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Stitch Theory Outlined


- Spacing - stitches should be 1cm apart - Depth - stitches should be 1.25-1.5 cm deep

Needle placed at a right angle to the wound and at the same distance from the edge on each side.

Tension - tighten each stitch so it rests on the surface of the tissue with the edges just touching

Stitch type Describe Application Benefit Limitation Image link

Single loop that enters When a single Good for when a single stitch Bulky repair since each https://en.wikipedi
on one side and exits stitch is needed is used. For when tissue is requires a knot. Weaker
directly on the opposite, or tissue is hard to align. Others stay strands of thread due to ple_interrupted_s
then pulled tight and tied difficult to align. together if one stitch comes the knots. Easy to place uture.svg
off. undone. One stitch can be too tightly. Can easily
removed without the need to distort the tissue if not
undo a whole sequence. placed precisely.
A single strand of suture Can be used to Natural tension is fairly Can easily get twisted.
that forms a spiral in the close the vaginal watertight. Quick and easily Risk of developing a og/wp-content/upl
tissue by inserting mucosa layer as placed. hematoma if there is oads/2013/08/con
several stitches of the well as the labia deep trauma or tinous-sutures.jpg
same time continually in and periurethral pronounced
a row. area. varicosities.
Similarly placed as the Used to close the Provides a great amount of Risk of developing
continuous stitch just vagina especially hemostasis. hematoma or cyst if too /vi/KzZayT_UhU4/
with an additional loop when there is tight. maxresdefault.jpg
over the thread to cause more bleeding
a lock in the thread. than usual from
the wound.
Lacing stitch that gives Used to close the Good at everting tissue. Difficult to drive the
the appearance of an skin of the needle back and
invisible zipper. Typically perineum requires more practice ia/commons/thum
continuous with a b/d/dc/Horizontal_
previous layer of mattress_suture.s
stitches. It is a type of vg/400px-Horizont
interrupted stitch that al_mattress_sutur
uses a two bite e.svg.png
Similar to the mattress Used to close off Assists in gathering and Precise placement https://d140vvwqo
Figure Eight
stitch but with a cross in bleeding veins closing off bleeding veins needed
the middle /images/videos/ori

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