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Participant X, Semi-Annual Assessment- January 2021, 

Entry for semiannual assessment due January 2021.  To protect participants,
caregivers, and staff members from the spread of COVID-19, this semiannual
assessment was conducted by telephone. RD performed telephone interview with
participant regarding nutritional status for semiannual assessment.

Participant Goals:
Continue with goals of weight and diabetes management.

Meal Preparation and Grocery shopping/Appetite and Po Intake and Fluid Intake:
Participant does own food shopping and meal preparation. Participant states her
appetite has slightly decreased due to “a low carb diet,” which she states makes
her feel less hungry. Participant states appetite is good, consuming 50-75% of her

Participant usually consumes water (~64oz/day). Participant will drink about 14 oz

coffee around noon. States she enjoys monk fruit and heavy whipping cream in
her coffee, and will occasionally add collagen peptides or MCT oil. Participant
states she eats her first meal around 3-4 pm. Participant will consume a vegetable
source (such as broccoli, spinach, asparagus, swiss chard, or a spring mix salad
with tomato, cucumber) and a protein source (such as scrambled eggs, shrimp,
pork chops, or chicken). Participant states she does not enjoy beef. Participant
eats dinner around 7 pm and will consume a protein source, such as premier
protein shake, scrambled eggs, or rotisserie chicken, and a vegetable source.
Participant will occasionally consume a chicken or egg sandwich for dinner, and
uses Delightfully multigrain bread. Participant states she is “not a snacker,” but
enjoys Bark Sins (dark chocolate, pretzel) and Ritz cheddar toasted chips.
Participant will occasionally consume hot chocolate prepared with almond milk
before bed. Participant states she has been “trying to eat healthy,” and aims to
consume a vegetable with every meal. She rarely eats fast food or restaurant/take
out. Participant consumes approx. 1 can/day of Cherry Coke Zero and does not
consume alcohol. She states that she consumes approx. 3 Premier protein shakes
per week, but would like to aim to consume 2/day. Participant states she enjoys
vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and peach flavors, and dilutes the protein shakes
with almond milk or water. 
Status and ADL:
Participant has PUD and own teeth in poor condition. Participant states that she is
“in the middle of a treatment plan” to fix four cavities on her lower front teeth.
Participant states this does not affect chewing and notes no issues with chewing
or swallowing. Participant reports no N/V and states she has occasional diarrhea
when she “eats stuff she’s not supposed to,” such as too much sugar. Participant
states she is able to manage diarrhea. 

Supplements: Premier protein (participant provides) 2x/week

Adaptive Equipment: None

Labs: A1C= 6.4% (5/12/20)

Noted Medication List- Cyanocobalamin,  Metformin

RD reviewed participant's weight history and reiterated basic nutrition education

and dietary strategies that support the consumption of a carb-control diet. 
Reiterated that the proportions of a balanced plate should emphasize ½ non-
starchy vegetables, ¼ carbohydrates, and ¼ protein, and fats in moderation.
Educated participant on diabetes management, and emphasized the importance
of consuming small, frequent meals throughout the day to manage blood sugar
levels. Emphasized the importance of consuming whole grains and reducing
consumption of refined grains, providing examples of both. Provided examples of
low carbohydrate, high protein snacks, such as whole grain crackers with cheese
or low-fat Greek yogurt. Discussed ways to reduce soda consumption, such as
flavoring water with fruit or flavored drops. Participant states she tries to remain
very aware of what she is eating and drinking, and works to consume a healthy
diet. Participant was receptive and actively engaged in conversation.

Weight History
Age: 72
Height: 5'8"
Current Weight: most recent 1/2/21- 253#
1 month: 12/15/20 - 260#
3 months: N/A
6 months: N/A
1 year: N/A
Enrollment:  6/15/16- 320.5#
No significant weight changes noted due to lack of weight history information.
Other weights:
6/22/20 - 272.4#
IBW= 138#, participant at 183% of IBW
Participant has lost 67.5# since enrollment
BMI= 38.5

Participant needs calculated from adjusted body weight (174.8#)

Participant to continue with Carb-control/Regular diet. 
Dietary department to accommodate participant's food choices/needs 
RD to continue to monitor appetite, po intake, diet texture tolerance, weights and
labs as necessary. 
RD to continue to serve as resource for nutrition education and dietary strategies
as needed.

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