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So, you guys played with these, these, uh, these states a little bit, these [inaudible 00:00:04], what did
you discover, Bob?

Um, well, yeah, it felt a lot like acting to me.

It is.

Yeah, and, uh, and it, you know, it was cool doing the contrast, I think.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

You know, like, I mean, if you're just acting, there's- ... Yeah, I'm tense, and this is how I'm feeling, my
shoulders are up like this-

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Right now, right now, I'm relaxing [inaudible 00:00:25] like this. So, so I I, think I could feel the, the
difference in my, you know, my body posture.

Mm-hmm (affirmative), how do you think you could use this?

Well, I think you're right about when you walk into a room, you've got to walk in with that confidence
and you know, you've got to strut your stuff and really be in that frame of mind. And I think my problem
is that I, I awkwardly walk in with a difference in, uh-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

In- ... It's not, it's not, you know, so much insecurity, it's just, more a difference.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

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And, uh, and I think I need to definitely turn on the alpha male more, I guess.

Mm-hmm (affirmative), okay, cool. What are some feelings that you would want other people to feel
towards you, or around you?

Well, I mean, I would like them to feel warm, comfortable, um, sexually attracted.

Mmm-kay (affirmative), so, when you feel warm and comfortable, how do you stand?

Uh, when I feel warm and comfortable, I'm probably pretty relaxed, probably, just-

Okay, there's a technique I will teach you called the open-heart trust trigger. This was another one of
those evil body language techniques that was designed for women to be used on men. When you talk to
somebody, come on up here Bob, I said, I am going to use Bob, 'cause he's shorter than me. (laughs) I'll
have to do this.

This is good, this is going to prove that I don't have to be tall.

No, you don't.

Speaker 3:
No, you're good.

As a matter of fact, a lot of people think I'm taller than I am.

I thought you were taller, too, actually. Well, you were up on stage, when I first saw you.

And that's-, it took me a long time to really want to go up on stage. But, and even though I'm a, I'm
actually a trained actor, and I've been acting most of my life, now I act like I know what the fuck I'm
doing. But one of the things that, that, uh, and there's a great book you want to pick up, it has, it, it's,
it's, it's written for women, but it's all about how to utilize conversational hypnosis techniques to attract
and keep men.

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[inaudible 00:02:14] it's called Love Trances by Craig Rovinsky, you can get it on Amazon. And I, I, you
know, life dealt him a cruel blow, because he wrote that book, and then disappeared, he had so much
good stuff. He-, I know where he got it from, 'cause it was word-for-word what some of my teachers
were teaching. So, we had a lot of the same teachers, but he wrote this book for women. And, I think
what really killed him was probably the title of the book, 'cause the techniques in the book were just

But, one of the things he talks about is called the open-heart trust trigger, I call it the open-heart trust
trigger. The way it works is if you want somebody to feel warm and trusting and kind of float under their
defenses, when you talk to them, a lot of us talk, we can kind of talk with our head forward. Imagine
that you have this big window in your chest, that's clear, and you literally, like, want to show them your
heart. So that as you're talking to them, you can almost feel that- ... Oh, what do you feel?

Yeah, a good warm feeling.

It's, it's a weird thing, right? But when you- ... Even from here, you know, I can, I can come from here,
and I can show you my heart and there's no weirdness there, right? And I'm, and I'm doing a very, very
confrontational approach vector, which, you know, the pick-up guys would tell you not to, many times,
not to do, because this is- ... You do this to a prisoner, he's going to shiv you, right? But, the whole idea
is when I show you my heart and I talk to you from this place, I radiate a warmth and a genuineness that
flies under your defense mechanisms and it signals "I'm good," right? And it changes the way you speak,
it changes the way you use your tonality. Tonality's going to be key with this work, mmm-kay?

So, literally practice opening and closing your chest, orienting yourself so that- ... Look it, [inaudible
00:03:55] women do this automatically, of course, they're using their cleavage.

Speaker 3:
Yeah, they do, I was going to say. (laughs)

But this is actually, uh, you know, this idea that I'm, I'm being completely open with you, I'm be up-front
on, this is who I am, I'm showing you my heart, right? When you come at, when you, when you start
expressing yourself in this body language, in this body posture, it's like they just melt. Right? I can, I can
feel my heart just kind of get warm when I do that, I've been doing it so much and I've been doing other
kinds of energetic things, but that's what you can begin to do.

So, what you guys can do now is, uh, while I'm on the subject, just practice approaching each other, and,
and start with it, like, the body language you started with, where you're kind of being you, and then shift
into that "I'm showing you my heart energy." And calibrate if the, if you feel a difference, you know, and

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I'm, and obviously, you're paying attention to it, now, but, understand that this will have that same
effect on the people in the field. But because they don't know it's a technique, they'll just feel better.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Right? You'll feel self-conscious about these things because you know that it's techniques. You know
you're doing something that you wouldn't normally do, and you'll automatically assume that the people
out there know you're doing it, they don't. All they'll now is they feel fucking good.

Speaker 3:
But in what situation, 'cause I'm thinking, you know, if you're, if you're daytime approaching someone in
a mall-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
I don't know, they probably wouldn't feel comfortable on the full-frontal, so that-

Oh, they might, but, I don't, I don't ever really approach on the freh-, I was doing that, A, for the camera-

Speaker 3:
Oh, got you.

And B, because I wanted to show you how far you could, in fact, push it. Generally, when I approach, I
approach from about a 45.

Speaker 3:

Because A, I'm in their peripheral vision, which means they see me long before I get there. When I come
here, they see me, but I'm [inaudible 00:05:39], right this is, this is-

Speaker 3:
Yeah. (laughs)

It's like "Oh, fuck."

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Speaker 3:

But, you know, mystery does this too, is, he'll start, he'll start talking here, and then he'll just slide in like
this, and he'll be right in their intimate zone, but there's no weirdness to it, right? Because he's not here.
The only people who are allowed here are people we're about to mate with, right? That's just how it

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

That's why, in the dynamic where, you know, he's forward and I'm here, right? He's guarded, he's
protected, right? When people don't like us-

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 00:06:14] we don't help. (laughs)

Yeah, when, when, when they, when we, when we get exeh-, exercise from their life, this happens.
Right? That's what they do. Metaphorically or physically, right? So, what happens is what I'm doing is I'm
aligning myself. When I come in for my approach factor, when we go through the seven stages again, I'm
not going to stay here. This is too forward, this is like, this is me saying "Hey, I want you, I want you, I
want you, you're important to me." This is me saying "Hey, we're equal." And notice, I can get closer as
an equal.

Speaker 3:

Than I can as a supplicant, or as a hunter, right? I can get through those defenses easier, body langua-,
kinesthe-, kineo-, kinesiology, or kineetic, kinetically than I can any other way. And remember, that the
phys-, the psychology always follows the physiology. So, if I just understand the proxemics of attraction,
which is what this is called, proxemics and kinesics, I can lubricate the whole process very, very easily.
And I can know by what the person does with their body.

Is there already wanting to orient towards me, you notice that? He's kind of-

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 00:07:29]


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Right? (laughs) It, it's a weird thing, right? But this is, this is how we work. The body does things and the
psychology catches up. Okay? Your conscious mind, the part of you that thinks in law and knowledge
and facts and figures, is the least informed, and the last to know, and it only knows what the
unconscious mind tells it.

Everything that comes in through your eyes and through your ears and through your, your physical
sensations, you don't become aware of until it's all been processed. So, the more self-aware you
become, the more information you get to have access to, the more power you have, right?

So, one of the things you're going to, one of your assignments tonight is when you go out with your
significant other or whatever, observe couples, look for the seven stages, and see if you can figure out,
what stage are they in? Who's, who's the prize in that scenario, right? You may find out, a lot of times-

Speaker 3:
I have a buddy who's been single for a while and kind of doing the game and stuff for a while and he's
pretty- ... And, we can walk into a, a restaurant-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
And he can sit, stay, and on a first date-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
It's going well, it's not going well, they've been together-


Speaker 3:
For a while, he just [inaudible 00:08:44].


Speaker 3:
All to [inaudible 00:08:46].


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Yeah, and then we want to start transmitting that, that awareness into our interactions, the problem,
again, when, when, we're working on a date we're in, is that, uh, same thing when we try to do hypnosis
on ourselves, like, we're so in the process, that we stop evaluating where we're at, does that make

Speaker 3:

So, we want to have a little bit, we want to be fully associated or absorbed in the process, but not to the
point where we stop losing the strategies that we're applying. After a while, it will become so natural,
you'll just go through these stages, and you'll know what to do when. But, there for a while, it's like kind
of walking and chewing gum at the same time because it's not familiar, it's not what you're used to.

Even though, after you learned a lot of these things, you'll go back over your last, you know, your dating
experiences like that's what that meant.

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 00:09:34] they're doing all morning with knocking-


Speaker 3:
Out this stuff-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
I'm kind of-

I had a-

Speaker 3:
Reminiscing about where things might have come off track.

Yeah, I had a one guy, Big John, he's funny, we've been to a lot of trainings and stuff together. I was
going through the Unlimited Lover Training, he's one of the first people I taught the full sexual
conditioning process, and every time I'm talking about dating psychology and retraction psychology and

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what other stuff he's going "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid." (laughing) Guy's a metronome in the back of
the room.

Speaker 3:

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stuh-" (laughs), right? Because we don't, we don't get it?

Speaker 3:

You know? Because we think we, we think what we see is what we get, but it, it's really not. Because, A
because we're not seeing what we think we're seeing, right? And, and, in a woman's world, X always has
a meaning. Whereas in a man's world, X usually causes a Y, which is an effect. So, you know, we were on
time because, uh, we were late, because of traffic, right?

Women think, "If you love me, you would've been on time." Right?

Speaker 3:

Therefore, being on time is equivalent to loving her. So there's a meh-, what we call a complex
equivalence there. Everything that you do, you do because of something else that happened. But
everything you do in a woman's world means something.

Speaker 3:
Okay. Very complex. (laughs)

Yeah. And this is why, a lot of times, a woman will- ... I'm going to get riff a little bit and be a little bit
funny, but a woman will say "I'm thirsty," and you go and get her a glass of water. And she goes to you
"No! That's not it, you don't get it. I want you to look at me and understand that yes, that understand
what you feel."

Speaker 3:
Got you.

I too have been thirsty.

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Speaker 3:
Don't fix me, understand me. Empathize with me.

Right? But you've got to understand, she's, you know, and as unfair as it may be, this is how the system
works, she is going to paint every action you take with a meaning. So, it becomes incumbent on you to
make sure that she ascribes the meaning you want her to have.

It's going to happen, and if you don't manage it, it will manage you. So what we need to understand is
what behaviors mean what in a woman's world. Does that make sense?

Speaker 3:
Oh, absolutely. Yeah.

When you can do that-

Speaker 3:
That's the keys to the kingdom.

When you can do that, you got it. The mating dance is the single biggest piece. Single biggest piece I can
give you, I already gave you. It's the mating dance, because in 80, 90% of the time, the woman's leading
the dance. She's sorting for very specific behaviors that have very specific meanings in her neurology. If
you follow the pattern and you do the right thing at the right time, the barriers to intimacy drop, whew,
she's on the fast track to intimacy-ville. Okay?

Same thing when we get to three magic questions. She's going to be sorting for very specific things that
she doesn't even realize she's sorting for. When you give them back to her, in the way that she
recognizes she's getting it, the barriers to intimacy drop, she becomes hyper-attracted, and she'll walk it
through the seven stages. (laughs)

Speaker 3:
Don't wait. (laughs)

Okay, have a seat, all right. You know, and then we're just going to get sneakier, right? We're just going
to get sneh- ... I'm going to, I'm going to take you as far as I can, you know?

Speaker 3:
Here [inaudible 00:13:20].

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You know, if, if, you know, if, uh, if you're not comfortable, then, you know, make, be-

Yeah, I'm good.

Be comfortable with that- ... Okay, okay. So this is- ... What I'm going to teach you first, is, before we get
into the three magic questions and the seven stages again, is, we're going to talk about what I call the
CPI. The CPI model stands for critical path of influence, okay? In any, in any situation where I have to
influence another human being, I'm going to do one of sih-, I'm going to do six basic things.

Most of the time, I only have to do the first two or three. In my world, pretty much everything I do
comes down to this. I can get anything I want, but people need a formula that they can follow. They
need a set protocol that they can apply. So, the first thing we're going to do is we're going to control our
state. Which means taking on the frame-

Speaker 3:

And the feelings and attitudes in your body, the psycho-emotional states that lead to the behaviors in
yourself, first, the perceptual filters, and frames, in yourself first, and then, ultimately, cause that person
to respond in the way that the frame dictates. Does that make sense? I need to be comfortable with
emotions, I need to be able to generate a se-, offense of charisma on-command, if I need it, that open-
heart trust trigger, which you guys haven't practiced yet, but we will, the rockstar meta frame or the
master and commander frame. These are all- ... Frames are physiologically driven. Things we do with our
body that change our psychology that control the frame, right? Very, very fundamental.

When we walk into a venue, we need to know how to walk in and be comfortable, I'm not a guy who
likes to go to bars, but I can walk into any bar and be absolutely comfortable, right? A lot of people get,
get freaked out because they're not used to being in those conditions. I was lucky enough to, to, to want
to habitually find myself in very weird environments that were, in many times, hostile, not just in terms
of the, the genders, but in terms of physical violence, it was all around me, right? Or the potential for it.

So, I've learned how to be very, very powerful and control my states in very, very dangerous situations.
I've walked into crack houses to do shit, you know, um, don't recommend that, it's not a cool place, but,
you know, the next thing we're going to do is we're going to talk about rapport. Now, rapport in the
dating and attraction context is not NLP. Although there's LLP elements to it, but if you, if you try to do
NLP style rapport tactics in the traction situation, you're going to get friended. It's not going to happen.


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So we're going to do, you're going to get, you're going to wind up in the friend zone. Because the
rapport that NLP teaches, equalizes the status gap. It makes you an equal. Remember, attraction is
generated when there's a perceived difference in the status gap, right? So we have, we can start with
coming in as an equal, but really, we almost never want to be an equal. We always want to have some
level of superiority going in. Something that frames us on the initial contact as being more valuable or
more- ... Someone who's going to add value to their life, where if we left, they would perceive it as a
loss, right?

So there's a, a specific type of rapport that we're going to focus on, in this training, called viding. Viding
will be directly, directly contingent on your ability to use your body. 'Cause if you don't use your body to
generate the vibe, you're going to come off incongruent and dorky, you're going to come off as a poseur.
Right? It's kind of like peacocking, you guys heard of this? The term peacocking? Do you know, do you
know what peacocking is, Bob?

Yeah, I mean, it's when you're, you're pretending you're something, or you're pretending you're- ... I
guess you don't have to be pretending, you could really be super-confidence, right?

Speaker 3:
Bright, sort of flashy bracelets.


Speaker 3:
Insane shoes, whatever.

Right. The peacock, the peacocking concept is based on the idea that certain species of animal in the
wild, the males, tend to have very brightly colored plumage or some bizarre set of adornments that
cause people to become attracted to them, right? Uh, in Beverly Hills, it would be the car and the house
that you have. (laughs) But, my point is, is that, in the, in the pick-up world, the idea of peacocking was
based around this idea that if I dress outrageous, I will get attention.

Speaker 3:
Yeah, mystery, right?

Right? Here's the problem, if your sense of self, your sense of identity does not, is not large enough to
accommodate the clothing you're wearing, you are no longer wearing the clothes, the clothes are
wearing you, and you will come off being incongruent, poseur, and therefore, even lower status than if
you actually had gone in dressed normally, like you are.


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So, the secret to be able to pull, puh-, pulling peacock, and I can do it, I am the world's biggest peacock.

Speaker 3:

Okay? And I will, I will show you pictures.

Speaker 3:

I will show you pictures. I'm, uh, very active in the society for creative [inaudible 00:18:38], the society
for consenting adults, no, it's, it's, it's a society that seeks to reenact the, the time from the fall of the
Roman Empire, up through, um, mid-Elizabethan times. And so, we take on, we, we, we, we develop
personas from those time periods. Well, my persona happened to be a pirate, and, uh, and so you get to
create this persona and you get to embellish and, and basically be who you want to be.

Ironically, the, the sad part is is most of the people in the SCA take on these personas and wind up just
being themselve-, dressed in medieval clothing, right? That's really not the point, but, my point is, is that
you have to have a sense of identity and sense of self that's large enough to support what you wear. And
if you sense of self and identity is large enough to support that, you don't actually need it.

Speaker 3:
Interesting. Hmm.

Right? So, I do, I'm peacocking right now, I dress in very, very specific colors, I dress, I, everything, you
know, the accessories I wear are very, very stylish. If you go to my YouTube channel, every now and then
you'll see, uh, you'll see somebody comment "Hey, has anybody noticed David's wearing two watches?"
Right? And it's because on one hand I'm wearing a nice, somewhat gaudy, but not overly ostentatious
watch, [inaudible 00:20:00]one is big-ass Baltic amber bracelet and silver, right? And the, and to the
untrained eye, it looks like I'm wearing two watches, but it's just a big bracelet, and everywhere I go-

Speaker 3:

People are loving that bracelet.

Speaker 3:
It's funny 'cause I, I kind of, uh, adopted a term, stealth peacocking.

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Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
It's nothing overt, but, I'm not doing it now, but when I go out-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
At night, I'll put on a bracelet.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
Like, and I'll put on, uh-

Yeah, this, I get, I get, I get comments on this all the time.

Speaker 3:
Do you think I should do it 24/7, I mean, why not?

Why not?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And they, after a while, they become anchors. You put it on, you feel a certain way.

Speaker 3:
I see.

That's a useful, easy-

Speaker 3:
You do it every day.


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Speaker 3:
I think, the thing for me is being at a desk job, and it's a very, uh, conservative leadership culture there.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
Um, and I'm a leader. I don't know what message that sends, uh-

Well, again, you have to think about the context in which you're operating.

Speaker 3:
Yeah, so I can't do it, yeah.

Right, and, the-

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 00:20:56] everywhere else-

In my Killer Influence course, which is all about covert influence, not just for attraction but business,
sales, whatever, one of the biggest factors in that, in how well and what techniques you apply is going to
be the environment and the context. Not everything is contextually appropriate, you know? Uh, and

Speaker 3:
But I love a, a great, big tattoo-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
But if I have any ink poking out of my shirt-

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:
My career at that company is ending. (laughs)

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You know, or you have one of those, those, uh, what are those, job stoppers? You know, the neck
tattoos, that these guys-

Speaker 3:
Oh, jeez.


Speaker 3:

In certain societies, in certain cultures, it's fine. You take them outside of that culture, there, and it's,
nuh-, it's a battle that works against you, right. And we need to understand that as we move from one
context to another, from one community to another, what's attractive changes.

The interesting thing is that one of the things that doesn't change, cross-contextually, are the traits of
the classic romantic hero. The trappings in me, the accouterments, sleeveless T-shirt, versus three-piece
suit, that can change. But, the interesting thing is that, cross-contextually, the trait aspect of it doesn't. It
transition, it translates. You can be just as much a romantic hero if it, at the, at the office and be more
successful in your business and you can take those same traits in to the, in to the, in to the field for
dating, to be absolutely successful, you can take it into any context. There is no- ... That's the beauty of
it, see, I'm, I'm lazy. If I have a skill that I can only use in one place, I chuck it, right? Because, to me,
that's that's not- ... I'm like the Swiss Army Knife of influence.

I like, I like things I can use everywhere, right? So, if I see, it seems like I'm talking in very general, vague
terms, it's 'cause that's how I think, in terms of what skills I focus on, right?

Speaker 3:

I can, I can run patterns left and right, I can do negging, I can do all those things, I don't need to, because
in many cases, they're very, very specific, right? It's not that they don't work, it's that they're not broad
enough in the contexts in which I can apply them.

So, when we start talking about rapport, you'll have standard NLP-style rapport, you'll have vibing, and
then you'll have another type of influence, which we won't go too deep into, but it's even more
powerful, um, than, than just vibing, and that's called coherence.

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Coherence is, is such a deep level of synchronization and entrainment with another nervous system that
your heartbeats are literally in-sync. Okay, and it's not metaphysics, it's not energy healing, it's science.
Uh, to research that you can go to a, a website called Okay?

Speaker 3:
Whew, yeah.

(coughs) And it's based on the idea that rhythmic sources seek entrainment. They seek to synchronize.
So, like when I had Bob up here, and I was, um- ... Or actually, when I was standing next to you, Charles,
and I started swaying and your body-

Speaker 3:

Wanted to sway. Because you're made of molecules and I'm made of molecules, there's an inherit desire
on a physics level for those two systems to want to do this. And as they do this, they start to become
more and more alike. Same process is happening in the mating dance. When you see someone going
from, you know, complete stranger to this, you're literally seeing the pendulums fighting, and then all of
the sudden, they fall into sync, and then they become one. It's physics, it can't not happen. Okay?
Doesn't necessarily mean you're going to generate sexual arousal.

It means you're going to become more connected as time goes on, which can lead to more intimacy,
which is ironic, because there's a, a principle that's very documented, actually, called the, uh, repetition,
it's- ... I don't, I think it's called the repetition effect, or the, uh, familiarity effect, where, if somebody, if
you, if two people see each other every day, and let's say, um, you know, you've got a girl here who's a
six or seven, a guy here who's five or six, right? Or even a three, on an attractiveness scale. The more
often she sees him, the more attractive he'll become over time. Science. The more they see you, the
more attractive you become. It's an aspect of resonance and the fact that the nervous system is pre-
disposed to sorting and, and, and, and grah-, and gravitating towards the things that are familiar.

It will also hold true in your dominant relationships, as the longer a woman- ... Women tend to fall to
find the men they fall in love with more attractive as time goes on. Whereas, men tend to fall in love
with women they're attracted to. Okay? This is the psychology.

Speaker 3:
I see it.


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So, one of the things that, I, I, I stole this off the internet, but this is the idea. Hopefully I won't trash
myself here, when I show this to you, but, this is something I show all of my influence students because,
um, what you've got here are 40 separate metronomes.

Now, they say if you put 30 women in a room, uh, or 30 women in a, in a dormitory, within, uh, a very
short time, every 28 days, magic happens, which means all the men in leave town. Because their, their
menstrual cycles synchronize. You take 20 seh-, you know, 40 or 50 clocks with pendulums, you stick
them in a room, within a few hours, you come back, and all of the pendulums are moving in sync, even
though they all started at different intervals.

Well, that's kind of a lie, because you've got 40 distinct metronomes all set differently. Watch how fast
they entrain.

Speaker 3:

(laughs) He's like "What the fuck?" (laughs)

Yeah. Hmm

Speaker 3:
How the hell?

Yeah, how? (laughs)

This is physics.


These are machines with no nervous system.

Speaker 3:
I just think they're all magnetic.


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[inaudible 00:28:48]

No, it's-

[inaudible 00:28:49]

The physics that explains it is rather complex, but, um, where the hell is my- ... There it is. Every nervous
system on the planet us under the same influence, every one, okay? The, the, the instincts that govern
our desire to mate and connect are subject to the laws of physics. We can utilize it, or we can work
against it, right?

Remember that the nervous system of every human being on the planet is leh-, the, [inaudible 00:29:28]
the nerve cells themselves are looking to connect with other nerve cells in your body. What your body
does on the inside, it seeks to do on the outside. So every woman you meet, on some level, is looking for
a way to connect with you. And she has a path of least resistance. She's going to project that path of
least resistance on to you, and behave-

Speaker 3:

In the way that she wants to be behaved on to.

Speaker 3:
What am I missing? I'm not seeing something. (laughs) There's one in my hand, I can't find that

Yeah, [inaudible 00:30:08] what do you mean more commonality?

Speaker 3:
No, I mean, this one that, I've kind of been, you know, had a couple dates with and super-long fuse, and
I mean, going out again, but I can't-

What, what does that mean, super-long fuse, slow burn?

Speaker 3:
Yeah. I mean, just, you know- ...

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What are you trying to accomplish?

Speaker 3:
I didn't, not in, not- ... Seemingly not very invested.


That should be a clue right there.

Speaker 3:
Won't pick up the phone, only answers text very kind of un-invested and it got to the point where I just
finally, uh, told her. I said, uh, "You know, for some silly reason, I, I, I had a crush on you and you're sexy
and you're smart, and you're funny, but, yeah, you refuse to pick up the phone and you flake on dates,
so this duh-, this doesn't bring any more joy, I'm out."

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
Oh my god, did the tables turn. Let's go out, let's go get coffee, duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-
duh, duh-duh-duh.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
So, and, and I figured that was going to happen, you know, 'cause I was, uh, first one willing to
completely walk away.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
But, you know, now that we're kind of doing the little dance again, she's just not that-

Do it back.

Speaker 3:

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Do it back.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Literally. Don't answer unless she texts you, make her chase.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Because what she's done is you, you triggered the, the, what we call the Zeigarnik effect. People will
fight harder to keep something they've already got than they will to get something new. The moment
she thinks she's got you, you stop being a challenge. Right? And she's telling you, she's showing you, in,
in broad strokes, exactly the kind of treatment that she responds to. But, again, you're trying to force fit
how you do things, to her.

Speaker 3:
But I'm trying to figure out what- ... (coughs) I totally get what you're saying, give her what she's giving
me. But at, at the deeper level, I'm trying to figure out what the heck she wants.


Speaker 3:
So, we're kind of doing that little dance right now, you know, push me, pull me-

I think it's not important what she wants. I think it's important what you want.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

And this is, again, when you start trying to figure out what she wants, you start becoming the

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)


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You're the one that's trying to make her happy. That's not your job.

Speaker 3:
For sure, yeah.

Right? Especially, when she's pulling this shit, right? One of the things we need to talk about is rules. In
your world, you have to know what your rules are, period. And you've got to decide when is the, you
know, what is the exit strategy, or when is, you know, how much crap or deviance from your rules are
you going to tolerate, because women are going to constantly test that.

Speaker 3:
Oh, yeah.

They're going to constantly test it. And I would, you know- ... One of the biggest things that, that I was
famous for was, was my whole friends with benefits speech, which I would always give right after I
banged the hell out of a woman.

Speaker 3:

Okay. Why? Because if you don't, if you use my techniques, her system is so saturated with oxytocin,
she's had so many orgasms, she's been so hypnotically primed to view me as her ideal lover and taking
her beyond that template, she'll move heaven and earth to keep me.

Speaker 3:
Yeah, she'll probably take what she can get, and happily.

Yes, and the secret, the way you deliver the, the friends with benefits speech is in a non-confrontational,
very loving and sincere way. And it, it goes something, and that doesn't challenge her self-esteem or her
self-concept. And so, what you would say would be something like "Look, this has been amazing, I've
had a wonderful time, but I think it's really fair to really just let you know that I'm not really looking for
anything more than, than a friend-with-benefits kind of relationship right now, I'm not looking for
anything long-term or serious. And, and I get that that's probably not what you're okay with, and if
you're not okay with that, I'm, I'm perfectly okay, eh-, you know, we can just end it here. And, and, you
know, we can just have a wonderful night, and, and move on."

You know, so, and I completely get it, it's okay. You know, and if you want to date other people, you can,
right? And the first thing, I, "Oh, that's all right."

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Speaker 3:

Right? And the moment they say it, it's done, they can't go back on their word. They will try. But they
will do it in such a way that they can justify leaving the relationship.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Okay, they will do thing, they will do, they will start to impose qualifiers. Well, if you're going to date
somebody else, would you tell me? No.

Speaker 3:

Because really, when I'm, when I'm with somebody else, it's, it's really, it's not about us, it's about them,
and when I'm with you, I'm with you. And, you know, and, again, if you're not okay with that, I
completely understand, but I just think, you know, this is-

Speaker 3:
Most are okay with it.

Why? Because, you see how since-, how soft, and not just "This is the way it is, bitch." [crosstalk
00:35:02] You know, like "Get the fuck out." No.

Speaker 3:
It's soft, it's complementary, it's ego-stroking. Oh, that-

Yeah. And so, the idea is when you start to, to set your rules down, it's not "Listen, bitch, if you don't like
it, get the fuck out." It's "Look, these are my rules, this is what I expect, this is what I want and desire
and expect in my life, and, if you're okay with that, then you can stay in my world. But if you're not okay
with it, then we'll just, we'll just say goodbye here, you know?

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)


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Because, at the end of the day, it's your fucking life, right? And, and because, you know, we overvalue
the power of the pussy, you know, we overvalue a woman's vagina, sorry ladies. But, uh, you know, we
start to sell ourselves out, because we've trying to, we're trying to please, because we want to get back
in there. We want that validation. Not just the physical pleasure. I think, for most of us, the physical
pleasure is secondary, I think really, what it is, is when a woman shares herself with us, we feel
accepted, we feel desired, it's that validation, that ego stroking for lack of a better word.

Speaker 3:
I agree.

That, that really causes us to do things and I think it's one of the primary reasons that men to cheat in
relationships, even though we're, you know, they say we're predisposed to being- ... Pulling a [inaudible
00:36:19], I think a lot of it, [inaudible 00:36:21] just comes down to identity and the fact that we need
more validation in our life, we're not getting enough of it, and so we feel that we need to take every
opportunity to get some, you know, and, and, and the cool thing, is once I unders-, when I, once I really
got that for myself, um, my whole world changed, because I just started seducing audiences.

I just started, you know, just calibrating the attraction from somebody else became enough. Because, if I
knew I was attractive, I already had the validation, I knew, and I didn't need to close the deal all the
time. Now, I don't recommend you do that. I recommend that you go out there and close as many deals
as you can. Because as you do that, as you gain more power and freedom and choice with the women in
your life, you'll start to become more picky. You'll start to become more selective-

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

And start sorting for things other than moist relief. And that's how I wound up, [inaudible 00:37:18]
with, with the wife I have. I was married before, I'd, I'd been well into the triple digits with women, you
know, prior to that. And, but, because I, I could in fact, generate attraction and I, I started to become
more and more selective, I started sorting for things beyond just the sexual part. Things I could have a
companion with, to do things. And that, a lot of times, guys, is the part that's missing. Ladies, that's
what's missing from your life, from you.

We will, we will, we want a combination of cheerleader, companion and cook, (laughs) right? We want
somebody that we can do things with, that we can share things with. Either that we're doing together, in
terms of an activity, or that we share. You know, we can talk about, we, we're looking for that
companionship aspect of it. Once we get the moist relief part out of the way.

You know, again, it's priority, women are looking for the companionship first, many times.

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Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Men are, it, it's the same stuff, just the order is different, and if both genders could understand that,
then both sides would probably be willing to, to change what they do to get more in-sync with each
other. Y'all want the same things, you've just got a slightly different sorting order.

Speaker 3:
I think I'm finding out, and I still haven't operationalized it in my brain, is how many women out there
are, are happy with the friends-with-benefits arrangement-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
But they're afraid to- ... One, they're afraid to admit it.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
Because of the stigma that gets attached to it.


Speaker 3:
And they're even afraid to admit it to a guy who wants the same thing, because I guess, in their history,
both parties said they want that, and after sleeping with each other a couple times, the guy ends up
being a dick about it.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
He's still, seh-, you know, he said he, what he wanted, but now, she's, he still doesn't want her to fuck
other dudes or-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:

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You know. (laughs) He's [crosstalk 00:39:07]-


Speaker 3:
For the signals that are exactly what you didn't want.

Here's the thing you need to understand about the friends-with-benefits idea. Any time you sleep with a
woman more than three times, you're in a relationship. Whether you're conscious of it or not, you've
created a relationship, and you're going to get proprietary, it's going to work both ways, right? Um,
many times, there are certain psychologies or certain categories of women who will try to keep their
options open until they find the best available choice, and then they will close in.

But, by and large, if, if you, if you've slept with a woman at least three times, you're in a relationship
whether you know it or not, right? And, and you need to manage that relationship based on your rules.
But, understand that, when you close the deal with a woman three times, especially if you use my
system, because you're going to close that deal three times, within a very short period of time. Uh, she
will become so bonded to you that you're going to have to manage it, which is one of the reasons why I
don't recommend having multiple girlfriends.

'Cause if you think satisfying one woman is a pain in the ass, try satisfying five of them.

Speaker 3:
(laughs) Just the juggling of it gives me a headache.

I mean, I mean, there was a time I had five- ... I think I, I think I had up to five girlfriend- ... Or,
relationships going at the same time. Now, that sounds like every woman's, every guy's wet dream, and
he does for the first month. After two or three months, it starts to get painful. You've got to remember
something. You're having sex five nights a week, they're having sex one night a week. Who do you
think's going to wear out faster? Right? So, it's- ... On one level, it sounds awesome, right? And the, but
the truth is, every man out there wants that kind of power and choice with women, right? It's just, uh,
accept it, accept it, embrace it, you know? Mmm, move towards that as much as you can, but,
understand that you're going to evolve.

As you get that part of your life handled, what you want in a woman will begin to change. You know?
Women, what they want in a man begins to change, too? You know, the problem that I, I hear from the
men, or from the women, more often than not, is that the guys that they're dating are, they're not, they,
they don't man up, right? They're largely not successful, um, and they just, they're looking for a mommy.

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Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Right? And while women love to nurture, they don't want to be somebody's mommy, right? So, we got
to, you know, if we want better women, we've got to be better men, it's that simple, you know? And you
can do it; it just means getting rid of some shit.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative), okay.

(laughing) All right, but going back to this, the reason for this is that when we start talking about rapport
and we start talking about vibing, we're not talking about some ethereal, metaphysical connection.
We're talking about a very, very real science-based phenomenon. The single largest rhythmic source in
the human body is the human heart. The human heart radiates an electromagnetic field that is
measurable with instruments eight feet in diameter from the human body, okay?

Your proprioceptive nervous system, that's the part of you that passes drunk tests, right? If you get
pulled over and the guy wants to, the cop wants to find out if you're drunk, you'll have them close your
eyes and touch your nose, right? Well, the part of you that lets you know where you hand is in space so
you can find your nose is your proprioceptive nervous system.

Now, if you had, if things like psychic phenomena and ESP and all that shit actually existed, uh, if a sixth
sense existed, it would be your proprioceptive nervous system, but it wouldn't be just your sixth sense.
It would be your sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth sense, because your proprioception monitors will
become a proprioception which is, it's time and space. It monitors, uh, interoception, which are feelings
in your body. It monitors electromagnetic fields. It's the part of you, if I reach into my pocket and there's
something in my pocket, it's the part of me that can, uh, recognize what that is without me having to
look at it.

So, your proprioceptive nervous system is one of the most powerful influencers in your body. It's one of
the most powerful sensing mechanisms that you have. What this means to us is that if I know my heart
radiates an electromagnetic field eight feet in diameter from my body, your heart radiates an
electromagnetic field eight feet in diameter from your body, they're both vibrating or pump-, uh,
pulsing, beating. Kind of like the metronomes. If I stand within 16 feet of you, your eight feet and my
eight feet together, at some point, that's going to happen, it can't not happen.

Which means you've already got rapport. Question is what are you going to do with it. Because if you're
not of conscious of this process, it's a two-way communication. The information will flow back and forth.

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If the woman you're trying to connect with is in a shitty state, she's on her period or whatever, and you
do this, guess who gets period juice?

Speaker 3:

You do. Right? That's how it works. But, if I understand this, and I know how to, if I work on the, on the
skills to really develop it, just like going to gym and lifting weights, becoming more aware of it, then I can
send feelings from my body to her body, she's not conscious of. I can, I can literally, I can find out if she's
in a good mood or not by assuming her basic physiology, waiting for that connection to happen and
feeling what happens in my body.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. It's cool shit.

Speaker 3:

Right? It's basic radio, right? (laughs) You know, these are things we can do with it. Um, but, the whole
idea is, just remember that she's predisposed to want to connect with you. She just has certain barriers
and filters that you have to get through. But, at the end of the day, she's sorting for someone to connect
with. Right?

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

On some level, she's already going through an early-stage attraction process, right? You've just got to
read the signals. Okay, um- ... We're going to go into language patterns. Now, language patterns in this
context will be a little bit different, so what we'll probably be doing is we'll be teaching you- ... In my CPI
course, there are seven discreet language patterns that turn everything you say into an irresistible,
hypnotic induction.

Makes you just fun to listen to, right? That will take a little bit of work, but what we're going to do in, in
terms of this, is we're going to collapse these together, and we're going to start talking about, uh, the
three magic questions, and we're going to go basic, intermediate and advanced with the three magic
questions. This goes into a, a concept, uh, we call state management.

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When we talk about state control, we're talking about managing your state, your inner game. Right?
Getting your head right, getting your body right. We talk about state management, we're going to talk
about what emotions or what body feelings do we want to generate in the other people that lead us to
our outcome, right?

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

A very, very classic, uh, process that a lot of women go through, is- ... Are you familiar, do you do any
kind of marketing?

Speaker 3:
Mmm, uh-


Speaker 3:
Very little.

Okay, there's a, there's a, there's a, an acronym in marketing that is AIDA, it stands for attention,
interest, desire, action. It's literally true when we're doing attraction. If we hah-, if we can't do anything
until we get somebody's attention, and we can't do anything until we keep their interest, they're not
going to do anything until they have a desire. When the desire is strong enough, they'll take action,

State management is about cycling them or moving them through the states that lead to the action part.
Right? If we start that process up here by being the kind of person that generates the responses in
people, just because we're in the room, then there's things we start to do. So, we can have the women
we want, right? Um, some, some women, in order to be going to be intimate have to feel a connection
with people. Right? They have to feel that sense of oneness or that sense of, um, that timeless sense of
connection that people talk about all the time.

That, for many people, is a prerequisite to getting intimate, right? Some people have to have a certain
amount of time. They have to have seen them, have been on a certain number of dates before they're
willing to go, to the, uh, the next level, so to speak. Um, I was actually one of the first people to pioneer
the three-stage date. Which, I don't know if you've, you've heard that, or not, but. See, women sort time
by the dates.

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In other words, date one, date two, date three. But, the way they primarily sort the dates, is by the

Speaker 3:
Well, you have to move venue.

So, when you change venue three times, you create- ... You know, people just come, you know, people
just calmly know it as pseudo-orientation in time, or time distortion, so you can literally have three dates
in one day.

Speaker 3:

And they'll sleep with you that night.

Speaker 3:
Yeah, I've, I've heard of that, it, it didn't, but it was under a different, it was more under the, the guise of
they're trusting you in different venues, or their, they're experiencing themselves with you-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
Then you-

It's time distortion.

Speaker 3:
But, but yeah, it's a time distortion. But, the, how do you break it down into- ... It's almost like three
dates in one, makes a lot of sense.

Yeah, that's, that's exactly-

That's true, I've done it, not, not consciously-


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But [inaudible 00:49:28] it totally works.

Speaker 3:
It does.

"We've been on three dates."

Speaker 3:
Lead them right out. Lead them here, lead them there, lead them there.

Yes, very good, guys-

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 00:49:36] down the doors.

Another thing we can work on is priming. Priming is just evil. In a good way. You want to get laid? Take a
woman to see a romantic comedy. Or, a slasher flick, which is what most guys do. The problem with the
slasher flick is that when a woman is on a date with you, and she goes to something like a movie, and
then she sits down in that movie, she's with you, she's in a deep trance, right? And the movie is going to
prime her subconscious to think along certain lines.

If you take her to a movie that's very violent, you'll get her adrenaline going, and that can predispose
her to want to have sex, a lot of people know that. The problem is, if you take her to see one of these
scary hacker/slasher/psycho movies, who is the dominant male she's with while she's watching that?

Speaker 3:
You. (laughs)

Right? But, if you can strap on your ovaries for just a little while, and you take a woman to see a
romantic comedy, romantic comedy has all of the classic earmarks of a romance. But, what it also has is
that, that bickering, uh, fun, frolicking conquest where the, the man becomes the man he's uh, he's
always, she's always wanted, even though he didn't start that way.

And so, what happens is, the romantic comedy template fits a woman's psyche. So, she literally goes
through that process and she, it primed her to want to have it. Because she's laughing and experiencing
romantic feelings because she associates herself with the female heroine, she automatically associates
you with the romantic lead. And therefore, at the end, when everybody kisses and makes up, she's been

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through all those emotional highs and lows, she's been through it with you, she's primed to want to, to
want to end the story her way.

Speaker 3:

Right, this is one of my secrets, right? This is, you know, I'm, I'm, I have ovaries now, you know, it's one
of those things. But, this is, again-

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

You know, these things, are- ... You can utilize where you take them and how you take them to prime
them to think and behave in certain ways, right? And once again, when you come out of the romantic
comedy, you don't want to be hanging all over her, although, many times, she'll start to go through the
seven stages during the comedy, right? So, you want to be aware of that as well.

Um, but, again, we want to reverse the frame in that she becomes the pursuer, right? So, many times,
what I would do, is I would meet someone for coffee, we'd go out for dinner or for lunch, then we'd go
to a movie, and then we'd close, usually in the parking lot, you know? And many times, uh, I did ask, one
time, I had asked a woman, I said "Why did you, you know, why, why did you want to, why didn't you,
why didn't you sleep with me the first night?" And she looked at me, she said "I was afraid I'd never see
you again."

Speaker 3:
Mmm, yep.

You know, because, she's never had somebody that took her that far that deeply that quickly, and it, you
become such a prize in her world. And then if you rock her world, like I teach in my unlimited lover
course, you've taken her beyond what she fantasized as her ideal romantic partner, and taken her into
like, fantasy land, I mean, just, really, just, intense stuff. You can create so much sexual value in her life,
she can't get rid of you if she wanted to.

And, I mean, it's just-

Speaker 3:


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It's just how it works, right? So-

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 00:53:26] you have a date tonight, you said? What are you guys doing?

We are just meeting for dinner, she lives up there in Orange County, so-

Speaker 3:

[inaudible 00:53:34] the same [inaudible 00:53:35]

Speaker 3:


And then what are you going to do?

Speaker 3:
And this is a first date?

Mm-hmm (affirmative), yeah, we've never met, so- ... [inaudible 00:53:44] blind date-

Speaker 3:
Fun stuff.

You don't look too sure of yourself.

Speaker 3:

Well, now, I think I was telling you earlier, like, I, I've done a lot of online dating and I feel like most of
the time it's a bust. Um, but this is the one I was telling you the-


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The guitar thing?

[inaudible 00:53:57]

Speaker 3:
Music, yeah.

Exhausting, so, I, I'm, I'm definitely interested.

Is there anything-

Speaker 3:
Sunday is to a movie, so it's funny, I'm keying in on this, but I don't think it's-

For you? For you, I would take her to at least one other venue.

Speaker 3:
Got it.

And I would make it a musical one.


Something where you can interact over the shared topic.

Good idea.

Just, and the, and the, and the reason is is because the act of doing something together that's unusual,
because dinner is a basic- ... Everybody, it's, a [inaudible 00:54:25], it's what everybody else does. So, it
doesn't really paint you-

Speaker 3:
I think it's tough for a first date, though, 'cause you have to have your conversation-

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Right, if you go to a movie, or a concert-

Speaker 3:
Nothing's, nothing but-

Then we can't talk, yeah.

Yeah, but, the thing is, if you take them out after the movie, then you have something to talk about. You
could only talk about the movie, you can talk about- ... And that's what they love, they love to dish on
the movie you just saw.

Speaker 3:
Hmm, maybe I'll do that, 'cause I'm going to a movie but no plans after the movie.

The first thing I would do is I would take them to Starbucks or take them right back to my place, or their
place, right?

Speaker 3:
Before, or leaving after?

Yeah, well, a lot of times what I would do is, I would, I would pick them up, have them take me to the
movie, uh, or dinner, usually to take them to the movie. Some, some combination, and then I would
either wind up at [inaudible 00:55:07] some neutral location like a Starbucks, or we would come back to
my place, or I would take her to the beach, and we'd sit and just, just talk, and, and do that bonding
thing, because that's where the intimacy really starts to kind of gel. Because you've been through shared

Remember, women fall in love based on shared experiences through time. So, the amount of, the more
experiences you give a person in a short amount of time, uh, their nervous system doesn't treat that,
really, any differently than the same amount of experiences over a longer period of time.

Speaker 3:

We sort time by, by, deh-, by venue, as a rule.

Speaker 3:

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I've got some work to do, because I haven't really talked to her at, at length, a little texting here and
there since November, and them going to a movie, you can't even really talk. So, definitely have to break
out to a venue where we can go-

Yeah, you definitely want to find some way to soften that [crosstalk 00:55:56] up, right?

Speaker 3:

And you definitely don't want to be wishy-washy when you, you take her out. You don't want to say
"Where do you want to go?"

Speaker 3:
Mmm-mmm (negative)

You want to be very "We're going to go here, we're going to go here, we're going to go here." Uh, be
very aware of her non-verbals, her, her micro-expressions, because if you say "we're going to go here,"
and you see this kind of a flash, you know, it's a key that either you didn't choose something that she
likes, um, or you may want to ask her if there's someplace she'd rather go. Usually, they'll tell you no,
and whatever you want is fine, even though, inside, they're going "It's not fun."

Right? So, be very, very, ss-, you really have to start to think like a woman and still be a man today. It's
not easy for us guys, I mean, honestly. You know, women think we're, you know, we have it, you know,
we're, we're complex.

Speaker 3:

Right, because it, it doesn't, it doesn't fit in their world that we mean what we say. Because in their
world it's, it's not that way.

So, definitely better not to give them a choice, like, sometimes, I'll be like "Well, we could go here, or we
could do this or go there, or do that." You know, reference, you guys [crosstalk 00:57:02]-

I would say, you- ... I'm thinking we should, I, I'm thinking we go here, we go here and we go here, what
do you think?

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Speaker 3:
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would, yeah.

Or, I'll give them the illusion of choices. "Well, we can go here, or here, or here, which one do you, which
one do you not want to do?" Because they'll, a woman always knows what she doesn't want.

Speaker 3:
But I think they want a little, they want to kind of understand your world.


Speaker 3:
So, if you're like "You know what, let's go to this restaurant, you know, they have the best duck, and,
you know, the bartender there is really cool."

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
Um, oh, yeah, absolutely.

Mmm, you know, so, most people that I've met have a, I do a- ... In spite of the fact that they don't like
to change all that much, do tend to like new experiences.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

You know? Um, but, ultimately, you want to, you want to just show that you're comfortable in your own
skin, right? But, if you guys have this thing about guitar, then, you know, there's a great place to start
building something.

Speaker 3:
Where do you live?

La Hoya.

That's a hole, geographically [crosstalk 00:57:57] inconvenient-

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I'm dragging ass to [inaudible 00:58:00]-

Speaker 3:
I'd say take her to, to the Belly Up, they always have great music there.

Well, well, actually, we are going to the Belly Up on Wednesday.

Speaker 3:
Oh, okay.

Uh, to see a Black Sabbath Cover girl band.

Speaker 3:
You're, you're, yeah, you're good [crosstalk 00:58:10]

Tuesday's planned and I haven't even met her yet, and I was like, you know, I was telling her about it
and she got excited and, and so I'm like "Well, yep."

Speaker 3:
And the ratio of men to women, there's so many more women there, typically, on the hunt-

Really? [inaudible 00:58:24]

Speaker 3:
They will probably approach you when she goes to the bathroom, and she'll come back and women will
be talking to you, she'll just eat it up.

[inaudible 00:58:31]

Speaker 3:

I mean, you should be teaching this workshop.

All right, okay.

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Speaker 3:
Oh, I have a [inaudible 00:58:38] step I've got to do.

(laughing) So, again, so, we'll talk about, um, this whole idea of incredible connection, we'll talk about
body feeling, we'll talk about these kind of things. These are all things that were going to deliver through
our language, right? Which means that they're not early game stuff. They're not early stage attraction
stuff. They're stuff you can only deliver once you've got intimacy-

Speaker 3:

Once you've got some, some level of ability to communicate verbally, which, in a noisy club is not going
to happen. You're going to have to rely on behavioral stuff. Which is why speed seduction and, and
derivatives or NLP style interactions that aren't body language oriented, or behavior oriented don't work
real well.

Speaker 3:
Mmm, and this, yeah, this is kind of where I think I, I need [inaudible 00:59:22] for us to kind of tell you
where [inaudible 00:59:24] this step. Because I was married, just recently got out of marriage, but for
nine years.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
And the whole dating game is completely different.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
And, what I find that I miss is the green lights.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
Someone's attractive or wants to have something happen, like right now-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

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Speaker 3:
And having been brought up by a single mother-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
It's been so respectful-

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Speaker 3:
You know, don't push it, let her- ... Teh-, and I just don't, I don't see it-

Got you.

Speaker 3:
I mean if somebody wants to sleep together right now and I'm like "I'm going to be the good guy, and-"

Yeah, no, we're going to fix that shit-

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 01:00:01] capitalize on the second time, and there's never a second time.

That's right. Here's the thing that you're saying, when a woman gives you the, the opportunity to sleep
with her and you don't take it, you will not get a second chance.

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 01:00:11] yeah, I need to-

You will never get it.

Speaker 3:
Capitalize on that-

Yeah, as a matter of fact-

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Speaker 3:
And I miss the signals.

In fact, Ross used to teach that. When you get this, the go light, no matter what time of night it is-

Speaker 3:
It ain't [inaudible 01:00:22]-

You fucking hit it, because you won't get it again.

Speaker 3:
I miss that all the time.

All right, you know, um, and there are certain things that, you know, um, a lot of times, mmm-, I got to
the point were if I knew if a woman would kiss me, it was done. It was a done deal, right? If a woman
kisses me, it's all over for her.

Speaker 3:
I've got to capitalize that [inaudible 01:00:41] now.

Right, and if I could get her to hold my hand, I knew she'd kiss me.

Speaker 3:
That's what we need, master.


Speaker 3:
That's all we need. Tell me how to recognize the signs and-

Stage four, stage four, seven stages.

Speaker 3:


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Right? Remember, women always, in their world, always initiate keno, they always initiate the contact, it
will never be overt. It will be "I've got to go to the restroom."

Speaker 3:

Right? It's, it's, it's very, very subtle. Or, you know, they'll just kind of brush by you with their arm as
they're on the way to the restroom. It's a tentative cat's whisker.

Speaker 3:
And it's not accidental.

It's never accidental. It may not always be conscious, but it's never accidental.

Speaker 3:
All right.

In the woman's world, you never have permission to touch her, until she's touched you first.

Speaker 3:
Really. Because I have no problem initiating keno, and I do it quite a bit, but I never, I can't get, I- ... That
next level, I can't close, I miss those, sometimes, very obvious signals.


Speaker 3:
In retrospect, I'm like "What were you thinking-"


Speaker 3:
"It was right there."

Yeah, if she touches you and you touch her back exactly the same way, in exactly the same place, you
signal to her nervous system, "match." She goes to- ... Right to the [inaudible 01:01:58] no, if you initiate
keno first, you're exerting dominance, which may or may not send up red flags for her.

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Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Right? Remember, I said, authority people will comply, but they'll find a way to rebel or to get payback
or to be passive-aggressive. A lot of women will let you touch them uninvited. They won't say anything,
but you could tell by their body language, that it's uncomfortable for them, right?

Speaker 3:

The reason that a lot of the pick-up systems, um, are trying to, you know, they say to go for keno as soon
as possible, because they know when a woman touches, she's okay with intimacy so they try to, try hack
the system. And it does work. Women want a dominant guy.

A dominant person is not afraid to come into your space and talk to you. You know, if you go to, you,
you see this at the office. You know? When, when you go into a subordinate's office, do you have office
[inaudible 01:03:00]- ... Okay, you walk right up to their desk-

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Right? But, when your subordinates come into your office, they stop at the door.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

And then they wait for you to be, give them permission to come in.

Speaker 3:

Right? It's no different. Social status is authority. When I have the higher social status, I can walk right up
to you and be in your space, and you won't do a fucking thing about it. You may not like it, but you'll be
more permissive of it. Right?


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When you, when you exert dominance in a female, in a, in a male and female context, a woman wants
it, they, they respond to it, but, it may not always generate the chain of responses that you want.

Speaker 3:

It may be too soon, right? The whole idea behind what the pick-up artists are trying to do is they're
trying to, to get that moist relief, right? They're trying to just, you know-

Speaker 3:
Drive forward.

Drive forward, right?

Speaker 3:

And that's not all, it's the, uh, one of the things I've learned, is in most contexts, the fastest away to turn
a woman on is to slow down.

I've definitely found that, too, but, when, whenever [inaudible 01:04:08] you know, making out on the
couch, and, uh, and she kind of pulls up the bakes and says "Oh, I'm not ready." Like, great, let's just go,
let's just relax, let's watch a movie.

Mm-hmm (affirmative)

And, and [inaudible 01:04:20] before [inaudible 01:04:21].


She's initiating sex.

Yeah, it's, it's, it's right there, right? Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do. You know,
because a person's behavior will always give you better information about them than any justification or

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rationalization that comes out of their mouth, right? It's just, that's the way it is, you've got to see the

Speaker 3:
I've got to stop being so damn polite. (laughs)

Yeah. You know, sometimes you've got to, and someti-, sometimes, you've got to go to extremes to find
that happy medium.

Speaker 3:

You know? Uh, I have one, I had one client, man, somebody did a number on him, because he was so
afraid of getting accused of rape, even if he hadn't touched a women and he wouldn't even date.

Speaker 3:

And the few dates he had, he, he would miss all the signals and he didn't want to change, he was so
afraid of, of getting out of that, or, or, you know, of that, that remote possibility that, uh, I mean, he
mastered every- ... He mastered every technique I taught, he wouldn't use them.

Speaker 3:
I think I [inaudible 01:05:33] it, we touched on it a little bit, you know, and it's probably in my own head
is thinking "Well, if there's a green light to have sex on date one, and I bow out as the cool guy, it's going
to come back roaring even better for date two."

Mm-mmm (negative)

Speaker 3:
And in most cases, it isn't-

It doesn't come back at all.

Speaker 3:
Nope, you had your shot, you missed it.


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I found that out the hard way.

Speaker 3:
[inaudible 01:05:56] the buzzer. I found out so many hard ways.


Speaker 3:
It's pissing me off now, in retrospect.

Right, you know, if the horse [inaudible 01:06:01], you know, if a horse runs 2,000 races, loses every
single one, do you bet on the 2,001th-

Speaker 3:

2,001st race, on the same horse? No, if what you're doing isn't working, do anything else.

Speaker 3:
Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Right? And again, it's not going to feel natural at first, because it's not what you're used to, it's not
what's familiar. So, anyway, what we're going to do is we're going to look at state management in terms
of, um, ways that we can start to create states in her. And then, if we want to get really sneaky, and this
is something, again, you, you'll visit this again, in the, in the three magic questions phase.

A lot of this is going to be taught within the context of the three magic questions format. Um, but,
they're just bells and whistles that you can begin to add in it. And when we get back from lunch, we're
going to start, we're going to jump right into it- ... Well actually, we're, what we're actually going to do is
we're going to start with, um, how to, how to case a venue, develop an approach strategy, and then
we'll go into full, full-body, we'll go into the three magic questions process. We'll go through the basic
structure of it, we'll come back, we'll practice it a couple of times, and then what we'll do is we'll start to
add a few more layers of sophistication to it.

Give you a little bit of, you know, some fundamental things to, to start to pay attention to. Because
when you're doing three magic questions, you've got to really pay attention to what we call analog,
analog markings. What that means is when people start to answer your questions, there are certain key
phrases that they'll use and there are certain ways that they'll mark out those phrases. And as, as a

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person utilizing the three magic questions, you want to pay attention to those words, the order and
sequence, and the tonality that they use when they speak them. Because those become the bullets in
your seduction gun.

Those words and phrases are filtered through her nervous system already. Remember earlier today, I
talked about if you wrote a persuasive message or communication to somebody, the person it works
best on is you. Well, when a woman starts describing certain experiences, the words she uses to
describe those-

Speaker 3:
They're tailor made for her. Wow.

She, she can't resist them.

Speaker 3:

Then I get even eh-, more evil.

Speaker 3:
That's pretty, no, that's an ah-, yeah, it's so no-brainer, but it's so spot-on.

What's that? I totally missed that?

Well, in case you have to watch the video next.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I realize now, we haven't even let you guys eat today, so, let's go to lunch, we'll come back and
just jump in to this when we get back, okay?

All right, cool.

Speaker 3:

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