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Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 106:105–112

DOI 10.1007/s00421-009-0995-8


The role of the menstrual cycle phase in pain perception

before and after an isometric fatiguing contraction
Marie K. Hoeger Bement Æ Rebecca L. Rasiarmos Æ
John M. DiCapo Æ Audrey Lewis Æ Manda L. Keller Æ
April L. Harkins Æ Sandra K. Hunter

Accepted: 14 January 2009 / Published online: 3 February 2009

Ó Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare Introduction

exercise-induced analgesia in young women after a
fatiguing isometric contraction during different phases of Pain perception decreases following the performance of
the menstrual cycle. Twenty female subjects performed a isometric contractions (Hoeger Bement et al. 2008; Koltyn
submaximal (25% maximal voluntary contraction) iso- et al. 2001; Kosek and Ekholm 1995; Kosek and Lund-
metric contraction until task failure during both the mid- berg 2003; Staud et al. 2005). This decrease in pain
follicular and mid-luteal phases of their menstrual cycle. perception is known as exercise-induced analgesia and is
Pain perception (i.e., pain threshold and pain ratings) was often quantified by a reduction in pain ratings and/or
measured before and after the isometric fatiguing con- increase in time to detection of a noxious stimulus (pain
traction. Other measures included mean arterial pressure, threshold) after exercise (Hoeger Bement et al. 2008;
heart rate, and anxiety levels. Time to task failure of the Hoffman et al. 2004; Koltyn et al. 2001; Kosek and
fatiguing contraction was similar for the two phases of the Lundberg 2003). The magnitude of exercise-induced
menstrual cycle. Following the performance of the iso- analgesia following an isometric contraction is dependent
metric contraction: (1) pain thresholds increased and pain on the intensity and duration. For example, the greatest
ratings decreased; (2) anxiety levels increased; and (3) decrease in pain occurs after a low-intensity and long-
mean arterial pressure and heart rate increased. These duration isometric contraction [25% maximal voluntary
changes were not dependent on the phase of the menstrual contraction (MVC) held to task failure] compared with
cycle. Thus, the menstrual cycle phase does not influence high- and low-intensity contractions of shorter duration
the magnitude of exercise-induced analgesia. (Hoeger Bement et al. 2008).
There are sex differences in pain perception because
Keywords Exercise-induced analgesia  women report higher pain ratings before and after the
Elbow flexor muscles  Muscle fatigue  Women  performance of isometric contractions compared with men
Cortisol (Hoeger Bement et al. 2008) and greater exercise-induced
analgesia (Koltyn et al. 2001). The cause for the sex dif-
ference in exercise-induced analgesia is not well
understood. One possibility is that pain perception may be
influenced by the menstrual cycle in women, particularly at
rest (baseline levels). A meta-analysis examining baseline
M. K. Hoeger Bement (&)  R. L. Rasiarmos 
pain perception across the menstrual cycle concluded that
J. M. DiCapo  A. Lewis  M. L. Keller  S. K. Hunter
Department of Physical Therapy, Marquette University, pain threshold and tolerance are higher during the follicular
P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA phase, when gonadal hormone levels are relatively low,
e-mail: than during the luteal phase (Riley et al. 1999). However, a
more recent review concluded that this view is not con-
A. L. Harkins
Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, sistently supported by the literature (Sherman and
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA LeResche 2006). Thus, the magnitude of exercise-induced

106 Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 106:105–112

analgesia in women may be influenced by the phase of the During the familiarization session, subjects were familiar-
menstrual cycle but this has not been previously examined. ized to the pressure pain device and instructed on correct
The purpose of our study was to compare exercise- use of the ovulation kit (used to identify timing of ovula-
induced analgesia during the mid-follicular and mid-luteal tion and thus menstrual cycle phase) and the premenstrual
phases of the menstrual cycle in young women. Exercise- record of impact and severity of menstruation. Each subject
induced analgesia was quantified as the change in pain performed three MVCs to determine maximum strength
perception (pain threshold and pain ratings) during a 2 min and the intensity for the submaximal isometric fatiguing
pressure pain test in response to an isometric fatiguing contraction in the subsequent sessions. MVCs were per-
contraction with the elbow flexor muscles. The timing of formed during the familiarization session only, and not
our protocol was established to control for the changes in prior to the submaximal isometric contractions during the
acute hormonal fluctuations in relation to the menstrual last two sessions, because pain perception may change
cycle. following the performance of MVCs (Hoeger Bement et al.
During the mid-luteal phase there is greater secretion of 2008; Koltyn et al. 2001). Reliability of the performance of
progesterone and estradiol than during the mid-follicular MVCs across days is high with less than 5% change in
phase (Sherman and LeResche 2006). Typically, menstrual force (Hunter et al. 2000) and strength does not change
cycle phase does not influence motor performance includ- across the menstrual cycle (Janse de Jonge 2003).
ing strength and muscle fatigability (Janse de Jonge 2003). The MVC task involved a gradual increase in force from
We hypothesized that the changes in pain perception fol- zero to maximum over *2 s, with the maximal force held
lowing an isometric fatiguing contraction would also be for 2–3 s. During performance of the MVC, the force
unaffected by the menstrual cycle. We expected therefore, exerted by the elbow flexor muscles was displayed on a
that the magnitude of exercise-induced analgesia after the monitor and each subject was verbally encouraged to
fatiguing contraction would not differ between different achieve maximal force. One-minute rest was given
phases of the menstrual cycle. Because anxiety can influ- between each MVC. The subject setup and force recording
ence pain perception (Willer et al. 1981), we also examined is detailed below in the sustained submaximal isometric
the relation between exercise-induced analgesia, arousal contractions section.
(stress) and anxiety that may have been induced by the The two experimental sessions were scheduled during
exercise and testing. the subject’s mid-follicular phase (5–7 days post menses)
and mid-luteal phase (6–8 days post ovulation, per the
ovulation kit; Fillingim et al. 1997; Pfleeger et al. 1997).
Methods All twenty subjects completed both of the experimental
sessions. The sessions were counter balanced so that half of
Subjects the subjects completed the mid-follicular session as their
first experimental session. The two experimental sessions
Twenty young women (20.9 ± 1.0 years, 65.2 ± 3.4 included measurements of pressure pain perception (i.e.,
inches, 63.1 ± 8.1 kg) who had regular menstrual cycles, pain ratings and pain threshold), salivary cortisol, blood
in which menstruation occurred in recurring intervals every pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels before and after the
22–36 days (Fregly and Luttge 1982), participated in this performance of a sustained submaximal (25% MVC) iso-
study. The premenstrual record of impact and severity of metric contraction held to task failure.
menstruation was completed by the subjects for two cycles
to further verify that they experienced regular menstrual Sustained submaximal isometric contractions
cycles (Reid and Yen 1983). Subjects were not on hormone
contraceptives and were screened for known cardiopul- During the two experimental sessions, subjects performed a
monary and orthopedic problems, menstrual cycle sustained isometric fatiguing contraction at 25% of their
disorders, and use of hormonal contraceptives. Subjects MVC until task failure. The target force was calculated
provided informed consent, and the protocol was approved based on MVCs performed during the familiarization ses-
by the Institutional Review Board at Marquette University. sion. Task failure was determined as the decline in force by
10% of the target value for 3 out of 5 consecutive seconds.
Experimental design The fatiguing contraction was initiated 25 min after the
initial baseline pain test. This duration was necessary
Subjects participated in three sessions: one familiarization because our previous data indicated that *30 min was
session and two experimental sessions which involved necessary between pain measurements to minimize the
measurement of pain perception before and after an iso- influence of the initial pain measurement on subsequent
metric fatiguing contraction of the elbow flexor muscles. measurements (Hoeger Bement et al. 2008). To perform

Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 106:105–112 107

the submaximal isometric contractions and the MVCs in Pasero 1999). This procedure results in a painful sensation
the familiarization session, subjects were seated in an but does not cause tissue damage. We previously estab-
adjustable chair with the left arm slightly abducted and the lished the reliability of this device (Hoeger Bement et al.
elbow resting on a padded support. The forearm was 2008).
positioned horizontally with the elbow joint flexed to 90°.
The hand and forearm were placed in a modified wrist– Anxiety
hand–thumb orthosis held in place with Velcro straps
(Orthomerica, Newport Beach, CA, USA), and the forearm State anxiety was assessed by the Spielberg State Anxiety
was placed midway between pronation and supination. The Inventory, which has been demonstrated to be a reliable
force at the wrist was directed upward when the elbow assessment tool (Barnes et al. 2002; Spielberg 1983).
flexor muscles were activated voluntarily. Force was Anxiety was evaluated to examine the association between
measured using a JR3 force transducer (JR-3 Inc., Wood- anxiety and pain perception during different phases of the
land, CA, USA) mounted on an adjustable support and menstrual cycle before and after sustained submaximal
attached to the subject’s hand-arm orthosis. The forces isometric contractions.
detected by the transducer were recorded online using a
Power 1401 A–D converter and Spike2 software (Cam- Salivary cortisol
bridge Electronics Design, Cambridge, UK). The force
signal was digitized at 500 samples/s. Subjects received Free cortisol levels were collected through salivary sam-
force feedback on a 19-inch monitor and were verbally ples, which parallel that of total serum cortisol and is
encouraged to sustain the force for as long as possible. recommended for the assessment of dynamic hypotha-
lamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity (Gozansky
Ovulation kit et al. 2005). All experiments were conducted in the after-
noon when the cortisol levels are nearing their diurnal
Timing of the menstrual cycle phase was determined for trough (Schmidt-Reinwald et al. 1999). Subjects’ saliva
each subject with an ovulation kit. A midstream ovulation was collected with a salivette that was placed in the mouth
test (Clearblue Easy, Unipath Diagnotics) was used by each for approximately 1 min at the following time points: (1)
subject to detect the day of the luteinizing hormone surge, upon entering the laboratory; (2) 20 min after the first pain
which occurs immediately prior to ovulation. The Clear- measurement but prior to performing isometric contrac-
blue Easy ovulation kit is 99% accurate in laboratory tests tions; (3) immediately after the second pain measurement;
(Ghazeeri et al. 2000). Each subject was given seven and (4) 20 min after the second pain measurement. Saliva
midstream tests with instructions to start testing just before collection was taken 20 min after the isometric contraction
the midpoint of their usual menstrual cycle. The length of and pain test because free cortisol takes 10–20 min to
the menstrual cycle among subjects varied between sub- peak in the saliva after release from the adrenal glands
jects (23–35 days). The mid-luteal session was scheduled (Kirschbaum and Hellhammer 1994). After collection,
6–8 days past ovulation, per the ovulation kit. During the salivary samples were stored at -20°C until later analysis.
mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, estrogen and Salivary cortisol levels were quantified using an enzymatic
progesterone are relatively high compared with the mid- immunosolvent assay (Salimetrics LLC, State College, PA,
follicular phase (Sherman and LeResche 2006). USA). Previous studies have established the reliability of
this technique (Pruessner et al. 1997). Our intra- and inter-
Pain perception assay coefficients of variation were less than 6%.

A pressure pain device was used to assess pain perception. Mean arterial pressure
A 200 g mass was applied to a second class lever at a
distance from the axis to ensure a 10 N force (equivalent to Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate were mea-
a 1 kg mass) on the finger. The force at the finger was sured at rest and during the sustained submaximal
applied through a Lucite edge (8 9 1.5 mm) (Romus Inc., isometric contraction using an automated beat-by-beat
Milwaukee, WI, USA) and was placed on the right index blood pressure monitor (Finapres 2300, Ohmeda, Madison,
finger midway between the distal and proximal interpha- WI, USA). MAP and heart rate were not measured during
langeal joints for 2 min. Subjects pressed a timing device exposure to the pressure pain device because subjects
when they first felt pain (i.e., pain threshold) and pain reported that it was too distracting. The small blood pres-
ratings were reported every 20 s using a 0–10 scale. The sure finger cuff was placed around the middle finger of
scale had the following terminology: 0 = no pain, the non-exercising hand. MAP and heart rate were ana-
5 = moderate pain, and 10 = worst pain (McCaffery and lyzed by comparing *15-s averages at 50% intervals of

108 Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 106:105–112

the duration of the isometric contraction (i.e., 0%, 50%, Luteal

and 100%). For each interval, the blood pressure signal was Follicular
analyzed for the mean peaks [systolic blood pressure *
(SBP)], mean troughs [diastolic blood pressure (DBP)], 50
and the number of pulses per second (multiplied by 60
to determine heart rate). MAP was calculated for each 40
epoch with the following equation: MAP = DBP ? 1/3

Threshold (s)
(SBP - DBP) (Cywinski 1980).

Data and statistical analysis

Data are reported as means ± SD within the text and as
means ± SE in the figures. Multivariate repeated measures 10
ANOVA was used to analyze the following variables: pain
threshold and pain ratings [trial (pre and post)], cortisol
levels [trial 9 time (baseline, 20-min post pain #1, pre post
immediately post pain #2, and 20-min post pain #2)], state Trial
anxiety levels [trial 9 time (baseline, post pain #1, post
pain #2)], and MAP and heart rate [trial 9 time (baseline, Fig. 1 Pain thresholds before (pre) and after (post) a submaximal
(25% MVC) isometric contraction held until task failure. Pain
start of contraction, 50% of time to task failure, immedi- thresholds significantly increased following the isometric contraction,
ately prior to task failure)]. Menstrual cycle phase (luteal which was similar between the mid-follicular and mid-luteal phases.
and follicular) was a within-subject factor. Estimates of *P \ 0.05
effect size were calculated using partial eta-squared (g2p).
Time to task failure and post hoc analysis within subjects (P = 0.82, g2p = 0.001) or pain ratings (P = 0.95, g2p =
was analyzed using paired t-tests. Pearson correlations 0.0001).
were calculated to determine associations between depen- Pain perception however, changed after the submaximal
dent variables. Significance was indicated as P \ 0.05. fatiguing contraction. Following the isometric contraction,
pain threshold increased (P = 0.0001, g2p = 0.32) for both
the mid-follicular (30.1 ± 19.4 to 38.0 ± 21.1 s) and mid-
Results luteal (29.5 ± 14.0 to 41.1 ± 22.1 s) phases (Fig. 1).
Likewise, pain ratings decreased (P = 0.0001, g2p = 0.32;
Maximal voluntary contractions Fig. 2). There was no interaction between the menstrual
cycle phase and trial for pain threshold (P = 0.42,
The three MVC trials that were performed during the g2p = 0.02, Fig. 1) or pain ratings (P = 0.46, g2p = 0.02,
familiarization session were similar in value (180.4 ± Fig. 2) indicating that the magnitude of exercise-induced
32.8 N, 183.7 ± 31.2 N, 177.1 ± 49.2 N, respectively, analgesia was similar across the menstrual cycle.
P = 0.60).
Time to task failure
State anxiety levels were assessed at baseline, immediately
Time to task failure of the sustained 25% MVC was similar after the first pain test, and following the isometric con-
when performed during the follicular and luteal phases of traction. Anxiety levels did not change following the first
the menstrual cycle (524 ± 213 s vs. 521 ± 181 s, res- pain test (30.5 ± 7.3 to 30.2 ± 7.4) but increased follow-
pectively, P = 0.88). ing the fatiguing contraction (30.2 ± 7.4 to 32.2 ± 7.1)
(time effect, P = 0.006, g2p = 0.13). Anxiety levels did not
Pain perception differ with menstrual cycle phase (effect of menstrual cycle
phase, P = 0.98, g2p = 0.001), nor was there an interaction
Baseline (pre-contraction) pain perception was not influ- between the menstrual cycle phase and time (P = 0.50,
enced by the phase of the menstrual cycle because pain g2p = 0.02).
threshold (Fig. 1) and pain ratings (Fig. 2) were similar The exercise-induced change in anxiety levels was
between the mid-follicular and mid-luteal phases at base- associated with the change in pain ratings (P = 0.04,
line. Furthermore, there was no main effect for the menstrual r = 0.32) and pain threshold (P = 0.04, r = -0.33).
cycle across the entire session for either pain threshold Subjects who had greater increases in exercise-induced

Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 106:105–112 109

Fig. 2 Pain ratings before (pre) Follicular Luteal

and after (post) a submaximal
(25% MVC) isometric 8 Pre
contraction held until task Post

Pain Ratings
failure. Pain ratings significantly 6 *
decreased following the
isometric contraction for the 4
mid-follicular and mid-luteal
phases. *P \ 0.05 2

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (s) Time (s)

anxiety were more likely to have decreases in pain ratings difference (P [ 0.05). Cortisol levels did not differ across
and increases in pain threshold following exercise. The low the menstrual cycle (effect of menstrual cycle phase,
correlations however indicate that the strength of the P = 0.43, g2p = 0.02; Fig. 3).
relationship is low. Anxiety levels were not associated with
baseline pain threshold or pain ratings (P [ 0.05). Mean arterial pressure and heart rate

Cortisol Both MAP and heart rate increased during the fatiguing
contraction (P = 0.0001 and 0.0001, g2p = 0.94 and 0.85;
One subject’s data from the follicular phase was excluded Fig. 4). MAP and heart rate were similar across the men-
because it was greater than three standard deviations from strual cycle because there was no main effect of the
the mean. There was no change in cortisol levels with time menstrual cycle phase for either MAP or heart rate
(P = 0.07, g2p = 0.18; Fig. 3). To control for the potential (P = 0.65 and 0.29, g2p = 0.006 and 0.03). There was also
increase in cortisol due to anxiety at the start of the no interaction between the menstrual cycle phase and over
experiment, we compared the fourth time point (20 min time for MAP (P = 0.75, g2p = 0.01) or heart rate
following the second pain test) with the first two time (P = 0.97, g2p = 0.007) indicating the rise in these car-
points averaged (baseline and post pain #1) and also with diovascular measures were similar during the fatiguing
the second time point alone (post pain #1) but found no contractions for the different phases of the menstrual cycle
(Fig. 4).

Cortisol Associations between cardiovascular measures

Follicular and pain perception
Concentration (ug/dl)

The exercise-induced changes in pain ratings and pain

threshold were not correlated with any of the exercise-
induced changes in the cardiovascular measurements.
There were, however, a number of associations between
0.14 the cardiovascular measurements during the isometric
fatiguing contraction and pain perception before and after
0.12 the isometric contraction. MAP at the start of the con-
traction was related to the average pre-contraction pain
0.10 ratings (P = 0.05; r = -0.33), average post-contraction
pain ratings (P = 0.01; r = -0.42), pre-contraction pain






threshold (P = 0.02; r = 0.40), and post-contraction pain


1- 2

2- 2
2- i

threshold (P = 0.002; r = 0.50). Similarly, MAP at the




end of the isometric contraction (immediately prior to task




failure) was related to the average pre-contraction pain

Fig. 3 Cortisol levels were not significantly different following ratings (P = 0.004; r = -0.47), average post-contraction
exercise, which was similar between the mid-follicular and mid-luteal pain ratings (P = 0.001; r = -0.52), pre-contraction pain
phases. baseline = baseline; pain #1-20 min = 20 min after the first
pain test; pain #2-immed = immediately after the second pain test; threshold (P = 0.0001; r = 0.63), and post-contraction
pain #2-20 min = 20 min after the second pain test pain threshold (P = 0.0001; r = 0.60). Specifically,

110 Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 106:105–112

140 120
130 Follicular 110

Heart Rate (bpm)

MAP (mmHg)
120 Luteal
80 70
70 60
rest start 50 100 rest start 50 100
Time to Failure (%) Time to Failure (%)

Fig. 4 Mean arterial pressure and heart rate significantly increased rest = baseline; start = start of the isometric contraction; 50 = mid-
during the submaximal isometric contraction held until task failure, way point of the isometric contraction; 100 = end of the isometric
which was similar between the mid-follicular and mid-luteal phases. contraction

individuals with higher MAP during the isometric con- Time to task failure did not differ between the mid-
traction were more likely to report lower pain ratings and follicular and mid-luteal phases of the menstrual cycle in
higher pain thresholds before and after the isometric the women. This confirms previous work that shows no
contraction. correlation between days of the menstrual cycle and time to
Similar to the MAP values, heart rate at the start of the task failure in young women (Hunter et al. 2004a, b). Other
contraction was related to the average pre-contraction pain studies have also shown that strength and muscle fatiga-
ratings (P = 0.0001; r = -0.57), average post-contraction bility does not vary systematically during the menstrual
pain ratings (P = 0.0001; r = -0.69), pre-contraction pain cycle (DiBrezzo et al. 1991; Gur 1997; Janse de Jonge et al.
threshold (P = 0.007; r = 0.45), and post-contraction pain 2001). A small number of studies have suggested that
threshold (P = 0.0001; r = 0.63). Heart rate at the end of muscle fatigue varies across the menstrual cycle phase
the isometric contraction was related to the average pre- however, these findings are not supported by the majority
contraction pain ratings (P = 0.001; r = -0.54), average of studies [reviewed by Janse de Jonge (Janse de Jonge
post-contraction pain ratings (P = 0.0001; r = -0.56), 2003)]. The most comprehensive and well controlled
pre-contraction pain threshold (P = 0.002; r = 0.49), and studies showed hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual
post-contraction pain threshold (P = 0.001; r = 0.52). cycle do not influence muscle strength and fatigability
Thus, individuals with elevated heart rate during the iso- (Janse de Jonge et al. 2001). Our data adds to this literature
metric contraction were more likely to report lower pain showing that time to task failure of a low-force sustained
ratings and higher pain thresholds before and after the contraction is not influenced by the phase of the menstrual
isometric contraction. cycle. Because time to task failure did not differ across
sessions we were able to assess the influence of the men-
strual cycle phase on pain perception at the same
Discussion magnitude of fatigue and performance.
We found that pain perception, including the magnitude
The purpose of this study was to compare exercise-induced of exercise-induced analgesia, did not differ across the
analgesia following isometric contractions during the mid- menstrual cycle. Hormone levels, such as estrogen and
follicular and mid-luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. progesterone, are relatively higher during the luteal phase
Similar to our previous research, pain threshold increased than the follicular phase and have been suggested to
and pain ratings decreased following the performance of the influence pain (Fillingim et al. 1997). Our data supports a
fatiguing isometric contraction (i.e., exercise-induced recent review however, in that there was no clear detect-
analgesia) (Hoeger Bement et al. 2008). The new findings of able and systematic change in pain perception during
this study are that the phase of the menstrual cycle in young different phases of the menstrual cycle (Berkley 1997;
women did not affect the exercise-induced changes in pain Sherman and LeResche 2006).
perception, anxiety, cortisol levels, or cardiovascular Some studies however, have shown changes in pain
response during the fatiguing contraction. Furthermore, perception across the menstrual cycle at rest (Riley et al.
time to task failure of the submaximal fatiguing contraction 1999). The lack of consensus regarding the influence of the
was not influenced by the phase of menstrual cycle in menstrual cycle on pain perception may be due to differ-
women. Thus, exercise-induced analgesia does not appear ences in methodology, such as controlling for the menstrual
to be influenced by menstrual cycle phase. cycle phase, type of pain measurement (i.e., pain threshold

Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 106:105–112 111

vs. pain ratings) and the type of noxious stimulus used cortisol levels measured 20 min after exercise, increased
(mechanical, thermal, or electrical) (Berkley 1997; Fillin- activation of the HPA axis does not appear to regulate
gim et al. 1997; Pfleeger et al. 1997; Riley et al. 1999; exercise-induced analgesia.
Sherman and LeResche 2006). We used a within-subject There was a cardiovascular response during the perfor-
design with a large number of subjects (n = 20) and con- mance of the isometric contraction with increases in heart
trolled for the variability in the menstrual cycle phase by rate and MAP demonstrated, with similar increases
using ovulation kits, as recommended by others (Riley occurring during the mid-follicular and mid-luteal phases.
et al. 1999; Sherman and LeResche 2006). Our results The cardiovascular measurements during the isometric
showed that pain perception and the magnitude of exercise- contraction were related to pain behaviors before and after
induced analgesia were similar during different phases of the isometric contraction. Individuals with elevated MAP
the menstrual cycle. Thus, when controlling for the vari- and heart rate were more likely to report lower pain ratings
ability in menstrual cycle length among women, the and higher pain thresholds than individuals with lower
amount of analgesia produced by performance of isometric MAP and heart rate; although the exercise-induced changes
contractions is not dependent on the phase of the menstrual in the cardiovascular measurements and pain perception
cycle. were not related. This inverse relationship between blood
We recorded other physiological variables to determine pressure and pain sensitivity has been well established
possible mechanisms and identify confounders that may (Bruehl et al. 1992; Ghione 1996; Pfleeger et al. 1997). In
influence performance and pain perception during the relation to exercise, previous research shows that increases
menstrual cycle. We assessed state anxiety levels to in blood pressure by way of exercise also results in
examine if the physical stress of exercise produced stress- decreases in pain (Koltyn et al. 2001; Kosek and Lundberg
induced analgesia (Willer et al. 1981). There was an 2003). Our data demonstrate similar findings with exercise-
exercise-induced increase in anxiety levels that was similar induced increases in cardiovascular measurements and
during the two phases of the menstrual cycle. Individuals decreases in pain; although the magnitude of changes in
with greater increases in state anxiety levels following the cardiovascular measurements and pain perception were not
isometric contraction were more likely to experience related.
decreases in pain ratings and increases in pain threshold.
Previous research on exercise-induced anxiety levels has
been mixed showing no change (Koltyn and Arbogast Conclusions
1998; Koltyn et al. 1996), decreases (Koltyn et al. 2001),
and increases (Hoeger Bement et al. 2008) in anxiety We found that the decrease in pain following a low-
reported. Despite the varied response of anxiety after intensity, long-duration isometric fatiguing contraction was
exercise, all of the previous studies reported a decrease in not dependent on the phase of the menstrual cycle in
pain indicating that changes in anxiety levels alone do not women. Furthermore, the menstrual cycle phase did not
explain exercise-induced analgesia. Our data however, influence the time to task failure of the submaximal
demonstrated that changes in anxiety levels may be fatiguing contraction, state anxiety, cortisol levels, or the
involved in the perception of pain following exercise. cardiovascular response during a fatiguing contraction.
Another potential mechanism for exercise-induced Thus, when assessing exercise-induced analgesia, the
analgesia is activation of the HPA axis, which we quanti- menstrual cycle does not appear to be a confounder in
fied using salivary cortisol levels. We found no significant young healthy women with regular menstrual cycles.
change in cortisol levels following the performance of
isometric contractions. Research specific to the perfor- Acknowledgments This study was supported by awards from the
American Pain Society and Arthritis Foundation to MKHB. Ethical
mance of isometric contractions has demonstrated Standards: This protocol was approved by the Institutional Review
increases or no change in cortisol levels, which as far as we Board at Marquette University.
know has only been studied in men (Few et al. 1975; Kjaer
et al. 1991). It is possible that the timing of cortisol sam- Conflict of interest statement The authors have no financial dis-
closures or conflicts of interest.
pling missed the peak increase in cortisol after exercise.
Peak cortisol levels occur 10–20 min after exposure to the
stressor with some variance between subjects (Kirschbaum
and Hellhammer 1994). We chose 20 min based on other References
studies but more recent pilot work in our laboratory indi-
cates 10 min post exercise may be the best indicator of Barnes LLB, Harp D, Jung WS (2002) Reliability generalization of
peak cortisol levels for some women. Nevertheless, scores on the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory. Educ
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