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First Assignment

Putri Novita XII IPS 2 / 28


1. Yes, I do
2. When I saw my friend bring many book on his hand then I help my
3. I said “Do you need some help?”
4. The person said “Yes, thank you so much”


1. Button : kancing, tombol

2. Missing : hilang
3. Scout : pramuka, pengintai, pandu
4. To tend : cenderung, merawat, condong
5. To draw : menggambar
6. To dispel : menghilangkan
7. Incident : kejadian, peristiwa, insiden
8. To fill : untuk mengisi
9. Identity card : kartu identitas, tanda pengenal
10. Account book : buku akun


Dialog 1

1) What is the relationship between the speakers ?

 Mother and son
2) What do you think Farrel is going to do ?
 Farrel is going to remind Benn about camping
3) Why does Farrel look confused ?
 Because the two buttons of Benn’s scout uniform were
missing. While other uniform is dirty
4) What does Mrs. Reina offer ?
 I’ll tent to it
5) What does Mrs. Reina say to the offer ?
 May I help you?
Dialog 2

1) Where does the dialog probably take place ?

 The dialogue takes place at Bank
2) What happened to Mrs. Reva ?
 Mrs. Reva’s ATM card remained in the machine
3) What should Mrs. Reva do ?
 She should fill the form and sign there
4) What does Mr. Bonar offer ?
 He offer to photocopy her identity card and account book
5) Mr. Bonar says, “What can I do for you?” What does he express?
 He is offering to help

Dialog 3

1) What is Viko going to do ?

 He will take part/attend in scout activities
2) What should Viko carry ?
 He should carry semaphore
3) Why does Viko not know how to use a semaphore ?
 Because he was off last week
4) What does Farah offer ?
 She offer to teach Viko how to use semaphore
5) What does Viko say to accept the offer ?
 O.K Thanks


1. Brandon : Why do you look confused ?

Sania : It’s raining, but I don’t have a raincoat
Brandon : I always bring a raincoat in my bag. *What if you use mine?*
Sania : Don’t you use it yourself ?
Brandon : I will go home by bus. I don’t think I need it. Here, please take
Sania : O.K Thank you so much
Brandon : You are welcome
2. Kenan : It seems that you are very busy,Mom *What can I do for you?*
Mrs. Vina : Please babysit your little sister. Let me finish my cooking
first. It’s already time for dinner
Kenan : All right, Mom
Mrs. Vina : Thanks, dear
Kenan : Don’t mention it
3. Dian : You look in trouble
Roy : This math puzzle is very difficult
Dian : *May I help you to finish the math puzzle?*
Roy : Sure, thanks
4. Vanesha : Ouch …. It’s very painful!
Baim : What happened?
Vanesha : I cut my finger
Baim : Oh no! *May I help you to get plaster?*
Vanesha : Yes, please. It’s in the first aid kit box. Thank you so much
5. Mrs. Renafour : Candra, I am going to the dentist
Candra : The dentist will open at 5 and it’s thirty now, Mom
Mrs. Rena : I know, but I need to take the queue number
Candre : Why don’t you make a reservation by phone?
Mrs. Rena : I am out of credit
Candra : *What if you use my phone first?*
Mrs. Rena : Of course. Thank you


a) Extended family : keluarga besar

b) Terrific : hebat
c) Decorate : menghias
d) Belly : perut
e) Get well : lekas sembuh
f) Supposed : seharusnya
g) Due date : batas waktu
h) Extended : diperpanjang
i) Approaching : mendekati
j) Destination : tempat tujuan
k) Awkwardly : dengan canggung

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