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FF A320 - Ultimate

by FlightFactor for X-Plane 10.50+ and X-Plane 11


Copyright © 2013-2017
Flight FlightFactor™
All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2013-2019
Flight FlightFactor™
All Rights Reserved

Richard Culver – 3D design and graphics

Denis Minaev – liveries
Roman Berezin – project manager
Yuri Lyubimkin – special systems programmer
Artem Giltiy– 3D artist
Saso Kiselkov – suplimentary plugins
Sergey Berezovsky – programmer
Michael Gusarenko – programmer
Valentin Lobanov – programmer
Alexander Babichev – programmer
Marius Hoppmann – graphics & sounds

We would like to thank all our testers and the site for providing some of the sounds.

We also Ahmed Akram Ahmadi for locating and compiling some of the materials.

The current version is a public beta version. Some system may not function as intended, crashes may occur, the plane
might exhibit strange and unexpected behavior. Please report all the bugs to the appropriate forum. Please do not
discuss bugs and faults in the model publicly, unless on the specifically designated forum thread.

The product is provided as-is. Additions, fixes and new functionality will be added at the developers’ discretion.
This aircraft model a very special simulation and quite unlike any other that you may have encountered before, as it was developed without being tied
to any particular simulator platform. It is a complex simulation of the real Airbus A320, which was then ported to work on X-Plane. Indeed it is even
possible to build and run this aircraft outside of a simulator, using its stand-alone graphics, sound, and user interface subsystems. This unique design
philosophy presents both advantages as well as certain limitations from an end user point of view.

The aircraft is not using the X-Plane sound system for most of its sounds. This has allowed us to implement a lot of custom sounds and control them
with a powerful sound engine.

The aircraft also uses a custom input system, again not relying on X-Plane’s standard facilities. Many aspects of user interaction, such as tracking
mouse clicks in the 3D cockpit are done internally by the aircraft model. This might initially present certain challenges for some users who have gotten
used to other FlightFactor aircraft, however it enables us to present a consistent user experience on all supported simulator platforms. Only some X-
Plane input events are used in the aircraft. This will be a subject to refinement in the future.

The aircraft has its own powerful graphics rendering subsystem. This is used for dynamic texture rendering such as indicators and displays, 2D panels
(which are 2D projections of the actual aircraft geometry with all dynamic textures and animations) and visual effects drawn “over” the model drawn
by X-Plane (such as the windshield rain effects). We are aware of certain issues with this approach (such as 2D panels not being affected by the
internal cockpit lighting at night), which will be resolved by further refinements in the future.

The aircraft is running a completely custom aerodynamic model. In structure it is somewhat similar to X-Plane’s. The model is defined by the aircraft’s
geometry and certain aerodynamic coefficients, but it is much more controllable and flexible than X-Plane’s native model. Our custom model has
many more tunable parameters and has different inner workings. Moreover, it is completely separable from the simulator. This allows us to analyze
and fine-tune it precisely in purpose-built engineering packages. In actual fact, the model is not hand-tuned. Its parameters are the result of a very
complex algorithm that uses real airplane data in various conditions and synthesizes an aerodynamic model that satisfies these conditions. Because of
these key differences, you might at first be surprised to experience how this aircraft is flying and its dynamics in some situations.
The Airbus A320 is a very smart aircraft. Almost everything is controlled by computers. But to control something properly, it is important to know a
great deal about it. Therefore, the real aircraft’s software is based on the aircraft’s aerodynamics, and has been refined by Airbus through extensive
testing. For example, the Green Dot speed (the maximum lift to frag ratio speed) is a function of the aircraft’s weight and has a strict physical
meaning. This is then used, for example, to drive the managed descent control law. And here we’ve had a choice. Because our aerodynamic model is
very close, but not entirely perfect, had we used the real GD values, this would have produced a discrepancy with the model’s behavior in the
simulator. The alternative would have been to use values derived from our simulated aerodynamic model, and preserve integrity of the model’s
behavior as experienced in the simulator.

We have chosen to use the latter approach and derive critical values from our simulated aerodynamic model. This is true for speeds, profile
computations, engine parameters, etc. As a consequence, the systems are not using any “simplified” computations based on hard-coded values. They
are using coefficients and tables generated from the actual flight model in the simulator. If you check carefully and compare the simulated values to
the real FCOM data, you might notice some small discrepancies. Most of the time the differences between flight-model derived values and the real
aircraft data are almost zero. However some values do differ. For example, indicated VLS can float within approximately +-1 KT. Please keep this fact in
mind when comparing the performance of the simulated model to real-world performance tables.

We believe this approach is better, because it preserves the physical meaning of the constants, making it possible to rely on their behavior in flight.
We are improving the aerodynamics and aircraft systems models continuously, so the simulation will get closer and closer to reality with time.

The actual integration of the custom aerodynamics with X-Plane was done in a soft way, allowing both our custom flight model as well as X-Plane’s
native model to run in parallel. This was done to preserve compatibility with 3rd party plugins in the X-Plane environment. There are some minor
issues with this integration, but we are working to resolve them. At the moment, X-Plane’s default ground physics are used when taxiing.

Our platform uses Google Chrome’s HTML and JavaScript engine for scripting and the user interface. The in-cockpit EFB is also based on it. At this time
it has somewhat limited functionality, because this is out of scope for the main development goals. However, it allows you to control ground services,
loading and refueling of the aircraft, contains checklists, allows loading/saving of the aircraft state, etc. It will be continuously improved and extended
with new features. We believe this is a very powerful platform that will allows us to great things in the future.

The aircraft also features a built-in HTTP server. This allows access to the EFB pages with all of their, as well as other pages, such as the the MCDU
interfaces, from an external browser (such as on a tablet). This is an integral part of the HTML/JS system. It is located as a simple file tree on the disk,
so you can edit, add and expand things if you have some experience in HTML and JS. The aircraft also ships with an SDK interface, which provides
direct access to internal variables and states. This might be particularly useful for hardware cockpit builders.
There are four base systems implemented as independent physical simulations: electrical, hydraulics, fuel, and pneumatic + conditioning. All of the
systems are built up from hundreds of elementary objects, such as wires, relays, circuit brakes, pipes, valves, pumps, etc. The whole system state is
resolved each frame using physical laws. For the electrical system, for example, this is involves simulating Ohm's law. For other systems there are
equivalents. Systems interact with each other, generating signals from sensors and switches, control signals, and responses to the signals. All of the
simulated computers also continuously acquire, monitor and generate control signals as well.

All of these systems and computers controlling the systems, are implemented in exacting detail and reflect the real aircraft systems. For example, the
electrical system reconfigures itself exactly as it should in normal and emergency situations. You can run an emergency generator test, or run a B
hydraulic system pump without engines, simply by pressing the appropriate buttons on the maintenance panel. The Yellow electric pump is energized
during cargo door operation, the RAT is deployable and supplying power to the Blue system, you can refuel, defuel or manage fuel in the tanks via the
external refueling panel (implemented as a 2D panel), etc. You can start the engines (in automatic or manual mode), or run the packs to cool down the
cabin with external ground air.

We believe everything is working well enough for standard usage and in normal operation scenarios. Because the simulation is using extremely
detailed underlying models of all systems, and some models of some system components are still imperfect, you might occasionally experience
strange behaviors or indications. We are continuously improving and refining the systems simulations, however do not expect an exact match of all
values from the first beta.

The flight control system is completely implemented with all its control laws, protections, reconfigurations, and functions. Actual control law internals,
however, are still subject to change and tuning. They are good, but we believe we can improve them even more and make them completely realistic.

The engines and the APU are nearly finished. All the functions are available, including functions such as manual start or test of the APU automatic fire
extinguishing system. However, some things still are not working. There is no approach idle mode, no bleed impact on the engine performance and
engine anti-ice and its effects are currently not simulated. Engine dynamics are also subject to change. These discrepancies have relatively little impact
on aircraft handling, but require a huge amount of work to get them completely correct. As such, will be focusing future work in these areas.

The low level navigation systems are completely implemented. ADIRS, receivers, RAs, RMPs, AMUs and NAV override mode are all working as they
should. GPS satellite orbits with masking of signals by terrain are also computed for MMR. The aircraft database is used for identification and
frequency selection in the FMGS, but the signals and actually tuned navaid identities are generated from the simulator’s navaids using custom signal
patterns. COM frequencies are synchronized with X-Plane and the aircraft is compatible and ready for usage in online flights.
All of the aircraft displays indication is completely implemented for normal and abnormal situations. We spent a lot of time making the displays look
good, close to reality and readable. All of the display reconfiguration logic is also implemented. All cockpit lights, brightness settings and indicators are
switchable and adjustable, just like in the real aircraft.

Flight augmentation and flight guidance systems (FAC’s and FG parts of FMGS’s) are completely implemented with all of their functions and logic. We
are confident that our aircraft has one of the most complete implementations of the A320’s autopilot and autothrust systems. It is working
exceptionally close to the real aircraft in all modes of operation, including state transitions transitions and generates very realistic FD orders. This is
something that we have worked on very long and hard and believe the result speaks for itself.

We have selected Thales FM rev1 specification as a reference Flight Management System for the first release. It’s slightly simpler than the rev2 FM
installed on most A320s today. We will expand it to rev2 as soon as time allows to do so. We have implemented most of the Flight Management core
functions exactly as they should be. Primary, secondary and temporary flight plans, performance predictions, accurate profile computation with all of
the constraints, etc. Some minor features are not finished at this time, such as ABEAM or OFFSET functions. There are no principal technical problems
that prevented us from implementing them, however, we initially wanted to focus on stabilizing the core functionality first.

The flight warning system is not yet completely finished, although most of its functions are already working. All of the faults and warnings that you can
see during normal operations are implemented. Deep faults, and systems behaviors in such situations, are not finished. As a consequence, the aircraft
is meant for normal operations only at this time. In actual fact, all of the faults, reconfigurations and indications are already implemented because of
the system architecture, however, the faults currently not settable. We are focused on first stabilizing the normal operations functionality and
providing detailed fault simulation later.

You best shot with help is the forum:


For documentation please look here:


We urge you to read all the provided documents carefully prior to using the model. This will help you avoid
unnecessary frustration and will most probably negate any need for support usage. If you still run into difficulties,
feel free to contact us at the forum or

Support system:


There are two was to get the latest version.

1. Using the x-updater system - you should have the X-Updater-Client.jar file in the root folder of your plane. If you
don't have it you can download the file here and place it in your plane folder. Then, if you
don't have Java 8 runtime installed you have to install it from, and run X-Updater-Client.jar, use your
e-mail address from and license-key for your product.

If you can't run the X-Updater-Client.jar file you should search "how to run jar" in Google.

2. Redownload the model from your personal space on the store

To install the model, extract the "FlightFactor A320 Ultimate“ subfolder it into a
folder of your choice (under the Aircraft folder in the Sim). We suggest that the
folder name contain no non-English characters (i.e. plain latin characters without any
accents). Extract the “CEF” subfolder found in the Resources folder in the zip you
have downloaded into X-Plane 11/resources/plugins/.

With the download you should have received a key number, which is to be used to
register the model. Before registration the plane will work normally, but will be
restricted to engines off. To turn the engines on, you will need to register the model.
Open the MCDU and go to the AC STATUS page (open by default). Click on LSK6R
(LICENSE ACTIVATION) and enter your key. By clicking “PASTE”, you can paste the
key from the clipboard. Should you need to enter the key manually, open the MCDU
popup by clicking on the MCDU screen. Make sure the popup is focused (indicated
by a blue outline). Click on a blank part of the popup if the blue outline isn’t shown.
Now you can use the keyboard to enter the key. Once you have entered the key,
click ACTIVATE and wait for the MCDU to inform you of a successful activation.

Several liveries are offered for free with the model. Many more are available on the
org store for $1 a livery.
The in-cockpit EFB is the main means by which you can configure the airplane for a flight. It is used to set up fuel,
weights, CG, call for ground equipment, etc. It can also be used to examine performance data, connect to google
maps and load up checklists. We will examine some of its functions below.

SUPPLY – this page is used to call for ground connections.

FUEL – this page can be used to quickly set the fuel load and
distribute the fuel in the tanks. Note, that to control the fuel
distribution you need to call for the fuel truck and wait for it to be
Press GET to get the fuel numbers from the plane into the EFB and
press SET to set the fuel in the plane from the EFB.

While the fuel truck is connected, you can also use the external
refuel/defuel panel to perform a realistic refuel/defuel operation. To
open the refuel/defuel panel, click on one of the displays on refuel
panel on the aft lower left overhead. Refer to the appropriate aircraft
operating manuals for its operation.
PAX – this page controls the number of passengers load of the
airplane. To set the passenger load, you will first need to call for at
least one stair set to be able to use the page. Use GET to
synchronize the page with the current load of the plane and use
SET to load the plane according to the load set on the PAX page.
Clicking on the “Stairs” button changes the indication on the button
to “Gate” and hides the stairs from view. Use this when you are
attached to a gate/jetway.

CARGO – this page is used to load cargo. Similarly to the PAX page,
you will need to call the appropriate loader in order to be able to
change the cargo load in the associated cargo hold.

This page is used to examine the performance data and load, if needed,
some basic elements.

The top right table is the weights data, which can’t be modified directly.

The bottom right table is used to examine the current loading (planned) of
the plane and to make sure it is within limits.

The left side table can be use to modify some basic weights, like cargo and

The bottom SET button can be used to set the modified weights into the

This page contains several, non-interactive, checklists for the main procedures of the plane. Use the right and left blue arrows to navigate from
one checklist to the next. The lists are arranged according to their part in the flight.
Use the mouse wheel, when you see a little blue down or up arrow, to scroll through the items of the current checklist.

This page contains the different settings available in the plane. They might change from version to version and their
number will grow in time. Also you can save and load a situation on this page. Chose SAVE to save the current aircraft
position and systems snapshot to a file. Use LOAD to load a previously saved situation and continue your flight.

On the left side, you can control the way you interact with
the cockpit. You can basically chose between the regular FF
interaction types of mouse wheel, no mouse wheel and
stick (protection) types. Alternatively you can chose the
native and unique A320U method.

You can also chose whether you want to use the

thumbstick (touch pad) in VR. This is explained latter on
USE of EFB on external devices

To set up remote access to the EFB please go to SETTINGS in the EFB, server settings. Fill in the 3 fields.
PORT: 6025 (change if needed)
USER: create a user name for yourself
PASS: create a password for yourself

On your remote device open the browser and enter http://<ip address>:<port>/EFB.html for example

If you do not know your IP, use google. Request “what is my IP”.

Or open the console (CMD on windows) and enter ipconfig


In order to use the google maps page you will need to get and enter your own google key. This can be obtained

Google provides personal keys for free and we can not distribute them. Therefore, you are responsible for
obtaining your own key, should you wish to make use of this feature.

MCU on external devices

If you have not already done so, you need to set up the remote access to the EFB.
To set up remote access to the EFB please go to SETTINGS in the EFB, server settings. Fill in the 3 fields.
PORT: 6025 (change if needed)
USER: create a user name for yourself
PASS: create a password for yourself

When opened on a remote browser chose the CONTROL page on the EFB.
Datarefs and Commands

The current version supports a new, easy to use API. For each manipulatable object in the cockpit now has a
dataref which can be monitored and changed. The appropriate change will occur in the system.

Also, we have introduced commands built for each switch and button in the cockpit, you can use them to
manipulate the controls and set up your hardware.

Datarefs are built in the following way a320/…. and are published in the dateref editor.

Commands have logical names. E.g. for switches you will fine ….. Inc and ….. Dec to increase the value or

In the DOCs folder you will find the files datarefs.txt and commands.txt they contain the datarefs and
commands that we have published for you. Those dataref are writable and all refer to the cockpit operations.

You will also find a file called publishable.txt this file contains ALL the datarefs that you can, in theory, subscribe
to. To do so, simply copy a dataref name into the file data/publish.txt

NOTE 1: any dataref which you publish there, even if it has already been published by us, will be read only.

NOTE 2: there is a FPS cost to publishing datarefs, so do NOT publish huge lists, chances are, there is no need.
Generally there is nothing you need to do to set up VR control in this plane. Plugin your controllers, lunch the sim and
go to VR mode. You can now use your controllers’ triggers to manipulate buttons (reach and click or beam), rotate
knobs (reach and click on either side of the knob or bean to it), manipulate the yoke and livers by grabbing them.

Some buttons may have a “special operation on them” (e.g. push in the volume controls on the radio panel). To use
these, you need to set up one of the buttons on your controller to Special Opt (Emulate mouse double click) found in
the custom command window.

This function is also used on the FCU buttons to push/pull them! So you need to set it up! See bellow.
For a more advanced set up, which requires some “work” please read bellow.

Note: VR controllers are recognized by the sim ONLY when you are in VR mode and the commands that you will need
to set are visible when the plane is loaded. So load firs the plane, go into VR mode and find the commands bellow
under 1-sim/MH/.

To run the model in VR advanced mode you will need to set up your controls and turn on the advanced mode in the
menu. Go to the SETTINGS page on the EFB, and chose advanced in the interaction in VR sub-menu.

At the moment, we natively support full controller model and a 3d-mouse, which, if used, will control the buttons and
knobs. The controllers may be set up as you wish, the mouse will be your primary controller.

Natively you will want to use the controllers, or at least one (e.g. right controller) to interact with the cockpit. The
setup will depend on the type of controller you have.

See next sections for separate VIVE and RIFT setups….


The following are our suggested settings: go to your key and hardware settings (is VR mode), choose a RIGHT
CONTROLLER. You will set it up as the main one. Then click to set custom commands. You will need to set up what the
HAT does. We suggest setting:

The right HAT movement to Multifunctional RIGHT: rotate right/push/click (Emulate mouse wheel positive rotation and
The left HAT movement to Multifunctional LEFT: rotate left/push/click (Emulate mouse wheel negative rotation and
The up HAT movement to Multifunctional UP: rotate right/push/click (Emulate mouse wheel positive rotation and click)
The down HAT movement to Multifunctional DOWN: rotate left/push/click (Emulate mouse wheel negative rotation
and click)

This will allow you to rotate the thing that rotate in the horizontal plain by moving the HAT right/left and those that
rotate in the vertical plain by moving it up/down. Also, this way you can use any HAT movement to click buttons and
toggle switches (intuitively use up/down for switches or levers…)

Set you right controller middle finger button to Connect/Disc glue mode,
mode switch, see the following page for explanations.
SET UP - RIFT (cont.)
Set your thumb stick (HAT) push action to Special Opt (Emulate mouse double click) – this will allow you to use
some special features that some switches have (e.g. push in the volume controls on the radio panel, push/pull FCU

Set up you left controller middle finger button to smart trimmer (stab trim while controlling).

Set your B button to tooltip – to see tooltips (may not work for all buttons)

Our recommendation is to use the right controller to manipulate buttons, switches, knobs, the throttles and
parkbrake, flaps, spoilers and gear levers, while the left controller should be used for yoke control, taxi lever control
and trimming using our smart trimmer (see bellow).

Note: you may set the left controller thumb stick to HAT as well, and thus have both controllers set for clickzone
interaction. The downside of this set up is that you will lose your native thumb stick functions: teleporting and menu

The following are our suggested settings: go to your key and hardware settings (is VR mode), find the RIGHT
CONTROLLER and set the right controller joystick to HAT. Then click to set custom commands. You will need to set up
what the HAT does. We suggest setting:

The trigger and touchpad are already set. You can use them to push and rotate things.

To rotate the thing that rotate in the horizontal plain you will need to slide you finger right/left on the touchpad and to
rotate items in the vertical plain you will need to slide you finger up/down. Also, this way you can use any touchpad
slide movement to click buttons and toggle switches (intuitively use up/down for switches or levers…)

Set you right controller middle finger button to Connect/Disc glue mode,
mode switch, see the following page for explanations.

Set your touchpad push in button to Special Opt (Emulate mouse double click) –
this will allow you to use some special features that some switches have
(e.g. push in the volume controls on the radio panel, push/pull the FCU buttons)

Set up you left controller middle finger button to smart trimmer (stab trim while controlling).

Our recommendation is to use the right controller to manipulate buttons, switches, knobs,
the throttles and parkbrake, flaps, spoilers and gear levers, while the left controller should be
used for yoke control, taxi lever control and trimming using our smart trimmer (see bellow).

Once you have everything set up you need to interact with the cockpit. There are two ways to do so: “beam” and

When you use the “beam” method you point your controller towards a button or rotary and “shoot”. The trigger
can be pulled slightly or fully. A small pull, will generate a light beam which will only let you know that you are
pointing at a clickzone. It will not push the button. Use this light push beam to help you point at things. This is very
helpful when you need to push a small button, or check a checkbox in the menu.
To push the button fully pull on the trigger or push lightly and push or pull on the HAT joystick. To rotate the knobs
pull on the trigger lightly and use the right/left or up/down HAT joystick controls.

When using the “reach” method you will reach with your hand to any clickzone, this will activate the zone. Then you
can push, pull or trigger any knob with any of the four HAT movement and use the right/left or up/down HAT
joystick controls to rotate the knobs. You may also use your connect/disc command to glue to any knob and keep
controlling it even if you do not point to it.

In the menu you will find an option called “interaction type”. Here you can chose between full thumbstick (default)
- which uses the commands above and trigger only – which uses ONLY the trigger of either controller. In this mode
you will need to point to the right side of a knob to rotate right and left to rotate left. Note that his mode, while
more limited, doesn’t require you to set any additional commands on the thumbstick!

In full mode, besides rotating and pushing with your thumbstick, use the thumb stick push control for spatial actions
some buttons and knobs have.
Point to any clickzone and use your right middle finger button to get the tooltip to show. Different modes of
tooltips are available in the menu

The next thing you will need to use the main controller units of the plane.

Yokes – both yokes have been equipped with grab-on functionality. Make sure your yoke control is set to realistic in
XP VR menu.

Throttle – the throttles can be use in several ways. Bellow the throttle you will find a standard FF clickzone for
rotation. Use your thumb stick to rotate it. A good way to use it would be to set your interaction type to glue in the
menu in which case you can grab the throttle and control them using your thumb stick even without pointing to
them. Remember to disconnect when you are done. Alternatively, you will find a standard XP manipulator on the
middle parts of the throttle handles, use it squeezing the trigger and moving your hand.

Taxi lever – the taxi lever is equipped with a standard XP manipulator, grab it and move your hand to control it. If
you also have a hardware axis set onto the front wheel rotation angle, you may use both. The last used input will
control the lever. An abrupt movement is needed to switch the control to the other controller.
Copyright © 2013-2017
Flight FlightFactor™
All Rights Reserved

October 2017
Revision Date Oct 18, 2017

All algorithms used to reproduce the operation of the A320U-series models are copyrighted and belong personally to Mr. Gusarenko Michael, Dr. Roman
Berezin. Any reproduction of software or components thereof requires a written agreement with the creators. All 3D model parts, textures and parts thereof
where produced by the designer team and belong exclusively to them. Sounds and other multimedia, which have not been self-produced, have been kindly
provided by the users of website for free usage and maybe downloaded from there.

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