Picture Analysis-STS-DARWIN JAY L. SANG-AN (BSN-1A)

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Central Mindanao University

University Town, Musuan, 8710 Bukidnon


Name: Sang-an, Darwin Jay L. Course & Year: BSN – 1 Date: October 6, 2020


The picture that I am going to analyze is the picture at the left part of the paper. But
before identifying the whole meaning of the picture, let us describe each subject matter or
elements that can be seen in the photograph. As I looked into the picture, it shows the 4 phases
or stages of the industrial revolutions. In the picture, it shows that each stage has its own title
which are the following: Steam (1st Industrial Revolution), Electricity (2nd Industrial Revolution),
Computing (3rd Industrial Revolution) and Connectivity (4th Industrial Revolution). The picture also
displays the objects that were invented at that stage and also placed the year when it was
started. As what I see on the picture at the first industrial revolution, it shows that it started at the
late 1700s and shows an object which was a steam locomotive (steam train). In second industrial
revolution, it shows that it started at the late 1800s and shows objects which are old telephone
(candlestick telephone) and a lamp shade. In the third industrial revolution, it shows that it started
at 1900s and shows objects which are obsolete computers, analog cellular phones and old
monitors. In the fourth industrial revolution, it shows that it is still progressing until today and
shows objects which are cars, airplanes, robotic machines, television, cellphones and other
devices. Now that we have supplemented ourselves with a short background on the industrial
revolution with the use of the photograph, let us look deeper and gain more knowledge on the 4
stages of the industrial revolution.

Before discussing what are the four stages, let us know first the definition of industrial revolution. So, what exactly is the industrial
revolution? An industrial revolution at its core happens as a society shifts from using machinery to produce products to using alternative sources of
energy, such as coal, to fuel machines in factories. It's a change from the home to the factory, from the country to the city, from human or animal
power to engines powered by fossil fuels (coal and, later, oil). About 200 years ago, the Industrial Revolution starts. It improved the way in which
many products were made, including fabric and textiles. Since the changes it caused is great and immediate, it is considered a "revolution." The
way people lived and worked was profoundly influenced by it. This transition helped in many ways to bring about the new society we know today.
Now that we already know the definition of the industrial revolution, let us now discuss on the 4 phases or stages of the industrial revolution. People
have always been dependent upon technology throughout the history. Of course, each era of technology might not have the same shape and size
as it does today, but it was definitely something for people to look at for their time. The technologies they had available will still be used by
the people to help make their life better and at the same time try to perfect it and get it to the next level. This is how the concept of the industrial
revolution began. Right now, we are going through the fourth industrial revolution. Here is a few information in the three previous industrial
revolutions, leading to today.

The First Industrial Revolution: Steam. The First Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century through the use of steam power and
mechanization of production. What before produced threads on simple spinning wheels, the mechanized version achieved eight times the volume in
the same time. Steam power was already known. The use of it for industrial purposes was the greatest breakthrough for increasing human
productivity. Instead of weaving looms powered by muscle, steam-engines could be used for power. Developments such as the steamship or (some
100 years later) the steam-powered locomotive brought about further massive changes because humans and goods could move great distances in
fewer hours. The Second Industrial Revolution: Electricity. Following the first Industrial Revolution, almost a century later we see the world go
through the second. It started at the end of the 19 th century, with massive technological advancements in the field of industries that helped the
emergence of a new source of energy. Electricity, gas, and oil. The result of this revolution was the creation of the internal combustion engine that
started to reach its full potential.  Other important points of the second industrial revolution was the development for steel demand, chemical
synthesis and methods of communication such as the telegraph and the telephone, the Second Industrial Revolution is considered the most
important one. The Third Industrial Revolution: Computing. Another century passes and we bear witness to the Third Industrial Revolution.  In
the second half of the 20th century, we see the emergence of yet another source of untapped, at the time, nuclear energy. The third revolution
brought forth the rise of electronics, telecommunications and of course computers. Through the new technologies, the third industrial revolution
open the doors to space expeditions, research, and biotechnology. The Fourth Revolution: Connectivity. We are currently implementing the
Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is characterized by the application of information and communication technologies to industry and is also known
as "Industry 4.0". It builds on the developments of the Third Industrial Revolution. Production systems that already have computer technology are
expanded by a network connection and have a digital twin on the Internet so to speak. These allow communication with other facilities and the
output of information about themselves. This is the next step in production automation. The networking of all systems leads to "cyber-physical
production systems" and therefore smart factories, in which production systems, components and people communicate via a network and
production is nearly autonomous.

Now that we already know about the 4 stages of the industrial revolution, we will now predict what will happen in the next stage. The next
stage to the fourth industrial revolution, is the fifth industrial revolution. So, what exactly will happen and when it will happen in this phase? For me,
the aim of the 5th Industrial Revolution is to incorporate humans and technology carefully, ensuring that each work closely together and give
countless advantages to each other. Instead of placing the emphasis on profit, there will be many experts intend to place attention back on
humanity and purpose. The fear of fourth industrial revolution is that it is bringing humans  out of industry, and technology is replacing them in the
workforce. The 5th Industrial Revolution is trying to put humans back in. Instead of asking how we can improve efficiency and productivity, this
revolution asks how we can make the world better. It’s important to note that this new revolution will take place concurrently with Industry 4.0,
altering as new technologies emerge. The 5 th Industrial Revolution will have to react to how Industry 4.0 changes and advances. However, its
purpose is to integrate these new technologies into the way we live to create new opportunities and improve life, incorporating the  United Nation’s
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to target areas for progress.
Central Mindanao University
University Town, Musuan, 8710 Bukidnon

It is indeed true that the Industrial Revolution left a permanent mark on society. Life in the 18 th century changed dramatically causing
classes to shift, wealth to increase, and nations to begin assuming national identities. The industrial revolution caused the world to face many social
consequences and economic changes that still affect us today. The industrial revolution is known as one of the important events in history today.

4.) https://aryunetworks.com/what-will-the-next-industrial-revolution-look-like/
6.) https://devops.com/5th-industrial-revolution-will-happen/
7.) https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Fourth-Industrial-Revolution-2119734
10.) https://www.thenbs.com/knowledge/four-phases-of-industrial-revolution-phase-one
11.) https://www.britannica.com/event/Industrial-Revolution
12.) https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-four-stages-of-the-Industrial-Revolution-2_fig1_284719780
13.) https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/industrial-engineering-2/4-main-stages-of-industrial-revolution/90115

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