con again be read as 214.50.
be obtoined simultoneously by q single multi- Depress consecutively keys @ and 1430 x +
plicction. This method is poriiculorly suii- E
obie for coses where diftereni omounls require H. 215 +
to be discounfed by the some rote. Enter 215 (the percentage increase 1645 r
3rd Exomple' rounded off to be nearest whole
Discount fhe following onounls by 7 "f", number) and deOress key
1,430 ond 2,745. fi.
Depress key [: the increased
93000007 x < Enter 93, a " bridge " of five zeros, amount printed should be read as
1430 and 7 (93 000 00 7) and depress 1,645.
132990010010 r key E.
Enter 1,430 and depress key l: the 3 - The percentoge increose ond the in-
creosed omount con be obloined simul-
2745 answer printed should be read as the toneously by o single multiplicoiion. This
255285019215 r net amount, 1,329.90, followed by method is pcrticulorly suiloble for coses
wherE differeni omounls require io be in- discount printed should be read as 13025 x<
creosed by the some rote. 2,084. l6
3rd Exomple: Enter 84 [the complement of 16 to 208400 r
lncreose the {ollowing omoonls by l2 l"' 100) and depress key @: the dis-
2,127, 5,850 qnd 3,425.
counted amount printed, which is 84
112000012 x < Enter 112, a " bridge " of four zeros, automatically transferred into the 1094100 xr
and 12 (112 000012) and depress dynamic memory, should be read
as 10,941. a_
238224025524 r t<ey E. J_
Enter 2,127 and depress key l: Enter 3 and depress key p: the 3282300 r
the answer printed should be read percentage increase printed should
655200070200 r as the increased amount, 2,382.24, be read as 328.23. 103
followed by the value of the per- Enter 103 and depress key ll: the 112692300 r
centage increase, 255.24. increased amount printed should be
Enter 5,850 and depress key l: read as 11,269.23, and represents the
383600041100 T
the answer printed should be read net amount.
as the increased amount, 6,552, fol-
lowed by the value of the percentage lnvoicing
increase, 702.
Enter 3,425 and depress key lsl Exompie:
l: the
answer printed should be read as Extend the lollowing invoice'
the increased amount, 3,836, fol- Unit roie Amounl
Iowed by the value of the percentage
24 250 6,000
increase, 41 1. 52 175 9,100
If there is a whole series of these Gross omounl l5,l 00
operations, it will help in the read- Discounl 6 "/6
ing of the answers to draw two Per.en1096 increose 3.3 lo
vertical lines on the tally roll to Nef omount t 4,662
correspond with the positions of the
commas shown here: Enter 24 and depress key [.
1,120000,12. Enter 250 and depress key l: the
value of the first extension,6,000,
Chqin discount rrnd perGenldge is printed.
increose cokulolions Engage the automatic sub-total lever.
(Where it is
required to show the
values both of the
discounts and Et[: ,;3 ::: 3:il::: [3] p; ,n"
24x <
percentage increases and of the dis- value of the second extensiori;g,100,
counted and increased amounts). is printed. 6000 r
Enter 6,000 (the value of the first
Exomple, 52x <
extension) and depress key
lniliolomounl 13,025 ff. 175
Discounl 16 "/" Disengage the automatic sub-total 9100 s
Percenloge increose 3"f
Enter 13,025 and depress key E. Depress in order keys @ and fl: 6000 +
Enter 16 and depress key !: the the gross amount oI the invoice, x
15100 i
6= '15,100, is printed and transferred automatically transferred into the 88
90600 r into the dynamic memory. dynamic memory. 8233280 xr
Enter 6 and depress keY l: the Enter 88 (the complement of 12 to
94 discount printed should be read as 100) and depress key @: the dis- 1033
1419400 r 906. counted amount, 82,332.80, is printed 8504978240 r
Enter 94 (the complement of 6 to and transferred into the dynamic
14194 x< 100) and depress key E: the dis- memory.
33 counted amount printed should be Ente|I033.3 (100 + 3.3) and depress
468402 r read as '14,194. key E: the net amount is obtained
Enter 14,194 and depress key [. as 85,049.78240, which is of course
1033 Enter 33 and depress keY E: the equivalent to the 85,050 shown on
74662402 r percentage increase printed should the invoice being checked.
be read as 468.402.
Enter 103.3 (100 + 3.3) and depress Woges 168x <
key !: the increased amount Print' Exonple, 230
ed should be read as 14,662.402, 168 hours of 230
= 38,640
38640 r
and represents the net amount, 40 hours qt 300 12,000
= 7,000
20 hours ol 350 --
2nd Example' poy
40x <
Clreck lhe lollowing invoice,
= 57,640 300
Un it
7.00 % 12000 r
320 145
Price Amount
on lhe gross poy
-1 I
0.57 %
0.ts % 20x <
B 780 27 2t ,060 on lhe.gross poy /ess lhe o/- 350
c 120 30 3,600 Iowonce of 20,000 ond /ess the 7000 r
D 500 45 22,500 three preceding deductions = 4.40 %
Gross omounf 93,560
Less 12 $ discounl 11,227 Carry out the three multiplication +
operations: hours worked x hourly 12000 +
Discounfed omounf 82,333
7000 +
Plus 3.3 % soles rax 2,717 rate.
Enter and add the three products xr
Nel omounl 85,050
obtained, and depress in order keys
Disengage the automatic total print- @ and S: the gross amount, 57,640, 700
ing lever. is printed, and transferred into the 40348000 r
A} Enler 320 and depress key E. dynamic memory.
Enter 145 and depress key !. Enter in turn the three deduction 57
320x < Enter 780 and depress key [1. rates,700,57, and 15, depressing 3285480 r
145 Enter 27 and depress key E. key I after each entry; the three
780x < Enter 120 and depress key [1. deductions printed should be read 15
27 Enter 30 and depress key !. as 4,034.800, 328.5480, and 86.4600 864600 r
120x < Enter 500 and depress key [. respectively.
30 Be-engage the automatic total print- Enter in turn these three deductions, 4035
500x < ing lever. rounded off to the nearest unit, de- 329
45 Enter 45 and depress key @: the pressing key E after each entry: 86 --
93560 x r gross amount,93,560, is printed, and 4,035, 329 and 86. 4450c s
57640 x + Depress key [: the total of the area printed should be read as 95x <
2000 three deductions, 4,450, is Printed. 58.5600 square metres. 225 x
33190 xr Depress in order kevs @ and ff. Enter 95 and depress key E. 130x <
Enter 225 and depress key Q : the 225 x
Enter 20,000 (the amount of the al- area of the first door is subtracted 190x <
440 lowance) and depress key E.
14603600 r from the overall area. 150 x
Deprsss in order keys @ and f,1. Enter 130 and depress key E. 506475 r
Enter 440 and depress key P: the Enter 225 and depress key @ : the
57640 +
fourth deduction printed should be
4450 area of the second door is sub-
read as 1,460.3600. tracted from the overall area.
1460 Enter the gross pay, 57,640, and de-
5i730 r Engage the automatic total printing
press key lever again.
Enter 4,450 (the sum of the first Enter 190 and depress key E.
three deductionsl and depress key Enter 150 and depress key Q: the
E. net wall area printed should be read
Enter 1,460 (the fourth deduction, as 50.6475 square metres. n1
rounded off to the nearest unit) and 44x t
depress keyE. Calculuting
Depress key $: the net pay, 51 ,730, limber volumes ond prices 400
is printed. No of 17600 xr
pieces Height Width Length
CALCULAIING SURFACE AREAS 55 2 cm 22 cm 100 cm 55
AND VOTUMES 125 3 cm 24 cm 410 cn
968000 T
65 4cm 25cm 4l5cn
Colculoting surfqce qreas Price 25,724 per cubic melre.
wirh rhe deduction 3x <
of emply spoces Enter 2 and depress key E.
Enter 22 and depress key (D. 72x t
Enter 400 and depress key @: the
unit volume of the first item should 410
be read as 0.0176 cubic metres 29520x r
(17,600 cubic centimetres).
Enter 55 and depress key fi: the 125
Colculote lhe net woll oreo ol a four-wolled total volume of the first item should 3690000 r
raom conloining lwo doo/s ond o wr'ndow.
be read as 0.968 cubic metres.
Disengage the automatic total print- Carry out the two other multiPli- {x <
425 + ing Iever, leaving the automatic sub- cation operations in the same way, 25
585 + total lever disengaged as well. in each case entering the number 100x r
445 + Enter and add the four overall wall of pieces as the last factor so that
375 + Iengths (4.25 + 5.85 + 4.45 + 3.75). the unit volumes can be obtained 415
1830 x T Depress in order keys @ and S. and printed. 41500 xr
Enter 3.20 (the height of the walls) Enter and add the total volumes,
320 and depress key !. omitting the last two digits printed: 65
585600 Depress key S: the overall wall 9.680. 36.900. and 26.975. 2697500 r

.divisor for
9680 + Depress in order keys @ and S: Enter 4,500 (the fixed
36900 + the grand total of volumes printed 8 or'o given on page 35) and depress
26975 + should be read as 7.3555 cubic key $l: the interest, 361, is printed.
73555 xr metres.
Exomple 3,
Enler 25,724 and depress key l:
the cost of the consignment printed Co/cu/ote ihe nei receivob/e omounl:
1892128820 T should be read as 189,212.8820. Bill ref. Doys

1 5,500 30
28,040 50
DrvtstoN 42,850 90
Rqle : B'/. : (ffxed divisor 4,5001
lnleresl calculolions Comm,ssron: l2U pet btll
Exomple l:
Co/cuiole the inleresi given the lollowing
Soies tox = 3.3 7"

Disengage the automatic total print-

A{ E.
Principol =P=25,400 ing lever, Ieaving the automatic sub-
Doys =d= 65 total Iever disengaged as well. 15500 +
Roie =t= 8% Enter and add the amounts: 15,500, 28000 +
The formula thoi oppi ies isr 42850 +
A(} m.
28,000, and 42,850.
Depress key
$: the
is printed.
gross amount, 86350 r
Carry out the three multiplication 30x <
25000 x < Enter 25,000 ,.0 O"Or"", ;:;o;. operations: 30 X '15,500, 50 X 28,000, 15500
Enter 65 and depress key (0. 50x <
xr Disengage the automatic total print-
and 90 x 42,850.
1625000 Re-engage the automatic total print- 28000
ing lever. ing lever. 90x <
8: Enter I and depress key !!.
Re-engage the automatic total print-
Enter 4,500 (the fixed divisor) and 42850
13000000 :
depress key p: the interest, 1,271 , 5721500 :
36000 : ing lever. is printed. 4500 :
361 r Enter 36,000 and depress key p: 1.271r
Depress in order keys @ and
4000 r the interest, 361, is printed. fi. 2000 r
Enter 360 (: 3 X 120 = the total
Exomple 2:
commission on the three bills) and 7277 x +
Colcuio{e the inleresi using fhe shorfer
depress t"v 360 +
lormulo, E.
, C.s. Depress in order keys @ and $. 1631 xr
-D Enter 3.3 and depress key E: the
where D = 36,000/t, = o f,xed divisor sales tax printed should be read as
token {rcm lhe toble on poge 35). 53.823. 53823 r
Depress in order keys @ and
25000 x < Using the same data as given in fi. 1631 x +
Enter 54 (the sales tax rounded off
65 example 1:
to the nearest unit) and depress 54+
1625000 : Disengage the automatic total print- n 1685 s
4500 : ing lever. r<ey
361 r Enter 25,000 and depress key E . Depress key [: the amount to be 86350 ;'
500 r Enter 65 and depress key p . deducted, 1,685, is printed. 84665c r

Enter the gross amount, 86,350, and Percenioges
depress key E.
Depress keY S: the net receivable
Exomple I :

Discount percentoges.
amount, 84,655, is Printed. An orlicle whose lisf price is 18,500 is so/d
lor 16,280, llnd lhe percentoge discouni of 1628000 +
lhe so/e price on the lisl P/ice' 1628000 :
Galculoting dversges ond meong
00 and denress keY fi.
18500 :
Simple arithmetical averages' Enter 16,280
Enter 18,500 and depress key E. T
Exomple 1 ,

Col.olole lhe overoge of lhe following o'

Enter 1oo and depress keY ff.
mounts, 475, 620,744, ond 861. Depress in order keYs @ and g. 100 +
475 + Depress keY !: the discount Per' 88x-
620 +
fhe formulo thot oPPir'es is
olblc{d ce;tage requir-ed, 12o/o, is printed. 12r
744 + Averoge =
861 + 4 Exomple 2:

2700 : Reduction percentoges fsome os discounl per-

!: Enter and add the four amounts. centoges).

675 r Enter 4 and depress keY P: the A oiece of moteriol weighing 1,626 kg

average of the four amounts, 675' originolly weighs only 1,383 kg oltet drying'
T ffnd Ihe percentoge loss in weight'
is printed.
Enter 1,383 00 00 and dePress keY ff. 13830000 +
Exonple 2:
Enter 1,626 and depress keY E. 13830000 :
Averoge price.
Unit Enter 100 o0 and denress kev fi. 1626 :
QuontitY Price
Depress in order keYs @ and E '
8705 r
620 ks
800 (9
205 per kg
285 per kg Depress key $: the Percentage loss
870 r
in weight Gquired, 14.95 o/o, is
10000 +
Averoge 1620x2os)+(800x285) 8505 x -
A{ m.
(620 +
Disengage the automatic total print-
(To obtain a percentage to two deci-
mal places simply add four zeros
to the dividend - i.e., to the final
1495 r

weight in this examPle - and find

620 + ing lever, leaving the automatic sub'
the complement of the quotient to
800 + total lever disengaged as well.
100 00).
1420 r Enter and add the two quantities,
and depress keY $: the sum of Exomp/e 3,
620x < the quantities, 1,42O is Printed. Pelcenroge increoses.
205 Carry out the two multiPlication Soles lurnover wos 8,640,500 in 1961, ond
800x < operations: 620X205, and 800x285. 9.125.250 in 1962, find lhe pe/centoge in-
Re-engage the automatic total print- creose of 1962 so/es over 196l soles' 91252500000 +
ing lever. 91252500000 :
355100 :
Enter 9,125,250 00 OO (in order to ob- 8640500 :
1420 : Enter the sum of the quantities'
. 250 r 1,420, and dePress keY f : the av-
tain two decimal Places in the re' 10561 r
100 r erage Price, 250, is Printed. sult) and denress kev fi. 179500 r
Enter 8,640,500 and depress key T: sented by product A, 29.1550 o/o,
the quotient printed is 105.61, show- is printed. 166600 T
ing a percentage increase of 5.61 o/o. Enter 200 and depress key p: the
second percentage, 16.6600 o/o, is 150
Exomple 4: printed. 124950 T
Profl percentoges. Enter 150 and depress key E: the
An crticle which cost 130,000 is sold for third percentage, 12.495o/o, is printed. 500
13000000 + 185,000: find the percenloge Nofrl or lhe Enter 500 and depress key l: the
sel/ing over the cosl price. 416500 T
13000000 : fciurth percentage, 41.6500 o/o, is
185000 : Enter 130,000 00 and depress key printed.
70r Enter 185,000 and depress key E.
50000 r Adding sterling amounls
Enter 100 and depress key
fi. (Brifish monelqry system)
100 + Depress in order keys @ and E.
70x - Depress key fl: the percentage The British monetary system con-
30r profit required, 30 o/0, is printed. sists of the following values:
Exomple 5:
- Pound sterllng (symbol E), equal
to 20 shillings;
lncidence percenfoges. - Shilling (symbol s. or /-J, equal
From 1,200 kg o( raw moleriol the following to 12 pence;
quontities hove been obloined, Penny (symbol d.) subdivided into
350 k9 of producl A
2 halfpennies.
200 kg of product B
I 50 kg ol product C Thus the amount 2 pounds, I shil-
599 kg of prcduct D lings, and 11 pence may be written
1,200 ks as t2.9s.11d., or (more commonly) li
Find lhe percentoge which eoch product as 92.9.1rd. or 49/11d., or (most
represenls of the originol raw motetiol. commonly) as 92.9.11.
Sterling amounts cannot be added
In the normal way this calculation directly in the decimal system, or
would be carried out in a series therefore on a decimal calculator t,
of divisions, using 1,200 as a con- such as the Divisumma 24; but they
stant divisor; but, for greater speed, can be added if the pounds, shillings,
the reciprocal of 1,200 can be work- and pence are added separately, and
ed out beforehand and used as a the total shillings and pence are then
constant factor in a series of multi- re-expressed as pounds shillings and
plications. pence.
Enter 1,000,000 and depress key f,.
1000000 + 2s.t8. 6 230i8006 +
1000000 Enter 1,200 and depress key p: t-he + 58. B.l0
1200 reciprocal of 1,200 is printed and + 68.1s.2 58008010 +
+ t72.t8.
24. 6.11 68015002 +
833 automatically retained in the dynam- + I 24006011 +
400 ic memory for uses as a constant 8.
factor. = 348. 2 172018009 +
350 Enter 350 and depress key l: the Provided that (as in this example) 345065038 rr
291550 r percentage of the total amount repre- neither the total sum of shillings nor
the total sum of pence is likely to The answer to the addition is, there-
exceed 999, allow the last six entry fore, properly expressed in pounds,
columns for the shillings and pence shillings and pence, t348.8.2.
(three to each), entering and adding )
as follows:
23 0t8 006 Converling sierling currency I

58 008 010 io decimal curren.y (U. 5. dolltlrs)

68 015 002 Exomple:
24 006 0t t
172 0t.8 009 Converf lhe following sterling omoun15 inro
U. S. dollqrs, given thdt 01.0.0 = $2.80,
345 065 038 ,1 5.12.5, 239-10.0, ond 47.9.1 1.

At the end of the addition series, Enter 28 and depress key $. T

depress key fi: the total is print- Enter 1562083 (t15.12.5 expressed
ed as 345065038, representing 345
28x <
as pounds and decimals of a pound, 1 562083
pounds, 65 shillings, and 38 pence. read from the table on page 37) and
43738324 r
depress key l: the dollar equi-
To convert the pence into shillings: valent printed should be read as
38+ Enter 38 (the number of pence) and $43.738324, or $43.74.
38: depress key
fi. Enter 23950000 and depress key !:
12: Enter 12 (the number of pence in the dollar equivalent printed should
2T a shilling) and depress key T: the be read as $670.60.
13288324 r
quotient printed, 3, represents the Enter 474583 and depress key l:
number of shillings, and the re- the dollar equivalent printed should
mainder, 2, the number of pence. be read as $'132,89.
To convert the shillings into pounds: Converling decimnl currency (U. 5.
3x + Depress in order keys @ and
ff. dollurs) into slerling currency
65+ Enter 65 (the number of shillings) Exomple,
68: and depress key Convert $86,325 inlo pounds, shi/lings, ond
20: ff. pence, g/ven lnot Lt lz.ou.
Enter 20 (the number
of shillings in
pound) and depress key T: the
Enter 86,325 00 000 (the extra zeros
8632500000 +
quotient printed, 3, represents the 8632500000 :
to provide sufficient decimal places 280 i
number of pounds, and the remain- for accuracy) and depress key E.
der, 8, the number of shillings. 30830357 r
Enter 280 (the number of dollars to 40r
To obtain the pounds: one pound) and depress key $ : the
in order quotient printed should be read as 357x <
3x + Depress keys @ and
ff. 930,830.357. 20
345 + Enter 345 (the number of pounds
348 r already obtained) and depress key
Enter 357 (the decimal place digits 7140 r
n of the quotient iust printed) and
H depress key [. 140x <
Depress key fl: the number of Enter 20 (the number of shillings 12
pounds, 348, is printed in a pound) and depress key ll: 1680 r
the product printed should be read the unit price expressed in pence 4x <
as 7.140s. only, 906, is printed and transferred 240
Enter 140 (the decimal place diglts into the dynamic memory. 9x <
of the product just printed) and de- Enter 25 (the quantityJ and depress t2
press key [. keyH. 11 +
Enter 12 and depress key p: the Enter 240 (again as the number of 1079 xr
product printed should be read as pencj in a pound) and depress
1.68d. keyE : the machine prints in order 16
The answer required is, therefore, the dividend 22,650 [the extended 17264 :
to the nearest penny, t30,830.7.2d. amount expressed in pence only), 240 i
(The answer may also be obtained the divisor 240, and the quotient 94
(the number of pounds in the ex-
by reading off the decimal places of 224 :
a pound obtained in the first di- tended amount, as requiredJ, 12:
vision from the conversion table on Enter 12 (agairr as the number of 187
page 38). pencg in a shilling) and depress
keyE : the machine prints in order
Sterling invoicing the dividend, 90, tlre divisor, 12, and
the quotient, 7, (the number of shil-
Iings in the extended amount, as 7x<
Quontity Unit price Amount
required). 240
25 3.15. 6 94. 7. 6 Depress key $: the machine prints 3x <
16 4. 9.11 71.18. I the remainder, 6, fthe number of
5 7. 3. 3 35.16. 3 1.2

Gross omounf 202. 2. 5

pence in the extended amount, as 3+
Less 12 '/" 24. 5. I
required). 1719 xr
The first extended amount is, there-

A{ m.
Net omount t77.17.4

Disengage the automatic total print-

ing lever, leaving the automatic sub-
fore, 094.7.6.
Bepeat the procedure to
the second and third extensions:

3x < total lever disengaged as well. 16X84.9.11 = t71 .18.8, and 5XS7"3.3 35r
- [35.16.3. 195 :
15x <
Colcu/ote the lrrsi exiension of fhe invoice
Co/culole the gross omounl of ihe invoice
os fol/ows,
6+ Enter 3 (the number of pounds in
Enter and add the three extended 3r
the unit price) and depress key [1.
906x r Enter 240 (the number of pence in amounts (as expressed in pence
a pound) and depress key !. only]: 22,650, 17,264, and 8,595.
Enter 15 (the number of shillings in Enter 240 and depress key $: the
22650 :
the unit price) and depress key [. machine prints in order the dividend,
240 :
Ente|l2 (the number of pence in 48,509, (the gross amount expressed
94r a shillingJ and depress key p. in pence onlyJ, the divisor, 240, and
90: Enter 6 (the number of pence in the quotient, 202, (the number of
t2: pounds in the gross amount, as re-
7t the unit price) and depress key
fi. quired).
6T Depress in order keys @ and [: Enter 12 and depress key $: the

22654 + machine prints in order the dividend, The net amount of the invoice is
17264 + 29, the divisor, 12, and the quotient' printed as D177.17.4 (to the nearest
8595 + 2, (the number of shillings in the penny).
48509 : gross amount, as required).
240 : Depress key $: the machine Prints Squore ond cube rools
202 T the remaindel 5, (the number of Used in coniunction with standard
29: pence in the gross amount, as re' tables, the Divisumma 24 can Pro-
12: quired). vide quick square and cube roots

21 The gross amount of the invoice is, of numbers larger than those given
5r therefore, ,202.2.5. in the tables themselves.

Colculote lhe discount ond lhe net omounl Exomple l:
os follows: Find the squore roof of 1,547.88 (cotrect I
fo four decimol ploces). I
Enter 48.509 fthe gross amount of I
154788000000 +
the invoice expressed in pence only) Enter 00 (i.e., 1,547.88
154788 00 00 154788000000 :
and depress key [. ptus sufficient zeros to provide two 393446
r 'ti
Enter 12 (the discount rate) and de- decimal places for every one deci- 393416
press key l. mal place required in the answer) 48464 r
Enter 240 00 (two extra zeros to ef- and deoress kev ff. I
fect the necessary division by 100) Enter the nearest approximation to 393446 + -tl
and depress keY S: the machine the true square root given bY the 392416 x + ",]
prints in order the dividend, 582108'
tables - i.e., 39.3446 : the square 786862 i
the divisor, 24000, and the quotient, root of 1,548 - and dePress keY fil. 2:
24, (the number of Pounds in the As soon as the machine begins its 302431 r
48509 x< discount, as required). division cycles, engage the repeat T
L2 Enter 12 00 (again two extra zeros lever and hold it in the engaged
582108 : to effect the necessarY division bY
position until the quotient and the 154788000000 +
24000 100) and depress keY P: the ma-
remainder have been Printed, 154788000000 :
24 chine prints in order the dividend, 393431 :
6108 the divisor, 1200. and the quo- Deoress kev E. r
6108, 393431
1200 tient, 5, (the number of shillings in Depress in ourde, keys @ and fi. 48239 r
5 the discount), as required. Enter 2 and depress key P.
108 Depress key $: the remainder The quotient obtained should be
printed should be read as 1.08 (the read as 39.3431, and represents a
48509 x< number of pence in the discount, closer approximation to the square
as required). root required.
4268792 :
Be-enter 154788 00 00 00 and depress
The amount of the discount is there-
24000 :
fore, to the nearest Penny, 934.5.1. k"v
177 r E.
2A792 : Bepeat the procedure to calculate Entei- the quotient just obtained,
1200 : the net amount, using the factor 88 39.3431, and depress keY E.
17T '(the complement of 12 to 100) in Engage the repeat lever as before
392 r place of the discount rate itself. and hold it in the engaged Position
until the quotient and the remainder Re-enter 423734000 000 and depress
have been printed. t"v E.
It will be noticed that the quotient
printed, which should be read as Enter the quotient just obtained,
39.3431, is now equal to the divisor; 75.11, and depress key p.
this means that the amount may be After the quotient and the remainder
taken as the required square root have been printed, depress in order
of 1,547.88, correct to four decimal kevs @ and
places. lf it had not been equal to Be-enter 75.11 and depress key E.
the divisor, the procedure would Engage the repeat lever as before
have been continued until an equal and hold it in the engaged position
quotient and divisor were found. until the quotient and the remainder
have been printed.
423734000000 +
423734000000 :
Exomple 2: It will benoticed that the quotient
Find the cube rool of 423,734 [coftect to printed, which should be read as
7513 :
56400106 r iwo decimol p/oces,). , is equal to the two divisors
3622 r entered immediately before; this
Enter 423734000000 (i.e., 423,734 means that the amount may be taken
plus sufficient zeros to provide three as the required cube root of 423,734,
56400106 x + decimal places for every one deci- correct to two decimal places.
56400106 : mal place required in the answer)
7513 : and depress key NOTES'
7507 r fi. i - Often it will be Iound thot the eveniuol
15r Enter the nearest approximation to
the true cube root given by
quotient ond divisor Ior divisors], insteod of
being equol to eoch oiher, exhibit o smoll
7513 + tables- i.e., 7.513 : the cube root difference: of I in the cose of squore roots,
' 7513 + oI - and depress key B.
ond of I or 2 in ihe cose of cube roots. ln
lhese coses it will usuolly be cleor which
7507 x + After the quotient and remainder oI lhe omounts represents the true roo]; but,
have been printed, depress in order if in doubr, resolve lhe motler by squoring
22533 : or cubing eoch of the omounts concerned
3: kevs @ and
fi. ond comporing the product with the originol
7511 r Be-enter 7513 and depress key E.
T As soon as the machine begins its 2 - The more occurote lhe flrst divisor enter-
division cycles, engage the repeat ed, the shorter ond quicker the operotions
423734000000 + required to find the correct squore or cube
lever and hold it in the engaged root. For this reoson ii is olwoys odvisoble
423734000000 : position until the quotient and the to begin from stondord tobles. Nevertheless,
751.1 : remainder have been printed. if for ony reoson tobles ore not ovoiloble,
56415124 r Depress tev twice.
the method moy still be opplied, ond o
3636 r fi
Depress in oiller keys @ and
mentol opproximotion to the required root
employed os the first divisor,
56415124 x + Enter 3 and depress key f .
56415124 i The quotient obtained should be
7511 : read as 75.11, and represents a
75ll r closer approximation to the cube
3r root required.
lnformation fon the PAPER TABLE

operaton Situated immediatelY above the

platen is a paper table designed to
allow handwritten notes to be added
to the calculation just carried oul.
It also prevents all chance of the
HOW TO FIT THE TATLY ROLL tally roll curling back round the
Unwind the last few inches of the
tally roll. KeePing this loose end
underneath .and unwinding it to-
wards the front of machine, open
out the two movable bracl(ets at the The paper release lever situated at
back of the machine by slight finger the right-hand side of the Paper
pressure and fit the roll between table can be pushed down to free
them. As the finger Pressure is the grip of the feed rolls on the
released, the brackets will sPring tally roll, and so to allow the roll
back and grip the roll firmlY. to be adjusted for perfect align-
Feed the loose end over the metal ment.
bar and underneath the back of the
platen. Then, by revolving the Pla'
ten knob, wind the tallY roll uP' HOW IO CHANGE THE RIBBON
guide it under the metal column
Baise the black upPer Part of the
markers and over the PaPer table"
machine's outer casing bY easing
Standard replacement tallY rolls
(width 372") are available through it up from the front and Pushing it
back as far as it will go, and lift
the Olivetti organisation.
the metal column marker frame
back on to the paper'table.
Move back each of the two arms
holding the ribbon against the
spools until they are at right-angles
to the sides of the machine, and
lift the ribbon out on its spools.
Unwind the ribbon from one of the
spsols, and fit the end of the new
ribbon to this empty spool.
Set the two spools carrying the
The rubber platen itself is designed new ribbon back on their spindles,
to accommodate, besides tally rolls taking care that the red half of the
of the standard width, cards and ribbon is underneath. Fit the rib'
sheets of paper uP to 57s" wide. bon round the two ribbon guides
This allows calculations to be print- situated close to each of the spools,
ed on pre-printed forms and lists. close the ribbon arms again, re'
place the metal column marker motor is fitted with a built-in voltage
frame, and set the black upper Part selector which can be adapted to
of the casing back in position. any between 110 and 230 V.
New ribbons for the Divi5umma 24
are available through the Olivetti
The Olivetti Divisumma 24 is a
precision product built to give
ELGCTRIC MOTOR continuous and reliable service over
The electric motor is designed speci- a period of many years. lts strength
fically for the Divisumma 24, and of construction ensures a high
is built into the machine in such a degree of resistance to wear.
way that it is fully protected from Nevertheless the Divisumnia 24, in
damage and dust while still being common with all precision engineer-
readily accessible. ing products, must be protected
It is an induction motor, fitted with from dust. For this reason it is sup-
suppressors against radio and tele- plied with a dust cover which should
vislon interference. lts speed, which always be put over the maehine wlen
is related to the frequency of the it is not in use.
power supply, is 250 cycles a minute Should the machine require mecha-
on 230 volts. Under no circum- nical attention at any time, even if
stances should it be used on DC only for Iubrication, make sure that
power supply, or on an AC power it is entrusted to a qualified person.
supply outside the range indicated The Olivetti organisation, through its
on the plate attached to the out- Branches and Main Agents, main-
side of the motor. So that the best tains a force of trained specialist
results and full efficiency can be mechanics to provide all necessary
obtained {rom any AC voltage, the mechanical attention.
For the convenience of the operator some of the tables most frequently used
are given in the following pages:
interest conversion factors (divisors and multipliers);
conversion factors;
decimal values of English currency;
days expressed as decimal equivalent of a year;
dozens and units expressed in decimals of one gross;
number of days between two dates;
decimal equivalents of common fractions,

Reclpnocalc of numbens tnorn I ao IOOO

The following tables give only the decimal figures of the reciprocals.
Thus: the reciprocals of 300 is .0033333.
For numbers greater than 1,000, move the decimal point one place to the
left for each additional decimal unit.
For example:
Reciprocal of 3,000 is .00033333.
Reciprocal of 30,000 is .000033333.
1:1 4t 024390 81 0 2346 tzl 0082645 16t 0062112
2 50000 42 023470 a20 2195 122 0081967 L62 006L728
3 33333 43 023256 830 2048 123 0081301 153 0061350
4 2s000 44 022727 840 905 124 0080645 164 0060976
5 20000 45 022222 850 765 125 0080000 165 0060606
6 L6667 46 021739 860 624 126 0079365 165 0060241
7 14286 47 021,277 a70 494 127 0078740 167 0059880
8 12500 48 020833 880 364 L2A OO7AL25 158 00s9524
I 11111 49 020408 890 236 129 007751,9 169 AO59L72
10 10000 50 020000 900 111 130 0076923 170 0058823

11 090909 5l 019608 91 010989 131 0076336 171 0058480

12 083333 52 0t923L 92 Al3a7o t32 0075754 172 0058140
t3 076923 53 018868 93 010753 133 0075188 173 0057803
14 071429 54 018519 94 010638 134 0074627 174 005747L
15 066667 55 018182 95 010526 r35 0074074 175 0057143
15 062500 56 077857 96 010417 135 0073529 176 0056818
t7 058A24 57 017544 97 010309 737 AO72993 177 0056497
18 055556 58 0L724r 98 010204 t3a 0072464 178 0056180
t9 052632 59 016949 99 010101 139 AO71942 179 0055866
20 050000 60 016667 100 010000 140 0071429 180 0055556

2t 0476L9 51 016393 lo1 0099010 t4l 0070922 181 0055249

22 045455 62 016729 LO2 0098039 742 0070423 182 0054945
23 043474 63 015873 103 0097087 143 0069930 r83 0054645
24 A41667 64 015525 104 0096154 144 0069444 r.84 0054348
25 040000 65 015385 105 0095238 145 0068966 185 0054054
26 034462 66 015152 106 0094340 146 0068493 185 0053763
27 037037 67 0L4925 lo7 0093458 147 0064027 ta7 0053476
2A O357t4 68 014706 108 0092593 148 0067568 188 0053191
29 0344a3 69 014493 109 0091743 149 AO67L|4 189 0052910
30 033333 70 014286 110 0090909 150 0066667 190 0052632

3t 032254 71 014085 1r1 0090090 t5L 0066225 191 0052356

32 03t250 72 013889 tlz 0089286 152 0065749 192 0052083
33 030303 73 013699 113 0088496 153 0065359 193 0051813
34 029472 74 013574 tt+ 0087719 154 0064935 194 0051546
35 028571 75 013333 115 0086957 155 0064516 195 0051282
36 027774 76 013158 116 0086207 155 0064103 195 0051020
37 027027 77 012987 117 0085470 157 0063694 197 0050761
38 026316 7A O72A2t It8 0084746 158 0063291 198 0050505
39 025641 79 072654 119 0084034 159 0062893 199 0050251
40 025000 80 0r2500 120 0083333 160 0062500 200 0050000

361 OO2770L
201 oo4975t 241 0041494 2Bl 0035587 321 0031153 I

202 0a49505 242 0041322 2A2 003546L 322 003tO56 362 0027624
203 0049261 243 0041152 283 0035336 323 0030950 363 0027544 I

204 0049020 244 0040944 2A4 00352Lt 324 0030864 354 0027473
205 0048780 245 00404L6 285 0035088 325 0030769 365 0027397
206 0048544 246 0040650 286 0034965 326 0030675 366 0027322
207 0048309 247 00404a6 287 0034A43 327 0030581 367 0027244
208 0044077 24A OO40323 28A OO34722 328 0030488 368 0027174
209 AO47847 249 0040161 289 0034602 329 0030395 369 0027100
2to oo476L9 250 0040000 290 0034483 330 0030303 370 0027027
2Lt OO47393 25r 0039841 291 0034364 331 0030211 37t 0026954
2L2 0047170 252 0039683 292 0034247 332 0030120 372 0026A82
213 0046944 253 0039526 293 0034130 333 0030030 373 0026810
2t4 0046729 254 0039370 294 0034014 334 0029940 374 0026738
215 0046512 255 0039216 295 0033898 335 0029851 375 0026657
216 0046296 256 0039063 296 0033784 336 0029762 376 0026596
217 0046043 257 0038911 297 0033670 337 0029674 377 0026525
zta oo45872 258 0038760 298 0033557 338 0029586 37A 0026455
2t9 0045662 259 0038610 299 0033445 339 0029499 379 0026385
220 0045455 260 0038462 300 0033333 340 0029412 380 0026316
22t OO45249 261 0038314 301 0033223 341 OO29325 381 0026247
222 0045045 262 0038i68 302 00331i3 342 0029240 382 0026L78
223 0044843 263 0038023 303 0033003 343 0029155 383 0026110
224 0044643 264 0A37879 304 0032895 344 0029070 3a4 0026042
225 0044444 265 0037736 305 0032787 345 0028986 385 0025974
226 0044244 266 0037594 306 0032580 346 0028902 386 0025907
227 0044053 267 0037453 307 0032573 347 002AALA 387 0025840
22A 0043860 268 0037313 308 0032468 348 0028736 3AA OO25773
229 0043668 269 0037L75 309 0032362 349 0028653 389 0025707
230 0043474 270 0037037 310 0032258 350 0028571 390 0025641
231 0043290 271 0036900 311 0032154 351 0028490 391 0025s7s
232 0043103 272 0036765 312 0032051 352 0024449 392 00255i0
233 00429L4 273 0036630 313 0031949 353 002A329 393 0025445
234 0042735 274 0036496 314 003i847 3s4 0028249 394 0025381
235 0042553 275 0036364 315 0031746 355 0028169 395 0025316
236 0042373 276 0036232 316 003i646 356 0028090 396 0025253
237 0042L94 277 0036LOL 317 0031546 357 0028011 397 0025189
238 00420t7 278 OO3597t 318 0031447 358 0027933 398 0025126
239 0041841 279 0035842 319 0031348 359 0027855 399 0025063
2N OO4L667 2AO OO357L4 320 0031250 360 0027778 400 0025000

401 0024938 441 0022676 481 0020790 521 0019194 561 0017825
402 0024476 442 0022624 482 0020747 522 0079757 562 0017794
403 0024814 443 0022573 483 0020704 523 0019120 563 0017762
404 0024752 444 0022523 484 0020661 s24 0019084 564 0017731
405 0024697 M5 0022472 485 0020619 525 0019048 565 0017699
406 0024631 446 0022422 446 0020576 526 0019011 566 0017668
407 0024570 447 002237L 4A7 0020534 527 0018975 567 0017637
408 00245r0 44A Oa22327 448 0020492 528 0018939 568 0017606
409 0024450 449 0022272 489 0020450 529 0018904 559 0017575
410 0024390 450 0022222 490 0020408 530 0018868 570 0077544
4ll 0024331 45t 00221.73 491 0020367 s31 0018832 571 0017513
412 0024272 452 0022124 492 0020325 532 0018797 572 0077483
413 00242t3 453 0422075 493 0020284 533 0018762 573 0077452
414 0024155 454 0022026 494 0020243 534 0018727 574 0017422
415 0024096 455 0021974 495 002A202 s35 0018692 575 0017391
416 0024038 456 0021930 496 0020161 536 0018657 576 0017361
417 0023981 457 0021482 497 0020121 537 0018622 577 007733t
414 OO23923 458 002t834 498 0020080 538 0018587 578 0017301
419 0023866 459 0027786 499 0020040 s39 0018553 579 001727t
420 0023810 460 0027739 500 0020000 540 0018519 5AO OO7724L

421 OO23753 461 0021692 501 0019960 541 00 8444 581 00 7212
422 0023697 462 002t645 502 0079920 542 00 8450 582 00 7t82
423 0023641 463 0021598 503 0019881 543 00 8479 583 00 7153
424 0023585 464 002t552 504 0019841 544 00 a3a2 584 00 7723
425 0023529 465 0021505 505 0019802 545 00 8349 s85 00 7094
426 0023474 466 0021459 505 0019763 546 00 8315 s86 00 7065
427 0023419 467 002L4L3 507 0019724 547 00 a282 s87 00 7036
424 0023364 468 0021368 508 0019685 548 00 a248 588 00 7007
429 0023310 469 002t322 509 0019646 549 00 8215 589 00 697a
430 0023256 470 0027277 510 0019608 550 00 8182 590 00 6949
43t 0023202 471 OO2723t 511 0019s69 551 0018149 591 001 6920
432 0023t4A 472 0027t46 512 0019531 552 0018116 592 00 6892
433 0023095 473 0027742 513 0019493 553 0018083 593 00 5863
434 0023041" 474 0021097 514 0019455 554 0018051 594 00 6835
435 0022949 475 0021053 515 0019417 555 0018018 595 00 6807
436 0022936 476 0021008 516 0019380 556 0017986 596 00 6779
437 00228a3 477 0020964 517 0019342 557 0017953 597 00 6750
438 0022831 474 OO2092l 518 0019305 558 OO77921 598 00 6722
439 0022779 479 AO20877 519 0019268 559 0017889 599 00 6694
440 0022727 480 0020833 520 0019231 s60 0017857 600 o0 6667

601 0016539 641 0015601 681 0014684 72t 0013870 761 00i3i41

502 0016611 @2 0015576 682 0014663 722 0013850


603 0016584 543 0015552 762 0013123 i

683 0014641 723 0013831 763 0013106
604 0016556 644 0015528 684 0014620 724 0013At2
605 0016529 764 0013089
645 0015504 685 0014599 725 0013793 765 0073072
606 0016502 646 0015480 686 00L4577 726 0073774
607 00L6474 766 0013055
647 0075456 687 0014556 727 0073755 767 0013038
608 0016447 548 0015432 688 0014535 72A 0073736
609 0016420 649 0015408 768 0013021
689 00i4514 729 0073717 769 0013004 l

610 0016393 650 0015385 690 0014493 730 0013699 770 00L2987
611 0015367 651 0015361 69I 4472 731
6t2 0016340 652 0015337
O0 00is680 77t OOL2970
692 00 4451 732 0013661 772 0012953
6t3 0016313 653 0015314 693 00 4430 733 0013643 773 00L2937

6t4 00162a7 654 0015291 694 00 4409 734 0073624 774 00t2920
615 0016250 655 0015267 695 00 4388 735
5t6 0076234 656 00L5244
0013605 775 00L2903
696 00 436a 735 0013587 776 00t2aa7
6t7 0076207 657 0015221 697 00 4347 737 0013569 777 0012870
518 00i6181 658 0015198 698 00 4327 738 0013550
619 0016155 77A OO12B53
659 0015175 699 00 4306 739 0013532 779 0012837
620 00L6t29 660 0015152 700 00 4246 740 0013514 7AO OOL282L
621 0016103 661 0015129 701 00 4265 741 0013495
622 0016077 662 0015106 781 OOt2804
702 00 4245 742 001.3477 7A2 001278A
623 0016051 663 0015083 703 00 4225 743 00L3459
624 0016026 664 0015060 7A3 0072771
704 00 4205 744 001.3441 7A4 0012755
625 0016000 665 0015038 705 00 4t84 745 0013423
626 0015974 666 0015015 7A5 00L2739
706 00 4164 746 0013405 7A6 0012723
627 0015949 667 0014993 707 00 4144 747 00133A7
62a oo75924 7A7 0012706
558 0014970 708 00 4124 748 0013369 788 0012690
529 0015898 559 0014948 709 00 4704 749 0013351
630 0015873 670 00L4925 789 0012674
710 0014085 750 0013333 790 0012658
631 0015848 671 0014903 711 0o 4065
632 0015823 672 00L48AL
751 0013316 79t OAt2642
712 00 4045 752 001329a 792 0012626
633 00i5798 673 0014859 713 00 4025 753 0013280
634 0015773 674 00L4a37 793 AOL26LO
7t4 00 4006 754 00t3263 794 0012594
635 0015748 675 0014815 715 00 3986 755 00L3245
536 0015723 676 0014793 795 00t2579
716 00 3956 756 001322a 796 0072563
637 0015699 677 00t4777 777 00 3947 757 0073270
638 0015674 578 0074749 797 0072547
718 00 392a 758 0013193 798 0012531
639 0015649 679 00L472a 719 00 3908 759 0013175
640 0015625 799 00L25L6
680 0014706 720 00 3889 760 0013158 800 0012500


801 0012484 841 00i1891 8Bt 0011351 921 0010858 961 0010406
aoz 0012469 a42 00Lt876 882 00i1338 922 0010A46 952 0010395
803 0012453 843 0011852 E83 0011325 923 0010834 963 0010384
804 0012438 844 0011848 884 0011312 924 0010823 964 0010373
805 0012422 845 0011834 885 0011299 925 0010811 955 0010363
806 0012407 846 0011820 886 0011287 926 001,0799 965 0010352
807 0012392 847 0011806 887 0017274 927 0010787 967 0010341
808 0012376 B4B OOl1792 888 0011261 928 A0|0776 968 0010331
809 0012361 849 0071779 889 0011249 929 0010764 969 0010320
810 0012346 850 0011765 890 00i1236 930 00i0753 970 0010309

811 0012330 851 0011751 891 0011223 931 0010741 971 00 o299
812 0012315 852 0011737 892 0011211 932 0010730 972 00 0288
813 0012300 853 0011723 893 0011198 933 0010718 973 00 o277
814 0012285 854 0011710 894 0011i86 93'+ 0010707 974 00 o267
aLE 0072270 855 0011696 895 0011173 935 0010695 975 00 o256
816 0012255 856 0011682 896 0011161 936 0010684 975 00 o246
at7 0012240 857 00i1669 897 0011148 937 00to672 977 00 0235
818 0012225 858 0011655 898 0011136 93E 0010661 978 00 o225
819 0012210 859 001i64i 899 0011123 939 0010650 979 00 0215
820 0012195 860 0011628 900 0011111 940 0010638 980 00 0204
821 0012180 861 001 614 901 00 099 941 OO70527 981 0010194
822 0012t65 862 001 601 902 00 086 942 0010616 982 0010183
823 0012151 863 001 587 903 00 074 943 0010604 983 0010173
a24 0012136 864 00 574 904 00 462 944 0010593 984 0010163
825 00L2L2L 865 00 561 905 00 050 945 0010582 985 0010152
a26 0012107 856 00 547 906 00 038 946 0010571 986 00i0142
a27 0c72092 867 00 534 907 00 025 947 0010560 987 0010132
aza oot2077 868 00 521 908 00 013 948 0010549 988 0010121
829 0012063 869 00 507 909 00 001 949 0010537 989 00101i1
830 0012048 870 00 494 910 00 0989 950 0010526 990 0010101

83r 0012034 871 001148i 911 o0 o977 951 00 0515 991 0010091
832 0012019 872 0011468 9r2 00 0965 952 00 0504 992 0010081
833 0012005 873 0011455 913 00 0953 953 00 0493 993 0010070
834 0011990 a74 00t1442 914 00 0941 954 00 o4a2 994 0010060
835 0011976 875 0011429 915 00 0929 955 00 o47l 995 0010050
836 0011962 876 0011416 916 00 09t7 956 00 0460 996 0010040
837 AOL1947 877 0011403 917 00 0905 957 00 o449 997 0010030
838 00i1933 878 0011390 918 00 0893 958 00 0438 998 0010020
839 0011919 a79 0011377 919 00 OBBl 959 00 o428 999 0010010
840 0011905 880 00i1364 920 00 0870 960 00 o4L7 1000 0010000
TABLE OF INTEREST FACTORS (360 DAY BASIS) - lnterest from I to 10 oZ


o 000,000.00 i44,000.00 72,000.00 48,000.00 0.0000000000 0.0000069444 0.000013888 0.000020833

tl 36,000.00 28,800.00 24,000.00 20,571.43 o.000027777 o.oooo34722 0.000041666 0.000048612
2 18,000.00 16,000.00 14,400.00 13,090.91 0.000055555 0.000062500 0.000069444 0.000076389
3 12,000.00 71,O76.92 70,285.71 9,600.00 0.000083333 0.000090278 o.oooo97222 0.00010416
4 9,000.00 8,470.59 8,000.00 7,578.95 0.00011111 0.0001 1805 0.00012500 0.00013 194
5 7,200.00 6,857.14 6,545.00 6,260.47 0.00013888 0.00014583 0.0001 5278 o.00015972
6 6,000.00 5,760.00 5,538.46 5,333.33 0.000i6666 0.000 1 736 1 0.00018055 0.00018750
,7 5,142.46 4,965.52 4,800.00 4,645.16 0.00019444 0.00020138 0.00020833 0.00021528
ir8 4,500.00 4,363.64 4,235.29 4,714.29 0.00022222 a.doo2zg76 0.0002361 1 0.00024305
lg 4,000.00 3,891.89 3,749.47 3,692.31 0.00025000 0.00025694 0.00026388 0.00027083
Lo s,600.00 3,572.20 3.428.57 3,348.84 0.oo027777 0.00028472 0.00029166 0.00029861

TABLE OF INTEREST FACTORS (365 DAY BASIS) - lnterest from 1 to l0 %


0 000,000.00 146,000-00 73,000.00 48,666.66 0.0000000000 0.0000068493 0.0000i3698 0.000020547

1 36,500.00 29,200.OO 24,333.33 20,857.74 o.000027397 0.000034246 0.000041096 0.000047945
2 18,250.00 76,222.22 14,600.00 73,272.73 0.o00054794 0.00006i643 0.000068493 0.000075342
3 12,166.67 1L,230.77 t0,428.57 9,733.33 0.000082i91 0.000089041 0_000095890 0.00010273
4 9,125"00 4,544.24 8,1 1 1.1 1 7,6A4.27 0.00010958 0.0001 1643 0.00012328 0.00013013
5 7,300.00 6,952.38 6,636.36 6,347.83 0.00013698 0.00014383 0_00015068 0.00015753
6 6,083.33 5,840.00 5,615.38 5,407.41 0.00016438 0.000i7123 0.00017808 0.00018493
7 5,21,4.29 5,034.48 4,866.67 4,709.68 0.000 19 1 78 0.000i9863 0.00020548 0.00a21232
I 4,562.50 4,424.24 4,294.12 4,771.43 0.0002 191 7 o.00022602 0.00023287 0.00023972
9 4,055.55 3,945.95 3,442.77 3,743.59 o.00024657 4.00025342 o.00026027 0.00026712
10 3,650.00 3,560.98 3,476.L9 3,395.35 o.00027397 0.00028082 o.00028767 0.ooo29452


Multiply By To obtain Multiply By

Millimetres (mm.) , iTo obtain
0.03937 lnches (in.) Inches
Centimetres (cm.j 0.3937 tnches '
25.40 Millimetres
30.48 Centimetres
Metres (m.) 3.281 Feet (ft.) Yards
0.3048 Metres
Metres (m.) i.094 Yards (vd.) Fathoms (6 ft.)
0.91.44 Metres
Metres (m.) 0.5468 Fathomi Cables (200 vd.)
1.829 Metres
182.9 Metres
Kilometres (km.) M i Ies:
0.6214 Mites fland) land (1,760 yd.)
Kilometres (km.i 0.5396 Mites (sea) Kilometres
sea (2,027 yd.)
Kilometres/hour 0.6214 Miles/hour
Kilometres,/hou r Miles,/hour 1.609 Kilometres/hour
0.5396 Knots
(seamiles,/hour) Miles/hour
0.8684 Knots
Sq. millimetres 0.001 55 Sq. inches
Sq. centimetres Sq. inches 645.2 Sq. millimetres
0.1550 Sq. inches Sq. inches
Sq. metres 10.76 6.452 Sq. centimetres
Sq. feet Sq. feet
Sq. metres 1.196 Sq. yards Sq. feet
929.O Sq. centimetres
Sq. kilometres 247.1 0.09290 Sq. metres
Acres Acres
Sq. kilometres 0.3861 Sq. mites Sq. yards
0.8361 Sq. metres
Hectares (ha.) 2.471 4.047 Scj. metres
Acres Acres 0.O04O47 Sq. kilonretres
Acres O.4047 Hectares
Sq. miles 2-590 Sq. kilometres
Cu. centimetres (cc.) 0.06102 Cu. inches Pints (tmp.) 0.5683
Litres (lit.) 1,000 cc. 61.02 Cu. inches
I Litres (lit.) 1,000 cc. Pints (US) 0.4732 Litres
0.03532 Cu. feet Galions (lmp.)
Litres (lit.) 1,000 cc. 0.2642 caIons (US) callons (US)
4.546 Litres
Litres (lit.) 1,000 cc. 0.2200 cailons itmp.) 3.785 Litres
Cu. feet 28.32 Litres
Hectolitres (hl.) 26.42 callons (US)
Hectotitres (hl.i Bushels (tmp.) 0.3637
22.OO Gallons rlmo.) Bushels (L,S) Hectolitres
Hectolitres (hl.) 2.838 Bushets iUS)' Gallons (tmp.)
O.3524 Hectolitres
Hectotitres iht.i 2.750 Bushels (tmi.) L.207 calons (US)
Gallons (US) 0.8327 cailons atmi.)
Cu. metres (cu- m.) 35.31 Cu. feet
Cu. metres (cu. m.1 Ba rrels 34.47
264.2 ca[ons (US) Ba rrels
Gallons 0mo.)
Cu. metres (cu. m.i 220.0 Gailons 0mo.) Ba rrels
42 Gatlons (USi '
Cu. metres (cu. m.j 6.290 Barrets (bbt'.)- 0.1590 Cu. meties'
Grams (gm.) 0.03527 Ounces (oz.) ,l
Grams (gm.) Ounces x 28.35 G rams
0.03215 Ounces Troy Ounces Troy
Kilograms (ke_) 2.205 Pounds 0b.) * 31. i0 Grams
Metric quintats (q.) Pounds * 453.6
220.5 pounds (tg.j * Pounds * Grams
Metric tons 0.4s36 Kilogra ms
Metric tons
2.250 Pounds ,, H undredweights
Metric tons
1.102 Short tons (cwt.) (112 tb.) 0.05 Long tons
0.9842 Long tons 0.5080 Metric quintals
Long tons 7.72 Short tons
(2,240 tb.) 1.016 Metric tons
Short tons o.9829 Long tons
'i Avoirdupois (2,000 tb.) o.9072 Metric tons



I d. = e ll24i = e 0.004166667


o 0.00000 o.00417 0.00833 0.01250 ] o.o,uu, 0.02083 0.02500 0.02917 0.03333 0.03750 o.04767
I 0.05000 o.o5477 0.05833 0.06250 0.06667 0.07083 0.07500 o.07977
0.08333 0.08750 0.09583
2 0.10000 o.70477 0.10833 0.1 1250 0.1 1667 0.12038 0.12500 o.72017 0.13333 0.13750 o.L4t67 0.14583
3 0.15000 o.75417 0.1 5833 0. i 6250 0.1"6667 0.1 70830.1 7500 0.r7917 0. i8333 0.18750 0.1,9767 0.19583
4 0.20000 0.20477 0.20833 o.21250 o.21667 0.22043 o.22500 o.22917 0.23333 o"23750 0.24767 0.24583
5 0.25000 0.254L7 0.25833 0.26250 0.26667 0.27083 o.27500 o.279t7 0.28333 o.28750 o.29167 0.29583

6 0.30000 o.30477 0.30833 0.3 1250 o.3t667 0.32083 0.32500 o.32977 0.33333 0.33750 o.34167 0.34583
7 0.35000 o.35477 0.35833 0.36250 0.36667 0.37500 o.37917 0.38333
0.37083 0.38750 0.39i67 0.39583
I 0.40000 o.40477 0.40833 o.41,250 0.47667 0.42083 0.42500 0.42917 0.43750 0.44167 0.44583
9 0.45000 o.45477 0.45833 o.46250 0.46667 0.47083 o.47500 o.47917 0.48333 0.48750 o.49767 0.49583
l0 0.50000 0.504t7 0.50833 0.57250 0.5 1 667 0.52083 0.52500 0.52917 0.53333 0.53750 o.54767 0.54583

11 0.55000 | 0.55417 0.55833 0.56250 0.56667 0.57083 0.57500 o.57977 0.58333 0.58750 0.59167 | 0.59583
L2 0.60000 I 0.60417 0.60833 0.61250 0.6L667 0.62083 0.62500 0.62917 0.63333 0.63750 0-64167 t0.64543
13 0.65000 I 0.65417 0.65833 0.66250 0.66667 0.67083 0.67500 0.67917 0.68333 0.68750 0.69167 I 0.69583
74 o.70000 I o.70417 0.70833 0.71,250 o.77667 o.72083 o.72500 o.7291,7 0.73333 o.73750 o.74t67 I 0.74583
l5 o.75000 0.75477 0.75833 o.7 6250 4.76667 0.77043 o.77500 0.77917 0.78333 o.78750 0.79167 I 0.79583

I L6 0.80000 0.80417 0.80833 0.8 1 250 0.8 1 667
0"82083 0.82500 o.82917 0.83333 0.83750 o.84767 0.84583
17 0.85000 o.85477 0.85833 0.86250 0.86667 0.87083 0.87500 o.87917 0.88333 0.88750 0.89167 0.89583
I 18 0.90000 o.90417 0.90833 0.91250 0.91 667 0.92083 0.92500 o.929L7 0.93333 0.93750 0.94767 0.94583
19 0.95000 o.95417 0.95833 o.96250 o.96667 0.97083 0.97500 o.97977 0.98333 0.98750 0.99167 0.99583
i 37
(First and second decimal figures of a pound)


s. d. d, s. d. d. s. d,
0.0 0 0 0 2.4 0 4.8 0 7.2 0 9.6
0.1 2 2.4 2 4.8 2 2 9.6
o.2 4 0 4 2-4 4 4.4 4 7.2 4 9.6
0.3 6 U 6 2.4 6 LA 6 7.2 6 9.6
0.4 U 8 8 4.4 8 7.2 8 oA
o.5 i0 0 10 10 4.8 10 7.2 10 9.6
0.6 1,2 0 72 2.4 l2 4.4 12 7.2 1,2 9.6
o.7 74 0 t4 2.4 t4 4.4 74 74 9.6
0.8 16 0 16 2.4 16 4.8 16 7.2 16 9.6
0.9 18 0 18 2.4 18 4.4 18 7.2 18 9.6

d. d. s. d. d. d.
0.0 1 0 2.4 I 4.8 1, 7.2 L 9.6
o,1 3 0 tt 4.4 5 7.2 5 9.6
o.2 5 0 2.4 5 4.4 5 7.2 5 9.6
o.3 7 0 7 4.4 7 7.2 7 9.6
o.4 9 0 9 2.4 9 4.4 9 7"2 9 9.6
0.5 11 0 11 2.4 11 4.4 11 7.2 1t 9.6
0.6 13 0 13 )L 13 4.8 13 7.2 13 9.6
o.7 15 0 15 2.4 15 4.8 15 15 9.6
0.8 77 0 17 2.4 77 4.4 77 7.2 77 9.6
o.9 19 0 19 2.4 l9 4.4 19 7.2 19 9.6




(Third and fourth decimal figures of a Pound)


S. d. s. d. s, d. S. d. S. d.
0.o00 0 0.000 0 o.024 0 0.048 0 o.072 0 0.096
0.001 0 o.240 0 o.264 0 o.288 0 0.312 0 o.336
0.002 0 0.480 o 0.504 0 0.528 0 o.552 0 o.576
o.o03 0 o.720 0 o.744 0 o.768 0 o.792 0 0.816
0.004 0 0.960 o 0.984 0 1.008 o 1"o32 0 1.056
0.005 0 1.200 0 7.224 n 7.244 0 7.272 0 1".296
0.006 0 1.440 0 7.464 0 1.488 0 1".572 0 1.536
0.007 0 1.680 0 L.704 0 7.724 1.752 0 L.776
0.008 0 1.920 0 1.944 0 1.968 0 1.992 0 2.O16
0.009 0 2.1.60 0 2.784 o 2.204 0 2.232 0 2.256

d. d. s. d. d.
s. d. s. S.
0.000 0 0.720 0 o.744 0.168 0 o.792 0 o.276
o.001 0 0.360 0 0.384 0 0.408 0 o.432 U 0.456
0.002 0 0.600 0 0.624 0 0.648 0 o.672 0 0.696
0.003 0 0.840 0 0.864 0 0.888 o.972 0 0.936
0.004 0 1.080 0 1.104 0 L.128 0 L.752 0 1.t76
0.o05 0 L.320 0 t.344 0 1.368 0 1".392 0 t.476
0.006 0 1.560 0 1.584 0 1.608 0 1.632 0 1.656
0.o07 0 1.800 0 L.824 0 1.848 0 1.872 0 1.896
o.008 0 2.040 0 2.064 0 2.088 0 2.772 0 2.t36
o.009 0 2.280 0 2.304 o 2.324 0 2.352 U 2.376

(365 days)

I .oo274 32 .0A767 60 .16438 91 .24932 t2t .33151 152 .4t644

2 .00548 33 .09041 61 .76712 92 .25205 t22 .3342s 153 ,419i8
3 .00422 34 .09315 62 .1 6986 93 .25479 123 .33699 154 .42792
4 .01096 35 .09589 63 .t7260 94 .25753 t24 .33973 155 .42466
5 .01370 36 .09863 64 .17534 95 .26027 125 .34247 156 .42740
6 .0L644 37 .10137 65 .17808 96 .26301 t26 .3452t r57 .43014
7 .01918 38 .10411 66 .18082 97 .26575 127 .34795 158 .43288
8 .o2792 39 .10685 67 .18356 98 .26449 tza .35068 159 .43562
9 .o2466 40 .10959 68 .18630 99 .27723 129 .35342 160 .43836
10 .02740 4t .11233 69 .18904 100 .27397 130 .35616 161 ,44710
11 .03014 42 .11507 70 .1 91 78 101 .2767t l3l .35890 t62 .44384
t2 .03288 43 .17781 7t .19452 LOz .27945 132 .36164 163 .44658
13 .03562 44 .12055 72 .t9726 t03 .24219 133 .35438 164 .44932
t4 .03836 45 .72329 73 .20000 104 .28493 134 .36772 165 .45205
15 .04r 10 46 .12603 74 .20274 105 .28767 135 .36985 166 .45479
16 .04384 47 .72A77 75 .20548 105 .2904t 135 .37260 t67 .45753
t7 .04658 4A .13151 76 .20822 to7 .29315 L37 .37534 168 .46027
l8 .04932 49 .73425 77 .21096 104 .29549 138 .37808 169 .46301
19 .05205 50 .1s699 7a .27370 109 .29863 139 .38082 t70 .46575
20 .05479 51 .13973 79 .27644 110 .30137 140 .38356 t7L .46849
2L .05753 52 .14247 80 .27978 111 .30411 L4t .38630 t72 .47723
22 .o6027 53 .14527 8l .22192 ttz .30685 t42 .38904 173 .47397
23 .0630 1 54 .74795 a2 .22466 lt3 .30959 143 .39178 174 .47671
24 .06575 55 .15068 83 .22740 tt4 .31233 t44 .39452 175 .47945
25 .06849 56 .15342 a4 .23014 115 .31507 145 .39726 t76 .44219
26 .o7 723 57 .15616 85 .23288 116 .31781 146 .40000 t77 .48493
27 .o7397 58 .15890 86 .23562 tl7 .32055 t47 .40274 t7a .44767
2A .o7677 59 .16164 a7 .23836 118 .32329 148 .40548 t79 .49041
29 .o7945 60 .16438 88 .24710 119 .32603 L49 .40822 180 .49315
30 .08219 89 .24344 120 .32877 150 .41095 l8l .49589
31 .08493 90 .24658 151 .41370

(365 days)

182 .49863 213 .58355 244 .66849 274 .75068 305 .83562 335 .91781 I
183 .50137 214 ,58630 245 .67723 275 .75342 306 .83836 336 .920s5 2
184 .50411 215 .58904 246 .67397 276 .75616 307 .84110 337 .92329 3
185 .50685 2t6 .59t74 247 .67671 277 .75890 308 .84384 338 .92603 4
185 .s0959 217 .59452 248 .67945 27A .76t64 309 .84658 339 .92477 5
187 .51233 zta .59726 249 .68219 279 .76434 310 .84932 340 .93151 6
188 .51507 219 .60000 250 .68493 2AO .767!2 311 .85205 341 .93425 7
189 .51781 22A .60274 251 .6A767 zAL .76985 3t2 .45479 342 .93699 8
190 .52055 22t .60548 252 .6904t 2A2 .77260 313 .85753 343 .93973 9
191 .52329 222 .60422 253 .59315 283 .77534 314 .86027 344 .94247 lo
t92 .52603 223 .61096 254 .69589 284 .77804 315 .86301 345 .94521 1t
193 .52A77 224 .6t370 255 .69863 2A5 .78082 316 .86575 346 .94795 t2
194 .53151 225 .6t644 256 .70737 285 .78356 3L7 .86849 347 .95068 I3
195 .53425 226 .6L974 257 .70411 2A7 .78630 318 .A7723 34A .95342 t4
196 .53699 227 .62192 258 .70685 2A8 .78904 319 .87397 349 .95616 l5
r97 .53973 22A .62466 259 .70959 2A9 .79178 320 .87671 350 .95890 16
tga .54247 229 -62740 260 .7t233 290 .79452 32t .47945 351 .96164 t7
199 .54521 230 .53014 26t ,77507 291 .79726 322 .88219 352 .96438 l8
200 .54795 231 .63288 262 .71781 292 .80000 323 .88493 353 .96712 19
20t .55058 232 .63562 263 .72055 293 .80274 324 .88767 354 .96986 20
202 .55342 233 .63836 264 .72329 294 .80548 325 .89041 355 .97260 2L
203 .55616 231 ,64LtO 265 .7260s 29s .80822 326 .89315 356 .97534 22
204 .55890 235 .64384 266 .72877 296 .81096 327 .89589 357 .97808 23
205 .56164 236 .64658 267 ,73751 297 .81370 32A .89863 358 .98082 24
206 .56438 237 .64932 26A .73425 29A .81644 329 .90137 359 .98356 25
207 .56772 238 .65205 269 .73699 299 .81918 330 .90411 360 .98630 26
208 .56986 239 .65479 270 .73973 300 .82192 331 .90685 361 .98904 27
209 .57260 240 .65753 271 .74247 301 .A2466 332 .90959 362 .99178 28
zto .57534 24L .66027 272 .7452t 302 .42740 333 .91233 363 .99452 29
2tt ,57808 242 .6630t 273 .74795 303 .83014 334 .91507 364 .99726 30
2t2 .58082 243 .66575 304 .83288 365 1.00000 3l


I gross = 12 dozen = 144 units

I .00694 I 37 .25694 1 73 .50694 t 109 .75694

2 .01389 2 38 .26349 2 74 .51389 2 110 .76389
5 .02083 3 39 -27083 3 75 .52083 3 111 .77083
4 .o2778 4 40 .27778 4 76 .52774 4 7t2 .77778
5 .03472 5 47 .24472 5 77 .53472 5 113 .78472
6 .04).67 6 42 .29167 6 7A .54767 6 1t4 .79167
7 .04861 7 43 .29861 7 79 .5486r 7 115 .79861
8 .05556 8 44 .30556 8 80 .55556 8 116 .80556
9 .06250 9 45 .31250 9 81 .56250 9 r17 .81250
10 .06944 10 46 .31944 10 a2 .56944 10 118 .87944
11 .07639 11 47 .32639 i1 83 .57639 11 119 .42639
tr t2 .08333 E 48 .33333 E] 84 .58333 @ 120 .83333

1 13 .09028 I 49 .34028 1 B5 .59028 I t2t .44028

2 t4 .o9722 2 50 .34722 2 86 .59722 2 122 .84722
.3 15 .10417 3 51 .35417 5 a7 .60417 5 123 .85417
16 .11111 4 52 .3611 1 4 88 .6111 1 4 724 .86111
5 .1 1806 5 53 .36806 5 89 .61806 5 125 .86806
6 l8 .12500 6 54 .37500 6 90 .62500 6 726 .87500
7 19 .13194 7 55 .38194 7. 91 .63194 7 727 .88194
d 20 .13889 8 56 .38889 8 92 .63889 8 t28 .88889
9 21, .r4583 9 57 .39583 9 93 .64583 9 129 .89583
10 22 .15278 10 58 .40278 10 94 .6527A 10 r30 .90278
11 23 .15972 l1 59 .40972 11 95 .65972 11 131 .90972
a 24 .76667 H 60 .47667 tr 96 .66667 m 132 .97667

1 25 .1 7361 I 61 .42361 1 97 .6736t 1 133 .92361

2 26 .18056 2 62 .43056 2 98 .68056 2 t34 .93056
3 27 .1 8750 5 63 .43750 3 99 .68750 3 135 .93750
4 2A .19444 4 64 .44444 4 100 .69444 4 136 .94444
5 29 .20139 5 65 .45139 5 101 .70139 5 r37 .95139
6 30 .20833 6 66 .45833 6 to2 .70833 6 138 .95833
7 3l .27528 7 67 .46524 7 103 .7152a 7 139 .96524
I 32 .22222 6 68 .47222 I 104 .72222 I 140 .97222
9 33 .22977 9 69 .47977 9 105 .72917 9 t4l .97917
10 34 .236t7 l0 70 .48611 10 106 .7361 1 10 !42 .98611
11 35 .24306 l1 7l .49306 11 707 .74305 11 143 .99306
36 .25000 @ 72 .50000 E 108 .75000 E 744 1.00000

Example of use: To find what percentage of 3 years is the number of days between 24th April, 1964 and
19th November, 1964 read the figures opposite April (4) and below November (11). This is 214 and that is
the number of days between any given date in April and the same date in November. From the 19th to the
24th is 5 days, and as the second date is the earlier in the month subtract 5 lrom 2!4. This gives 209 days
expired. If the last day of February in a leap-year is included, add one to the result. Below the table we find
that one day is 0.000913 of three years. Enter .0913 on keyboard and multiply by 209.

(1) January 365 31 59 90 720 151 181 212 243 273 304 334
(2) February 334 365 2a 59 89 720 150 181 212 242 273 303
(3) March 306 337 365 31 61 92 122 153 184 214 245 275
(4) April 275 306 334 365 30 61 91 122 153 183 214 244
(5) May 245 276 304 335 365 31 61 92 123 153 184 274
(6) June 2L4 245 273 304 334 365 30 61 92 122 153 183
(7) July 184 2L5 243 274 304 335 365 31 62 92 123 153
(8) August 153 184 272 243 273 304 334 365 31 6l 92 t22
(9) September L22 153 181 212 242 273 303 334 365 30 61 91
(10) October 92 723 151 182 272 243 273 304 335 365 31 61
(11) November 61 92 120 151 181 212 242 273 304 334 365 30
(12) December 31 62 90 721 151 782 212 243 274 304 335 365

Decimal Equivalent of One Day in

7 Year - .OO274O
2 Years - .001370
3 Years - ,000913
4 Years - .000685
5 Years - .000584


1 .3333 .25 .7667 .1429 .125 .1111 .0909 .0833 .0769

2 .6667 .5 .4 .3333 .2457 .25 .2222 .181 8 ,1667 .1538
3 .75 .6 .5 .4286 .375 .3333 .2727 .25 .2308
4 .8 .6667 .5774 .5 .4444 .3636 .3333 .3077
5 .8333 .7 t43 .625 .5556 .4545 .4167 .3846
6 .8571 .75 .6667 .5455 .5 .4615
7 .475 .7774 .6364 .5833 .5385
8 .8889 .7273 .6667 ,6154
I .8r82 .75 .6923
10 .9091 .8333 .7692
t1 ,9t67 .8462
t2 .9231

I .o714 .o667 .0625 .0588 .0555 .0526 .05 .0476 .0454 .0435 .o417
2 .1429 .I5JJ .125 .7776 .1111 .1053 .10 .0952 .0909 .0869 .0833
3 .2143 .2 .1 875 .1765 1666 .1 579 .15 .742A .1363 .1304 .7254
4 .2857 .2667 .25 .2353 L2222 .2105 .20 .1905 I .1818 .1739 .1666
5 .3571 .3333 .3125 .2947 .2777 .2637 .25 .23A7 I .2273 .2174 .2083
6 .4286 .4 .375 .3529 .3333 .3157 .30 .2857 | .2727 .2608 .25
7 .5 .4667 .4375 .4177 .3889 .3684 .35 .3333 I .s182 .3043 .2916
8 .5714 .5333 .5 .4706 .4444 .42rO .40 .3809 I .3636 3474 .J555
9 .6429 .6 .5625 .5294 .50 .4737 .45 .4286 I .4091 .3913 .3750
10 .7143 .6667 .625 .5882 .5555 .5263 .50 .4762 .4545 .4348 .4166
11 .7857 .7333 .6875 .6470 .6111 .5789 .55 .5238 I .50 .4782 .4583
L2 .8571 .8 .75 .7059 .6666 .6316 .60 .5774 I .5454 .5217 .50
l3 .92A6 .a667 .8125 .7647 .7222 .6442 .65 .6190 i .s909 .5652 .5416
14 .9333 .875 .8235 .7777 .7368 .70 .6666 .6363 .6087 .5833
15 .9375 .8823 i .8333 .7894 .75 .7743 I .68re .6522 .6250
16 .9412 ) .8888 .a427 .80 .7619 .7273 .6956 .6566
t7 .9444 .4947 .85 .8095 .7727 .7391 .7083
l8 .9473 .90 .8571 .8181 .7826 .7500
19 .95 .9047 i .8636 .8261 .79t6
20 .9524 I .9091 .8695 .8333
2t .9545 .9130 .8750
22 .9565 .9166
23 .9583
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,Diuisrrtntna 24
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