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The Impact of Parent and Teacher Motivation

on Online Learning among the Students






Jara, Jim Ceasar Jerry, Dennis Tindoc, Carl Josias

Viño, Lloyd Montimor Abastas, Ariel Tero, Romjem

Comoc, Romel O. Jr. Comoc, Resphel Tiamting, Owen

Apid, Brian Ian


Alvarina, Christine C.

Tomombay, Astela M.

Guiamat, Raifa S.



I INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….. 1

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………3

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………….5

Purpose of the study……………………………………………………….5

Significance of the Study………………………………………………….5

Hypothesis of the Study…………………………………………………...6

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………..6

Limitation of the study ……………………………………………………7


Reality of Online Learning………………………………………………….8

Problems Associated with Online Teaching and Learning……………….....9

Motivation on Online Education…………………………………………….12



Many parents and teacher are always excited in their child and student’s first day of

school. They likely buy the things that their child needs and wants, and some may have even

accompanied them all the way to school. The teachers provide all the necessary things in the

classroom just to have a better teaching style. This act of enthusiasm change when this global

pandemic appeared. Many parents are experiencing hardship because of the implementation of

online learning. They were neither trained nor ready to embrace online learning (Dong, Cao & Li,


In this world wide pandemic, everybody change their lifestyle and so the style of

delivering our education. The Department of Education was confronted with the situation of

maintaining its part in conveying quality education for each Filipino. The teachers are now giving

an education through online learning to provide a quality education amidst of COVID –19

pandemic (Fauzi & Khusuma, 2020). According to Anderson (2008), online learning is theuse of

the Internet to access learning materials; to interact with the teacher, students, to provide content;

and to obtain support during the learning process. It is an order to acquire knowledge, to construct

personal meaning and to grow from the learning experience.

Online learning presents various positive outcomes in the students learning (Lin & Chen,

2017) but it needs motivation, support and encouragement coming from the family and the

institutions that provide a bridge for the students to continue their journey in studying

(Stone,O’Shea, May, Delahunty & Partington, 2016). Some students find online learning as a hard

tool of getting a quality education because of its environment.

According to Keaton and Gilbert (2020), the interactions of the students with online

learning in their teacher have a different setting as compared to the traditional learning

environment that they used to. The teachers have an important role in serving as a facilitator of the

students to achieve a success but the parents also plays a vital role in their education. They are the

ones who will look for their children in this setting, including monitoring, motivating, instructing

and organizing all the lessons of the students (Özhan & Kocadere, 2020). Therefore, the

cooperation of the teachers and the parents in online learning are important to help their students

in providing a quality education.

Further studies regarding the impact of the teacher and parents’ motivation towards their

students education can help learners who are not able to talk about their struggles that they are

facing in taking online learning. This study presents new ideas about how can parents and teacher

help more in encouraging and motivating their students that we are now in a new normal situation

which could benefit the teachers, parents and the students. The researcher focuses more on the

motivation that every student needs. This could be beneficial for the future researchers as they

could make this as a reference in conducting their future studies. It will explain in the next chapter.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This study was anchored on the Parental Involvement Model developed by Kathleen V.

Hoover-Dempsey and Howard M. Sandler (2005). This theory explains the seven factors that was

group into three areas that can have an effect on the level of involvement of parents in the academic

lives of their children. These are (1) parents’ personal motivation for involvement: parental

perceptions about obligations and abilities; (2) parents’ perceptions of invitations to involvement;

parental perceptions of how welcoming the school and teachers are; (3) parents’ perceptions of

their life context: parental perception of their life context: parental perception of their time, energy,

knowledge, and skills concerning parental involvement. This model illustrated how the three
motivations listed above influence the types and amounts of involvement parents have in their

child’s education. As parents, they are expected to help their children to succeed in school and this

theory will help to explain how parents use their beliefs to help their child, as well as their

observations and life experiences to determine what part they will play in the academic lives of

their children.

Moreover, this study is also anchored on the Expectancy Theory proposed by Victor H.

Vrooms (1964). This theory explains that a person will behave or act in a certain way because they

are motivated by the other people behaviours towards them due to what they expected result. There

are three perception in this theory that can influence the motivation of an individual and these are;

valence, instrumentality and expectancy. Vrooms Expectancy Theory is suitable in this study

because it explains the connection why students’ needs a motivation in their learning. In this study,

the motivation coming from the parents and the teacher will have an impact on how students act

on their online learning environment for they will be the main factor that would affect the students’


The figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study that the relationship between

the impact of parent and teacher motivation (independent variable) on the online learning

(dependent variable) of the students. The independent variable has four indicators, namely: parents

and teacher attitude, parents and teachers’ engagement, parents and teacher cooperation, and

parents and teachers support that affect the dependent variable. Moreover, it is presumed that the

encouragement and the motivation coming from the parents and the teachers have an impact on

how students viewed online learning as their platform of education.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Impact of Parent and

Teacher Motivation

 Parents and teachers

 Parents and teachers
 Parents and teachers
 Parents and teachers

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the impact of the parents and teachers motivation on the

online learning among the students of grade 12 senior high school students in Holy Child

Academy, Pagadian City

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of the motivation of the teachers and parents given to their students during

online learning?

2. What are the effects of parents and teacher motivation on the Mental Health of the senior high

school students towards online learning?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the parents and teacher motivation on online learning

among the students?

Purpose of the study

The purpose of these study is to determine the impact of the parents and the teacher

motivation on online learning among the students as well as to determine the relationship between

the parents and teacher.

Significance of the Study

The result and findings of the study “The Impact of Teacher and Parent Motivation on

Online Learning among the Students” would be beneficial to the following:

Teachers. The findings of this study would prove to be beneficial for teachers and other

educational practitioners to let them know that their

5 motivation and encouragement will have an

impact on how students deal with their task and activities.

Parents. This study would serve as their guide on how they can help their children in taking

awareness on the mental health and how they can help to improve their children’s learning.

Students. This will help the students know that they have people around them who can help in

their online learning. Thus, they can seek help on their parents and teachers when they are having

a hard time answering their task and activities.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study can help the future researchers as their

guide and references for their own research in the future.


The following null hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance:

H₀ There is no significant relationship between the students’ online learning and the level of

motivation coming from the parents and the teachers.

Definitions of Terms

To better understand the terms used in this study, the following terminologies were

defines relatively to their use in the study:

Parent and Teacher Motivation refer to the encouragement that teachers and parents

gave to their students during their online learning at their home. This is refers to the material,

psychological, and physical support that was given to the students.

Online Learning refers to the mode of learning of the students that requires internet.

They are learning through the use of their computer, cell phone, or any kind of gadget that is

helpful for their education.

Limitations of the Study

This study aimed to determine if the motivations coming from the parents and teachers

on online learning can have an impact on the students. In this study, it will cover specifically the

grade 12 senior high school students of any strands in Holy Child Academy. They were chosen as

participants of this study since the Holy Child Academy is performing an online classes that

attended by the students and the teachers. One of the limitations of this study was the exclusion

of the students who have a learning approach of modularity, means only students who chose online

learning as their mode of learning will only the participants of this research. Also, the study was

limited to the responses of the respondents.



This chapter presents related literature that is relevant to our research topic. It provides

adequate evidences that account on the subject and its related factors. It includes topics such as

reality of online learning, problems associated with online teaching and learning, and motivation

on online education.

Reality of Online learning

The deadly and infectious disease, Corona Virus also known as COVID – 19 has

affected the global economy. According to Dhawan (2020), this unexpected outbreak has shaken

the whole country as well as the education sector, and this fear is likely to resonate across the

education sector globally. This pandemic forced many schools to resonate on online teaching to

provide an education to the students.

According to Singh and Jeevanandam (2019), online learning is an open source that

uses tools and technologies that enhances the students learning process. More so, it is characterized

as a web advances to enhance the quality of teaching and facilitating. It is a learning tool that is

supported by the information and the communication technology (Alsulimani & Kaabi, 2018).

Moreover, it often involves more technologies and can be flexible that can give learners an

opportunity to interact with their teachers, facilitators and others learners effectively and flexibly

(Abou El-Seoud, El-Khouly & Taj – Eddin, 2015). Online learning has become a prominent tool

of all schools all over the world and has a significant impact on our current education. It changes

all components of teaching and learning in higher education. As eloquently stated by Ghareb and

Mohammed (2015), the idea of online learning has turned out to be progressively essential in the

field of advance education and instructive groups. Many schools are now using online technology

to communicate and provide educational tools for the students.

Problems associated with online teaching and learning

Even though there are many benefits that online learning gave to the educational sector,

there are still numerous problems associated with online learning not just in the educational sector

as well as in the young learners and in their parents. According to Alam (2020), online schooling

has various difficulties looked by two primary stakeholders; students and instructors, dealing with

every one of these difficulties cautiously can get the opportunity to make a positive atmosphere in

the field of education as an alternative learning resulting in positive outcomes. Kebritchi,

Lipschuetz and Santigue (2017) also revealed that there were three major issues that were

identified that associated with online learning: learners’ issue, instructors’ issues and content

issues. The learners’ issues included learners’ expectations, readiness, identity, and participation

in online courses. Instructors’ issues included changing faculty roles, transitioning from face-to-

face to online, time management, and teaching styles (Allo, 2020). Content issues included the

role of instructors in content development, integration of multimedia in content, role of

instructional strategies in content development, and considerations for content development

(Stokowiec, Trzciński, Wołk, Marasek, & Rokita, P. (2017)

Online learning cannot produce a desire result of education in the underdeveloped

countries, rural areas, and in the elevated areas, where a vast majority of students are unable to

access the internet due to technical as well as monetary issues (Adnan & Adwar, 2020). According

to Aung and Khaing (2015), the challenges that can encounter in the implementation of online

learning in the developing countries are poor network infrastructure, lack of ICT knowledge, and

weakness of content development. Moakofhi, Leteane, Phiri, Pholele and Sabalatlheng (2017) also

stated that there are four major challenges that should be addressed before an e – learning initiative

can be introduces and these are identified as: poor infrastructure, inadequate IT support, lack of e-

learning policy, and lack of school management support. This will result to lack of technical and

managerial support towards the new e – learning technology (Mwakyusa & Mwalyagile, 2016).

The teachers are also experiencing problems in online education. According to Rich et

al. (2020), teachers identified more challenges and constraints, including some limitations in the

choices of teaching methods normally applicable in a regular face-to-face class, less coverage of

curriculum content, lack of technology skills that hinder the potential of online learning

(O’Doherty et al., 2018), the lacks of e-resources resulting in more time needed to develop

econtents, longer screen time as a result of e-content creating and giving feedback on

students'work, more intense and time-consuming communication with parents, the challenge for

bettercoordination with colleague teachers, principals, and a higher internet bill. The teachers also

see online environment challenges for many academic staff that increasingly require higher levels

of technological competency and proficiency on top of their regular academic workload

(GillettSwan, 2017). Moreover, Sahoo (2020) added that teachers’ are also experiencing problems

with stress and poor confidence in the online platform. They are concern about their health, their

roles, and their students (Farmer, 2017). With that being said the study of Farmer and West (2019)

shows that the teachers are experiencing trouble and a high level of concern for students and in

their learning despite of their years of teaching experience.

The implementation of online learning during the pandemic has been problematic and

challenging for families (Dong, Cao & Li, 2020). According to Zhu, Yang, MacLeod, Shi and Wu

(2018), the parents are expressing their concerns over the potential negative effects of the usage of

technology in the education of their students. They feel anxious and are not willing to allow their

children to use digital technology although they are well equipped with digitaltechnology at home

(Mikelic Preradovic, Lešin & Šagud, 2016). Furthermore, they had negatives beliefs and tend to

resist and even reject online learning because of; shortcomings in online learning, young children’s

inadequate self – regulation, and their lack of time and professional knowledge about technology

in online learning (Dong et al., 2020). Also, the hardship caused by the Covid – 19 pandemic made

them suffer, thus more resistant to online learning at home.

The students prefer the face – to – face learning because it is more effective and authentic

than the online learning education (Saltan, 2017). According to the study of Rajab, Gazal and

Alkattan (2020), they stated that the most of the students have little or no online learning

experience and they preferred the face – face learning education. They find online learning issues

such as poor communication, no student assessment, poor use of technology tools, no online

experience, pandemic – related anxiety or stress, no time management, and technophobia.

Moreover, Shafiei Sarvestani, Mohammadi, Afshin and Raeisy (2019) also added that the students

face educational challenges, ethical challenges, as well as technical challenges in the education of

online learning. These are the educational challenges that the students face; extensive amount of

context in the courses as well as a large number of modules, failure of professors to accompany

students at the early stages of the projects (Simamora, 2020). These are the ethical challenges; lack

of appropriate culture for applying this discipline, negative perception towards e-learning

(Sheperis, Ordway, & Lamar, 2020). These are the technical challenges including low speed of

internet, shortage of physical spaces in e-learning (Milakovich, & Wise, 2019). However, the study

of Babayigit, Cizreliogullari, and Altun (2020) stated that some students feel more secure and

relaxed while the others feel insecure and unsuccessful during their online classes.

Motivation on Online Education

According to Lin, Zhang and Zheng (2017), the students need to be motivated in their

online learning to achieve a quality education. The instructor and students communication can

provide a strong prediction of student’s motivation that can lead to the success of their learning

(Cole et al., 2017). Also, the competence of the teachers, online environment and the process can

increase their motivation (Rennar-Potacco, Orellana, & Salazar, 2017). It is very helpful to give a

support of motivation in their students in this time of pandemic.

In online learning, the parents are one who has a potential key to achieve the desire

online setting of their children (Stevan & Borup, 2015). Parents who have positive attitudes and

are supportive in the education has positively outcome in their online education (Grolnick, 2015).

Based on the study of Madjar, Shklar, and Moshe (2016), it was found that the engagement and

effort of the parents in doing home task and assignments are important and have an impact in their

children. Their participation in helping their children can motivate them. The parents make sure

that the students are completing their assignments, helping their children when they ask for help

and encouraging them to seek help from other (Cwetna, 2016). Parents need to know how to

provide support skills in the education (Stevan & Borup, 2015).Additionaly,

according to the study of Abdallah (2018), by providing a wide variety accessibility of learning

materials can improve the quality of students learning by not limiting and restricting in any

manner; course material, communication in their teachers, accessibility of gadgets, and in time.

However, the study of Peñaflor (2019) contradicted the study of Abdallah, he said that too much

use of gadgets can cause harm and addiction which could lead to a lack of interest in studying and

doing school task. It concludes that the parents are very important in maintaining and supporting

their child education.

The learning atmosphere created by the teacher in online learning can create

opportunities to increase the student motivation (Vennix, den Brok, & Taconis, 2018). According

to Kebritchi, Lipschuetz and Santiague (2017), the schools are providing professional development

for instructors, training for learners, and technical support for content development for teacher’s

needs. They are providing e - learning policy at home to monitor, support and inspire online

learning. Schools can enhance parents’ pedagogical understanding of e-learning and address

parental concerns through school–parent communication and peer support among parents (Kong,

2018). Furthermore, Lawrence and Hanitha (2017) revealed that there is a significant relationship

between teacher’s motivational strategy and academic achievement of students. In relation with

this, the study of Dörnyei (2018), revealed that the teachers can motivate their students by turning

their class into a motivating learning environment by discussing a variety of motivational strategies

that focus on the learner's vision, and individual learning experience. Through this, the teachers

can foster the students’ creativity can that lead to social modelling reinforcement, and classroom

ecology (Soh, 2017).

In conclusion, the motivation coming from the parents and teachers have an impact on

how students view online learning. According to Waters, Menchaca and Borup (2015) the children

have a better online education when their parents are involve. The parents can provide a safe

educational environment, academic quality because they can monitor the education of their child

and an individualized learning pace for their child (Vanderhost, 2017). It can improve their

participation and engagement in online learning. Moreover, the way of the teachers perceives their

lessons can also motivate their students (Toraby, & Modarresi, 2018). Although there are many

circumstances in this time that can hinder the education of students in online learning there are

also factors that help them view online learning as a tool to get a better quality of education.


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