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Action Research Proposal: Intervention/Innovation Method

Keith C. Quarles

EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research (MJI1433A)

Newton Miller

Intervention Overview and Proposed Benefits

I am currently in the decision-making stages of creating wikis, you tube videos, blogs and

setting up my Face Book account to accommodate the training and business venture as one of my

business associates “now" lives a great distance from Memphis. The research problem discussed

in this paper concerns the value of one Web 2.0 tool over traditional training/learning/teaching

activities within business-related environment. Thus, concerns with the usefulness of internet/

social networks propels me to test the prospect of using specific Web 2.0 tools to train the people

whom I chose as business associates to collaborate,web design/edit and network/knowledge

share web conference for a stated objective. Through an action research project I intend to find

answers in order to discover which Web 2.0 tool. Skype, Facebook or Wiki, is best for solving

the problem of training business associates in online collaboration, knowledge-sharing and web

editing due to an unfavorable disruption in the current training (in-person) method. The

intervention/innovation disruption will combat the negative disruption caused by the distancing

of one of our business associates and schedule conflicts with others. The prospect of training

business associates online opens up new avenues of business communication and allows learners

to gain hands-on experience with using certain Web 2.0 technology which will in turn aid in the

success of teaching the business associates technological integration into business strategy

creation. Twenty-first Century (2013) states, “ social media is a prime example of how

knowledge transfer can take place in a more organic and systematic way “ (p.1). Thus, the major

benefit from a learning perspective may be the learned ability to transfer, compile and share-

knowledge over distance that is directed towards a common cause. From a business perspective

starting a business through hands-on training that raises the level of technical competence of the

learners in a logical orderly manner could be considered as a major benefit.

Currie, J. P. (2010). Web 2.0 for reference services staff training and communication promotes

the use of social networking with Facebook which is proponent of Web 2.0 and one of the online

tools that is one of the proposed outcomes of this action research. According to Currie (2010),

As with most facets of Web 2.0, libraries have used Facebook for outreach, first with

individual librarians creating their own Facebook profile and more recently, with the

advent of the organizational Facebook profile, one for the library itself. The library's

Facebook profile is commonly used to promote new materials, inform users of events and

hours, and reach users and prospective users in this online social environment (p.1)

Thus, Facebook has been utilized by organizations for knowledge-sharing, web-editing,

and online collaboration in order

to promote/inform and as a knowledge database due to online

collaboration by library personnel, which in turn, is in line with the focus of the

intervention.g new technology in order to continue learning from one another while integrating

technology where it can be most useful to solve problems which hinder the consistent future

growth as career learners and successful business associates.

Intervention – Literature Review

The literature review is now adjusted to reflect/support/inform the intervention plan via

the articles at the following links:

1. 21 century training (2013). Using the latest technology to bolster employees. Retrieved from

2. Currie, J. P. (2010). Web 2.0 for reference services staff training and communication.

Reference Services Review, 38(1), 152-157. doi:

In article 1, found through Ask Internet search engine, Using the latest technology to
bolster employees by 21 century training (2013) the intervention is supported in terms of there

use of social networks in business relations. Twenty-first Century (2013) states, “ among other

things, they allow employees to post everything from presentations to audio and video files that

others in the organization might use. An exchange of information can take place as a result of a

question that's displayed online or an organization can create a data repository that allows

employees to search and share on topics of interest” (p.1). Thus, the prospect of training on

business associates through Web 2.0 tools is referred to in the article in a positive manner which

is in turn within the scope of the area of focus for this action research proposal.

The article by Currie, J. P. (2010) , Web 2.0 for reference services staff training and

communication, informs/supports the proposed intervention. According to Currie (2010)

Social networks, primary among them Facebook, may be the Web 2.0 technology that is

most ubiquitous in the lives of student employees. As with most facets of Web 2.0,

libraries have used Facebook for outreach, first with individual librarians creating their

own Facebook profile and more recently, with the advent of the organizational Facebook

profile, one for the library itself.(p.1).

Thus, there is evidence of Facebook being utilized as a tool for storing shared knowledge

obtained by collaboration of individuals working towards one objective. My intervention also

proposes the use of Facebook as a tool for business communication and collaboration.

Intervention Plan

The total expected time to implement the intervention proposed by this action research

plan is 3 months beginning 11-1-14. The implementation will proceed in the following this


a. Complete action research by 11-1-14.

b. Report findings to participants by 11-8-14

c. Receive feedback from participants on findings-by 11-15-14

d. Review feedback-11-22-14

Thanksgiving break- 11-23 to 11-29

e. Report recommendations/initiatives to associates-11-29-14

f. Review web etiquette with associates-12-5-14

g. Acquire chosen technological resources-12-12-14

h. Test participants on chosen Web 2.0 technology. (hands on) 12-22-14

Christmas/New Years Break 12-23 to 1-3-14

i. Evaluate associates newly acquired skills- 1-20-14 (Grade Tests)

j. Make recommendations and offer assistance with technical competence of associates


k. Complete Web 2.0 Training- 2-1-14

From the propulsion of the action research the above set of initiatives and deadlines will

led to successful implementation of the intervention. All proposed changes will be subject to

approval by all parties involved and communicated within 3 business days to all interested


Teaching Philosophy and Ethics

My philosophy of teaching is that if you teach a learner the right way the teacher also

becomes a learner thus both parties benefit from the increased knowledge/feedback. Thus, my

teaching/learning philosophy is based on the sharing of knowledge and collaborative efforts

between teacher/learner just as the trainees will have to learn from myself and each other in

order to become Web 2.0 proficient.

My teaching philosophy is based on ethics of hardwork and quality input reaps quality

output from learners which is what all parties are investing time and effort in learning how to

communicate through Web 2.0.

On a broader scale, the social implications of the action research require that as a

researcher I investigate all possible conflicts with social issues such as freedom of privacy, right

to information and freedom of speech. I also will act affirmatively and non-discriminatory

during the selection of participants within reason considering the nature of the study.

Goduscheit, Bergenholtz, Jørgensen, and Rasmussen (2008) state, “ the techniques of approach,

however, represent a delicate balance in being used and misused as a researcher “

(p.280). In order to re-inforce my ethical standpoint the following conditions will apply:

-I will take an active role in promoting ethics for the sake of all stake holders involved in the

study by not contacting interviewees or survey prospects without asking for prior consent.

-I will not divulge any personal information of any participants that is not pertinent to the study.

-I will address the following ethical concerns within my action research proposal:

-I will communicate the purpose, vision action and actions resulting from thev action research

implementation in a timely, responsible and honorable manner.

- I will not report the performance of any individual by ny way, real or possible name to the

public. According to Mills (2014),

Gay, Et. Al (2012) summarize ethical issues as follows: Perhaps the most fundamental

rule of ethics is that participants should not be harmed in any way,real or possible, in the

name of science. Respect and concern for your own integrity and for your participants’

dignity and welfare are the bottom lines of ethical research. (p.280)

I will remove bias from the research by simply reporting accurate information regardless of
personal feelings toward a topic-only consider facts that are evident.

Currie, J. P. (2010). Web 2.0 for reference services staff training and communication.

Reference Services Review, 38(1), 152-157. doi:


Goduscheit, R. C., Bergenholtz, C., Jørgensen, J. H., & Rasmussen, E. S. (2008). Action

research in inter-organisational networks: Impartial studies or the trojan horse?

Systemic Practice and Action Research, 21(4), 267-281. doi:


Mills, G. E. (2014). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher (5th ed.). Boston,

MA: Pearson Education, Inc

21 Century Training (2013). Using the latest technology to bolster employees. Retrieved from

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