Binance P2P Merchant Tutorial

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Binance P2P Merchant Tutorial

Note: Please use the latest Chrome web browser. Merchant Portal is only available on the
web (laptop) now.

How do I change my nickname?

Please set your nickname professionally. Our admin might delete the merchant's ads or
disquality merchant if we find the nickname is improper.

How do I Post Ads?

1. After entering the merchant portal, you can create a new advertisement through
the “Post Ads” button at the top.

2. Select the type of advertisement you want to post, Buy or Sell, then select the
crypto and fiat currency you want to trade.

3. Select the price type. If you choose “fixed price”, you need to enter the exact
price. If you choose “floating price”, you need to enter the ad exchange rate and
floating price percentage. (The final trade price will be calculated based on the
two ratios.)
4. You can set the exchange rate at the “Advertisement” page.

5. Fill in the “Total trading quantity”, and then “Max trading amount” and the “Min
trading amount” for a single trade.
6. Set the “User requirements” for ads. If the users do not meet the requirements,
they will not be able to browse your published ads. (This feature can help you
block users you think are at risk.)

7. Select the “Payment method” to send or receive payments. (Choose at least


8. The Remarks section refers to the information that pop-up when the user clicks
on your ad, up to 200 words. Auto-reply message refers to the information sent to
the counterparty through chat automatically after the trade.
9. After clicking on “Publish”, confirm that the advertisement information is correct,
select “Publish Status”, and click “Confirm Publishing”.

10. After the advertisement is released, the assets associated with the advertisement
will be frozen, and it will be unfrozen after the advertisement is closed.

How do I modify Ads?

1. When you need to modify the advertisement, you need to make the
advertisement offline first, and then make the change.

2. You can do a quick edit by clicking on “Edit”, including basic information such as
price, time limit, trade limit, etc.
3. You can also change all the information by clicking on “Edit details”.

4. Please note that, when modifying ads, the total trading quantity can only increase
but not decrease.

How do I see my completed orders?

(Sorry our current time zone is set to GMT+8. You might not see the orders because of
the time difference.)
1. click on "Order"
2. choose "History" tab
3. click on Calendar icon
4. click on "Select Date"
5. choose "23: 59: 59"
How do I trade?

1. After the merchant publishes an advertisement, wait for the user to take the
order. When the order is taken, a red mark appears in the list of pending orders.

2. Click “Pay now” to make payments

3. You can also choose to cancel the order when you are not willing to do the trade,
but note this may affect your completion rate.
4. After the merchant publishes a Sell advertisement, wait for the user to take the
order. When there is a new order, a red mark appears in the list of pending

5. Until the user is marked as paid, the “Release” button is grayed out; When the
payment is marked as received, “Release” is displayed in red. After confirming
the payment, you can click on “Release”.

6. If you need to communicate with the user, you can click on the chat box icon to

7. After the order is completed, the order will be moved from “Pending” to “History”.
In the History tab, you can filter the orders by assets, types, status, date etc.

8. Don't forget to click the calendar when filtering, it can be set to be accurate to a
per-minute basis.
9. Order history can also be exported to excel.

How do I appeal?

How do I set up payment methods?

1. Click “Settings” in the left navigation to enter the “Payment Methods” page, you
can find all the payment methods here.
2. Click the Add button and select the payment method you prefer.

3. After filling in the account information, use “Activation Status” to decide if you
want to activate this payment method right away.

4. After successful addition, the payment method will appear in the list. The
payment method can be modified or disabled at any time.
How do I add users to the blacklist

1. Click “Settings” on the left navigation panel and enter “Blacklist”, click on “Set

2. Click “History” on the “Order” tab to find the user you want to add to the
blacklist.Then, click “blacklist.”

How do I transfer assets?

1. Click “Fiat Wallet” in the left navigation and then “Transfer”, you can transfer the
assets of the fiat wallet to exchange wallet.

2. You can see the history in “Transfer history” section, as well as set up filters;

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