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Yousef Mohammed Mannan Sec: 10, Team: 2

ID: 2036807 Member: 1

Quiz1: Grades and Assessment Date: 02/12/2021


Developing your engineering skills is very important since you will need them after
graduation. Also, engineering skills will be the main factor that will distinguish between the
fully prepared fresh engineers and the others. This journal is written for IE 201, which is a
subject that allows engineering students to practice engineering skills through an appropriate
environment that will simulate the actual field. However, this journal will focus on the grading
system and the assessment method that the instructor will use to evaluate the students’


The content of IE 201 is divided into two sections. The first one is the concept
section. This section will maintain an introduction to the problem-solving methods in order to
prepare the students for the work environment. and will also contain the quizzes, exams,
lectures, and discussions. The second section is the laboratory, and it will focus on the work
on the projects that the students will be doing during this course. In addition, this course’s
primary goal is to make the students better communicators and active learners and boost
their confidence to improve themself. Also, IE 201 can help you to acknowledge which
engineering field is suitable for you. However, this course has a unique grading system, as
the students will not be evaluating in the usual method. The grading system will be up to the
quality of the work, whether it exceeds the expectation, meet it, or the work needs
improvements or has not submitted the or no credible effort spent on the work. In addition,
the grades you gained in each section are separated, and at the end of you will see what
your grade is in each section depending on the exceeds you gained and the defects. After
that, the whole class grade will be assigned. For example, Suppose you get a B in the
concept and C in the laboratory; in that case, the class grade will be B. This evaluation
method might help the students a lot since even if you get an F in one section and you got a
C in the other, there are still some chances to surbase the class with D+.


In conclusion, writing this journal helped me understand that subject better and how it
will be going through the semester. Also, I realized that time management is the key to
success in this course, and it is better to finish your works early before it gets accumulated.
Also, you have to follow the instruction while you do the tasks for the best result.
Furthermore, writing this journal has addressed some misconceptions I had about the
grading system, especially when the students will get defects and lapses. Before, I did not
know that you will get a lapse on your first attempt if you got NCE. Finally, through this
course, I will try to improve my communication skills and leadership skills; therefore, I can be
useful for the team and lead them to the exceeds.

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