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Good Morning!

The topic that we decided to talk about was artificial intelligence, which is
related to the first episode of the 2077 serie. As you know, artificial intelligence is human-like
intelligence displayed by software systems, as well as being an academic field of study . In view
of this, we decided to present and explain some facts about this subject.

1. The history of artificial intelligence

It is not known for certain when the history of artificial intelligence began, but it is not new. In
ancient times, artificial beings and mechanical men appeared in Greek and Roman myths.
Philosophers and mathematicians of various ages have explored the possibility of
mechanization of thought. World War II brought together scientists from diverse fields,
including neuroscience, engineering, mathematics and computing. Some discussed in the
1940s and 1950s the creation of an artificial brain.

2. Artificial intelligence is already present in your life

Virtual assistants like Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant are good examples of artificial
intelligence in direct contact with users. But smartphones, computers and other everyday
gadgets also operate with AI in many other ways, starting with Google. The Photos app
recognizes the content of your images and allows you to search by typing the name of an
object or action. YouTube can transcribe audio and generate subtitles for videos in 10
languages. Gmail offers intelligent automatic responses to your emails. Google Translate
translates text from signs, labels and menus with your cell phone camera. In medicine, it is
helping to advance cancer studies.

3. Artificial intelligence will replace humans in many jobs

The fear that machines will steal human jobs is not new, and it is well founded. According to
the consulting and auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), by 2030 robots will replace
38% of jobs in the United States, 30% in the United Kingdom and 21% in Japan. The transport,
storage, manufacturing and retail sectors will be the most affected. However, don't think that
more creative works will be left out. There are already software capable of writing more basic
journalistic texts, such as news about sports matches and financial summaries.

4. Experts believe that artificial intelligence will reach human capacity soon

Some experts in the field believe that AI is still in its infancy and has a long way to go. Others,
however, guarantee that there are only a few years to the arrival of technological singularity, a
time when artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence. A survey conducted in 2013
asked the following question to hundreds of AI experts: when will the level of artificial
intelligence be 50% of human intelligence? The average response was 2040. Meanwhile,
another recent study showed that 42% of a group of scientists believe that uniqueness will be
achieved before 2030.
5. AI is already better than humans in some tasks

There are no predictions of when artificial intelligence will reach the human level, but there
are already robots that are better than us at specific tasks. For example, AI is now able to
diagnose cancer more accurately than doctors. Its hit rate is 90%, compared to 50% in the case
of human beings, a fact that was highlighted in the 2077 series, which the teacher advised us
to visualize. The machines are also more efficient at lip reading. While human performance
averages 52%, that of LipNet software reaches 93%.

6. Big names in technology are concerned with the consequences of this advance

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has spoken publicly several times that he believes that
artificial intelligence could one day become a threat to people and even put an end to
humanity. The businessman is enthusiastic about the most advanced technologies, but
stresses the need for regulation in the area of AI and would like autonomous weapons to be
banned. Armaments operated by intelligent software are already a reality in some
governments. Physicist Stephen Hawking, who died in 2018, also expressed his concern about
the destructive power of independent weapons and feared the replacement of the human
workforce without sufficiently creating new jobs. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, agrees with
Musk and Hawking and said he does not understand how some people are not concerned.

These are some curiosities that we find interesting about artificial intelligence. We hope you
have learned something from this presentation, just as we have. AI can be very beneficial, but
not everything is a bed of roses.

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