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Tera Toadvine

ECE 250
J. Kalas

Circle one age group/grade: 3-4 4-5 K 1st 2nd

Section 1. Physical Environment (this section may include pictures)
Documentation/examples (15 points)
A. Equipment (general listing of large items)
1. indoors – Wooden cubies, bookcase, whiteboard, round tables, file cabinet
(photos included)
2. outdoors – Small playground (photo included) the school that I visited was
Discovery Charter school. Their campus is a rented space from a church. The said that
they have plans for upgrading the playground that funding has been an
B. Room arrangement (drawing of room arrangement) – drawing is
C. Centers (include type of each center and materials available to children
within that center) – there was only 2 centers in the classroom. Math wall, this has a
place for each student to complete a worksheet as they progress. Reading Center, this
was in the corner of the classroom there was a bookcase with different books. There
was a fuzzy rug and pillows so that the students can relax while they read.
*D. EVALUATION (15 points) – I think for what the teacher had to work with the
classroom was set up the best she could. The school seems to have limited space and
the students rotate from this classroom to another for different lessons. DAP page 220
“No effort is made to build a sense of the group as a community or to link classroom
matters to those of the larger community and society”
Section 2. Curriculum (make appointment with teacher for interview)
Documentation/Examples (15 points)
A. Philosophy
1. Teacher's philosophy (interview of teacher) – Ms. Laforge’s philosophy
for her teaching is more of a motto “one day at a time”

2. Center/School philosophy (copy of statement) - This is a copy of their

mission statement from their website. Link is included as well.
Discovery Charter School’s mission is to promote a safe, nurturing environment which fosters student
success through community involvement, progressive educational practices, and innovative use of
B. Goals (What children are expected to learn)
1. Program goals (should be found in parent handbook)

Goal #1:
It is the intent of Discovery Charter School to improve the opportunities for students to
learn. The strategies that will be implemented are:
1. Flexible groupings in core academic subjects
2. Multiage classrooms
3. Project-based learning
Goal #2:
Create opportunities for community involvement and interaction for students. Discovery
Charter School will provide students with opportunities for students to become involved
with the school community and the greater community at large. The school will do this by:
1. Encouraging classrooms to focus on one community project each school year
2. Providing opportunities for families to become involved in programs going on at the
3. Allowing frequent interactions between younger and older students while working
towards a common community goal
Goal #3:
Develop an emotionally safe environment where students’ unique differences are
appreciated. This will be created through:
1. Small classrooms averaging around 20 students for every teacher
2. Keeping students with the same teacher for consecutive school years
Goal #4:
Develop the ability to use technology as a tool for creation, information, and learning. This
goal will be realized through:
1. Daily use of technology while completing projects
2. Integrating technology into core academic subjects
3. Develop a technology infrastructure
2. Classroom goals (interview of teacher) – Ms. L’s goal for her classroom
is for her students to not only be good students but also to teach them manners, to be
respectful, be polite and to succeed.
C. Lesson Plans (A copy of at least one week’s plans) – Attached
D. Individualization (interview of teacher concerning planning for individual
children's needs/learning styles/etc.) – Ms. L said for her she goes over it as a whole
group and if she knows she has students that do struggle then she sits with them works
with them one on one.
*E. EVALUATION (15 points) – Watching Ms. L with her class and how she
interacts with her students showed me how difficult it can be being a teacher for children
of such a young age. There were students that she had to repeat instructions or that
were more disruptive then other students. DAP page 234 Teachers engage in
conversations with both individual children and small group. Whenever possible these
are sustained conversations and include detextualized speech.
Section 3. Guidance (3 specific objective observations for each)
Documentation/Examples (15 points)
A. Routines (specific objective observations of routines being carried out)
1. Morning meeting, they start their day off by talking about the weather,
what is on the hot lunch menu, any updates from the admin in the school
and they review their rotation for the day
2. Morning rotation worked on phonics/rhyming phrases. Sight words with
groups and by their selves. They then transitioned to their language
activity/conjunction test,
B. Classroom rules (specific objective observations of posted rules as and/or
how children are reminded of rules)
1. List of attention grabbers for the teacher/students (pictures attached)
2. Class rules above teachers’ desk
C. Teacher Interactions (Specific objective observations of how teacher interacts with
children during regular activities/lessons)
1. She acknowledged the students that were participating in the sight word activity,
when they were answering correctly, she praised them.
2. Would call student friend ex. Friend we do not move around to other desks.
3. Would give out warnings to class when they were getting rowdy or not paying
D. Guidance Techniques (Specific objective observations of the teacher utilizing
1. When the students were doing their math flash cards they were in groups
and I felt as if she had provided little help to the students. There was no
real direction and one whole table had even left their group and did other
2. When doing their spelling test there was students that were walking away
from there desks and she took their tests away
3. She was very repetitive with instructions and how to do certain activities

*E. EVALUATION (15 points) while watching Ms. L and her class there was
confusion on my part because I feel as that she has to let the students work in groups
but she did not interact with them when they did this so they were kind of teaching there
selves and the other students the math problems and were getting them wrong. DAP
page 240 Everyday teachers provide focused math time that is interesting to children
using various instructional contexts and find opportunities to integrate mathematics
learning with another curriculum

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