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H a c k e d By (adapted for Hackblaster):

Steve Johansson and Don Morgan Introduction.......................................... 2
- - ................................. .3
Beeinnine the Adventure
Edited by:'Brian Jelke. Paul Glozeris and Jeffery Martin
Trail Maps: Primary, Secondary &Tertiary

Additional C o n t r i b u t o r s : Jedediah Gofourth, Jeffery Martin Random Encounters .................................. .5-9

Encounter Areas and Maps
A r t D i r e c t o r : Bob Burke
A r t i s t Liaison: Mark Plemmons
EncounterArea I: Checkpoint Charlie (Map I) .............10
G r a p h i c Design: Jennifer "Jiffy" Burke
................I I
Encounter Area 2: llllthid Watchers (Map 2 )

Cover Artist: Erol Otus

Encounter Area 3: Cavern of the Rust Baa (Map 3 )
Encounter Area 4 The Caves and Warrens of the Mogs ..... .I2
B a c k Cover Illustration: Brian Schomburg.
Map 4 The Caves and Warrens of the M o p ............,4647
B a c k Cover Colon: Scott Kester
Map 4,Area 7 The Lich Labyrinth ....................... .I7
Interior Illustrations: William Church.
Encounter Area 5 Cave In ........................... ..27
Brendon Fraim. Brian Fraim, Brian Schomburg
Encounter Area 6 River Crossing ...................... 27
Map Symbols: Rob Lee, Mark Plemmons and Bob Burke
Map 6 River Crossing ............................... .27
Behind-the-Scenes: JeffAbar, Jennifer Kenzer
Encounter Area 7 The Svirfs .......................... .28
HackTesters: Daniel Jeners.Jerry Barron Miller, John Moore,
Map7 The Svirfs .................................... 28
Louis Falert Nik Webber, Bobby Wullner, Charles Moyle EncounterArea 8: lmpeaded Passage .....................29
Encounter Area 9 Shrine of the Kuo-Toans ................29
The Descent Into the NetherDeep adventure is bared on the
Player's Map of the NetherDeep ........................ .45
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons adventures DI Descent Into the
DeDths of the Earth and D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa by E. Gary G y m Map 9 Shrine of the Kuo-Toans .........48 & inside back cover
Appendices ....................................... ,414
Hard Eight Enterprises Representative: JoJo Zeke Map of the NetherDeep .................... .inside front cover

An Adventure Module for GameMasters of HackMaster:Ths Role-Playing Game 4 t h Edition

0 Copyright 2003 Kenzer and Company. All Rlghts Reserved.
Hackblaster is bared on t h e original Dungeons & Dragon& rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

With respect to trademarks: HackMarter.the Hackblaster logo. Hacklopedia of Beasts. the Kenrer and Company logo, Descent Into the NetherDeep, Gary Jackron.The
Game Must Go On logo. the Hard Eight Enterpriser logo and Hard Eight Enterpriser are trademark of Kenrer and Company l@ Copyright 2003 Kenzer and Company.
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This hook is yrlliccrcd undcr inrrrnationd ~miiesand copyright i s m of the PUBLISHER'S Nmz
Unircd Srnres niAnierica. No pan ofrhir hook may bc reproduced. without rhc This is a work of ficrian. Namcs, chnmrerr, places and insidcnrs
mprcrr w i t t e n C O I I Y ~ of Kcnm and Company. Permision k granted to the cirhcr arc rhc product o f the author's imaginarion or are urcd k r i -
purcharcrofrhis product to repraduccrccrionsofrhir hook iarpersond uy only. ciously. and m y rcscmhiancc TO actual prrrom, living or d a d . cycnm
Sair or trade of such rrproducriansis strictly pmhibired. or localw i s snrirciy coincidental.

Introduction ~~

This adventure rakes place in the treacherous caverns o f the NcrhcrDeep. The final confrontation with the Fire Giant Prince Sn~rre.and
Access to these runnels is available in the Evar'Krmtain Mounains. The adven- your subsequent barging Into the caverns under his momf
ture is designed for a large parry of characterr of levels 9-12 with an even mix stronghold (Module G 1-2-3 Annihilate the Giants) confirmed
ofrhe standard character classes. To play this adventure it b necessary to have that drow elves had instigated the giant alliance and i t s warfare
rhe Player's Handbookand [he GameMasrer'r Guide. You will also find copier upon mankind and its allied races. Numbers of these evil elves
of the Hacklopedias of Base useful as the creature^ that appear herein arc fell before your onslaught, but you suspect that many of the
fully described in those reference works. Far supplemental battlesheer marmi- important drow fled away to the northwest - the escape route
al go to our websire at a seemingly natural passage a full 30 feet wide extending end-
Throughout the bonk, encounter areas are listed with a convenient format lessly under the earth. lnvestlgatlon of rhls area (cloaked by a
for the GM. Read aloud t a t i s denoted by the use of a grey box. Crarure steaming river of lava) revealed that the passage ran due
statistics and other information is provided in an abbrwiated format indud- northwest. slowly descending ever deeper into the bowels of
ing somc or all o f the following. the earth. A pair of hoists on either side of the river of lava
enables you t o safely move supplies. equipment, and even
mules and pack apes across the dangerous area without too
much difficulty. Pursuit of these creatures is necessary, for
If the players previously completed thc Annihilate the Gtanrs advenrure, unless their location and strength are known, the drow can
read the following boxed rexc to begin [he adventure. If you arc introducing continue to strike where and whenever they like without fear
them to the adventure by having themnifd the map to t h e NetherDeep rhar of counterattack o r reprisal. discovered a map
was available in the Giants adventure or having them independcnrly discw- of the maze of tunnels under the earth - hundreds of miles of
er a cave rhar leads to the deep network of tunnels. you may paraphrasc key passages. areas shaded and marked with cryptic symbols. and
elements of rhe following boxed text as appropriate.
what i s probably the course of an underground river! But such
an expedition will certainly require the utmost thought and
care in planning and preparation. How many persons should
TERMS compromise the expedition? Do you dare risk bringing your
HF = HackFacror FF = Fatigue Factor. See page I( proteges lest they be killed as well? How will everyone be sup
EP = Experience Points of the GMG. The Fatigue Fact( plied and equipped?And what of drinking water? Perhaps cer-
lnt = Intelligence represents how many rounds < tain of the elvenfolk will help, but then again they have their
4L= Alignment exertion it takes before a cre: hands full just dealing with the grel.Who knows who or what
LG = Lawful Good cure must save versus f a t i p will be encountered in this gloomy underground world? How
VG = Neutral Good The fatigue save is an abilii will you deal with and defeat the monstrous opponents you
CG = Chaotic Good check against a creature's con are sure to meet? These questions and more must be
CN = Chaotic Neutral bined average Constitution an answered before you set forth on your descent into rhe
.N = Lawful Neutral Wisdom scores (for charactei NetherDeep.
4' =True Neutral with those scores) or against
CE = Chaotic Evil creature's morale raring fc
VE = Neutral Evil monsters without defined abilil
.E = Lawful Evil scores. AND THE NEWENEMY
4C =Armor Class HOB = Hacklopedia of Beasts.
Eclavdra Eilservs, the mastermind behind the giant uprising, was rhwnrr-
YV = Movement Rate C = Cleric
ed by the sequential assaults upon her a l l i e o f hill, frost and fire giants.
-ID = Hit Dice F = Fighter
However, the collapse of EElavdni machinations is a mixed success as i t has
-tP = Hit Points MU = Magic-user
caused the rise o f a new enemy. Ironically enough, one aspect of her grand
iZ = Size T =Thief
scheme has camc to fruition despite the rwcrscr she has suffered o f late. The
#AT = Number of Arracks per S = Strength
fractious drow noble houses have indeed united in a common purpose
round I = Intelligence
though t h i s i s hardly a cause for celebration in thc grand halls ofrhe villas
1 = Damage W =Wisdom
rhar overlook Eerie-Sinlo. In a n unfortunatc turn ofevcntsfor the dark elves,
;A = Special Attacks D = Dexterity
the collapse o f thc ambitions of House Eilacm did nor provide for an oppor-
iD = Special Defenses Con = Constitution
tunity to settle old scores and redress the balance of power. Coincidentally
ang. = Languages Known Ch = Charisma
with Eclavdra's failure to establish herself as the suprcme authoriry in rhc
i o n = Honor value (can be a spe- Com = Comeliness
Vault, a leader with analogous aspirations was succeeding in his bid for
cific number or a general term SSG = Spellslinger's Guide t
power - not over the drow but rather their long time enemies the deep
like average, dishonorable, great Wurld Domination. If you d
dwarves (or demo). This diminutive warlord is rumored to be a renegade
Honor, or too much Honor.) not have this rulebook subst
gnome titan general named Gnopolcon. Under his leadership, the derro,
I L = Morale value of creature cute the spells or other materii
with the aid o f their similarly evil dwarven allies the duergar, have instigat-
TOP = Threshold of Pain (See referencedfrom it with standar
ed a "uniting war'' with the aim of finally vanquishing their hated dark e l f
GMG p 105). Usually this is half spells from the Player
foes. Unlike the past in which thcsc conflicts were fraughr with amateurish
of a creature's full hit poina. Handbook o r GameMaster
leadership and unclear objFctives, the current campaign has meshed fanari-
NIA indicates that the creature Guide.
cism with round tactics and strategy.
has an infinireTOl?
Xr BSL = Critical hit Base The drow dismissed the initial raids as yet another pointless display of
Severity Level (see GMG p 110). machismo on the parr o f the ceaselessly annoying derro. However, the more
This is defined in terms of the insightful amongsr the drow aristocracy soon came to realize rhar something
w a amiss. They had seen demo onslaughts before. Past experience was char
defender's AC plus or minus an
integer. rhc l i t t l e creeps hurled themselves at everything rhar moved. Though they
caused a lot of damage, l i n l e actual disruption to the drow way o f life
Beginning the Adventure
~ ~

occurred. Like a tornado, they struck viciously and hard hut seemingly at squackings, scrabblings. Various and sundry tiny noises can be heard. noises
random. Keeping one's distance until the storm blew over w a s sufficient to which are disturbing despite their muted sound.
avoid any trauble. Now however, the derro were making wordinated attacks
on remote outposts and merchant trains while avoiding pitched battles with U S I N G THE MAPS
dangerous yet ultimately unimportant foes. The characters' map, found in Eclavdra'r desk. shows only a relarively nar-
Having realized that they wcrc the primary f o m of the demo and not mere- mw s m i m of the area map found on the inside front cover of rhir honk-
ly targers ofappommity, the dmw have been in a mad scramble to gather tein- specifically the portion that pertains to this adventure and the orhcn in the
forcements and srrcngrhen their positions. Manpower has always been a weak- series. The area map itself is by no means a comprehensive detailing of the
ness of all elves and the drow ax no exception. Any and all sorts of conscripts NcthcrDecp for, of course, all of Ganweze Wurld is permeated by tens of
have been mobilized and more arc being actively sought. It is into this mael- thousands of miles of tunnels which form a gigantic interconnected suhter-
strom of NerherDeep wnflicr that the characten begin their descent. ranean matrix collectively know as the NetherDeep.
The path the PCs are expected to take (according to the map they found You might wish to develop the other areas shown on your large-scale map.
in the Giants adventure) leads them through encwnter areas 1 to 9 on the If so, you can then allow your players to explore passages which are oB their
GM map of the NetherDeep. However, many other possible routes arc avail- map. thus eventually completing their version, and. of course, having many
able. Other encounter areas identified on the G M map are left for your adventures along the way. Feel free to add or delete additional passageways
developmcnt. The encouner areas on the western portion of the map are like- and cavern areas as you see fit. The NetherDeep is always in a state of flux as
ly Derm and Duergar enclaves. Perhaps the Illithids have even more various burrawing creatures and miners wntinuously enlarge the matrix
footholds interspersed throughout this riny slice of the NerherDccp. The while seismic activity reduces its scope.
large enmunter area on the narrhern portion of the map is ant of the many The three maps on the following pages show three typical pAages of the
drow cities of the NetherDeep. Whatever you decide to fill these areas in underground. The widest pasagc is a section of Primary Trail, the next widG
with, make . w e it is an appropriate challenge for the PCs who are bravc is a Secondary Trail section, the smallest is a Tertiary Trail, regular or secrer.
enough (or perhaps foolish enough) to embark upon a Descent into the Whenever a random encounter occurs, assume that the parry is near the cen-
NetherDeep. ter of a small piece map appropriate to the passage size. You may turn it to
any arientarion desired. Note that the sample maps include faults. spurs,
splits, rubble, small caves, sink holes, crevasses, columns, stalactites. occa-
~ ~
the Adventure ~~ ~
sional pools, rivulets, and even stream^ Again, feel free to alter these to suit
Once the PCs begin their descent read the following t a t . your purposes.

The passageway from the caverns beneath the Hall of Prince

Snsrre runs to the norchwest,rough and twisting.from 12 feet Magic-wen must have a spell book in order to re-memorize spells. One
to I 6 feet width for some 300 feet.Then it suddenly widens to would hope that experienced adventurers would have the sense to have creat-
30 feet and more in places, obviously hewn, and goes almost cd a set of traveling spell books but such is not always the case. Regardless, it
perfectly northeast. slowly sinking in gentle slopes and by nat- is incumbent upon you the GM to pay careful attention to these essential
ural terraces. items. Be certain to note when a magic-user has failed a saving throw versus
an area effect spell and to determine thc ramifications an his magical libram.
The rock is principally black basalt striated by veins of all col- O n an extended adventure such as the one here prcaented, losing a spell book
ors, although grays. browns. and yellowish-tan are most com- can bc disastrous for the player. Do not bypass the opportunity to neuter one
mon, Parts of the route are worked but much of the tunnels or more of the party's spell casters. Your monsters will thank you for it!
are natural passages, caves, galleries, and so forth.
Do not penalize the party if they tnkc sensible steps to insure a successfill
A successful Geology skill check (easy +65%) will reveal that the gray rock adventure, such as deciding to take a number of pack mules to carry supplies
is feldspar, the brown is limonite and the yellowish-ran rock is sulphur. None and equipment - even some exrra suits of armor. As always, be as fair and
of therc are valuable unless mined in large quantities. If dwarven PCs ask. unbiased as possible. Neither help by suggestion or inference nor hindcr in
most of the staneyork is centuries old rhough there are signs of wnstant any manner not called for. Managing a party with pack animals can be trying
maintenance spanning until the current decade, The route steadily descends for a referee, bur it is probable that your players will maneuver them intn
at a 4% grade until it reaches the Fleuve Noir (the river at Enwunter Area harm's way sooner rather than later.
VI) after which it lwcls off at a final depth of approximately 6500 feet bclow Establishing a base camp is problematic. The PCs cnuld assign henchmen
the surface. Should a player with the ability to determine apprmimatc depth or pmteges to guard an esrablished base camp, bur then their henchmen and
underground prove successful in his s k i l l check, the lowest level of Snerre's proteges would he subject to periodic random monster encounters. This is
Hall is 300 feet below the surface. Add another 210 feet for every mile thc compounded by the following situation:
party travels in the direction of the Fleuve Noir.
The darkness is nor total: there are sometimes patches of phosphorescent
Beyond the fhencounrcr uicu, trlrportation WIT any dirmnce
graffiti, lighting the way with a faint glow (almost like Faerie Fire). This graf- gnnter thun l/2 mile is imporribk.
fiti is simple vandalism though it will remain a mystery to anyone unable ro When a character with this ability first attempts its use, have that player
read rhe drow language. bring his character sheet into a separate room and thcrc inform him that
strong magnetic forcer compromised his spell (or device). He is now rtand-
Now and again a current of dank, cold air can be felt moving downwards
and bearing a musty scent throughout the corridors of this dismal under- ing alone in a darkcorridor. Leave it ro him to deduce that he teleparted a
world. Unlike the caverns beneath the Hall of the Fire Giant Prince, there half mile in his intended direction. Perhaps he'll be able to rejoin his fellow
warrens are uniformly damp (nearly 100% humidity) and cold with a tem- party mcmben, perhaps not...
perature that never varies from 540 Fahrenheit (-12" Celsius). Thus, short of the use of a Wish. the party is committed to go and return
afoot. They may have to return to the surface after concluding this adventure.
Should the party ever remain still and listen, they may anempt a detect
or they may bc able to press on, for the treasures along the way are aimcd at
noise check. Those succccding will note many strange sounds-twitrerings,
supplying them with the force necessary to continue. In addition, certain m a -
Beginningthe Adventure DESCENT
mres haw been specifically placed so that they may
offer assistance or succor.
Travel along the system of subterranean passages
will be at a slow rate because of the slippery and often
slanting or terraced floors. Footing is treacherous in
places, and the tiers to clamber down are often nearly
three feet from top to bottom. If mules, donkeys or
oxen accompany the parry. these beasts will nor slow
movement, for they are sure-footed and negotiate the
wont places with relative ease. The same holds true
far dogs and pack apes. Horses and ponies (with the
exception of Orkin war ponies), however, will not
under any circumstances set foot in the NetherDeep.
The rubble and detritus, natural projections, protru-
sions, ledges, and stony spean are more common and
prwe a real hazard in the secondary and tertiary run-
nels. These lesser-uaveled ways offer more places for
lurking foes than do the primary aneries of the under-
For the purposes of overland movement, considcr
the terrain to be very rugged when using Table 12A:
Walking Movement (miles/day) on p. 161 of the
GMG. This rate of travel is attainable only if unnec-
essary delays arc avoidcd and mapmaking is sketchy.
Reduce movcmcnt by 1 mile for every hour of delay.
and assume that careful mapping will slow the parry
to 6 miles per day at most unless the mapper has the
cartography: hasry mapping skill.
Ceiling height in the priiary runnels ranges from
24feet to 50 feet, the average being about 35 feet. In
the secondary passages the maf overhead varies from
15 fcct to 40 feet above the floor. with 25 feet being
usual. In the narrow tertiary tunnels the ceiling is
from 8 feet to 25 feet high, with an average of 15 feet
or SO. Where enlargements occur, the roofwill be neat
maximum height. In large caws or caverns, the ceil-
ing height will be 10 feet to 20 feet above normal
maximum. In huge caverns, such as The Caves and
Warrens of the Troglodytes, ceiling height is 100 feet,
150 feet and as high as 200 feet in places. Before PCs
find this place (should they hold to the path).

This series of adventures is significantly different
from the ones preceding it. The players are presented
with challenges altogether different than rhose faced
in Annihilate the Giants. Whereas those adventures
often presented a slugathon in which brute force was
adequate to succeed, the players are unlikely to face
the same concentration of raw hitting power any-
where in the NerherDccp. The opponents they will
face are intended ro slowly drain away resources.
Armor is the most visible of these and your players
may guiddy desire to employ drow goods as replace-
men= for their own. You must firmly enforce the fol-
lowing rule: Drow armor, cloaks and boos may only
be worn by elves or half-elves. Humans, no matrer
how short and/or emaciated they may be, cannot fit
into draw armor - end of discussion (see armor sizing
problems on p. 267 of the GMG). Should the parry
decide to make use of drow armor and cloaks (or
bucklers and weapons), any drow subsequently
encountered will be immediately hostile. The parry
will be assumed (correctly) to have slain drow elves


and stolen their equipment and as

such are deserving of summary
In general, there i s l i t t l e oppar- (incapacitating diarrhea)
[miry to forage for food in the Where is the Disease Found? It is a common parasitic infection
NetherDmp. Most of i t s inhahi- >f the NetherDeep.
t a m s suhsirt an a fungal dier to How i s the Disease Contracted? Eatingo r drinking infectedfood
which surface dwellerr are unac- x water.
customed. Any food sampled will W h o may contract the Dlrease?Only aliens to the NetherDeep.
he almost unpalarahlc hut harm- Yatives are immune.
less. If characters insist on eating
this a a suhstitutc far rations or Stager of the Dlrease:
gathering mushrooms on their Stage I: Incubation= 6d4 hours.Symptomr:stornach paln.flatulence.
own, rhey will surely come down bloated feeling. Duration 2d6 hours. VIRULENCE = 4.
with "Zyandali Revenge". Stage 2: Symptoms: diarrhea, lower abdominal pain, flatulence. 4
One would hope that your Honor. - 1 Con. Duration Id3 days.VIRULENCE = 6.
players would have the foresight Stage 3: Symptoms: diarrhea, lower abdominal pain, flatulence. dehy-
to employ Continual Light spells
dration. stomach cramps, weakness. -2 Honor. -I Con. -2
as sources o f illumination during Strength. - 1 " Movement. Duration Id3 days. VIRULENCE = 7.
their extended journey into the Stage 4 None.
NerherDeep. If this is DOC the
case, note that magical weapons
only shed light in a 5 foot radius.
Dependence on this type of illu-
mination will slow movement by How in the name of Odin did the afflicted PC get down here in the
50%. Torches and lanterns will first place? If you've been soft on a PC with this quirk, stop immedi-
not slow movement but they will ately At a minimum.rhe player should make a save vs. paralpation once
quickly burn through fuel (last- per day in primary passages, once per I 2 hours in secondary ones and
ing hut 30 and I20 minutes once every two hours in the cramped tertiary passages. See p. 67 in the
respectively). Of course. any GMG for further derails.
drow encountered will do their
utmost to negate any Continual Simply plopping dawn in a corridor can be very dangerous. A random
Light spells. :nmunrer check should he made every 90 minutes [game time] while
There arc numerous opportu- camped. In addition, if the party is using any light source while camping, no
n i t i e s to encounter Trollr. monster will ever he surprised. Characters cannot sleep soundly in their
Although rhey should not praenr armor so make sure to consult p. 117 o f the PHB to determine the amount
an overwhelming challenge in of time required to don armor if the party is assaulted while encamped!
camhat, disposal of their remains
may hc problematic. Wood is a
rare commodity in the
NerherDeepso building a funeral
pyre is much mote dificult than Check once per mile traveled or every 90 minutes ifcamped. Encounrers
simply chopping down a few occur 1 in d10 in the Primary Trail and 1 in dlZ i n the Secondary and
doors and setting rhem on fire. Tertiary Trails.
(Giant mushrooms do nor hum -
a t bcsr they smolder.) Each and Primary & Secondary Trails Encounter Table
wery rroll musr rake fire, acid Roll Encounter
andlor lighting damage equal to
1.4 D m w Patrol (see below)
i t s full hit poinrs in order to he
5 Auxill;s y PatrolType! One
permanently slain. Anything
6 Auxiliiiry PatrolType!Two
short of this will, given time, _. r .
u v e spiders (2d6)

allow them ro regenerate. [Trolls
8 Dopers ( Id3)
will only heal damage from fire ar
9 Fire Beetles (2d 12)
a rate given on p. 105 of rhc 10 Ghastly Skirmisheirs
GMG not their normal 3 I1 Impalers, Crimson (5d4)
hplround.] For convenience,
12 Margoyles (2d4)
assume that three Full flash o f oil
13 Piercers (2d4)
are required per rrall incapacirat-
14 Pudding, Deadly (I)
ed rhrough normill hacking to hc
15 Rust Monsters (ld4)
adequately charred.
Slug.Giant (I)
Subterranean Lizards (Id6)
Consult Terrain X. SubterraneanlDungeonTable
As t h i s adventure will span sev- on p. 307 of the GMG
eral days. your players will have to
make camp along the route.
Random Encounters ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~

Dmw Patrol: These patrols operate in the primary and secondary passages Crit BSL: DefAC +3 (Dmw Long Sword +1) (DefAC +2 with Dmw Short
in an effort to safeguard lines of communication between the Drow home- Sword +1and DefAC +5 with hand crossbow). FF 6. Talents: ambidextrous.
land and their remote ourposts as well as ro keep rhe passages dear. Owing to sward bonus. Skills: armor maintenance. weapon maintenance. military: bat-
the manpower shortage caused by the Derm war. these patrols are staffed by de sense (56). military: small unit tactics (44). Praficiencies: weapon special-
expendable second tier rroops with only a lone &ow officer. ization (long sword)
Upon encountering PCr who do not attack, thc licutcnant will question Spells: First Level: Dancing Lights, Darkness, Detect Magic, Fa& Fire.
them a ro their reason for being in the NetherDeep. Urc the parley rules an Second Level: Know Alignment, Levitate.
p. 89 of the GMG (Table 8C). Be sure to adjust for the Charisma modifier
of the PC doing the talking. Also adjust for racial preferences (rable 2D, p. Orkin Lowland Poniu (3): (HF I , EP 120 ea, Int 1 (animal), AL M, AC
25, PHB) of the majority/plurality race of the parry. Use rhcse modifiers: 8. MV I5", H D 2+2, hp 31, SZ L, #AT 1, D 1-8,SA nil, SD poisaddisease
H=-5, A=-2. N=-I. T=O, G=+2,P=+5. Also,the PC doing the ralking must resistance, Lang: none, Hon: Average, ML I I , TOP 16, Crit BSL: Dcf AC
know at I e a t one of thc languages that the drow licutcnant is fluent in. If thc to, FF 8, Reference HOB 6 p 42). These sturdy beasts are laden down with
speaker is speaking drow or undercommon and it is not his native language, food, water and miscellaneous supplies for the troops. They will attack if
have him make a skill check. If he fails, he committed a faux pas and gets a approached.
-2 to the reacrion roll. If he rolls a 01, then give him a t2 bonus. If the PC
is speaking one of the dmw lieutenant's non-native languages, rhen have the
dmw commander make a language skill check. If he fails, then he either mis- Auxiliary Patrol Type One: This patrol has been dispatched to deal with
undcrstandv or makes a faux pas himself. Either way, it probably ain't good. a problem noted by a drow patrol bur deemed too dangerous to take on
Each 100 g p offered as an obvious bribe adds + I to the reaction roll. themselves. It is 75% likely that the patrol is losr having forgorren the
specifics of the task they were assigned. Regardless, they will fiercely attack
However, if the drow checkpoint or another patrol was assaulted (and any-
anyone they encounter.
one there lived to rell the tale) or if the parry is using any drow gear. they will
be vigorously arracked. The Quaggoths will charge while the darkmen-ar- Trogolodyea male, spiny-backed feral variants (ld8+8): (HF 4, EP 160
arms fire wildly into melee knowing that the Quaggoths are immune to their each, Int 9 (Average), AL CE, AC 3, MV 12", 9" Swim, H D 3, hp 34 each,
poisoned bolts. The Drowcaur will support the others with its spells while the SZ M (6' tall), #AT 3 or I , D ld4/ld4/ld4+3 or ld10+2/2d4+4/ld6+3
lieutenant attempts to direct the battle. (broad sword). SA surprise 6 in 10, weakening stench, SD chameleon dis-
guise. Lang: troglodyte, Hon: Average, ML 12, TOP 17, Cdt BSL: Def AC
+4, FF 5, Reference HOB 8 p 23)
Darkmen-at-arms (8):(HF 1. EP 109 each, Ftr 0, Dor 15/60, AL NE, AC
Trolls, Common (ld4): (HF 13, El' 1,400 each, Int 6 (Low), AL CE, AC
3 (chain mail, Dex), MV 9",hp 25, SZ M, #AT 2 or 1. D Id6-l/ld6/ld8
4, MV 12". H D 6t6, hp 54 each, SZ L (9' tall), #AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/5-12, SA
(short sword) and ld6+1/ld6/ld6-1 (Dmw Dagger +1) or ld6/ld8/2d4+1
nil, SD regenerate 3 hp/round, Lang: trollkin gibberish, drow, Hon: Average,
(It. Crossbow), SA +4 'to-hit' with crossbow (Dex, crossbow bonus). each has
ML 14, TOP 27, Crit BSL: DefAC r7, FF 1I , Reference HOB8 p 24)
20 quarrels laced with rype Drow-S poison, SD 30% resist Sleep or charm-
related effects, + I save against all magical effects, surprised only on a 1-2 on
d10, MR 20%. Lang: drow, dmw silent language. undercommon. Ha": Auxiliary Patrol Type Two: These bugbears have been sent on some
Average, ML 14, TOP 13 each, Crit BSL: DefAC -4 (short sword), DefAC minor errand by their dark elf masters. They will hurl their spears before dos-
-3 (Drow Dagger +l),Def AC (It. Crossbows) FF 5, Talents: crossbow ing to melee.
bonus, ambidextrous, Reference Annihilate the Giants p 95) Bugbear, G m m o n (5d4): (HF 2, El' 175 each, Int 7 (Law), AL CE. AC
1 (Drow Chain Mail + l .large shield), MV 9". H D 3+1, hp 35 each. SZ L
Qnaggoths, common (12): (HF 1, EP 175 each. Int 7 (Law). AL N. AC (7' tall). #AT I . D 3-12(two-handed word wielded in one hand ( k g e crea-
2 [O vs. missiles] (body shield), MV 12". H D 2+2.hp 32 each, SZ L (7+' tall). ture)) or 4-9 (Dmw Spew +l),SA surprise 5 in 10, natural +2 damage, SD
#AT 1, D 1-10 (two-handed sward wielded in one hand (Large creature)) , SA nil, Lang: bugbear, goblin, hobgoblin, drow, Hon: Average, ML 12, TOP 18,
berserk frenzy, SD immune to poison. h g : undcrcammon, Hon: Average, Crit BSL: Def AC + I , FF 6, Reference HOB 1 p 9 0
ML 15. TOP 16. Crit BSL: D d AC, FF 7, Reference HOB 6 p 102)
Caw Spiders: This group of spiders is out hunting for their Queen
Drowtaur magic-user: (HF 7, EP 975 each. MU 5, Int 18 (Genius), AL Krawlcr. She's been very bitchy lately so they are loath to comc home ernpry
CE, AC 6, MV 24", H D 4, hp 40, SZ L, #AT 1, D ld6+2/ld6+1/ld6 handed.
(Drnw Dagger +2),SA spells. SD 90% resist Sleep or charm-relatcd effects, Cave Spiders (Zd6): (HF 9, EP 370 ea, AC 6, MV 6/12",H D 4t4, HP
surprised only on a 1 on IdlO, +2 save against all magical effects, MR 30%, 42 ea, #AT 1, D Id8, SA: shoot webs, poison, Hon: Ave, TOP 21, Crit BSL:
Lang:drow, drow sign language, undercommon. Hon: Average. ML 13. TOP DefACt3, Reference: HOB 7 p 98)
20, Crir BSL Def AC, FF 7, Reference HOB 2 p 114)
Spells: First Level: Charm Pcrson, Color Spray, Dancing Lights, Dopers8 These stoners are out looking for Shimmer Moss. If the PCs
Darkncrr, Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Magic Missile (a). Second Level: 'remain cool', they will not attack.
Know Alignment, Levitate, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud. Third Level:
Dopers (ld3): (HF 22, EP 1400, Inr 15 (exceptional,AL CN, AC 0, MV
1",H D 6, HP 46 ea, #AT I , D ld10, SA: Intoxicating touch and brearh, SD:
camouflage, spell resistance, Hon: Avc, TOP 23, Crit BSL: Def AC+4,
Lieutenant (male drow 4th lwel fighter): (HF 10, El' 460, Fighter 4, Reference: Hacklopcdia Ficld Manual)
Str 10/64, Dex 18/74, Con 11/29, Int 13/17, w i s 12/35, Cha 12/15, Com
13/35, AL CE, AC -3 (Drow Chain Mail +2, Dmw Buckler +2. Dex), MV
Fire Beetle.: These unintelligent insects are simply flying around hoping
12",43, SZ M, #AT 5/2or2, D ld6+3/ld8+3/ld12+3IDrow Long Sword
not to get caught and gurred.
+ I . spccialized) and ld6/1d6+l/ld8+1 IDmw Short Sword +1) or Id&
l/ld6-3/ld64 (handcrossbow ROF 2, range 60yards, 10 boltswith Class S Fire Beetles, Giant (Zd6): (HF 0. El' 35 each, Int 0 (Non-), AL N, AC
Draw Poison), SA rpclla, SD 90% resist Sleep or charm-related effecrs, sur- 4, MV 12", H D 1 t2, HP 26 each, SZ S. #AT 1, D 2d4, SA Nil, SD Nil,
prised only on a 1 on ld10, +2 save against all magical effects, MR 54%, Lang: none, Hon: Average, ML 12, TOP 13 each. Crit BSL: Def AC -1, FF
Lang: drow (loo), drow silent language (1001, common l47), elven (551, n/a, Reference HOB 1 p 66)
undercommon (1001, bugbear (76). Hon: 30 (Average), ML 14, TOP 22,

Random Encounters
~~ ~

Ghastly Skirmishers: This pack of undead is nominally under control of Rust Monsters: These baneful vermin are snifing the passage walls look-
Zyandal's clergy. No one has kept a close eye on them, however, so they're ing for a vein of metal. Should they get a wiff of the beautifid aroma of face-
simply wandering around the NerherDeep causing trouble until someone of hardened plate armor, they will scurry to it as they are quite hungry.
authority has the time to figure out what to do with them. Rest Monsters (ld4): (HF 8. EP 270 ea, Int I (animal), AL N. AC 2,
Ghouls (ld8+8): (HF 4, EP 175 each. Int 5 (Low). AL CE, AC 6. MV 9", MV Is",H D 5, hp 42 ca, SZ M, #AT 2, D rusting. Hon: Average. ML 11,
H D 2. hp 29 ra, SZ M (5-6' td).#AT 3, D ld4-1/ld4-l/l4.SA paralyz- TOP 21,Crit BSL: DefAC "/a, FF 5, Reference HOB 7 p 21)
tion, SD immune to cold, poison. disease, Sleep and Charm spells, Han: Avg.,
ML 20,TOP n/a. Crit BSL: DefAC +0, FF "/a. Reference HOB3 p 51) Giant Slug: This crcature is meandering down the tunnel looking for a
Ghascs (ld4+1): (HF 8,EP 650 each, Int 11 (Very), AL CE, AC 4, MV noy neat a f m having been rousred from its old one by i pack of tmlls.
15", H D 4, hp 38 ea, SZ M (5-6' rall), #AT 3, D 1-4/1-4/1-8, SA paralyza- Slug, Giant (1): (HF 45,El' 5,000, In[ 0 (Non-), AL N, AC 8,MV 6".
tion, SD carrion stench, immune to cold, poison, disease, Sleep and Charm H D 12,hp 80,SZ G (33' long), #AT 1, D 1-12, SA acid spit, SD immune
spells, Hon: Average, ML 20, TOP n/a, Crit BSL Def AC t2, FF n/a, to crushing weapons, Lang: none, Hon: Average, ML 12, TOP 40, Crir RSL
Reference HOB 3 p 49) Def AC t10, FF 5, Reference HOB 7 p 83)

Crimson Impden. These little bastards are lying in wait behind some sta- Subterranean Liznrdr: There creatures exaped their draw captors while
lagmites. They will only attack a pirty that they outnumber. being trained as pack lirards. They will bite anything that even remotely
Impalcrs, Crimson (5d4): (HF I, EP 15 ca, Int 7 (Law), AL LE, AC 5, resembles an el[
MV 9". H D 1, hp 25 ea, SZ S,#AT 1, D 1-6, SA impaling. SD tight u n d L i d , Subterranean (ld6): (HF 7, EP 420 a,AC 5, MV 12",HD 6.
-10 hp, Hon: Average, ML 9, TOP "/a, Crit BSL: Def AC -2, FF n/r, HI' 47 ea, #AT I, D 2d6, Han: Avc, TOP 24, Crit RSL: Def ACt4.
Reference MOB 4 p 27) Reference: HOB4 p 8X)

Margoylu: This gang of rnargoyles is pissed and looking far a fight after Tertiary Trail Encounter Table
having lost their jabs when the Bailiff of the Black Tower (see Vault of the
Roll Encounter
Draw) redecorated.
I4 Derro Search & Destroy Pacml (see below)
Margoylu (Zd4): (HF 1I , EP 420 each. Int 6 (Low), AL CE, AC 2, MV s Anu (d20+10 workers, d4+4 warriors)
6". 12" Fly (C), H D 6, hp 50 ea, SZ M (6' tall). #AT 4, D 1-6/1-6/2-8/2-X, 6 Bulecce, Hammerhead (1-2)
SA nil, SD + I or better to hit, Lang: margoylc, (halting) gargoyle. (passable) 7 Gougers. Cave (2d6)
drow, Hon: Average, ML 14, TOP 25, Crit RSL: Def AC +4, FF n/a, 8 Cerebral Mauler ( I d3)
Reference HOB 4 p 119) 9 Dungeon Anemones (ld6)
10 Fire Bt!etles (2d 12)
Pierces: This group of piercers is emaciated and hungry. They will eager- II Imp,lers.Purple (ld4+1)
ly drop on any unsuspecting (and even suspecting) target. I2 Imp;ileirs, Rainbow ( I )
Piexcers (Zd4): (HF 3, EP 65, Int 1 (Animal), AL N, AC 3, MV I " , H D 13 Kruellers ( I d3)
3, hp 26 ea. SZ M, #AT I , D 3-18, SA 90% surprise, SD nil, Lng: none, 14 Mea-Zels (2d4)
Hon: Average, ML 14, TOP "/a, Crit BSL: Dcf AC + I , FF " / a , Reference 15 Moss. Shimmer
.. .. .. . ...
HoR 6 p 70) 16 Mute-Schreecher ( I )
17 Trucelent Terrifier ( I )
18 Hook HorrordUarvaxi (Id8 each)
Dcadly Pudding: This loathsome creature is rolling around looking far In ".... , , > A . I\
17 h"rll ,'U*T',
its next meal. If it smells mctal within IOO', it will attack.
20 Consult Terrain X. SubterraneanIDungeon Table
Pudding, Deadly (1): (HF 24, EP 5000 each, Int 0 (man). AL N, AC 3, on p. 307 of the GMG
MV 18". HD 8, hp 54 ea, SZ M (5' around), #AT 2. D nil, SA destroy metal.
poison gas, Hon: Average, ML 19, TOP "/a, Crir BSL: Dcf "/a, FF "/a,
Reference HOB6 p 99) Derro Search & Destroy Patrol: A Demo warparty is encountered on
their way to hitting a drow objective. Though not disposed to react favorably
Random Encounters ~- DESCENT

to a group of surface dwellers, expending their manpower on random targets Ants: These insects are busily gathering fungi, They will not attack unless
is not part of their mission plan. If the party refrains fmm immediately disturbed but unfortunately they are blocking the passageway
attacking and stares that they are in the NerhcrDcep expressly to kill draw, Giant Worker Ants (IdZOclO): (HF 1, EP 35, Int 1, AL N, AC 3, MV
the Derro may be convinced that the P G are merely a nuisance and allow 1 8 , H D 2, HP 29 each, SZ S, #AT I , D Id6, SA pincers continue to inflict
them to go about their business. However, if the P G arc clad in dmw armor Id3 damage/round afrcra hit, SD Nil, Hon: n/a, ML 14,TOP n/a, Crit BSL:
or using other drow equipment, they will auume the P O are allied with the Def ACtO, FF "/a. Referencc HOB 1 p 19.)
dark elves and thus a viable target. Giant Warrior Ants (ld4t4): (HF 3, EP 120, Int I , AL N,AC 3, MV
Four of the Duergar will be scouting ahead of the main body If rhey 18", H D 2, HP 29 each, SZ S, #AT 2, D IdG/ld3 (pincerdrting), SA pin-
encounter strangers. they will shout back to their fellows and then become cers continue to inflict l d 3 damage/round after a hit, Poison, SD Nil, Hon:
invisible. They will attempt to reach the rear or flanks of the parry by climb- "/a, ML 14, TOP n/a, Crir BSL DefACtO, FF "/a, Refercncc HOB I p 19.)
ing walls. The Derro warriors will act as a shield for the crossbowmen and
savant allowing the latter to fire their crossbows and spells. The Derro will
Bulene, Hammerhead: This predator is lying in wait beneath the tunnel.
fight to the death rather than surrender.
Should it sense vibrations above, it will emerge fmm the floor and attack.
Having subsisted a n a diet of trolls (from which it developed acid rctlux dir-
DerroW-on (8): (HF 1, EP 255, Do: 15. Int 13 (very), AL CE, AC ease). it would like nothing better than a nice morsel of halfling or failing that
6 (Icathcr + Dex), MV 9", H D 3, hp 38, 37, 34 (x3), 29 (xZ),24, SZ S. #AT gnomeling.
I . D ld4/ld4/ld4 (Derm Hook-Fauchard), SA opponent may be pulled off- Bulene, Hammerhead (IdZ): (HF 22, EP 4000 ea. Int 1 (animal), AL
balance. SD: +3 to saves YS. wands, staves, rods & spells, Lang derro, Hon: N, AC -2/4/6, MV 1 2",3", H D 9, hp 80 ea, SZ L. #AT 3, D 4d12/3d6/3d6,
Avc, ML 12, TOP 19 (xZ), 17 (Xj), 15 (xZ), 12, Crit BSL: DefAC t i , FF 5, SA ramming, SD only surprised 2 in 10, Hon: Average, ML 20. TOP 40,
Talent: Blind Fighting, Reference HOB 2 p 118) Crit BSL: Def AC t 7 , FF 7. Rcference HOB 1 p 97)

Derm Crossbowmen (8): (HF 1, EP295, Dex 15, Int 13 (very), AL CE, Cave Gougers: These creatures have just moved into the spot in which
AC 6 (leather + Dex), MV 9". H D 3, hp 38, 37,34 (x3), 29 (x2), 24, SZ S, they are encountered. A &ow elven patrol musted them from their old hang-
#AT 2 or 1, D ld6/1d3/ld6-3 t Derro type P poison (Derro Semi- out (and killed half their number) so they will be reluctant to attack a party
Automatic cmssbow) or ld6/1d6-l/ld6-2 (secari - treat as dagger), S A poi- that is clad in drow armor.
son,SD: +3 to saves YS. wands, staves, mds & spells, Lang: derro, Hon: Ave,
Gougers, Cave (Zd6): (HF 2, El' 150 ea, Inr 6 (Low), AL CN, AC 7. MV
ML 12, TOP 19 (d), 17 (Xj), 15 (xZ), 12, Crit BSL: DefAC t3 (crossbow)
7", H D 2, hp 29 ea, SZ M, #AT 2, D I-6/1-6, SA gouge fmm above, SD
or + I (secari), FF 5, Talent: Blind Fighting, Reference HOB2 p 118)
never surprised, Lang: gouger, Hon: Average, ML 12,TOP 15, Crit BSL: Def
AC +n. FF 3. Reference HOB 3 99)
Ducrgv k o u k (6): (HF 0, EP 120. FtdTh 1/1, Dex 16/60, Int 9 (ave),
AL NE, AC 5 (leather + Dex). M V 6". hp 28, 26, 25, 24, 22, 21, SZ S, #AT
Cerebral Maulera: The Cerebral Maulen are floating safely hidden up in
1. D ld6-l/ld6/ld8 + Derro typeT poison (short sword), SA poison, spells,
stalactites sensing the brain waves of prep They will wait in hiding behind a
-2 to enemy's surprise roll SD: surprised only 1 in 10, t 4 to saves vs. magic,
low hanging stalactite where passers by are within range (10 feet and remem-
immune to paralysis, illusions & poison, Lang: derro, Hon: Ave. ML 13,
ber that a human's head rider at least 5 feet above the gmund) of their para-
TOP 14, 13 (xZ), 12 ( ~ 2 ) .11 (d), Crir BSL: Def AC -3, FF 8, Reference Iyzation pulse. An inrclligent (Inr 14+) straggler from the main party will
HoB2p119) have his brain eaten forthwith. A not-so-bright straggler will be controlled
Spells: Enlarge (or Reduce), Invisibility instead and used to launch an assault a n the party
ThievingAbilities: PP 15%, OL 25%, FT 25%, RT 30%, MS 20%, HS Cerebral Maulers (ld3): (HF 12, El' 975 ea, Int 14 (High), AL CE, AC
inv0. cw 90% 5, MV 6 Fly (D), H D 3t3, hp 38 ea, SZ M, #AT Z+special, D 1-8/1-8 + s p ~
cial. SA spinal bore mntrol, paralption pulses, psionia, SD psionics, Hon:
Demo Sergennts (5): (HF 2, El' 260, Dex 15, Int 13 (very), AL CE, AC Average. ML 16, TOP 19, Crit BSL: DefAC +2, FF 9, Reference HOB2 p 19)
4 (scale mail + Dex), MV 6",H D 4, hp 42,35,34,28, 26, SZ S, #AT I , D
ld4/ld4/ld4 (Derro Hook-Fauchard), SA opponent may be pulled off-bal- Dungeon Anemones: These creatures are lurking on the ceiling - not out
ance, SD: t 3 to saves ys. wands, staves, rods &spells, Lang: derm, Han: Ave. of cunning but rather an attempt to avoid being punctured and devoured by
ML 12, TOP 21, 18, 17, 14, 13, Crit BSL: DefAC t2, FF 6, Talent: Blind piercers. They will descend to attack if they sense body heat.
Fighting. Reference HOB2 p 118)
Dungeon Anemones (ld6): (HF 5, EP 650 ca, Int 4 (Semi-),AL N, AC
8,MV 3" Fly (D), H D 6, hp 53 ea, SZ M, #AT 8. D 1-4 x8, SA paralyzing
Demo Commander (1): (HF 7, EP 975, Dex 15, Int 13 (very), AL CE, poison, digestion, SD nil, Hon: Average, ML 12,TOP "/a, Crit BSL: DefAC
AC 1 (platemail+Dex),MV6,HD7,hp60,SZS,#ATl,D ld4/ld4/ld4 t4, FF 4, Reference HOB 2 p 116)
(Demo Hook-Fauchard), SA opponent may be pulled off-balance, SD: +4 to
saves vs. wands, staves, rods &spells, Lang: derro, Hon: Ave, ML 12, 30, Crit Fire Beetles: These unintelligent insects are simply flying around hoping
BSL: DefAC t5, FF 6, Talent: Blind Fighting, Reference HOB 2 p 118) not to get caught in some spiderwebs.
Fire Bedes, Giant: (HF 0, EP 35 each, Int 0 won-), AL N,AC 4, MV
Derro Student Savant (1): (HF 6, EP 527, Dex 15, Int 17 (Genius), AL 12", H D I t2, HP 26 each. SZ S. #AT 1, D 2d4, SA Nil, SD Nil, Lang:
CE. AC 8 (Dex), M v 9", H D 5, hp 42, SZ S, #AT I, D ld6/ld6-l/ld6-2 none, Hon: Average, ML 12, TOP 13 each, Crit BSL: DefAC - I , FF nla.
(secari - treat as dagger), SA spells, Lang: derro, Hon: Ave, ML 12, TOP 21, Rcfcrcncc HOB 1 p 66) ~

Crit BSL: DefAC t3, FF 6, Talent: Blind Casting, Reference HOB 2 p 1 IR)
Spells: Comprehend Languages (at will), Read Magic (at will), Lightning Impaler, Purple: These brazen warriors will simply attack anything they
Bolt. Wall of Fog encounter.
Notable Items: Potion of Invisibilirv Impaler, Purple (ld4+l)r (HF 4, EP 85 ea, Int 4 (Semi-), AL NE. AC
4, MV 12",H D 4, hp 42 ea, SZ L, #AT 1, D 1-12, SA impaling, SD nil.
Hon: Average, ML 12, TOP n/a, Crit BSL Def AC +2, FF "/a, Reference
HOB 4 p 27)

~ ~~
E n c o u n t a r Area I: Checkpoint
~ ~ _ _ _

Reference HOB 8 p 34) It wears a Ring of Human Influence which it will

I m p d u , Rninbow: This creature has set out bair consisting of a pile of use ro maximum effect in persuading PCs to do its bidding.
IOd10+100 silver pieces. I r will leap upon anyone sopping 10 investigate the
coinage. Hook HorrodU-: A pack ofHook Horrors is out hunringwirh their
Impaler,lbinhow(I): (HF7,EP205.Int 14(High),ALCE,AC6,MV per Uarvaxi. Upon encountering the players, rhe will begin clicking rhcir hook
I", H D 8, h p 65, SZ H. #AT I , D 3-24. SA impaling, SD nil, Hon: Average, rogerhcr while screeching. "War-E-oms...come out and play-Bay!"
ML 14,TOP "/a. Crir BSL: Def AC t 6 , FF n/a, Reference HOB 4 p 27) Hook Horrors (ld8): (HF 3, EP 120. Inr 5 , AL N, AC 3, MV 9",H D
5, HP 50 ea, SZ L, #AT 2, D I-X/I-B, SA: Nil SD: Nil, ML 15, TOP 25 ca.
Krucllers: These terrors have been confined 10 rhe rerriary passages since Crir BSL Def AC + 3; FF 5, Reference HOB 4 p 13)
any rime one is sported the dmw make a concerted efforr ro destroy it. A Uivrv (Ida): (HF 4, EP 3,000 ea, Inr 6 (Low), AL N, AC 6, MV 18".
bounty of 200 platinum pieces exists for each of these creatures which will bc H D 5+5. hp 57, SZ L, #AT 3, D 2-8/2-8/1-12, SA rear claw rake 2-812-8,
paid upon presentation of the corpse ro the Bailiff of rhe Black Tower (see SD nil, Lag: common (27), undercommon, Ha": Average, ML 11, TOP 29,
Vault of rhe Drow). Becaure these things move so slowly, they are hiding in a Crit BSL: DcfAC +4. FF 10, Reference HOB 8 p 39)
pit or crevasse that lies near a tertiary passage that dead ends shorrly, but out
of sighr. Although its appetite is insariable, it is still smarr enough ro nor eat Xom: These crearure~will materialize fmm the walls and demand as
the small cave critrers thar nesr at the dead-end of this terriary passage. In much metal as they feel they can pressure the party into giving them.
facr, it is the noise from rhcse cave critters that may anram larger crearures Xom (ld4+1): (HF 37, EP 4,000 each, Int 9 (ave), AL N, AC -2, MV
down rhe dead-end passagc. Thcse larger creatures are much more of a meal
9, 9" burrow, H D 7t7, hp 55, SZ M, #AT 4, D ld4/ld4/Jd4/6d4, SD
for the knieller. If combat go- poorly for ir, the beast will skeedaddle back
immune to cold & fire, half damage from clccrricity, Hon: Average, ML 16,
down inro a crevasse leaving its normal slick trail. TOP 28, Crir BSL: Def AC +6, FF 12, Reference HOB 8 p 108)
Kruellers (ld3): (HF 12, EP 975, Int 6 (low), AL CE. AC 5, MV 3".
H D 8, hp 75 each, SZ L, #AT 1, D 4d6, SA may dcarroy weapons. jet of
methane flame, S D partial immunity ro crushing weapons, Hon: Ave, ML Encounter Area I: Checkpoint C h a r l i e
16, TOP 38, Crir BSL DefAC+6, FF 6. Reference HOB 4 p 67)
After traveling several miles through the dark lava tubes, you
Ma-&Is: These creatures will nor attack a well-armed and alcrr party. note a dim yellow glow up ahead. As you trudge ever forward.
Rather, [hey will stalk it (for miles if need be) and wait for rhe PCs to make you see that the tunnel opens up into a large oblong cave.The
camp. One of rheir number will artack each guard while rhe balance anempt cave is overgrown with large fungal growths that seem to
ro sneak in and stran& sleeping vicrims. emanate an unnatural yellow light, Though no brighter than
Ma-fils (ld4): (HF 7, EP 120, lnr 7 (Low). AL CE. AC 8. MV 12", torchlight there is sufficient illumination for you to clearly see
a five-foot high wall constructed from sandbags running
H D 4, hp 38 each, SZ M, #AT 2 or I , D 1-4/14 or strangulation. SA 4rh
level thiefabiliries (srandard: movc silently 95%, hide in shadows 90%). SD perpendicular t o the chamber. In the center of the wall is a six
nil, Lang: ma-zel, undercommon. Hon: Average. ML 12,TOP 19, Cric BSL foot wide opening in which stand four shaggy humanoids.
Def AC t2, FF 4, Reference HOB 4 p 126)

Refer 10 Map 1 on the following pagc, This is one of many drow check-
Moss, Shimme.: This moss is just waiting for people to saunter by and
poinrs controlling access ro this region of the NetherDeep. With rhe collapse
srare at ir endlessly until rhcy die. This moss would grow out of conrrol if it
of Eclavdra's expansionist plans and the srirt of a Uniting War by the Dcrro,
were nor for rhe facr rhat Dopers find it irresistible and greedily scrape up
the usually lax securiiy has been tighrcned and defenses augmenred. Ar pres-
every last OUKC whcnevcr they encounter a patch.
enr there is a squad of nine soldiers along with four Quaggorh flunkies char
Moss, Shimmu: (HF 1, EP 7, Int 0 (Nan-), AL N, AC 9, MV nil. H D ate manning the defenses.
I , hp 2 5 , SZ S. #AT nil. D nil. SA fascination, SD nil, Lang: none, ML 20,
The sandbags arc pilcd about four feet dccp and will stop any missile small-
TOP "/a, Crit BSL: Def AC 4 ,FF n/a, Reference HOB 5 p 48)
er than a ballisria spear. The darkmen have created ad-hoc barrlemcnts along
rhe barrier that provide them with 75% cover [+7ro AC] while firing rheir
Mute-Scmcher: This birrer outcast from drow society is wandering the crossbows.
NctherDeep looking far victims upon which 10 vent its fury. Ir has one ran-
domly derermined cursed item rhar ir will bargain with for irs life ifcarnered.
Dukmen-at-ums (8): (HF I , EP 109 each,,Ftr 0, Dex 15/60, AL NE.
Mute-Screechen (HF 6, EP 270,Int 16 (kc), AL NE. AC 8, MV 15", A C 3 (chain mail, Dex), MV9", hp 25, SZM.#AT2 or 1, D Id6-l/ld6/ldR
H D 5, hp 50, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1-8.SA psionics. SD nil, Lang: mure-screech- (short sword) and ld6+1/ld6/ld6-1 ( D m Dagger +I) or ld6/ldR/2d4+l
er, Hon: Average, ML 11, TOP 25. Crit BSL: Def AC +3, FF 4, Reference (Ir. Crossbow), SA +4 to-hit' with crossbow (Dex, crossbow bonus). each h a
HOB 5 p 57) 20 quarrels l a c 4 with 'ype Draw-S poison, SD 30% resisr Slccp or charm-
related effects, + I save against all magical effecrs,surprised only on a 1-2 on
Truculent T e a s e r : This lich-like crea~rewillattempt to parley with any d10, MR 20%, Lang: drow, drow silent language, undercommon. Hon:
party it encounrers. It claims to haw a HackMarrer +8 named Doamraker Average, ML 14, TOP I2 each, Crir BSL: Def AC -4 (short sword), Def AC
that can be rheirs for free if only rhcy agree to serve him. It even mentions -3 (Drow Dagger +l), Def AC (It. crossbows) FF 4, Talents: crorhow
that the dearh rune is still in place. Should the parry agree, ir will demand in bonus, ambidextrous, Reference Annihilate the Gianrs p 95)
rerurn the sacrifice (and corpse) of a valued protege or sidekick.
lfcncountcted a second time, it will be rhe same Terrifier. He will arrempr Qunggaths(4T: (HF l,EP175each.Int7(Low).ALN.AC2[Ovs.mis-
his sales pitch bur stop abruptly and say, "Oh, it's you guys again." before van- siles] (body shield), MV 12", H D 2+2, hp 32 each, SZ L (7,' tall), #AT I , D
ishing. 1-10 (two-handed .word wielded in one hand (Large creature)) , SA berserk
Truculent Tcrrificr (1): (HF 4, EP 3,000, Inr 14 (High), AL CE, AC 2, frenry, SD immune ro poison, Lang: undercommon, Hon: Average, ML 15.
M V 9 , HD 12, hp R3, SZ M, #AT I . D Fear or Fireball. SA Fear, Fireball, TOP 16, Crir BSL: DefAC, FF 7, Reference HOB6 p 102)
SD go ethereal, rcflcct Blindness attacks. undead immuniries, Lang: com-
mon, elven, Hon: Average. ML 15, TOP n/a, Crir BSL: DefAC t10, FF n/a,

~~ Encounter Area I: Checkpoint Charlle DESCENT
~ ~~~

Dmw Lieutenant (male): (HF 4, EP 302, Frr 3, Srr 12/09, Da: 17/13, 14, TOP 19, Crir BSL: Dcf AC (Dcf AC +2 with sword), FF 5, Talents:
AL CE, AC -1 (Dmw Chain Mail +1, Drow Bnddcr +1, D u ) , MV I2”, ambidextrous, sword bonus, spell abilities, Skills: armor maintenance.
hp 38. SZ M, #AT 5/2, D ld6+3/ld6t4/ld8+4 (Drow Short Sword +1) wcapon maintenance, military: b a d e sense (6l), military: small unir tactics
and ldG+2/1dG+l/ld6 (Dmw Dagger +l),SA sword bonus, short sword (57), short sward spccialization)
specialization (+1/+2 3/2 attacks), spells, SD 90% resisr Sleep or charm-relar- Spells: First M:Dancing Lights, Darkness, Derecr Magic, Faerie Fire.
ed effects, surprised only on a 1 on ld10, t2 save against all magical effects, Second Lml: Know Alignment, Levitate.
MR 54%. Lmg: drow, drow silenr language, undercommon, Hon: Avc, ML

The Minefield
The large parch of giant fungi has been seeded with a number of
Mushbooms (see appendix for srarisrics on this new monster). These deadly
fungi are indisringuishable from the benign varieries growing up alongside
them (rheir positions are indicated on rhe map.) A number of wry narmw oycr-
grown paths wind rheir way dimugh the mushroom patch. Only by keeping to
this path and moving very slowly can anyone be assured of safely rraversing the
minefield. Moving ar a normal rate has an 80% chance of brushing up againsr
one of the crplasive ‘shraams while running or leaving rhe parh will auromati-
cally detonate the nearesr Mushboom. The ‘shrooms are placed far enough
apan so as nor to start a chain reaction. Naturally the Darkmen-at-arms will
maintain a steady fire on anyone attempting ro reach heir position!
The cave itself is about 65 feet in hcighr. Hawevcr, the top 30 feet of the
cave is enmeshed in Larantula webbing. Thcsc wchs are 90% likely nor to be
seen unless pawcrful lighting (cg. Continual Light) is employed. Should a
PC opt to fly over the minefield. he certain to ask him at what elwarion he’s
choosing to fly.

LvMtula (1): (HF 7, EP 400, Inr 12, AL NE, AC 4, MV 12”, H D 4,

HP35, SZ M, #AT I , D 1-4, SA poison SD: Nil, ML 5, TOP 17, Crit BSL:
DefAC t 2: FF 7, Reference HOB 4 p 74)

In addirion to rhe minefield, a pair of Shriekcrs grow at the mouth of the

cavern (indicated by a cirded S.The illuminarion in the cave is due to a num-
ber of Glow Worms char live in the parch.

Off-duty Contingent
The posr commander, Blondril, is a senior member of rhc House of
Despana - though nor senior enough ro avoid getting posted to this remote
location. Blondril is charged wirh securing this entrance to the NetherDeep
and reporting any significant event that transpires. Shc is, however, rather
upser ar being assigned this miserable job [hence the need to assign a politi-
cal minder to the posr] so if for any reason the drow are seriously threatened,
she will attempt to save herself by using her drow cloak to slip away without
being noticed and rhen cast Run ro aid her in making a break for it. Hidden
on her person is a small brooch of a blue-black mace, inscribed (in draw) with
the word Despana.

Blondril: (HF 11, EP 4516, M U 9,Srr 7/04, Dex 19/22, Con 12/29, Int
18/17,Wis 15/45,Cha 13/15,Com 17/35.ALCE,AC-3 (PhantomArmor,
Dsr, Acrobaric Skill Suite), MV IT, hp 51, SZ M, #AT 2, D
ld6+l/ld6/ld6-1 (Drow Daggers +3),SA spells, SD 90% rerisr Sleep or
charm-relared effects, surprised only on a 1 on ld10, +2 save against all m a g
ical effects. MR 68%, Lmg: drow, drow silent language, common, elven,
undercommon, Hon: 50 (Average), ML 5 , TOP 26, Crit BSL Def AC +2.
FF 5, Quirks/Flaws: wuss-of-heart, Talents: acrobatic skill suite, ambidn-
trous, eagle eye, fasr cast, spell abiliries
Items of Note: (2) Drow Daggers +3, 3 travelling spell books containing
all non-innate spells listed.bclow, Dmw Cloak & Boots, Despana brooch.
platinum ring ser with diamonds (1 1,000 gp), platinum necklace (3,124 gp)
Travelling Spell Book ill: Subrerranean lizardskin cover, parchment p a p ,
10x9~1,0.6 Ib. (1.2 Ib. encumbrance), 40 pp., p. 1-2, Cnmprehend
Languages. Magic Missile, Phanrom Armor, Run, Shift Blame.
Travelling Spell Book #2: Subterranean lbd.&in cover, parchment pages,
10x9~1,0.6 Ib. (1.2 Ih. encumbrance), 28 pp., C o n r i n d Darkness, Dispel

INTO THE NETHERDEEP EncounterArea 2: lllithid Watchers
Magic, Polymorph to Primate. Detect Invisibility, Heat Seeking Fist of only cleric here they continuously hassle him much to the delight of Blondril.
Thunder, White Hot Metal. He hasn't yet gotten the joke char's been played upon him).
Travelling Spell Book #3: Subterranean lizardskin cover, parchment pages, Area A: This is a low cinder block building built into the cave wall. It con-
12x7~1,1.5 Ib. (4.5 Ib. encumbrance), 40 pp.. Ice Storm, Solid Fog, tains sleeping silks far all afthe saldicrs, several small boxes ofpravisianr, and
Torrential Fireball. individual kits with eating utensils cups, ctc. In onc pmvision box arc two
Note She has c a t Stoneskin on hersclfwhich will protect her fmm seven black metal medallions (ofadamantitc alloy) bearing a likeness a f a spider on
attacks one side and a hmale drow on the other. Each is suspended by a fine loop of
black chain. Hidden at the botrom of another provision box is a bone tube
Spells: FUSI Lml: Comprehend Languages, Dancing Lights, Darkncrr,
belonging to Jacque. It contains a scroll of seven cleric. spells: Find Traps,
Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Magic Missile (x2), Phantom Armor (already cast),
Run, Shift Blame. Second Lml: Detect Invisibiliry, Heat Seeking Fist of Neutralize Poison (xZ), Tongues, Heal Nasty Wounds, Cure-All. Stone Tell
Thunder, Know Alignment, k i t a t e , White Hot Metal. Third Lml: (all spell cffccts as an 1 Ith lwel czmr).
Continual Darkness, Dispel Magic, Polymorph to Primate. Fourth Lml: Area B: This is a caged area was designed to derain prisoners until a patrol
Ice Storm, Solid Fog. Fifth Lewl: Torrential Fireball from the drow homeland can escort them back to the indoctrination camps.
However, it is usually used to derain unruly Pack Apes. Blondril has the kcy.
Upon learning of her new assignment, Blondril insisted on bringing along Area C: This is a 20-foot deep pit which spans thc length of the tunnel.
her personal bodyguard. These soldiers are about as loyal as a drow can be. A pair of 15-foot-~ongboards lies n m to the cage.
They will do all in their power to protect her lest she narc on them to her fel- Encounter Area 2: lllithid Watchers
low Despana executives. The Despana house is noted for its capricious but If the PCs appmach this area see the desciption below to leain the combt
severe disciplinary measures. tactics of the inhabitants. If the P G somehow manage to approach the area
without being spotted read the fallowing boxed text.
Dmw fighters (female) (8): (HF 5, El' 247 ea, Ftr 2, Da: 16/86, Int
12/51,ALCE,AC-3 (DrowChainMail+2,DmwBuddcr+2,Dcx), MV You approach an area of the tunnel that has several side
IT,hp 36 ea, SZ M,#AT 3/2 or 2, D Id6+2/ld6+3/ldX+2 (Dmw Short passages branching off on either side. While this in itself is not
Sword +1) or ldG-l/ld6-3/ld6-4 (hand crossbow ROF 2, range 60 yards, unusual (you've seen small passages like this before) this one
each has 10 bolts with type Drow-S poison), SA spells, SD 90% resist Sleep does have a pair of dog-like humanoids who appear t o be
or charm-related effects, surprised only on a 1 on ld10, t 2 save against all standing guard.
magical effects, MR 54%, Lang: drow, drow silent language, common, elven,
gnome. undercommon, bugbear, Hon: 20 (Average), ML 14, TOP 18, 17,
16. 15, Crit BSL: Def AC t 2 , FF 4, Talents: ambidextrous, sword bonus, This area is an obervation past of the Illirhids, one of which the drow are
Skills: short sword rpecializarion well aware but do not care to deal with at this rime due to the much larger
Spcllsr First Lml: Dancing Lights, Darkness. Faerie Fire. problem they are currently having with the derro. And besides, the Illirhids
do not bother drow patrols. As is usual throughout the NerherDecp, phar-
Jacqucwas sent a Blondril's '"assistant" in order to ensure that she carried phorescenr graffiti is painted on these passages and caves that maker it possi-
out hcr orders. He is a representative of Zyandal and as such has no noble ble for normal vision to function at up to 10 feet.
matriarch to rcport to. He's aware that failure will not be tolerated by his mis- Twclvc Jackalwercs are in the employ of the two Mind Flayer observers sra-
tress and so will fight to the death rather than face far worse consequences at riancd here. Four of them are in the tunnel proper (two to the north the cave
the hands of the Beautiful Qucm Death Mother. The rest of the draw and area and two to the south). about 60 feet from the center. These watchers are
darkmcn stationed here despise him and will not come to his aid. In fact, they in hybrid form, and will scamper back to give warning if any creatures
may turn on him if the situation gets desperate.

J q u e (HF 19, EP 1252, CI 6, Str 12/03, Dex 17/95, Con 14/09, Int
+3, D i m Budder +3, Der). M V 12". hp 69, SZ M, #AT 1, D
ld8+3/ld6+4/ld6+3 (Dmw Footman's Mace +2). SA spells, SD 90% resist
Slcep or charm-related effects, surprised only on a 1 on Id1 0, +2 save against
all magical effects, MR 62%, Lang: dmw, draw silent language, common.
elven, undercamman, Hon: 55 (Average). ML 20, TOP 34. Crit BSL: Def
AC t2, FF 7. Quirks/FIaws: jerk, lisp. Talents: ambidmmus. cold resistance,
grace under pressure, spell abilities
Items of Note Dmn Chainmail +3, Dmw Budder t3, Dmw
Footman's Mace +2, Drow Cloak & Boots,Zyandal brooch
Spells: First Lml: Command, Cure Light Wounds (x3), Dancing Lights,
Darkness, Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Invisibility to Undad, Purify Fond &
Drink, Remove Far. Second Lml: Aid, Dust Dwil, Know Alignment.
h i t a r c , Rigor Morris ( ~ 2 )Silcncc
. 15' Radius. Third Lml: Continual
Darkness, Cure Nasty Wounds. Clairvoyance. Dispel Magic, Suggestion,
White Hat Metal. Fourth Lml: Dctect Lie.

Hidden in Jacquc's pocket is a golden spider pin inscribed (in dmw)

Zyandal. Beautiful Queen Death Mother.
Each darkman has but 2d10 copper pieces while the dark clvcr have Id10
pp per level of experience. The Q u a o r h s have no money (they believe
Blondril's lie that their lack of pay has been a clerical error. Since Jacquc is the
Encounter Area 2: Illithid Watchers lNTo THE NETHERDEEP
DESCENT ~ ~~~~

approach, All wield Dmw Short Swords +l.Thcir eight comrades guard two
lllithids (four assigned to each).
Squiggy is near the cave pool with a bound derro captive. He is question-
ing the dark dwarfabout the uniting war and attempting to determine what
if any plans the derro have for madng war an the elder brain. If the Illithid
gets the chance, he will kill the dwarf because he’s been hankerin’ for some
fresh brain for some time (Lenny wouldn’t allow him to munch on the pris-
oner until they’d thoroughly questioned it).
When the parry is sighted, the JacMwercs rush to warn their masters and
fellows. The Jackalwcres will act as body shiclds for the Mind Flayers so that
rhe later can deliver an opening mind blast. Following this, they will engage
in melee using their sleep gaze to best effect. Lenny will survey the melee,
using his spells upon any character that approaches, while Squiggy takes
advantage of the chaos to grab a quick snack. Should the battle go against
them, the IUithids will flee northwest and then into the secret tertiary exit ra
the northeast. If captured somehow, Squiggy will behave badly and constant-
ly lash out in an attempt to get a taste of his captor’s cerebral cortex. Lenny,
however, will attempt to ingratiate himself by employing his special brand of
obnoxious mime humor.

Jadulwua(12): (HF 6, EP 420 ea,Int 11 (very), AL CE, AC 4, MV 12”.

H D 4, hp 38 ea, SZ M, #AT I , D IdG/ld6+l/ldR+l ( D m Short Sword
+I), SA sleep we,SD iron or +I weapons to hit, Lang: illithid. Han: Average,
ML 12, TOP 19, Crit BSL: D d A C +4, FF 5, Reference HOB 4 p 40)
tuhc which contains a Scroll of Protection fmm Undead, and (hidden in an
Miad Flap., Amme ‘‘Squiggy“ (HF 47, EP 9000, Int 17 (Gcniu). AL inner lining) a Scroll of Infuriating Demons.
LE, AC 5 (chain mail, large shield), MV 12”, H D 8t4,hp GO, SZ M, #AT If the captive lives through the encounter and some means of communica-
4, D 2 each, SA spells, tar&) ofspells save at -4, brain sucking, mind blast. tion can he established, he will prove amazingly ungrateful for his rescue.
SD 90% MR, h g : illithid, drow, Ha”: Average, ML 15, TOP 30, Crit BSL:
DeTAC t7, FF 9, Quirkdflaws: animal antipathy (apes), glutton, Rcfercncc “Darryl”, Demo Captive (1) (HF 1, El’255, Dex 15, In[ 13 (very), AL
HOB 5 p 20) CE. AC 8 (Dex), M V Y”, H D 3, hp 34 (now 14), SZ S,#AT I , D punch-
ing. SD: +3 to saves vs. wands, staves, rods & spells, Lang: derro, Hon: Ave.
Mind Fhpr, h e “Lenny” (HF 47, EP 9000, Int 17 (Genius), AL LE. ML 12, 17, Crit BSL DefAC +I, FF 5, Talent: blind tighring, Reference
AC 5 (Chain Mail, large shield), MV 12”. H D 8+4, hp 63, SZ M. #AT 4, D HOB 2 p 118)
2 each, SA spells, target(s) of spclla save at -4, brain sucking, mind blast, SD
90% MR, Lang: illithid, dmw, Ham Avcragc, ML 15, TOP 30, Crir BSL:
Encounter Area 3: Cavern of the Rust Bats
Def AC +7,FF 9, Quirkdflaws: inappropriate scnsc of humor, obnoxious,
Skills: inrerprcdpcrform mime (7R), Reference HOB 5 p 20)
The narrow tunnel you‘ve been trekking through for miles opens
SpeuS (each) as 9th lwel caster: First level: Charm Person. Second level:
up into a largirh cave some 50 feet wide.A pool of dark stagnant
ESP. Levitate. Third level: Suggestion. Fourth level: Charm Monster. Fifth water perhaps 20 feet o r SO in diameter is in the center of this
l e d : Plane Shift. cave. Other than the typical detritus of fallen stalactites, the area
appears vacant.
The JacMwcrer sleep in the caves apposite those that contain the pool. A
messy pile of chewed up blankets and footwear S ~ N W as a communal bed.
Under chis is a dull olivc’cloak (nan-magid but potentially valuable if the A group of 18 Rust Bats is perched amongst the omnipresent stalactites.
party eventually reacher the drow homeland) which was amongst a drow mer- Unless the party chooses to illuminate the ceiling (60 feet above), these crea-
chant’s possessions that the pack slew some time ago. wrcs will nor be seen. Players with the active sense of smell talent will note
On rhe other side, the Mind Flaycrs have encamped in the alcove offthe the odor of smoldering iron shavings.
pool area. Thcrc arc a pair of sleeping b w , a small table littered with dami- Should the parry cntcr the cave, the Rust Bats will smell their armor and
nos (games of which inwitably break down as the two Illithids routinely shields and swoop ro devour the tasty meal. The creatures have no treasure
cheat by using ESP on one another), two folding stools, some utensils, and having devoured every last metallic scrap long ago.
several jars containing pickled brains - some spicy, others mild. Thcrc are also
IWO small coffers. Each coffer has a poisoned needle [class E] in the latch.
One contains a Philter of Glibness, 200 gp, a black sapphire (worth 5,000 Rust Bats (18) (HF I , El‘ 85 each, Int 1 (animal), AL N, AC 6, MV
gp) and a nore (written in Illithid) that states, “Elder brain whackcd. Sleeping 2”/14“ fly, H D 2, hp 28 ea, SZ S, #AT 1, D rusring, Hon: Average. ML 15.
on hard rock nor good far back. Next time bring a comfy mat.’’ Thc other TOP 14, Crit BSL: Def AC “/a, FF 4, Reference appendix)
has 150 gp, 58 pp, a Potion of Polymorph to Insect, a Scarab of Insanity,
and a small silver crescent brooch (of the Aleval merchanr clan). Encounter Area 4: The Caves and Warrens of the Mogr
A nearby nwk. blocked by i small boulder [treat as a concealed door], con- Refer to Map 4 on pages 46 and 47. This large network of caves is the
rains an unlocked iron chest. Within it are 300 copper and 300 silver ingots home of an assortment of Netherdeep creatures including Gargoyles, Trolls.
(10 pounds each). These are used as bribes to subvert drow servanrs.
Troglodytes; Bugbears and more. Drow patrols and logistics trains also roam
Surprisingly, at least to the Mind Flayers, no one has been receptive to such the area. Certain lettered areas on on the map indicate the position of crca-
incredibly paltry bribes as these. The handle of the chest lid is acrnally an iron cures (D = drow sentries (non parrol), B = Bugbear sentries, T = Troglodyte

den. S= Shriekcn, V= Violet Fun&. Thc area marked hy an "I" on the map vous, Skills: armor maintenance. general religion 67, religion (Zyandal) 51,
represents an Illusionary Wall. The description of each numhercd encounter weapon maintenance. Reference HOB 2 p I 1 1)
area is provided afrcr the wandering encountet~. Letrered areas enclosed in a Spells: Firs level: Bless, Command, Cause Light Wounds, Cure Light
cirde or used directly following a number indicate an additional dcccription Wounds, Dancing Lights, Darkness, Detect Magic, Endure Heat, Faerie Fire,
or area of interest included with the numhered cncountcr area. Protection from Good, Walking Corpse. Second level: Cause Modcrarc
Wandering Monsters Wounds, Know Alignment, Levitare, Rigor Morris. Third Level:
Clairvoyance. Dispel Magic, Suggcstion. Fourth Lml: Detect Lie.
An encounter occurs on 1 in 12: check each turn. Roll Id4 to determine
the rype of encounter.
Small Drow Lagistics Traini Four darkman men-atlarms (see Area 6):
Western Half Eastern Half O n e 2nd level fighter draw quartermastcr (see Drow Patrol abnvc)
Roll Result Roll Result Typical supplies: Armor repair kits (chain mail), hand crossbow bolts
i Dmw Patrol I Troglodytes (MogTribe) (7.18) (80), light crossbow bolts (20), daggers (10). mail for soldiers, 8 weeks iron
2 Drow Logistics Train* 2 Bugbears. Common (2- 12) rations (curried fungi), commendations, one medal
3 Gargoyles (2-8) 3 Trolls. Common (2-5)
4 Trolls. Common (2-5) 4 Troglodytes (MogTribe) (7-18) Medium Dmw Lagistica Thin: Six darkman men-at-arms: One 2nd
lwel fighrer drow assirrant quartermaster (see Drow Patrol above), One 4th
*There are equal chances of encountering a small, medium or large level tighter drow quartermaster (use stars for Lieutenant Commander in
logistics train (ld3). Area 6)
Typical supplies: Armor repair kits (chain mail), hand crossbow bolts
(80),light crossbow holn (20), daggers (lo), 16 weeks iron rations (sweet &
Encounter Details sour fungi), 100 feet rope (in 25-foot sections). lockbox with 75 sp (wages),
Drow Patrol: Icttcrs of promotion. 3 dnscs Class S Drow poisnn
Dmw fighters (male 2nd level fighters) (8) (HF 5. EP 212 each. Fighter
2, Str 12/09, Dex 17/13, Con 10/01. Int 10/12, Wis 10/13, Cha 9/02. Cam Large Dmw Logistics Train: 12 darkman men-at-arms. Two 2nd fighter
11/57 AL CE, AC -1 ( D i m Chain Mail +I, Drow Buckler +I. Dor), MV drow guards (see under Drow Patrol helaw); One 4th lwcl fighter male drow
12", Frr 2, hp 32 each, SZ M, #AT 2, D Id6+l/ldG+2/ldR+2(Drow Shon quartermasrer (use stars far Lieurenanr Commander in Area 6), O n e 4th level
Sword + I ) and ld6+2/ld6+1/1dG (Drow Dagger tl) or tighter drow female leader (use scats for female fighters in Arca 6)
IdG+l/ldG+l/ld6+l (Class S Drow poisoned j d i n , 3 each). SA + I to-hit Typical supplirs: Armor repair kits (chain mail), armor repair kirs (band-
far Srrengrh, spell-like abilities, SD 90% resist Sleep or charm-related effects, ed mail), hand crossbow bolts (80). light crossbow bolts (20). daggers (10).
surprised only on a 1 on ld10, t 2 save against all magical effects, MR 54%. 24 weeks iron rations (peppered fungi). tread, 500 feet rope (in 50-foot sec-
Lang: draw, drow silcnt language, common, elven, undercommon, bugbear, tions), lackhox with 200 sp (wages), condemnations, letters of execution and
Hon: 20 (Average),ML 14,TOP 15. Crir BSL: DcfAC + I (t5 with javelin). coun martial orders, 8 doses Class S Drow poison
FF 5. Agc 102, Height 5' I", Weight 110 Ihs., Quirks/Flaws: paranoid.
Talents: amhidemour, sword bonus, Skills: armor maintenance, weapon
maintenance. Reference HOB 2 p 11I ) These staristi- apply to wandering Bugbears (nor sentrim whore position
is indicated on the map), Gargoyles, Troglodps (see A r m 28-30) andTrolls
Spells: First Lml: Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire.
in this chaprer. Individual encounter areas have different hit points and
Thresholds of Pain.
Dmw male fighter 3rd/magicuecr 3rd (1) (HF 5, EP 347, Fighter Bugbear, Common (HF 2, EP 175 each, Int 7 (Low), AL CE, AC 2
31Magic-u~er3, Srr 12/07, Dex 17/10, Can 11/32, Inr 13/24, Wis 10/44, (Chain Mail, large shield), MV 9", H D 3+1, hp 36 each, SZ L (7' tall), #AT
Cha 10/91, Com 10/71 AL CE, AC 0 (Drow Chain Mail +I, Cloak of I , D 3-12 (two-handed word wielded in one hand (Large creature)) or 3-8
Protection +I, Dex), MV 12", H D 3, hp 33, SZ M, #AT 2, D (spcar), SA surprise 5 in 10. natural t 2 damage, SD nil, Lang: bugbear. goh-
Id6/ld6+l/ld8+1 (Dmw Shon Sword +I) or ldG+l/ldG/ld6-1 (Dmw lin, hobgoblin, dmow, Hon: Average, ML 12, TOP 18, Crit BSL: DefAC + I ,
Dagger +l),SA spells, spell-like abilities, SD 90% mist Sleep or charm-rclat- FF 6, Reference HOB 1 p 96)
ed etkcrs, surprised only an a I an ld10, t2 save against all magical cffecn,
MR 56%, Lang: d k v , draw silent language, common, elvcn, undercommon,
bugbear, Hon: 26 (Average), ML 14, TOP 15, Crir BSL: Def AC t0, FF 5, Gargoyle, Common (HF 4, EP 420 each, Int 6 (Low), AL CE, AC 5, MV
Age 102, Height 5' I", Weight 110 Ibs., Quirks/Flaws: paranoid, Talents: 9". I5"Fly(C),HD4+4,hp42rach.SZM (G'd),#AT4,D 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-
ambidextrous, less sleep, Skills: armor maintenance, wcapan maintenance, 4, SA nil, SD + I or better to hit, Lang gargoyle, bugbear, drow, Hon: Average,
Reference HOB 2 p 11 I ) ML 1 I , TOP 21, Crit BSL: DefAC t3, FF 9, Reference HOB 3 p 47)
Spells: First level: Burning Hands, Dancing Lights, Darkness, Detect
Magic. Faerie Fire. Hold Portal, Magic Shield, Protection from Good, Read Troplodytc male, spiny-backed f e d variant (HF 4, EP 160 each. Iur
Magic. Sleep. Second 1-1: Magic Missile of Skewering, Strength 9 (Average).AL CE, AC 3, MV 12". 9" Swim, H D 3, hp 34 each, SZ M (6'
tall), #AT 3 or I , D ld4/Id4/ld4+3or ld10+2/2d4+4/ldG+3(broad sword).
SA surprise 6 in 10, weakening stench, SD chameleon disguise, Lang:
Drow femnlc cleric 4th (1) (HF 7, EP 420, Cleric 3, Str 10/29,Dex
rragladyte, Hon: Average. ML 12, TOP 17, Crit BSL: Def AC t4, FF 5,
16/09. Con 11/42, Int 10/43. Wis 14/48. Cha 14/77, Com 11/54 AL CE,
Reference HOB 8 p 23)
AC 1 (Drow Chain M d +2, Dex), MV 12". H D 4. hp 35, SZ M, #AT I,
D ld8+1/ld6+2/ld6+1 (Dmw Footmm's Mace +2) or ld6+l/IdG/ld6-1
(Daggw +I), SA spells, spell-like abilities, SD 90% resist Sleep or charm- Troll, Common (HF 13, EP 1,400 each, Int G (Low), AL CE, AC 4, MV
related effects, surprised only on a I on ld10, t 2 save against all magical 12". H D 6t6. hp 54 each, SZ L (9' tall). #AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/5-12, SA nil, SD
effects, MR 58%. Lang: drow, drow silent language, common, elven, under- regenerate 3 hp/round, Lang trollkin gibberish, drow, Hon: Average, ML 14.
common, bugbear, Hon: 20 (Average), ML 14, TOP 18. Crit BSL: DcfAC TOP 27, Crir BSL: DefAC t7, FF 1I , Reference HOB 8 p 24)
+ I (Drow Footman's Mace +2) or DefAC tO (Dagger +I), FF 5, Age 129,
Height 5' 3 , Weight 114 Ibs., QuirkslFlaws: paranoid, Talents: ambidex-
~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~

enough to live quite well on (with soldier’s discounrs, ofcourse). By the time
GvgoylcLord (1) (HF 17, EP 1,500, Inr 14 (High), ALCE, AC 0, M V a victim signs the application form, he has no recourse when he discovers the
12”, 15” Fly (B). H D 8+8, hp 60, SZ L (9’ tall), #AT 4, D 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4 uuth, if he isn’t killed first. (The drow army used to at l a s t provide basic
( t 7 for 19 STR), SA nil. SD +2 or better to hit, MR 20%, Lang: gargoyle, martial training even to humanoid slaves, but because of demand training
drow, Hon: Average, ML 15, TOP 30, Crit BSL: Dcf AC +lo. FF 13, times have grown shorter and techniques sloppier.)
Reference HOB 3 p 47) The dmw assume that humans, demi-humans and humanoids in the area
haw come to apply as mercenaries. Even rude, offensive speech doesn’r .way
rhis notion. as they aren’t really paying close attention to the fodder, anyway.
5. SDur Cavern Should the party attack outright, the leaders quickly realize what‘s going on
and fight back. There is only a 50% chance that the darkmen follow orders
Three tunnels apparently lead out of this cavern, w o towards pmpcrl y.
the northeast and one to the south, Large purplish bolts of The male draw fighten look down on the darkmen, but are in turn sub-
some sort of cloth lay about the cavern floor. ordinate to the female fighters. Clarice, the caprain of these drow, commands
the eight female fighters. She rides a Nightmare and carries a Death Lance
(see Appendix B: New Magic Items). If the dmw position appears in jcop-
A very largc Purple Worm has recendy moved into this place to lay her eggs, ardy, she pulls back so the males can rake the brunt of the attacks, and rerrean
rest, and then k a ~ cThere are six eggs in the northcast finger of the cavern, and to the northwest to inform her superiors and the House of Noquar.
they will hatch in rhree days, The proud morhcr is resting. There is no treas- Each dmw carries a small leather bag or pouch containing 1-4 platinum
ure inride the Worm, but there are eight of her castings (dung piles) about the pieces per level of experience. Clarice has two 100 gp clear blue-green zircons
place, and the rhth contains 7 purple amethysts (These will not be found unless in addition to the coins. Hidden on her person is a small pin of bronze
the characters search thoroughly. They are worth Ion gp each) and 4 garners (worth 5 gp), depicting a Nightmare’s head with “Noquar” inscribed in the
(worth 100 gp each) and four unbroken metal vials of holy water. drow language on the reverse.

Worm, Common Purple (1) (HF 22,EP 13.000.Int 0 (Non-), AL N, AC Darkmen privates (men-at-anns) (10) (HF I . El’ 35 each, Fighrer 0,
6, MV 9”. 9” Burrow, H D 15, hp 110, SZ G (28’long), #AT 2, D 2-2412- Srr 10/37, Dex 15/30. Con 10/90, Int 10/52, Wis 10/29, Cha 11/16. Cam
20, SA swallow whole, poisonous tail, SD nil, Lang: none,Hon: Average, ML 9/14, AL CE, AC 1 (chain mail, buckler, Dex), MV 9”,hp 25, SZ M. #AT 2 ,
12, TOP 55, Crit BSL: DefAC t13, FF 5, Refercnce HOB 8 p 100) D ldG-l/ld6/ld8 (short sword) and ld6+l/ld6/ld6-l (Drow D w tl).
SA nil, SD 30% resist Sleep or charm-related effccrs, + I save against all mag-
6. Uncle Scam WantsYou ical effecrs, MR 20%. Lang: drow, drow silent language. common, elven,
undercommon, Hon: 10 (Average), ML 14, TOP 13 each, Crit BSL: DefAC
Tables strewn with parchmenu and chestsrome open to reveal -3 (short sword) or DefAC -2 (Drmv Dagger +I), FF 4, Agr 39, Height 5’
stacks of papers, lend this cavern an aura of busy activity. 5”,Weight 140 Ibs., Quirks/Flaws: none,Talenrs: ambidcruaus. Skills: armor
maintcnancc, weapon maintenance, Reference Annihilate the Giants p 95)
A laden Pack Ape stands idly In the background. The armed,
bustling drow moving about contribute to this aura, along with
a feeling of impending dangecthough many seem too busy with D W ~ bardlrecruitingagent
M (8thIml bard), ‘‘Fukwar” (HF 7, EP
paperwork to pay you much notice. 1,500, Bard 8, Str 12/37, Dex 14/02. Con 8/99, Int 14/59, wis 10/32, Cha
18/74, Cam 15/20, AL CN, AC 6 (Ringof P m t d o n +3,Dex). MV 12”,
H D 8 , hp 50, SZ M, #AT I , D ld6+2/ld6+3/ld8+3 (Dmw Shon Sword
The draw locared here oversee activities in the cavern as a whole, as well as +3) or ld6+2/ld6+1/ld6 (Dagger +2), SA inspiration, counrerrong, SD
aid merchanrs and scout for invaders. In fact, recently their primary purpose 30% resist Sleep or charm-relared cffectr, surprised only on a 1 on IdlO. + I
has become recruiting bodies for their struggles against rhc derro. Due to save against all m a g i d effects, 40% know-it-all-ism. MR 280% Lang: drow,
recent demand for warriors in the main Vault, 10 barely trained darkmen draw silent language. common, elven, undercommon, Hon: 55 (Average),
recruits are used as guards and lackeys. They do maintain their average ML 14, TOP 25, Crit BSL: DefAC t3 (Dmw Shon Sword +3)or DefAC
equipment. but ir is clearly not high-end merchandise. While the darkmen t2 (Dnggu+2) , FF 4, Age 52, Height 5’ 7”, Weight 136 Ibs., QuirkslFlaws:
are nor trusred with tasks of any importance, they arc frequently given dan- none, Talmts: acute alertness, photographic memory, seeking grasping hands.
gerous, dirty and degrading jobs. shrh sense, Skills: diplomacy 84, graceful enttance/exit 46, haggle 64, joke
tclling 78, resist persuasion 70, skilled liar 108, street cred 74, ulterior motive
Three chests marked “Raw Meat” (in thc dmw tongue) hold paperwork
51, Reference Annihilate the Giants p 95)
apparently filled out by numerous different creatures, describing their quali-
fications in combat and any other skills that might be relevanr to a military Thieving Skills: pick pockets 75, detect noise 70, climb walls 65, read
service. Several sheers are filled in (with very sloppy handwriring) far Trolls, languages 15.
Troglodytes and even some humans and demi-humans (listing skills char sug- Possessions: Bag of Tricks (Type A), &It of Iadder Weaving
gest they are adventurers). Two boxes markcd “Fodder” collect those appli- Spells: First 1-1: Charm Person, Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire.
cations far C X ~ N ~ ~already
S accepted, and many killed. Another marked Gab& Magic Aura, Imaginary Friend. Second Iml: Alter Self, Deepen
‘“Incoming” is used by Farkwar ro practice manipulation techniques. He Shadows, Vocalize. Third Icvel: Dispel Magic
marks information on the forms that he plans to use to finish his recruiting
and circles key words to use in his pitch. Many of his “charges” aCNally apply Dmw fighters (male 2nd Iml fightus),“Djmcll”, “IveUin”, “Jcrom”.
and enter immediately, but he saves these for a challenge (a “two-stager” in “Sedrik” ( 4 ) (HI:
5, EP 225. 219,216, 210, Fighrer 2, Str 11/26. Dex
his parlance). However, in recent days he’s had to go far volume rarher than 16/86, Con 10/OR, Int 12/51, Wis 11/38,Cha 11/14, Cam 11/08. ALCE,
quality. If the PCs show any mercenary interest at all, Farkwar unleashes all AC-I (DmaChainMnil+l,DrmvBuddut1,Dex),MVI2”, H D 2 , hp
of his talenrs to convince them ra join up. 35,33,32,30,SZM,#AT2,D ld6/ld6+1/ld8+1 (DmwShonSword+l)
Farkwar pushes the advantages of a military lifestyle. using techniques char and ld6+l/ld6/ld6-1 (Dmw Dagger +1) or ld6-l/ld6-3/ld6-4 (hand
vary from gmrrly manipulating and coloring technically true sratements to crossbow ROF 2. range 60 yards, each has 10 bolts with Class S Drow poi-
outright and outrageous bald-faced lies. These lies cover everything from the son). SA spell-like abilities. SD 90% resist Sleep or charm-related effects. sur-
relative ease of life in the draw army to suggesting a fcw silver a month is prised only a n a 1 on ld10, +2 save against all magical effecrs, MR 54%.
~~ ~~~~~

Lang: draw, drow silent language, common, elven, gnome, undercommon, D 4-10/4-10/3-8, SA burning hooves, SD paralyzing cloud, Lang: under-
bugbear, Hon: 20 (Average), ML 14,TOP 18, 17, 16, 15. Crir BSL: DefAC stands drow, Hon: Average, ML 14, TOP 30, Crir BSL: Dcf AC t 5 , FF 1I,
+O. FF 4, Age 109, Height 5’ I”, Weight 1 LO Ibs.. Quirks/Flaws: tone deaf, Reference HOB 6 p 12)
Talents: ambidmraus. w o r d bonus. Skills: armor mainrenance. weapon
maintenance, Reference HOB 2 p I 1 1) Pack Ape, subterranean black variant (1) (HF 3, EP 179, I n t 7 (Low),
Spells: First Lml: Dancing Lights. Darkness, Facric Fire. AL N, AC 6, MV IT, 9” Brachiate, H D 4 + l , hp 40, SZ M (6‘. very bmad).
#AT 3, D l-4/1-6/1-6, SA squme, S D nil, L a g : understands drow. Hon:
Lieutenant Commander ‘‘GoaLlod” (male drow 4th Iml fight-) Average, ML 9, TOP 20, Crit BSL: Dcf AC +2, FF 6, Variant modifiers:
(HF 10, EP 460, Fighter 4, Str 10/64, Dex 18/74, Con 11/29, Int 13/17, underground survival 85, mow silently underground 50% of the time. 30-
Wis 12/35,Cha 12/15,Com 13/35,ALCE,AC-3(DrowChainMd+2, foor infravision, Reference HOB 1 p 26)
D n w Budder +2, Dex), MV 12”, H D 4, hp 43, SZ M. #AT 5/2, D
ld6+3/IdR+3/ld12+3 (Drow Long Sword +1. specialized) and The male drow and darkmen sleep (in their cloaks wirhhout bcdrolls) in the
Id6/ld6+l/ld8+1 (Droa Short Sword +1) and or ld6-l/ld6-3/ld6-4 southern cave marked Area 6a, the females in Area 6 proper. Each female has
(hand crossbow ROF 2, range 60 yards, 10 bolts wirh Class S Draw poison), a bedroll ofsilk, and rhere are several boxes of provisions in each u v e . A few
SA spell-like abilities, SD 90% resist Sleep or charm-related effects, surprised personal earing and grooming irems can be found with each of the females’
only on a 1 on ld10, t 2 save against all inagical effccn, MR 54%, Lang: bedroll and in large (though hidden) quantities in the malei boxes of provi-
drow, drow silent language, common, clvcn, undercommon, bughear, Hon: sions, There ate some strange straps (harness) and wooden rack in the male<
30 (Average), ML 14, TOP 23, Crit BSL: Dcf AC t3 (Drow Long Sword cave (gear for pack lizards), and long metal-hooked poles (guiding ankures for
+1) (Def AC +2 with Dmw Short Sword +1 and Def AC +5 with hand the crearures) stand nearby
crossbow), FF 5, & 118,Height 5’ 3”, Weight 109 Ibs., QuirkdFlawr: color Concealed under the dung and fungus bedding of rhe Nightmare’s stall is
blind, Talenrs: arnbidexrraus, sword bonus, Skills: armor maintenance, a lead-lined hollow in the stone floor. It has a stone lid with a secret catch.
weapon maintenance, Proficiencies: weapon specialization (long word). Inside this cavity are the following items:
Rcfcrencc HOB 2 p I I I )
wooden chest (conraining 1,000 sp)
SpeUs: First Lml: Dancing Lights, Darkness, Deren Magic, Faerie Fire.
Second Level: Know Alignment, Levirare. iron cup (empty)
10 leather bags (canraining 100 gp each)
Droa fighters (female 4th level fighters) (8) (HF 10, EP 425 each, belt pouch (100 pp)
Fighter 4. Str 11/76, Dcx 17/46. Con 10/54, Int 11/27, Wis 11/68, Cha
large pouch (10 crimson corals worrh 120 gp each. 8 red spinels
13/09, Com 14/24, AL CE, AC -4 (Drow Chain M d +2, Drow Small
wonh 105 gp each and 2 amber stones worth 100 gp each)
Shield +2. Dar), MV IT’, H D 4, hp 44 each, SZ M, #AT 3/2, D
ld8+4/ld6+5/ld6+3 (Drow Pootman’s Mace +2, specialized) or diamond choker worth 5,000 gp
ld6+1/ld6+1/ld6+1 (Class S Drow poisoned javelins, 4 each), SA spell-like platinum medallion carved with a symbol of Zyandal on one side
abilities, SD 90% resisr Sleep or charm-relared effects, surprised only on a 1 and the sigil of House Bouurda worth 5,000 gp (stolen from the
on ld10. t 2 save against all magical effects, MR 56%, Lang: draw, drow silent Second of that house only a few monrhs ago)
language, common, elven, undercommon, Hon: 32 (Average), ML 14, TOP
ivory u s e (worth 250
gp, wrapped in black adamantirc chain and
22 each, Crit BSL: Def AC +4 (Dmw Footman’s Mace +2), FF 5, Age 112,
medallion with female figures ofspider and drow)
Height 5’ 4”. Weight 113 Ibs., Quirks/Flaws: sadistic, Talenrs: ambidextrous,
mace bonus, Skills: armor maintenance, weapon maintenance, Proficicncies: small steel chest (2 glass borrles of vintage drow ambrosia wine)
weapon specialization (footman’s mace), Reference HOB 2 p I 1 I ) leather case (4 potions: Exrra-Healing, Healing. Poison (nn mndifi-
Spells: Pint Lml: Dancing Lights. Darkness, Detecr Magic, Faerie Fire. er on save. Class J death/debilitating), Polymorph ro Insect)
Second Lml: Know Alignment. k i t a t e .
If the Potion of Poison is mixed with wine in rhe iron cup, it gives rhe
Drow Cap& “Clarice” (female 7th 1-1 fighter) (HF 28, EP 1.515, imbiber -4 to save on the poison he jusr drank!
Fighter 7, Str 15/66. Dex 19/17, Con 12/08. Int 11/36, Wis 13/94, Cha
11/50, Corn 33/77, AL CE,AC -4 (Drow Chain M d +2, Drow Buckler
+Z.Dex).MV 12”,HD7+7, hp79,SZM.#AT3,D ld6+8/ld8+8/ldl2+8 7. Sunken CavelLich Labyrinth
(+6 to-hit, 2/1 arks, Drow Long Sword +2, mastered) and The stairs leading down to this area are concealed behind an Illusionary
ld6+4/ld6+5/ld8+5 (+I to-hit. 1/1 ark, Drow Short Sword t2) or Wall.
ld6+3/ld6+3/1d6+3(+5 to-hit, Class S Drow poisoned javelins, 4), SA spell-
like abilities. SD 90% resist Sleep or charm-relared effects, surprised only on
a I on IdlO, +2 save e n a t all magical effects, MR 64%. h g : drow, drow
silent language, common, &en, bugbear, trollkin gibberish. undercommon.
Hon: 32 (Average), ML 14. TOP 40, Crit BSL: Def AC +9 (Drow Long
Sword +2) or Def AC t 6 (Droa Shon Sword +2) or Def AC +8 (javelin),
FF 6, Age 129, Height 5’ 4 . Weight 113 Ibs., Quirks/Flaws: self-absorbed,
temper, Talents: ambidextrous, long sword bonus, Skills: armor maintenance, A) This area is cloaked in Continual Darkness. I r okes light equivalenr to
ride (horse) 89, weapon mainrenance, Proficiencies: weapon specialization & a Continual Light spell to counter rhis, leaving the ‘narural) pirch darkness in
wcapnn masrery (long word), Reference HOB 2 p 1 I I ) the area. If rhe party is using Continual Light as their illumination m u m , it
Possusions: Death Lance will be extinguished as the N O spells come into conram.
Spells: Fint Lml: Dancing Lighrs, Darkness, Derect Magic, Faerie Fire.
Second M:Know Alignment, Levitate.

Nightmare “Starling“(1) (HF 32, El’ 2,000, Int 11 (Very), AL NE, AC

-4. MV 15”. 3 6 Fly (C), H D 6t6. hp 60, SZ L (6‘ tall at shoulder), #AT 3,

If the party overcomes the Continual

Darkness and has a backup light source, read
the following.

On the wall In front of you is

painted the words "No Solicitors"
in the common tongue and in eiven.
"Dearest Merchant the resident of
this abode respects your individual
right t o earn a living through the
assertive marketing of substandard
merchandise.However.said resident
would kindly request that you
respect his own individual right to
privacy Thank you for taking the
time to read this message and have
a pleasant decade:'

Behind this enigmatic warning a

labyrinth of narrow, dark walled
passages, all lined with mysterious
runes can be found. The ceilings
are approximately 9 feet high.

There i s additionalwriting on rhc entry wall

which will remain a mystery unless the PCs can
read the following languages. [undcrcommonl
'"Peddlerseaten on site" [bugbear] "Scram".
Note: The entire area radiates magic
because Azbcrdier the lich has cast Gabal's
Permanent Magic Aura an every square inch o f
the walls, floor and ceiling.

B) Bronle Door

A well made bronze door stands

before you.There is a lock mecha-
nism below the handle and a myste-
rious symbol is inscribed upon it

The lock quality i s impossible (-80% to open

locks chance). Inscribed on rhc door i s a
Symbol (of death) spell.

C)False Iron Door

A well made iron door stands

before you.There is a lock mecha-
nism below the handle.

The lock quality i s impossible(-80% to open

locks chance). Opening the door will discharge
a Fire Trap (ld4+18 points of damage) and
reveal a hlank wall behind.

D) The Maze: The maze i s a labyrinth of

narrow, dark walled passages, all lined with
mysteriour runes. The ceilings are approxi-
mately 9 feet high. The runes comprise the


lich‘s spell book and cover nearly all rhe walls while rhose on the floor are pre- J) Lib- T h e wooden door to this place is Wizard Locked.
plartcd target poinn for spclls.
Given decades ro prepare, Azherdies has placed highly polished Glassreel Numerous bookshelves crowd the walls of this chamber.
mirrors strategically throughout the maze. These polished surfaces are
designed allow him to observe intruders from a safe vanragc point and to
reflect Lighrning Bolts ro deter intruders. Using this sysran. Asbcrdics can The ropics cover all hose in which Azberdies has some skill mastery in.
Lighrning Bolt almost anywhcrc in the maze. The mirmrs will be destroyed The collection is valued at 61,672 gp though ir wnuld rake three wagons ro
if they reflect a lightning bolt (thereby ruining any anempr ar firing a bolr carry out rhe entire library.
back at Azberdies.) The hales in the ceiling are also placed srraregically, In a hook cntidcd The Unbearable Heaviness of Being Undead (a collcc-
designed to contain Fireball volumes. Different types of marks indicate ro tion of dcprcssing poetry composed by Azberdies himself), is a nore wrirten
Azberdies the ideal positions for vicrims of rhis tactic. he has no need to recal- in drow elwn. It states, “Dear Azy. I know that writing you is the cowardk
culare the ranges or areas. Those a r m marked hy an encircled A are the loca- way out hut I’m afraid that I cannot bear to cell you this in person. I feel
tion of Permanenr Alarm spells. trapped in this relationship. Though you’ve been great and a lot of laughs. I
feel that rherc’s so much that I have to do and see before senling down. I
M w Wandering Monster Table (50% chance of encounter, check each hope you can find some way to understand and rhat we can always remain
turn). Roll ld4. close friends. Melanee”
Thrust beween w o other books is a folded-up Portable Hole. The
1-3 Rat(s). Dlre Alblno ( I d4). (HF 0. EP 15 ea,Int 3 (Semi-), Portable Hole conrains a wooden spellbook case filled wirh end user license
AL N(E).AC 7, MV 12”,HD I , hp 25.52 S.#AT 1.D 1-4. agreements for all of his spells, a jeweled cmwn (U0,OOO gp), a gem-set orb
SA nil! SD nil. Hon:Avemge. ML I0,TOP 13. Crit BSL Def (50,000 gp), and a scepter likewise encrusted with precious stones (65.000
AC -2. FF 4. Reference HOB 6 p i 14) gp) which were the Lich‘s in life. They now bear a curse rhat affects any liv-
4 Four pound wheel of cheese. (The cheese is Preserved ing creature rhat takes them. The magic will turn the individual or individ-
and edible.) uals into a Wrairh after Id4 days of illness ending in death. The curse can
only be removed by a cleric of 20th or higher level. The items radiate both
magic and evil, Also in rhe hole are 1,000 hsp, 10 garnets (10 gp each), a bag
E) Wind Tunnel: A permanent Gusr of Wind exists in this corridor. Size of Dust of Sneezing and Choking, a Staff of Striking, Potion of
L or larger crearures can only move at half their normal speed and smaller Langevity; Scnrab of Protection from Evil Clerics, and a scroll of seven
creatures cannot progress at all cxcepr at a 90” angle to
rhe wind flow. Pixie-
magic-user spells (Knock, Tongues, Minor Globe of Invulnerability; Wall of
faries will haw to bc carried across the tunnel - any attempt at flight will
Ice. Stone of Flesh. Charm Planrs, Symbol of Fear).
snare rhem and smash rhem into the wall at the end of rhe runnel.
The Gurr afWind will quickly disperse any gas spell casr within the maze.
K) office
Dcagedinh This cramped little room contain only a simple wooden desk
and chair. Piled on the desk, beside it, and all over the floor are
A portcullis seals off this small area. Six large white rats lie in hoards of paper.
a pile of wood shavings behind the bars.

The paper encompasses 437 drafrs of a novel h.berdics has been working
The portcullis has a Pcrpctual Shocking Grasp an it. Anyone touching it an for 82 years. Ir is unlikely he will ever finish ir. The wooden door ro the
will sustain ld4+1 painrs of damage. The ran are well aware of the electrified bedroom is Wizard Locked.
L) FJCdmam
Rat($),Dire Albino (6) (HF0, EP 15 ea, Inr 3 (Semi-), AL N(e), AC 7.
MV 12”. H D I, hp 25, SZ S, #AT I , D 14,SA nil, SD nil. Hon: Average, This room contains a four-post bed in the southeast corner.
ML 10, TOP 13, Crir BSL: Dcf AC -2, FF 4, Reference HOB6 p 114) There is a massive construction of old tarot and playing cards
that resemble a 50-room mansion. A sculpture of a keep
G) Pantry rendered with what appear to be copper coins sits only half
You see a woodefi door before you. N o lock mechanism is
His mahogany four poster bed is cwered with a Bedwnrmer of Rcpdul
Sleep +l. There is a massive construcrion of old m o t and playing cards char
Thr door ha\ a W a r d Lock on it. The a m hchind ir is B pantry contain- resemble a 50-room mansion. The card house is unfinished, but has srood as
ing 47 wheels of cheese. 1\11 arc Prrrcrvcd and cdihlc. is far 23 yem. The keep is indeed made of coppcr coins (some 10,000+, all
lighrly fused).
H) Shimmering Spherer A pcrmancnt Prismatic Sphere is located here. This farmer drow 18th lwel magic-user normally resn on his bed ar the
Azbcrdio ~ d frre.y
n pas through ir. Anyone clic will h a w tn take their chanru. southeast corner of the place. He will not bother passers-by unless rhey seem
likely to be salesmen or if rhcy attack. He directs spells at magic-users and
clerics by preference.
I) Telepon 7anesr Anyone entering one of thew areas is immrdiatcly
Tckporrrd 10 area I:. When dying of diaberes rhis ancient drow was forced to ampurate his left
leg (now replaced wirh a peg 1.9, and went blind in his right eye. He realized
that things were just going ro get worse so he reluctantly undenvenr rhe
process of becoming a lich. He came to rhis place from the drow homeland
decades ago, when the warrens and caves were not nearly so extensive or

thickly inhabited. He constructed the walls here over thc yrarr and has 8. Side Cavern
inscribed his spell "book on them to avoid the transient nature of decaying
paper. He will fly into a berserk homicidal rage if anyone casts a Transmute
Rock tn Mud - the gloves are offand he will use evelything in his power to
kill that individual. Azberdies came here to retire, away from the Byzantine
politics afthe drow homeland.
Tactics: If intruders enter his maze, k-berdies will cast Project Image This area is similar to Cavern 4, and these places are the roosts of 23
and investigarc. If he sees PCs in the mazc, he will immediately begin cast- Margoyles. a r i d gang ro the Gargoyles in Area 4. These creatures greatly
ing Lightning Bolts or Chain Lightning using the mirror system (bear in fear the drow, and they will spare any creature with a dmw or wearing drow
mind his complex geometric estimation skill). If forced to retreat, he will garb, but they will attack any other CrCaNres not so protected. They have no
cover his escape with a Delayed Blast Fireball and retreat behind the treasure.
Prismatic Sphere. He will then casr Volley Spell Turning, Guards and
Wards and Hyptor's Faithful Bitch Hound. In any event, he prefers to flee Margoylu (23) (HF 1I , EP 420 each, Int G (Low), AL CE, AC 2. MV
(by Teleport) with his most valuable stuff rather than fight to the death. If 6",12" Fly (C). H D 6, hp 60, 54,52 x2,51 J , 5 0 x2,49,48 x2.47 x6.46,
forced to flee his lair, hc will he outraged and certainly will seek retribution 45 x3,42, SZ M (6' tall), #AT 4, D 1-6/1-6/2-8/2-8, SA nil, SD + I or better
at some poinr in the future ...
to hit, Lang: margoyle, (halting) gargoyle, (passable) drow, Hon: Average, ML
14,TOP "/a, Crit BSL: DefAC +4, FF nla, Reference HOB4 p 119)
Azbedies the Dram Lich (1) (HF 112, EP 18.976, Magic-user 18, Str
11/04, Dex 19/67, Con 12/57, Int 20/88, Wis 16/44, Ch 13/14, Co -12, AL
NE, AC -9 (Ring of Protection +3, Dex. acrobatic skill suite), MV 6", hp 9. Cavern Stable
85, SZ M, #AT 1 or 2, D 1-10 or ld6+6/ld6+5/ld6+4 (Dagger of
Hindsight +6) and ld6+3/ld6+2/ld6+1 (Dngger ofVitnl Organ Seeking Six huge lizards are tethered near a mound of fungus fodder In
+3),SA spells, fear, chilling paralysis touch, SD surprised only on a 1 on this mammoth cavern.
ld10. t 2 save against all magical effecn. + I or better to hit, immune to Sleep,
enfeeblement, polymorph, cold, insanity and death magic, MR 86%, 99%
chance to see invisible creatures (based on level and intelligence) Lang: draw, The creatures are for use by merchants in need of their services. They will
&ow silent langwage, &en, undercommon, Hon: 168 (Great). ML 18, TOP attack anyone unchaining them unless controlled by means ofa hooked goad
"/a, Crir BSL: Def AC +9 (claw) or Def AC + I 5 (Dagger of Hindsight +6) (which they recognize as the sign of mastenhip aver them).
and DefAC + I 2 (Dagger ofVitnl Organ Seeking +3),FF "/a. Height 5' 2".
Weight 91 Ibs., FlawdQuirks: amputee (leg), anormia', blind (color), blind L i d , Subterranean (aomcwhat domesticated) (6) (HF 7, EP 420
(one eye). male pattern baldness;, scar (facial)', tone deaf, animal phobia each, Int 0 (Nan-),AL N. AC 5, MV 12", H D 6, hp 54. 50 x2,48 x2,46,
(cattle), psychoric aversion to dragons, value privacy (reclusive) Talents: acro- SZ H (20' long), #AT 1, D 2-12. SA move freely along walls and ceilings, SD
batic skill mire, ambidextrous, blind casting, dagger bonus, photographic nil, Lang: none, Ham Average, ML 14, TOP 27.25 x2.24 x 2 , 2 3 , Crit BSL:
memory Skills: arcane lore (121), alchemy (95), ancient history (103).gcol- Def AC +4, FF 5, Reference HOB 4 p 88)
ogy (361, herbalism (72). history, local (7R), hirrorp world (491, mainrc-
nancdupkeep, weapon maintenance. poetry, writing and
comprehensiodinterprecation (611, cartography (47), complex geometric OF Low CAVES
10- 13. COMPLEX
estimation (103), construction: defenrc works (48), forgery (71), map sense
(66),mining (13). reading/wriring -drow (124) -common (97) 4 v e n (87) This is thc temporary residence a f a pack of 10 Ghasts and 32 Ghouls who
-undercommon (68). seduction, art of (64)'. survival, underground (82), are on their way northwest to serve the drow. They do not wish to follow the
spell craft (114), Reference HOB 4 p 85) broad and well-tracked primary passages, so they will take the nearby one to
* these flaws/skills are no longer relevant since Azberdies became a lich the northeast as soon as the Giant Slug (Area 14) moves on.
Items of Note: pale green prism Ionn Stone (+I level), Drow Cloak,
Drow Boot (ineffective since he wears only one), Ring of Protection +3, 10. Ghoul Pack
Daggcr of Hiadsight +6, Dagger of Vid Organ Seeking +3, Brooch of
Shieldiog. . Decaying corpses litter this large cavern. Large openings may
Spells Know0 (prepued): Pirst level: Change Self, Chromatic Orb (x2), lead to other caverns or end just out of sight.
Dancing Lights, Darkness, Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Fog Virion, Magic
Missile (a), Message. Second level: Cheetah Speed, Know Alignment,
Levitate, Magic Mirsilc of Skewering, Premonition, Shatter, Tattoo of Shame, T h e Ghouls rise to attack at first opportunity
White Hot Metal. Third Iml: Delude, Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolr (x2),
Murgain's Migraine, Preemptive Strike. Fourth level: Detect Scrying.
Ghouls (32) (HF 4, EP 175 each, Inr 5 (Low), AL CE, AC 6 , MV 9 ,
Dimension Door, Hurl Animal, Icc Storm, Sroneskin, Wizard Eye. Fifth
H D 2, hp 34,33,32 x2,31 x2.30 ~3~7.9 x12,28 x5,27,26 J. 25.24, SZ
Iml: Cloudkill, False Vision, Feeblemind, Hypror's Faithful Bitch Hound,
M (5-6' tall). #AT 3, D ld4-l/ld4-l/l-6, SA paralptian. SD immune to
Lyggl's Cone of Cold, Telcporr. Sinh Iml: Chain Lightning, Guards &
cold, poison, disease, Sleep and Charm spells, Lang: none, Hon: Average, ML
Wards, Project Image, Zarbai Shaving Hand. Smnth 1-1: Fireball,
20, TOP "/a, Crit BSL: Dcf AC +0, FF "/a, Reference HOB 3 p 51). The
Delayed Blast; Forcecage, Spell Turning. Volley. Eighth level: Fireball, Death
Ghouls are still clad in ragged clothing. Each has Id6 gp.
Brusher; Gandles' Spell Immunity, Monster Summoning VI. Ninth level:
Death Rune, Monster Summoning VII.
I 1. Ghast Chamber

This circular chamber has a ledge high on the west wall

A R E A 4:
- ~

Thc Ghasts hide at the far end of the shelf, waiting to leap onto any char- but are currently too busy with recruiting.) It ‘“thiinkr”that any creature who
acters at fiat opportunity They attempt to gain surprise if at all possible. If disturbs it is either food or V i n g to I& its food. Ir has no measure.
dercctcd. all four rush the PC who appears weakest, hoping to increase the
size of thcir pack. Slug, Giant (1) (HF 45,EP 5,000, Int 0 Won-), AL N, AC 8. MV G ,
H D 12. hp 80, SZ G (33’long), #AT I . D 1-12, SA acid spit, SD immune
Ghasu (4) (HF 8, EP 650 each. Inr 1 1 (Very), AL CE, AC 4,MV 15”, to crushing weapons, Lang: none, Hon: Average, ML 12,TOP 40,Crit BSL:
H D 4,hp 43,41,38 xZ,SZ M (5-6‘tall), #AT 3,D 1-4/1-4/1-8, SA para- DefAC +lo. FF 5,Reference HOB7 p 83)
l p t i o n , SD carrion stench, immune to cold, poison, disease. Sleep and
Charm spells. Lang: none, Ha”: Average, ML 20, TOP ”/a. Crit BSL Def
AC +2, FF n/a, Reference HOB 3 p 49). Three of rhe four Ghats have swal- 15. Hundred-Foot High Shelf
lowed two 100 gp green chrysnhcryls: the fourth could only find one so he is
icalous and angry.

12; Ghast Cave

Two horrifing corpses shamble towards you in this relatively Two Hieracosphinx nest here. awaiting the remrn of their dmw mistress.
small cave. These are M w d t d s pets. They saw her recently and at first will be excited to
see someone return, thinking it to be her. They will not attack unless same
creature comes near them (20 feet or so). They have no rrcasure, but one has
These Ghats rest here when not attacking anyonc who wanders inro the a medallion with a staff of copper set round with eight perfectly matched
area. Stuffed in the Ear end is a sack containing three pieces of jewelry (a dia- emeralds (24,000gp d u e ) and the name Eilservs in drow characters
mond-studded gold tiara worth 5,000 gp, a pair of fine platinum bracelets engraved on the revem.
worth 3,000 g p (1,200 g p separarely), and an intricately woven silver belt
worrh 1,800 gp) and two rubes. One is a scroll with three cleric spells (Cure Hiemcoaphinxrs. ‘‘Hayd~’’ and ‘‘Zylda” (2) (HF 14.El’ 1,400each, Int
Light Wounds, Tongues, and Conjure Animals. The last produces 3 black 6 ( h w ) . AL CE, AC I, MV 9”, 36” Fly (C), HD 9. hp 66,62.SZ L (7’ tall),
bean with 36 hp each). The other tube contains a map showing the norrh- #AT 3, D 2-8/2-8/1-10, SA swoop. SD nil, Lang:sphinx, &ow, Hon: Average,
east passage leading to the tertiary route leading to Area S/ T- 17 (not detailed ML 13. TOP 33,31, Crir BSL: DefAC t7, FF 5, Reference HOB7 p 95)
in this adventure). Draw this in on the players’ map.

Ghasu (2) (HF 8, EP 650 each, Inr 11 (Very), AL CE, AC 4, MV IS’, 16- 1 8 . 1 ~ CAVES
0 ~ ~
H D 4,hp 42 x2,SZ M (5-6‘ tall), #AT 3, D 1-4/i-4/1-8, SA paralpation.
The stench of these caves is noticeable from ten feet outside each cave. The
SD Carrion srench, immune to cold, poison, disease, Sleep and Charm spells.
noisome mess of rotting carcasses. bones, sticks, excrement, pelts, etc. covers
Lang: none, Hon: Average, ML 20, TOP “/a, Crit BSL: Def AC t2, FF n/a.
all the caves and the pungent odor permeares everything. The leader recent-
Reference HOB 3 p 49)
ly demanded all their rremure be sent to his lair, after a rogue drow guard
(who suggested he could keep more ofhis tribe at home by “buying0uI.l their
13. Ghast Lair conscription papers). Chcef is unaware that rhe guard was acting on his own
behalf (the drow need bodies for their war effort). Now all the tribe’s trear-
The tunnel narrows briefly. giving t h e Impression of a stony UK is collected in Area 32.

mouth opening into a large open cave. Four largely intact The Trolls will move to support each other, the Troglodytes, or the
corpses lounge about this cavern. Bugbears if alerted of attack through commotion, information, ctc. If they
have been alerred, only ODL 01 two Trolls will be found in each cave, left
behind to alert thc others of intruders. The Trolls will abandon their allies
The Ghasrs are spread out throughout the room. They attempt to work and rerurn to their awn lair, if borh are being attacked.
together, surrounding weaker opponents or else clerics (so that not all can be
turned right away). Piled in southwestern ‘“spur”are 300 gp and I 8 pieces
I6.Troll Hole
of black obsidian (worth 10 gp each).
Ten call, emaciated-looking bipeds with green, warty skin
Ghcurs (4) (HF 8, EP650 each, Int 11 (Very), AL CE, AC 4,MV 15”- appear to be pushing and shoving each other in chis large.
H D 4,hp 44.42.38,37,SZ M (5-6‘ tall), #AT 3, D 1-4/1-4/1-8, SA para- roundish cavern.
l p r i o n , SD carrion stench, immune to cold. poison, disease, Sleep and
Charm spells, Lang: none, Hon: Average, ML 20, TOP n/a, Crir BSL: Def
AC t2, FF n/a, Reference HOB 3 p 49) ThcscTrollr are in the process of dctcrmining their “pecking order”, as hey
artempt to bully and threaren each other to see who will hack dawn first.
14. Giant Slug They will turn on any creamit (other than drow, Bugbears or Troglodytes)
who enter the cave, preferring to practice their bullying an oursiden.
There’s somechlng odd about the niche to the northeast in thls
cave. Trolls, Common (10) (HF 13. EP 1,400each, Inr 6 (Low), AL CE, AC
4,MV i2”, H D 6t6,hp 54 each. SZ L (I’ tall), #AT 3, D S-8/5-8/5-12,
nil. SD regenerate 3 hp/round, Lang: trollkin gibberish, Hon: Average, ML
The Giant Slug blends into the niche it has found beside the passageway 14,TOP 27,Crit BSL: DcfAC +7, FF 11, Reference HOB 8 p 24)
leading norrheast, where it initially rested to digcsr a meal and then decided to
stay because ofthe excellent food supply. (The draw plan to get rid of it soon,
_ _ _ _ ~ ~
~ ~~~~
~ ~~
17.TroIl Cave Trolls, Common (18) (HF 13, EP 1,400 each, Inr 6 (Low), AL CE, AC
4, M Y 12". HD 6+6. hp 54 each. SZ L (9'tall), #AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/5-12, SA
Several n a r mN tunnels lead into this huge room. SICip covers nil, SD regenerate 3 hp/round, Lag: trollkin gibberish, Hon: Average, ML
the floi>rs and war,J. ----
---I _^-- i.._ -
'-,A y,y 1115a1, I. can easily 14, TOP 27, Crit BSL: DefAC +7, FF 11. Reference HOB8 p 24)
be see1I. More than a dozen warty creatures surround two of
their kin who appear t o be battling each other. All are splashed
with the mucky concoction. 19-23. CAVEWARREN
This complex of caves and connecting passages serves as rhe lair of a largc
tribe o f Bugbears whose services have been commandeered by rhe drow.
The two Trolls are wrestling while the others wish they still had some of their Their dark e l f masters have equipped them with armor, large shields, and
rreasure to make bets. Cheefs recent removal of all rhe tribe's rreasure ro his huge, well-made two-handed swords. For now, rhe leadership of the Bughear
own lair has left hem agirated, as rhey no longer have any lunch money ro rake rrihe is pretty much o n the same page and rhe command structure i s well in
from each other. Still, they find violence for its own sake fairly entertaining. place. However. there is always friction among the leaders.
19. Bugbear Guardpost
Trolls, Gmman (16) (HF 13, EP 1.400 each, Int 6 (Low). AL CE. AC
4, M V 12", HD 6+6, hp 54 each. SZ L (9' tall), #AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/5-12, SA
This cavern winds off t o the north. Several armored. bearlike
nil. SD rcgenerate 3 hp/raund, Lang: trollkin gibberish, Hon: Average, ML
creatures stand about, watching the passages t o the north and
14. TOP 27, Crir BSL: DefAC t7, FF 11, Reference HOB 8 p 24)

I8.Troll Lair
These Bugbear guards are not especially attentive. bur they will noticr
A single passage opens into a large cavern. The western spur intruders. They will nor try to raise an alarm unless rhey are assaulted or
ends in a shelf some fifteen feet high. O f the more than a manage to determine the intent o f the party.
dozen call. ugly green creatures here half appear t o be sleeping
on the cave floor, in the filth. Others yawn or sit muttering t o Bugbears, Common (8) (HF 2, EP 175 each, Int 7 (Low), AL CE. AC
themselves. Empry wineskins litter the floor. 2 (chain mail, large shield), M V 9", HD 3+l, hp 36 each. SZ L (7'tall), #AT
I , D 3-12 (two-handed .sword wiclded in one hand (Large creature)) or 3-8
(spear), SA surprise 5 in In, n a ~ r a +2
l damage. SD nil. Lang: bugbear, gob-
Mort of there Trolls are too upset over losing even their copper to face the lin, hobgoblin, draw, Ha": Average, ML 12, TOP 18, Crit BSL: DefAC + I .
world. Swen lie on the ground snoring loudly. eight stumble about forlorn- FF 6, Reference HOB1 p 96). Each carries I 1 g p and 5 sp.
ly. They have hccn drinking some truly disgusting alcoholic liquids. Some
of the liquid in the skins may or may not have alcohol. Any characrer drink-
ing from one o f there wineskins must save versus poison ar -% or suffer a bout 20. Bugbear Quarters
of nausea and vomiting far Id3 rounds. The drinker will feel illand be effec-
tively a t -2 Constirution for 24 hours. Even a character who makes his save Two spurs of cave split the north end of this cavern. Hides
will bc thoroughly disgusted. The drinks do not raste good. In fact. rhey stacked near the walls may be some sorr of bedding. On two
have no redeeming qualities wharsowcr. Even the Trolls don't like them of rhe stacks there appear t o be large bear-like bipeds sleeping
much, but chey have nothing better. even though they appear t o still be wearing armor. Between
Three Trolls search on the shelf for treasure rhey think Checf might have the piles are weapons. shields and various bits of clutter. Six
missed (he didn't miss any). If the others in rhe cavern complex enter battle, similar armored creatures appear t o be tending weapons or
they wait to enter the fray choosing their moment to blindside intruders. re-adlustingthe piles of fur and cloth.
They plan to hide any treasure from their leader.
~~~ ~ ~

These guards arc on break, having recently come off shift. They are rather These Bugbears have not bccn assigned to a specific unit. They are kept as
tired (hut not fatigucd) and would really prefer nor to fight. but that won't reinforcements and frequenrly used as sparring dummies by higher-ranking
stop them from cntcring mclce if necessary. Bugbear warriors (and sometimes drow). Some of them currently "practice"
guard dury, waiting to cry a mock alarm on someone's ~ntrancc.They also
Bugbears, Gmmon (8 ) (HF 2. EP 175 each. Int 7 (Low), AL CE, AC hope, just a bit, to get back at those who haw bullied them in their earlier
2 (cham mail. large shield), MV 9", H D 3 + l , hp 36 each, SZ L (7'tall), #AT training days.
I , D 3-12 (two-handed sword wielded in one hand (Large creature)) or 3-8
(spear), SA surprise 5 in 10, natural +2 damage, SD nil, Lang: bugbear, gob- Bugbun, Common (14) (HF 2, EP 175 each, Int 7 (Low), AL CE, AC
lin, hobgoblin, drow, Hon: Average. ML 12. TOP 18, Crit BSL: DefAC +I, 2 (chain mail, large shield), MV 9", H D 3+1, hp 36 each, SZ L (7' tall), #AT
FF 6, Reference HOB I p 96). Each has I 3 gp on his person. 1, D 3-12 (two-handed sword wielded in onc hand (Large creature)) or 3-8
(spear), SA surprise 5 in 10, natural t 2 damage, SD nil. Lang: bugbear, gob-
lin, hobgoblin, draw, Hon: Average, ML 12,TOP 18, Crit BSL: DefAC t l ,
2 I. Bugbear Quarters FF 6, Reference HOB 1 p 96). Each has 14 gp on his person.

The passage opens in the middle of the north wall of this cave.
In the eastern end four large bear-like creatures cluster around 24. Huge Cave
a pile of small bones. Their huge swords lie on the floor near
them. Against the southern wall four other creatures appear to Dozens of large and smaller bear-like creatures fill this huge
be polishing weapons and maintaining shields. Two have cavern amidst piles of bedding and filth. Metal glints here and
stopped in mid-stroke and currently sit staring into some there amidst the junk. Smaller ones run about, playing with
unseen distance. rocks and sticks. Ten larger creatures in fuii chain mail armor
with swords stand guard throughout the area.

Thesc quarters are similar to Area 20. These Bugbears have the next guard
shift and are lcra reluctant to enter into melee. They consider themselves the This is the den of 45 female Bugbears and 62 young. There arc tcn males
dire unit and prefer to avoid minglingwith the "lesser" guards. T h e four active here to guard the females and ohpring. The females and young do not fight
Bughcnn are gambling, playing a bizarre w e with orer-shifting rules in which unlcrr in a life and death situation. Amid the litter of bedding, food scraps,
rhc loudest individual usually defines most of the (rather transient) rules. and junk can be found 691 cp, 401 sp and 172 gp. Collecting all this coin
will take at least ten total hours ofwork (ten D. e O.D k workina for an hour each,
five for two hours, ctc.). The filth also hides an unlocked but thoroughly
Bugbun, Gmmon (8) (HF 2, EP 175 each, Int 7 (Low). AL CE, AC
2 (chain mail, large shield), MV 9", H D 3+I,hp 38 each, SZ L (7' tall), #AT rusted iron chest (requires a Strength check at -6 to break open). The chesr
I , D 3-1 2 (two-handed sword wielded in one hand (Large creature)) or 3-8 contains 312 copper pieces painted gold (PCs may make an appraisal skill
check, a task of average difficulry, to try to tell the difference). It also holds
(spear), SA surprise 5 in 10, natural +2 damage. SD nil, Lang: bugbear, gob-
an ancient piece of green jade carved into the shape of an orchid, worth 125
lin, hobgoblin, dmw.Han:Avcragc. ML 12,TOP 19, Crit BSL: DefAC t l ,
FF 6, Reference HOB 1 p 96). Each has 16 gp an his person. gp. O n e of the shorter sides is false, concealing a Brooch of Fireball
Backblert Protection.

22. Bugbear Retreat Bugbears, Gmmon (14) (HF 2, EP 175 each, Int 7 (Low),AL CE, AC
2 (chain mail, large shield), MV 9".H D 3t1, hp 36 each, SZ L (7' tall). #AT
A long cavern runs southwest where the passage enters. to the I , D 3-12 (two-handed sword wielded in one hand (Large creature)) or 3-8
northwest. No other exiu are visible. A dozen of the large (spear), SAsurprise 5 in 10, natural +2 damage, SD nil, Lang: bugbear, goh-
bear-like bipeds appear to be 'equipping themselves for battle. Iin, hobgoblin, drow, Hon: Average, ML 12. TOP 18,Crit BSL: DefAC tl,
FF 6, Reference HOB 1 p 96). Each has but 4 gp on his person.

Each Bugbear in this unit is hand picked for membership (a reward being Bugbear &males (45) (HF 0, EP 35 each, Int 7 (Low), AL CE, AC 7
handed out more generndy in recent weeks). Potential sentry duty in the (large shield), MV 9", H D 1+1, hp 26 each, SZ L (7' tall), #AT I , D
kcCavern is 9 a reward for pod service. Before Ihe ]d~/ld(j/ld6.2 (dub), SA SD nil, h a : bugbear, COblin, hobpoblin,
parry enters, these Bugbears were headed to the main cavern (Area 1) to Spar H ~A ~ : ~ ML 12,
for practice. A barrel in the southwest of the cave is half full of Bugbear gut
bruiser (it contains real bugs).
, ,.
. r)6 .filrhf
~ TOP ~13, Crit~ BSL: DefAc-1,
. ~Is ~ n ~ ~....n...,~ i i n q ,
, F f 6 , Reference HOB

lin, bobgoblin,'drow, Ham Average, ML 12, TOP 20, Crit E%L: 6efAC+1,
FF 6, Reference HOB 1 p 96). Each has 22 gp. 25. Chief's Den

This large cave is equipped with fine Iltter bedding and numer-
23. Bugaboo Cave ous supplies of varying types. from cookware to weapon
s h a h . Against the far wall is an iron box.
The passageway curves right.then opens up to the w e s t Over
a dozen large, bear-like creatures await your entry.
Grabomki the Greater Bugbear has ruled this tribe for the last four years.
A broadly muscled beast, even for a Bugbear, he has maintained his position
~~ ___
through martial skill and relatively skilled political machinations. For exam- Bugbears,Common (12) (HF 2, El‘ 175 each, Inr 7 (Low),AL CE, AC
ple, he gave in to &ow domination immediately, thereby probably preserving 2 (chain mail, large shield), MV 9”. H D 3t1, hp 36 each, SZ L (7’ tall), #AT
most of his warriors from being slaughtered and (eventually) gaining some I , D 3-12 (two-handed sword wielded in one hand (Large creature)) or 3-8
berter equipment. W j h him is his son Burtkus. who is being groomed for
t (spear), SA surprise 5 in 10, natural +2damage, SD nil, Lang: bugbear, gob-
future leadership. These two are wncerned primarily with Bugbear affairs lin, hobgoblin, drow, Han: Average, ML 12,TOP 18, Crir BSL: DefAC + I ,
and see all external dealings in terms of what’s best for their own tribe (and FF 6, Reference HOB 1 p 96). Each has but 4 gp on his person.
themselves). Grabowski’s secret dream is to one day oust the drow and the
Trolls and fill the entire cave complex with his own ever-expandingtribe. (He
is not very interested in the Troglodyte lair.) Both Greater Bugbears prefer to 27. Sub-chief’s Cave
target magic-users among intruders, if feasible. They won’t abandon good
tactics to do this, however. Two passages converge before opening in a cavern to the
They have two female conaam of large size who fight as males and M sim- northlnortheast. This cave is a mess of piles, bolts. and bales of
ilarly equipped. Thcir treasure is in a large iron box with a lack (Burrkus has varlous types of cloth. A massive bear-like creature carries a
the key an an iron chain around his neck, kept inside his clothes). Inside are huge mace as he examines a pile of cloth. Two others watching
3,114 gp, a magnificent gold and platinum chalice worth 6,000 gp, and a him stand nearer to you. about halfway into the cave. Natural
poisonous spider named Pete5 which he keeps fed so that it will bite anyone ledges dot the walls at vaving heights.
else who places a hand inside the lid. The saving throw versus this poison is
made a t +2, but damage is 5-20 from the spider’s poison.
Ruddiger is currently the third in wmmand of the Bugbcai camp, and is
nearly as large as the chief. Wlrh him are ovo personal guards, leaders in rhcir
Bugbear, Greater, ‘Gnbowski” (1) (HF 9, EP2,000, Int 13 (High), AL o w n right bur loyal ro Ruddiger (and not necessarily Grabowrki, should it wer
CE, AC -1 (Drow Chain Mail +3, large shield), MV 12”, H D 8, hp 70, SZ
come to that. ..). Ruddiger likes cloth, so he fills his quarters with the stuff. Hc
L (lo’ tall), #AT 3/2, D 2d6t12 (huge Drow Footman’s M a c +2, see
dreams of usurping the dmw leader‘s placc himelf. Rather than killing them
Appendix) oc 2-8 t8, SA surprise 5 in 10, 19 STR, SD nil. Lang: hugbear,
or wen driving them off. he’d rather adapt their style (which he considers
goblin, hobgoblin, trollkin gibberish, drow, Hon: Grcat (+I to ALL die rolls),
“groovy”and likely to arrracr Aliss or Flo) and makc them obey his own com-
ML 19, TOP 35, Crit BSL: Dcf AC t10,FF 7, Reference HOB 1 p 96)
mands. These are long-term goals, more drum rhan plan these days. Ruddigccr
is hardy a master of manipulation, but he has been able ro salve most of rhe
Bugbear, Greater, “Bunkus” (1) (HF 9, EP 2,000, Inr 11 (Very), AL problems in his life by bashing them with huge maces or covering them with
CE, AC 1 (Drow Chain M d +1, large shield), MV IT, H D 8, hp 66, SZ copious quantities of (what he considers to be) fine cloth materials.
L (I0tall), #AT 3/2, D 2d6+9 (huge footman’s mace) or 2-8 t7, SA surprise Hidden an one high ledge (22 feet up, in the far northwest of the cham-
(5 in LO), 19 STR, SD nil, Lang: bugbear, goblin, hobgoblin, trollkin gib- ber) behind a stone is a bag with 454 sp, 138 gp. 21 pp and 7 clear pieces of
berish, drow, Hon: Average, ML 19, TOP 33, Crir BSL: Def AC t 9 , FF 7, rock crystal worth 50 gp each.
Reference HOB 1 p 96)
Bugbear, Greater, “Ruddigu” (1) (HF 9, EP 2,000, Int 10 (Average).
Bugbears, “Alias” and “Flo” (Female coaaarts) (2) (HF 2, EP 175 each. AL CE. AC 1 (Drow Chain Mad +1, large shield), MV 12”, H D 8, hp 68,
Inr 7 (Law), AL CE, AC 2 (chain mail, large shield), MV 9”, H D 3+1, hp 34 SZ L (9’ tall). #AT 3/2. D 2d6+9 (huge footman’s mace or 2-8 t 7 , SA SUI-
cach. SZ L (7’tall), #AT I , D 3-12 (two-handed sword wielded in one hand prise (5 in lo), 19 STR, SD nil, Lang: bugbear, goblin, hobgoblin, dmw,
(Large creature)) or 3-8 (spear), SA surprise 5 in 10, namral t 2 damage, SD Hon: Average, ML 19, TOP 34, Crit BSL: Def AC +9, FF 7, QuirkdFlaws:
nil, Lang: bugbear, goblin, hobgoblin, Hon: Average, ML 12, TOP 17, Crit obsession with cloth, Reference HOB 1 p 96)
BSL: Def AC + I , FF 6, Reference HOB I p 9G).
Bugbear, Common, “Roeco” and “Norbert” (Ruddigeh bod+)
(2) (HF 2, EP 175 each, Int 7 (Low),AL CE, AC 1 (banded mail, large
Spider, lvge (1) (HF I , El’ 175, Inr 0 won-), AL N, AC 8, MV 6”, 15” shield), MV 9”, H D 4, hp 48.47, SZ L (7’ tall), #AT 1, D 4-13 (two-hand-
Web,HD I+l,hp27,SZS(2’across),#ATl,D1,SApoison(ClassB),SD ed sword wielded in one hand (Large creature)) or 5-10 (Drow Spear + I ) , SA
nil, Lang: none, Hon: Average, ML 7, TOP 14, Crir BSL DefAC -1, FF n/a, surprise (5 in 10). narural +3 damage, SD nil, Lang: bugbear, goblin, hob-
Reference HOB7 p 97) goblin, drow, Han: Average, ML 12, TOP 24 xZ,Crit BSL: Def AC + I , FF
6, Reference HOB 1 p 96)
26.Additional Bugbear Warren
28-30.Troglodyte Caves
Three passageways empty into a large space. To the east These areas are the warrens of rhe Troglodytes. (Recent expansionist moves
sweeps a large cave. The slightly recessed floor of this cave is have also placed Trogs in Areas 36-38.) Here the runnel ceilings are only
damp; t h e air is musty. A dozen unhappy-looking somewhat about six feet high, and the caves themselves not much more spacious. All of
bear-like bipeds can be seen. Most are scrubbing their armor theseTrogs are one tribe. descended from Mog theTrog, a spiny-backed feral
or swords with the vigor of deep felt annoyance. variant Troglodyte who lived in the area some 20 years ago (during the last
derro invasion). His legendary proclivity for gathering mares remains a pop-
ular tale with the Trogs. Over the years his descendenrs drove off the non-
Twelve Bugbears inhabit this area A minor problem with overpopulation variant Trogs. Since Mog’s day. the variants have bred true. even with normal
has pushed some of the tribe into this cavern. Unless the drows war ends Trogolodyws, and the rribe may be on the way to becoming a full-fledged
with unexpected swiftness. soon this will not likely be a problem. Still. these sub-race. All the leaders and 90% of the tribe have vestigial fangs. The cur-
B u g b m dream of getting into better quarters as soon as possible. They rent leader is known as “Da Mog”.
could either replace an existing guard or take enough treasure from intruders Currently, thc Tribc of Mog work in coopcration with the Trolls and
to bribe their leader. Each has so far gathered 15 gp towards this bribe. Each Bugbears. The dark elves demand such coopcration, ofcourse, but the inhab-
one keeps this on his person at all times, as well hidden as possible. itants of the place have found that they are all generally prospering through
mutual aid (though signs of a turnaround arc already cvidcnr to thc perccp-
tivc: i.e. only the drow), so they now w m e willingly to cach other‘s assistance.
~ ~~
MOGS __ ~~~ ~~

TheTroglodyter enjoy the chaos Sinm it allows them to express their full sav- troglodyte, Hon: Average, ML 12.TOP 25, 23, 20, 19, Crit BSL: Def AC
agery as they gleefully attack any unknown creatures that enter their lair. +5, FF 5, Reference HOB R p 23)
Nearly everything used by the Trogs is made of stone or fashioned from
bone. They have a few possessions of wood, leather, or cloth, hut such items Tmplodyte elders (sub-chief stnts), spiny-backed feral Eeonamy-sized
are rare as they are virruually impassible to keep dry. w i a n t (2) (HF 8, EP 480, Int 9 (Average), AL CE, AC 3, MV 12",9" Swim,
A "T" on the map indicates a unit den. Each unit den holds a small H D 6t2, hp 56, 53, SZ L (8' tall), #AT 3 or 1, D ld4+I/ld4+1/ld4+4 or
amount afTroglodyre goods - valueless junk piled into a nest, and no trcas- ld10+3/2d4+5/ld6+4 (broad sword), SA surprise 6 in 10,weakening stench,
ure - and a male. female and two hatchling Trogs. Each male has a broad SD chameleon disguise, Lang troglodyte, drow, Ham Average, ML 12,TOP
sword. The females do not fight unless pressed. These unit dens are in addi- 28.27, Crit BSL DefAC t?. FF 5, Reference HOB 8 p 23)
tion to thc creatures described in the numbered encounter areas, Harchling
Troglodytcr arc "on-combatants. Each has 12 hit points.
30. Communal Cave
Trogolodyte d e , spiny-backed feral &t (HF 4. EP 160, Int 9 This twenty-foot wide, 70-foot long cave is fllled vvith water
(Average),ALCE,AC3,MV12",9"Swim,HD3,hp36,SZM(6'rall),#AT from wall to wall. Many narrow tunnels lead out of t hle area and
3 or 1, D ld4/ld4/ld4+3 or id10+2/2d4+4/ld6+3 (broad sword), Usurprise
small islands of stone dot the water's surface. Eig:ht smaller
6 in 10, weakening stench, SD chameleon disguise, Lang: noglodyre, Hon: Troglodytes swim briskty about.
Average, ML 12,TOP 18, Crit HSL DefAC t4, FF 5, Reference HOB8 p 23)

Trogolodytc f e d c spiny-backed feral &ant (HF 2, El' 47, Inr 8 This place is normally empty of activiry except during tribal feasts. coun-
(Average),AL CE, AC 5, MV IT', 9" Swim, H D 2+1.hp 30, SZ M (6'tall), cils, or when the males gather to attack. There are eight immature females
#AT 3, D ld4/ld4/ld4+3, SA surprise 6 in 10, weakening srench. SD here at all rimes to rend rhe area. They will flee rather than tight, ifat all pos-
chamclcon disguise, Lang: troglodyte, Hon: Average. ML 12,TOP 15. Crit sible, and arrempr ro warn guards and leaders.
HSL: Def AC t0,FF 5, Reference HOB 8 p 23) This area is also a fallback position for defending the caves. The northwest-
em most pawage enters the water steeply, but the floor slopes from west to mt.
28. Long Cave so it is not terribly deep there. Invaders jumping down the 5-foot drop m u t
make a Dexterity check or fall and suffer embarrassing bruises. Guards and
leaders will set up ambushes and defenses to slaughter intruders. If rhings arc
still going badly, theTrogs retreat through rhe runnel openings. These are par-
rially exposed to air in Area 30 proper, but thc runnels wind up and down, so
those moving through them must travel completely submerged part of rhe way.
If [hey must retreat through these runnels, some Troglodytes will arrempr ro
A Trog den of 36 young males makes their quarters here. They have no
occupy rhe inuuden while others prepare a "welcome" in the dens. T h a e dew
treasure and litrle interest in talking to non-Trogs. They will aaack anything
arc relatively dry areas where the floor rises back out of the water. Sweral small
that does not appear to be a Bugbear, Troll or dark elf.
strcams feed the pool well below wen the lowest waterline.

Trogolodytes male, spiny-backed M variant (36) (HF 4, EP 160

Trogolodytcs, female spiny-backed feral variant (8) (HF 2, EP 47 each,
each, Int 9 (Average), AL CE, AC 3, MV IZ", 9" Swim, H D 3, hp 34 each.
Int 8 (Averagr), AL CE, AC 5, MV 12",9" Swim, H D Ztl, hp 30 each, SZ
SZ M (6' rall), #AT 3 or I . D ld4/ld4/1d4+3 or ld10+2/2d4+4/ld6+3
M (6' tall),#AT3. D ld4/ld4/ld4+3, SAsurprise6 in 10, weakcningstench.
(broad sword), SA surprise 6 in 10,weakening stench, SD chameleon dis-
SD chameleon disguise, Lmg: troglodyte. Hon: Average, ML 12. TOP 15.
guise. Lang: troglodyte, Hon: Average. ML 12, TOP I?, Crit HSL: Def AC
Crir RSL: Def AC +0, FF 5, Reference HOB 8 p 23)
+4, FF 5, Reference HOB 8 p 23)

3 I. Eastern Cavern
29. Den Leaders

This cavern holds four racks of javelins and four Troglodyte-

like creatures inhabit the southern portion. You can see two
larger Trogs in the northern portion. Most of the wet floor is
covered with layers of filthy moss.

T h e Trogs live in the foreparr of the a m . while the two elders are housed in Flame will show the colors as whites, grays, ycllows, tans. browns, reds,
the northernmost portion of the gallery. Each leader wears a small medallion
oranges, pinks, mauves and violets. The Troglodytes rend these growrhs. The
of gold hammered into a liken- of a human skull (worth 20 gp). Each of the
fungi supply much of thc food for the creanircs that inhabit the place. (The
clders has a small, rough blue quam (worth 10 gp each) set into this device.
fungi are fed with thc refuse and otfal, and the place is less than fragrant,
On the shelf at the back of their area is a human skiill sheathed in gold (worth
though the Bughcars. Trolls and Troglodytes dont mind.).
230 gp) with two huge manslucent red fire opals (worth 2,000 g p each) set in
On the map "s" positions indicate 1-4 Shriekers and "V" positions indi-
the eye holes. There are also four sheaves of javelins here, 48 in all.
cate 1-4 Violet Fun& Beneath the circled Shrieker (S) is hiddcn a 10.000w
ruby and an Efreeti Bottle. Beneath the circled Violet Fungus (V)is a
Tmgolodyte leaders, spiny-backed feral variant (4) (HF 6, El' 233, Inr Zprgosas krty Jug. Farkwar lost this some weeks ago and the loss has seri-
9 (Average), AL CE, AC 3, MV IT, 9" Swim, H D 4, hp 49,45,39, 38, SZ ousl.lybummed him our,
M (6' tall), #AT3 or I , D ld4/ld4/ld4+3 or ld10+2/2d4+4/1d6+3 (broad
sward). SA surprise 6 in 10, weakening stench, SD chameleon disguise, Lang:

~~ -

32-35.Trolls’ Den they would never dream of speaking up if they thought an elder could hear.
The Trolls live in a fairly stable alliance with the draw. Once in awhile, A special type of mushroom grows in hollows in the entire sourhern end of
they fight a Bugbear or beat up a Trog, bur no one really minds (at least, no rhe cavern.
one who counts). They have prospered greatly under the drow and. despire
a recent reduction in loot, they conrinue ro receive cnough food to keep rhem Trolls, Common (8) (HF 13, EP 1,400 each, Inr 6 (Low), AL CE, AC 4,
from gnawing sralacrires. Even when thc Bugbears or Trogs are horhered by MV 12”. H D 6+6, hp 54 each, SZ L (9’ tall), #AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/5-12, SA
Troll activiry, rhey know rhey cannot mount an effective atrack, since the nil, SD regenerate 3 hp/round, Lang: trollkin gihberish, Hon: Average, ML
drow would norice and intervene. For their part. the drow simply doni wanr 14, TOP 27. Crir BSL DefAC t 7 , FF 11, Reference HOB 8 p 24)
their pawns and porential soldiers killing each other. They allow violence and
treachery, of Course.
34.Troll SDOt

32. Chief’s Den This long cavern gives the impression of narrowness. though it
is about 15 feet wide for most of its length. Several Trolls
Many niches and hollows dot the walls of this large cave. Five stand at the far end. They appear to be in a bad mood.
Trolls with earrings lounge about throughout the area. A
massive troll. several feet taller than the others, stands in the
middle of the cavern facing you. These Trolls were playing dice games hefore the players arrived. They
attack (either because rhey dislikc the PCs on sight or because they have
received warning).
The tribal chief and five lesser Trolls dwell hcre. All are more powerful
than average. At rhe back of rhc c a w is a natural hallow rhal is used as the Trolls, C o m m o n (10) (HF 13. EP 1.400 each. Inr 6 (Low), AL CE. AC
reposirory for the rrihal wealth: 1.300 cp, 789 sp, 2,011 gp, 54 pp. 38 gar- 4, MV 12”, H D 6t6, hp 54 each. SZ L (9’ rall), #AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/5-12. SA
nets (worth 10 gp each), 14 pieces of cheap imitation jewelry (100 gp each). nil, SD regenerate 3 hp/raund. Lang: trollkin gibberish, Han: Average, ML
the 1,000 gp gold bracelet that the knock-offr are meant 10 imitare (a char- 14, TOP 27, Crir BSL: Def AC t 7 , FF 1I . Reference HOB 8 p 24)
acter must succeed ar a dificult appraisal skill check to recognize the imira-
tions’ true nature). a Potion of Healing, and a bronze statuette - an idol of
some weird shark god (Sekolah, vencrarcd hy the Sahaguin). The carving is 35. Muck Cave
inlaid wirh ivory, coral and pearls (worth 9,500 gp intact, 5,500 gp for parrs).
This latter objecr has an undetecred secret compartment in the head portion, Two large natural steps descend into a cavern filled with Rlth
and therein rest a pair of lenses. These crystal devices do not give offany and mud. The walls are stained with muck and drops of the
dweomer, for rhey are not magical, and rhc wearer will detect nothing when stuff fall from the ceiling sporadically, There appear to beTrolls
looking through them unless he is in the Vault of the Drow. swimming or playing In the filth.

Trolls, Common Jumbo-ahedvarinnr, “Chef” (1) (HF 16, EP 2,100,

Inr 7 (Low), AL CE, AC 4, MV IZ”,H D 8+7. hp 70, SZ H (13’ tall), #AT There Muck Trolls wandered into the area some rime ago. Cheef lets
3, D 7-10 (ld4t6)/7-IO (ld4+6)/7-14 (ld8+6), SA nil. SD regenerare 3 rhem remain hecause the cavern was always full of muck, and because they
hp/round, hng: trollkin gibhcrirh, drow, Hon: Average, ML 14, TOP 35, amuse him.
Crir BSL: DefAC +9, FF I I , Reference HOB8 p 24)
Trolls, Mu& (10) (HF 9. El’ 975 each, Int 4 (Semi-), AL CE, AC 8, MV
Trolls, Common, “IGmmi”, “Ni-”, “Sitra”, “Tnmag“ and “Umm” 3”, 9’ Swim. H D 4+4. hp 46 each, SZ L (9’ tall), #AT 3, D 2-512-512-7, SA
(5) (HF 13, El’ 1,400, Int 6 (Low), AL CE, AC 4. MV 12”. H D 6t6, hp suffocarion in muck, SD regenerate 6 hp/round (only in muck), fire resist-
60, 59. 57, 54, 52, SZ L (9’ rall), #AT 3, D 5-8/5-8/5-12, SA nil. SD regen- ance, Lang: trollkin gibberish, Ha”: Average. ML 11, TOP 23, Crir BSL: Dcf
erate 3 hp/round, Lang: rrollkin gibherirh. drow, Hon: Average, ML 14,TOP AC t 7 , FF 1 1 , Reference HOB 8 p 30)

30 XZ. 29, 27, 26, Crit BSL: Def AC +7, FF 1I. Reference HOB8 p 24)
33-35.TROLL LAIRS This area is considered “upscale” for Trogs (should the tribe; lair be com-
In and around these Troll lairs, their rank odor is masked by the pungent promised. the leaden here will still have ways ro escape). Only leader-types
reek of fungi.
and their favorites live in this warren, Though ir docs nor have full pools. the
place is damp and from rime to time small puddler can he found in the area.
Areas marked with a “T” on the map indicate a unit den. Each of rhcse
33.Troll Grotto plamer exactly duplicares those nored beforc, i.e. anc male. one female and
two hatchlingTrogs wirh no treasure.
On stepping up over two natural levels to the floor of this
grotro you come to a large cave branching off the main cavern.
Eight green, warty things mill about in the southern end of this 36. Guards’ Quarters
raised area.
Several narrow tunnels enter into a roundish cavern. Four
large, two-legged lizard-like creatures ready metal-tipped
This area is a garhering place for younger Trolls, especially on Pin’mar javelins as you enter.
nights (Gaweae Wulrd cquivalcnr of Saturday). They prefer ro rhink of it as
“rheirs”,even if rhe leaden and alder Trolls think otherwise. Somerimer they
discuss their Ieasms for not wanring to participate in rhe drow’s conflict, but Four Trogs of large size dwell here. They are considered favorires because
rhey never cause trouble and therefore do nor threaten rheir higher-ups. They
- -

an neither exceprionally able not especially incompetent for their position. 39. Side Gallery
Their duty is to relay information to Areas 37 and 38.
This large side cavern has two spurs in the southern half. In the
Trogolodyte large guards, spiny-bncked fdvariant (4) (HF 6, EP southwestern spur chains tether two huge, winged, reptilian
233, Inr 9 (Average),A!.. CE, AC 3, MV 12”. 9“ Swim, H D 4, hp 44,42,38, creatures to the cavern walls. The Southeastern spur hoids a
34. SZ M (6’ tall). #AT 3 or I , D ld4/ld4/ld4+3 or ld10+2/2d4+4/ld6+3 large rocky shelf on which rests a huge flail.
(broad word) or ld6+2/ld6+2/ld6+2(javelin, 3 each), SA surprise 6 in 10,
weakening stench, SD chameleon disguise, Lang: troglodyte, drow, Ham:
Average, ML 12, TOP 22,21, 19, 17, Crit BSL: DefAC +5, FF 5, Refcrcnce Stabled here (at A) on chain tethers are two Wywtns which the Trog chief
HOB8 p 23) Da Mag (#38) has raised from rhe time they hatched from eggs taken by him.
He rides rhe larger one into battle while the other fights beside irs sibling.
They are fond of the chief; they obey and follow him because they have a
37. Guards’ Quarters strange mutual liking and communicate with each other. Thc flail resring on
the natural shelf in the sourheastcm spur (at B) is a huge horseman’s flail
Moss and musmom stems litter this two-chambered cave. Four which the chief we5 when mounted. This is a +2 weapon, but only if the
reptilian bipeds carrying wet bags appear to be readying swords, wielder is of at least Large size and speaks rhc command word, “Forshaani’.
The weapon rhen functions as a magical weapon for one turn. Ir can do this
three times per day (El’= 400, GP = 2,000). The chief does not have [he
These Troglodyte guards are off duty far rhe rime being, but they see every command word written anywhere. If the Wyvems are slain the chiefwill go
crearure as an ally or as meat far rhcir bags. They are preparing for duty or so absolutely mad with rage that he enters HackFrenzy. These creacum have
to face the intruders they have already been warned about, no treasure.

Trogolodyte guards. spiny-bneked f e d variant (4) (HF 4, EP 233, Inr Wwms (2) (HF 15, EP 2,000 each, Int 6 (Low), AL N(4, AC 3, MV
9 (Average), A!..CE, AC 3, MV 12”.9” Swim, H D 4, hp 41, 39, 38 xZ,SZ 6”,24“ Fly (EL H D 7+7, hp 64, 60, SZ G (35’ long), #AT 2, D 2-1611-6,
M (6‘tall), #AT 3 or 1, D ld4/Id4/ld4+3 or ld10+2/2d4+4/ld6+3 (broad SA poison, surprise 6 in 10, SD nil, h g : wyvern, Hon: Average, ML 14.
sword), SA surprise 6 in 10, weakening stench, SD chameleon disguise, Lang: TOP 32, 30, Crit BSL: Dcf AC +6, FF 12. Reference HOB 8 p 106)
troglodyte, &ow, Hon: Avcrage, ML 12,TOP 21, 20, 19 x2,Crit BSL: Def
AC t5, FF 5 , Reference HOB 8 p 23)
40. Magic Pool

36.Trog Chief’s Lair A stream from the tunnel to the north feeds a clear pool of
water. The pool is nearly 40 feet across, but does not block
This domed cave is only about 10 feet across for most of i t s the entire room. Periodically glints of color from deep within
length. At rhe north end piles of fungus and moss appear to the central area of the pool catch the lighr.
make some sort of bedding, while various other items (includ-
ing a dagger, some gems and what appear to be the remains of
several meals) litter the entire place. A massiveTroglodyte sits
u p snarling as you enter. One hand holds an ornate broad
sword, the other a javelin with a sharp metal tip,

This huge old Trog is Da Mog, chief of the Tribe of Mog. He has a Broad
S w o d +2 (no special abilities) and four metal-ripped javelins. Two of the lat-
ref are normal, bur two are Janlinr o f Lightning, The chief knows the dif-
ference and will targer those Javelins ar charmers sranding in water, if possi-
ble. Amidst the litter in the place are 23 pearls, 3 corals and a brown-green
garnet (all 26 of these are gems worth 100 gp each), a sack with 12 ingots (10
pounds each, five silver, six gold. one platinum), and a fancy platinum neck-
lace set with 12 spinels (value 7,500 gp inracr, gem value 4,600 gp). Hidden
in a small cranny are Mlo Potions of Plant Control, a Potion of Attitude
Adjumnent and a Potion of Gaomc GibbeAsh.
If warned of a major inrrusion, Da Mog arrempts ro get to his Wyvern
mount to attack rhe invaders. Otherwise, he has only just recently learned of possession of the thrower. When
the party’s anrics. Da Mog assumes that anyane nor a Trog, Bugbear, Troll or
dmw is not supposed to be here and thus fair game.
.. .
[he aoDrooriate numbcr of ceems
has been transformcd. stop check-
Table 4 -I :
Magic Pool Gems
ing. The chance of actually rranr
forming an individual gcm arc
Gem Chance to
“Da Mog”, Trogolodyre chief, spiny-backcd f e d v p r i ~ (HF
t 10, EP
867, Int 9 (Average),AL CE, AC 3, MV 12”. 9” Swim, H D 7, hp 62, SZ indicated an Tablc 4 - 1 : Magic Barevalue Increase in Value
Pool Gems. 80%
M (6‘ tall), #AT 3 or 1, D ld4/ld4/ld4+3 or ld10+2/2d4+4/1d6+3
(Broad Sword +2) or ld6+2/ld6+2/ld6+2 (javelin. 2) or Id6+2+20 elec- Note rhat the gem increases to
tricity Uawlin of Lightning, 2). SA surprise 6 in 10. weakening stench, the n m base value regardless of
SD chamelcon disguise, Lang: troglodyte, drow, Hon: Average, ML 12, inctcascd or decreased values
TOP 31, Crir BSL: DcfAC +8, FF 5, QuitkdFlaws: HackFrenzy, Reference within thar range. Thus, a 20 gp
HOB 8 p 23) azurite (200% value increase over
the base 10 gp) would increase to

- ~~
Encounter Area 6: River Crossing~~

a 50 gp azurite, as would a 7 gp (30%below base value) azurite. As the effecr

is more likely to cause 10 g p gems ro become 50% or 50 gp gems to become
IOOs, rhe drow merchanr who knows thc secret afrhis pool usually tosses only
10 gp gems inro ir. The transformation takes id10 minutes per gem, though
aftcrwardr they do nor radiate any sort of magic. Also. the gems within radi-
ate no magical aura.

Encounter Area 5: Cave In

Read the following boxed rexr whcn rhc party approaches within a mile of
this location.

You notice that the air is getting dusty and the dank musty
odor of the NetherDeep is stronger than ever up ahead.

Upon continuing down the pssagouay. rhc party will encounter increas-
ing rubble. Further dawn thcy will find that the tunnel is complerely choked
off and impassible.
Seismic activity subsequent 10 the making of &Iwdra's map has collapsed
a quarter mile long strerch of the primary pasragc. Given time, the drow will
eventually clear the damage hut it will bc a major engineering project that
could rake a year ro complere.

Encounter Area 6: River Crossing

Use Map 6 on the following page for rhe crossing of the Fleuvc Noir.

The corrldor you've been traveling down opens into a large

cavern bisected by a wide river.The inky black water flows
from west to east, b surface is hardly broken by the waves.
Across the far bank you can see a barge lying on the shore.

On rhc far bank. in the cove shown, is moored an 8' Y 14' hargc with a
sculling oar. At one time, a rogue Kuo-Toan monitor by rhe name of Marlin
used to operate a ferry service across rhe river, Unfortunately far the adven-
turers hc was ambushed by a Derro search and destroy patrol some days ago.
Though riddled with crossbow bolts. his natural poison immunity allowed
him to wirhsrand rhe initial fusillade. He went berserk but could nor over-
come rhe overwhelming number of dark dwarves and was hacked to pieces in
melee, Though quitc chaotic and a bit insane, he was not fool enough ro dive
. into rhe river and bc caren alive. The channel is over 80 feet deep.
For the Derro,'rhe artack was part of a well coordinated campaign to secure
their flanks and ro prevent the drow from bringing reinforcemenrs in from
rhe south. They are well aware of the recmirment drive going on (see Sewer Snappen (HF 0, EP 7, Inr 1 (animal), AL N, AC 8, MV 9" Swim.
Encounrer Area N: Caves and Warrens of thc Mop) and this operarion was H D 1/2, hp 10 each, SZ S, #AT I, D ld4-2, SA frenzy, ML 10, TOP nla,
meant ro mitigate rhat. Crir BSL: DefAC -4, FF n/a, Reference HOB7 p 47)
No amount ofwhistling or calling for service will bring forth the boatman
(though you may wish to make an additional wandering monster check if the
Ar its narrowest poinr, the river is 60 feer across. Players may create a
players make a lot of racked.
bridge by casting a Wall of Srone, but because of the length of the span it
Thc rivet, though placid, is nonethelw very dangerous for it is teeming
musr bc arched and buttressed thereby reducing the effective area of effect in
with Sewer Snappers. This crossing is a good place ro feed and as such hun- half. [Said bridge will be 2 inches wide per level of the castcr.1 Safely navi-
dreds of the linlr vermin congregate here wairing far thcir next meal. Anyone
gating a narrow bridge may pose a danger to less graceful pany members.
wading into the dark warer will be immediately attacked by 10 of rhe beasrs
Have each party member crossing the bridge make a Dextcrity check with a
while four Souer Snappers will arrack those walking on rhc water. The devil- 12" wide span ha&g no modification to rhe roll. Each 2" ofaddirional width
ish link fish will even leap our of the warer co a height of two fcct in order to provides a bonus of + I ro Dexrerity and those with the Acrobatic Skill Suite
attack Once blood is drawn, they go into a frenzy artacking twice per round.
will automatically be successful. Pack animals cannor bc led across unless the
Up to 20 snappers may attack each individual. bridge is at leasr 36" wide. Characrets failing a Dexterity chcck fall into the
river and are attacked by 20 Sewer Snappers per m& round until they can
he rescued or their bones are picked clean.
EncounterAlea 7: The Svirfs DESCENT
The barge has been holed by the sncaky Dcrro just above rhe waterline. The parry will not see any creatures or hrar any noise, but there are eight
If laden with no more than 100 pounds, it will float normally. Any addi- deep gnomes watching them from hiding. There arc fix 1st level fighters,
tional weight will cause it sink low enough in the water to begin leaking. two 3rd level lieutenants, and one 6th level clerical leader, whom rhc other
The barge will sink in 10 - (x-lOO)/lOO rounds where X is the amount of gnomes simply call '"Pappa". If the party stops and searches the area (or calls
weight carried in the boat (weight in excess of 1100 pounds will cause it to out in friendly terms). Pappa will show himself and greet them in a gnomish
immediately sink). dialect, recognizing the party as creatures from the upper world. When he
A character with rhe Seamanship skill suite will be able to properly scull does this, read the following text.
the barge, it will rake him only 6 rounds to travel directly MTOSS to moor the
barge in the opposite bank cove. lforhers scull the craft. it will take twice that
long, they will move diagonally downstream, and there will be no possibility Seemingly from nowhere. a blue colored gnome appears and
of mooring the barge, so it will be carried off downstream by the current after offers his hand In friendship.
disembarkation. The barge will be carried downstream at a rate of 9 miles per
hour all the way to the Mer du Sans Soleil, the lake on the east part of the
map. Travel up river in the barge is impossible. It is not possible to walk Papa will converse in sign language, or speak normally if the party under-
along the riverside. stands gnomish or some magical means of communication or understanding
One of the ride caves served Marlin as a,home. His riddled and hacked is available. If the adventurers offer not fewer than one 100 gp gem per deep
corpse now lies an a large pile of dried seaweed were he once slept. Various gnome, and agree to going "halfies" on any others taken, the Svirfs will cer-
rhrll and Stone containers and utensils, and odds and ends of worthless gear tainly agrce to accompany the party to the Shrine of the Kuo-Toanr.
are around the place but all haw been broken and smashed. The deep gnomes hate the kuo-toa people as much as they despise the
He had found a natural pot in the floor. and a stalagmite thrust into the drow, and this group has spied upon the shrine, for they are prospecting the
mouth of this openihng appears to be quite natural - so much so that the area. As they have just taken thc last gems from a vein here. they are willing
Derro did not discover his hoard. Beneath this stopper he sequestered 1.420 to get others from their enemies. Naturally, the diminutive fighters know rhe
gp, 691 pp, 77 gems worth 10 gp each, a jar of Kpmpnc's Oinuncnt. a passages well, and they have small secret passages that allow them to spy upon
Potion of Ema-heeling, a black metal medallion with a spider relief on one the shrine from high on the walls or from above.
ride and the head of a female drow on the other, a Cloak ofV&aability -3, Each of the deep gnomes has three Svirfneblin Vita-tabs (see appendix),
and a very small diamond (apparent value 500 gp but actually a Globe of while "Pappa' has a full dozen of these curatives. All save Papa have a pouch
Cold from a Necklace of Icy Missiles). containing five Svifneblin sleep calrrops (see Appendix A: New Equipment).
Hc has a pouch conraining six Svirfneblin Smoke Grenades, as well as two
Encounter Area 7: The Svirfs Svirfneblin Poison Gas Grenades (both derailed in the appendix). In addition.
each of these deep gnomes has 10-40 gems worth 10 gp each.
Use Map 7 on the following page when this area is rcachcd,
Note: All of the svirh have thc blue color variation (as does the rest of their
clan). I
The passageway forks with a broad avenue heading northeast
and a small corridor leading to the northwest. Several small SvirfPmspecton (5) (HF 3, EP 420. Fighter I , Str 16/02, Dcr 15/07,
Con 14/22, AL NG, AC 2 (banded mail, Dex), M v 7". hp 27, 26>25, 25,
caves open up from the junction.The area is faintly lit by lumi-
23, SZ S, #AT 3/2or 3, D ld6+6/ld6+7/2d4+6(non-magical pick + I ) or
nous Drow graffiti.
2d4+ld6-1/2d4+ld6-2/2d4+ld6-4 (aciddarts- each has 12 ofthese darts).
SD all saves made PI. r3 save poison which is at +2, MR 20%, Lang:
svifnebli (gnomish dialect), Hon: Ave. ML 13, TOP 18, 17, 16, 15. Crit
BSL: Def AC +2 (pick) or Def AC - I (darts), FF 7, Talcnrs: Close to the
Earth, Freeze, Mining Sense, Pick Bonus. Skills of note: singing, specializa-
tion in footman's pick)

SvirfLieutennnts (2) (HF 8. EP 650. Fighter 3, Sir 16/49, Dex 15/94,

Con 14/61, AL NG, AC 2 (banded mail. Dex), MV 7". hp 45,44, SZ S, #AT
312 or 3, D ld6+6/ld6+7/2d4+6(non-magical pick + I ) or special (svifneblin
stun darts - each has 12 of there darts), SD all saves made at t3 save poison
which is at r-2, MR 20%. Lang: .wifncbli (gnomish dialect), Hon: Ave, ML
15, TOP 23, 22, Crit BSL: Def AC +4 (pick), FF 7, Talents: Close to rhc
Earth, Freeze, Mining Sense. Pick Bonus. Skills of note: singing, spccialim-
tion in footman's pick)

Pappa (HF 32,EP 1500, Cleric 6, Sir 15/22, Dex 16/07, Con 16/22, WLS
16/72.ALNG.AC-l (platcmdl+Z,Dex),MVC, hp63,SZS,#AT l , D
ld6+4/ld6+5/2d4+4 (non-magical pick + I ) , SA spells. summon earth ele-
mental SD all saves made at +3r a w poison which is a t t2, MR 35%. Lang:
svifnebli (gnomish dialect), Hon: Ave, ML 16, TOP 32, Crit BSL: Def AC
+3 (pick), FF 8. Talents: Clbse to the Earth, Evaluate Gems, Freeze, Mining
Sense, Pick Bonus, Skills of note: first aid skill suite. singing)
Spells: First Iml: Bless, Create Water, Cure Light Wounds (a).
Invisihility to Undead, Light, Remove Fear. Second level: Augury, Cure
Moderate Wounds (x2), Find Traps, Silence 15' Radius. Third level: Locate
Object, Remove Paralysis
E n c o u n t e r Area 9 S h r i n e of t h e Kuo-Toans
~~~ ~

Noter Like all Svifnchlin clerics, he is unable 10 r i m undead. However, There is a 50% chance that any Kuo-roa encountered enters HackFrenzy
Papa may arrempr to gain control of a rampaging elemenral. He has the fol- on hearing rhe word “sushi”. Roll Id8 for each Hit Die to determine rhe
lowing chance of success: amount of damage that Kuo-Toa must then deal out.
Consult Table 12ICTurning Undead Wandering Monsters
8 H D elemental - rrear ar “Wight or 5 HD” An encounter occurs an 1 in 12: check each turn.
12 H D elemental - [rear as “Mummy or 7 H D
16 H D elemcntal- [rear as “Ghost or 10 HD” Western Half of the Shrine ( I d6)
In addition, he may c a ~ Summon
r [Earrh] Elcmental once per day wirh a 1 D m w Emissaries, small train
50% chance of success. 2 Kuo-Toan Guards (see below)
3 Kuo-ToanWhips (Km3 (14))
4 Kuo-Toan Monitor (KMon ( I ) )
Encounter Area 8: Impeded Passage 5 Kuo-Toan Pilgrims (Km (3-5) and Kf (0-1))
6 Kuo-Toan Shamans (KS2 (1-4))
Before you a huge boulder blocking the passageway seems to
be making a snoring noise. After a recognize that Eastern Half of the Shrine (I d6)
it is not a boulder but an immense, bulbous,and only vaguely-
I Kuo-Toan Pilgrims (Km (3-5) and Kf (0-1))
humanoid creature. The sound breaks and sputters. and the 2 Kuo-Toan Shamans (KS2 (1-4))
thing opens ics eyes at you. Its arms and legs curve around its 3 Kuo-Toan Monitors (KMon (I)) .
round body as its eyes narrow in your direction. It tells you 4 Kun-Toan Pilgrims (Km (3-5) and Kf (0-1))
that it cin. “feel your pain.” However it quickly changes its 5 Kuo-Toan Guards (see below)
tone towards you and begins to wonder aloud what you might 6 Kuo-Toanwhips (Km3 (1.4))
taste like.

Kuo-Toan guard conringenrs have the following composirion: Warriors:

Km2 (8). Suh-leader: Km3 ( I ) , Leadcr: Km4 ( I )
This Grear Lucid Impeder is comfortable in this spot in his tunnel. He
doesn’r wan[ to leave, and rhc only thing he hates more rhan being disturbed
is being hungry. He is currently very hungry. KmZ: Kuo-TOPmale, Common (HF 4, EP 175. Fighter 2, Inr 13
(High). AL NE (chaotic rend.), AC 4, MV 9”, 18” Swim, H D 2, hp 30. SZ
M. #AT 1 or 2, D 2-5 bite and Id6+l/ld6/ld6-l dagger OR ld6/2d4/2d6
G m t Lucid Impeder, “Bubba” (HF 33. EP 4,200, Int 6 (Low), AL N, harpoon, SA + I ro-hit/+l 10 damage for Srrengrh, SD only surprised I in 10,
A C 4 , M V 3 ” , H D lOt100,hp IXO,SZH,#ATl orI.D2-12(rofrontand slippery, immune ro poison and paralysis, immunc to illuion. 1 point of
front flank) or 1.6 (+blinding, ID rear and rear flank), SA blinding nausear- damage from magical missiles, elecrrical resisrance, Lang: kuo-roan. suhrer-
ing spray, crushing inflation, SD blockage. MR 50% (reflective), Lang: halr- rancan common. Hon: Average, ML 13,TOP 15, Crit BSL: Def AC to. FF
ing common, Ha”: Avcagc, ML 17, TOP 90, Crit BSL: Def AC t9, FF 15,
Reference HoR 4 p 2X)
6. Reference HOB 4 p 68)
Km3: Kuo-Ton male, Common (HF 5, EP 254, Fighrer 3, Inr 13
ENCOUNTERAREA9: SHRINE OF THE KUO-TOANS (High). AL NE (chaoric rend.), AC 4, MV 9”, 18” Swim, H D 3, hp 36, SZ
M, #AT 1 or 2, D 2-5 bite and ld6+l/ld6/ld6-l dagger OR ld6/2d4/2d6
Refer m Map 9 on pages 46 and 47. There are a large number of poren- harpoon, SA + I to-hit/+l to damage for Srrcngth, SD onlysurprised 1 in 10,
rial encounrers wirh various Kuo-Toa in this adventure section. Rarhcr than slippery, immune to poison and paralysis, immune ro illusion, 1 point of
list full starisria far every possible individual encounter and waste your valu- damage from magical missiles, electrical resisrance, Lang: kuo-roan. subter.
able HackTime wirh rcdundanr information, use the following stars for ranean common,Hon: Average, ML 13,TOP 18, Cric RSL: Def AC + I , FF
yards and inhahirants Leaders and ocher important unique figures are 6, Reference HOB 4 p 68)
described in the appropriate area text.
This is not difficult. For encounrers with srandard or vety similar ’ypes of Km4: Kuo-Toa male, Common (HF 7, El’ 370, Fighter 4. Int 13
Kun-Toa use the tode h e r s preceding each srarisric block. The statistic (High), AL NE (chaoric tend.), AC 4, MV 9 , 18” Swim, H D 4, hp 46, SZ
blocks are for an individual of char type, so he sure to note the number M, #AT I or 2, D 2-5 bite and ld6+l/ld6/Id6-1 dagger OR ld6/2d4/2d6
appcaring (in parentheses afrer the code), For example, “Km2 (4)” indicates harpoon, SA + I to-hit/+l to damage for Strength, SD only surprised I in 10.
an encounrer with four 2nd level male Kua-Toan fighrers. “KfZ (4)” would slippery, immune co poison and paralysis, immune ro illusion, 1 point of
he a similar group of die female gender. damage from magical missiles, elecrrical resistance, Lang: kua-roan. suhrer-
A note ahout weapons: Kuo-toa with crossbows use specially made aquat- ranean common,Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 23, Crit RSL: Def AC +2. FF
ic versions of these weapons (see p. 168 of the GMG). These propel quarrels 6, Reference HOB 4 p 68)
normally and function as normal crorshows in d respectr (speed facror, dam-
age, range, etc.). All of rhesc crossbows have been supplied by the drow. W P
These items would sell for [en rimes the price of normal crossbows on the sur- KWp: Kuo-Toa, Whip (HF 8, EP 420, Fighrer 3/Aszsin 3, Inr 13
face world but sadly like all itcms of drow manufacture. they will begin ro pir (High),ALNE(chaodcrmd.),AC4,MV9”,18”Swim,HD3,hp30,SZM
and become useless upon exposure to thc sun. #AT I or2, D2-5 hiteand ld6+1/ld6/ld6-1 d e e r OR ld6+1/2d4+l/Zd6tl
The drow, unaware of the depth of resentmenr and hatred with which the harpoon, SA + I t*hit/+l to damage for Strength, hacksrah +Idie damage,
Kua-ma population as a whole regards them. have been rrying to negotiate an assassination. SD only rurprised I in 10, slippery, immune ro poiwon and paral-
alliance against their ~enemies,supplying these weapons to water-dwellers ysis, immune to illusion, 1 point of damage from magical missiles. elemrid
wirh few mining, smithing or metalworking skills. Thc Kuo-roa thought 10 resistancc, Lang: kuc-roan, subterranean common, Hon: Average, ML 13,
play the dmw leaders for suckers and rake free stuffwhile offering lip/fin serv- TOP 15. Crit BSL: DcfAC +0, FF 6, Reference HOB 4 p 68)
ice 10 their diplamaric efforts. In only the pant fov weeks. the supply of ThiefSkillsr pick pockcts 30, open locks 10, find [raps 10, remove traps
crosshaws has been cur off (as the drow’s arrcntian is redirected to deal wirh 5, move silenrly 30, hide in shadows 40, derecr noise 40, climb walls 60.
other marten).
Encounter Area
~-9 S h r i n e of the Kuo-Toms

BF Bprrpdra, Female: Thcsc correspond to the barracks noted above, but

Monitor the soldiers therein are female. Each of there two areas houses 16 females
KMon: Kuo-Toa, Monitor (HF 16, EP 2,000. Int 13 (High), AL NE armed with dagger and spear. There are two 3rd level sergeants in command
(lawful rend.), AC 1, MV 9”, 18” Swim, H D 7, hp 55, SZ M, #AT 4, D 2- of each barracks.
8/2-8/2-5/2-5 fist/fisr/bite/bite. SA suhdual + I to-hit/+l to damage for Kfz (16h KO (2)
Strength, SD only surprised I in LO. slippery, immune to poison and paraly-
sis, immune to illusion, 1 point of damage from magical missiles, electrical Kfz: Kuo-Ton female, Common (HF 4, EP 175, Fighter 2. Int I3
resistance, Lang: kuo-toan, subterranean common, Hon: Average, ML 15, (High). AL NE (chaotic tend.), AC 4, M V 9”, I S Swim, H D 2, hp 29, SZ
TOP 28, Crit BSL: Def AC t3, FF 8, Reference HOB 4 p 68) M. #AT 1 or 2, D 2-5 bite and l d 6 t l / l d 6 / l d 6 - 1 dagger OR
ld6/ld6+1/ld8+1 spear, SA t l to-hidtl to damage for Strength, SD only
Pilgrims surprised 1 in 10, slippery, immune to poison and paralysis, immune to illu-
Km: Kuo-Ton male, Common (HF 4, EP 175, Int 13 (High), AL NE sion. 1 point of damage from magical missiles, electrical resistance, Lang:
(chaotic tend.), AC 4, M V 9”, 18” Swim, H D 2, hp 28, SZ M. #AT 1, D 2- ha-toan. subterranean common, Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 15, Crit BSL:
DcfAC +0, FF 6, Reference HOB 4 p 68)
5 hite, SA + I to-hit/+l to damage for Strength. SD only surprised I in 10,
slippery, immune to poison and paralysis, immune to illusion, 1 point of
damage from magical missiles. electrical resistance, Lang: kuo-roan, subrer- KO: KUO-TOPfemale, Common (HF 5, El’ 254, Fighter 3, Int 13
rancan common, Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 14. Crit BSL: DefAC to, FF (High), AL NE (chaotic tend.). AC 4, M V 9”. 18” Swim, H D 3, hp 34, SZ
6, Reference HOB4 p 68) M, #AT 1 or 2. D 2-5 bite and Id6+I/ld6/ld6-1 dagger OR ld6/2d4/Zd6
harpoon. SA + I to-hit/+ 1 to damage for Strength, SD only surprised 1 in 10,
W: Kuo-Ton female, Common (HF 4, EP 175, Int 13 (High), AL NE slippery, immune ra poison and paralysis, immune to illusion, I point of
damage from magical missiles, electrical resistance, tang: kuo-roan, suhter-
(chaotic tend.), AC 4, MV 9”. 18” Swim, H D 2, hp 27, SZ M, #AT 1, D 2-
5 hite. SA +1 to-hit/+l to damage for Strength, SD only surprised I in 10. ranean common, Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 17, Crit RSL: Def AC + I . FF
slippery, immune to poison and paralysis, immune to illusion, I point of 6, Reference HOB 4 p 68)
damage from magical missiles, electrical resistance, Lang: kuo-toan, suhtcr-
mean common, Hon: Average. ML 13. TOP 14. Crit BSL: DefAC +0, FF C. Common Room: These are areas specially set aside for pilgrims to
6, Reference HOB4 p 68) meet, have meals, read, efc. There are a number of tables, benches and stools
in each such room (2-6 of cach). There are words of praise to “Sea Mother”
painted on the walls and religious tracts on tables. There are 1-8 Kua-Toan
pilgrims in a common room at any given time.
KS2: Kuo-Toa,Shaman (HF 5, El’ 270, Cleric 2, Int 13 (High), AL NE,
AC 4, MV 9”. 18” Swim, H D 2, hp 30, SZ M, #AT I or 2, D 2-5 hite and Go-Tom pilgrims: Km (1-4). Kf (0-4)
ld6/ld6-l/ld6-2 dagger OR ld6/2d4/2d6 harpoon, SA + I to-hit/+l to
damage for Strength, SD only surprised I in 10, slippery, immune to poison M. Monitor Position: The Kuo-Toa a t these positions is always an alert
and paralysis, immune to illusion, I paint of damage from magical missiles, whip (monk-like fighter) who guards the area and assures peace and tran-
electrical resistance, Lang: kuo-roan,suhrcrrancan common. Hon: Average, quiliry for worshippers at rhe shrine.
ML 13, TOP 15, Crir BSL: DefAC +0, FF 6, Refcrencc HOB 4 p 68) K M o n (1)
Spells Prepared (4): Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Protection
from Good.

ENCOUNTERKEY When you first step far enough northwest to vlew the dimly
Each location in the lair is dcscrihcd as if Kuo-Toa life is proceeding nor- lit space ahead, you are met with a chilling scene. Greenish
mally, As GM, you must consider the differences if that is not the situation. phosphorescence from lichens. coupled with a grayish
For example, if an alarm is raised. the numbers of creatures listed in each luminosity from slug-like creatures as large as a man’r fist
room will he different (the young will have more guards, mostly female, while crawling everywhere (on walls. ceilings and floors), give the
the hulk of the male soldiers will move to intercept invaders. The cleric/assas- area an undersea appearance. A strange salt tang in the air
sins will make full use of their abilities if at all possible) enhances this impression. Directly to the north you see a
huge dark green idol, appearing to be rather like a giant
lobster-headed woman, standing still with one pincer raised
A. Pilgrim Aparrment:’ Three to six of the Kuo-Toa can he found in each
and the right one extended ahead and open.
apartment. If five or six are indicated, one is female. All are simple Common
Kuo-Toa (2 HD) creaturcr and unarmed (though they may bite if threat-
ened!). The sparsely furnished chamber has mounds of seaweed on wooden
This stone idol is detailed at Area 4. The walls and pavement of this place
sleeping pallets, a rough bench, a small tahle and several stools. The walls are
about 1 I/2 feet thick, and the doors arc made ofwaad (precious here) with are well made, hut very warn. Ohvinusly. this area is old. It feels alien and
iron bindings. Each pilgrim has 2-8 ep and 2-8 pp foreboding. The shape of the stones and the illumination of the area jusr
seem wrong to any creatures from the upper world. particularly warm-blood-
Km (3-5), Kf(0-1) ed ones, A glance left and right rcveals the archway to the west and the 20-
foot-wide, 40-foot-high opening leading east.
6. B d : Each barracks chamber holds the number of troops shown As the group proceeds further into the area, rhey will notc thc stairs up to
in parentheses after the B. These are special shrine guards (hp 36 each), com- the west and the slits in the east wall of the entranceway. Characters who
manded by a sergeant of 4th level (hp 46). expend any effort to observe the eastern corridor will notice the bend about
Km3 (variable), Km4 ( I ) 80 feet away. Looking ahead, the parry can sec that the space to the north is
a great sunken area, If they approach more closely, read the following:

Encounter Area_9_ Shrine of the Kuo-Toanr

You observe an aquatic arena fllled wlth translucent green These steps must be ascended by all creatures passing rhrough, so rha
water and surrounded by six tiers of stone benches, the whole homage can be paid to the gawdders, an offering paid. and passage conrinueb
forming a square around a raised stone platform. This platform elsewhere. Groups coming in from other tunnels are held in waiting areas
sits in the middle of the 25-foot-deep depression with water at while appoinred representatives perform the necessary obeisance.
the bottom. To the northeast and northwest are scone block First Altm Each of these blocks of white srone on the f i r s tier is tinged
walls with one arched entry on each side and many narrow with green splotches. The srones are relarivcly small (2 feet high by 2 feet
( I foot wide x 3 feet high) slits piercing them at about 20 feet wide by 4 feer long), An ordinary-looking basin-sized scashell sits atop each.
above floor level. The whole area is quiet. but permeated with O n the left, the shell holds 413 gold pieces; on the right the shell is filled with
foreboding. The whole place feels hostile and alien. fresh water and snail shells. (Visitors and rcrurning Kuo-Toa are meant to
pay 1 gp per individual - excluding slaves and lowly scrvants. of cousc - rake
a snail shell pass for each, and present them to the guards.)
At this point any intelligent creature observing the party will ignore it. This S a n d Mar: Each stone block in this pair is blue and mice as large as rhc
is a place where traffic is not uncommon, and those entering am permitted to one below it, Each holds two beautiful shells with silver chasing upon the
approach the shrine and make oheisance to the Sa Monster, obrain the edges and along the ridges. Upon the left the shell basin is filled with brack-
required "passes" and move on (see area 3). The shrine community is organ- ish water and crab claws; the one on rhc right contains 71 pp and 18 pink
ized only with respect ro iw guards and hierarchy. nor its pilgrims or passersby. moss agates with greenish markings (worth I 0 gp apiece).
Worshippers of the Kuo-Taan gawddess go here to pay for a crab claw p3ss
(the cost is two platinum pieces or a small gem). The guards &card friendly
2. RAMPA N D STAIRS treatment and escort such persons up to one mile from the lair, but only if
their charges know the secret signlcounrersign ofworshippers of Sea Mother
The ramp leads to a flight of broad steps that lead into the (fore- and middle fingers raised as a "V"as the claw of Sea Mother, the same
pool of wafer surrounding the lobster-headed woman. sign from the left, with fingers pointing ahead as the counter)). The comtcr
revealed to be a statue. From this position it is evident that utters the Sea Mother's name in the Kuo-Toan tonguc (Blibdoolpoolp).
the seats of the arena could hold about 2,000 creatures of Those failing the challenge will be recognized as hearhcns. Whether or not
approximately human sire. The translucent green water in the the guards arrack depends on their appraisal of rhe parry's toughness. None of
pool is of indeterminate depth. The 20-foot-tall idol atop the them wishes ra be a martyr.
dais can be seen as stone. Although the rising tiers of the Third Alcw This green stone is 3 fcct wide by 3 feet high by 6 feet long,
pyramid obstruct vision northward, you can see some sort of and holds two gold-inlaid shells with insidcs of mother-of-pearl. The shell on
opening in the northern wall of the place. rhe left holds salt water and live lobsters, rhc onc on the right contains 24
white pearls (100 gp each) and 16 black pearls (500 gp cach). Supplicants for
a special favor from the Sea Mother take a lobster to the pnol at Area 15. and
When the party dacendr. to the place where the wafer meets the steps, they place it there reverenrly, with a prayer. Any other use of an offering is sacri-
will nccd a pnlc afsomc sort (or need to ally enter the water themselves) to lege! Supplicants who rake a lohrtcr must leave a gem. Approach to the tier
find its depth (at five feet). If the party stays on a direct route ro Area 3, rhe should only be made by means of the north ramp. The Kuo-Toa regard any
srcps leading up to the first tier of the pyramid, they will be safe, but there are other approach as an act of dcfilcment and will deal with the perpetrators
downs and dozens oflmches elamhere in the pool. Any warm-blooded m a - accordingly h e . a full scale alarm and immediate artack).
mre moving through t h pwI ~ suffers 1-4 Leech artacks per 10 feet craveled.
Thcv Giant k h a are relatively small. having only 1 Hit Die each, bur they
are very hungry. Of course, the Kuo-Toans can pass amongst these creatures 4. IDOL
withour being molatcd. A rotal of 325 Giant Leeches inhabit the pool.
There are also 90 Luck-Draining Muck Leeches inhabiting the pool. Any Upon the summit of the ziggurat stands a malachite statue
time a Leech attacks a creature, there is a 25% chance that is actually a Luck- some 20 feet tall. If appears to be a nude human female body,
Daincr. with articulated shell covering the shoulders. and a lobster
head and claws in place of a human head and arms. The right
Leech, Giant '(HF 1. EP I5 each, In1 0 (Non-). AL N, AC 4, MV 9", claw Is open and raised. the left is open and held out about 8
H D 1, hp 24 each, SZ S , #AT 1, D 1-4,SA blood drain, SD nil, Lang: none, feet above the floor of the tier.
Hon: Average. ML 20,TOP n/a, Crir RSL: Def AC +2, FF n/a, Reference
HOB 4 p 78)
The idol will not move or come to life, hut it is possible to be Gated to her
Lnch, Luck-Draining Muck (many) (HF I , EP 7 each. Int 0 (Non-), court on the Elemental Plane of Water. Carved into the base of the statue in
ALN,AC4,MV7",HD1/4,hp21,SZS,#AT1,D1/2hirpoint,badluckthe kuo-toan language is Blibdoolpoolp's name. If a character grasps the
(-1 to-hit and -1 an saves), SA luck drain, SD nil, Iang: none, Hon: Average, extended left claw while the standing upon the altar, and pronounces her
ML 20, TOP nla. Crir BSL: DefAC -4,FF n/a, Referencc HoR 4 p 80) name correcrly. the character is immediately transported to deep waters of the
elemental plane where Sea Mother holds court. (If the individual cannot
breathe water, he is immediately in Blibdaalpoolph debt, as some minor
3. STEPSOF THE ZIGGURAT bureaucar in service ofrhe gawddas will save rhe individual from drowning
by means of a Water Breathing spell. Such help may be temporq... )
Two low a i m stones with shells resting atop them are set about The individual coming before Sea Mother's receptionist must offer the
20 feet apart on the first tier of the central ziggurat. The fwo gawdderr 10,000-60,000 gp in pearls (double that amount in orhcr gems) ar
stones on the second tier are slightly closer to each orher,and risk the wrath of Blibdaolpoolp. The receptionist [hanks the individual far
the third are set at the near corners of the pladorm on which his donation, hands him a souvenir (a silver plated lobster claw enchanted to
the statue resu. The steps are steep: each tier is I2 feet high. deliver one use of Bless as a 7th level caster - she has hundreds in her desk)
and then returns that individual to the altar before her idol. Those without

Area 9 Shrine of t h e Kuo-Toms DESCENT
__ ~ ~~

offerings are Geared not to harm, cause to be harmed, aid i n rhe harming or I point o f damagc from magical missiles, elrcrrical resistance, Lang: kuo-
bring suit against any worshippers of Sea Mother. They musr further con- roan, subterranean common. Ha”: Average, ML 13, TOP 30, Crir BSL: Def
tribute 60,000 gp d u e in gems to the shrine. The rransported character is AC +4, FF 7, Reference HOB4 p 68)
rhen recurned to the altar, with the ability to speak the kuo-roa’s tongue (at
90% masrery) and marked recrerly so t h a t all Kua-Toa will recognize one in
the service of Blibdoolooolo. For more information on the Sea Morher, see
1 .

the upcoming Gawds & Demi-Gawds rulebook.

Immediately to the north of the arched entrance to the throne
Note: Characters sranding ar the upper tier o f the ziggurat can distinguish
room is a low dais with a shell throne upon it. The throne is a
rhe guards at Area 5.
strange chair carved of white coral set about with rare shells and
ornamental stone carvings of octopi. crabs, eels and fish. There
5. GUARDP O S T are 32 light-colored pearls and 16 of darker color set as eyes for
these sculptures. Four figures or crabs fashioned from precious
red coral appear to be crawling up the sides of the throne.
Thls large. square area has many openings, doors and slits
leading in various directions. In the center, flve alert-looking.
Flanking the throne are a pair of malachite statues, each seven
armed fish-men face north and five face south.
feet tall and resting on a pedestal three feet high. They appear
to depict nude human females with articulated shell covering
the shoulders, and a lobster head and claws in place of a
This squad is here ro check and regain tokens of homage to Sea Morhcr
human head and arms. The right claw is open and raised. the
from those who pass chrough the shrine cavern. Those without passes are
left is open and held out almost horizontally.
ncttcd, subdued a d t a k e n to Area 9 (slave pens) for incarceration and even-
rual sacrifice. If thrrarened, rhe soldiers artempr to alerr Area 6 (“Corporal of
The floor of the place is polished set tiles. and the six pillars In
the guard. post number 5!”). Each of the guards has a weighted net big
the chamber (three a t each side of the room. each set in an “C’
enough ro ensnare a 7-fOor tall humanoid, in addirion to his weapons.
formation) are made of carved white marble in the form of
Km2 (8). Km3 (2) watt spouts. The whole place is alive with a shifting green
luminosity from the glowing green and goid ceiling overhead.

Each light-colored pearl i s worth 100 gp each, the dark (black) pearls are
‘Massive shell steps cover the entire north wall of this location. worrh 500 gp apiecc. The red craps (worth 6,000 gp each) can he pried from
They lead up to ornate walls that give the impression of a the throne. The thranc i t s e l f i s set deep into the floor.
palace made of shells and waves, The ancient-looking facade of The statues are indeed smaller replicas o f rhc idol of Sea Mother in the
the place is carved from ancient rock. Upon It hewn pillars shrine area. These statues have no value (they are works o f shoddy quality)
and columns give the place an imposing aura. and hide nothing, Each, howcvcr, radiatcr a hint dweomer, as Blibdodpoolp
uses them to view what happens in the chamber. (There i s 50% chance thar
The walls hold bas-relief figures of all sorts of sea creatures she does so on any given rum.)
and fish-men resembling the living inhabitants of thls place, all The throne room i s guarded by six cleridassassins, one before each pillar.
carved so as t o present the appearance of coming towards the Each is armed with dagger, harpoon and garrote. They will attack any intrud-
entrance a t the top of the steps. Crab-like creatures with fish- cr in the most effective manner.
like heads are carved into the stone near the doorway. These
eerie sentinels gaze stonily upon all who ascend the steps. KWp6: Kuo-Toa, Whips (6) (HF 10, EP 1,034 each, Cleric 6iAssassin
6, Int 13 (High), AL N E (chaotic rend.), AC 4, MV 9”, 18” Swim, HD 6 ,
Ten armed fish-men stand guardingthe area and an armed flsh- hp 4R each, SZ M, #AT 1 or 2, D 2-5 bite and ld6/1d6-1/1dG-2dagger OR
man with a huge, curved shell horn stands on the top step. ld6+1/2d4+l/2d6+1 harpoon OR garrote, SA + I to-hir/tl ro damage for
Srrength, assassination, backstab + I damage die, spells, SD only surprised I
in 10, slippery, immune to poison and paralysis, immune to illusion, I point
This is the palace of the Kuo-Taa spiritual and remporal ruler, the Priesr- of damage from magical missiles. electrical resistance, disguise, Lang: kuo-
Prince Eel Sharkton. Upon the steps o f the palace are posted eighr soldiers toan, suhccrraneancommon. Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 24, Crit RSL: Dcf
and two leaders, exactly s in Area 5. The herald i s here as well, armed as rhe AC to, FF 6, Reference HOB4 p 6E)
leaders and bearing a shell horn upon which to sound an alarm ifrhe area is ThiefSkills: pick pockets 15. open locks 10, find rraps 5, remove traps 5,
under attack. This alms posirions 5, 30, 32, and the barracks 60 feet immc- move silently 70, hide in shadows 65, detect noise 30, climb walls 60.
diarcly southwest. Othcr positions can hear the alarm, bur it musr be sound-
Spells Prepared (5/3/2): First Iml:Bless. Cause Light Wounds, Cure
ed a second rime ro alert ALL soldiers to come to the palace. If i t i s blown a Light Wounds. Magical Stone, Purify Food & Drink. Second level: Know
rhird time, all Kuo-Toa in the shrine cavern come to battle with rhe enemy Alignment, Rigor Mortis. Silence IS Radius. Third level: Rlindnerr.
Each of the soldiers has a net in addirion ra his weapons. The leaders and Dispel Magic.
herald have dagger and harpoon.
Kmz (S), Km3 (2) The castern mhway leads to a privare audience chamber and council
room. It has an upper bdcony that extends along rhree sides of rhe place.
6 6 : Kuo-Toa male, Gmmon, Herald. “Bruce Haddodt” (HF 11, There is a long stone rablc, a throne chair, and six smaller stone chairs in the
EP 747, Fighter 6, S 13/52, D 11/35, C 14/34, I 13/25, W 11/24, Ch 9/14, center. This chamber holds nothing of value, alrhough the wall murals of
Corn 12/13, AL N E (chaotic tend.), AC 4, MV 9”, 18” Swim, HD 6, hp 59, undersea scenes, inlaid in birs of colored stone may appear valuable to those
SZ M, #AT 1 or 2. D 2-5 bire and Id6+l/ld6/ld6-l dagger OR not who are skilled in appraisal or knowledgeable about mincalr. I n other
ld6/2d4/2d6 harpoon. SA + I to-hit/+l to damage for Strength, SD only sur- respects, such as the overall feel of the environment, this place i s much the
prircd I in LO,slippery, immune to poison and paralysis, immune to illusion, samc as the throne room.

DESCENT Encounter Area 9 Shrine of the Kuo-Toans
~~~~ ~

6 charges; it burns one charge each time the wearer makes a saving throw -
successKil or nof: if continually provides AC benetirs, but once its charges are
8. PRIVATEWING spent it is drained and USCI~SS). and a Trident of Submission. There is also
a pouch of 20 black pearls (500 gp each) there, which he will attach to his
This long room (perhaps 100 feet) is about 30 feet wide. A ten- harness. If rhc priest-prince believes the situation to he hopclcsr. he abandons
foot wide pool dominates most of the length. The entire pool rhe shrine enrirely, making for the Mer du Sans Soleil with all haste to alert
area is carved of green stone. Serpentine, malachite and azurite the main community o f Kuo-Toa people of rhc dire wenu at the shrine. I f
bands are arranged so that they go from green to blue in their rhc siruatinn can be recovered, he will attempt to rally his troops and coun-
uppqr paru.The waters of the pool are of translucent green. rerarrack.
Lower h: The stairs ro the south lead westwards to 3 lower complex of
Two fish-man creatures stand next to the pool, one on each rooms, each secured by a very thick wnodcn door with bronze bindings (there
side. A similar but larger creature lounges In the middle of the rooms are shown hy the dashed liner hrnrath Area 32).
waters. Thc TWO rooms to the south and east are those of the priest-prince. He has
various irems of furnishing there, including a couch, four chairs. two large
tables, a small table, two benches, and a large cabinet. In the large cabinet are
The western wing of rhe palace is given over to the personal pool of Eel several crushed "elver ceremonial robes embroidered with shells and s w n
Sharkton, who entertains honored and important guests here. Unless an with seed pearls (three are valued at 1,000 gp, one at 1,600 gp, and one a t
alarm has been sounded the priest-prince is relaxing in his pool wirh 2-5 2,750 gp). I n the far chamber is a chest with his personal arms, a harpoon.
female pilgrims. a spear and a man catcher.
There arc two 4th level fighters. one ro either side of the pool. who guard In a secret compartmenr within a shell w e r of no particular value are hid-
the ruler. Each is unarmed (partially because Eel Sharkton. wisely, does nor den three pairs of rose quarrs lensts (these cusps are useful to those who
fully trust his underlings: they are assassins after all). They give warning of adventure in the drow vault area) and two brooch-like pins. One is a pair of
any intruder. Sharkton wears only a harness with a dagger, and is a 12th level silver daggers inscribed Everhate. the other is an adamantire miniature of a
dericll2th level fighredl4th level assassin. He is skeptical of any excuse a mace with Despana wrirren in drow runes.
creature might use for invading his personal space: men if the excuse is legir- The six small rooms (each abour 10 feer by 15 feet) are the cells of the per-
imare he is likely 10kill the intruders and gcr hack ro his ladies. sonal arrendanrs of the ruler (the 6th/Gth level cleric/asrarrinr derailed above).
K f ( l d 4 t l ) . Km4(2) Amongst their personal effects and a pallet ofseaweed can be found 1-100 sp,
1.100 gp, and 1-100 pp. plus 2-12 small white pearls warrh 50 gp each. The
"Eel Sharkton" the Mighty, Priest-Prince and High Apuarch of the four rooms ro rhc werr and south are srorage chambers for food. seaweed and
Kuo-Ton (1) (HF 34, EP 5,530, C12/F12/Ass14, Str 18/96, Dcx 15/64. various orher mundane items of no special value. Therc arc, however. two
Con 12/99, Inr 16/05, Wis 17/33, Cha 14/36, Com 6/70, AL NE, AC 2, large casks of the priest-prince's special VSOP liqueur cognac. These con-
M V 9". 18" Swim, H D 12, hp 80, SZ L. #AT 1 or 2, D l d 4 t 7 hitc and coctions have a potency of 85% and a drink value o f 4 (see the HackMaster
GMG page 170-171).
ld6+6/ld6+5/Id6+4 dagger OR ld6+6/2d4+6/2d6+6 and possible stun
with harpoon, SA t 3 to-hit/+6 to damage for Strength. backstab +3 damage
dice, assassination, spells. SD only surprised 1 in 10, slippery, immune to poi-
son and paralysis, immune to illusion, 1 point of damage from magical mis-
siles, electrical resisrance. Lang: kuo-toan, subterranean common, drow,
troglodyte, rroll, common, Hon: 127 (Grear; + I on all die rolls), ML 13, The worn stones along this tunnel indicate that countless
TOP 40, Crir BSL: Def AC + I 1, FF 6, Reference HOB 4 p 68) scores of feet have passed over it. Stairs at the end of the
Thief Skills: pick pockers 75, open locks 50, find traps 65, remove traps passage lead down. The center of each step is so worn that
65, move silenrly 95, hide in shadows 95, detect noise 95, climb walls 60, you can actually see a noticeable depression in the surface.
read languages 50.
Spells Prepared (10/7/6/3/2/2): First level: Befriend, Bless, Create
Water, Cause Lighr Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic,. Endure The Kuo-toa keep their numerous slaves penned below, The stain lead
Heat, Protection from Goad, Sanctuary, Walking Corpse, Second Iml: down into a guardroom where four troops and their leader (who carries the
Animate Corpse, Cure Modcrate Wounds, Resist Fire, Rigor Morris. Silence keys to all of the doors in the slave area) are on duty This area. like rhore
15' Radius, Slow Poison, Spiritual Hammer, Third level: Animatc Dead, above. is well lit (by underworld standards) with green and blue phosphores-
Conrinual Darkness, Dispel Magic. Heal Moderate Wounds, Stirring cence. AII the doors are made of hronze. Each one of the guards have B dag-
Sermon, White-Hor Metal. Fourth level: Cause Serious Wounds, Heal ger, harpoon and net
Nasty Wounds, Neutralize Poison. Fifth level: True Seeing, Plane Shift. Kmz (4), Km4 (1)
Sixth Iwel: Blade Barrier, Harm (reversed Cure-All).
To the east and west of the guardroom are two gcncral slave barracks:
If threarened by powerful antagonists and he has a chance, Eel Sharkton rooms 20 feet wide and 70 feet long. Ankle and wrist chains connect to each
flees through the secrer door to the western secret room, Orhcrwire, he slave and ro rhe wall: a slave can move each limb no more than eighteen inch-
attempts to seek safcry in the bortom of rhe pool, where various fish. shell- es. The western room holds: three Gnolls, one half-orc. two Hobgoblins, two
fish, crabs, turrles, and other CIeaNreS obey his commands ro obscure his Lizardmen. nine Orcs and eight Troglodyres. The catem chamber containr
movemenrs and hinder the passage of any enemies. (There are several large two dwarves, three Svirfnebli, a half-ogre, a high elf. and 19 humans. (one of
clams that can hold a limb with an effective Strength of 18/51). If this fails. whom is an 8rh level bard, Fennettar of Fangaerie, who was captured while
his next choice is to go down to the moms in the lower area. His last chnice imperrmating a paladin; the three surviving adventurers captured with him
is to Rghr to the death, but if necessary he will do so rhe best of his ability. - Berragle Oriander, Mok and Koray s i l l believe he truly is a paladin of
Secret Room: This small area is known only to the ruler of rhe place. The Luvia). Fennettar really is from the city of Fangaerie, at least. He has his
door has an iron bar which Eel Sharkton uses to secure the door from any Detect Evil spell remaining from earlier preparation. but has used the orhera
chasing him, should he need ro retreat to the room. He then equips himself and has lost his spell book. which he called his "prayer book".
with a pair of Boots of Speed, a charged Ring of Protection +3 (which has
Encounter Area 9 Shrlne of the Kuo-Toms
~- ~

All slaves are fairlywell acquainted with the normal p m of the shrine cav- (+9 with bade axe). FF 8, Age 171, Height 7’10”, Weight 391 Ibs.,
em. especiallythe O m and deep gnomes. Freed slaves will happily kill Kuo- Quirkr/Flaws: problem drinker, Talenu: tough hide, Skills: ballroom dance
Toa: whether or not they will help their liberators depends on the P C i align- 32, weapon maintenance, Proficiencics: battle axe (specialized),dub, javelin,
mmu. uCatmcnt and initial reaction, The slava will nor attack each other, long sword, spear, two-handed sword)
men those with powerful radal hatreds (they prefer ro recovcr a bit first, and
take their mutual rcvenge on rhe Kuo-toa). They will hawevcr, attempt to Kony, male humnn (7th 1-1 fighter) (HF 7, EP 1,445, Fighter 7, Str
separate from their harcd races as quickly as possible. 15/54, Dex 17/34, Con 15/62. Int 8/96, Wir 12/87, Cha 10/18, Com 9/02,
3 Standard Gnolls (hp 30 each, HOB 3, p 73) AL NG, AC 5 (Dex, tough hide). MV 12”, hp 72, SZ M, #AT 3/2 (2/1 with
long sword), D by weapon +3 (+6 with long .word), SA long sword mastery,
I half-orc named “Billy Joe” (HF 0, AC 10, Int 6, H D I. hp 23, SD nil, Lang Common, elven, ogc, How 52 (Average),TOP 36, Crit BSL:
HOB 6. p 37) DcfAC +4 (+6with battle axe). FF 7, Agc 35, Height 5’8”, Weight 135 Ibs.,
2 Hobgoblins (hp 26 each, HOB4, p 10) Quirks/Flaws: psychotic aversion to worms, Talent-: tough hide, Skills: ball-
room dance 32, weapon maintenance, Proficicncies: advanced rwo-weapon
2 Common Lizardmcn (hp 30 each, HOB 4, p 92) fighring (from Combatanti Guide to Slaughtering Foes), long sword (spe-
9 Common Orcs (hp 24 each, HOB 6, p 33) cialization, mastery). hand axe, short bow)

8 Tmgs (hp 30 each, HOB 8, p 23)

The corridor n o d leads to a dozen small cells. In the first pair are rwo
2 hill dwarves (miners) (hp 26 cach, HOB 2, p 121) Bugbears each, the next pair is empty, there are rwo Trolls in the next two.
3 Svirfncbli (hp 23 each, HOB 3, p 75) and again rwo empty cells, then a drow merchant of the Poofierhall dan (with
the clan pin hidden inside his boar - an enameled tan brooch shaped like a
21 humans (8 man-at-arm guards - not very good ones - hp 24 mushroom, useful in deding with rhc draw) chained to the wall, and in the
each, 9 merchants hp 24 each. and one runaway teenager, hp 23 last cell is a pair of Ghasts. Empty ECIIS conrain filthy seaweed bedding and
(with a psychotic aversion to step-dad quirk)) some scattered and gnawed bones.
Fennettar of Fangacrie, and three adventurer companions T h e large room to the west is a standard torture chamber. with thc usual:
rack. irons. chains, iron boot, iron maiden, etc. Some of it is rusty, but all is
usablc. The place at the far north end of the line ofcells is a little-used stor-
Fennetpr, male human (8th l o e l had) (HF 6, EP 1,836, Bard 8, Str
age chamber, with a few barrels and crates of provisions in the forepart, and
17/36. D n 17/77, Con 10/86, Int 14/25, Wir 12/80, Cha 17/28, Corn
miscellancous junk stuffed into the badc Behind this refuse is a cancealcd
14/17, AL CN, AC 7 (Dex), M V IT, hp 58, SZ M. #AT I , D unarmed, SA
escape tunnel which leads nonh about 40 feet to a 60-foot-dcep sinkhole.
inspiration. countersong, SD 40% know-it-all-ism, Lang: common, drow,
The sinkhole leads into a natural passageway which ~ e n t u a l l ycnds in a shafr
elvin, kuo-toa, Hon: 48 (Average), TOP 29, Crit BSL: DcfAC t2, FF 5,Age
upwards into the secondary passage northeast (about a mile north of the
33, Height 5’ 9 , Weight 172 Ibs., QuirkslFlaw no depth perception, self
shrine cavern).
absorbed, Talents: hit point bonus, opportunist, Skills: feign roughness 88,
intimidation 72, diplomacy 13, graceful entrance/e*t 27, knowledge of 2 Bugbears (hp 34 each, HOB 1. p 96)
courdy &airs 44, secret persona 72, skilled liar 91. ulterior motive 51)
2 Common Trolls (hp 52 each, HOB 8, p 24)
Spells known! First Iml: Detect Evil, Protection from Evil, Remove
Fear. Second Iml: Alter Self, S m n g h , W i r e Hot Metal. Third Iml: Drow merchant (hp 28. HOB 2, p 1 1I )
Bash Face. 2 Ghasrs (hp 38 tach, HOB 3 p 49)
Thieving Skills: climb walls 75, detect noise 75, pick pockets 65, read
languages 45.

Bcmgle Orinnder, male high elf (8th/9th fighterlmagic-user) (HF 8,
EP 2,062, Ftr 8/MU 9, Srr 16/01, Dex 12/91. Con 17/33. Inr 13/85, W i s This chamber holds four stone cables. two scone benches and
11/77, Cha 12/44, Corn 12/76, AL LG, AC 10, MV 12”, hp 49. SZ M, #AT eight bone scools. Scrolls and tomes cover the cables and
3/2. D by weapon +4, SA spells, SD spells, 90% resist Sleep and Charm, some are stacked on the floor. Loose pieces of paper and
Lang: common, drow, el”&, gnome, Hon: 50 (Average). TOP 24, Crir BSL: parchment can be seen everywhere: on cop of piles, crammed
DefAC +6, FF 8, Age 171, Height 5’. Weight 105 Ibs.. QuitkdFlaws: color
between book pages. linering benches, etc.
blind, gullible, Talents: les sleep, Skills: arcane lare 75, a r u n c speak 56,
armor maintcnancc, barany 49, dwer packer 57, graceful enrmcelarit 23,
spellcraft 5 1. weapon maintenance, Proficiencies:dagger, halberd. light cross-
bow, long bow, long sword, quarterstaff) These chambers are provided for the use of pilgrims and regular inhabi-
ranrs of the shrine ares to read various writing pertaining to Sea Mother and
Spells known: First Iml: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Feather Fall,
her works. Besides short tracts, there are 27 scrolls and I8 book in each
Idenrify, Magic Missile. Protection from Evil, Push, Read Magic, Remove
place. and thcsc items are wonh 1,000 gp and 2,500 gp respectively if
Thirst. Second levcl: Detect Lifc (SSG),Find Traps, Levitate, Mirror Image. brought ro the uppcr world and sold to a book dealer or religious collcgc.
Rope Trick Third Iml: Alrernatc Reality, Dispel Magic, Flp Force Hammer
(SSG), Lightning Bolt. Fourth lml: Delayed Magic Missile (SSG), Ice
Each one of these rooms holds a tract-like sheer canraining writings in
Srorm, Stoneskin. Fifth 1-1: Lyggl’s Cone of Cold. Obviously he does nor both the elven and in kuo-roan tongues. The letter sits at the cenrer of the
table overlapping several other works. It is a translation of an account of an
have his spell book Only Feathcr Fall remains prepared in his memory.
elfwho escaped from the homeland of the dark elves relarively recently. The
fragment says:
Mob male half-ogre (9th I m l fighter) (HF 8, EP 2,792, Ftr 9, Str “and these degenerate filth continue to consort with all manner of foul
18/74, Dex 13/32, Con 16/18, Inr5/67, Wis4/31, Cha9/55, Com 9/63,AL
things and d - [smear destroys smcral wards] bur this does not mean that they
N, AC 8 (tough hide), MV 13”. hp 103, SZ M, #AT 3/2 (2/1 with battle are particularly watchful for trespassers. Any wearing a cloak of sickening
axe), D by weapon t 6 ( t 8 with bade axe), SA battle axe specialization, SD
[another smear here] can move freely about, and the merchant clans and
nil, Lang: common, ogre, Hon: 45 (Avcrage).TOP 51, Crit BSL: DefAC +8
noble houses employ all EON of sewants and slaves who roam through the

Encounter Area 9 Shrine of the Kuo-Toms
~ ~~

black and debauched City of [smear] -ng the brooches. Most of these abom- Each of thc light globes holds a phosphorescent liquid that gives a yellow-
inations worship the disgusting creature they call Mother of Lusts, and if I ish grecn light. If the chain of the third is pulled, let loose and then pulled
could only ,..[long smear] stirrings among [smear] derr ...” down strongly, a sccrct compartment in the north central wall opens. Inside
The fragment ends here. this nook is a black iron box. The box is locked and cursed with a Plane Shift
that will move the fint creature touching it to the Elemental Plane of Fire
unless the creature pronounces the word pahlumus. Inside the box ate a
The Kuo-Toa use this to emphasize rhc dcgencracy of the drow who do not Manual of Gainful Exercise. a Tome of Understanding and a Grim Grimoirc
worship Sea Mother. (scc Appendix B: New Magic Items). As all of these works are scribed in the
kua-roan tongue, reading rhem might he troublesome for adventurers.
There are dummies of various creatures and c h a m on the walls
depictlng deep gnomes, drow.Trog. humans, dwarves and even a
Many wide passages lead into a huge room. A massive pool
few Kuo-Toa. A few common weapons are strewn about. cakes up almost the entire floor. More than a dozen of the
bipedal fish-like creatures swim in the water.

There chambers are for the training of assassins. The dummies and charts
are guider far practice. Assassin characters have a 90% chance of recognizing
At the bottom of rhc pool, in the exact cenrer (about 42 feet deep) is a jade
the real purpose of this place, There is absolutely norhing of real value in ei-
idol with large black pearl eyes (worth 1,000 gp each if removed) depicting
ther room.
the Sea Mother. It weighs 35 pounds and is worth 19,000 gp. intact.
This area where the Kuo-Toa females lay their eggs, and the males rhcn fcr-
ROOMS tilize them with milt. If they are disturbed, the females will not fight, but the
males will fight at t2 to-hit and t 4 to damage (rather than +l/+l).
There arc presently four fcmalcr and 1I males spawning
Hung about the walls of this place are various daggers, spears,
nets, shields and harpoons. The middle of the floor is a wide. Kf(4). Kmz (11)
cleared space. In the eastern room,two fighters practice with
net and spear against shield and spear. In the other room are Note that the males’ weapons are left on the edge of the pool and may not
four troopers trying net and spear versus the same, and shield hc immediately accessible. Make sure the weapons ate on the far side from
and sDear versus the same. whichever direction the parcy enters, of course.

All of the weaponry is quite normal. The floor area is clear for fighting.
The fighters in rhe eastern room are 5th level. Those in the other room are I I I . ‘
2nd level. Here the Kuo-Toa fighters pracricc to hone thcir weapon skills.
Km2 (4,Km5 (2)

Km5: Knn-Ton mde, Common (HF 9, El’ 618, Fighter 5, Int 13

(High), AL NE (chaotic tend.). AC 4. MV 9”. 18” Swim, H D 5, hp 53,SZ
M, #AT I or 2, D 2-5 hire and Id(i+l/ld6/ld6-l dagger OR ld6/2d4/2d6
harpoon, SA t l to-hir/+l to damage for Strength, SD only surprised 1 in 10,
slippery, immune to paisan and paralysis, immune to illusion, 1 point of
damage from magical missiles, electrical resistance, Lang: kua-roan, subter-
ranean common, Hon: Average, ML 13,TOP 27, Crit BSL: DefAC t3, FF
6, Reference H i B 4 p 6R)


A tremendous number of folios, books, and tied stacks of paper

rest on the shelves, pigeonhole racks, cabinets and cables char
crows this room. Four small wooden desks.four chairsa bench
and two long cables are nestled in between these racks. Six
glowing globes hang by thin chains from the ceiling. illuminating
the chamber quite well with a yellowish green light.

This chamber is the repository for cnuntless works on clericism, fighting,

assassination, arms, combat and tactics. There are 1.786 various folios,
SCIOIIS, books. and collections writrfen in the kuo-roan and drow languages.
Each is worth 10-100 gp value if sold to a book dealer of the upper world.
There arc many shelves and pigeon-holes, racks and cabinets holding these
works and single shcct folders as well.

Encounter Area 9 Shrine of t h e Kuo-Toanr DESCENT
~ ~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~ _ _ _ _

15. OFFERINGS harpoon OR ld6/ld6+l/ld8+l spear (one dose o f Class R poison). SA + I
ro-hir/tl to damage for Strength. SD only surprised I in 10, slippery,
A diamond-shaped pool filled with blue-green water sirs in the immune to poison and paralysis. immune to illusion. 1 point of damage from
middle of this 60-foot by 50-foot rectangular room. Elaborate, magicalmissiles, electrical resistance, h g : kuo-toan, suhrcrrancan common,
Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 23, Crit BSL: D e f AC +2, FF 6, Reference HOB
colored tiles cover the walls and floor all the way up to the
hallways exiting the place (one to the north and one t o rhe 4 p 68)
west). Many well-armed fish-men srand guard rhroughout the

Dwateer of Blihdoolpoolp bring rheir live lobsrer offerings to this place and
This semi-circular room arrached rhe passageway surrounds a
tois them into irs hluirh green waters. The pool is ritually emptied by servants circular pool ten feet In diameter. The wall stands only about
of thc priest-prince, who gains rhe benefits of che sacrifices as table fare. 8 feet away from the edge of the greenish water. Next to the
pool are two large silvery basins, one to the norrh and one to
There are I0 soldiers here. eight troops and nvo leaders. There are in addi-
the south. Several shapes appear to be swimming about in the
tion four archers, a pair a t the mouths o f rhe corridor north and chat west.
All the soldiers are alert, watching thc area and Area 14 as well.
The leaders have dagger and harpoon. Each archer i s armed with dagger,
short how, and a quiver of 20 arrows.
The seven large fingerlings in the pool here, the spawn o f Eel Sharkton, arc
Kmz (81,Km3 (2) swimming happily about in the greenish 20-foot depths of the water. Each
one of the two platinum basins are 12 inches deep by 18 inches acrnrr and
Kn3 (2): Kuo-Ton male, Common (HF 5, EP 254, Fighter 3, Int 13 weighs 10 pounds. They are used to bring food to there creature~.The value
(High), AL NE (chaotic tend.), AC 4, MV 9", 18" Swim, HD 3, hp 35, SZ of each harin in perfect condition is 5,800 gp. half that if damaged.
M, #AT 1 or 2, D 2-5 bite and ld6+1/ld6/ld6-I dagger OR
ld6lld8/2d4+l light crossbow, SA +I to-hit/+l to damage for Strength, SD
only surprised 1 in 10, slippery, immtme to poison and paralysis, immune to 19. GUARDR o o n
illusion, 1 point of damage from magical missiles, clectrical resistance, h n g :
kuo-roan, subterranean common. Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 18,Crir RSL: This chamber is furnished with rows of narrow pallers covered
Def AC t l (melee) or Def AC +0 (crossbow). FF 6, Reference HoR 4 p 68) wlth dried seaweed and silk cloths. A small table with two
Each has 12 light quarrels. benches sits in the middle of the room. Four fkhy creatures
currently inhabit the room.

There are 19 pallets. Thin i s the quarters o f the female guards. and four are
Four armed fish-bipeds guard four hexagonal pools in this here on break ar present. I f attacked. these guards will choose the herr time
large room. 10 use their poison-tipped spears, not neccrrarily using them right away as
each only has one dose.
Kf4 (6)
Here the Kuo-Toa raise their young in pools until they arc about a year old
and nearly nvo feet tall. At this time their lungs are capable o f breathing air,
and they are brought out and taken to the main city for raising and training. 20. SERAGLIO
There are 315 tiny. 161 small. 43 medium, and nine large fingerlings in rhese
20-foot-deep pools. Four female fighters guard the pool.
The walls of this place are draped with gauzy green hangings.
Kt2 (4) Six plush couches line the north.easr and south walls. Several
large gold and sllver drinking vessels eating utensils rest on
three tables standing in the middle of the room. On each
17. ROYALSPAWNING POOL couch resrs an (apparently) well-groomed fish-like biped.

A huge oval-shaped pool dominates most of this 40-foot by

80-foot riled chamber. A pair of armed fish-like bipeds stands The hangings have no value, but they hide the stone behind. Six concu-
guard here before each of two arched entryways t o the west. bines of the priest-prince dwell here. Five arc indalenr and pampered and
Another pair stands near rhe north arched entryway. will not fight. The sixth, Goldielox, has secretly entered the prince's service
as a clericlassassin under a male disguise.
Each concubine has various personal effects, and the following jewelry: a
Only the ruler of rhr shrine a m and his concubine9 (<reArea 2111 may w c sapphire-and-emerald gold necklace (5,000 gp). a platinum armband (2.000
[his pool Ir i s 40 k t deep and irs bottom i s strewn with 31 1 lrrgc gems (Inn gp), and three ornamental gold fin-clips (GOO gp each). Also on the three ta-
gp each. 95 white pearls, -0 yrllowi,h pearls. 58 chryroberyl. 46 garner, 311 bles about the place are I 1 gold vessels (450 gp each) and 14 silver m e r (75
p and 5 zircon,,. gp each). The weight of any one utensil is 15 pounds.
Each gitrrd uses hcr rpcar, which i s ripped with a single dose of Claw R
puiron ( s e thc CMG p 206) a i fimr upporruniy a g a i n ~any rhrear.

Kuo-Top, Common female cleric 9/-in 9, Galdidor (HF 15, EP

Kf4 (6): Kuo-Ton female. Common (HI: 7. IX' 370. hphrcr 4. Inr 13 3.090, Cleric 10/Assassin 10. S 13/03, D 13/52, C l0/34, I 17/44, W 1/45,
(High), AL YE (chaoric tend.). AC 4. M V 9". 111" Swim. HL,4. hp 45. S% Ch 15/32. Cam 16/33. AL NE. AC 3, M V 9", IS" Swim, HD 9, hp 60, SZ
M. s\T I or2. D 2-5 hirrmd ld6.l/ldO/ld&l dapgcer O K ldO/Ld4/2d6 M.#AT I. D2-5bireand ld6+l/ld6/ld6-I dagger,SA+l ra-hit/+l rodam-

INTO THE NETHERDEEP Encounter Area 9 Shrine of the Kuo-Toanr
- ~ ~~ ~

age for Srrength, assassinarion, backstab +2 damage dice, spells, SD only SUI- The wesr recrian houses two lieutenants quartered in rhis pan of the area.
prised I in 10, slippery, immune ro pairan and paralysis. immune 10 illusion. Each carries 10 sp, 10 gp, 10 pp and five white pearls (worth 100 gp each).
I poinr of damage from magical misriles, electrical mistance. disguise, Lang: Each has a medium shield hanging nearby (which is not reflecred in rhe sra-
kuo-roan, subrerranean common, Hon: Average, ML 13.TOP 30, Crir BSL: risric block).
DefAC t3, FF 6, Reference HOB 4 p 6R)
Thief Skills pick pockets 80, open locks 20, find craps 25, remove traps KLI Kuo-Top, Lieutenant, ‘‘JOMGC Gefeltn” and “Hal Ibett”, (2) (HF
25, move silently 70, hide in shadows 90, detecr noise 70, climb walls 50. 16, EP 2,364 each. FR. Int 14 (High), AL NE (chaoric rend.), AC 4, MV 9”.
read languages 45. 18” Swim, H D R. hp 72, SZ M, #AT 3, D 2-5 bire and ld6+4/2d4+4/2d6t4
harpoon (mastery +2/3), SA +1to-hir/+l 10 damage for Suengrh, SD onlysur-
prised I in 10, slippery, immune to poison and paralysis, immune to illusion.
1 poinr of damage from magical missiles, electrical resistance, h g : h a - m a n .
subterranean common, draw. Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 36, Crir RSL: Def
AC +7 (harpwn) or DefAC +5 (bite). FF 6, Reference HOB 4 p 68)


Slxteen pallets lay on the floor of this rectangular room. Two

benches, four stools and a long cable dominate the center area.
Weapons. harnesses, nets and some shields hang on wooden
pegs set in the walls, along with nets. A chest rests in the
northwest corner.

Tw& of these minor fighting leaders dwell in rhis chamber. Each fighter
has 4 sp, 4 gp and 4 pp. There is a (Class P) poison needle trap in rhc lock.
The chesr contains 120 sp and 200 gp. with 78 pp under the false borrom.
The weapons and ners hanging on nearby Wall pegs am spares. There are
four medium shields (nor reflecred in the srarisric block).
live fish as well. There are 13 males and rhree females swimming here, all Km3 (5). Km4 (4), Km5 (2). Km6 (1)
unarmed. They viciously attack any warm-blooded crearure entering the
w a r m ofrhis black pool.
Km2 (13): #AT I , D 2-5 bite only 24. QUARTERS OF EELSHARKTON FEMALE
KfL (3): #AT 1, D 2-5 bite only
There are some two dozen pallets and stools here, with three
tables and six benches. Eight of the fish-like creatures mill

A rectangular room holds a few simple furnishings: dried

seaweed-covered pallets.some stools, cwo small wooden cables This is the quarters for eight g u d currently srationed at the royal areas
and pegs in the walls. Harnesses and weapons hang from the and 16 others, the lamer group being present and off-duty. Each guard car-
wooden pegs. A narrow stone wall divides the chamber into a ries 10 pp and four white pearls (I00 gp each) on her person. The on-duty
20-foot long and a 30-foot sectlon. but stops ten feet short of troops’ wealth is hidden in rhcir seaweed martresses.
the southern wall where two open archways stand. Each fighter is near her dagger and harpoon. Thcrc are eight medium
shields (nor reflected in the starisric block).
Kf4 (16)
These afe stark irems are typical of Kuo-Toa misrencc. Empty p e p are
ready to accepr harness or weapons, Inside one ofrhc harnesscs hanging from
a peg are sewn 40 yellow pearls worrh 100 gp each. 25. ARMORY
The east secrian houses rhe l0rh level caprain. His pouch contains 20 sp,
20 gp and 20 pp. He has scveral spare weapons all nearby. This 30-foot by 50-foot chamber is lined wlth numerous racks
holding a wide variety of weapons and suits of armor.
KC: Kuo-Toa, Captain, “Giman Wamrs” (1) (HF 20. EP 3,510, F10,
S 17/89, D 13/83, C 11/34, I 16/24, W 10141, Ch 12/87, Coin 9/23, AL
NE, AC 3, MV 9”, 18” Swim, H D 10, hp 90, SZ L. #AT 3, D 2-5 bite and The racks hold the following:
Id6+4/2d4+4/2d6+4harpoon (high mastery, 2 per round, +3/+3, speed fac- 3 human-rizcd suits of bronze plate mail (well mainrained but each
ror I), SA + I to-hir/+l ro damage for Strength. SD only surprised 1 in 10,
has suffcrc62d4 hp ofdamage)
slippery, immune 10 poison and pimlysis, immune to illusion. 1 paint of
damagc from magical missiles. electrical resistance, Lang: kuo-roan, subter- 6 human-sized suirs of chainmail (rusty and each has suffered 3d4
ranean common. drow, Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 45, Crir BSL: Def AC hp of damage)
+I0 (harpoon) or Def AC +7 (bire), FF 6, Reference HOB 4 p 6 8 ) 40 harnesses
100 medium shields
50 bucklers
Encounter Area 9 Shrine of the Kuo-Toanr
~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ - -DESCENT

250 applications of shield glue small square shaft leading down 16 feet. Iran rungs are set into the north wall
30 nets (1 of which is actually a Net of Snaring) of the shaft every 12 inches. The shaft leafs to a 5-foot wide passage to Area
29. At 40 feet to the east. the pasragmy widens to 10 feet, but for the entire
60 mostly metal light crossbows lengrh of the Nnnd the ceiling i s 7 feet high.
60 empty bolt cases The western part of the corridor leads to a concealed wooden trapdoor,
1.000 light quarrels painted to look like srone and only an inch thick. Characters can reveal rhis
via finding traps, detecting faulty “stone work or through specific examina-
50 hard-silver jack light quarrels (these will have been retrieved by
tion. Underneath the trapdoor lies a very deep well (six feet dawn to the
guards if they face an invasion and have rime)
water‘s surface, rhen 60 feet deep). The well shafr leads to a circular conduit
200 harpoons six feet in diameter. This pipe connem Areas 14, 17, and 21 by secret
100 daggers entrances in each pool bottom. On the pool side these appear ro be normal
stone blocks in the pool bottom, each about two feet square.
40 spears
1 large container (40 applications) of Class R poison
There are also some boxes with weapons of drow manufacture, but these
are all so old and corroded as to be useless. There are 12 Drow Budders +1,
I2 D i m Short Smrds +I, 14 Dmn D w n +1, and six hand crossbows
with 28 bolrs. (If any of these items are used they will break immediately
upon any employment, though if the attack succeeds, 1 0 4 0 % of the normal
damage is inflicted nevertheless.) However, there is one true D w r +1 and Only rhe priest-prince knows of this place. It is a secret passed from ruler
a Short Sword +2. Barh of these are made of dark metal and appear to be to ruler. The wealth of the shrine, gathered from decade upon decade ofcan-
the same as rhc drow weapons. tribution and sacrifice to the Sea Mother, as well z tax and rrade monies. is
stored here. Each chest is about thrcc and a half feet high, three and a half
feet in depth, and four and a half feet long. Each of rhesc chests is described
26. STORAGE CHAMBER below, for some are cleverly trapped.
Chest #1: This bronze chest has an ancient lock. It is filled with 8,124
This area is filled to overflowing with bales, boxes, c a r e r . shells with no monetary value to most races, but tremendous senti-
barrels.trunks. hogsheads and kegs. They are stacked and piled mental value to Kuo-Toa. Moving this chest from the stone it rests
,all over, with only narrow paths between them. upon triggers the mechanism that causes a 10-foot-thick stone block
to seal off the whole room. The block closcc off the cnd of the tunnel:
its edge is flush with the west wall.
Au of the containers are of small worth, holding dried fish, seaweed, cheap
cloth, fish skins and scales, shells, bone meal, carved bone items and similar Chest #2: This is a hcavy woad and iron box with a great iron padlock
goods used in rrade. on it. Inside arc 49.1 12 gp.
Chest #j:This is an iron chest with a secret catch lack. It holds 2,321
pp and a great silk altar cloth wrapped about three gold service pieces
QUARTERS set with a total of 36 pearls (60,000 gp far the set, or 36,000 gp for the
pearls only).
Dried seaweed dots the floor between the I 2 pallets In rhis
Chest X4: This bronze and iron chesr has two iron bars attached by rings
mom. but little else fills the stark, martial atmosphere of this
on the back side. When the lid is unlocked and lifted, the bars are de-
room. Five large fish-like bipeds lounge about on some of the pressed to trigger a 10-foot-wide by 20-foot-long trap door which
I 2 pallets in this room. A sixth creature stands in the large swings down ro drop all standing on it into a 70-foot-deep pit. The
ancechamber to the west. last 10 feet of the pit are water filled, so the fall inflicts only 1-8 points
of damage, but any armored victim faces rhe possibiliry of drowning.
The rrapdoor resets automatically (a process taking one round, though
A dozen Kuo-Taa Monirors inhabir rhe lair, bur they all share these quai- a combined total of 48 Strength can prevent this so long as each char-
rers. These five spend their off-duty hours practicing hand-to-hand fighting. aner succeeds at a Strength check. Fatigue applies, so eventually they
Each Kua-Toa Maniror carries a pouch with 20 pp. Under one pile of dried will fail. The chest holds 5,678 sp, 2,143 ep, 6 Potions of Water
seaweed is a loose m n e concealing a hole where a Crystal Hypnosis Ball Bmthing, four Potions of Sweet Water, a Potion of Rainbow Hues,
rats. A secret compartment in the north wall holds a platinum statuette of a Potion of Polymorph to Gnome, two Potions of Poison. Dust of
a posing Kuo-Toa Monitor (worth 1,500), 30 rock crystal gems (worth 50 gp Dryness, a Helm of Underwater Action and Gauntlets of
each) and a Pain Giver +2 Short Sword. Swimming and Climbing.
KMon (6)
Chest #5: This is an unlocked iron-bound woodcn trunk. Inside are 100
copper ingots (10 pounds each), atop which is a coral coffer (worth
1,000 gp) containing I88 lapis lazuli stones (10 gp each). Twenty larg-
er ingots at the bottom weigh 2 3 3 pounds each, for they arc actually
platinum with cappcr plating (and worth 1189 gp each). This will not
This mom appears empty. Flagstones cover the floor. A be apparent unless most of the ingots are lifted out of the chest.
corridor stretches west for some 30 feet.
Chest #6: This locked bronze chest is trapped as is # I ; moving ir seals the
chamber with a 10-faor-thick stone block. Thc chest holds 12 pieces
A flagstone in the southwest corner conceals a hidden iron trapdoor. The of jewelry (4 gold bracelets, 2 platinum bracelets, 4 gold broaches, a
two-foot-square block is about six inches thick and very heavy. It opens to a green and white jade comb and platinum filler-style headband, each

Encounter Area 9 Shrine of the Kuo-loans
~~ ~
worth 500 gp), a bone tube containing oyo scrolls: a Scroll of three 3 I. GUARDED
cleric rpclla (Lower Water, True Seeing, Restoration -spell effects as a
14th level cleric) and a cursed scroll (whoever reads it is marked as hav- Ten well-armed flsh-biped things stand guard here. Six cluster
ing sinned against the gawds - unless he atones or breaks the hex, every around the staircase in the center of the west wall.
die of healing he receives will be reduced by one point per spell or
device use cumulatively until hc can no longer benefit from magical
healing at d).and a gold idol of Blibdoolpoolp set with 10 white
This position has the standard squad of cight soldiers and two leaders. All
pearls (100 gp each). Anyone touching the idol must save versus spells
of rhese soldiers have nets to ensnare and capturc opponents, in addition to
or be transported (with all the gear he carries or holds) ro the El-
rheir normal weapons.
emental Plane of Water, 10 stand before the gawddess ' receptionist.
The saving throw is required each time the icon is touched anew (and Km3 ( 8 ) ) Km4 (2)
the Sea Mother will be frickin' pissed when she's informed as to the
shenanigans the hoodlums in her waiting room were up to.)
Chest t7: This is a locked iron chest plated with silver, worth 2,400 gp.
All of the seams and cracks of the chest are also filled with silver sol- More than a dozen armed flrh-things stand watchfully In this
der. Inside is a jeweled medallion worth 25,000 gp (15,000 for gems large, open area.
alone) and a very powerful Spectre. Decades ago, a notorious Kuo-Taa
called Wade Codmus Pike went on a killin' spree (srarting with sever-
al fingerlings) which culminated when he and his best friend Tommy
In addition to a standard squad (as per Area 30), here are also four female
Dorsal murdered Pike's helpless grandmorher. Pike rhen turned on his
crassbowtirh, each with dagger, crossbow, and a quiver of20 quarrels. All bur
friend. killing him. The priesr-prince at the rime thought thar mere
rhc archers have nets in addition to their standard weapons.
execution would be '"going easy on 'im", and Pikes' evil has endured
beyond death. Currently Pike is trapped insidc by special magics Km2 (a), Ka3 (4), Km4 (2)
arruned to its idenriry (later priest-princes figured he'd make a goad
guard in case anyone found this chamber). The chest glows as pnwer-
ful magic if detected, bur if the Spectre is destroyed, the chest is no 33. QUARTERS
longer magid. Pike attacks the first creature he sees. Unbeknownst
even to Eel Sharkton now, Dorsal dso inhabirs the chest as a Srandard Six drled seaweed-covered pallets and one cable with two
Spectre. He abides his time rormencing Pike through eternity, which benches are all of the furnishings in this long chamber. A
has left Pike one angry incorporeal undead. Dorsal will lay low when number of large, muscularlooking fish-bipeds can be seen.
Pike attacks. carefully choosing the moment of his own surprise attack
far maximum effectiveness. Eventually, he hopes to build his own
'"Spectrearmy" to get revenge on everything and everyone. As the Kuo-Toa Monitors enforce the social decorum of the shrine, thc
Whips see that the religious political order is kepr. Thesc Spartan quarters
Spectre, Bound, 'Vade Codmus Pike" (1) (HF 46, EP 4,000, Int I6 house the six who are the official enforcers of the order. Each of these en-
(Ex).AL NE, AC 0, MV 157, 301 Fly (B),H D 8t4, hp 66, SZ M, #AT I , forcers u e s a medium shield and harpoon after rhrowing nets to entangle
D 2-8, SA energy drain, SD +I or better to hit, immuniries (sleep. charm, opponents. They also have garrotes in harness pouches. They act in concert
hold, cold. poison. paralysis, illusions), only surprised 1 in 10, 1 point of on any occasion demanding it.
damage from m a g i d missiles, electrical resistance (half or none), Lang: kuo- The rhrec apartments nearby Nhouse W i p r of slightly larger size.
toan. subterranean common, Hon: Average, ML 19,TOP n/a, Crit RSL: Def Each Whip carries 8 sp. 8 gp and 8 pp in a pouch an his harncsr. In addi-
AC +7. FF "/a. Reference HOB 7 p 94) tion, each has seven white pearls (worth 100 gp each) hidden insidc his har-
ness itself.
Spectre, Stamdud, "Tommy Dorsal'' (1) (HF 30, El' 3,000 each, Int 14 KWp (6)
(High), AL NE. AC 2, MV l5i. 30i Fly (B), H D 7t3, hp 60, SZ M, #AT I,
D 1-R. SA energy.drain, S D +I or better to hit, immunities (sleep, charm, KWp (3): Kuo-Toa, Whip (HF 8, EP475 each. Fighter4/hsassin 4, Inr
hold, cold. poison. paralysis, illusions), only surprised 1 in 10, I poinr of 13 (High), AL NE (chaotic rend.), AC 4, MV 9", 18" Swim, H D 4, hp 36
damage from magical missiles, electrical resistance (half or none) ,Lang: kuo- each, SZ M, #AT 1 or 2, D 2-5 bite and ld6+1/ld6/1d6-1 dagger O R
toan, subrerranean common, Ha": Average. ML 15,TOP n/a, Crit BSL Def ldG+1/2d4+1/2d6+1 harpoon OR garrote. SA + I to-hit/+l to damage for
AC +6. FF "/a. Reference HOB 7 p 74) Strength, backstab +I die damage. assassination. SD only surprised 1 in 10,
slippery, immune to poison and paralysis, immune ro illusion, 1 poinr of
damage from magical missiles, clectricd resistance. Lang: kuo-roan, subrer-
30. GUARDPOST ranean common, Hon: Average, ML 13, TOP 18, Crit BSL: DefAC + I , FF
6. Reference HOB 4 p 68)
Thief Skills: pick pockets 30, open lo& 10, find traps 10, remove traps
5 , move silenrly 45, hide in shadows 50, detect noise 50, climb walls 60.

The eight female soldiers herein are commanded by fwo higher level 'ypes.
also female. Each soldier has dagger, crossbow and 20 quarrels in addition to
her standard weapons.
KfL (8), Kf4(2)

-Encounter Area 9 Shrine of the Kuo-Toanr
~~ ~ ~ ~

34. CHAMBERS es have alrered alliances and memiui (which are mer-changing anyway), and
she knows norhing of the dcrm inmyion.
This Spartan 20-foot by 20-foot room contains only one dried- Elodie is chained to rhe wall wirh short fetters. She will volunteer ro aid
seaweed covered pallet, a stool and a small table. There are and guide rescuers (but will of course betray rhem ar rhe first real opporruni-
slits in the east wall and a door on t h e north part of the west ty). Once freed of chains she can use her spell abilities. Elodie is a loyal fol-
lower ofZyandal and doer not fear death, bur she will certainly do her utmost
wall. A large fish-like biped stands near the pallet.
to avoid ir if possible! She will nor betray her house, nor will she compromise
rhe s&ty of the drow community (wen though her information is now out-
dated and useless). bur anything else is fair game (so to speak).
T h e dedicated Newt Kingfish, majority whip and confidanr of the priest-
prince. is quartered here. Although his room is as Spartan as the others, N e w Carefully hidden under some ofthe seaweed, where she worked it with her
has a small, locked iron box hidden in rhe north wall of rhe place. Inside are bare fcer, is Eladici bronze brooch depicting the head of a Nightmare, with
396 sp, 272 gp and 101 pp. Behind rhe box is a small stone slab that appears a reverse inscription in drow reading "Noquar".
to be the back of the chamber [[rear as secret door]. This slab can actually be
mated its vertical center by pressing hard on the far right (easr) side. The Drow female fighter 9th. "Elodie" (HF 14, El' 3.588, Fighter 9, S
pusher must have a t least a 16/5I Strength or else it won't budge. Behind this 17/89, D 18/90, C 14/34, I 16/61, W 13/45, Ch 17/56, Cam 18/68, AL
slab is a small case madc of rare shells and worth 30 gp in its own right. It CE, AC 5 (Dex, acrobatic skill suite), MV 12", H D 9 [+l81, hp 92. SZ M,
contains a string of pcrfccdy matched, perfect giant pearls (18,500 gp intacr, #AT 2 or 3, D (by weapon), SA high masrcry ofshort sword (2 anacks/round.
7,600 gp ifscparatcd) and 12 normal white pearls (100 gp each). t 3 ro-hidt3 to damage, speed factor -3). SD 90% w i s t Sleep and charm
The chief whip wears a Cape of Shadow Weaving, Ring of Invisibility effect, surprised onlyon a 1 on IdIO, t 2 on all saves against magic, MR.68%,
(for dealing wirh inrruders), Drow Boots, a Drow Short Sword +2 and a Lang: drow, drow sign language, elven, common, undercommon. Hon: 64
Drow Dagger +2. He also Carries the usual Kuo-Toan weapons and has a gar- (Average), ML 14, TOP 46, Crit BSL: Dcf AC +7 (melee) or Def AC +I0
rote is tucked inro his harness. Newt Kingtirh will rush to any disturbance (missile) or Def AC + I I (if she can acquire a short sword). FF 7, Age 137,
in the shrine, armed and ready. If the situation warrants it. Novt will sum- Heighr 5' 5". Weight 100 Ibs., Skills: armor maintenance, dirty fighring 100,
mon Id4 Shadows fmm his cape and compel them to fight for him. knowledgc of courtly affairs 72, diplomacy 61, ulterior motive 99, weapon
maintenance, w s s slap 64, Praficiencies: short sword (high mastery), dagger,
long sword, hand crossbow, Talenrs: acrohatic skill suite. ambidextrous. short
Kuo-Ton, Chief "Majority" Whip, Newt Kingfish (HF 13, EP 1,060.
sword bonus, Reference HOB2 p 111)
Fighter 7/Assassin 7, S 13/59, D 15/90, C 14/34, I 13/02, W 12/17, Ch
11/18, Com 4/41, AL NE (chaotic tend.), AC 2, MV 9", 18" Swim, H D 7, SpcL: Pint k l : Dancing Lights. Darkness, Derecr Magic, Faerie Fire.
hp 53, SZ L, #AT 1 or 2, D 2-5 bite and ld6t3/1d6+2/ldG+l Drow Dagger Second Lml: Know Alignment, Levirate.
+ f O R ld6+2/ld6+3/ld8t3 Drow Short Sword t 2 OR garrote, SA +Iro-
hit/+l ro damage for Strengrh, backsrab + I die damage, assassination, SD
only surprised 1 in 10, slippery, immune to poison and paralysis. immune to THEBORDERS
illusion, 1 point of damage from magical missiles, electrical resistancc, Lang: The parhs from the realms of rhe Kuo-Toa plunge furrher into the dark-
kuo-roan, subterranean common, Hon: 72 Great (+I on all die rolls). ML 13. ness, the primary passage wcll-worked and illuminated hy the ghostly images
TOP 27, Crit RSL: Dcf AC t 4 , FF 7, Reference HOB 4 p 68) of phosphorescent graffiti. The secondary and tertiary passages are less
ThiefSkib: pick pockets 10. open locks 10, find traps 35,remove traps brighrly lir. and fat ahead in those passages, the characters can hear occasion-
35, move silently 45 (75 with Drow boars), hide in shadows 70 (80 with ally the moans and gibbering of a creature in pain, terminated by screams of
Cap$, detecc noise 50, climb walls 65. agony from sources unknown, finally fading info absolute silence. Here ends
Possessions: Ring of Invisibility, Drow Boots and a Cape of Shadow rhe beginning of rhe Descent into the NctherDeep adventure. Those that
Weaving. have made it this far are in for a much more insidious evil if they dare press
on to the Drow Kingdom beyond ...
Shadows, Cammon, (164) (HF 5, El' 420 each, Inr 5-7 (Low), AL CE,
AC 7, MV 12", H D 3t3, hp 46. 29, 28, 31, SZ M, #AT I , D 2-5, SA
strength drain, SD + I or betrer to hir, immune to cold &sleep, charm, hold
spells, Hon: Average, Mt 20/15/11/6 (depending on lighring - Typical illu-
mination in the Shrine is average to nvilight), TOP "/a, Crir BSL: Def AC
+2>FF n/a, Reference HOB 7 p 47)


This rectangular room is bare of furnishings. A fiesty-looking

female d m w in ragged clothes lies upon a huge pile of dried
seaweed in the northwest corner. Heavy chains bind her
ankles and wrists to the wall.

This special r w m of Novt Kingfish's is closed by a heavy, locked door

made of solid oak reinforced with brame bands. The Majority Whip Carries
the only key to it. Inside is a female drow execurive, Elodie of House Noquar.
She is held in durance vile by the ChiefWhip and is slated for formal rorrure
soon, to learn of drow plans againsr the Kuo-Toa people and the current stare
of affairs amongst the dark elves' noble houses. Unfortunarely, she has been
held prisoner so long that her information is largely useless. The drow hous-


Thieving Skill Racial Adjustments
~ .
Pick Pockets -15%
Open Locks -15%
Find Traps +lo%
RemoveTraps +lo%
Move Silently -5%
Hide In Shadows +lo%
Detect Noist
Climb Walls
Read Languaj

Mushboom Murhhooms
DESCRII~ITON: Mushbooms arc a family of Mushboom
AKA: BoomJhmomr Thcw mincficldr arc usually grown 10 prmecr or impcdc the use ofcrrrain facilities or
rubrerrancan fungi with il special merabolic
HACKFACTOR: 0 rhomughiker. Over rimc. rhc eel-ncc o f these posirionr may disappcar and rhey am
process. They are phrically indisringuish-
EPVALUE:300 abandoned. Hawcver. rhe Mushbooms rerain their pormq, Abandoned mincfieldr arc
able from other subterranean fungi 2nd
CUM.WEITERR~IN NetherDeep a largc problem in rhc NerhcrDcsp, injuring hundreds of monic~rsand PCs il year.
proccrr vcgcrablr maictial in il similar man-
FREQUENCY: Uncommon Somr drow incrchani clam occsionally c r y to cicar fi~ldrhlocking main traffic artccics,
nrr. Howcver. if allowed fo grow upon ani-
ORGANIZATION: Fields bur irh proven to be wry expenrive (replacing dead s l a ~ c sadds up).
mal flesh, a most LIIIUSLI~ series of biochcm-
ical reamions OCCUO. Ecoinm There fungi haw bcrn around for deader. hur no ant knows for certain how
rhc firsr Mushbooms came into being. Some s a p suggest that rhcy were originally ~ r i -
When digenringproteins, INTELLIGENCE: Nan- (0)
anr Shriekerr. quickly culrivnred by inrelligcnr dwellers o f the NcrhrrDeep. Mort bclicvc
nitrogen i s oxidized TO NO; frrr ndicalr ALIGNMENT: Neutral
that they were rhc ddibcrarcly sr.z~iedby a magic-user who harcd compnny 2nd loved
rhar then wmliine with glycerol broken NO.APPEARING: varier
explosion?. No known species of crcarurr volunnrily ears rhecc 'Shroomr.
down from larger triglyccridc ho. 'This SIZE: T to L
resulrs in a highly unsrahle and nplorivc
PSIONICABILITY:Nil Medicir111: Nil
chcmical given hy rhc formula C3H5N@q
ATTACKDEFENSE MODESNlliNil Spell Grmponentsr Nil
commonly known as nitroglycerin. T h i s
chemical proces condnws PS long as rhc
MORALE: Fanaric (20) HiddTgoohv. . Itcms; Nil
fungi fecdr upon animal flcrh -all the while NUMBER OF A ~ A C K S :
Special Oiheri IXi1
accumulating more and more nirraglyccrin DAMAGEIATTACK See text
in i t s cap. SPECIALAUACK: Shrapnel (for
Klaymore varierv)
Rust Bats
A varianc species known as the Naymore
SPECIALDEFENSE: Nil DFSCRIPTION; Rust Bars arc a form of
Mushboom grows in a m s with a very high
mineral comcnr in rhc m t c r . Th-e fungi MAGICRESISTANCE:Srandard small rust m o n s i ~ rrhai adapted to bccomc R U SBat.
form calcite pellcrr as? m y o f cxucring rhe H r DICE I hit point a flying cccaturc. They look like large. fur- AKA: Oxldaccylr
CXCCIS mincrali they xcLimu1aie. Over rimc. T O P nia l~ hats and have TWO long. curling anten- HACKFACTOR: I

their caps become loaded with these pellets F F nla ~ dangle from rheir hccs like a mus-
n a rhar EPVALUE:85
mchc. Rusr Bars have rust-colored win@ CLIMATEITERRAIN: Subterranean
in addition to the nirroglyccrin. O f C(IUP.F.
with black bodies. and smell like smoldcr- FREQUENCI: Rare
rhcrc pcllcts become deadly shrapnel ifrhc
ing iron shavine. ORGANIZATION: Flock
mushroom i s dcronatid.
Com~iT~ma~ Rurr Bars seek our ACTIVITY CYCLE:Nisht
As would be npecrcd. Mushbooms are extremcly (cnsiiive 10 jolts and bumps. Any con- DIET:Meralavore
racr that caum damage suromaricallydcronatrr thc 'Shroom, u does running inro one.
m e d by scent, using their antennae 10
sample the air as rhey swoop through a v - INTELLIGENCE: Animal (I)
Walking inm one has an 80% chance ofsetring ic off I f one opts to move very slowly ALIGNMENT: Neutral
ems. When rhe flock finds mctrl. i c
(i.c. ac a I " mwemem race) and carcfully, there i s only a 5% chance o f w r i n g it OK O f NO.APPEARING: 1-7
swoops down m rhc arack. The moment
count, moving slowly and carefully means forgoing any bonus to AC from Dmreriry or SIZE: 5 (2' long)
the acrobaric skill S U ~ Xralrnr as well as providing opponcnrr a t4 bonus to hit. their antennae strike mecal i i irisrandy rusts
(my amount up to a large shield per MOVEMENT: 2". 14" fly
If il 'Shmom dcronaces. ic inflicts 5d6 poinn of damage in a LO-fwr mdiur. This i s con- round). Magic iicms haw a 10% chance
cussive damage, so protection from fire will nor ICIIC~
the damage. The Klaymarc &cry far each phis and power o f resisting chc ATTACKIDEFENSE MODES: NillNil
inflicrr an addirional ZdlO points of damage within 15 fccr and Id10 out ro 30 feet. O f rurring arrack. Mcral \aeapms that strike a MORALE:Daring (15)
mume. exploding Mushboomscould very well $artil deadly chiin teamion ifrcvcal orhcr Riat Hir u e aRccccd s rhrough struck by
ARMOR Cws: 6
'Shmomr nearby. Needles to say, rhc 'Shroom is dcsrmyed when i t deronarcs. NUMBER OF ATTACKS: I
an nnrmni. Once i n e d h u been rusted,
the flock will land on the item md fcust. DAMAGElATTACC Nil
S€~ITAT/SOCIEIY Intelligent dwellerr of rhc NcrhcrDccp are h o w n to culcivlce fields
Rurr Bars cat by coughing tip cormsive iali- SPECIALAT~ACK: Rusting
of ilieic deadly mushrooms, oftcn mixing them in with ordinary varieties $0 as to create
a minrtirld. This is pzrricularly uscful in defcnrivc situations. Scours can quickly run M that liqucficn rhc rurrcd m e d , then
back 10 a dcfcnsivr posirion (rsuming they're familiar with the layour of the minefield) drinking ic, Thr saliva is lha~mles~ 10 every-
where they m rifely rakc the cncmy with fire and caumr~.
~ ~- ~~ ~

high. Anyone caughr within i t s area o f effm must saw vs. poison or immrdiarcly fall
aslccp for 5d4 melm rounds. (Nnre: creacums with 4t3 hit dice or grearcr are unaffecr-
ed). Thore making their save arc assumed to have lcpr ouc of rhe cloud. Anempring to
itin through the cloud will nemsitare mother save VS. poison. The smoke pcrrirrs for
Zd4 melee rounds. It$ duration can be hdved by a moderare wind, and ir u n be blown
away by a rtmng wind.

Svirfnneblin Smoke Grenade

EPValue = 900 GPValue = 3,600
Thrsr items appear 10 an ordinary grayish stone about the s i x of a man's fist. W e n
rmarhcd by hurling rgainrr a hard surface, they rhancr and lclcasc a smoky gw cloud 15'
in diamcrcr and 10' high. Ths cloud obscurer all righr. normal and infrauision. beyond
2 feet. 'The smoke persists for 3d4 melee roundr. 11s durarion a n be halved by a mod-
crate wind. and it can be hlown away by a rrrong wind.

Svirfnneblln Polson G u Grenade

EPValue = 1,400 GPValue = 7.000
These ifems appear 10 a yellowirh ~ m n about
e the s i z ofa man's fist. When smashed
by hurling apinrr a hard rurfrce, they shatter and release a toxic yellow-green gar cloud
I S in diamcrcr and 10' high. Anyone caughr within ics area of effm must save M. poi-
90" or immdiatcly dic. Thorc making rheir rave we aswmed to have lepr out of rhc
cloud. Arrcmpring ra run rhrough the cloud will nemiitaw anorhcrsavevr. poiron.The
smoke pcrrirrr for 264 melee rounds. Irr duarion can be halved by a moderare wind.
and ii can Ire hlown awly by a strong wind.

Shimmer Globes
EPValue = 100 GPValue = 300
The missiles appear 10 bc wsnsluunt glass spheres about rhc size o f a large marble.
They may wed in any q q c afrling. Contained within rhc sphere i s a luminous irritant.
W h e n hurled. ir vaparim on impact in an a m nfelTcccr. a doud 10 fcer in diamcrcr and
12hrrrdl (halfdiamercrifhrokenonvenicalrurfacc). ~hvicrimwithinrheire~musr
Rust Bats are a menace to all metnl o&cts. s a w M.poison or be blinded and out of a c h n (rcnrching furiously) for 7-10 rounds or
until thc FF'I arc washed. The luminous droplees on the body caux an armor class
penalty o f + 1 ro + 4. lacing for 2 8 r u m or until washed of6 Borh effecrr a n only be
rhing rhar inni rusted m e d . A single Rust Bat can ear up to ten pounds of rurrcd mctd removed by a full round of washing.
per day.
HABrrAr/Sourn: Rust Bats prefer 10 live in warm. humid CWCI near underground
llkcr and slmu-moving rivers. Thcrc i s alwys at I c m one scout checking for food while
the rest of chr flock rests hanging from rhe ceiling. Appendix
B New
_ Magic
_ ~ Items ~~

Rust Rats M nor at all picky about the quality of metal they car, and will mack raw ore
as vigorously &he finest p l m mail.
E c o m Rust Rats can bc found whcrcvcr rhere i s a regular supply ofmcml and w r e r Cloak ofVulnenbility (EPV = 0. GPV = SeeTable B- I)
The various forms of this bancful device dl
f o keep rhcm fed. Rusr Birr are disliked throughout rhc NcthrrDecp and most mining
opcrarionr offer a bounty of 1 sp prr Rusr Bar head. appcar to he normal garmcnts made of cloth m
Inrher. Howcvrr, each minu or a Cloak of
Y Vgilncrability w o n c n ~Armor Claw by one as wcll Cloak ofVulnenblllty
M ar subrncring one to swing rhraw die mlh. Thus. Roll (ld100)
SI a Cloak of Vulnerability -Iwould raise Armor
H Class 9 (rabrr) to Armor C l m 10. and give a -1 C l a k .I
r penalty co raving ihmw IS. To determine how
Cloak -2
Cloak -3
0 nasty a given cloak is, mll pcrccnrile dice and 86-95 Cloak4 7.000
N consult Table R - 1: Cloak ol Vulnerability. 96-IW Cloak4 8.000
Unlike a Cloak o f Prorrction. this dcvice can bc
worn in conjunction with any son of magical
armor, normal armor and with a shield ofany son, The trouble i s nor in w r i n g i t wirh
Appendix A New Equipment
~~ ~ ~ ~~~
thrrc other rypcr o f pmcecrive devices but nrhcr in rcmwing i c ...

EPValue = 50 GPValue 100
Created by Deep Gnomc holistic hcrbalirn. rhcre rablcu are a high potency mulrivi-
Death Lsncs
EPValue = 500 GPValue 4.000 -
I h i s iincrly evil weapon is a rpccid clcirion of Z y d d . Though rhc same r h a p and
s i x as a normal lance (be it heavy, mediiim or li&t), it i s a pure mame black char seems
raminimultimincral supplcmcnr complex with rnrioxidrnrs and lutein. Once inierred,
to ruck lighr inm ics inky depths.
rhr pill raker 30 minum to rake effect a t which point i t will rescore 4 hit points ofdam-
The Ian= is consideredto he a +3 weapon. though it provider no to-hir bonus when
age. No more than 4 tablets may be &en in a 24 hour period .addiriond dosages will
simply prove ineffective.
used. On 3 successful hit, i t c m s c ~an additiand 3d4 poinn o f damage from negative
energy The individual rinick murr also save VI. poison or be drained Id4 ICVCIJ.A mon-
r m loses Id4 Hit Dice pcrmancnrly, borh far lhic poinrr and armck ability A characrcr
Svirfneblln Sleep Caltropr loses Icvds, Hir Dice. hir poinrr and abilities permancndy (umil repined through
EPValue = 1,000 GPValue = 5,000 advcnruring. if appliuhle).
There imms appear to an ordinary opaque stone abour rhe size o f 2 gnome's fist. Humans or humanoids bmughr below zero energy levels by this spell a x rransformed
W e n irepped on. they rhancr and TcIcasc a bluish gas cloud 15' in dinmcrer and lo' into Juju Zombicr undcr rhe control of the wielder of rhc lance.


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