Evidence - Taking - Care - of - The - Planet1 ADRIAN

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Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: Taking care of the planet / Evidencia: Cuidando el planeta

In this evidence, you will have to give five (5) solutions you propose on how to
take care of the earth for each of the strategies listed below and record an audio
using the LOOM tool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbeEisarRlU&t=195s
Use the modal verbs should, must and the semi-modal have to in the answer. /
En esta evidencia, usted deberá escribir cinco soluciones que usted sugiere
sobre cómo cuidar el planeta por cada una de las estrategias listadas abajo y
grabar un audio usando la herramienta LOOM
Use should, must y el semi-modal have to en la respuesta.
Recuerde que sólo se recibirá la actividad con el archivo escrito y el archivo de
su grabación de audio en el que debe dar su nombre completo al inicio del
mismo o tendrá que volver a enviarlo.


Fuente: SENA

Example / Ejemplo:

I suggest that for reducing garbage:

People should carry their lunch in lunchbox or a reusable bag not a paper bag.
We should use glass containers and not paper cups.
People should use tote bags to carry their shopping and not paper or plastic
We should buy products in glass containers, not in plastic, or wrapped in foil or
People should store leftover food in reusable containers, not in vinyl or foil wrapping.


 Transportation - we must reduce the individual and promote collective

 Domestic energy.- We should reduce your spending with energy label
appliances or turn off appliances completely (and not in standby mode).
 Waste - we must favor the separation of garbage and recycling.
 Materials - we must reuse them whenever possible (paper, toys, tools,
furniture ...) and avoid using bags, boxes and packaging.
 Water - We have to Reduce its consumption by placing, for example,
bottles in the cisterns.
 Irrigation - We must minimize the irrigation of gardens and promote the
system by dripping.
 Urbanize - we have to Only where it is known that there will be enough
water in the long term. In many cases licenses are granted where there
is no water.
 Nature - We must respect the protected spaces and minimize the impact
in natural areas.
 Houses - we must construct them with good thermal insulating materials
so that the investment in heating and air conditioning is smaller.

When you finish your work, send the two files to your instructor through the
platform as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the two files in your computer. Make
sure the two files are attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor with the LOOM link
4. Click Enviar.

List of strategies you have to take into account to write and record your audio with
your proposed solutions.

1. Reducing disposables
2. Learning to reuse
3. Recycling regularly
Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor los dos archivos a través de la
plataforma, así:

1. Dé clic en el título de esta evidencia.

2. Dé clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo y busque los archivos en su computador.
Asegúrese de adjuntar los archivos.
3. Escriba algún comentario si lo considera pertinente.
4. Dé clic en Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide
in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop
them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: Esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades propuestas,
saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

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