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This information is for the 2019/20 session


Course Description This course covers in detail the theory and practice of modern
macroeconomics. It follows a modern approach by building
macroeconomic models from microeconomic principles. This course
also provides the students with dynamic aspects of macroeconomics
that will help them to be involved in the current discussion of
Course Objective To develop in students an understanding of fundamental and
intermediate concepts in macroeconomic analysis;

To equip students with a range of appropriate analytical skills,

including descriptive, graphical and mathematical methods; and

To develop the capacity to apply analytical techniques to real world


Pre-requisites None

Course structure Lecture (150 minutes)

Evaluation Final exam (40%) Midterms exam (35%) Quiz (15%) Assignment
Lecture Wednesday, 10.00-12.30

Lecturers Responsible Shima Trisna, M.Sc. (

Traheka Erdyas Bimanatya, M.Sc. (

Office Hours: by appointment


B. II.1. Textbooks

Williamson, S. J., Macroeconomics, 6th Edition, 2018. (W)

Mankiw, N.Gregory (2012), Macroeconomics, 8th edition, Worth Publisher, (Code: M)

Blanchard, O. (2013), Macroeconomics, 6th edition, Pearson Education, Inc. (Code: B)

Hubbard, R.G., A.P. O’Brien and M. Rafferty (2014), Macroeconomics, Pearson Education, Inc.
(Code: H)

II.2. Lecture Topics

Topic Indicative Readings

Lecture 1: Introduction to Macroeconomics W Ch.1,2. M Ch.1,2; B Ch.2; H Ch. 1,2
Part I. The Economy in the Short Run
Lecture 2: Short run Macroeconomic M Ch.3,4; B Ch.3,4; H Ch.3,4
Analysis I
Lecture 3: Short run Macroeconomic M Ch. 11,12; B Ch.5,7; H Ch.9, 12
Analysis II
Lecture 4: Business Cycle W Ch. 3; M Ch.10; H Ch. 8
Lecture 5: Micro-founded Macro Model I W Ch. 4,5; M Ch.16; H Ch. 14
Lecture 6: Micro-founded Macro Model II W Ch. 6; M Ch.16; H Ch. 14
Part II: The Economy in the Long Run
Lecture 7: Economic Growth I W Ch. 7; M Ch.8; B Ch. 10; H Ch. 5
Lecture 8: Economic Growth II W Ch. 8; M Ch.8; B Ch. 10; H Ch. 5
Lecture 9: Inflation W Ch. 15; M Ch.5; B Ch.8; H Ch. 6
Lecture 10: Saving and Investment W Ch. 9; M Ch.17
Lecture 11: International Trade in Goods and W Ch. 10, B Ch.20
Lecture 12: Money in the Open Economy M Ch.19; B Ch.21


B. III.1. Grading Range

Grades will be based upon three components (exams, quizzes, and student assignment)

delivered throughout the course.

Grade Cut Off % Range Cumulative Weighted Grade

A ≥90 4
A- 85 3.75
A/B 80 3.5
B+ 75 3.25
B 70 3
B- 65 2.75
B/C 60 2.5
C+ 55 2.25
C 50 2
C- 45 1.75
C/D 40 1.5
D+ 35 1.25
D 30 1
E 0 - 29 0

III.2. Missed Exams

• Students who miss an exam for medical reasons have one week to submit the relevant
medical certificate (original documents).

• Students who do not have a3 relevant medical certificate or who do not hand in the medical
certificate on time will receive a mark of zero on any missed exam.

III.3. Academic Integrity

• We have a strong position against dishonest academic behavior.

• We commit that dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism will be prosecuted to the

fullest extent of the Code of Student Conduct of FEB UGM.

• Abusing the records of attendance by signing in for someone other than yourself is
considered dishonest behavior and will be prosecuted as plagiarism.

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