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British Columhia Building Code 2012 DivisionB-Part3 Ramps and Stairways

1) Except as permitted by Sentence (2), (Article 3.3.1 .1 6., and) Article . ramps and stairways that do not
serve as exifs shall conform to the dimensional, guard, handrail and slip-resistance requirements for exff ramps and
stairways stated in Sentence and Articles, and (to
2l Ramps and stairways that do not conform to the requirements of Sentence (1) are permitted to serve servlce
' rlomsafid service spacesandin industrial occupancies, provided the ramps and stairways are intended only for occasional
use for servicing equipment and machinery. ExteriorPassageways
1) An exterior passageway leading to a required exltshall conform to the requirements of Section 3.4.lor exterior exil
passageways. Curved or Spiral Stairs

1) A curved or spiral stair is permitted in a stairway not required as an exil provided the stair has
a) treads with
i) a minimum run not less than 150 mm, and
ii) an average run not less than 200 mm,
b) risers in conformance with Sentence, and)
c) a handrail on each side.
3.3:1.17. Gapacity of Access to Exits
(See Article for minimum widths of corridors.)

1) The capacity ol an access to exit shall be based on lhe occupant load ol the portion ol lhe floor area serued.
2l lnanaccesstoexitlhe requiredwidthof rampswithaslopenotmorethanl inS,doorways,andcorridorsshall
be based on not less than 6.1 mm per person.
3) lnanaccesstoexitlhe requiredwidthof arampwithaslopemorethanl inSshallbebasedonnotlessthan
9.2 mm per person.
4) ln an access to exitlrom a floor area used or intended to be used for palients in a Group B, Division 2 occupancy
(or residents in a Group B, Division 3 occupancy,) the required width of corridors, doorways, and ramps shall be based
on not less than 18.4 mm per person.
5) The capacity of stairs in an access to exitshall conform to the requirements for stairs in Sentences to (3). Guards
1l Except as provided in Sentence (4) and Article, a guard nol less than 1 070 mm high shall be provided
. a) around any roof to which access is provided for purposes other than maintenance,

b) at openings into smoke shafts referred to in Subsection 3.2.6. that are less than 1 070 mm above the floor, and
c) at each raised floor, mezzanine, balcony, gallery, interior or exterior vehicular ramp, and at other locations where
the difference in level is more than 600 mm.

2l Except as permitted by Sentence and unless it can be shown that the size of openings that exceed this
limit does not present ahazard, there shall be no opening that permits the passage of a sphere whose diameter is more
than 100 mm through a guard serving
a) an exterior balcony, or
b) a room, stairway, or space not within a suite oI residential occupancy.

3) Unless it can be shown that the location and size of openings do not present ahuard, guardsshall be designed
so that no member, attachment or opening localed between 140 mm and 900 mm above the level protected bylhe guard
facilitates climbing.
4) Sentence (1) does not applyto thefront edges of stages or loloading docks. Transparent Itoors and Panels

' 1) Except as permitted by Sentence (4), a glass or transparent door shall be designed and constructed so that the
existence and position of the door is readily apparent, by attaching non-transparent hardware, bars or other permanent
fixtures to it.
2l A glass door shall be constructed ol
a) laminated or tempered safety glass conforming to CA,[/CGSB-12.1-M, "Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass," or

b) wired glass conforming to CAN/CGSB-12.'l 1-M, "Wired Safety Glass."


DivisionB-Part3 British Columbia Building Code 2012 1

3) Except as permitted by Sentence (4), transparent panels used in an access to exitthal, because of their physical
configuration or design, could be'mistaken as a means of egressshall be made inaccessible by barriers or railings.
4l Sliding glass partitionslhalseparate a public corridorlrom an adjacent occupancyandthat are open during normal
working hours need not conform to Sentences (1) and (3), provided lhe partitionsare suitably marked to indicate their
existence and position.
5) Glass in doors and in sidelights that could be mistaken for doors, within or atthe entrance slo dwetting unitsandin
public areas, shall conform to the requirements of Article

6) A window in a public area that extends to less than 1 000 mm above the floor and is located above the second
storeyin a buitdingj ol residential occupancy, shall be protected by a barrier or railing to not less than 1 070 mm above the
floor, or the window shall be non-openable and designed to withstand the lateral design loads for balcony guardsrequired
by Article Exhaust Uentilation and Explosion Venting

1) An exhaust ventilation system designed in conformance with the appropriate requirements of Part 6 shall be
provided in a building or part of a building in which dust, f umes, gases, vapour or other impurities or contaminants have
the potential to create a fire or explosion hazard. (See also Article
2l Explosion relief devices, vents or other protective measures
-conforming to Subsection 6.2.2. shall be provided for
a space in which substances or conditions that have the potential to creale'an explosion hazard are present as a result of
.' the principal use of a building. Janitors'Rooms
1) Except as permitted by Sentences (2) and (3), a room or space within a floor areator the storage of janitorial
supplies shall be separated from the remainder of lhe buitding by a fire separation having a fire-resistaice rafing not less
than t h.


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