Paper 1 Blind Dates

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Topic: Blind dates- blog

Jana’s Chronicles

Blind Dates: What you are doing wrong/How to avoid the awkward silences.

February 8, 2021

Blind dating- social engagements between two people who have not previously met, usually
arranged by a mutual acquaintance or a dating site, has become a popular way of dating and
meeting a significant other in the last 10 years​1​. According to a recent survey, more than 43% of
Americans have gone on a blind date at least once and a lot of them reported that they believe
that they can meet their spouse in this way​2​.

There are many advantages when it comes to blind dating and some of them include:
● Surprise
(The element of surprise always comes into play when blind dating is on the table)
● Excitement
(Meeting new people always comes in hand with excitement. It’s adventurous and it pushes you
out of your comfort zone)
● Anonymity

(You always have the chance of disappearing and never meeting that person again because
they probably don’t know anything about you)​3​.

Yet, there are many disadvantages that come with online dating and you should be cautious
and well informed about your date before proceeding meeting your date. Some of the
disadvantages include:
● You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into
If you meet your date via a dating website/app, you will need to make sure that you are safe and
away from danger. You need to be careful about who you are meeting and be sure that they
have positive intentions.
● The date could go terribly wrong
Your date could be really weird and clingy, which may be not what you are looking for at the
moment, which can further prevent you from doing blind dates ever again.
● It could be really awkward
If you are not prepared well and if you are not open and comfortable to meet new people, this
could be potentially something way out of your comfort zone and something you will never dare
to try.

Because of its growing popularity and growing possibilities of meeting the right person, which
may be difficult for many people especially during the quarantine period, where the chances of
meeting new people in a club, or restaurant are significantly lower than before the COVID-19
situation, blind dates could be a great alternative and solution for single people to meet their
potential spouse or lifelong partner. In order to avoid these uncomfortable situations of
awkwardness and silence during these dates, there are certain steps you can do in order to
prevent this from happening and maximize the quality of each of these dates and not make the
same mistakes most of the people are doing.

To avoid the awkward silences, you should:

● Be natural and fill in the conversation with common topics!

You may often find yourself lost for words, which is the worst nightmare for first time daters. To
avoid this, you can plan some topics beforehand and always be ready to start with some basic

topics like passions, personal interests, music, sports etc. Try to find something that you both
have in common and expand on that.
● Don’t panic!
While these conversation silences can be completely awkward, this is completely normal and
you should try to stay relaxed. If the conversation has dried up, you can always use a bathroom
break or the help of a friend, who can always take you out of such a situation. Remember that
it’s completely normal to have awkward silences when meeting someone you know nothing

● Lastly, be yourself and enjoy your date!

Be natural, and don’t stress it out too much. Have low expectations and don’t push your
opinions on your date or do something that will make the situation uncomfortable. You can
always meet new people if you don’t like the ones you meet! Never give up, because you can
meet someone amazing when you least expect it.

If you stick up to these pieces of advice, you will surely have a great blind date experience!

Reported by Jana Ognjanovska.

Sources that I used for writing this blog:

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