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AE Introduction Part 2

In this document we will see AutomationEdge architecture and platform along with some use cases.

Use Case: Employee On-boarding process

In every organization, there is a procedure for new employee on-boarding which HR needs to perform on a
regular basis whenever a new employee joins the company.

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Blue coloured rectangular boxes represent Ready Bot automation of IT Process automation. The green
coloured rectangular boxes represent those that are not ready but you can achieve these functionalities by
front-end Screen automation through RPA.

HR needs to initiate the process from AutomationEdge server, and the process will be executed like:-

First order for Laptop will be given, then Payroll ADP will be created, after that, Ready Bot will create Mailbox
credentials, then the process will generate phone extension for the new employee, then it will create
Salesforce account, after that, it will register in LMS, then again Ready Bot creates account and finally all the
details will be send to the new employee via email.

Use Case: Crediting employee salary upon employer’s request to the bank

Manual procedure followed before Automation for crediting employee salary upon employer’s request to the

Employer needs to send the request to the branch for salary processing and then branch forward that request
to the operational team.

Then, the branch prepares an Excel sheet and attaches it with the original request letter in the PDF form.

After this, the operation team manually validates & compares a few records with the original request form.

Here names of the beneficiaries are also compared with the core banking database.

At the end, the user prepares a special file for salary upload and an authorized user performs the necessary
validations. Finally the amount is credited to the employee’s account.

Challenges faced before the implementation of RPA

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The challenges faced before the implementation of RPA , i.e. while the executing the process manually
❖ High risk of errors as validations were done manually and validating few records cannot eliminate the
risk of crediting the wrong amount in the employee’s account.
❖ Turnaround time was too high as time taken for processing each file.
❖ Also, all the steps are performed manually, which leads to inefficiencies and possibility of human

Solution offered by AutomationEdge

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Here, we have done end-to-end automation along with the OCR of the PDF and with custom UI manual
approvals only in case of mismatches.

Firstly, the robot will download a PDF & excel file, then it will apply validations.

Then, the robot performs OCR on PDF & extracts the data.

After this, root will identify the specific data from excel sheet and it will compare & find the mismatches b/w
excel sheet & extracted data from PDF.

Then, a custom UI is visible to the user to approve or reject the mismatch records.

Then after this, the robot does the comparison with the core banking database and again custom UI will
appear to approve or reject the mismatched records.

Then, the robot will create a specific file format and send it to another system to credit the salary of all
approved and matched records. And finally, the robot will upload the responses received to the dashboard
along with the data and salary will be credited to the employee's account.

Impact of RPA

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❖ It eliminates the risk of manipulation with input files.
❖ Reduced the inaccuracies
❖ Also, turnaround time has been reduced from 2hrs to 20mins.
❖ And the robot provides the consolidated data with higher visibility of every transaction.

AutomationEdge platform


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The lowest layer is called “Tasks”. Tasks are nothing but readymade tasks, we call them as “Plugins” and these
plugins can be used to communicate directly with various systems. like, we can communicate with active
directory so that we can create users, manage the user groups etc. We can communicate with Amazon EC2
machines. We can work with BOX, AS400 & office 365

More than 400 adaptors or connectors are available to communicate with various systems.

If a particular readymade plugin is not there. Say, for example, we need to communicate with the target
system for which there is no plugin available, not ready connectors, neither the adaptors in AutomationEdge.

It is altogether a new application which is there with the customer.

In this case, we are having various options:

First option is Graphical user interface, in this, we can mimic the user's action.

Second way of doing this is through API. Let’s say, that particular application has exposed its functionality
through API, we can call that API from AutomationEdge with the help of plugin.

Third option is Cognitive, where we can do automation through machine learning and artificial intelligence.

If ready tasks is not available, then we can automation using GUI | API | Cognitive which is called “Task

Unit Process Bot

For orchestrating tasks together we are having a workflow designer, Business logic development studio & API
Integration Platform. And all this is possible in Process Studio.

Example: We have to automate the attendance process, in which we need to check whether the employee is
present or absent or has taken half a day.

So, to do this automation, we require the attendance data & let say this data is present in excel file. Now, we
have a ready step available to read the data from the excel file.

Then we need to calculate the total working hours on which we can decide whether the employee was
present/ absent or has taken half a day. So, to do this calculation, we have ready steps available.

Now, next is we need to segregate our data, if an employee is present then save the data in a different file, and
if the employee is absent then in a different file. So, for this also we have a filter step to apply.

And to save the data in files, we can use ready steps available in Process studio.

Basically, to orchestrate all these ready steps in Process Studio, we use Workflow designer, business logic
development studio & API Integration Platform.

With this, we have a Scheduler & report engine as well.

Robot Farm

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Robot Farms in which we can have multiple robots with our AutomationEdge server. Robots are nothing but
the Agents which executes the process.

We can have separate robots for separate processes. Like: Robot1: is for HR processes, Robot2 is for IT
processes, Robot3 is for new business processes and so on.

And when we have multiple robots running on our AutomationEdge server, so to control them, we have Robot
Controller as well. Together this is called PLATFORM.


We have two types of deployment, “On Premise” and “On Cloud”.

AutomationEdge server can be installed on local machines as well as “On cloud”

Robot Dashboard

For monitoring robots, workflows, we are having Robot Dashboard, i.e. an “AutomationEdge server portal”.

From the dashboard, you will be able to perform various tasks, like: start and stop the agent, import
workflows, make requests to execute the workflow and many more.

We have ready BOT apps for front office, employee on-boarding, new business, Invoice process and so on.

Together we are having automation of end to end digital processes.

All above execution can happen using following options:

The 1st option is by using AutomationEdge API. With APIs of AE we can trigger the process deployed on AE

The 2nd option is that we can also trigger the request for execution via Emails.

And the next option is through AutomationEdge self-service Catalogue from where you send the request for
execution of the workflow.

Application or any authorized user from Channel partners, Customers, Employees and vendors who are
consuming the services of AutomationEdge can request for the execution of the processes

Digital Front End for RPA

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In AutomationEdge's self-service catalogue page, you can submit the request for the execution of any
particular process.

On this page, you can view the assigned processes to the agent Category-wise.

Major components of AutomationEdge

There are 3 major components those are: Process Studio, AE server & AE Agent

1. Process Studio is the development environment where we develop the workflows and process.

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2. After development, we deploy those workflows and processes on AutomationEdge server which can
be “On Premise” or “On Cloud”.

3. And with the help of AutomationEdge Agent or bot we execute our workflows and processes on the
agent machine.

AutomationEdge can process multiple requests in parallel manner

For Example we have these 4 Processes

Salary processing process is assigned to “AutomationEdge Agent” A1.

Deduplication (Non UI) process is assigned to all “AutomationEdge Agents” A1, A2 & A3.

Yes, we can assign a single process to multiple agents, so that, if Agent A1 is busy in processing another
request, then agent A2 can take this ahead.

Invoice processing process is assigned to agent A2 & 3.


SAP Order Processing process is assigned to agent A3.

Now, as you can see in this diagrammatic representation, all 3 agents are on a single machine of
AutomationEdge server.

As the processing starts of all these 4 processes parallely, load may increase on the Agents & the server.

So, to balance the load of the agents, we can introduce more Agents to contribute and we can divide the load
of the server with the help of the “load balancer” concept and with more machines.

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This document is for your company’s internal use only and may not be distributed to any third party.

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