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It was 1873, and Dr.

Armauer Hansen of Norway had astounding news for the world: leprosy
was caused by a bacterium (Mycobacterium leprae). Until then, the disease was thought to be
from a curse or sinful ways.

Leprosy, known as Hansen's disease, still exists. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), the global registered prevalence of leprosy at the beginning of 2008 stood at 212,802
cases, while the number of new cases detected during 2007 was 254,525 (excluding the small
number of cases in Europe).

Leprosy Is Not Very Contagious

Modern medicine tells us that leprosy is spread when an untreated infected person coughs or
sneezes (but not by sexual contact or pregnancy). However, leprosy is not very contagious;
approximately 95% of people have natural immunity to the disease. People with leprosy who are
treated with medication do not need to be isolated from society. Historically, people with leprosy
were sent to 'leper colonies,' also called 'leprosariums,' on remote islands or in special hospitals.

 The National Hansen's Disease Museum

 The Global Project on the History of Leprosy

Signs and Symptoms of Leprosy

The earliest sign of leprosy is commonly a spot on the skin that may be slightly redder, darker, or
lighter than the person's normal skin. The spot may lose feeling and hair. In some people, the
only sign is numbness in a finger or toe.

If left untreated, leprosy can progress to cause serious effects on the body, including:

 Hands and feet - Leprosy bacteria attack the nerves in the hands and feet and cause them
to become numb. A person may get cuts or burns on the numb parts and not know it,
leading to infections which cause permanent damage. Fingers and toes may be lost to
infection. Serious infections in the feet may require amputation. Paralysis may cause the
fingers and toes to curl up permanently.
 Eyes - Leprosy bacteria attack the nerves around the eyes, causing the loss of blinking
reflex (which protects the eye from injury and moistens the surface). The eyes become
dry and infected, and blindness may result. Because of numbness of the eye, the person
cannot feel debris in or scratches on the eye.
 Face - Damage to the internal lining of the nose causes scarring and eventual collapse of
the nose.

Leprosy Diagnosis

Leprosy is diagnosed by taking a skin sample (biopsy) and examining it under the microscope,
looking for leprosy bacteria. Another test used for diagnosis is a skin smear. A small cut is made
in the skin and a small amount of tissue fluid is taken. This is examined under a microscope for
the presence of leprosy bacteria.
Treatment Available

The good news is that leprosy is curable. In 1981, the WHO recommended the use of a
combination of three antibiotics -- usually dapsone, rifampin, and clofazimine -- for treatment,
which takes six months to a year or more. Certain cases may be treated with two antibiotics, but
rifampin is a key component of either regimen. Since 1995, the WHO has provided these drugs
free of charge to all leprosy patients worldwide.

During the course of treatment, the body may react to the dead bacteria with pain and swelling in
the skin and nerves. This is treated with pain medication, prednisone or thalidomide (under
special conditions).

A Hopeful Outlook

Before treatment was available, a diagnosis of leprosy meant suffering and pain and being
shunned by society. Today, antibiotics and good skin care will prevent the disease from
destroying the body. Perhaps in the future a vaccine will eliminate this ancient scourge

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