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The First Individual Assignment

Subject: Research Methodology

Instructor: Le Thi My Linh Phd
Reporter: Le Minh Tu
Class: EMBA8C

Penetrating Target Market

Literature Review
With any companies, when they manufacture and sell a product they have to choose a
target market for their product. So how to promote company’s products to the target
market is the main question to the marketers of company.
Advertisement is the effective solution for the upper question. However, product
featured in a target advertisement affect the anticipated marketing communication
outcome. Both the realm of consumption of the featured product and its cultural
relevance plays important role on the reception of targeted marketing communication
efforts. Marketer need to understand how to pair up their product with visual elements in
advertising that will be most conducive with meeting a marketing goal ( Yuvay Jeanine
Meyers). This is a good finding because each product presents the characteristics of
group of people who buy the product. When marketer understands the consuming culture
of the buyer, they can create a more effective advertisement.
Norwood McMillian, Stephen R Lucas and Benton E Miles try to test the effectiveness of
marketing promotional activity by doing an experiment. A group of students in a class
(Promotional Management) of the business school (Brian School) were given a chance to
promote business classes to students who are studying non-business major. The main
promotional activity is using posters sticked on the university’s buses. The result of the
experiment is that students studying non-business major increase their awareness of
business classes in Brian School. This experiment shows that we should be flexible in
using tool to promoting our products depending on the situation and market we target.
We also found that doing a experiment before making a marketing plan is necessary to
test the possibility of plan.
Ruxandra Radoviciu and Filimon Stremtan go to broader issue when they do research
about the market positioning brands. A company penetrating a market needs to strengthen
their brand position in the buyer.
Ruxandra Radoviciu and Filimon Stremtan defines market positioning brands:
Positioning a company on the market by the usage of brands is defined as the act of
designing the supply and its image on the market, so as to occupy a distinct place in the
minds of their target audience.
When people think about a brand they will think about the attributes of product.
Consumers will remember a product when they remember the product’s attributes. To
enhance the attractiveness of a product for a particular market segment, here are some
criteria brand have to meet: high perceptibility ensured by a legible and harmonious
nature, uniformity in relation to all media and marketing mix, to be distinctive in relation
to other brands, to be personalized by the usage of symbols and distinctive elements
chosen according to the target segment (Ruxandra Radoviciu and Filimon Stremtan). In
those criteria, to be distinctive in relation to other brands must be the most important
because this will help customer easy to sort the company’s brand out of a group of brands
in the market.
Ruxandra Radoviciu and Filimon Stremtan said that to strengthen the position of
company’s offer in the mind of the consumer, company have to make a positioning
strategy base on segmentation, targeting and implementation. The positioning strategies
are particularly important in trying to conquer a market segment and therefore they must
be developed correctly.
Choosing the target position on the market must be treated with great importance because
a mistake in its selection may cause adverse consequences in both development of the
company and its brand image
Marketers have to do some analysis like internal analysis, market and competition
analysis to understand the opportunities and threats. After that they will find out the
position preferred by the firm on the target market. The best way to predict the position
of the brand on the market is to identify all its competitors (actual or potential) and
develop an internal of each of them(Ruxandra Radoviciu and Filimon Stremtan ). When
marketers understand how their competitors are likely to act, they will know how to
develop their brand and find a good position for their brand in the market which helps
their product to have advantage comparing to competitors.
Overall, the brand is the essential element in completing the decision making process
when purchasing the product by the customers To have success on the market a
company’s products and offers must be emphasized and distinguished from competitors.
For a correct position of a brand on the market it must be elaborated a development of
extensive marketing studies. The studies analyze the competition over th target segments
and develop a strategic plan for positioning the brand. Any error occurring either in the
analysis process or in the elaboration process of developing positioning stratery implies
the decline of the brand in the consumer’s mind (Ruxandra Radoviciu and Filimon
1. Yuvay Jeanine Meyers, Target marketing and the product: Categorizing products
to understand the resulting marketing communication outcome measures, Journal
of Management and Marketing Research, Howard University.
2. Norwood McMillian, Stephen R. Lucas, Benton E. Miles, 2010, The
determination of the effectiveness of a marketing promotional Activity, The
Journal of Applied Business Research.
3. Ruxabdra Radoviciu, Filimon Stremtan, 2009, Companies with marketing
positioning brands, Annales Universitatis Series Oeconomica.

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