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3.3 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan
resmi dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja sesuai dengan konteks

4.3 Teks undangan resmi

4.3.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus
dalam bentuk undangan resmi lisan dan tulis, terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja
4.3.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi lisan dan tulis, terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

1. Making invitation
 Would you like to…?
  I would very happy if…?
 We would be delighted if you…?
 Would you care to..?
 We would be pleased if you could…?
 Would you care to…?
2. Accepting invitation
 That’s very kind of you
 We’d like very much to….
 What a delightful idea
 With the greatest pleasure
 Thank you very much for inviting me
 It’s delightful to….
3. Declining invitation
 I’m very sorry, I don’t
 Think I can.
 I’d like to, but ….
 I’m afraid I’ve
 Already promised….
  Thank you for asking me, but …
 Unfortunately, I can’t…

Answer the questions below!

1. What is the kind of the text?

2. Who is the sender of the invitation?
3. When was the event held?
4. Who is the invitation for?
5. What is the purpose of the invitation?

Let’s fill in the blank

Ellen      : Hi Nilam, who will get married? I see the wedding ………….. on the table
Nilam    : Oh, that’s Harry and Tiffany wedding invitation. They will get married this week in
Horison ………..
Ellen      : I see, will you ………… to their wedding?
Nilam    : That’s the problem. I have to go to London ………….. for the project in my company.
I’m sad when I ………. that I couldn’t come. They are my best friends since I was in
senior high school
Ellen      : I think they can understand why you can’t come to their wedding
Nilam    : I hope so

John: We would be ……….. if you could come to our place to have dinner.
Maya: Thank you very much for ………… me. What is the …………?
John: It will be our 1st wedding anniversary tomorrow.
Maya: …………. It’s delightful to join you on the ……...

Ellen      : Hi Nilam, who will get married? I see the wedding invitation on the table

Nilam    : Oh, that’s Harry and Tiffany wedding invitation. They will get married this week in
Horison Hotel

Ellen      : I see, will you attend to their wedding?

Nilam    : That’s the problem. I have to go to London tomorrow for the project in my company.
I’m sad when I knew that I couldn’t come. They are my best friends since I was in senior high

Ellen      : I think they can understand why you can’t come to their wedding

Nilam    : I hope so

John: We would be delighted if you could come to our place to have dinner.
Maya: Thank you very much for inviting me. What is the occasion?
John: It will be our 1st wedding anniversary tomorrow.
Maya: Certainly. It’s delightful to join you on the celebration.

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