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A. Background of the Problem

Writing is one of skills that is the most frequently activity done by the students.
Writing is the tool to express what the researchers thinks that about an ideas, opinion and
experience. Writing is important because of writing form can persuade the other people to
do something and stimulate the reader minded. Writing important to research because
now days many people not interest to write.
Recount text is a one kinds of text in writing which retells even or experiences in
the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience which is inside
contain social function generic structure (orientation, events, re-orientation) and
lexicogrammatical, features.
In contrast many students in junior high school are unable to understand what they
write. It looking mark of students in SMP Swasta Advent. It happened because there are
so many factors that always effect the quality of students learning. They are external and
internal factor. The external factor is the factor out of students selves. It is include
environment , social, the equipment’s study, teaching technique and so on. In other hand,
internal factor there is in the students selves. It is include motivation, health, mindset,
willingness, lack interest and so on.
To prove this problem the teacher of English in SMP Swasta Advent Barus have
conducted many various efforts and endured to upgrade the quality of students’ skill,
competence, and ability in English such as; giving motivation, completed the school
facilities, and developing many various method and technique in teaching such a: Pair
Check Method, Problem Based Learning, Group Investigation, Picture Media, Discussion
Method, etc .From the various method used before it shows that the result of students
ability in English is still dissatisfaction.
Based on the explanation above, the writer sees there are many problems are going
to appear if they will not be solved, such as: students cannot pass their examination, 1)
they will get low achievement in English, and 2) they cannot write to express what they
experienced and finally they hate to write anything in English especially recount text.
There are many solutions to overcome the problem, but writer is interested to solve
the problem by giving a method named Mind Mapping. Mind Mapping is a way to
maximize the potential of the humand mind by using the right brain and left brain. It is a
plan that helps to organize the arrangement of ideas good order.
Based on the explanation previously, the writer believe that mind mapping suitable
for writing. The writer hope after using mind mapping the students ability in writing
recount text will be improve. So the writer wants to conduct a research entiled “The
Effect of Using Mind Mapping Method on students’ Writing Recount Text Ability at the
Eighth Grade Students of SMP Swasta Advent in 2021/2022 Academic Year.

B. Identification of Problem
Based on the explanation in the background of this research, the students at the
eighth grade students of SMP Swasta Advent get some problems in writing recount text.
Generally, there are two factors which influence writing recount text, namely external
and internal factors. The external factors comes from the students’outside such as
teaching method which is used by teacher is effectiveness, capability of the teacher in
mastering materials of learning is not good, facilities of the school which do not support,
environment are conduciveless, social, the equipment’s study, teaching technique and so
on. Beside that the internal factors mean that the factors come from students’ inside such
as low self-motivation of students, lack interest of students, and so forth.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Related to the identification of the problem above, there are many factors that can
influence teaching writing on the eighth grade students in junior high school. It is
impossible for the writer to research all of the factors because of the limitation of time
available, ability, lack of reference book, limitation of fund, and knowledge in research.
So, the writer only takes one from the several factors is external factors is external factors
which teaching method. Teachimg method refer to the way that the teacher should follow
in presenting material. There are many various teaching technique in order to increase the
students writing ability, but the writer focuses the mind mapping. So the writer limits the
problem only about mind mapping on writing recount text ability to the eight grade
students of SMP Swasta Advent.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above, the writer formulated the problems as follows:

1. To what extent the application of using mind mapping method on students’ writing
recount text ability at eighth grade students of SMP Swasta Advent in 2021/2022
academic year?
2. To what extent is the students’ writing recount text ability before and after using mind
mapping method at eighth grade students of SMP Swasta Advent in 2021/2022
academic year?
3. Is there any significant effect of mind mapping method on students’ writing recount
text ability at eighth grade of SMP Swasta Advent 2021/2022 academic year?
E. Objectives and Significances of the Research

1. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of the research are:

a. To know the extent of students’ writing recount text ability before and after using
mind mapping method at the eighth grade of SMP Swasta Advent in 2021/2022
academic year.
b. To know whether there is significant effect of mind mapping method on students’
writing recount text ability at the eighth grade of SMP Swasta Advent in 2021/2022
academic year.
c. To know whether there is significant effect of using mind mapping on students’

writing recount text ability at the eighth grade of SMP Swasta Advent in 2021/2022

academic year.

2. Significances of The Research

The result of this study are expected to be useful:

a. To the students, they have a new interesting way how to understand about writing

ability especially recount text.

b. To the teacher of English, to increase students interest, their motivation and as the

additional techniques to teach language skill especially in writing recount text.

c. To headmaster of SMP Swasta Advent, this research is to give the direction to the

English teacher about the teaching technique that can increase the students ability in

English especially in writing recount text.

d. To Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan, this research is useful to add a reference at

this school about technique, such as outlining technique on students’ writing recount

text ability.
e. To writer, the result of this research can develop researchers’ experience related to

researchers’ knowledge in research on education and English teaching, especially

for writing.

A. Theoretical Description

1. The Nature of Writing Recount Text

a. Definition of Writing Recount Text Ability

Writing is a way of communicating a message to a reader for a purpose.

According Pulverness et all in Amrih (2012: 9) says that “writing is one of the four
language skills:.listening, speaking, reading, and writing. According Carino in
Fhadila (2018:5) says that “writing can be taught in two ways; as a thing and as an
According Khomariah in Fhadila (2018:5) says that, “writing is a tool for indirect
communication between the writers with the readers. According Jodih (2010:229) writing
is a complex process in which the author explores various ideas and thoughts and makes
these ideas and thoughts into something concrete. Based on the explanation above, the
writer can conclude that writing is an activity that humans do to convey the message,
ideas, or thought to the reader and usefully be prepared for by work in the other skills
of listening, speaking, and reading.
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.
,activity or someone’s experience. According to Anderson in Amrih (2012: 25) said
a recount text is a piece of text retells past events, usually in the order in which they
happened. `Furthermore, Knapp and Watkins (2012:25) said that, “Recounts are
sequential texts that do little more than sequence a series of events. In addition,
Hyland in Icha (2017:22) recount text is a kind of genre that has social function to
retell even for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Based on the previous
explanations, the writer concludes that recount text is the text tells about the events,
activities and someone’s experince that happened in the past time and purpose to
inform and entertain reader.
b. Indicators of Writing

Indicators is a control variable that can be used to measure changes that occur in
an event or activity. Brown Sri (2015:23) stated that there are five significant components of
They are content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic.

1. Content

Content is a compilation of information, ideas , and messages that are

translated into some kind of written, visual, or audible format for other to

consume. According to Brown in Sarwanti (2015: 23) “Content is there at least

two things which can be measured in connection with content; the points that are

presented and formal signal given the reader to guide in understanding the topic


Therefore, Jacob in Tazki (2018:205) “Content is the ability to write some

ideas in a good appropriate manner by selecting, organizing, and clear

information and the number details of description that are relating to the purpose

of the essay. Based on the explanations above, the researcher concludes that

content is something that provides information to the viewer or reader or etc.

1. Organization

Organization is a system of arrangement or order main ideas and detail.

According to Brown in Sarwanti (2015: 23) “Organization is the process of

organizing materials in writing involves coherence, order of importance, general

specific, specific to general, chronological order, and special order pattern”. In

addition, Jacob in Tazki (2018:205) states that, “Organization is how the idea is
presented. The students should focus how well the arrangement details

information”. It can be concluded that, organization is the ordering of ideas.

2. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the collection of words than an individual knows.

According to Brown in Sarwanti (2015: 23) states that, “vocabulary is one of the

language aspects dealing with the process of writing. The process of writing is

the process when the writer always think about putting words into sentence and

then putting sentence into paragraphs until they can create a piece of writing”. In

addition, Jacob in Tazki (2018:205) states that, “Vocabulary is the students

should use appropriate word choices and usage which are related to the subject

itself”. From the explanation above, vocabulary is the word used in a particular


3. Language Use

Language use is very important in writing text. It arranges the order of the

words so that they form sentences that are appropriate and understandable to the

reader. Brown in Sarwanti (2015: 23), “For language use in writing procedure

text and other forms of writing, it involves correct usage and points of grammar

or structure. Grammar is one of important components in writing. It governs

utterance that we produce to be right and orderly. Therefore, it also has great

influence in the quality of writing”.

Jacob in Tazki (2018:205) states that, “grammatical skills is the ability to

construct meaningful sentences. The students should know how to use correct

language assessment which consists of effective construction of simple present

tense, effective usage of an action verb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and

adjective. This shows that the intended use of language is the use of correct


4. Mechanics

Mechanics refers to all the “technical” things that change in writing:

spelling, uppercase letters, use of numbers and other symbols. According to

Brown in Sarwanti (2015: 23) “Mechanics of writing deals with capitalization,

spelling, and punctuation”. In addition, Jacob in Tazki (2018:205) states that,

Mechanical is the writer should know how to use correct spelling, punctuation,

neatness and so on. So from the explanation above, the researcher can conclude

that mechanics is about spelling, punctuation, neatness, and capitalization.

c. Generic Stucture of Recount Text

Generic structure is the steps that must followed in making a text or it refers to

the plot that found in the text. Djuharie (2007:19) said that Generic structure is a plot

in the text and the steps from information the text. It means that, generic structure is

a step followed the plot found in the text.

Gerot and Wignell (2003:194) said that There are three elements of generic

structure of recount text, they are orientation, events or re-orientation. Next,

Dzuharie (2007: 44) says, the structure of recount are: 1) orientation, introduction or

introduce the actor, time and place, 2) events, the organization of events, 3) re-

orientation, the end that shows the activity has finished, 4) individual comment.

Furthermore, Grace in Sukma (2015: 66) the generic structures of recount text are
orientation, event, and re-orientation. Amarain et al., (2009: 12) says that “generic

structure of recount: 1) Orientation, provide the setting and introduces participants.

2) Events, tell what happened, in whatsequence. 3) Re-orientation, closure of events

(it is optional”. Amarain also explained the parts of the generic structure recount text

based on the following example:

Orientation When I was in the first grade of Primary

School, I had a friend, Michelle. She was the

friendliest and the most intelegent student in

the class. We soon became very close to each

other because we had a lot of things in

Events Now, we are in the second year. We are not in

the same class anymore, but we spend a lot of

time together. We study together, do some

assignments and hang out for fun.

Re-orientation Friends are as valuable as diamonds. We do

realize it and promise that we will remain good

friends as long as we live.

Based on the previous statement, the writer concludes that generic structures

of recount text are: 1) orientation, contains information about what, who when,

where and why. 2) event, sequence of events. 3) re-orientation, the conclusion

d. Social Function of Recount Text

Social function is the goal of the writing in the text. Gerot and Wignell

(2003:194) says, “Social function is to retell event for the purpose of informing or

entertaining.” It means, social function is a purpose is either to inform or entertain

the audience. According to Dzuharie (2007: 44) recount text aims to inform or

entertain the audience with it. Amarain et al., (2009: 12) “its social function is either

to inform the purpose, to entertain or to retell the events to audiences.

Based on the previous statement, the researcher concludes social function is

to retell event for the purpose of informing or entertaining means the text gives

information or just entertain the audience.

e. Language Features of Recount Text

Language features refers to the structure or grammar that is used in writing

text. According to Gerot and Wignell (2003:194) says, “There are kind of

lexicogrammatical features, they are: 1) focus on specific participant, 2) use of

material processer, 3) circumstances of time and place, 4) use of past tense, 5) focus

on temporal sequence.”.

Meanwhile, Dzuharie (2007: 44) also says recount text often uses certain

language features, including: 1) noun as a person pronoun, for example Otong

Setiawan, Seanu Prabu, Ratu Kadita, Eha, Dzuharie, etc., 2) Individual participant,

focus on the specific participants, 3) past tense, using past form verbs for example,

went, ran, ate, etc, 4) Time connective and conjunction to sort events, for example

after, before, soon, then, after that, etc, 5) Action verbs, verbs that indicate events or
activities, for example stayed, climbed, killed, etc, 6) Adverb and adverb phrases to

show place, time, and method, for example, yesterday, last week, at home, slowly,

carefully, etc.

Furthermore, Amarain et al., (2009: 12) states that features of recount:

1. Focus on personal participant, e.g. I, my friend, ect.

2. Using chronological connection, e.g. then, first, ect.

3. Using linking verb, e.g. was, saw, heard, etc.

4. Using action verb, e.g. look, go, change, etc.

5. The recount has a title, which usually summarizes the text.

6. Specifict participants.

7. Details are selected to helf the reader reconstruct the activity or incident (factual


8. The ending may describe the outcome of the activity (factual recount).

9. Detaills of time, place and incident need to be clearly stated (factual recount).

10. Describtive details may also be required to provide information (factual


11. Includes personal thoughts/ reaction (imaginative recount).”

12. Using material processes.

13. Focusing on temporal sequences.

14. Describes events.

15. Using adverb and passive voice may be used.

16. Using simple past tense.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher agrees with Dzuharie’s

statement, that the language features of recount text are: 1) noun as a person pronoun,

for example Otong Setiawan, Seanu Prabu, Ratu Kadita, Eha, Dzuharie, etc., 2)

Individual participant, focus on the specific participants, 3) past tense, using past

form verbs for example, went, ran, ate, etc, 4) Time connective and conjunction to

sort events, for example after, before, soon, then, after that, etc, 5) Action verbs,

verbs that indicate events or activities, for example stayed, climbed, killed, etc, 6)

Adverb and adverb phrases to show place, time, and method, for example, yesterday,

last week, at home, slowly, carefully, etc.

2. The Nature of Outlining Technique

a. Definition of Outlining Technique

Outining Technique is one of the most common and natural note-taking methods

used in traditional lecture sessions. Outlining is a plan before writing a paper or essay or a

form plan to think and organize some ideas which will be arrange into a good writing.

Robitaille and Connelly (2007: 44) Outlining Technique is a formal structure that helps

you organize topics or support and subtopics.

According to Reinking and Hart in Kartawijaya (2018: 154) state that by using

outline, the writing will focus on the topic. An outline is the blue print that shows the

division and subdivision of your paper, order your ideas, and relationship between the idea

and supporting details. Next, Oshima and Hogue (2007: 54) Outlining is the best way to

organize a paragraph is to make an outline before you begin to write. Meanwhile, Zemach

and Rumisek in Seha (2018: 46) an outline is a list of the information you will put in your
essay. An outline begins with the essay’s thesis statement, shows the organization of the

essay, tells what ideas you will discuss and shows which ideas will come first, second and so

on, ends with the essay’s conclusion. Based on the explanation above, the researcher can

conclude that Outlining Technique is the technique that can be used by the students in

writing classroom and to help the students to organize the arrangement of ideas good order.

b. Steps of Outlining Technique

Outlining technique has the steps in teaching learning process to be success. There

are steps of outlining technique by experts. According to Wirawan in Ambarsari (2011: 19)

says that, the steps of outlining technique are as follows: 1). Outlining begins by writing

down a theme in the center of the page. 2). Then, write down numbers of Romawi I, II, III

by the side of page. 3). At each numbers of Romawi, write down fundamental ideas which

you have about the topic. 4). After that, write down A, B, C bellow of romawi’s numbers

includes the information or fact supporting fundamental idea of each word.

Next, Oshima and Hogue in Tazky (2018: 205) the process of writing outline has

four steps, namely: 1). Think the topic. The first thing that has to do is to find the topic and

try to sum up the point of the paper or essay in one sentence or phrase. It can help students

to focus on the main point. 2). Start the introduction and body. The students have to write

them with Roman numerals: I, II, III. In introduction, they can write two or more general

statements while, in thesis statement, they only write one sentence. 3). Make the topic

sentence of each subsection is written in a upper case. In this stage, the students write the

topic sentence one or more than based on the purpose of the essay. 4) each supporting
sentences are written in a lower case. In this stage, the students can write two or more than

sentences to support the topic sentences itself.

According to Rinking and Hart in Kartawijaya (2018: 155) there are some steps in

making an outline, they are: 1) figure out the most logical flow information, the best order

for the information to be in using the subtopics you created earlier. You can put your note

cardsin this order now. There is always more than one to do this, so figure out what you like

best, 2). Put your subtopics with the key point that support them, in word or short phrases,

into a list or diagram that shows how they will flow from the beginning to end. There are

many different types of outline diagrams. 3). Start with an introduction and end with a


c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Outlining Technique

1. The Advantages of Outlining Technique are:

According to Wirawan in Ambarsari (2011: 19) there are three reasons why we

should make an outline:

a. An outline will make our writing is more beautiful because outline will help us in

doing choice of word. While, the choices of word are very influenced in writing.

b. To make our writing is more perfect. If we use an outline, absolutely there is no

information or data will be lose. An outline will help us to create more complete

writing stucture. Besides, an outline make our writing more focus in problem that we

c. An outline can make our writing more effective. It means our writing will give to the

readers based on the first purpose and the readers will catch what we want to say to

them from our writing.

2. Disadvantages of Outlining Technique

According to Wong L (2006: 24) state that the disadvantages of writing are:

a. This method requires more thought for accurate

b. Understandable organization

c. Cannot be used during teachers that move to quickly

B. Relevant of the Studies

There are some related findings to this research such as; Arina Muflikhati (2012)

who conducted a research entitled: “Improving students’ writing skill of writing recount text

through the use of dialogue journal writing of the Eleventh grade students of SMA IT Abu

Bakar Yogyakarta in the academic year of 2012/2013”. She investigates the use of dialogue

journal writing can improve the writing recount text skills of Eleventh grade. It concerns on

solving students’ problem in writing skills in five aspects such as grammar, mechanic,

vocabulary, fluency and form.

Kamilah Tazky (2018) under the title “the effect of outlining technique on students’

writing descriptive Text”. The students were more active and participated in the teaching-

learning process of writing. Therefore, outlining technique can be alternative technique for

teacher in teaching writing which can increase and keep their writing. Pre-test and post-test

were use to collect the data students’ writing. After the result of pre-test had been score,

outline was given directly. Then, they start to do the post-test. The results found that there is

significance changes between pre-test and post-test where post-test has higher score than


C. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework is the way to explain how about the in relatioship between both

variabel. This is a way of researcher to applicating of the strategy, teach students suitable with the

steps will be concepting. And in order to be clear and brief, the conceptual is as below:

Problem Writing Recount text

Outlining Technique
Figure 1: Conceptual framework

Based on the explanation above, the writer use two kinds of variables, namely

writing recount text as dependent variable, outlining technique as independent variable.

Therefore, the writer assumes that there is a signifcant the effect of outlining technique on

students writing recount text ability at the eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 1 Batang Onang in

2020/2021 academic year.

A. Hypothesis
Hypothesis is one of important elements in a research based on the theoretical

description and conceptual frame work that has been presented.L.R Gay (2009:71) says,

“Hypothesis is a researcher’s prediction of the research findings, a statement of the

researcher’s expectation about the relationship among the variables in the research topic.”.

According to Mourogan and Sethurahman (2017) hypothesis is tentative explanation

that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation. Hypothesis should

be statement expressing the relation between two or more measurable. Next, according to

Bungin (2005:85) said that hypothesis is as a conclusion that still less or one of conclusion

that still uncomplete. Borg and Gall in Arikunto (2010: 112) says that, “hypothesis is can

well if it has four characteristics they are:

a. Hypothesis should be formulated in short and brief.

b. Hypothesis should be showing the relation of two or more variables in a real one.

c. Hypothesis must be supported by theory that stated by the experts or researchers result

which relevant.

It means that the characteristics of hypothesis is should be consistent to the theory of

the fact and the formulation is simple and clear. Based on the explanation above, the

researcher concludes that the hypothesis is temporary answer to a problem that is still

prejudiced or guessed, because it still has to be proven first, then the truth then through a

research. So, the researcher purposes hypothesis of this research as follows:

Ha: “There is a significant effect of using outlining technique on students’ writing

recount text ability at eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 1 Batang Onang in

2020/2021 academic year”.

Ho: “There is no significant effect of using outlining technique on students’ writing

recount text ability at eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 1 Batang Onang in

2020/2021 academic year”.


A. The Location and Time of the Research

This research was conducted in SMP Swasta Advent Barus that was located on
Kecamatan Andamdewi, Kab Tapanuli Tengah. The teaching learning process at this school
was very active. The headmaster of this school is Lasmaria Sarumpaet, S.Pd. and and the
name of Engish teachers is Nuliani Nainggolan, S.E. The place is chosen because research is
not investigate this same problem in this place before and this topic is relevant to the own
curriculum in discussing English. The writer thinks that this school is representative to all
senior high school in Indonesia, particularly in Tapanuli Tengah. The process of this
research was conducted for three months from January until March 2021.
B. Method of the Research
Method is a way, system, procedure, and rule by researcher to make the process of
studying to be simple and should be followed by evaluate the research. In this research activity,
the researcher has to choose and use the suitable method in a research. Method of the research
means the way that should be chosen to solve the problem of the research. According to
Arikunto (2010:203) Method of the research is the way that used researchers to collecting data in
a research.
Meanwhile Arikuto (2010:2), there are three kinds of method of the research, such as 1)
Descriptive Research, 2) Operation Research (Action Research), 3) Experimental Research.
Based on opinion above, the researcher used experimental method because the method is very
suitable to find out the cause effect relationship between two factors.
Furthermore Arikunto (2010: 9) the experimental method is the way to find out the
relation of cause and effect (cause relation) between two factors that is raised by the researcher
with eliminating the other factors. Then according to Sugiyono (2015: 3), the research method is
a scientific way to get data with certain purpose and uses. It is means that the process uses in the
research certain logical measures.
In quantitative research, experimental method means a kind of the research, which is
aimed to know whether there is any cause and effect of something that exist on subject
studied. This study applied the pre-experimental design by using one-group pre test and post
test design. The researcher wants to find out if there is a significant effect of estafet writings
to writing announcement ability. From the explanation above, the writer uses experimental
method because it is very suitable to be applied in this research to find out the cause-effect
relationship between two factors. The writer wants to find out if there is a significant effect
of outlining technique and writing recount text ability.
To make this research effective, it needs to make research design that Sugiyono
opinion’s (2015: 111), as follow:
Table 1
Research Design
One group Pre test and Post test Design

O1 X O2

The pattern shows:

O1 :Pre test Experimental Group
X : Treatment Estafet Writing
O2 : Post test Experimental
C. Population and Sample
A. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is a part of the research that is very important in doing research. In a research,

population can be mean as a group of unit or part that is made as an object of the research. For a

quantitative research, it is one of the most important requirement that be considered well and to

be chosen carefully.

According to Sugiyono (2015:117) Population is generalization area in which consist of

object and subject that is owned quality and certain characteristics applied by researcher to be

learn and then taken a conclusion. According to Arikunto ( 2010 :173 ) population is the subject

of research. If someone want to examine all the elements that exit in the studyarea, then the

research is population research.

Table 2
Population of the Eighth Grade of SMP Swasta Advent Barus

No Class Male Female Total

1 VIII-A 12 10 22
2 VIII-B 10 15 25
3 VIII-C 10 14 24
Total 70

2. Sample

Sample is sub group taken from the population. Sample is part or vice of population

which should be choose in the research. According to Sugiyono (2015:118) Sample is a part of

number and characteristics that owned by its population. While Arikunto (2010:174) sample is a

part or representative population that being researcher. From a larger group represent the larger

group from which they are selected. A sample comprises the individuals, items or events selected

from a larger group refer to as population. The purpose of sampling is to gained information

about the population by using the sample.

Furthermore, Arikunto (2010: 177) as for some ways of sampling research conducted as follows:

Random sampling, stratified sample, sample probability, sample of professional sample,

purposive sample, sample and quotes, sample group or sampling cluster, and double sample.

Given a very large population and also time constraints. The author took some of it to be

research sampled. Sampling technique in this research is done by purposive sampling. According

to Sugiyono (2015:124) purposive sampling is determine of technique of sample will certain

considerations. ”. To determine which population will be used as a data source, its sampling by

region of the population has been set. Based on the above explanation, the writer concluded that

the sampling by the purposive sample and the number of the sample is 22 people because the

number of population studied is large and researcher only focuses on one room. The researcher

chooses eighth grade students of SMP Swasta Advent Barus as sample.

D. Instrument of the Research

Instrument is something used in formulating an action in scientific action. A researcher

must have good instrument and valid. Arikunto (2010: 203) instrument of the research is a tool

or facility which is used by the researcher in collecting data in order to get easier process and

better result, in brief definition, complete and systematic so was easier to be analyzed.

According to Sugiyono (2015:147) instrument of the research is a tool used to measure

the natural and social overall phenomena. In this research, the instruments that will be used to

measure the variables are observation sheet and test. The observation sheet is a sheet that will be

used to guide the observer in observing the researcher at SMP Swasta Advent Barus in applying

using writing recount text.

Meanwhile the researcher will use test as the instrument to measure that dependent

variable where dependent variable in this research is writing recount text ability. The writer will

give a test for the students about writing recount text ability after the teaching and learning

process has been done and finished. The kinds of the test where Essay test.

1. Observation

Observation is an action that used to collect data through the senses it has. According to

Yaumi (2014:112) observation is direct, attentive observation and systematically records of

what is seen and heard. Furthermore, Kunandar (2008: 143) said that observation is an

observation activity (collecting data) to photograph how far the action effect has achieved the


According to Arikunto (2010:200) observation can be done in two ways, which is then use

to call these types of observation, they are: 1) nonsystematic observation, made by observers
without using observation instrument and 2) systematic observation, made by observes using

the guidelines as an instrument of the observation.

Based on the explanation above the writer concluded that observation is the activity of a

process or object with the intention of feeling and then understanding the knowledge of a

phenomenon based on knowledge and ideas that have been known beforehand, to obtain the

information needed to continue as study.

Table 2
Observation Sheet of

No Aspect Observation
1 2 3 4
Pre Activity
1 2 3 4
Giving motivation to the students about
1 2 3 4
1 the important of writing recount text
Introduce them about our material for
today and saying what the aim of the 1 2 3 4
While Activity
Giving information of recount text, such
1 2 3 4
as definition, language features, generic
structure, social function, and example
Asks students to write down a theme in
1 2 3 4
the center of the pages.
Asks students to write number of
1 2 3 4
Romawi I,II, III by the side of page.
Then at each number of Romawi, write 1 2 3 4
down the fundamental ideas which you
have about the topic
After that, asks students to write a,b, c
below of Romawi’s numbers includes the
1 2 3 4
information or fact supporting
fundamental idea of each word.
Then, asks students to make a recount
1 2 3 4
text from the theme that given.
Post Activity
The researcher and students make an
evaluation and conclusion about the 1 2 3 4
material that has explained by the
3 researcher
The researcher gives appreciation and
recognition to successful students, and
1 2 3 4
encourages students who have responded
quickly and correctly.
Total Score

Total score
Final score =
Observed Aspect
Score 1 : Bad
Score 2 : Enough
Score 3 : Good
Score 4 : Very Good

2. Test

Test is a series of question that used to measure the individual or groups skills. According

to Arikunto (2010 :193) says that test is a question or task and the other tools are used to measure

the skill, knowledge and student ability. According to Kunandar (2008:186) test is a number of

questions that are conveyed or a number of people to express the situation or level of

development of one or some aspects of the psychologically diverted in him. Based on the

explanation above, the writer concluded test was a series of questions that can be used to

measure the level”. In this composition test writer would ask the students to choose one of the
topics or title that was given to write in the piece of paper. To get clearer information about it, let

see the following table:

Table 3
The Instrument of Student’s Writing Recount Text Ability
Theme of Writing Recount The Number
No Time
Text of Text
1 Going to school
2 Fun with Friends
1 45
3 Weekend at Home
4 Personal Experience

Based on the table above, it can be seen that each student chosen one recount text

topic that they write in within 45 minutes which was 5 minutes to determined the theme,

then 10 minutes to write the fundamental ideas which they have about the topic and 30

minutes to write the recount text from their chosen topic. And then each student have to

write the recount text in the number of words specified which is at least 50 words and at

most 150 words.

B. Technique of Collecting Data

The technique of collecting data is needed in a research; an interview was constructed

based on the indicator as the instrument of the research. The technique of collecting data is a way

which is used by the researcher to get the data from the research subject. Technique collecting

data is the first step in research, because the main purpose of research is to get data without

technique of collecting data, the researcher cannot find the data based on standards data that is

According to Sugiyono (2015: 308) technique of collecting data is the most important

step in research, because the main purpose of research is to get data. According to Arikunto

(2010: 266) collecting data is important word in researching.

Based on the quotation above technique of collecting data for observation is based on

four score of research namely 1 is bad, 2 is enough, 3 is good, and 4 is very good. The lowest

score is 1 and the highest is 4. To get the final score the researcher using formula by totaling the

score then divided by the total of observed aspects. Then technique of collecting data for writing

recount text as follows:

Based on the previous explanation by experts, the researcher dives the test and

observation to collacting data.

To make clear about the score, the researcher adapted system of writing by Jacobs in

Amrih (2012: 41) below:

Table 4
Scoring Rubrics of Writing Recount Text Ability

Aspects level Score Criteria

Content Excellent to 30-27 Knowledgeable, Substantive. Systematic
Very Good
development of Thesis. Relevant to assigned

Good to 26-22 some knowledgeable of subject. Adequate

range. Limited development of thesis. Mostly
relevant to topic, butlacks detail.
Fair to Poor 21-17 Limited knowledgeable of subject. Little
substance. Inadequate development of topic.

Very poor 16-13 does not show knowledgeable of subject.

Non- substantive. Irrelevant to topic, or not
enough to evaluate.
Organization Excellent to 20-18 fluent expression. Ideas clearly stated/
Very Good
supported, Concise.Well organized. Logical
sequencing, Cohesive.

Good to 17-14 somewhat choppy. Loosely organized but

main ideas stand out. Limited support. Logical
but In complete sequencing.
Fair to Poor 13-10 Non-fluent.Ideas confused or disconnected.
Lacks logical sequencing and development.

Very Poor 9-7 Does not communicate. No organization. Or

not enough to evaluate.

Vocabulary Excellent to 20-18 Sophisticated range. Effective word/ idiom

Very Good
choice and usage. Word formmastery.
Appropriate register.

Good to 17-14 Adequate range. Occasional errors of

word/idiom form, choice, usage but meaning
not abscured.
Fair to Poor 13-10 Limited range.Frequent errors of word/idiom
form, choice, usage. Meaning confused or
Very Poor 9-7 essentially translation. Little knowledge of
English vocabulary,idioms,wordform.Ornot
enough to evaluate.

Grammar Excellent to 25-22 Effective complex construction. Few errors or

Very Good
agreement, tense, number, word order/
function, articles,pronouns, prepositions.

Good to 21-18 Effective but simple construction. Minor

problems in complex constructions. Several
errors of agreement, tense, number, word
order or function, articles, pronouns,
prepositions but meaningseldom abscured.

Fair to Poor 17-11 Major problems in simple/complex

construction. Frequent errors of negation,
agreement, tense, number, word
order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition
and/or fragments, run-ons, deletions.Meaning
confused or obscured.
Very Poor 10-5 Almost no mastery of sentence constructions
rules. Dominated by errors. Does
notcommunicate or not enoughto evaluate.

Mechanics Excellent to 5 Demonstrates mastery of conventions. Few

Very Good
errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

Good to 4 Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,

paragraphing, but meaning not obscured.
Fair to 3 Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,
Poor capitalization, paragraphing. Poor handwriting.
Meaning confused or obscured.

Very Poor 2 No mastery of conventions. Dominated by

errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing. Handwriting illegible.Or not
enough to evaluate.
Based on the system above, it can be concluded:

Content (social function) : 30

Organization (generic structure) : 20

Vocabulary : 20

Grammar (lexicogrammatical) : 25

Mechanic :5

Maximal score : 100

C. Technique of Analyzing Data

To analysis the data, the researcher prepared a test by students after that all the data has

been collected is be analysis by using statistic. According to Sugiyono (2015: 207) Data analysis

is an next activity after data from all respondent or other source collected. According to Arikunto

(2010:278) data analysis includes 3 steps that are preparation, tabulation, and application of data

in accordance with the research approach.

There are 2 kinds of analyzed the data in a research, they are: descriptive analysis and

inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis used to described the variables for instance: mean,

median, modus, histogram, and so forth. According to Syah (2010: 151), to analyze data the

researcher used the criteria of values with can be seen in table:

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