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User Defined Java Class


1. Create EmployeeDetails file with multiple records having data as (EmpId, EmpName, Dept, DOB,
Contact, Address, Email and Basic).
2. Create ProjectDetails file (EmpId, DeplyedOnProject-yes/no)
3. Calculate TA, HRA & Total salary
 HRA will be 12 % of Basic,
 TA will be 4% of Basic,
 If employee is on project, bonus will be 4500.

Take few pair of numbers and perform following operations on them:
 Addition
 Multiplication
 Subtraction
 Division

1. Create ProductDetails file with multiple records having data as (ProdId, ProdName, Quantity,
 Calculate TotalPrice of each product.
 If TotalPrice is greater than 100, then give discount of 5% else no zero discount.

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