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CODE : GEC1033
DATE : 7 NOV 2020

1. The Listening Quiz tests your ability to listen selectively and critically in a variety of
social and academic contexts.The question booklet consists of two sections. Answer all
Section A : 20 marks
Section B : 20 marks

2. The exam must be taken completely alone. Showing it or discussing it with anyone is
forbidden. Candidates must eliminate plagiarism and uphold academic integrity.

3. All answers must be typewritten in 1.5 spacing and in font Arial, size 12.

4. Please answer in the answer sheet provided.

5. To submit your exam answer, upload your completed answer sheet by responding to the
task in Google Classroom as a Word document to the respective course lecturers
within the time frame allotted for the exam. Only one submission will be accepted.
Submitted work may not be withdrawn for revision or resubmission

6. You are also advised to create a copy of the document on another storage medium,
either by putting your document in a folder, or by copying the document onto a flash
drive or network drive as a backup in the event your softcopy is unrecoverable.

7. You are responsible to ensure that your answer scripts are submitted at the end of the
allotted time frame. If you are present for the examination and do not submit your
answer script on time, you will be deemed to have sat for and failed the examination

Section A

Part 1

1. Employers prefer confident people because they __________________________________

2. Self-confidence can be lost due to one’s _________________________________________

3. The speaker thinks that confidence levels can _____________________________________

How to Become a More Confident Person

Main Point One Example

Accept yourself as you are Know your strengths and limitations

Believe in yourself 4. _________________________________

Reduce uncertainty 5. _________________________________

Stay away from negative people

7. The last tip on confidence given by the speakers is to

A. ooze charm

B. increase work success

C. pretend to be confident

8. A person with high self-esteem is likely to be

A. brave

B. appealing

C. hardworking ( 8 marks )

Part 2

For question 9 and 10, choose one letter A to F from the box below to complete each
sentence. Write the letter chosen in the answer sheet.

A - just want to listen B - do not really have problems C - need to empathise

D - come to learn social skills E - put the blame on others F - make poor choices

9. The interviewer assumes that the counsellor’s clients ______________________

10. Some students who have problems socializing ___________________________

11. A good approach in counselling is to

A. make an early judgment

B. empathise with the client

C. become the client’s friend

12. From the interview, we can infer that the counsellor

A. finds her job stressful

B. is an emotional person

C. has to constantly monitor herself

13. The counsellor said that she would quit her job if she

A. was offered a job by “Befrienders”

B. could not solve her own psychological problems

C. could not separate herself from her students problems

14. The interviewer concluded that a counsellor’s job is

A. difficult

B. rewarding

C. time-consuming

( 6 marks )

Part 3

15. The production, transportation and disposal of plastic bottles result in



16. Flash floods are the result of drains being



17. Mammoths did not live on ice glaciers because they had to



18. One reason mammoths became extinct is because of



19. Buses and taxis are at fault for holding up traffic because they do not wait



20. The speaker thinks that there are enough parking spaces if only the motorists were willing to



( 6 marks )

Section B

Part 1

1.The original idea of cheerleading was to __________________________________________

2. When cheerleading first started, the members were _________________________________

Development of Cheerleading

Early Phase of Cheerleading 3. Started _____________________________

4. Squad members created _______________

Creativity in Cheerleading

5. ____________________________________
Technology in Cheerleading
to make cheerleading louder.

6. Competitive sport involving

Current Phase of Cheerleading

7. As cheerleading developed, it became

A. noisier but striking

B. cheaper but entertaining

C. more complex but dangerous

8. At the end of the talk, the speaker advises parents to be

A. cautious

B. encouraging

C. co-operative

( 8 marks )

Part 2

For questions 9 and 10, choose one letter A to F from box below to complete each
sentence. Write the letter chosen in your asnwer sheet.

A Anthropology
B Education
C Counselling
D Intercultural studies
E Research
F Management

9. the field of study that has given Dr. Linda an advantage trainer is ______________________

10. Dr. Linda’s interest in intercultural studies stems from her background in _______________

11. Dr. Linda’s job is to develop employees

A. facilitating skills

B. material designing skills

C. general management skills

12. Dr. Linda normally does a needs-analysis in order to

A. search for materials

B. assess the participants’ knowledge

C. find out the subject areas to be included

13. Compared to Malaysians, Americans are

A. proud

B. assertive

C. intimidating

14. To work together, Malaysians try to establish

A. an open relationship

B. a friendly relationship

C. a challenging relationship ( 6 marks )

Part 3

15. The two diseases that are increasing amng young adults are



16. According to the study, most of the foods consumed by young adults are unhealthy because

these foods are _______________________________________________________________


17. Banks are reducing costs by_________________________________________________


18. A drop in car sales will affect salesman and_____________________________________


19. People tend to be the happiest when __________________________________________


20. Stress and relaxation levels experienced during holidays influence __________________


( 6 marks )


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