Chung, Chan. 2009. Food Additives&Contaminants

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Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B: Surveillance

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Trimethylamine oxide, dimethylamine, trimethylamine

and formaldehyde levels in main traded fish species in
Hong Kong
a a
S.W.C. Chung & B.T.P. Chan
Food Research Laboratory, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department , 4/F Public
Health Laboratory Centre, 382 Nam Cheong Street, Hong Kong, SAR, China
Published online: 10 Nov 2009.

To cite this article: S.W.C. Chung & B.T.P. Chan (2009) Trimethylamine oxide, dimethylamine, trimethylamine and
formaldehyde levels in main traded fish species in Hong Kong, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B: Surveillance, 2:1,
44-51, DOI: 10.1080/02652030902858921

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Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B
Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2009, 44–51

View Dataset

Trimethylamine oxide, dimethylamine, trimethylamine and formaldehyde levels in main traded

fish species in Hong Kong
S.W.C. Chung* and B.T.P. Chan
Food Research Laboratory, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, 4/F Public Health Laboratory Centre, 382 Nam
Cheong Street, Hong Kong SAR, China
(Received 1 October 2008; final version received 2 March 2009)

Levels of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), dimethylamine (DMA), trimethylamine (TMA) and formaldehyde (FA)
were studied in 266 different fishes, including fresh/frozen raw whole fishes of 89 different species that traded in
Hong Kong, China. Determination of TMAO can confirm the source of DMA and FA if present in the sample.
These samples were purchased from different commercial outlets between April and August 2007. All samples
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of raw whole fish were identified for their species by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.
The content of TMAO was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a
chemiluminescent nitrogen detector. The possible decomposition products of TMAO, DMA and TMA
were analysed by headspace solid-phase micro-extraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-
GC-MS), while FA was conducted by steam distillation then quantified by a HPLC. The range for TMAO of all
samples was 55–3800 mg kg1 with median of 970 mg kg1, while the endogenous enzymatic cleavage products
DMA, TMA and FA were in the range of 52–320, 51–190 and 51–160 mg kg1, respectively. These cleavage
products were mainly found in three fish species, Harpadon nehereus, Saurida elongata and Saurida tumbil, that
belong to the family Synodontidae (Lizardfishes) and subfamily Harpadontinae. Besides, freshwater fish species,
namely, Micropterus salmoides, Oreochromis niloticus niloticus and Siniperca chuatsi, were found to contain TMAO
in the range of 510–760, 85–720 and 400–640 mg kg1, respectively.
Keywords: chromatography – high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); chromatography – headspace;
market basket survey; natural toxicants; fish

Introduction demonstration for such endogenous enzymatic

Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) constitutes a charac- reaction (Bai 2003; Vong et al. 2005; Zhong et al.
teristic and important part of the non-protein nitrogen 2006). Indeed, the increase of FA level in H. nehereus
fraction in marine species which is responsible for was closely related to its DMA as well as TMAO level
osmoregulation in marine fish and is found in all since FA is the bi-product generated from the break-
marine fish species in quantities from 1% to 5% of the down of TMAO with endogenous enzyme, TMAOase.
muscle tissue (dry weight) but is virtually absent from Furthermore, during storage of fish of gadoid species
freshwater species and from terrestrial organisms such as Cadous macrocephalus, FA is also formed by
(Anderson and Fellers 1952; Hebard et al. 1982). enzymatic cleavage of TMAO present in the fish (Liu
Huss (1995) and other scientists reported that dimethy- et al. 2005). Since FA is reported to be a carcinogenic
lamine (DMA) and formaldehyde (FA) in some species substance by the media, the natural occurrence of FA
of fishes originated from the breakdown of TMAO. in some fish species was concerned by general public.
During storage, TMAO is demethylated to equimolar FA may also be formed during ageing and
FA and DMA by catalysing with an endogenous deterioration of the flesh of marine fish and crusta-
enzyme, trimethylamine oxide aldolase (TMAOase). ceans, from the enzymatic reduction of TMAO. It has
The enzymatic reaction occurs even under frozen been shown that the toughening of frozen hake muscle
storage. However, Nielsen and Jorgensen (2004) is correlated to the amount of FA produced, and that
reported enzymatic activity of TMAOase in white the rate of FA production is greatest at high frozen-
muscle of gadiform fish showed large variations storage temperatures (Gill et al. 1979). However, high
between species as well as between individuals. levels do not accumulate in fish tissues due to
A popular marine fish in Hong Kong called subsequent conversion of the FA formed to other
Bombay duck (Harpadon nehereus) provides good chemical compounds (Tsuda et al. 1988). FA formed in

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1939–3210 print/ISSN 1939–3229 online

ß 2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/02652030902858921
Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B 45

fish reacts with protein and subsequently causes muscle and homogenized with 15 ml of 0.05% H3PO4 twice.
toughness, which suggests that fish containing The extracts were combined and centrifuged for 20 min
the highest levels of formaldehyde (for example, at 8500 rpm at 5 C. The supernatant was then filtered
10–20 mg kg1) may not be considered palatable as and made up to 50 ml with 0.05% H3PO4.
a human food source (Yasuhara and Shibamoto 1995). The TMAO content was quantified by HPLC with
Since TMA is a pungent volatile amine, it is often chemiluminescent nitrogen detection. The separation
associated with the typical ‘fishy’ odour of spoiling was achieved with a Dionex IonPac CS12A column
seafood. Its presence in spoiling fish is due to the (250 mm  4 mm  8 mm) using a mobile phase com-
bacterial reduction of TMAO which is naturally posed of 4 mM aqueous methanesulfonic acid at a flow
present in the living tissue of many marine fish species. rate of 1.25 ml min1.
However, the indictor of seafood’s freshness would rely
on the total volatile basic nitrogen instead of just
Analytical determination of dimethylamine and tri-
TMA. The European Union has set up an indicator
methylamine (TMA)
value of 25–35 mg of nitrogen per 100 g of flesh for
fitness for consumption of different unprocessed The analysis of DMA and TMA were based on the
fishery products in Directive 95/149/EC. method developed by Chan et al. (2006). A total of 10 g
homogenized sample were mixed and homogenized
Downloaded by [Laurentian University] at 11:19 02 November 2013

Though a number of studies on the background

level of FA have been published by different scientists with 15 ml of 0.5 N HCl twice. The extracts were
in Mainland China (An et al. 2005; Ma et al. 2004; combined and then filtered. After addition of 0.25 ml
Shentu et al. 2006), a comprehensive study on the of 1000 mg l1 1-propylamine solution (internal stan-
relationship of TMAO, DMA, TMA and FA in dard), the mixture was made up to 50 ml with 0.5 N
different fish species was not observed. In Hong HCl. Aliquot of 0.5 ml sample solution was pipetted
Kong under the Food Surveillance Programme, into a 20 ml SPME vials equipped with a magnetic
individual data on the levels of TMAO, DMA, TMA stirrer bar, 1 ml of 15 N sodium hydroxide solution was
and FA in local fish at the species level were also not then added. DMA and TMA were then determined by
available currently. In view of the above, it was decided headspace solid-phase micro-extraction gas chromato-
to investigate the levels of TMAO, DMA, TMA and graphy-mass spectrometry with mass selective detec-
FA in the different species of edible fish commonly tion operating in the selective-ion monitoring mode.
consumed by the local population. In brief, DMA and TMA were extracted onto
carboxen/divinylbenzen/polydimethylsiloxane fibre
(Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) at 35 C for 5 min,
Materials and methods then injected into a gas chromatography-mass spectro-
meter with a PTA-5 column (30 m  0.32 mm internal
Samples diameter, 0.5 mm). The oven was hold at 35 C for
Fish species analysed were confined to those com- 3 min, then ramped to 200 C at a rate of 40 C min–1
monly consumed in Hong Kong where whole fish was and held for another 5 min. The qualifier ion for
available for species identification during the sampling DMA, TMA and n-propylamine (internal standard)
period of April–August of 2007. Fish species com- were m/z 45, 59 and 58, respectively, while the
monly consumed in Hong Kong were sampled corresponding identifier ion were m/z 44, 58 and 59,
including marine fish and freshwater fish: respectively.
. Local fish from wet markets and other fish-
selling premises.
Analytical determination of formaldehyde
. Imported fish for preparation by restaurant.
The determination of FA was mainly based on the
The length (which correlates to the age of the fish) and method published in the literature (Ma et al. 2005).
weight of each fish were recorded when received. The The homogenized sample (20 g) was first mixed with
samples were separated into the edible portion includ- 45 g sodium chloride and 40 ml 5% phosphoric acid.
ing skin and flesh, homogenized, and the extraction/ FA was steam distilled out (Food and Agricultural
distillation were conducted immediately. The extracts/ Organization (FAO) 1997) and then derivatized by 2,4-
distillates were stored at –20 C, if deemed necessary, dinitrophenylhydrazine in a 60 C water bath for 1 h
until analysis. before quantification by LC (Ernes 1985). The test
solution was filtered before LC analysis.
The quantification of FA was performed using a
Analytical determination of trimethylamine oxide liquid chromatographic system equipped with a visible
The determination of TMAO was based on the method detector at 352 nm (Agilent 1100, Santa Clara, CA,
published in Metrohm’s information issue (Metrohm USA). The separation was achieved with an Alltima
2005). A total of 10 g homogenized sample were mixed C8 column (250 mm  2.1 mm  5 mm) using a mobile
46 S.W.C. Chung and B.T.P. Chan

phase composed of Methanol/Water (60 : 40) at a flow marine fish. Furthermore, Hebard et al. (1982)
rate of 0.2 ml min1. described that TMAO is virtually absent from fresh-
water species and from terrestrial organisms. In the
literature there was only one study of Nile perch and
Results and discussion tilapia from Lake Victoria, where as much as
A total of 266 whole fish samples (89 species) were 15–20 mg kg1 TMAO of freshwater fish was found
identified for their species and analysed for the levels of (Gram et al. 1989). In this study, TMAO was not
TMAO, DMA and FA. The number of fish species and detected in six out of nine freshwater fish species.
the number of samples tested for each species were Besides Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (tilapia), two
limited by the availability of fish during the period of other freshwater fish species, namely, Micropterus
sampling and available resources. Ideally, more sam- salmoides and Siniperca chuatsi, were found to contain
ples for each species, more fish species and samples in TMAO at hundreds of mg kg1. Furthermore, the
different seasons could better reflect the levels of target existence of TMAO in these freshwater fish was
analytes for each species. The TMAO, DMA and FA confirmed by liquid chromatography-mass spectro-
content of these fish samples are summarized in metric analysis.
Table 1. Regarding the variation of the contents of TMAO
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Since the fishes were purchased from local markets, in the same species, most of the fish species were within
not freshly caught, the results may be affected by the 30% from its mean. However, notable variation were
storage period, condition at the point of sale, live/ still observed in ten species: Cynoglossus bilineatus,
frozen of the fishes, etc. Therefore, the TMA content Eleutheronema tetradactylum, Epinephelus lanceolatus,
was also quantified for reference of its freshness and Harpadon nehereus, Lates calcarifer, Oreochromis
the determined values of TMAO, DMA and FA may niloticus niloticus, Pampus argenteus, Platycephalus
not fully reveal the original level of target analytes if indicus, Trachinotus blochii and Trichiurus lepturus, in
the TMA level was found to be higher than which the highest sample was at least two-fold more
1000 mg kg1 (equivalent to 25 mg of nitrogen per than the lowest one. Similar findings was also observed
100 g of flesh). by Hebard et al. (1982) that the amount of TMAO in
the muscle tissue depends on the species, season,
fishing ground, etc.
Analytical method performance In general, the highest mean concentration was
Method performance data are summarized in Table 2. found in Epinephelus quoyanus (3200 mg kg1), Beryx
Laboratory and cross-sample contamination was splendens, Cromileptes altivelis, Epinephelus awoara,
monitored by analysing procedural blanks. The Choerodon schoenleinii, Lutjanus malabaricus, Pennahia
average spiking recovery percentages for TMAO, argentata, Lutjanus russelli and Plectropomus leopardus
DMA, TMA and FA were 91%, 89%, 99% and (2500 mg kg1). Other fish species have mean TMAO
93%, respectively. Corrections based on recovery content of less than 2500 mg kg1.
percentages were not applied to the test results.

Dimethylamine and formaldehyde in whole fish

Trimethylamine oxide in whole fish Amongst the 18 fish samples that FA was detected,
This study provided a comprehensive study of TMAO twelve were found with very low level of 55 mg kg1
in different fish species marketed in Hong Kong. For and FA was detected in less than half of each species.
the content of TMAO in the samples tested, all marine The remaining six fish samples belonged to three fish
and diadromous fishes in this study contained a species under the family Synodontidae (Lizardfishes)
significant amount, which ranged from tens to several and subfamily Harpadontinae, and were found to
thousands of mg kg1. However, two diadromous fish contain FA of detectable amount and FA was detected
species, Anguilla japonica and Mugil cephalus, were in each samples of same species. As discussed
found to contain TMAO of less than the detection previously, Harpadon nehereus could generate FA
limit of 5 mg kg1. during frozen storage. All three Harpadon nehereus
Since freshwater organisms are hyperosmtic to samples were found to contain more than 100 mg kg1
fresh water (they tend to take in water through FA. The remaining three fish samples belong to
osmosis) while marine water organisms are hypertonic Saurida elongata and Saurida tumbil with the levels of
to seawater (they tend to lose water by osmosis), the 5, 7 and 66 mg kg1.
osmoregulation mechanism in freshwater fish is Regarding DMA in fish samples, about half of the
expected be different from that of marine fish. tested samples were found to contain a detectable
According to Stroem (1984), it is now generally amount of DMA. DMA was almost not detected in
believed that TMAO has an osmoregulatory role in freshwater fish samples except for two fish samples of
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Table 1. Overview of fish samples collected in the study: formaldehyde (FA), dimethylamine (DMA), trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) and trimethylamine (TMA) concentrations
(mg kg1) in various fish species.

Number Mean Mean Mean Mean

Fish species Common name Habitat samples (range) (range) (range) (range)

Acanthopagrus australis Black bream, Surf bream Marine 2 1400 (1200–1500) 52 (52) 51 (51) 10 (9–12)
Acanthopagrus latus Yellowfin seabream Dia 4 240 (190–310) 52 (52) 51 (51) 18 (3–52)
Acanthopagrus schlegeli Black porgy, Blackhead seabream Marine 1 570 (570) 12 (12) 51 (51) 47 (47)
Anguilla japonica Japanese eel Dia 5 55 (55) 52 (52) 2 (51–4) 52 (52–2)
Ariomma indica Indian ariomma, Indian driftfish Marine 3 340 (170–470) 18 (12–27) 51 (51) 240 (170–320)
Aristichthys nobilis Bighead carp Fresh 3 55 (55) 52 (52) 51 (51–2) 52 (52)
Beryx splendens* Splendid alfonsino Marine 3 3100 (2600–3500) 4 (3–6) 51 (51) 69 (42–97)
Branchiostegus albus White horsehead Marine 4 1700 (1400–2000) 52 (52) 51 (51) 12 (4–19)
Cephalopholis urodeta Darkfin hind Marine 3 1500 (1300–1700) 52 (52–3) 51 (51) 21 (3–57)
Channa maculata Snakehead, Blotched snakehead Fresh 3 55 (55) 52 (52) 51 (51–3) 52 (52)
Choerodon schoenleinii Green wrasse, Blackspot tuskfish Marine 4 2600 (2100–3400) 52 (52–6) 51 (51) 12 (3–30)
Cirrhinus molitorella Mud carp Fresh 3 55 (55) 52 (52) 51 (51) 6 (5–8)
Clarias fuscus Catfish, Hong Kong catfish Fresh 3 55 (55) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52–5)
Cololabis saira* Pacific saury Marine 3 610 (570–660) 14 (6–16) 51 (51) 200 (37–290)
Cromileptes altivelis Humpback grouper Marine 3 2800 (2500–3200) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52–2)
Ctenopharyngodon idellus Grass carp Fresh 3 55 (55) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52)
Cynoglossus arel Largescale tonguesole, Tonguefish Dia 3 1700 (1600–1900) 7 (2–13) 2 (51–4) 400 (29–1000)
Cynoglossus bilineatus Fourlined tonguesole Marine 3 760 (280–1100) 6 (2–12) 51 (51) 340 (19–690)
Dentex tumifrons Golden tail, Yellowback seabream Marine 4 1800 (1400–2600) 7 (4–13) 51 (51) 230 (11–890)
Eleutheronema tetradactylum Fourfinger threadfin, Blind tasselfish Dia 3 660 (320–1300) 6 (2–10) 51 (51) 99 (6–280)
Epinephelus areolatus Areolate grouper, Green-spotted rock cod Marine 3 2200 (1900–2800) 2 (52–5) 51 (51) 92 (8–250)
Epinephelus awoara Yellow grouper, Banded grouper Marine 3 2700 (2500–3000) 5 (52–13) 51 (51) 340 (52–1000)
Epinephelus bleekeri Duskytail grouper Marine 3 1600 (1300–1900) 52 (52) 51 (51) 12 (52–31)
Epinephelus coioides Green grouper, Orange-spotted grouper, Marine 3 1400 (1100–1600) 52 (52) 51 (51) 2 (52–4)
Estuary grouper
Epinephelus fasciatomaculosus Rock grouper, Banded reef-cod Marine 3 2000 (1600–2300) 52 (52–2) 51 (51) 22 (52–62)
Epinephelus hexagonatus Starspotted grouper Marine 2 1700 (1700) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52–2)
Epinephelus lanceolatus Giant grouper Marine 4 1000 (250–2900) 52 (52–4) 51 (51) 5 (52–13)
Epinephelus merra Honeycomb grouper Marine 1 1500 (1500) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52)
Epinephelus quoyanus Longfin grouper Marine 1 3200 (3200) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52)
Epinephelus trimaculatus Threespot grouper Marine 1 1500 (1500) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52)
Gymnothorax favagineus Laced moray Marine 1 1600 (1600) 52 (52) 51 (51) 7 (7)
Gymnothorax reevesii Reeve’s moray Marine 3 1600 (1100–2100) 3 (52–6) 51 (51) 11 (6–21)
Hapalogenys nitens Skewband grunt, Grunt Marine 3 900 (810–970) 52 (52–3) 51 (51) 14 (3–34)
Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B

Harpadon nehereus Bombay duck Marine 3 230 (120–420) 270 (200–320) 150 (110–190) 64 (7–160)
Katsuwonus pelamis* Skipjack tuna Marine 3 160 (130–170) 11 (10–11) 51 (51) 36 (30–39)
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Larimichthys croceus Yellow croaker, Croceine croaker, Marine 3 1600 (1400–1800) 52 (52–2) 51 (51) 13 (52–37)

Large yellow croaker

Lateolabrax japonicus Japanese seaperch, Common sea bass, Dia 5 290 (180–490) 52 (52–2) 51 (51) 10 (52–48)
Japanese seabass
Lates calcarifer Barramundi Dia 6 1200 (160–1700) 52 (52–10) 51 (51–3) 8 (52–34)
Lethrinus obsoletus Orange-striped emperor Marine 2 2000 (1800–2300) 52 (52) 51 (51) 3 (2–4)
Lutjanus argentimaculatus Mangrove red snapper Dia 5 1300 (840–1700) 7 (52–15) 51 (51) 550 (5–1100)
Lutjanus malabaricus Red snapper, Malabar blood snapper Marine 3 2600 (2100–2700) 8 (5–10) 51 (51–2) 400 (320–680)
Lutjanus russelli Russell’s snapper, fingermark bream Marine 3 2500 (1900–2900) 3 (52–4) 51 (51) 9 (6–11)
Lutjanus stellatus Star snapper Marine 3 1400 (1400) 6 (3–9) 51 (51) 18 (4–42)
Megalobrama terminalis Black amur bream Fresh 1 55 (55) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52)
Micropterus salmoides Large mouth bass, Largemouth black bass Fresh 3 660 (500–760) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52–5)
Mugil cephalus Grey mullet, Flathead grey mullet Dia 3 55 (55) 52 (52–4) 51 (51–2) 7 (3–10)
Mulloidichthys flavolineatus Yellowstripe goatfish Marine 1 1200 (1200) 52 (52) 51 (51) 7 (7)
Nemipterus japonicus Japanese golden thread, Japanese Marine 4 1100 (1000–1300) 4 (52–8) 51 (51) 72 (6–240)
threadfin bream
S.W.C. Chung and B.T.P. Chan

Nemipterus virgatus Golden threadfin bream, Golden thread Marine 3 1400 (1000–1700) 5 (52–14) 51 (51) 310 (12–920)
Oreochromis niloticus niloticus Tilapia, Nile tilapia Fresh 4 370 (85–720) 52 (52–3) 51 (51) 3 (3–4)
Pagrus major Red pargo, Japanese seabream, Red seabream Marine 3 1300 (980–1800) 52 (52) 51 (51) 12 (9–17)
Pampus argenteus Silver pomfret, Butterfish, Pomfret Marine 5 1000 (470–1800) 11 (6–17) 51 (51–1) 260 (9–730)
Pampus nozawae Swallow tail pomfret Marine 3 1200 (970–1600) 4 (3–5) 51 (51) 22 (7–44)
Paralichthys olivaceus* False halibut, Bastard halibut Marine 3 1800 (1600–2100) 52 (52) 51 (51) 52 (52)
Parupeneus barberinus Dash-and-dot goatfish Marine 1 960 (960) 7 (7) 51 (51) 550 (550)
Parupeneus indicus Indian goatfish Marine 2 1000 (720–1300) 9 (6–12) 51 (51) 370 (47–690)
Pennahia argentata White croaker, White Chinese croaker, Marine 5 2600 (2000–3100) 3 (52–15) 51 (51) 250 (2–1200)
Silver croaker
Platycephalus indicus Flathead, Bartail flathead Marine 4 1100 (510–1600) 4 (52–10) 51 (51) 68 (6–200)
Platycephalus spp. Flathead Marine 1 1400 (1400) 52 (52) 51 (51) 16 (16)
Plectorhinchus cinctus Cresent sweetlips, Grunt Marine 3 850 (670–1000) 52 (52) 51 (51) 4 (4)
Plectropomus areolatus Squaretail coralgrouper Marine 2 1900 (1400–2300) 52 (52) 51 (51) 3 (2–3)
Plectropomus leopardus Leopard coralgrouper Marine 4 2500 (2300–2600) 52 (52–4) 51 (51) 78 (52–270)
Pomadasys kaakan Javelin grunter Marine 4 1500 (1100–1800) 3 (52–7) 51 (51) 129 (4–500)
Priacanthus macracanthus Red bigeye, Bulls-eye perch Marine 2 1400 (1400–1800) 7 (5–12) 51 (51) 180 (37–330)
Priacanthus tayenus Purple-spotted bigeye, Big-eye perch Marine 4 1500 (1400–1500) 3 (52–5) 51 (51) 12 (9–16)
Psenopsis anomala Butter fish, Pacific rudderfish Marine 4 1100 (900–1200) 13 (6–18) 51 (51) 230 (15–680)
Pseudocaranx dentex* White trevally Marine 3 340 (260–500) 52 (52) 51 (51) 4 (3–5)
Rachycentron canadum Black bonito, cobia Marine 1 840 (840) 3 (3) 51 (51) 13 (13)
Salmo Salar* Atlantic salmon Dia 3 380 (310–470) 52 (52) 51 (51) 5 (4–6)
Sarda orientalis* Striped bonito Marine 3 180 (150–230) 4 (4–6) 51 (51) 16 (12–22)
Sardinops sagax* South American pilchard Marine 3 570 (160–870) 12 (12–13) 51 (51) 20 (20–21)
Saurida elongata Slender lizardfish Marine 2 710 (500–930) 140 (64–210) 36 (5–66) 73 (39–110)
Saurida tumbil Greater lizardfish Marine 1 280 (280) 180 (180) 7 (7) 380 (380)
Scatophagus argus Spotted scat, Butter fish, spade fish Dia 3 310 (170–440) 52 (52) 51 (51) 26 (6–42)
Scomber japonicus* Chub mackerel Marine 3 400 (280–490) 16 (11–24) 51 (51) 40 (30–50)

( continued)
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Table 1. Continued.

Number Mean Mean Mean Mean

Fish species Common name Habitat samples (range) (range) (range) (range)

Scomberomorus commerson Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Marine 1 330 (330) 2 (2) 51 (51) 9 (9)
Albacore, Banded tuna
Scomberomorus guttatus Indo-pacific king mackerel Marine 5 700 (400–970) 6 (52–12) 51 (51) 160 (11–440)
Sebastiscus marmoratus Rockfish Marine 3 1300 (1100–1800) 52 (52) 2 (51–5) 8 (7–9)
Seriola dumerili* Purple amberjack, Greater amberjack Marine 3 1100 (950–1200) 52 (52) 51 (51) 10 (9–11)
Seriola lalandi* Yellowtail kingfish, Yellowtail amberjack Marine 6 310 (220–360) 4 (2–6) 51 (51) 14 (6–27)
Siganus canaliculatus Rabbitfish, pearl-spotted spinefoot, Marine 3 540 (340–740) 52 (52–2) 51 (51) 5 (3–9)
white-spotted spinefoot
Sillago japonica Japanese sillago Marine 3 340 (250–390) 5 (52–9) 51 (51) 200 (13–350)
Siniperca chuatsi Freshwater grouper, Mandarin fish Fresh 3 520 (400–640) 4 (52–11) 51 (51) 17 (52–51)
Sphyraena flavicauda* Yellowtail barracuda, Barracudas Marine 3 1700 (1500–1900) 2 (2–3) 51 (51) 13 (10–18)
Trachinotus blochii Snubnose pompano Marine 3 470 (260–860) 52 (52–2) 51 (51–2) 11 (7–17)
Trachurus japonicus* Japanese jack mackerel, Marine 3 2000 (1800–2200) 3 (2–3) 51 (51) 12 (9–15)
Atlantic horse mackerel
Trichiurus lepturus Largehead hairtail, Hairtail Marine 5 1300 (500–2000) 2 (52–3) 51 (51) 37 (5–73)
Trichiurus nanhaiensis Largehead hairtail, South China Sea hairtail Marine 1 1800 (1800) 2 (2) 51 (51) 17 (17)
Variola albimarginata White-edged lyretail Marine 3 2200 (1600–2700) 52 (52) 51 (51) 2 (2–3)

Note: *Imported fish; Fresh: freshwater fish; Marine: marine fish; Dia: diadromous fish; TL: total length; SL: standard length; n.a.: not available.
Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B
50 S.W.C. Chung and B.T.P. Chan

Table 2. Summary of analytical performance data for the tested analytes.

Limit of Limit of Relative standard

detection quantification Recovery, deviation
Analyte Matrix (LOD) (mg kg1) (LOQ) (mg kg1) range (%) (RSDr) (%)

TMAO Fish 5 25 81–104 9% (n ¼ 22)

DMA Fish 2 10 77–105 9% (n ¼ 25)
TMA Fish 2 10 81–123 12% (n ¼ 25)
FA Fish 1 5 81–100 5% (n ¼ 28)

Note: DMA, dimethylamine; FA, formaldehyde; TMA, trimethylamine; TMAO; trimethylamine oxide.

species of Oreochromis niloticus niloticus and Siniperca Conclusion

chuatsi that contained 3 and 11 mg kg1 DMA, This study provided a comprehensive database of
respectively. The results matched well with previous TMAO, DMA and FA levels of different fish species
findings that these fish species contained TMAO. marketed in Hong Kong. Amongst the sampled 89
However, only two of the nine freshwater fish samples species of fresh/frozen whole fish, most marine and
Downloaded by [Laurentian University] at 11:19 02 November 2013

that contained TMAO were found to contain a diadromous fish samples were found to contain
detectable amount of DMA but not FA which TMAO in the range 55–3500 mg kg1. However, the
indicated that the reduction of TMAO to DMA and contents of TMAO of two diadromous fish species,
FA is not favourable. Anguilla japonica and Mugil cephalus, were found to be
Among the marine and diadromous fishes, DMA 55 mg kg1. Regarding freshwater fishes, TMAO was
was not detected in half of these fish samples. The not detected in most fish species except Oreochromis
remaining marine and diadromous fish samples were niloticus niloticus, Micropterus salmoides and Siniperca
found to contain less than 30 mg kg1 DMA except chuatsi. The latter two freshwater fish species were
three Harpadon nehereus, two Saurida elongata and one found to contain relatively high level of TMAO in the
Saurida tumbil samples. These six fish samples con- range 400–760 mg kg1.
tained a relatively high level of DMA which ranged For endogenous enzymatic cleavage products
from 64 to 324 mg kg1, which also agrees with the of TMAO, DMA and FA, they were basically only
findings of a relatively high level of FA in these fish detected in three fish species in family of Synodontidae
species. (Lizardfishes) and subfamily of Harpadontinae. The
The FA and DMA in Harpadon nehereus have been levels of DMA and FA in these fish species marketed
repeatedly reported to originate from the breakdown in Hong Kong ranged from 64–320 and 5–190 mg kg1,
of TMAO by endogenous enzyme. Based on the above respectively.
findings for the levels of FA and DMA in these fishes,
fishes of species of Saurida elongata and Saurida tumbil
might also generate FA under frozen storage. Acknowledgements
Therefore, more studies should be conducted to Special thanks are made to Ms Valerie C. M. Ho and Dr
establish the relationship between these analytes and Albert W. Y. Leung, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
the frozen storage time for fish species under the family Department, who identified fish species.
Synodontidae and subfamily Harpadontinae.

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